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Are you a believer in a higher being and hate humanity?
I'm not assign nor believe in any belief or after life but I do believe in eugenics, Antinatalism, assisted suicide, the death penalty, abortion,and overall restricting human rights.
I met, heard so many lonely, depressed individuals who believe in a god yet have a heavy disdain for certain section of humanity be it racial or the opposite sex.
Is it because they trust a being that not human but higher? Yet that same being created the object they detest?
I don't have that dilemma since I don't adhere to any religious beliefs.
Do any of you do? If not do you believe being a misanthrope is silly or based?


I can't stand people who are telling others how to live, despite themselves having almost zero life experience.
Which means wizchan's basement preachers who who don't know any real people, only stereotypes.


I don't claim to know all. You can be religious or not, that up to you.
I'm just wondering if anyone presumably one of abrahamic faiths are just tired of humanity as a whole .


Catholic here, yes, I do have moments of misanthropy but I view it as an irrational thing, even incompatible with the faith.


>"[…]and overall restricting human rights"


There is an inconsistency here


The clump of cells has human DNA, it's a living human


Nah. If it can't survive in the outside world even in tubes, it's not a living creature yet, it's a cluster of cells.

Anything above 5 months (I think, maybe it was lower) can survive in a hospital in an intensive care unit. Aborting a 5 month old is by definition killing a human.


>During in vitro fertilization, mature eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then a procedure is done to place one or more of the fertilized eggs, called embryos, in a uterus
It satisfies your criteria, considering the fertilization (and inevitable development) takes place outside of the bodies, not necessarily in a tube, but any recipient.


I believe in Akatosh. Time defines us in every way. I hope for a dragonbreak when the aliens land so i can skip this shit timeline. Or make it so i was always rich. I don't hate the demiurge, the fucker is your neighbour,me,you. Wait i do hate him hahaha.


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>I hope for a dragonbreak when the aliens land so i can skip this shit timeline.

I just want to learn 5d kung fu so I can fly and maybe throw a kamehameha


Misanthropy is the logical consequence if understanding human nature. Who wouldn't be disgusted by man, knowing his nature?
Natalism should be more selective: anti-natalism for the human shit who should have been infant mortality statisttics, pro-natalism for the actual humans.


it may seem inhumane to deny someone the right to reproduce, but there is far more compassion in preventing yet another miserable life, than in creating yet another miserable life

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