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i've been daydreaming about living in a world where we stagnated on a 1990's level of technology.

today's internet, with its smartphone-social media, hyperpolitics and ultradopaminergic entertainment is such a mindrape that i'm starting to get really really tired of it…

i'm a millennial but i wish i was born in the 80s or even the 70s just so i could live and relatively normal adult life in the 90s and 00s.

i wanna go back to an analogic world.


I feel much the same. We would've been better off staying at that level of technology (at least the broader public), only improving stuff like efficiency and such. Research and shit can have all those shiny new improvements but the broader masses are clearly incapable of using it responsibly. Also going back to a point where there was somewhat less globalisation, where 6 continent supply chains weren't as commonplace as nowadays.


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If you look at past technologies, humanity seems to utilize smaller and smaller units of matter. We could harness macroscopic, multi-molecular objects using mechanics, then we could utilize the differences between single molecules and elements using chemistry, then we could separate the electron from the nucleus using electrochemistry. Then we learned to use electrons alone with electrics, and finally we can cause electrons to exercise logic using electronics. But we're stuck on the level of the electron. Yes, we've discovered atoms, and even sub-atomic particles like quarks, but we still use the electron for everything. By now we should have nuclear-powered personal vehicles and personal quantum computers. Humanity is so obsessed with electronics, but it's a dead end. Continuing to develop electronics is like trying to perfect the shovel. It's archaic. Can we just move on already?


just use linux kek


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The grass is always greener on the other side. Also there's more of it, there are fewer cows fighting for it, it costs less, it's not poisoned, and hell even the sky is bluer over there somehow. And every photo and account of history confirms this to not be illusionary. Things were better back then, especially for men who don't so much value social validation and constant public engagement.

We can always pick and chose things from the current era that are handy and nice, such as the speed of computers, video streaming, how cute and sexy anime succubi are these days… But it still comes down to these things we benefit from today are shackled by the necessity to have them appeal to 6 billion mouthbreathing sexhavers.

>i wish i was born in the 80s or even the 70s just so i could live and relatively normal adult life in the 90s and 00s.

This is a problem with all societies. The replacement of experiences with digital simulations. 50 years ago if you wanted to learn about fishing boats you would have to pack a bag, take a walk, catch a bus, go in to a library, ask for help finding books on fishing boats, sit down to read them, then check them out to guarantee a return trip in a week. When reading them at home your only distraction would be TV or radio playing decent stuff made to appeal to you, and they both went off air at 11:30. Groids will call this cumbersome and time-consuming, and they're right. But it's a daily adventure. Walking through a clean town of like-minded people is comforting. Riding a bus is fun. Exploring the library is relaxing. Reading about what you're interested in from people who are also interested in those things is enlightening. It's an experience we can't have today. It was stolen from us.

Ironically in the late 90s, Linux was trying to spearhead modern design and simplicity, in turn inspiring Apple to create MacOS which as we all know was the beginning of the end for the reliable old standard desktop environment. Remember that even Windows 7 maintained old NT design philosophy and aside from a fresh coat of paint and more power under the hood, it wasn't much different functionally from Windows 2000. Even through 2018 I was still using it as well as XP for the comfort of familiarity and the efficiency of the GUI.


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I think about this a lot. I am no history buff but from what I understand for thousands of years technological progress was slow. Then suddenly it became exponential. There was a sweet spot where technology progressed past its awkward early stages but didn't reach its peak yet so it was enjoyable but not stale. Now it looks like everyone is out of ideas in the arts and keeps remaking stuff and technology is reaching peak efficiency and there is no fun in it anymore.

It's crazy for me to think how in the thousands of years humans have been on earth the peak lasted just a few decades. People born too early or too late never got to experience it. People who were poor or disabled couldn't fully enjoy it.


god knows what people in the future will have as technology. too bad I'll be dead by then


The other thing about technological progress is that life for farmers was basically the same for thousands of years until around 1800. Windmills, manufacturies, clocktowers, etc were found in cities and towns. Most people in the countryside lived the same life in 600 AD as they did in 1600 AD.


>Now it looks like everyone is out of ideas in the arts and keeps remaking stuff and technology is reaching peak efficiency and there is no fun in it anymore.
I think at some point we'll get to a stage where we don't really know what we want anymore. What are people going to wish for when they are immortal cyborgs able to generate any lifelike experiences in their mind's eye?


that's when they start making simulations with different absurd realities like the one we are in


Life was the same for a thousand years.

But the technological progress from 1999 to 2025 is mind-blowing. Now a smartwatch can stream HD shows and make phone calls. Back then you had to insert coins into a payphone.

Then you realize some people alive in 2025 are old enough to have been born in the countryside with horse carriages and no electricity.

It's too much change in one lifetime. I wonder how boomers haven't gone mad.


>I wonder how boomers haven't gone mad.
I guess they just keep to their ways and avoid using the new technologies unless they have to. That's how I am with digitization of paperwork and AI. I avoid AI like it's the devil and I go to the city hall or other office to take care of stuff, even though it would be much more convenient to register a digital account. It's like I'm used to doing things the old-fashioned way, I almost enjoy it.


People see only downsides. Technology is amazing. Before year x Life was only about surviving. Its only lately that its gotten to bread Circus games literally. The year depends how you define it. You could listen to music in 70s. In 90s some video games existed. With 2010s you could play online and watch streamers. Imagine living in Finland in 1800s. Which was not that long ago. Chances are you didn't Have Books. Which meant you didn't do anything of entertainment value after The dark comes at 4pm in november


Do you also think that uncle Ted was utterly wrong because it has lways been the govt our real problem?


All zoomers obsessed with a past they never had is cringe


this lmao, talk about what you lived

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