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/dep/ - Depression

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Been browsing 4chads /pol/ all day for happenings and apparently Musk is gonna end NEETbux. I'm disabled and am unable to work, so I guess this is it for me. It was nice wizzies, but I guess this is the end.


what's your disability?


Paranoid schizophrenia with ocd and ptsd.


oh, i thought you were in a wheelchair or something. you can't just take your meds and do something simple that doesn't involve heavy machinery?


Meds barely work, make me zombie like. Tried working in the past, simple retail work. I sperged out and had a bad meltdown. After that I decided to get on neetbux cause I couldn't get hired.


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>Paranoid schizophrenia with ocd…
So a handful of made up bad fee-fee conditions you wouldn't even think you had if they weren't fashionable to wear on your shoulder? I'm all for NEETBux going to Americans who just plain don't want to work. Jobs and basic necessary resources are prohibitively hard to gain access to these days so if a guy just wants to watch anime all day, than that's cool and he should just get bux. But you pansies who feel sorry for yourselves and act like a victim retardo should not.
>…and ptsd.
Soldiers who watched their friends decompose next to them in a foxhole have PTSD. Children who were juggled around by Muslim rape gangs have PTSD. Firefighters who endured the cries of animals from within a burning veterinary clinic have PTSD. You don't.

This whole thread does prove that you're paranoid though, because there's not a sliver of truth to the idea that Elon Musk wants to take away your med money. I hid a tracking code in this anime_succubus pic so if you see it then you're already compromised and I am personally coming to your house to steal your pills and credit card details.


I disagree


Musk is such a cancer, he is manipulating all western democracies to vote for anti-welfare parties like AfD or FdI, in Australia they want people with cancer to go to work. The US spend so much for military equipment it is ridiculous to believe that the problem of public debt is welfare.


If you think paranoid schizophrenia is "made up", ho ahead and spend a night in a room with someone that has it and ran out of medication.


Yup just another giga rich parasite whose own companies subsist largely on government funding or subsidies. But you better pull yourself up by your bootstraps, bucko!


Cool it with the anti semitism

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