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/dep/ - Depression

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Is there anyone else who is trapped in routine and monotony and never notices the days going by, rotting alone in their room? I have lost the motivation to play games, watch anime, or even go on imageboards. I've experienced that since last year, well I don't even know anymore, I lost consciousness on how much time has passed and is passing by. I can't take the lack of genuine feelings anymore. I used to escape monotony with games but they don't bring me pleasure anymore. I used to have one or two online friends but time did it's thing and the interest vanished. My life consists of sleeping during the day, waking up to eat with my family and, at night, if my mind is not flooded by overthinking and negative/nonsensical obsessive thoughts, watching videos or listening to music.


what does your family think about you sitting in your room doing nothing all day?


Should've learned to code


They don't say anything because I'm taking a course at the moment. But it just started a week ago and I haven't done anything so far. My mom was telling me all the time to pursue a course and do something.
I've become too retarded to put in the effort, the process for things like this is more stressful than rewarding for me. At least for things I'm not passionate about and coding is one of them. The course I'm taking is focused on that, ironically. My only hope is that I'm young and still have time to learn productive things.

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