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 No.213134[Last 50 Posts]

Reading the end of the wizards thread I wondered:

What's it like to be a wizard without any hobbies or interests? (Or at least interests and hobbies that USED to be associated with wizards?)

I've been slowly shedding my old hobbies and interests as they became mainstream (even degenerate otaku porn fetishes have this slowly increasing normalcy) and now I'm down to a couple things I still enjoy a little.

Any wizards who actually live without any real hobbies? I know I'm asking for a lot but I'd like responses from actual wizards or people close to wizardhood like the latter half of your 20s.


Turned wizard last summer. I still watch anime and play videogames and collect plastic garbage to this day. Don't really enjoy it but without them I'd be staring at walls all day.


Wizard without any hobbies here. I never managed to get into any in my entire life. It was (and still is) very difficult for me to get into something past the superficial level. I've never had any real interests in anything, and all I've done was to simply make boredom go away. It feels very alienating when you cant interact with anyone or hold conversations because you simply dont know what is being discussed. It's very boring as well. Nowadays even the few things I enjoyed at a casual level (videogames basically) are getting boring so in the end I'll have to find something else to pass the time with or stare at the wall on my free time like the guy above me mentioned.


Go for a walk.


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Apprentice in his late twenties here. I have no enthusiasm for anything and the things I have done all my life are merely distractions instead of interests or hobbies. For me almost everything is reduced the consumption of other peoples commodities and output. It's very hard for me to form independent thoughts (except about despair and failure) let alone create something of value. Everyday for me is a struggle to remind myself of who I am and why I still stand up to do stuff. It's actually not that bad because I have given up on drifting in endless thoughts about everything that went wrong in my life and that is wrong with existence in general. Whenever such a thought comes up I do something like grabbing a book, internet, going for a walk, music etc.

Yeah, I know this is pathetic to others but if this kind of evaluation of a person still comes to mind in your standard thought processes and is part of your integral value system then this does nothing but make you feel bad. Either accept what you are doing and the fate of your future or you are stuck as a torn person that is never content with the situation. The real goal of wizard to me is to have got things straightened out with yourself. If you still seek change of your situation and want to 'make something out of your life' and 'improve yourself' then this is only natural and human instinct but if you have these thoughts then there is a choice to be made - act on it or give these aspirations up. Otherwise this will do nothing but make you feel horrible.
The key is to decide for either acceptance of your situation or acting to change it - a wizard has to avoid not accepting his situation while also not acting on it at all costs. That is the kind of shit driving you insane and suicidal.

There was this one thing I was truly concerned about but it was a kind of huge delusion where I thought I found some truth about reality so I wrote tons of pages of shit which now I don't understand what I was trying to say there or if that had any substance to it. However I am glad that this delusional thinking stopped as it was more of an obsession than a passion. Most likely those were symptoms of schizophrenia.


It's not a good life.


Not quite yet a wizard. I'm in the exact same situation as >>213142
The worst part is that occasionally i still have these bursts of excitement i used to feel constantly as a kid, but i cannot force myself to even read a few pages of a book, so actually maintaining a hobby is impossible unless i'd do it for fun. Alas, i don't feel "fun".


All of the old wizardly, or even just normie unfriendly hobbies have deteriorated so much over the last two decades. I'm sure it started even before that, but I was perhaps too young to notice, or it was just little baby steps. I suppose each new fan/hobbyist is taking it one step closer to the mainstream if you want to look at it that closely. Video games used to be quite a niche, the difficulty required to even boot up a game used to gate keep so many people away. Today we have the news anchors doing actions and dances from the most popular games like Fortnite and Minecraft. We have 2 year olds on these games playing them. I could open up a game and converse with a toddler. It's just an open hobby now. Everyone is interested in it, or knows about it. There aren't games out there to play anymore without it being affected. Even tabletop. Oh my god. How insufferable has that become? I tried to get into it again. I went to the local game store and we had half men, half succubi. In onsies, kissing each other. Drinking, taking selfies and videos and live streaming…. War hammer 40k still has tiny communities which aren't so tapped into but the creators are catering to the masses. And store owners have even banned certain groups of WH40k players as they don't participate with the main group in the store, the group with livestream and snap chats.

I can't go to the game store anymore (I'm banned) because I refused to be on a snap chat and live stream.

I hope you can fully understand that.

This is one big joke


As dull as you expect really, it's not the life of a wizard, it's the life of a drone.

Bit put off by some of your replies about no longer enjoying something because normies started to like it, switch it up and make it more unique instead of just throwing it for a weak excuse


I for one don't mind if normies get into something I like, as if there was anything I liked doing, lol. But I digress. The way you put it fits very well - a drone.


It is obvious that you are looking for excuses to not deal with any occupation beyond a superficial level. Your attitude is lazy and disregarding. If you could not enjoy anything anymore because of psychological reasons I could understand this. But your 'argument' is simply wrong. Look closer. There is a lot that to do and discuss that is not already absorbed and dumbed down by the mainstream. You might start with the /hob/ board right here on wizchan to find ideas.


Not him but I'm annoyed by normalfags in these hobbies. They don't just join in the hobbies, they come in when most, if not all, of the groundwork has been laid out and then takeover.


if you are a neet and wizard with no hobbies like me you are fucked


I know you're being a dickhead but I've started doing this.


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Apart from fapping and watching video games (are those even hobbies?) I have no friends, no hobbies, no motivation and am dumb as a brick. I've come to the realization that the worst might come for me, I don't know what to do anymore, everything I do as a "hobby" I tend to drop it real quick, Reading? nope, Coding? nope, learning math? nope, i'd rather procrastinate than do anything, and the saddest part is my parents are telling me how they want me to go to college and get a good degree to have a good life but in all honesty … am I even gonna make it?


Go for a walk.


Unironically my mom recommended this to me today, I might just do that but also that's a pretty normie respond


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Impossible. In my case, I'm an agoraphobic hermit. I haven't gone for a walk, or really anywhere by myself, in nearly 13 years. Just more ignorant, useless "advice" from non-hermit normans to wipe my wizcrack with.


>going for walks
>browsing the internet (various forums and wiki, mainly)
>listening to music
>playing video games
>drinking beer
>used to enjoy reading. Still do, but i have no attention span

Those are my main pastimes. Probably pretty "normie/normgroid" hobbies, but whatever. I don't have the patience to teach myself guitar or write more than a longish greentext, much less anything productive like woodworking or coding.

I don't care if normal people are invading my hobbies. I tend to ignore normoid friendly games like AssCreed or whatever, or most popular music.


youre probably young, 10 years ago the only animes normal people watched was junk like naruto or bleach, and only the most mainstream of video games. before Skyrim, only nerds played RPGs. The 2010s saw crabby stuff become more appropriated than The Big Bang Theory ever could hope for.


I'm 33. I've been gaming since the early 90s. Some of my earliest memories involve playing the SNES Final Fantasy games, Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest, etc.

I don't watch anime, at least not since Sailor Moon or DBZ in the 90s or 00s, so I can't comment on how normoids are ruining that. Are they appropriating gaming? Sure. Do I give a shit? No, I'm off playing whatever (J)RPGs I've missed.


yeah, when I was 17 I emulated a bunch of old SNES games etc thinking I had missed out on something until I realized I had not.

I wish I was as blissfully unaware as you, youre exactly 10 years old than me but you are content to just float along through playing crappy games in your room staring at a blinking screen, never giving a thought to the futility of your situation. I stopped enjoying video games and anime thinking it mattered what I had seen or completed when in reality it does not, like collecting baseball cards or bird watching, its whatever gets your rocks off- if you have any left at all.


I simply enjoy gaming out in my free time. No need to act high and mighty or condescending about how other people waste their time.


I wasnt being high and mighty, you had already made it clear you dont care about anything going on around you except in your own little world.


How, exactly? I simply stated what I enjoyed doing in my spare time.


if u are ugly and autistic you cant go out and walk like a normal people
you need to go when everybody is sleeping


The way you insisted with profanity that you did not care about the neurotypical appropriation of video games as long as you had your precious dime-a-dozen JRPG vanilla copy-paste junk games to you keep you warm at night.

And there really isnt any reason to sage a thread at the top of the page on a board that gets 3 posts per hour, unless my harsh words have made you cry?



Based wizkid


What do you do in your spare time that's more important than playing video games or bird watching or jerking off or whatever


I havent enjoyed anything in years, music is the only thing I enjoy still and I make stuff in fl studio. I just downloaded EU3 because EU4 is too complicated though, i might be playing that for a few days.

You like my life story? OK, now kill self.



So nothing?


>hobby invasion
I guess it mostly depresses anons who became wizards in the last 10 years or so, to have your small corner of the world just slowly taken over by people that include the ones who never cared for the hobby in the first place.

I mean, I assume most wizards have been excluded from many things growing, so to have your own space/hobby was something special.

There's been a "flattening" of the geek/nerd cultures so that newcomers or invaders can just waltz in without any prior commitment to it. Whether someone is a "real" geek or not at this point becomes irrelevant because all of the effort that was required, things like collecting comic books, arranging clubs, getting rare items from abroad etc, has become trivial to do.

It may be the end of the wizards (of our kind at least) but it going to be interesting to what sort of wizard pops up when they don't have anything to call their own.


Go bully normalfags


Im 31 and have no hobbies. I work during the week and spend whole weekend lying on my bed browsing degenerate imageboards


>And store owners have even banned certain groups of WH40k players
Pretty crazy since local game stores are going through an extinction event and need all the regulars they can get. Too bad my lgs decided to give up on magic, pokemon, final fantasy, weiss schwarz and go full in on baseball cards only to have no clients but druggies trying to pawn in piles of them and closed up.
>There aren't games out there to play anymore without it being affected
You can get a hacked Vita with several thousand games from a dozen different platforms if you don't like modern games.


