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I really hope this threat does not count as succubus worship also I am not sure if this board is right place for me to talk about this.

In short, I can no longer get attached to any popular female fictional character simply because some degenerate will draw porn of it. It sounds autistic, but I don't care. This oddly is not the case with male characters; I can get attached to them even if they are popular and some degenerate makes porn of it.

But the problem with obscure female fictional characters is they probably won't get fan art mostly unless you know how to draw.

But I found an third way or a anomaly? that breaks this dilemma, so to speak, and it made me both the happiest man on this rock and the saddest man on this rock….


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Basically, this third way, or anomaly, is that the media piece, this female fictional character (who has to be almost always Japanese), this character, as well as her media piece, where she comes from, has to be obscure in the West; no matter how, in the East, Japan specifically, it can be China too, since I saw a case with this. The media piece has to not be super-duper popular. Think Madoka or succubus Panzer popularity. That shit means porn, sadly.


It can be semi-popular. somewhat popular i am not if I can describe word that I want to use it the point is that a female fictional character from japanese media even other such chinese can have lots of fan-art and little and almost no pornograhy this is phenoonome that I manage to obeserve when going to pixiv and download fan art and yes the account had 18 stuff on in order to prove this and I was correct!!!!


Yes, people can make porn of obscure female fictional characters, but most gooners are low IQ and leave alone. It also matters which level of obscurity they are in; an obscure character can have more fan art than a popular one. That is a fact!


But this is not the case in the West, sadly.

People are obsessed with sexualizing everything; this is also true in Japan, but the Japanese are different; they have different values.

I think despite Japan being a degenerate country that makes stuff such as loli rape and pornography normal, they still have some kind of honor code or something I am not sure I can describe yet, but the point is they are unironically less degenerate compared to the western europe


For people wondering why this threat even exists, it is because I am a genuine waifufag, a real, not ironic, weeb, and this was basically a weird essay I had in my mind. It is obviously poorly worded, but at least someone will understand it. Goodbye for now.


>I really hope this threat does not count as succubus worship
how is it not?
I mean I dont blame you because males are programmed to worship succubi, its literally hardcoded in the DNA but chasing that shit will do you no good so its best to not indulge in any of that.
>I can no longer get attached to any popular female fictional character
sounds like a good thing to me, why would you want to get attached to anything anyway?
Like whats the point? do you really think that wasting your time with fictional characters is in any way healthy for you? you should use that time to do more productive things, occupy your mind with more interesting stuff.

this thread exists because succubi gave you a mental illness.
also behavior like this is unwizardly, behavior like this makes you a slave.


getting attached to cartoon characters is dumb as fuck


You will never understand it
Why doesnt wizchan remove the jp board since it actual succubus worship


Rule 34 (xxx and paheal),Old chan culture (4chan) are all cancer that need to be shutdown

>dude if it exist there is porn of it XDDDDD GUYS I AM FUNNY

Shut the fuck up nigger


Unironically there is alot of succubus worship on /jp/


>Why doesnt wizchan remove the jp board since it actual succubus worship
thats a good question, I guess its for containment since many virgin males have the same mental illness (succubus obsession) that I described earlier and you dont want them to spread this to other boards.
but imo it should be removed since it is not in the best interest of wizards.


>le degenerate le degenerate
back to /pol/ tradtard


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This is less succubus worship and more man hate. You're annoyed at the idea of some random other man getting off to lewd drawings of a character you like. Are you some sort of /pol/tard rightoid who thinks this makes him a "cuck"? Titillating images are heckin' degenerate because I've internalized moronic imageboard brainrot which tells me things I like are bad and uncouth, now excuse me while I go piss in a jug and pretend not ejaculating gives me +10 int and charisma.


Ban moeshit and the problem fixes itself
No i am not tradtard
Listen porn is bad because you watch other men fuck succubi basically makes you into a cuckold and it promotes succubus worship unless you count solo stuff


It called autism and OCD otherwise you dont get ir…


Also just because succubus are bad does not make every singla men good you retard
>epic cat meme
Hello Reddit XD


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There's a whole universe of different porn available dude, you were talking about lewd pictures of female characters, that doesn't involve people fucking. The average man worships succubi regardless of porn or not, in fact, I would say most anti porn guys are tradcon mongs who think porn abuses succubi or some shit, or, watching porn, like you say, makes you a "cuck" and indulging in your own sexuality is bad because reasons, and only a real succubus to validate you is acceptable - sounds pretty anti wizard to me.

If you're an actual waifufag, I can respect that, I'm not here to say your esoteric taste in niche cute succubi is bad, sounds fun. However, all the rhetoric around muh degenerate porn is fucking cringe and it sounds like you've internalized a lot of it unnecessarily (why do you care, wizards aren't having relationshits) and it's unhealthy - demonizing a fun outlet is peak normalfaggot behavior and concern trolling about "porn addiction" and "gooning" is for self-loathing losers.

I didn't say every single man was good, seemed pretty evident from my post I think men are little sycophants obsessed with mate guarding their little precious girly succubi and getting upset over other men getting any. The irony of saying porn promotes succubi worship and then using the "cuck" slur which is to imply: a succubus is an uberhuman who's besmirched by a foreign penis, pretty funny.


I did actually ment porn that is fucking it just that I am esl
Also there are wizard who dont watch porn or are asexual dude wizards should try to rise from their urges
It simple my way of thinking is just too diffrent from yours I dont think we can ever understand eachother


>demonizing a fun outlet is peak normalfaggot
Porn is not really fun it make me feel pleasure for a couple of seconds or minute

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