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/wiz/ - General

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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File: 1422436450408.jpg (39.07 KB, 500x393, 1416888053692.jpg)


I've been wondering…did any of you wizards ever think about using an escort?


No because I am a voluntary celibate, just like any other adult virgin.




Not interested.


Erm, mods?


+10 GBP


File: 1422442854928.jpg (337.18 KB, 1410x930, 1415673435903.jpg)

Virginity is a non-issue.

Getting some loose filthy pussy doesn't magically solve all life problems, contrary to what normies think.

The main problem is that society as a whole is shit, and that's not going to be fixed by some lonely socially retarded failed normie getting laid.

Also, get the fuck out of here with your line of thinking.


What is the vehicle in your picture? Looks badass…


I would honestly rather die a virgin then have sex with some sleazy drugged out whore


File: 1422443992941.jpg (179.33 KB, 502x729, 1385897415548.jpg)

I dunno, I got it from /k/. It looks like someone mounted CIWS on a mobile platform. Probably just a movie prop, no one in their right mind would waste money on a useless shit like that.




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succubi are already degenerate enough as it is. I don't want to become a tool to further promote their hedonism.



"I had sex with him… SEXUAL ASSAULT!"


Why bother?

Having sex isn't going to fix all of my problems.


>i had sex, but it was molestation
>i let someone touch me, but it was sexual harassment
>i had sex but it was sexual assault

>post millenial succubi

the end can't come soon enough


As most of the people here, It would not make a difference. But just to show how the normie mind works, I remember once on another chan it was a topic like this and I posted "with that money I can buy x bottles of vodka and enjoy much more time alone, why would I spend my money with that?". Then someone posted "you can't fuck vodka".



What is happening around here !?


Can we ban anyone who posts these threads?

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