>Pretty crazy since local game stores are going through an extinction event
It'd be my luck that the LGS's near me are dead (and have been apparently dead years ago). The others are in the city center and are popular with the normal-ish people.

I forgot to mention another thing about the "flattening", because the geek culture is "flat" now "artifacts" pop up in the regular population and media, usually something "cool" from a specific nerd/geek subculture, but I assume you already know this.

The weird thing is though, I'm seeing more and more niche otaku-level "artifacts" pop-up; literal steampunk googles on a chav, the aheago image on multiple items of clothes, a furry image on a t-shirt of a well-built dude etc. I'm morbidly curious to see how far the regular population is going to wade into degenerate nerd/geek stuff. I predict that animal dildos will become normal and the LGBT+ will have an F added to it.


I don't understand why some of you aren't mad with normalfags basically claiming everything that used to belong to nerds/geeks, even our dengenerate hentai.

I've seen 3 fucking separate normalfags on 3 separate occasions wearing shirts and jackets with softcore hentai on them. Even jackoff material is being stolen by them.


There's nothing we can do. Normalfags enjoy walking on the fringe for attention. Any disapproval we make known will only further the taboo and create a Streisand effect, leading other edgy eccentrics to discover big anime boobies.

Net kind learned long ago that giving normal people a stranglehold on our emotions by getting worked up over their antics will only encourage them to agitate us even more. They are trolls by nature. Ask yourself how grinding your teeth at them benefits you in any way.


>Ask yourself how grinding your teeth at them benefits you in any way.
I don't know. I guess it lets me know I'm alive for the time being, but fuck me what is left for us? What small corner that isn't being currently invaded or occupied by normalfags?

It angers me that shit that they would have made fun of us for, whether rightly or wrongly, is now THEIR domain.


I enjoy music and anime but I don't consider them hobbies even though a have a pretty nice music collection but don't want to spend anymore on it right now nor do I really want to having most of what I want. The rest of the time I'm idling around on the internet, maybe making myself something to eat, or killing time scrapping cans and bottles. I just don't have it in me to really get into anything outside of the things I know a lot about just because I do them so much but don't actually have much of an interest in them outside of their function to me.

I get those too but reading is difficult for me, my brain was always shit but now it is super shit so taking it all in is very tiring and hard for me to do. I can only really do it in the morning too like most other things after I had my coffee before my neurological train wreck of a body is too uncomfortable to do anything again especially in the Winter when everything is too cold putting more of a burden on my senses that I can only tame with food to give it something else to feel and do something with.


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Do any of you actual wizards wonder if any of it was ever real? That geekdom and internet culture was ever uncool? That it ever belonged to you?

It's weird, I have these little trinkets and old game cartridges from decades (holy shit) ago and attached to a few of them are negative memories of my hobbies being looked down upon by my peers, but the internet, or social media specifically I guess, seems to smudged this notion of geekdom being unpopular to the point where I've started doubting my memories of it.


I've been staring at walls or close to it, I've been spending a LOT of time thinking, just THINKING. It does no good to be that deep in thought for that long without a real topic to think about.


I was never into that normie crap anyway.


>I was never into that normie crap anyway.
How old are you? Cos I only see this sort of attitude from (much) younger anons on 4chan (and other imageboards) where they detest anime and videogames despite the site being built on it, just to be contrarian.

What did you instead if it's "normie" crap to you? Academics? Cos even that's a sort of dead end I've found since at some point collaboration and social skills come into play, especially nowadays.


I do digital photography, it's nice to go out at night and take photos. Don't matter if they're good, just fun to look back on what you've explored. But, that's it, anything else takes to much effort (don't really mind walking). I can only imagine schizoids and Russians are that emotionless to not have a single hobby, but I commend those who do, good way to collect mana.




false, just have hours of music loaded on an mp3 player and tune the world out


op of this post here
night walks are the best, no one and it's peaceful.
This. Do something about it rather than littering this site with your "life is numb" philosophy. If not that, than like a true wizard, accept the fact that you won't do anything with your life.
people seem to forget video games are a hobby. It's kind of obvious. Masturbation though, now that's an addiction. Go to college just for the hell of it, probably make your life a bit more interesting, or else keep dozing off while practicing your wizardry, one hand movement at a time.
Wizgod. Do you ever look outside of your window?


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>I've been slowly shedding my old hobbies and interests as they became mainstream (even degenerate otaku porn fetishes have this slowly increasing normalcy) and now I'm down to a couple things I still enjoy a little.

I've never really understood this sort of thing. I've always been so disconnected from everything that I really don't care whether something is "mainstream" or not. I've never had any online friends or acquaintances (nor have I in real life either), never been part of message board culture or any forums, and I've never been part of a special clique or "in-group" when it comes to things like video games or anime, or what have you. I started posting on wizchan around the middle of 2016 and, before that point, I never engaged in any online exchanges with others whatsoever, outside of a handful of messages sent over PSN to people I boosted trophies. Which, itself, was many, many years ago now.

You can't really lose what you never were apart of to begin with. As a result, I really can't relate to any of this. All these enclaves of "geekdom", or what have you, were never something I engaged with. It was always just me, alone with myself. Engaging with others online always seemed like an afterthought to me. Throw into the mix that I was also too socially anxious to engage online and I just never put myself out there. Even during the "heydays" of low mainstream interference in these things, (2000-2007, I guess you could put it), I'm no different now than I was back then. Even back then, I was just as alone & disconnected from it all as I am now. Even though people had their perfect enclaves back then it never occurred to me to ever engage with them, not that I really would've wanted to anyway. I was only vaguely aware of 4chan all those years ago and the only times I've ever gone there was to lurk fetish threads. It's just always weird hearing from people who had a completely different past when compared to myself. I've essentially always been out of touch & out of the loop on everything.

Anyway, gaming/anime/music, or just modern entertainment in general, are still things I distract myself with. The development of anhedonia has soured these things greatly for me however, but I still manage to push myself to do them since, like this other wizard >>213140 said, if I didn't, I'd just be staring at the wall all day, or sleeping. I'm not really sure if you can call this sort of stuff a hobby, since I've always seen a hobby as being more like playing the piano, or painting, or welding, or something like that. Then again, I guess reading is a hobby, so I guess modern entertainment is as well on some level, rather than just simply being a distraction.


Not often, no. The curtains in my room are pretty much always shut. I only ever briefly look out them when they need to be adjusted. Even when I open my window to let some fresh air in I still leave the curtains shut. However, sometimes I'll stand & look out our kitchen window for a few minutes. Either just staring at the sky, or the winding branches of the tall tree behind our neighbors house. I also like to stand there & look at the moon, assuming it's visible and I happen to notice it. There's also my mother's window which I sometimes glance out of as well from the hallway, since it's on the way to the bathroom and her door is always open. Passing by her window is pretty much the only way I ever know what the weather outside is like. There's also the window in the bathroom, which I sometimes take a gander looking out of as well.


>I've never really understood this sort of thing.
To be honest, I never truly interacted with the geekdom enclaves either, I just lurked 99% of the time, social anxiety held me back as much as you. But knowing that "my people" existed "somewhere" gave me a great deal of comfort cos I never really had any friends growing up, any time I tried to talk about videogames, cartoons or anything like that people would tune out and ignore me or mock me. Everyone in my school was in a real hurry to grow up so they dropped things they considered childish really fast. Hell, I distinctly remember when I was 5 years old my peers telling me that Power Rangers was for babies.

Ignoring the pseudo-social aspect of it, the other part is this small corner of the world was *yours*, something to call your own. I don't know about you but I spent a lot of time being excluded from things growing up so videogames, very small collection of comics, cartoons, the sparse bits of anime I could find and a few other "childish" hobbies became *my* thing. If I couldn't be a part of anything else, at least I had this. They couldn't give two fucks about my hobbies, so I assumed it was safe from them.

Fast forward years later, geek is mainstream as hell and the people who couldn't give two fucks and thought it was sad that I completed a game 8 hours straight (because I didn't have a memory card so I had to do it in one go) now regularly play whatever multiplayer game of the moment for many hours straight.

There's more I want to write but I need some sleep.



>I just lurked 99% of the time

I never even lurked, to be honest. Hell, it wasn't until somewhat late into my life that I began even lurking places like reddit, for example. To this day, I still don't lurk other imageboards like 4chan, or what have you. Mostly because they're too way fast & incoherent for me. Anything quicker than wizchan's pace completely overwhelms me. Even wizchan feels like it's moving too fast sometimes.

The only real websites I ever visited were just random places I found through google searches, YouTube, and just some trophy hunting websites. I also spent a lot of time watching & following the guys over on Giantbomb.com from 2008-2012. I'd watch their content both their & on YouTube pretty much religiously. Never listened to their podcast all that much, though. Losing interest in them, along with trophies a little later on, is essentially what drove me to finally start lurking & engaging with places like this.

>But knowing that "my people" existed "somewhere" gave me a great deal of comfort cos I never really had any friends growing up, any time I tried to talk about videogames, cartoons or anything like that people would tune out and ignore me or mock me.

Well personally this sort of thing never really mattered to me as a kid. Maybe it's because me & my brother were always into the same stuff that I could always just talk about & share it with him that it never mattered to me that random enclaves of "geekdom" existed out there somewhere. Even if I didn't have him around, I'm not sure it would've really mattered all that much to me since, given that I never lurked or engaged with these places, they may as well have not even existed at all.

>Ignoring the pseudo-social aspect of it, the other part is this small corner of the world was *yours*, something to call your own.

Well, from my perspective, it never stopped being mine. The only thing that's managed to take it away has been my own growing sense of anhedonia, not the influence of the mainstream, or normalfags.

