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How will my life change if I miraculously get a job as a dishwasher or idk burger flipper? Is it really a path forward, trading your soul and most of your day for minimum wage? I suppose I could buy a new PC this way after a while, but just living like that because you have no choice? Rope sounds better


>How will my life change if I miraculously get a job as a dishwasher or idk burger flipper?
you will be constantly tired, your health will suffer from it and you will hate wagecucking.
>Is it really a path forward
not anymore, maybe 60 years or so some guy washing dishes could make a living but nowadays none of these dead end jobs provide enough.
shit ends up being a waste of time and you actually lose money because you have to pay taxes, insurance and for the commuting to work.


no, you have to actually join the rat race and become "successful" for it to change things in a positive way. This means the burger thing has to be just a start and you still have to think about how to maximize your income and earn enough to get all the things you need + security. It's a pain in the ass but it's what modern life is. Just staying as the lowest rung on the ladder in society will be torture. You only want to start at the lowest rung if that's your only option and you want to get started climbing immediately. Have a plan for how to better your earning potential, enact that plan.


To add to this, let me say this, don't choose to lose. They've made life a competition. Don't choose not to try your best at the competition because you have low self esteem or anxiety or whatever. You still need to try your best to achieve success because that's what leads to materially and objectively better outcomes in life. Don't choose to lose.


no. You will be trapped in a minimum wage job forever. This was why my parents were so adamant I don't become a janitor. Normies parroting that this is the start of your career is complete bullshit and they know it. You will be a wagie now till you die. Even immigrants will stare at you like some dumb freak.


Lying piece of filth


No, he's right. This isn't the 70s. You wont be "working your way up".

Flipping burgers, while an honorable job, is a death sentence for your CV that ensures nobody will ever consider you for a good job.

Those jobs are filled with applicants who started interning at a Big Four accounting or consultancy firm at age 18 and had a career going on at 21.

How do you think they're going to react to a guy who started packing french fries and nuggets for customers at age 30?


This may come as a shock to people but you can hold a shit job and never reference it on your CV. Your employment history isn't a permanent record.


This. I had a few odd jobs like factory drone, taxi driver, pizza delivery, and a few more, and I put none of it in my CV when I applied for an internship at an office. I just didn't include the employment history section. The recruiters asked me about it, and I told them the truth, that I had these jobs but didn't feel like they were relevant for the internship. And it worked.

Believe it or not, but serious businesses actually gladly accept "normal", level-headed people instead of normie clown actors.

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