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2025 The Great Depression 2. Post your pain and suffering. Previous >>294941


I'm quitting porn and the flatline is killing me. I've never felt this pain, it's like a blackhole sucking you dry. I'm trying to better myself but my mind keeps thinking "what for"? It's hell out there, maybe the dopa high/crash is all i have. God help me.


what's the point of nofap? better yourself in concrete ways, not by denying yourself simple pleasures like masturbation. get rich, get strong, get smart. everything else is a humiliation ritual.


Kicking porn and healing the brain. The high dopamine rush ruins the receptors and causes alot of mood disorders. I will fap after the 90 days reboot or longer but with no porn. Porn is the evil here, atleast with me.


The presence of this comic makes me embarrassed to even be on the internet


This drawing is sad.

I truly do believe this world is a demiurgic suffering matrix that explicitly targets the softest (best) souls.

People really are being born so that they can be tortured by "god".


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Enough of necessary analysis and precautions, yet guilt would never go away. Lighting fireworks doesn't guarantee that a sudden bird would get injured, but boiling alive a crab is 100% unnecessary (each argument is disproven). Pure anime shoujos do the former without feeling guilty. However, using sapienti sat idea to avoid someone's commotion with hasty wrong decisions as well as due to anxiety and speech stupor seems as not enough. Misancholic perception of reality. If the cat got closed by someone in the mailbox, then why would that someone go somewhere for help, if they already got the key to open it in broad daylight. Even panic wouldn't be that big for 5 minutes as inaction would lead to bigger consequences from the bystanders (not 100%, but quite possibly). Same goes for mentally challenged people putting a cat inside a mailbox. Where would they get a key and why would they do it without a problem if cars and people are everywhere there plus possible meowing?

My email got suspended till 2100. Didn't tell anybody this time as it had happened in the past and the same people were proven to have technical competence not to click on strange files/links from someone who doesn't message them first.


all I see is some kid having the christcuck mindvirus, instead fixing his own shit life and punishing the people who need to be punished he begs some imaginary entity to do it for him.
if you get bullied by people the only true response is violence but of course these slave religions like christianity dont want violence, they want meek, obedient people that take it up the ass and never resist.


while what you said about christianitiy is true, you cannot expect a child to understand any of that. he is merely a child. a kind, trusting child that through no fault of his own finds himself unexpectedly overtaken by an extremely difficult and painful situation. that he believes something that is false is not evident to him. he's only praying to whom he was taught to pray, ultimately doing what seems right and familiar to him, what seems to hold the greatest promise of help. that "god" brutally implicates young sensitive unknowing souls into a world that is likely creative of situations like these is a count against the judgement of god and not the weakness of the child for lacking the higher intelligence to find a way out. our world is something's burning theater of suffering and deception, and the placing of well-meaning yet nescient young souls into this theater cannot be reckoned the action of a good creator.


I dont blame the kid for it tho, for him it was impossible to know better and all he did was follow what his environment teached him so hes just doing what he learned. and thats kinda the crazy thing about this, people you trust teach you to be a weak cuck, teach you that some imaginary entity will help you if you whine hard enough into the void but of course that help never comes and while you wait your shit just keeps getting worse.


I've recently tried snorting heroin. It was a very light and cheap batch from the darkweb, although it had some pleasant effects.

I bought stronger one and will try intraveinous injection.


Don't do that brother, heroin destroys your liver.


are you a bot or just an indian? That's not true


Try fatally overdosing


enjoy your brain damage


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I feel so stuck in life due to my parents screwing over my life trajectory from the start. 10 years old, not allowed to go down the street and socialize, left a list of chores almost everyday after school split between my brother and i to clean an entire raised ranch. Parents would come home after work and if we didnt do a good enough job would flip out. Dad would choke us. Never given an allowance, never rewarded for good grades. Short. Confidence destroyed by bullies and own parents. Stopped applying myself in school. No college fund. Parents charged me rent as soon as I turned 18 on a retail job salary. Had no money and parents would complain that i still lived at home. Stopped getting bachelors degree to have enough money to move out at 29. Now im 32, living with my brother in a drafty trailer and working at the same call center my mom works at. LIFE IS JUST PEACHY.


at least you have a job.


bad parents you had I forgive you


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I wish


how nice it would be to reject society and go live in alaska or whatever… Hunt your own food and sell the pelts or whatever. It is also a job but at least you are a free man. Or be a farmer but then you also have to pay for you land. And I dont own land nor have any money


Not that much of an achievement. Like yay i get bills and to do taxes and spend my money on mediocre media. Woo


why am i suddenly jealous of my brother having a gf


Because your brain is running with a ratio of chemicals and connections that allow you to desire the positive aspects of a relationship, while the neural functions necessary for considering the downsides and troubles with companionship are being subdued.

Desired the good is fine but don't let it blind you to the bad. These feelings will pass.


Went for a 3 hour walk. It was good. At some point I was lost in the woods where there was no way for walking.


I swear normies are either stupid or stupid assholes. All I want to do is drive home from work in one fucking piece in this shit weather without some dumbfuck up my ass.