>I don't know about you but I spent a lot of time being excluded from things growing up

Well, that's the funny thing, I guess you could say. Even as a kid, there were other kids, or cliques, I could've been apart of that shared my interests, but, just like with anything online, I was too socially anxious to reciprocate any invitations to join them. I'd say my natural reflex has always tended towards isolating & disconnecting myself from everyone. Although, it did kinda frustrate me how different my tastes were from others, even as a kid. I liked Lord of the Rings, other kids liked Harry Potter. I liked Star Trek, other kids liked Star Wars. It wasn't anything major to ever ostracize me, but it did sort of put some distance between me & other kids, leading to me further isolating myself.

>Fast forward years later, geek is mainstream as hell and the people who couldn't give two fucks and thought it was sad that I completed a game 8 hours straight

Well, I guess for me I just never had anyone sneering at me in contempt, or what have you, for what I was doing. As a result, the fact that these people enjoy gaming now is kinda irrelevant, since I never received any grief or hardship from those sorts as a kid, or just generally in the past.

New internet media still disgusts me however and I despise the rise of YouTubers & streamers since I agree with you that these are the sorts of individuals who'd in any other time have hated gaming, or nerd hobbies in general, and are only doing it now because it's trendy & hip to do so. Commodification of culture is always a disgusting thing to have happen, but it's occurred before with other things & sub-cultures, like with punk or rap, or what have you. That feels more like an issue associated with the general social dynamics of consumption & the inherently exploitative/parasitic nature of capitalism than anything else, however. Everything is broken down & assimilated into the greater mass for the sake of profit, basically.

I remember a video I watched years ago that discussed this whole thing, which is the one I embedded here, and it certainly touches on some of the things you mentioned here, like being marginalized by others for one's hobbies, even if I don't have a personal basis for those sorts of things.


It's pretty shit. Besides mindless surfing, I can't get anything done.


I'm over 30 and have never really had any hobbies or special interests. Not really into porn. Never played any of the games that people post about on imageboards. No special knowledge of a particular subject. Sporadic anime and movie watcher, not enough to call it a hobby. Can't program or draw or create anything. Literally have zero hands-on skills and ruin everything I touch. Ruined my body. Sometimes I consider how much time I have wasted doing nothing, it used to cause me some angst but now I just don't have any strong feelings about it. I'm not capable of doing much so it doesn't feel like a loss.


So what do you spend your time on?


Mostly just looking at stuff on the internet


do you have a profession or college degree?


Everything is pointless anyway. I burnt myself out studying to get a masters degree and it was all worthless. I can't believe I tortured myself into doing all that work only to be left with debt. You took a better path than that


Yes, years ago my parents forced me to attend college until I got a degree. Obviously I only have a dead-end job, can't even remember anything from my degree after all this time.


Well you've got something then…


Not sure what, especially in the context of having no hobbies or interests.


>That final plea he makes at the end of the video to save geek culture(s)
>Video made 7 years ago, 2013, when most of geekdom was in the middle of being stripped down and being absorbed into the monoculture

That is real depressing that the commodification of geekdom is basically complete now.

>Everything is broken down & assimilated into the greater mass for the sake of profit, basically.

Assimilated into the greater mass and no longer able to be recovered. That's probably the worst thing.


Yeah, this is too familiar. I've tried to do all of those things only to crash. I can't learn how to do anything well.


Would it be extreme to say that geek culture was the last authentic sub-culture?


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That video made me want to put a bullet through my head with as much force and speed as humanly possible.


It is like being dead.


Constant distraction. Nthing brings authentic joy anymore. I'm becoming a drunk. At least when you are drunk you just feel, you don't think.


I'm still mad but with the current crisis I wonder if there is going to a large cultural shift in terms of entertainment and subcultures?


If you don't know what you want, you want a bullet in the head.


>even our degenerate hentai.
I told you, I told you guys in the last thread that it's the end of the wizards, that normalfags will find a way of claiming even wizardhood *somehow*. Now in my workgroup chat, with lockdown in effect, there's lots of posts about marathon online gaming, comic book tv binging etc with "geek" memes being posted constantly. Nothing unusual in these days of commodified geek culture but I saw a few of them posting crab meme (and the odd wizard meme) , and it hit me, they're posting these memes cause they can't have sex because of the quarantine.

And it doesn't matter if they're not actually wizards or virgins but they'll appropriate it regardless.


Yeah, I mean there have been succubi saying "oh I'm such a wizard".


Wizchan late 2020: "lmao the virgin shit was only ever ironic bruh"
It gets closer with every passing week.


Do you wonder what more they could possibly take from you? Something you didn't realize that you had until they took it from you?


Can't say I didn't see this coming.


>workgroup chat
>with lockdown in effect, there's lots of posts about marathon online gaming, comic book tv binging etc with "geek" memes being posted constantly
normalfags have been doing this for the past decade and you just noticed?


I'm safe unless a specific kind of furry becomes the new hotness. Which at that point I don't think I could care anymore.


>I'm safe unless a specific kind of furry becomes the new hotness.
You're kidding right? Have you seen the strides that degenerate fandom has made?


Normalfags are still rightfully unnerved by furries.


They only claimed shit that already sold its soul to the devil. For fuck's sake you feel elitist about fucking PORN now?
Dig niche things, or dig things that will never get over loser/nerd stigma because it's nerdy no matter which way you cut it.


I dont know how
I DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND how people have hobbies and interests. I dont fucking get it. i dont know how people do it. i have lived my entire life without any strong interests or pull in any direction. one of the biggest reasons i cant talk to people is because everything they say is over my head. I'm not some jaded wizard who lost interest in his old hobbies. I have never had hobbies since I was born. when i was a kid i would stare at the fucking wall, not imagining anything just basically shutting down because theres nothing to do. I wish I could have a hobby. I wish I could have some kind of art or craft I could produce something with


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> dig things that will never get over loser/nerd stigma
That's the fucking thing. No one ever thought that being some porn obsessed weaboo faggot would ever be popular or cool. They never thought that could be taken from them. Yet here we are. It's not about the porn, it's about having a detestable and mocked thing being worn ironically for fashion.


I'm a carbon copy of this post. I wish I could elaborate more and contribute but I find it hard to express myself and elaborate. Sorry for the poor quality post but yea.


>They only claimed shit that already sold its soul to the devil.
Care to expand? Cos it seems like they've claimed most things.

And why shouldn't I be elitist in my porn habits? I remember way back in school when one guy in class was caught with hentai pictures on his 64MB usb stick and for the entire month they spent embarrassing him for this saying that he's sad for masturbating to cartoon succubi. He wasn't a loser so it never went beyond that but only God knows what would have happened to me if I had been him. Seeing people their age back then now, wearing softcore hentai on hoodies in public spaces makes me seethe because it just shows the extent of what they lay claim to now. It's not really the porn persay that I'm being elitist about.


The fact that they're aware enough of furries to be unnerved by them speaks volumes of how far they moved up. I remember the most I heard about them in the public sphere was late night sex shows on the "weird sex" segment and they looked like scrawny nerdgays.

Now they're all over youtube, twitter and other forms of social media, I've even bumped into one IRL which is a really, really fucking hard thing to do in the parts I haunt.


Furries have been in the news since conventions started getting big, around thirty years ago. And people still largely hate them or at least don't think it's cool.


>Furries have been in the news since conventions started getting big
Maybe you're close to the fandom or have always had your ear close to the ground so it seems like a constant stream of news to you but…

>around thirty years ago

…I only learned about furries 17 years ago but I've unknowingly bumped into some online earlier on, but my point is that I only learnt about the fandom online on nerdy/weaboo forums and only there, whatever small news articles I saw were always links from these forums. Normalfags who I went to school with or worked with didn't even know what a fandom was. It's only in the last 5-10 years have I started seeing furry-related stuff outside of the fandoms.

>And people still largely hate them or at least don't think it's cool.

I don't think that matters, as long as it starts trending for some reason they'll drop all pretensions and jump on board. I mean, how long ago was that pro-gaming was seen as something unworthy? And now modern day pro-gamers are now dudebros (who use pro-gaming as a springboard into something else).


30 years ago is when they started running actual news stories about them. I don't watch the news and I doubt you do either, so it's understandable you never saw these stories. They are also incredibly rare.


>and I doubt you do either, so it's understandable you never saw these stories.
I used to watch the news quite a bit at that point in my life. I assume the US newsfeed is completely different to UK newsfeed, so I wouldn't be surprised if it never appeared here (until the last 5-10 years) outside of a documentary or "freak show" part of a tv programme.

>They are also incredibly rare.

That kinda lend credence to my view of it, that they're getting popular, maybe not straight away but they're heading there.


They are only getting more popular in that the internet is, and so furries being a mostly internet phenomenon are in turn being more prevalent. They would get news stories in the same way 4chan got their infamous "hacker's on steroids", but in a less damning sort of way. And these sorts of news reports are becoming more common, 8chan got multiple and let's not forget we got our own as well.


>only on the internet
Dude at this moment in time the internet is the virtually the world and it is the engine that drives trends in the real world. Hell, the reason geekdom has been become so mainstream almost to the point of blandness is because of the internet.


I’m not saying only on the internet. I’m saying the prevalence of the internet in real life is why they are growing more prevalent.


Then we're in agreement I guess.


Maybe not directly related but it's amazing to see people who maybe one or two decades were berating you for spending too much time on computers, are now addicted to their smartphones.



The internet, normnetworks, smartphones, etc, have been at practically 100% saturation for years


I mentioned in the other thread I've reached murrsuit porn. Not proud but it's where I've reached. And it's strange because a lot of them now are athletic twinks and twunks, a far cry from the fat blobs or stick thin nerds that used to be in murrsuit vids. And my female murrsuit folder is still a lot smaller than the male one but compared to before the ratio is a lot more equal than it used to be. And they're no longer hamplanets.

