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I feel like society has left me behind it is one of the most fastest moving things to ever exist, and I can never catch up to it because I've been quite stagnant my entire life. Even if I try to improve, I'm still leagues behind the average persons social progression. All I'm really left with is the mere remains of a career, wife, kids, etc.


Go back to 4chan.


there's nothing to catch up to. the normie life™ just gives people the illusion of progression, most of them burnout on debt, get divorced, and even the kids they worked so hard for, in the best case, end up as just another braindead consumer NPC, a whore daughter that's been sucking and fucking since 12 or an invcel son that has to go through progressively harder humiliation rituals every generation in order to get 1/1000th of the crumb of used up pussy that his grandfather used to get.

the system is falling apart, it's clearly not working for anyone. think outside the box, there's more to life than money, pussy and social status.


No, there isn't. For the vast majority of the population, the ratio of immense suffering to joy is so abysmally bad, that they'd be better off never being born into this shitplanet.

Unless you can give your kid a trust fund to live upon at age 18, don't breed more kids into this world.


> there's more to life than money, pussy and social status.
Like what? being scammed into running after that stuff doesnt interest me, but i cant find anything else worthwhile either


>has to go through progressively harder humiliation rituals every generation in order to get 1/1000th of the crumb of used up pussy

Humiliation isnt going to get you anything, sounds more like cuck rituals, like bending the knee, a gesture which is meant to establish one person as the cuck in the relationship


Those things were always shallow to begin with. It's enough to keep the niggercattle in the workforce and easy enough to manipulate towards the means of corporations and politicians.
Why do you think the "midlife crisis" exists? It's all these burnt out boomers who fell for these memes and poured their all into some soulless corpo job, a wife they hate, a car or house that will impress friends they have long since grown apart from.
Just because you can't find anything worthwhile doesn't mean the grass is greener on the other side wizzie. I too envy those who can autistically focus on some obscure hobby and fill their time by painting minis or learning math or whatever. I just try to be grateful for having a comfy life and not beat myself up for "having fallen behind". I was never going to fulfil that narrowly defined goal of "making it" anyways.


like wisdom, knowledge, mastery, altered states of consciousness, tulpamancy etc. everything that's truly good only comes from within. external reality is just a trap, seek solitude and self-sufficiency.

what else would you call modern dating other than a humiliation ritual? there are some top % of guys that get all the wymen and the rest have to compete for the used leftovers. if you want a wife, you need a job that can support the lifestyle that she wants, and even if you do give her everything that she wants, statistically she gets bored after a couple years and ends up cheating on you and taking half your networth, the kids and any pets you've grown attached to. everything you ever worked for, you might lose instantly because she got the "ick" when you told her that you voted for trump or that you don't want your son to transition into a daughter.


Cucks are conditioned to think that submissive gestures are romantic Only idiots believe such nonsense, the same idiots that take vaccinations and are lifelong tax slaves


they're not conditioned, it's just the strategy that works best for the 80% of men. you can only act like an aggressive asshole if you're a high-value male, then they will eat out your shitty asshole if you tell them. but if you're just a regular joe, you come to the job interview (date) and you show what you can offer and if she isn't embarrassed to be seen with you and there aren't any top guys worth fucking in that moment, then you might get a chance at being her provider for the rest of your life. that's how it works.


That's like going for an interview to assess how exploitable you are, maybe men did this decades ago but not today I think lmao


They do. It's the only way a balding awkward geek is getting any action even if he has a cushy Silicon Valley job.
The other option is prostitution.


Not the person you were replying to.

Let's also not forget how these female worshippers would ditch or betray their closest friends and family members at the request of their Goddess. Anything for that crumb of pussy.

From what I see, men are usually kept on a leash, even those high-value ones when married.


That's shocked me several times though my life. I saw a study once about 'support networks' that even showed how men generally enter a relationship and then cut off all their friends, so they have nobody else with a meaningful connection


>you might lose instantly because she got the "ick" when you told her that you voted for trump or that you don't want your son to transition into a daughter.

implying there arent a bunch of tradthots who pretend to acquiesce to their "alpha" husband by larping as a right wing housewife leech so they can have no responsibilities

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