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/dep/ - Depression


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Somehow i went and fell back into the bathtub after i already got out, almost like i slipped on air. Hit myself on the head and spine. I'm 90% sure that I have a hematoma in my brain because my head hasn't stopped hurting after a week and i had some very interesting symptoms. I hope it bursts my brain and kills me. I'm an illness-ridden, debt-broke hardcore benzo addict with no home(live like a rat without my own room for 30 years) that has to eat a pack a day or will have a grand mal seizure anyway, so very soon I would be forced to suicide anyway. I just hope that it won't turn me into a vegetable instead, but i lose every gamble so I can't count on luck. Well, something will do me in eventually, one thing or the other. I can feel death is half a step away. Goodbye brothers.


have you seen a doctor to check if youre really gonna die at least?



I hope you don't live in the first world cause healthcare unironically suck ass in the first world either it is too expensive or it too slow to respond. Get well soon.

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