I have no doubt it my mind that the furries will merge into the mainstream.


basado y rojo pastillado


what's murrsuit porn?


Basically fursuit porn. Murrsuits are fursuits with dick and fuck holes in them.

To be honest I'm not sure if it is based and redpilled.


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>I have no doubt it my mind that the furries will merge into the mainstream.
I have never wanted someone to be wrong more than now.


Ey, if I'm wrong then maybe society won't be (completely) heading for a bizarre manchild direction. But I didn't come to that conclusion straightaway, I've watched the fandom go from the fringe to everywhere and only just short of the mainstream.


Yeah furry will just be seen as a form of a roleplay to spice things up. It'll be similar to the mainstreaming of anime.


>normalfags have been doing this for the past decade and you just noticed?
Literally the next line is
>Nothing unusual in these days of commodified geek culture

It's probably going to be more insidious than that, I honestly can't imagine how this is going to progress but the fact a lot of porn vids that have dildos nowadays use fucking animal dildos now is slightly concerning. Maybe it just stops there, I don't know but it'll interesting to see how far things go.


What else is there? I've never been part of anything but as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be anything "new" in terms of subcultures, everything seems to be a throwback to something else.


how do hobbies even work man
hes pretty cruel there


I just learned that Elon Musk's wife twitter has an anime avatar from a series about review monster succubus hookers.


Just checked,it's true,pack it bois we're fucking done,I hope coronavirus kills all humanity.


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Me too. Most of the "wizard" (you know what i mean..) hobbies did indeed get the Big Bang Theory treatment. It's been this way for years and years now.

People will say "who cares about what normies do?" but if anime and epik weeb shit is popular and lamestream, and if I'm sitting here watching anime schlock and posting pictures of anime succubus memes- what makes me different from a normie? Besides the obvious, of course.

It was different 10 years ago, when I was in highschool and could go into the anime club and most people would be talking about lamestream shut like Naruto and BLeach and Vocaloids, at BEST there would be some fujoshit sluts talking about Black Butler.

It was different back then, but as the 2010s came around and "cosplay" became popular amongst normies, and this "cosplay" became even more salacious, and everybody remembers when GamerGate happened as video-games became filled with political correctness and streamlining for the masses, even as early as Skyrim in 2011 (more of a 2012 game though)

It is what it is, too late to complain about anything now, it could never have been stopped.


A non-event that was blown up into stupid proportions and probably sped up the mainstreaming of geek culture.

>It is what it is

Question is now what? It's not as if I'm anywhere near the end of my life even if I've turned wizard last year.


Yep do absolutely nothing except old hobbies for a couple of minutes to ease the itch.


I ask again, what now? It's not as if I'm going to die of a natural death next year, I'm sure I have at least 15-20 painful years left if I'm particularly unhealthy.

I'm being slowly driven insane by the things I keep bumping into.


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Bumping an important thread.


>there doesn't seem to be anything "new" in terms of subcultures, everything seems to be a throwback to something else.
That seems to apply to just about everything at this point. Everything now is a reboot or a revival of some sort. I guess it's always been that way to some extent, but if feels so much worse now.


>I guess it's always been that way to some extent, but if feels so much worse now.
It's worse now because the money machine is repeatedly regurgitating it and people won't stop buying.


Arts and crafts is more of a creative skill than a hobby per se. It can be pursued as a hobby I guess.

I guess I never had a hobby in active sense. Just watching stuff and reading about it. I'm not really good at learning, so that fuck ups most pursuits. I was screwing around in photoshop recently and I barely got anything done. Each time I open it it's like the first time.


Does anyone think there is or there is going to be a class element to normies stealing (or have stolen) geek cultures or subcultures? I've been thinking about figurines and how expensive they were, and the people who bought *usually* *seemed* to be dudes who spent their monthly wageslave or NEETbux while neglecting their other needs.


First off that ship has long since sailed. Second off, the exact thing you mentioned is why class never really became relevant. Poor people are willing to neglect other things to fund their hobby, while rich people can just throw money at it regardless. So either way they can afford it.


well it's been changing since the main anime fans were underachievers and now it's like a geek chic thing.


I don't know, I think I just got worked up over the idea that anybody with a buncha cash could just outright buy "nerd cred". I mean, if you were on a crappy wage or on NEETbux, it meant something to you to spend that much on something. And I guess if you were a rich nerd, it probably meant something as well because "nerd cred" wasn't worth anything outside the community back in those days.

I know this was some time ago and I'm crying over spilt milk. But man…


Now what you ask?
You get to watch everything slowly devolve and degrade in front of you.


>degrade in front of you
Jesus Christ you aren't wrong about that, it's to the point now where you have to narrow the scope of EVERYTHING you do. Just now I saw the PS5 livestream where there was some anime-esque (clearly) furry game and it's like, what is even left? They've scrapped out literally everything; from body-pillows to hentai to manchild cartoons to plastic collectable crap to games to every freaking fandom, like everything.


I really dont get wizard who bitching about how muh niche hobbies started get noticed and liked by normalfags.
Isnt that just proving in the end wizards are right and ahead of their time?
Norman follow our hobbies because their lives are boring. And thus proving virtual world (game/internet/anime) are infinitely better than meat grinder that is "real life".


>there was some anime-esque (clearly) furry game
what game?


i think he means that game


Volcano High or something.

What? No, it's completely irrelevant if the wizard/nerd/geek stuff is fun or not, it's just in vogue right now and therefore must be assimilated into the mainstream. And in the process it becomes THEIR hobby, THEIR passion, THEIR thing and you become the outsider to what was once yours.


I am waiting for that moment where not only will be made fun of for being a wizard but I'll be made of by trannies and furries.

>What you've never had sex? Even with a man in a dress? Or a dog?


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Man you said anime-esque and furry and got my hopes up. That's fucking revolting.


>Isnt that just proving in the end wizards are right and ahead of their time?
I don't care about that when someone comes and takes a dump on what I love.


>That's fucking revolting.
Most of furrydom is.


Has he stopped uploading videos? I don't see anymore after 2017.


I "took up" some hobbies throughout my life.
First it was guitar. Surprisingly I kept at it for a few years but never gotten really good at it aside from learning a few songs that I liked.
Then (which is more recent) I started collecting air rifles because I like guns, didn't touch them for months now.
Now I am also into knifes so I started collecting several already. Of course I don't even use them for any purpose because I'm somewhat of a larping retard I guess.


I have no alternative to compare it to since I never had any hobbies so I don't think I can really say what it's like. I just exist, I am trapped in the present, I go from one moment to the next. When the moments require things from me, I try my best to do them but I have very little energy since I am depressed. When moments require nothing of me, I lie in bed on the computer and read various news articles and forums like this one.

I much prefer the moments which require nothing from me because expending effort is anathema to me. I have never liked it or been good at it so I don't do it often. Hobbies just seem like work that people do because they enjoy it only I have never enjoyed work. I used to try and fit in and do things out of peer pressure, but now I just seclude myself because I was never any good at fitting in and all the effort without any rewards for it was making me miserable. I am still miserable living like this, but I am also comfy if that makes any sense.


The same thing for me, but I started to collect music tapes, band t-shirts and GBA games, now I feel like a autistic retard (I am) for buying all this stuff that I very rarely use.


I wonder who or what the new (REAL) wizards are going to be. They are going to have a hell of a time.

I used to collect old games too till hipsters wrecked the retro games economy. Every retro game is now at least double what they used to go for no matter how common the actual game is, it's insane, I mean even when the game doesn't sell at it's inflated price they won't budge on the price.


>never had hobbies
That's a lie.


>I've been slowly shedding my old hobbies and interests as they became mainstream (even degenerate otaku porn fetishes have this slowly increasing normalcy) and now I'm down to a couple things I still enjoy a little.
holy shit you failed normie


You should probably leave zoomer.


Bumping an important thread.


Strange question but is being a nerd in the classical sense of being smart and into STEM subjects, part of the mainstream?


yeah. iirc more people major in stem now than ever.


even when I went to uni(like 8 years ago)

all the stem people were ultra-normal except getting high grades

like they enjoyed anime and video games but that was it no other nerdy interests outside of their specific field just normal shit like going to coachella and partying

it dawned on me that I was pretty unique as an asocial


Well in a way they are but not truly. Most people are as stupid as ever but they'll lend lip service to being a "nerd" like NASA t-shirts, having some sort of "science" quote on their social media or something superficial that "proves" they are into science.


If you look into faggot teen today, 90% is furry. I think that is already mainstream.


i disagree
the normies are way smarter at science than the nerds ever could be. surprising nobody as it turns out mentally healthy and adjusted people are able to excel.
I was the dumbest fucking kid in my classes and the most inept at all other aspects of life outside of it. Im sure normies are more read up on nerdy interests than I am at this point


>the normies are way smarter at science than the nerds ever could be
I'm somewhat surprised at the level of self-hatred on wizchan on this particular subject.

I may have been a loser but I was definitely the top of my classes.


same, but intelligent volcels seem to be an incredibly tiny minority.


Discussions of intelligence are always amusing to me, since most people are miserable anyway.
You'd think with enough intelligence you'd find a way out of the lockbox your skull is.

By extension, most accolades linked to intelligence are things I don't think one should pride themselves in at all.
Good grades in school don't measure intelligence, it measures obedience.
People that flaunt going to top colleges I have nothing but pity for. If that's success, I'd rather hang myself.
Or people that flaunt having a high paying job. Most measures of success that are indicative of intelligence appear mostly stupid to me.
Congrats! You just wasted many years of your life fitting in and working on shit tasks!