The most absolutely infuriating thing is when my mom tries to gaslight everyone into just pretending like I'm not a mentally ill cripple. She will just start asking me if I can help pay the bills and what job am I gonna get as if I'm not a fucking cripple. It is so god damn fucking infuriating. She then acts liKe I'm some sort of monster for getting angry at her and reminding her that I'm not just living here with her without a job of my own volition. I'm doing it because I'm mentally ill to the point of being crippled and you nagging me to get a job is not going to magically fix my mental illness and make me a normalfag.


nothing ashames me more than being a virgin over 30 and experiencing thunderous loneliness. I am unworthy of being called a wizard and in need of finding a new place


I wanna go back to school to get my bachelor's degree but i'm dreading being the older washed up guy. I'll be between 19-20 year olds and i'm
39. God help me, why did i waste so much fucking time. Why didn't anyone say something?? I hope for WW3, please come to Europe. Let Russia kill us all.


what kind of degree is it? instead of wasting time and money, focus on building marketable skills. if you're on the computer, then learn coding, video editing, graphics design, system administration etc. you could become decent in 6-12 months if you put in the effort. that's one edge you can have against zoomers, they apparently suck at using computers and struggle to understand how folders work.


Accounting degree. The job market here is lousy, every job is asking for a Bachelor's degree. Doesn't matter if you have the experience, you need that paper to even apply. Fucksake. I'm not that good with coding or video editing , i mean i could be but i won't have my degree so i can't apply to these kind of jobs. Atleast death is certain.


the advantage of computer skills is that you can apply to jobs anywhere and work remotely. you also don't need a degree, just a portfolio or easy way to demonstrate your skills.


Maybe 1% of programmers are skilled enough to have a viable portfolio that acts as a CV.

Let's not kid ourselves and pretend everyone with some "IT skills" can just pick up jobs at will, let alone work remotely.


The wage tax slave mindset that every skill revolves around acquiring a McJob is very limiting


not really. most jobs won't require a degree unless it's a very specialized position or some kind of government contract. a technical interview and some personal projects are much better at demonstrating that you actually know how to code.


I didn't say they need a degree. Most *really* good highly paid programmers are self taught.

I said 99% of people aren't good enough at programming to be hired at any company solely by showcasing a portfolio of their programming achievements.

The very top of the top don't even need that, they just link the employer to their GitHub repository or Linux DriverProject contributions.

The vast, vast majority of programmers are school-taught code monkeys with zero creativity from India and a few western countries. They will need to compete with a thousand applicants to get a low tier entry job.

Programming positions in 2025 aren't as ubiquitous as you think. Especially if you want something that pays the mortgage instead of unpaid interning.


Haha. He'll just go for another 'not really' 'something or other' nonsense despite what you say being something so perfectly self-evident to anyone in the real world.
It's pointless explaining anything to these type of people. Carry on with your day anon.


you seem out of touch. programming work is in ever higher demand and not everyone needs a top 1% programmer for their projects. web development for example is really accessible to get into and they even hire bootcamp monkeys. unless you're applying to google or other meme corporations that have 7 rounds of interviews, it's really not that hard to find a decent job. one technical interview is enough to gauge whether you know what you're talking about or not. a simple fizzbuzz-tier problem can filter the majority of non-coders that really can't deal with algorithmic thinking. you don't need some groundbreaking cutting-edge open-source project to get hired, the purpose is mostly to show that you can build something and the interviewer will ask you a bunch of questions on how you solved particular problems. if they need you to be competent in specific tools and paradigms, then having a shipped project or some kind of previous experience helps.

the landscape has changed quite a lot. there's so much online content that being a self-taught programmer isn't rare or impressive anymore, it's expected because what they teach you at university is how to do computer science, not how to be a programmer.


Why are you writing this stupid bullshit man? are you a bot? Fucking everyone knows the market is utterly fucked for junior developers and "bootcamp monkeys" because there are millions of them being churned out every month, you're not fooling anyone


i'm literally in the industry tho. sorry you're having a hard time getting hired, but believing that only 1% of programmers have the talent to get a decent job is retarded. you're profoundly out of touch, my guy.


web dev isnt programming


if you say so, jonathan blow. we can't all be system programmers.


i'm not even trying to get hired. i've simply looked at the data on unemployment levels and seen what other people are sayimg. People with masters and PhDs are delivering food and working at grocery store checkouts because there are no tech jobs and nobody wants to train juniors. If you are really in the industry i dont know what bubble you're in


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I guess the market is over-saturated with certain groups, youtube runs and looks like shit since that CEO took over


>People with masters and PhDs are delivering food and working at grocery store checkouts because there are no tech jobs

because they're idiots that spent 10 years in school thinking that it matters. no one is training juniors because all you need is to open up youtube and search for one of the billion tutorials available for free. i'm not even talking about web dev, but literally any computer topic in existence.

you even have sites like this that give you a roadmap to follow:



idiots that learned from a youtube tutorial are even worse than the university graduates and there are millions of them. Hiring is a nightmare now too because of these people, you cant trust any of them.


Python is like the ebonics of programming languages, every idiot learns it and they're all easily replaceable


web deving is web deving. making a blog or maintaining a site is not programming.

otherwise, on that note, every single html "webmaster" in the 2000s was a 'programmer' as well.


webdev is a lot more than just html and it has changed a lot since 2000s, gramps. it's not just grandma's recipe website on there anymore, you have businesses that rely on these massive and complex applications being up 24/7. you rarely have a single app or website, everything is a distributed network of API microservices communicating with each other so that the work can be split into self-contained chunks, tested, deployed and scaled easily. there are various different roles and a lot of people involved.


Explains why youtube is a slow clunky piece of shit, microservices


It's because of the jews.


The jeets get the blame on this one with their goblin tech


engineers have to continue looking busy, even though the site was already perfected 20 years ago and theres nothing else to do.


This is the problem of modern technology. Instead of just allowing something to be finished, they always have to change shit just for the sake of changing shit to make investors think they're growing.


straight white men get owned in this world


You mean Trump or Putin?

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