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anyone else not know what theyre gonna do with their future? i had a job at 21 in an amazon facility for about a month, but i lost it because my dad stopped driving me and i had to much anxiety to get myself there. ive been a NEET ever since i dropped out of middle school other than that i have no idea what im gonna do. most days i dont eat because im to anxious to go outside and where i live doesnt help, my dad uses our house as a flophouse for his bum friends to play loud shitty guitar music. i think my future is fucked, it might be better if i spared myself the suffering and committed suicide but i dont have the will to do it, just like i dont have the will to do anything else which is why im in this situation.


Driving to a job that barely makes any money doesn't make sense, you risk to destroy your car.

I don't know how to fix your life, maybe you can join some religious order.


You should wageslave for some x years, it's good for the soul. If you saw the other side you would know it's all pointless. Waging is misery. Neeting becomes misery. At least you worked, you need to be able to function outside. Doesn't matter. Really feel like we are in the endtimes. I hate how i might've died in my original timeline. This one sucks ass. So yeah if you attempt know you skip to the timeline where you survive. The ride never ends. Go to school maybe? Take the good route, the bad ending makes you replay it in the apocalypse timeline where i'm at.


i dunno, i get so anxious in public that i feel like ill pass out and im 109 lbs because i barely eat because i dont go outside

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