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or: Born to think, taught to stink.
This thread is for high IQ wizards (multiple standard deviations) who still managed to fuck up life. Having a high IQ without being nurtured properly as a child can cause you to miss out on all sorts of lessons like how to focus, how to apply effort and how to relate to others, deficiencies which echo through the rest of our lives. Like any neurodivergence it also makes living in a world ran by people not like us difficult. You don't have to have taken an IQ test to post here, but it's best if you've had some external validation beyond self-identity or being correct about stuff.

Some rules to keep it peaceful and ego-free:
>Don't state your IQ unless asked.
>Don't accuse others of not belonging here.
>No politics or demographics talk.


>And finally there are the dropouts. These sometimes bizarre individuals were often born into families in which one or more of the parents were not only exceptionally gifted, but exceptionally maladjusted themselves. This is the worst possible social environment that a gifted child can be thrust into. His parents, often driven by egocentric ambitions of their own, may use him to gratify their own needs for accomplishment. He is, to all intents and purposes, not a living human being to them, but a performing animal, or even an experiment.


>how to focus, how to apply effort and how to relate to others

you can't figure this out with a high iq? it's more likely you're just not that smart but you were convinced otherwise by the presumptuous adults around you and then you burned out trying to live up to their unrealistic expectations. what happens if you believe you're exceptional but still fail at life? then the only way to resolve the cognitive dissonance is to believe an even bigger cope, i'm simply TOO intelligent and that's why i fail!


>You don't have to have taken an IQ test to post here
Lol. Lmao even.

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