IQ tests don't mean much, it's just pattern matching.
Most measures of intelligence just suck.
It's best to avoid the word intelligence altogether. Attracts vermin, like me.

Although I have a low tolerance for stupidity, I have a lower tolerance for people who constantly create labels of smart and dumb, when really these descriptives are meant for actions, not state of being.
You aren't smart. You are just doing smart things.
You aren't stupid. You are just doing stupid things.
And so you can see the pitfalls of our language.
People heavily identify with words that were meant to correct actions.
They get stuck in their ways, always identifying as the smart one or the stupid one, when both are bankrupt and unable to enjoy one step to the next. To just act as themselves, for themselves. Sacrifice for the image is always melancholic.


Yes ldar is the best


you are wrong. i am dumb and stupid.
good grades do not test obedience. they test intelligence. i know because i tried very hard to get good grades and it was the only thing i dedicated my life to and i was still not good enough. all my hard work amounted to 'average' and other students who actually put in no effort did better than me


This sounds really nice and fluffy and hopeful but at the end of the day it does not change that I am measurably slower at everything than the average person and know less than the average person. Effectively, I cannot learn new things and I do not know anything.


Yeah, worst part is the fact that I didn't realize this until University and then in the real world because K-12 was relatively easy and the teachers gave a lot of extra credit/make ups/etc..

I wish I had realized I was low IQ, but there was a lot of coping about just being not great at math. The reason is ultimately math can't get as watered down as other subjects in school. I should have realized it was indicative of overall aptitude instead of taking my ability to memorize some easy facts as intelligence.


You would only say this as an intelligent person. If you are stupid then obedience won't get you good grades or a high paying job. For obedience to work you already need to be intelligent.


What's K-12?


Kindergarten to grade 12


>(like 8 years ago)
Like finishing or starting uni? Cos the mainstreaming of geek culture was practically finished by then.


finishing but yeah I agree


Gentrification except social right? Has anything ever happened like this before?


I'm still surprised at the lack of anger at everything being stolen.


There are no more niche hobbies anymore are there?


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there will always be niche hobbies that are too weird or require too much work for normies to ruin,reviewbrah and my grandma are the only 2 people i know who are passionate about shortwave radio
taxidermy,pottery,woodworking,calligraphy are niche hobbies but wizards like most normies will avoid them because they require a lot of effort and time instead of consuming an already finished product


>taxidermy, pottery, woodworking, calligraphy

I don't know man, you may be a little late; I see community courses for most of those and I haven't checked but I'm sure there's some social media fuck is using those niches for gain.


twerking thots will infiltrate every single niche hobby and set up payment videos to siphon money from them


You know, if it was just succubi who found a niche to exploit, it wouldn't be so bad. Remember booth babes?

There's something insidious about all the people purporting to be fans today but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Cause the line between advertiser and fan doesn’t exist anymore. People join hobbies and pretend to care but in reality they’re working their way in so they can get a sponsor and start hawking shit at you while pretending to be your friend. Booth babes were clearly just there collecting a pay check, everyone knew where they stood, they did not give a fuck about the hobby itself, and no one pretended otherwise.


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Only spirituality. As with all other hobbies, this is one I procrastinate in as well.


>Cause the line between advertiser and fan doesn’t exist anymore.

I've been wondering for the past 5-10 years if geekdom and all the subcultures contained within will ever go back to the way things were or that it's irretrievable from the mainstream like trying to unbake a cake.

I can't see anything new replacing what we (the last wizards) have lost.


i've been thinking it'll replaced by a more advanced VR/AR system


I kinda doubt that. I bought an oculus rift thinking maybe it's uncharted territory but lol nope. In VR chay I literally bumped into youtubers trying to make some sort of "funny" vid and hordes of zoomers.


There is no safe place anymore as youtubers try and exploit every new niche for views and profit


There has to be some point where the death of all subcultures leads to some "breaking point" right?


Nope. Normalfags can’t see the deception for what it is. They think these marketers and “influencers” really are their friends. They will gladly do as told.


I mean it has to reach a point where all of it becomes incomprehensible garbage and all that matters is how rich and beautiful you are.


We have reached that point.


What about grand strategy games like Europa Universalis, Victoria and Hearts of Iron ? Used to be an obscure thing supposedly shielded from normies due to it's tediousness/complexity at first glance but they broke trough it in full force and now it's a cool chic reddit "boi" thing.


>It may be the end of the wizards (of our kind at least) but it going to be interesting to what sort of wizard pops up when they don't have anything to call their own.

Probably more "primal" wizards who exercises physically in order to feel better about themselves and kill time and they will be more hooked to what most people call "reality" in general, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It actually already started and some of them are sometimes mistaken for improvebrahs especially by older wiz too old to change their ways but i think i know what lead them there, there's just nothing else left to do for yougers wizards. An outcast identity ? Has been absolutely crushed by the Machine which is rather unfair considering that a sense of identity is a common thing and most people have it without being blamed : succubi, ethnic people, manly macho men, and the list goes on. But for the outcasts in this day and age it just get exposed as a fragile, fake, petty and vain substantiality (hence posts like "who cares about what normies are doing") because it is vulnerable by it's desire of exclusivity, it's like the final nail in the coffin for some people who could never fit in with others. But it may be a privilege to see the truth ? Maybe all these identities are bullshit and fake substantialities and less natural than we think especially if the final end of all of them is to make us consume useless shit.


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>But it may be a privilege to see the truth ? Maybe all these identities are bullshit and fake substantialities and less natural than we think especially if the final end of all of them is to make us consume useless shit.

I've been wondering about this, I mean our former identities as nerds/geeks, certain large parts of it are escapism, copes, make-shift versions of the cool kids societies etc, it's a crooked house with many problems but it's built that way because it's not built on solid ground. So when the cool kids decided to kick us out of our own house and live there, we'll get to watch the whole thing collapse because they don't understand how or why it was built like that.

It's probably not the greatest analogy but I hope it's clear enough to understand what I'm saying.


>sometimes mistaken for improvebrahs especially by older wiz too old to change their ways
Can you blame us though for thinking that?


The (living) death of geek culture basically shows how literally everything can be eaten up by the machine to turn a profit.


I doubt we're at the ultimate conclusion of it though.


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>I've been slowly shedding my old hobbies and interests as they became mainstream (even degenerate otaku porn fetishes have this slowly increasing normalcy) and now I'm down to a couple things I still enjoy a little.

I was in a little shop that sold anime and vidya trinkets and figurines and other things. First time I seen a shop like this IRL and up close. For a brief moment it was cool being in a place like this you know? I was contemplating buying this lanyard with an old anime series theme to replace the wageslave one had at work, but I didn't end up buying it. Instead I bought some japanese sweets and went home.

I had bought it, it would have a been constant reminder that I'm outsider in my own hobbies.


On a similar line of thought, has anyone been tempted to throw away those types of things? I'm in half a mind to trash, not even sell but trash my old (and now "retro") consoles.


>I'm in half a mind to trash, not even sell but trash my old (and now "retro") consoles.

Why trash them ? Would this be some kind of cathartic/symbolic thing to do in response to what is discussed in this thread ?


>Would this be some kind of cathartic/symbolic thing to do in response to what is discussed in this thread ?

I guess you could say that. I mean, intentionally or unintentionally I put a lot of myself and my identity into videogames (and geekdom in general), I posted >>215011.

Like you think you'd that everything else fails, you could always retreat back to the world of videogames but nope, don't even have that. They feel like constant reminders.

And destroying them means no hipster can get their hands on them.


Bumping an important thread.


i have been thinking, and unironically it is time to go back to the old days were the wizards are spending time reading books and doing complex projects


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I also had similar experiences in my childhood for really being into anime/games, I remember reading One Piece that one time in class when that other kid came over to my seat and boasted that there is no way that shit like that could be interesting, while all the others laughed with him. A few years later one of the "cool" ones watched a random episode of the original Dragonball, oooh and suddenly it was so sick! many others (including those that made fun of me) then also started watching it. That made me think, the cool kid can do whatever, but all the others suddenly became interested not out of their own but because someone told them, does being normal mean running after a few and putting their needs over my own, doesn't creating new and exciting stuff mean not playing by those rules and daring to try out new things? People didn't understand my way of thinking so why should I try to comfort to others, so in time I identified more and more with my hobbies and only spoke to people over the years with similar interests to mine, not that I had other topics to talk about.

I wouldn't say that the reason for me losing interest in anime is because of mainstream-influence though, more likely that I consumed so much that everything is repeating itself. What I regret is not making a career out of my passion while those same trend-people that laughed at me years ago now sell bad fanart of shows, sell their bathwater, or put on an ahegao all alone for the camera, which wasn't the point of it in the first place, at least coming from the mangas I've read.

But maybe the problem isn't that there are no new ideas to explore, projects like games, anime, movies etc. get bigger and therefore more expensive to produce, mainstream-appeal means more need to play it save with sequels, already used plots and mechanics, political correctness etc.,

In that sense it would really be wise to start reading books again.


>trend-people that laughed at me years ago now sell bad fanart of shows, sell their bathwater, or put on an ahegao all alone for the camera

wait a minute don't only females do the last 2? why would you be jealous of that?


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Because that is only an example for what people like me would pay money for, and I just stumbled upon that stuff before, that said you can be sure that if my bathwater would sell well enough I would make money with it


>selling bathwater

It's mildly insane that formerly degenerate otaku buying habits have moved into the (sorta) mainstream.

Why is every part of every thing being monetised? Money seems to corrupt in ways I've never imagined.


