Its the type of pain most people live with, a background pain. Ambient pain. The idea of dying alone. The idea of being a virgin. having so skills. No purpose. every day is exactly the same, you never leave the house, you cant, you cant drive a car, you are too tired to walk. and its going to be like this for the rest of your life.
You were born to die.
every second hurdling faster and faster towards death.
and no one cares, even if you told someone they would despise you.
you might as well be a corpse already, let the bugs and birds eat you, rot away till you are nothing but bones, let your bones turn to dust, let a gust of wind blow you away.
all that pain, and one day it was like you were never there.
>>297846So what are you trying to say?
That if I drive a Car I can escape my mortality?
If you go outside: changed pavement; new stores and cafes; many trees gone; cars parked everywhere; unknown neighbors; old cats died; wireless earbuds; new buildings; young children with their parents same age as you. Old was shit and new is shit. Should've never been born.
This body was manifested due to the conditions arising from the disorder of the world, an aggregate of impermanent elements, in constant change, due to disintegration. One is deluded in placing faith in a body, in aggregating a personality for this body, in aggregating a self around this body. All is subject to impermanence, change, disintegration. One is deluded into partitioning the suffering to create a person, with whims, expectations and wants. One is deluded to coveting to belong to a world of suffering, change, disorder and ignorance. Why cling and adopt the pain of the world? Why cling and adopt the wants of the world? It's ignorance, delusion, folly. None of this is really yours, you have no mastery over it, it's a burden one should drop naturally and quickly. Like one who quickly recoil the hand after touching a red hot iron rod, one should quickly recoil from touching the world. Every pleasure is but a fleeting, falsely sweet portion of pain, suffering and death, the worldling accepts it but the wise wake up. Seeking shelter in the world is like seeking shelter in a burning house.
The pain you wallow in is not even yours, nothing is. Face the wall, meditate, meditate before it's too late. See the world for what it is, let the fetters slip away, achieve liberation.
>>297932Either way it's doomed. Awakening, ascending, liberation, the path of the transcending mind is eventually not better than hedonism, secularism, materialism, the path of the clinging mind. Both paths are just options imposed on you through the same factuality of being. Both paths lack telos, both paths are pointless by themselves or in any possible combinations. But I guess one should pick the poison which calms down the pain the most.
>>297941If paths of liberation are conditioning then whatever you have just written is also conditioning. How can we be anything other than what was put inside our brains?
I totally agree with your conclusion.
>>297941Because you know clinging, you assume you know not-clinging. Because you don't know not-clinging, you assume it's clinging. This is a mistake. You wish for everything to be the same so you can better justify yourself in suffering, and due to this desire, you assume suffering and tranquility are the same. You assume wisdom and ignorance are the same. This is also a mistake. You take pride in suffering, and so everything must be suffering, and nothing is allowed to be anything else. Friend, you have effectively allowed yourself to become a blind man. You walk around as a blind man. Everywhere you turn, it's equal darkness. When someone informs you there is vision, you tell them it's the same as blindness. I tell you this out of compassion but I can only go so far, if you don't strive and put aside this pride in suffering picked up from the world, you'll continue to live in it and see nothing beyond it. Be well, friend.
>>297846It's so useless to offer these wiews without any request or solutions. What are you aiming for? A circlewhine about it?
>>297947Why do you assume I don't know tranquility? Why do you assume all I know is suffering? All I'm saying is that even tranquility in the end is completely useless and nothing of worth. People like you sound like preachers, Know-it-all, uptight, passive-aggressive, sensitive. If you were tranquil you wouldn't feel the need to answer like that. I'm sorry but your lost in desperate attempt to feel better than others. Have a good day anyways.