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Chapters 1-3 of 10
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow
III. The Suicide Horror and the Savage
The blurb states:
"This book is the first comprehensive study to be written in English of the infinitely various attitudes towards suicide throughout the history of the human race. The causes of suicide in primitive, classical, mediæval and more modern times, and the points of view which have led philosophers to condemn or approve the custom, are expounded with a scholarly thoroughness in which pedantry plays no part, so that the volume is a gold-mine of out-of-the-way information on the subject."

From the book:
"A certain number of individuals have continuously found this act the most efficient and satisfactory response to circumstances they did not choose to put up with or to which they could find no other reply."
"The personal suicide is usually persecuted by society or only grudgingly recognised even in times of tolerance."
"Suicide is the price paid by many to view the unfamiliar new landscape. The transition to self-sufficiency has often lain for the weak, unfortunate and misplaced via self-destruction. Such deaths, which have been multiplying for a hundred years, are oddly distributed taxes levied against gigantic change." 
"When the number of those who are giddy standing alone grows less, then time will reduce the number of suicides also."


Interesting. Thanks for sharing


The last section of Chapter 8, The Future, is the best recognition I know of "the difficulty we yet find of standing on our feet with the old supports gone and the leading strings snapped." It must have been little read then and is forgotten now and that frustrates me. I found it on ebay's antiquarian section because I knew to look for consideration before the "unfamiliar new landscape" was quite so.


>It must have been little read then and is forgotten now and that frustrates me.
Yes, I have been reading and buying other books about suicide recently but i had never even heard of this one. Yet it seems far better than the more popular and widely available books. Modern psychiatry books about suicide are really very bad


Is the full content of the book available anywhere online? Archive.org only seems to have early chapters and that last section?


It seems the new "complex difficulty of the time" is how to keep these complaints swept under the rug.


Only what I've uploaded so far. When I have a pdf for every chapter I'll upload the whole book in one. Now there's chapter 4: the classical age.


Thank you, I will save the archive link and check again in future


Save my page instead.
I'll upload the whole book and another with each chapter as a separate pdf, then delete this one where only the first three chapters are included in the main upload.


Now it's chapters 1-5
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow
III. Suicide Horror and the Savage
IV. Liberty to Die (Ancient)
V. Fate of the Wise Men (Medieval)


File: 1740181025417.pdf (6.04 MB, The Future of Suicide.pdf)

Chapter VIII section III. The Future


File: 1740181286087.pdf (1.62 MB, Suicide-Chapter-0-Title-Co….pdf)

Cover, title, contents


File: 1740181354124.pdf (4.58 MB, Suicide-Chapter-1.pdf)

Chapter I. Introduction


File: 1740181409442.pdf (7.04 MB, Suicide-Chapter-2.pdf)

Chapter II. Servant and Widow


File: 1740181497973.pdf (18.46 MB, Suicide-Chapter-3.pdf)

Chapter III.
The Suicide Horror and the Savage


My advice to anyone reading up on suicide is to find something better to do with your time lmao

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