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 No.234909[Last 50 Posts]

The type of people who complain about having to work for low wages and long hours to pay for dogshit food and rent rat infested apartments are the same type of people that would be be first to get enslaved in the medieval era. The average person only needs to feed clothe and shelter themselves and if they're too stupid to address those priorities first so they can have a blanket of security if money gets dire then it's no surprise as to why millennials and zoomers advocate for communism while actual employers view their staff as low iq disposable shitheads that literally couldn't feed themselves without needing their precious salaries every week to month while people who live independently in developing nations could use that money far more usefully towards aiding those around them, hate paying for food then grow your own, hate paying every month for an apartment go buy a small patch of land and build shelter or fuck just buy a trailer, hate buying clothes then repurpose old clothes or ffs make your own. My god I despise poor people.


Why is this on dep? OP is clearly a young and naive, blissfully sheltered guy with dad footing all the bills and not a clue how the world is out there. That as far from dep as any wiz can get.


tl;dr: everything dumb. return to monke


Not having a job is actually way more depressing because it means you can't even function as a part of society. I'm one of these people.


Go get a job then, and then find out you're the "weird guy" that no one likes, and you'll be just as depressed as before but have to spend the majority of your time doing something you hate around people you hate instead of doing whatever you want alone.


Go back to r9k, worm.


As someone who’s had a job before I disagree. >>234917 this guy is correct. You feel even worse because you go out in public but it feels like a tv show on mute. I’d rather sit in my room and read or shitpost than have a job. Society is a horror


> hate paying every month for an apartment go buy a small patch of land and build shelter
I am fairly certain that anywhere but the turd world it is very pricey to buy land and build a home. OP are you rich from hard work or something you come off as if you made it and hate poor people but I have aways been poor and I am a NEET so what gives.


Not only is it very costly to buy land (especially land with potential to grow food and with woods for heat/building) and build something on it, but imagine how much moreso it would be if all the masses of poor took this advice and attempted it at same time, skyrocketing demand. The whole point of wage-slavery is to deny the masses the possibility of self-sufficiency so they're forced to wage-slave to live. If it were easy to escape it wouldn't work.


OP is trying to start a economic and political discussion something that always leads to divisiveness in the comment section. In either case, you are correct, this ain't the correct forum for it.


1 acre of land in america is $3000, the average person needs 1.16 acres of land to survive or even less ultimately meaning one can have nearly 4000m of space for less than what a minimum wage provides annually or a car. STFU


Sorry 5-10 or less depending on how you use it


I work at a warehouse. please take my job. I need to leave for work in a few hours, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuickfkfck


>just grow your own food
>just build your own house
>just sew your own clothes
Are you stupid or something? Life isn't like some MMO, you don't 'just' do any of these things, because they take skills to do. You work a job which is related to your most proficient skill so that you can make money to buy products from people with other skills in areas you don't have. Like from people who know how to raise animals and grow crops, or from people who know how to sew and manufacture clothes that won't make you look like a raggy hobo. You will never be able to just do literally everything.


It's ok, you'll grow up one day zoomerwiz


wageslaves are fucking despicable. if you do what you are told to do at any point in your life you are doing it wrong. playing by the rules is how you end up as another cog in the machine, it is how you allow yourself to be used. it always cracks me up seeing dumb college kids majoring in STEM seething at losing their job to pajeet when they were told if they did STEM theyre guaranteed a 6 figuere starting job, or the single moms that majored in interpretive dancing or art history because they were told to go to college and now work as a barista and are 200k in debt.

as for me, i live in all inclusive low income commieblocks and havent gone outside in months. i am completly free, a master of myself. nobody has any control or sway over me. if i want to do something i do it, and nobody can tell me not to. im not just another cog in the machine. get fucked wagies


Fuck you all wizzies, you say that you hate wgeslaves as if we had a choice, trust me when I say that no one works because they want, we work because we have no other choice, not everyone is lucky enough to have daddy government pay for your shit, if I don't work I either starve or end up on the streets, that's it, working is still better than those.

The rules say that you can' attack the NEET lifestyle, but fuck you, I don't hate you because you're NEET's I hate you because while being in a priveleged position that not everyone can achieve you still go out of your way to attack people like me.

You kids wouldn't survive 2 months without your NEETbux, and since you don't have any skills to make money you would probably end up roping.


