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/dep/ - Depression

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This thread is for the discussion of the greatest misfortune in existence that is disease.

Healthy people are NPCs. They don't really exist. With disease comes the awareness of your body that your private hell and your true existence begins and hear the scream of everything. Pain teach you what it means to really exist. Disease's manifesto: to live is to suffer like a ragdoll while fate prisons you in the eternal hours pregnant with pain to cure of you from the sin of life.


Due to the effect of disease there's a veil of smoke in my brain. Apologies for retarded grammar.


I have sleep apnea & it ruined my life. No energy or motivation to do anything, inability to focus, remember things, think, etc. & so much more. It literally deteriorated my brain. I missed out on almost everything while growing up just because I didn't have the energy for anything. & right now I'm in my 20s & I still didn't have it treated (none of the things my doctor prescribed helped). I wish I had a gun so I could just blow my brains out right now instead of having to deal with this shit for even longer.

Sorry for the blogpost but I needed to type this shit out. Healthy people really will never understand what it's like

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