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Time goes and groids get bored of things, but since they can't create something on their own, they just finding something that has been already done or created by others that is new to them. And this just repeats to more degenerate things. Question is, when it will stop. There's going to be a time, when they'll stick their nose into everything that hasn't been created by them and they'll be left on their own. I bet this is going to be a time, when they'll just cry and go like: "bohoo, everything is sad and melancholic and depressed".
I'm in despair! Western groids that leeching off from niche people has left me in despair!


>hasn't been created by them
I don't get this type of delusion. Anime is part of an industry made by normies. To top it all off he uses a Zetsubou-Sensei gif, probably without realizing the author behind that is married and has a kid. Fucking lol

>I'm in despair!

Yeah, because you're a little dense and have weird expectation of things.


you can't honestly compare one piece to dragonball. dragonball is manly compared to uno piece


Originally anime/manga was created by passionate people who were not groids. Now it's being capitalized by normies with few exceptions. So what if creator of Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei is a passionate normie as well? What matters is the content, that he made. With such mentality, I can mock you in the same way with you leeching off your normie parents or that you're working for normie manager.

>Yeah, because you're a little dense and have weird expectation of things.

I would like to hear your take on this subject then, if you know better that is.


>created by passionate people who were not groids.
Wrong. Easily verifiable, too. The undisputed father of anime, Osamu Tezuka, was also married and had children, hence a normie.
>What matters is the content, that he made
Of course. Your original premisse though is that anime is not made by normies, now that I called you out on this ridiculous delusion, you suddenly changed to "passionate normie" instead, so I guess it's all fixed here. Anime is made by normies, then and now.


(!wizard) != normie
Having a wife and children makes you not a wizard, but it does not make you a normie.


>Anime is part of an industry made by normies.

Maybe the part made for children (and non-degenerates).


Not him but I don't think it really matters per se, if it had been the other way round, the reaction would probably still be the same.


I rest my case. This is getting boring and pointless anyway


I have been proven wrong by your superior wisdom.


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haha yeah well the dude didn't know what either was, and I was comparing it to the original DB, not that it matters

maybe he got married after getting famous and into easy mode, but you could say that it was the other way around, those directors or producers aren't normal to them either after getting famous, and we don't know how they got into the industry at first, I doubt that many came because of a trend, so normal or not, they were passionate.
Even nowadays there isn't a lot of money to be made in animation for the people who actually do the work, so they need to be interested to a degree at least, which had to be mostly otakus at the beginning.


They're ruining hobbies, not improving them you fucking retard.


I always wonder if normalfags absorb everything that's popular without realizing what's in them.


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>IQ tests don't mean much, it's just pattern matching.
Pattern matching is a big part of intelligence, but it's a good thing that the IQ test measures a fuckload more; unless you went online and did one of those "IQ tests". You think that's the IQ test? You must be a bit retarded. A real IQ test requires a trained individual to administer it under proper conditions, and if it's not done properly it's not valid.

Do you really think that people are blank slates? There are requisite levels of intelligence to do many tasks. Have you ever been around truly stupid people? I doubt it; There's millions of people who literally can't sort items into boxes without supervision.
We can measure their intelligence with IQ, just like average and above average people, and it always correlates.
Where things get fucked up is people thinking intelligence is magic betterness. it's not. It's not creativity either, nor empathy, nor industriousness. People confuse certain personality traits with intelligence and then bitch that IQ doesn't measure it. It wasn't designed to, because that shit isn't part of intelligence.


I thought of a new name for us. Colourless Wizards.


It's strange, while it's impossible for geekdom to ever be as it once was , I don't think I would be able to go back to it if it ever did. And I can't put my finger on why that is. Maybe I've just "grown up"?


> A real IQ test requires a trained individual to administer it under proper conditions, and if it's not done properly it's not valid.

if the questions are the same style, does it really matter if you have an admin watching over you, and the right #2 pencils?


I just browse imageboards and think about suicide all day.


same and I am bored I refresh /all/ constantly.
any other boards faster but not 4chin?
god god


They stole everything.


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>But for the outcasts in this day and age it just get exposed as a fragile, fake, petty and vain substantiality (hence posts like "who cares about what normies are doing") because it is vulnerable by it's desire of exclusivity, it's like the final nail in the coffin for some people who could never fit in with others. But it may be a privilege to see the truth ? Maybe all these identities are bullshit and fake substantialities and less natural than we think especially if the final end of all of them is to make us consume useless shit.

im sorry, but how have more people not addressed this point? this is essentially the apex of this thread's discussion.

all nerds, especially those who are outcasts, have been hurt by the rape of the culture. discussion of the facts, how it's been raped, how it started, our lose of a sense of self, are all points we comprehend and have acknowledged already both inside this thread and most of us outside it as well. continuing to highlight them without moving the discussion forward is not productive.

what matters now is discussion of how we can have a sense of self in the wake of what has happened. i think the points brought up by this poster are essential to the discussion.

what is the validity of exclusivity and how does it/should it interface with our sense of identity and sense of self?

if it doesn't matter, then what does? and if it does matter, how do we go about reestablishing that exclusivity?

i would like to know how people here think these questions can be answered. personally, i think that a sense of self is founded on being unique. although the various elements that make up your sense of self are not unique, the particular combination of elements that make up your identity can be unique.

in and of itself, anime and videogames are just mediums of art. however, their lack of popularity in the past meant that enjoying any kind of content with in these mediums identified you as separate from the mainstream. as acceptance for these mediums has increased, simply enjoying them in any context no longer sets you apart. the simplest conclusion i can draw is that it is easiest to no longer define our identity as nerds or as outcasts by our participation in these mediums, but rather, by the unique content with in them (or other mediums for that matter) that we chose to consume and identify with.

tldr: enjoying the mediums of anime and videogames is accepted by the mainstream, and simply enjoying any content from them no longer gives you a unique identity. to rebuild unique identity we must find content within these mediums, and others, that are outside of the mainstream and can be used to reestablish a unique identity.


i would also appreciate imageboard recommendations


> to rebuild unique identity we must find content within these mediums, and others, that are outside of the mainstream and can be used to reestablish a unique identity.
That just pushes the problem a few years down the road for the sale process to happen again. If anything from that post you should’ve taken up the idea that these identities are all useless bullshit.


its true, this may only put off the issue instead of fixing it, but at least its something. the majority of this thread is devoted to commenting on the issue repeatedly without offering any suggestions for improvement. simplistic as the suggestion is, at least it is a suggestion for improvement rather than another complaint.

>If anything from that post you should’ve taken up the idea that these identities are all useless bullshit.

he suggests this is a possible conclusion you COULD draw, he didn't say it was his definitive view. i don't think all these identities are completely contrived and without meaning. for me, this comment is a tipping point. it sums up the situation and tries to draw a conclusion from it from which we can move forward instead of adding to the echo chamber. we need new insights and suggestions for how to better the situation. commenting further on "what is" is a waste of time.

bring something constructive to the table.


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I don't think "identities" should be thrown out, but that tying identity to simple actions or hobbies is a failure waiting to happen. Even negation of actions or hobbies does not function. If a "Chad" decides to be a virgin yet is otherwise a complete norm, is he now an outcast? A wizard walks and so does a norm, so walking is unwizardly? I think the truest account of the outcast is that he sees what society is, he can view what it is because he is not part of it in the same way as a norm. Thought is what shows who is worthy of this identity, not simple hobbies or basic actions. For instance he can look at things like politics and recognize that in reality all the circus is showing is a display of an oligarchy who controls public opinion. The conservative thinks himself as a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, and the progressive a temporarily embarrassed intellectual. Only those "on the outside" of society can see this sort of thing (or those who sit far above society). Although even this definition is rather faulty, much less so than one based on behavior. Still, I think this answer is closer to the truth.

One thought I've had is that those who do tie their identity to this outcast outlook seem to sometimes mistake it as pure contrarianism. Causing many an outcast to have sought things that lead them away from society - such as the previously unacceptable hobbies of anime/video games. Chad does x so I must do y, this is negation and again will simply fail. Far more importantly is that this is still stuck in the society views, society does x so I must do y. Ironically enough he has in fact tied his identify to society by rejecting it to this degree. Although in turn by rejecting this contrarianism it tends to open the door to those who think that doing things that conform to society can still be wizardly. Improvebrahs come in at this stage, never being able to explain how "improving" is wizardly in any sense and starting to degrade the identity of the outcast. I would rather the contrarian viewpoint be the leading viewpoint than the one who willingly looks to be part of society. If this "improve" philosophy took hold then surely this place is the same as the death of the outcast.

How is this for a description of the wizardly identity in the simplest form possible : A virgin over 30 whom places himself outside of society and it's cares. No one could disagree with such a thing I think.

The other alternative is that what has been suggested: to disregard all identities and naming of any groups of thought. Such that humans are all rather similar to each other and thus no groupings of any humans can be made. The obvious I should not even have to say, but that this is clearly just epistemological nihilism. Which if you believe such an extreme skeptic viewpoint then apply it to all of everything, instead of just this idea of groupings of humans. No groupings should be made of anything, for there are always exceptions and differences in such groupings. Do not even think of a drink or liquid as such, for there is always a state of half of such and you must admit that you are both saying something is similar and dissimilar. Which is nonsense, no? So disregard all knowledge or at least all knowledge of identifications of things.


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>bring something constructive to the table.

It's pretty hard to do something constructive when anything, including rebellion, can be and is swallowed up by the machine and then spat out for a tidy profit.

I think the reason why most of this thread is commentary on the situation rather than anything constructive is because it really is a post-mortem. In the back of everyone's minds here is that this small world we had is dead (and it was probably dead/dying for a while) and cannot be brought back, so all we can do is lament it's loss and analyse what happened, why it happened, whether it was inevitable etc.

You're right in the sense that we need to move on but I don't think we can extend/rebuild something that is dead.

