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At what age have you last time felt content, happy, hopeful about your situation? At which age it ended, and you changed? For me it's probably 14 years old. I enjoyed the hell out of the internet and videogames. But looking back I think it was always leading to this neet wiz suicide-considering lifestyle.


its the same for me, 14, and i wasted all the good years i have where you can actually enjoy stuff on browsing 4chan and listening to garbage avante garde music. thats what left an impression on me. as a result i am permanently fucked up and stunted.


Anxiety since childhood. Hopeful till 5 with relapses at 7 and then at about 9-10. Hopeful about the situation not related to filth and natalistic thingy thangs.


Life treats people that are lazy so badly. Im so lonely and sad. what do I do now. What should I do to fix my life. why. I wish I had more time. Time is what I need the most of. If I had even a little bit more my time randomly before each exam, a few days, then I couldve gotten a good grade. Im utterly incapable of making up a schedule and sticking to it Im so lazy, I dont engage with the material just going to university and back, what have a learned today? nothing. I couldnt understand anything, and here I am failing my studies because Im so utterly incapable of making a schedule. I failed my exam. Im getting bad grades all the time. I fail to give a fuck about passing. I study until my brain hurts each day take breaks watching slop intertwined with lectures and at the end I didnt have enough time and failed anyways. I fucked up hard.


Are you Indian?

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