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What should I do to maxx my happiness as a wiz? Yes, I'm a NEET, yes I'm 30 years old know, I wonder if there's any content happy older NEET wiz there could share some wisdom.


1. Do new things that can be done by yourself
2. Keep doing them until you find something that makes you happy
3. Do that thing for 71 years straight

What do you do now to make you happy?


Def do not play ffxiv


Happiness is a lie. It's the carrot normalfags follow all their lives until they become old and bitter. The best thing you can do for yourself is to try to live your life as comfy as you possible can until you die. If you are on NEETbux then good for you. If you need a job I suggest working in something comfy like a WFH job or being a night shift security guard.


Happinesss is a fleeting emotion. Sure, chasing it is good but there is no such thing as eternal happiness.

Just stay true to yourself and follow your heart. I wouldn't say chase happiness but rather minimize your suffering. Like if you want to be a NEET and do fuck all but jerk off and play video games all day but your parents are always up in your shit, then find a way to live without them. You will probably have to trade one form of suffering for another, but one choice will always lead to less suffering than the other.

I say that minimizing suffering is important because if you remain in an environment of suffering, your desires will likely tend towards avoidance rather than fulfillment. Once you actually achieve that goal of minimizing your suffering then, you will likely be more open to challenging everything you know about life, and that is when the real life changing stuff happens.


My suggestions are the following:
1) do not take psych drugs
2) get neetbux
3) rent a cheap room for yourself
4) take night walks
5) sleep at least 8 hours daily

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