What comes afterwards, whether it does or doesn't is another question, is going to come out of leftfield and be completely spontaneous. It's going to have to be this way because if you try to build something with intent subconsciously you're probably going to try and build the same thing (and fail) again.

Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't feel this way.


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>There's nothing we can do.

I've wondered many nights if this is hell.


That is his point fool the NEET neckbeards had to save their paycheck to buy figurines, while rich normies can just throw some pocket change at it and acquire just as many, if not more figures. So now normies can claim to be "better collectors" while not devoting any effort or interest in the hobby.


I want to get into reading but I find it so difficult to concentrate for longer than a page or two, I think I have a low IQ


>There has to be some point where the death of all subcultures leads to some "breaking point" right?
the breaking point is all of humanity being enslaved to corporations and governments who they think are their friends
the breaking point is to dumb consumers down and create a slave race who are obedient to corporations and the state

the point here is don't define your identity too much through your hobbies, particularly ones where you're just consuming shit that someone else created


I thought the corporations owned the state?

>the point here is don't define your identity too much through your hobbies, particularly ones where you're just consuming shit that someone else created

The thing is people who became wizards in the last, I don't know 10-15 years(?), had the label "geek" or "nerd" put on them. I know I had to accept that I was a geek when the term still meant something.

And I don't think the level of consumption or the way things are consumed nowadays is comparable to years back when geek was still uncool.

But I understand the point you're making.


I've heard 'crab' used unironically OUT LOUD by normalfags as in
>I've been crab for the last 3 weeks


I'm surprised there's not much discussion on what the post-subculture wizard is going to look like, or hell, what the post-subculture loser/outcast is going to look like?


Most of the fuckers here are zoomer faggots who'll leave this place after a couple of years.


its going to look the same because true loser outcasts were never part of the subcultures so they are also not afected by them going away or shifting


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How is it fair that they even stole our scraps?


Forgive me for interrupting your oh-so-mighty wizardly thoughts, but the quality of this site is way, waaaaaaaaaaay lower than it should be, so regardless of being a zoomer or not it isn't feasible to stay here long-term. I've pretty much given up on any sort of high-quality discourse on the internet, even with the gatekeeping this site has it's not good enough.


Most of this thread problems is persistence to stay contrarian


Also consider another possibility that you're just getting old


>Most of this thread problems is persistence to stay contrarian
What does that even mean?

Contrarian to what?


The internet used to be a place where you could escape from real life and now it's just an extension of real life.


This is really the biggest thing about modern vs old internet.


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Man I remember when I was little and I heard the internet was going to bring the world closer but it really went the other way around.
It seems the only viable option is to hoard all media you are interested in while you are able to.


>It seems the only viable option is to hoard all media you are interested in while you are able to.
>It seems the only viable option is to hoard all media you are interested in while you are able to.
Not sure I follow. I'd only hoard it if was the only copy in existence and destroy so the normies couldn't get their hands on it.


>What's it like to be a wizard without any hobbies or interests? (Or at least interests and hobbies that USED to be associated with wizards?)
>I've been slowly shedding my old hobbies and interests as they became mainstream (even degenerate otaku porn fetishes have this slowly increasing normalcy) and now I'm down to a couple things I still enjoy a little.
the biggest mistake you can make in life is giving a fuck what other people think of your interests and hobbies, especially as a wizard. they dont care about us anyway who cares what they think. and you know wizards sell each other out for a nickel so who cares what they think too


I think this situation is different from a "you do you" type of situation. If it was like before when people looked down upon this shit then yeah, your advice is right but now when normalfags are proudly proclaiming what was once yours is now theirs and how they've shoved their noses into every avenue, I think it's time to look somewhere else.

I hope what they've stolen consumes them. And it sorta looks like it is.



>I hope what they've stolen consumes them. And it sorta looks like it is.

Looking at the degenerate porn side of things, it seems like *something* is being fucked up. There are certain things and fetishes that are popular now that seem insane to me, especially since some of those specific fetishes were dreamed up by sexless otakus trying to figure out how sex works based on hearsay or just straight-up fantasy, usually degenerate, scenarios. So many people seem to have an onlyfans account that it's worrying me as wizard, like how do I have such wide selection of porn from "mainstream" insta-hos with an onlyfans account? Shit that used to only exist on JAV or fanfic hentai, that used to take a while to find in the old days on torrents with low seeds.

Like what is happening?


>What's it like to be a wizard without any hobbies or interests?
I struggle to keep afloat I used to be passionate about hobbies and I am simply unable to enjoy anything anymore even anime is a real struggle to watch so I rarely bother these days.
It is tough you are preoccupied thinking if you should kill yourself.

Does music count as a hobby? as in listening to music and occasionally discussing it online or looking for new music to enjoy?


What do you mean Wiz? Things like feet, incest or cuckoldry being on the homepage of popular porn sites?
It's not really that surprising after knowing how the post-social media internet works.
Following the example of the social media the owners of these sites have hired social engineers who specialize in the creation of trends to compile data on the subject which makes certain kind of content getting pushed and exposed more to the general population of users, this causes a good number of people who really weren't into something suddenly start to like this new kind of porn they weren't even aware it existed and consume even more, this doesn't end there since the new trend generates new data that is used for pushing more content.
Repeating this process for a decade or so is what leads to fetishes that were previously taboo or niche to be known widely by public. Im looking forward to see things like guro, watersports or scat being openly talked about by normies.


>Does music count as a hobby? as in listening to music and occasionally discussing it online or looking for new music to enjoy?
It's hobby by pretty much every stretch of the word. Just most people only very casually enjoy it.


Not him but that sounds a lot like "the evil ones are trying to corrupt people".

The answer is simpler than that. Normies are band-waggoners and money beckons people.

A lot of the /d/ fetish stuff was popular *inside* those circles and some of them were willing to pay good money for it. Remember before when geek/nerd/digital artists used to have a side gig as nsfw artists underneath different names because degenerate whales kept them afloat financially? This wasn't a huge problem back when geek was still unpopular because shame (from various directions including self-shame) used to keep everybody in check.

When geek became mainstream all the vultures started looking to exploit every avenue of revenue and normies, being the fucking lemmings that they are, hopped on popular trends, trends that may have not understood or were disgusted by but still hopped on them.


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I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm in the mindset of seeing everything as a pointless distraction. Nothing really entertains me anymore and I don't have any hobbies.

My life consists of sitting at my computer and contemplating life, how everything is so pointless, and I constantly worry about the future and how nothing is ever certain.

Whenever I wake up, it's always in a panic, confusion and despair, then I pace around my room until I get the courage to go back to bed

I'm trapped in this hell for eternity, as suicide won't fix the problem of life (I feel that life is infinite), so my only option is to live this life, until I die or until the singularity brings about human salvation.

I have no control.



The tech-nerd heaven. I really doubt that is even remotely possible.


It feels like we're trapped.


Looks like the time has come for you to start wall gazing and leave this world behind.


It's almost amazing how the cool kids are never satisfied with having enough.




Watch this whole series. I hope you too will have an awakening as I did, and that the Next Level will guide you to make the right decisions.


…the suicide cult?


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Please have more discipline during your wall gazing and sit straight.


Or maybe he just needs to get himself together and charge at the world and life with full strength. Maybe he needs to embrace life instead of running away from it.


I agree. He needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps, stop whining and get a job.


>Still posts with anime pictures
I think that other anon way up there is right and the new wizards are going to be mistaken for "improvebrahs".


>I predict that animal dildos will become normal
I'm sorry to say, but if you're talking about Bad Dragon, this has already happened a long time ago, feels like at least 5 years by now.


How long before people actually start fucking dogs?


Bestiality has kinda been a thing for a long time dude.



I mean as a normalfag, I'm vaguely sure that most people still find it disgusting but I'm very sure once a well-known celeb openly screws a pooch that people will start fucking to get those clicks and views.


That's one of those weird technicality things.


I cant escape from real life every cope is shit and full normies they truly ruin everything they touch


>the difficulty required to even boot up a game used to gate keep so many people away
Making everything idiot-proof was a bad way to go.


Has any (actual) wizard moved onto anything else?


>having hobbies

The only hobbie normalfags have nowadays is to look at their cellphone screen like zombies, posting about the latest viral bs on twitter or watching youtube videos.

I used to read mangas back when it was considered super nerdy and most normalfags would look down on it, now it's so fucking mainstream that you see zoomers with anime t-shirts all the time. Video games have also become too fucking mainstream, all the stuff I used to love and gave me a sense of belonging has been absorbed by the normalcattle collective. Now it's a bit too late for me to really get into something new.


currently zero. I used to raise and care for ant colonies but my mental health got so bad i started forgetting to feed them and eventually they all died.


This is what seems to be the case across the thread.
It's dead, whatever it is.
>if it doesn't matter, then what does? and if it does matter, how do we go about reestablishing that exclusivity?
The only way to reclaim exclusivity is to immerse yourself into worlds.

To shed away the rot requires more effort. [Insiders] mourn the plague of [outsiders] because they make it increasingly difficult to justify how immersed [insiders] are. Immersion allows one to build outward instead of drown in what-is. It allows one to enjoy time passing.
I.e. instead of enjoying whatever it is, people use that "it" to further their own games of social-credit, uniqueness, profits (>>228955), etc. The only way to be at the fringe is to (>>234464) revive language, which is what the Internet destroyed. Basic language.

How do you revive language? Build a wall thick enough where someone cannot just insert (>>234044) themselves into the new domain. Requires some form of expertise or fervent autism.

Like anime? Learn japanese, and now you're further away.
Like videogames? Dive into older ones and do ROM hacks or whatever else.

