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most of us are so fucking unattractive, retarded, uneducated, unlovable, lazy/unambitious etc… that there is no point in continuing this misery.

even when some try to gaslight themselves that their loser-lifestyle can be comfy, we all deep down know that this isnt supposed to be *life*.

objectively, we're the bottom of the barrel, rock bottom essentially; we can only cope by escaping reality and isolating ourselves and anytime we encounter the real fucking world, we're deemed as fucking subhumans by others AND ourselves.

we're rotting, just wasting space, energy and oxygen while the only thing left for us is waiting to die, respectively.

i dont get how we all havent already committed suicide by now cuz our fucking trash genetics have been haunting us for our entire existence, yet we collectively and voluntarily decided to continue living. why the fuck are we so stupid???


because in reality it's not that bad. yeah, you're missing out on money and pussy, but most of us live in develop countries and have parents that support us and the ones that work aren't working in mineshafts all day.

maybe stop complaining for a second that you aren't a billioner fucking pornstars everyday and appreciate what you have?


You sound like that WEF harari jew lmao


Even if you believe your life should end, commiting suicide is difficult for most people. A lot fail and become permanently disabled.


cause we've been given life as a gift and we should let God take it away as he pleases.


Eh I think it's all about perspective. There are monks who have less than I do who live contentedly. I don't have to do backbreaking labor in a factory for 18h a day. I have electricity and drinkable running water and plenty of time to wander around my area with lots of nature. I get along well with my parents and will be able to live with them until they die. Sure sometimes the loneliness gets to me or the dreams and ideas that I had about my life when I was younger that never materialized. But the freedom of being a "loser" is that I don't need to pretend to care about made up milestones. I used to struggle a lot to get myself to be a certain way, to be less ashamed of myself. Not so much anymore. At the end of the day it's not so bad. "Every era puts invisible shackles on those who live through it, and I can only dance in my chains." But dance I shall, for my own amusement.


If I ever kill myself I'm leaving a note that says "I just wanted to see what would happen."


I wont leave a note or manifesto. Leaving one is very narcissistic and gives the impression the person thinks it makes any difference. Nobody cares that you or I existed.

Nobody even cares that the great pharaohs of Egypt existed, outside one guy (Tutankhamon) whose body is on display to fat tourists like a circus animal.

The significance of a single human life is similar to an ant, bird or snake. Nobody cares if one of them dies. You were never significant. I was never significant.

The person who cares about you the most is you. Once you die, traces of your existence will be erased completely within decades to the point you'll be a record in a digital registry and a date on a tombstone nobody visits.


I wouldn't go so far. If you have people who care about you I think there's nothing bad about leaving them a note. That being said I agree that this striving for immortality through status or achievement is a huge cope. All returns to dust either way. We're here to experience life. Nothing more.


To parents yes (if they gave a shit about you). I meant to the broader public.

Seeing even how "grand manifests" like the one written by Ted Kaczynski had zero effect on society & are ultimately futile, why do it at all?

Humans are animals and primarily care about their own survival and dopamine levels. They don't care about grand ideas or mechanisms. Trying to propagate them after death by written text is doomed to fail the moment you die. Nobody will care.


>To parents yes (if they gave a shit about you). I meant to the broader public.
Fascinating that you would write in reference to the public and think we know you are doing that. Normal people would make notes only for family/friends, and assume that the conversation is about that


Life is a curse, a punishment. We are not meant to be contained within these crude vessels of flesh and blood.


I would kill myself but only if it's done in a way that I like, that is, I get an anaesthesia administered by a doctor like the way they do before operations and have soldiers aim their assault rifles at my head and then blast me to nothingness.

With that said I will be honest with you here. I just wanted and still want very basic things in life like being able to drive correctly and confidently (I can't reverse properly and don't know how far I am from the fence looking at my side mirrors and I can't parallel park either), have a house, have a family, be physically be able to have sex (I can't get hard and when I do it is painful because of phimosis and frenulum breve, and even when that is coped with I can't cum because of being high inhibition and feeling unattractive no succubus wants a guy like me), have a job.

I don't think I have ever asked for much I know the disdain this comment is going to get, I just wanted a normal life. I don't wanna die because somewhere deep down inside i have hope that things will be fine or I am just too cowardly to attempt suicide.

Overall, a pretty horrific situation where you're not really living and not really dying but slowly inching towards personal disaster.


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Don't people in india drive like shit anyhow


This is very untrue. People here are ready to chop heads off at very minor fender benders. And while most people don't follow rules. They are bad drivers in that sense of not following rules. But apart from that you won't believe this but drivers here are extremely skilled and drive and push themselves into places with just a needle sized margin. Driving requires extreme skill here. And if you ignore the rule following part people here are extremely skilled at driving.


Using Occam's razor this makes a lot of sense, because for most people in that hellish traffic, much of their net worth and money is tied up to the car they drive. It is s great motivator for avoiding damage.


File: 1740180756329.pdf (6.04 MB, The Future of Suicide.pdf)

Know forgotten/ignored past recognition and keep yourself alive to keep past recogniser alive

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