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I'm older than people who have kids who're already graduating from high school. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it. I feel like my life hasn't progress at all. I already have grey hairs on my beard and I don't feel my age at all. life as a wizard is like living in a perpetual limbo where nothing ever happens until you grow old and die.
I know many young wizards will call me a failed normie for saying this, but it's only until you reach a certain age that the loneliness of the wiz life starts to creep in and you begin to wonder where did all go wrong.


the only thing life is meant to progress towards is death. all the academic, career and relationships milestones are just a way for people to distract themselves from the fact that every day they are getting closer to the grave and none of it matters fuck all. in reality, this common checklists is just a meme complex, a simple collective notion of what an adult should eventually become, to which individuals feel pressure to conform to in order to avoid feelings of shame & guilt. as a wizard you should know better than to give in to these external signals.


why? what do you even want that you can "progress" toward?

well said


That's the essence of life: misery.
It was always wrong. Even if you had kids, there is still wrongness or the myriad of consequences of having done s. They could hate you, they could be the pariahs, instead. They could haven been born genetically flawed, or sociopaths, or had their youth destroyed by wrong friendships and addictions…

Every chance in life is just a door for lots of new miseries. It's not "going wrong", it's wrongness disguised as its opposite, like everywhere. Sometimes it shows, sometimes it never was hidden.


Agree, we're born randomly only to be enslaved and killed by nature

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