Either erect a wall of autism so high that it only filters the elect or forgo the, now labeled dilettante, pastimes. That is, if it bothers you too much and you don't have the energy.
Because it does not matter what your identity is, it is only important to remember how little we all know anyway, and go from there. This comes in the form of being ready to die, or ready to live - to be at the footstool of whoever rules us and wait for execution but to at least free our minds. I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees, etc.

It cannot be emphasized enough the extent of astroturfing, pyscho-warfare there is on the internet and how we're all in our own bubbles concocted by design for profits or for something more sinister. This is the matrix, seize your way out of it. Don't give up…


I understand your point; yes, there does seem to be a certain level of futility in trying to define ourselves when things are so constantly and easily co-opted/appropriated/exploited.

But I think this this kind of circular logic is defeatist and basically rationalizes away the need to make any effort to define one's self, establish any interests, or build a community. It seems like a lot of the counterargument in this thread just stems from laziness, "it's dead, so why bother?"

The fact that this thread is still getting replies a year on is evidence people care and feel that at least to extent maintaining our sense of self through our interests is worthwhile.

Compared to the majority of the discussion, this is a pretty fucking comprehensive post.

>Build a wall thick enough where someone cannot just insert (>>234044) themselves into the new domain. Requires some form of expertise or fervent autism.

This offers a legitimate answer to the question I asked how do we go about reestablishing that exclusivity? when I posted >>232212

>Because it does not matter what your identity is, it is only important to remember how little we all know anyway, and go from there.

A potential end to this entire thread. Is trying to distance ourselves from normalfags a meaningless act of vanity derived from a false need to define ourselves by being the "other"? I bounce back and fourth on this point, sometimes feeling the need to define myself through uniqueness, at other times, being content with allowing my identity to generate itself organically from me pursuing my interests without constantly juxtaposing myself to the mainstream. This is something I really struggle with in a way that extends way past the discussion in this thread.


Is anime today, especially on Netflix, now more than before uncut and unfiltered and no longer re-contexualised?

I've barely seen anything new since the 00s but the impression I'm getting is that Netflix and other streaming services are digging deep for as much anime content as possible regardless if anime is for degenerate otakus.


*regardless if the anime in question is for degenerate otakus


>Is trying to distance ourselves from normalfags a meaningless act of vanity derived from a false need to define ourselves by being the "other"?
It's not really about distancing yourself from the normalfags though is it? At least it's not for me, that sounds like an exhaustive waste of your own energy to spite the normalfags. I'm sure many of us were perma-marked as "other" from the get-go, so our interest in sci-fi and fantasy weren't attempts at trying to differentiate ourselves from the normalfags, we just liked it and it was only partially the reason we were tagged as "other"; geek being uncool at the time gave us our own space. Having our own space meant we could build communities, fandoms, projects, trade etc on stuff we liked. Our small corner of the earth.

The issue isn't differentiating ourselves from the mainstream, it's the fact that the mainstream laid claim to everything we had.

>Build a wall thick enough where someone cannot just insert (>>234044) themselves into the new domain. Requires some form of expertise or fervent autism.

You can do that, of course you can but like someone said earlier that it just kicks the problem (only a little) further down the road. Normalfags these days, thanks to tech and money-hungry demons (or "content" creators), have the cultural equivalent of seigetowers to scale any level of autism that comes their way. Their claim of geekdom goes right down into the dna of the subcultures, and they've made themselves the God Kings of the subcultures who cannot be questioned.

I also think that getting deeper into your hobbies purely to spite normalfags is a surefire way to get you to hate you're own hobbies.

>It seems like a lot of the counterargument in this thread just stems from laziness, "it's dead, so why bother?"

It's not laziness I think, it's having built (or being part of) something that took decades of your life and having it stolen by essentially the same bullies who shat on your hobbies, tends to kill motivation because it can happen again and much faster this round.

>A potential end to this entire thread.

There'll be one more thread I think, cos I'm interested in what comes after if anything at all.


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Over the past couple of months, I believe this thread had more influence over my way of thinking than I'd like to admit.
Because of that, I think I would like to address the thing I've been hung up on: Why is the inventory empty?

I was always so sheepish and unaware of myself most of my life, and so despite things coming naturally, I never really attached myself to anything.
So you could say my inventory has been empty for a long time.
To hold things and then let it slip through your fingers since you never had the interest nor strength to hold onto it.

The way people invest so heavily into things seems so damn depressing at times, which is why I would always settle. To instead be a spectator.
Because it seemed funny, for example, to have pride about these things. What was there to be prideful about? Why? It seemed most people had a point of pride by appealing to some hierarchy, or something to that effect. Someone in their life. To be the expert among peons, to be the favorite - no, this never was appealing, to me.

So I realized the kicker: It seems anyone WITH something in their inventory only has it there because someone else /placed/ it in them.
And they heavily guard it in fears of losing the only thing that staves away that internal assault of useless self-hatred. Their identity and preservation of good self-assessment rests on the activities they hold onto. Although it comes bundled with a bunch of other negative feelings, being at the whims of other people, the brutality of glory, etc.
Yet they carry on to impress family, friends, anyone other than one's self. Maybe impress an abstract larger hierarchy.

To those that dropped their hobbies in this thread, I think it is because you had nothing to prove and no bars to rise up to. And it's comfortable to not try. And passively gorging on all sorts of media has no real applicable nature to it, beyond sedation. The years go by quick, and then, for me, bouts of dread and frustration bubble up every month. So, the only reason you still have an empty inventory is because you live in a daze by which you ignore the boils of self-disgust, with how you live. But you don't know any other way of life.

So, with this, I realized that many here are cursed and blessed. There is a freedom to choose what you want to do, right now.
You may have been neglected, ignored, considered useless even to yourself, but that means nothing now. It's over.
YOU set the bars. You have to set them. In this manner, you're free from the first-order of filled-inventories.
In the end, you just have to live with conviction, to be proud of yourself. Sincerely. Don't cut corners. Don't lower the bar. Don't excuse yourself.
What do you not like, how can you live proudly? How can the self-hatred go away? It seems I've abandoned this entirely, or never had it, because I was always left to my own devices, and I did well enough to get along and go with the flow. Meeting lukewarm expectations slowly kills you inside though. Eventually I never searched for any external validation from other people. But I had no internal validation either.

With that, I want to clarify something important, with this blessing you have: hold onto it, the knowledge that it's only a battle against yourself. Don't fall down into the first-order filled-inventories. No one else is watching, there are no leader boards or anything, and you don't want them either. As soon as you get caught up in such things, you hold onto items for the /wrong/ reason. You begin to hold onto things because other's value them, not yourself. And you are at the whims of many brutal people, ways of life, I would say it may even be a darker reality at times than having an empty inventory. Just black and white nothingness. Horrible. Glory is.

Either way, to have an empty inventory means that no one ever gave you anything growing up, but it doesn't mean you can no longer pick things up. The difficulty is knowing what to pick up of course, but you have the freedom at least to figure that out.
And you'll figure that out only by confronting, seriously for once, the things you hate about yourself. You must seriously confront the fact that, if you continue as you are, you will continue to feel the pain of shame, guilt, aimlessness, disgust.

I advised to build a wall of autism in this thread, but I haven't really started it myself, and that's because I missed the whole reason one would want to do such a thing in the first place.
You don't even have to build a wall. No one is coming. They only come if you pay attention to them. Enjoy the fact that you have no lingering childhood need to impress other people. I hope most people can ignore others here.
It's such a trite answer, but, if the empty inventory bothers you, which it naturally will as we're all plagued and yet blessed with time, just ask yourself, well, what would I like to see myself do for once? How can I hold my head up? How can I justify my sense of elitism? And there's nothing more that needs to be asked, there's no one else you need to peak at. Just compare who you were yesterday.

So, in my case, I just want to meet some expectations of mine. Any of them. To just reach for a new bar. To find something that I am invested in heavily and requires effort. The lack of expectations is killing me. No one wants anything from me and this messes me up, but then it's a blessing because now I can source it internally. You must if you want a more serene existence. So, likely learning a language. This made me happy, when I once had it and then lost it because I lost myself to sedation again. No more cutting corners though. The pain sucks. Sedation doesn't work anymore. Maybe this goal you set of yours leaks into other aspects of life, and next thing you know you'll have your items that stave away the self-hatred. Time will pass nicely.

As for why the self-hatred is there, it's because it seems like life always goes in the wrong direction. And ultimately, deep down, it feels like one's own fault. It is easy to blame the circumstances too: why couldn't anyone just hand me something to be interested in, or why didn't I chase affection of others enough to find the my items that I'll begrudgingly hold? Being a first-order seems horrible, but maybe it would've been better than an empty inventory I think. Maybe you could transform into second-order filled-inventory after going through the first-order.
Nevertheless, deep down I felt my frustration is all of my fault, that reality doesn't line up to how I want to live. And the sedatives last so long that this happens only in spurts with no solution.

But today I am happy to share my trite realization. This clarity, no matter how trite it appears, feels necessary to write down here, for whatever reason. Maybe because it unfurled from here. Maybe I hope that this would be a new page, as life has been so grey and listless and aimless.

I wish you all luck.


I don't plan necessarily to come back, I just wanted to scratch an itch by tying up loose ends here.
It's been a dead thread for awhile. And there's nothing more to discuss, I don't think.
It is strange being so disconnected from the hivemind, sometimes it is painful, but I hope it goes away eventually


> mod is a literal gay pedo
so what?


everything will be okay.


And go where?


Why not post this on the End of the Wizards III thread? It is probably the last thread of this particular topic unless there's some new "happening" or event that changed everything.


I'm sure half the people who posted in these series of threads don't use wizchan for anything more than a handful of threads they're following. Wizchan is one of the places still (barely) standing for better or worse.

One of the mods is a degenerate? I'm not surprised but what are you gonna do? Just get your affairs together and walk into the horizon.

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