We were all a bit cringe when we were young but OP


wagecrabs think they are taking the easy way out but they wouldn't last a year neeting


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you aren't wrong, your post probably gonna be removed but i don't hate neets but they should chill with hating on wagecucks, theres lives are miserable enough and don't have the privilege of using government money


wagecucks that do it out of necessity are that which is neither good nor bad, but ONLY if it is out of pure necessity. wagecucks that do it because they like it or do it so they can have some cash to blow on anything other than crippling addictions are fucking cringe and honestly just plain stupid


>The type of people who complain about having to work for low wages and long hours to pay for dogshit food and rent rat infested apartments are the same type of people that would be be first to get enslaved in the medieval era.
Tell us how NEETs fared then


NEETs were the only ones that escaped the rat race because they didnt do as they were told. wagies were too scared to go off on their own because their feudal lords and the clergy kept them on such a tight psychological leash they preferred actual slavery to freedom, while NEET chads were doing things like being hermits or colonising the new world


Ok, now answer my question: how did NEETs (and similar) fare in the middle ages?


Colonizing involves a variety of vocations how is it neet at all?


They were paid to work, so colonizers weren't NEETs


How did hermits survive? The welfare system was worse in the middle ages than it is now


there wasn't joint stock corporations or a capitalist system in the middle ages where guys were educated to be gainfully employed in a specialized career. i mean there were the guilds and trade and shit but the average people were serfs and the labor system blurred the lines of what can be considered employed. there wasn't a welfare system and no computers in air conditioned rooms so unless you came from a rich family, you needed to have some outdoors skills for sustenance, if you think that makes you self employed then the only NEETS then would be from rich families so to answer the question NEETS back then were well off.

and not all colonists were paid, early colonisation was very decentralized. there were lots of soldiers of fortune who werent on the payroll but joined expeditions for the spoils which again is debatable whether those agents can really be considered employed


So they still had to work to stay alive, correct? Even if it's "just" sustenance farming/ housework/etc


>your kids
do you know where the fuck you are anon?


>You kids wouldn't survive 2 months without your NEETbux, and since you don't have any skills to make money you would probably end up roping.
I ain't denying it, guess some minimum wage worker is gonna have to clean up my corpse from your taxes. What are you gonna do about it wagecuck?


You kids as in "you all" lrn2read.


Man it's so obvious from this thread that this site is now full of the same dumbass normalfags as 4chan. Fuck the mods.


Go back to r/foreveralone


Thanks for admitting that you browse 4tards, I guess


Lol that this fucking thread is still up


Everyone who has posted on any english speaking imageboard has been to 4chan before. It was the progenitor of a vast majority of these imageboards (most of which I doubt you know of) of fucking course I've posted on 4chan. I haven't in a good several years, and the last time was some /jp/ translation thread.


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neets taught wagies how to not be slaves in middle ages


>complains about NEETs on a board that caters to virgins and social outcasts
Go back to reddit where you belong


yes youd have to work to sustain yourself but i would argue it is not the same as the "employment" used in the NEET definition, which was coined in a capitalist world, because there is no wage labor and you are not creating value for anyone. in contrast, people typically defined as "self employed" usually run a business, do freelance work in service of others, and so on.


Fuck you I've been here probably more than time you, also virgins and social outcasts is not the same as NEET's you retard.

It's amazing how some people say that "being a wizard is not the same as being a loser lol" when trying to improvebruh and later they suddenly that wizchan is a site for virgins and social outcasts when it fits their retarded argument.


The only people in my area that advocate communism are rich kids that go to one of the multiple universities here who've never suffered or worked a hard day in their life.

All the really poor people espouse libertarianism, anarchism, national socialism, or fascism. The anarchist ones come in two flavors: just want everything to burn down because they can only see opportunities for themselves in a mad max style world that has destroyed the previous power structures so they go around vandalizing and accelerating everything OR the other variety is just the type that doesn't care about anything and just likes to fuck everything up for fun. The libertarians come in three varieties; the ones that want libertarianism because they can make a big profit under that system, the ones that are closet national socialists and want admire founding fathers, and the degenerates that want to be able to do various vices without government getting involved (drugs, loli, whatever). The national socialists and fascists I won't bother to explain, they just are reacting to the constant degeneracy and racial replacement being forced on them.


It's funny that not a single person who has experienced communism first hand advocates for it. Except maybe the leaders that get filthy rich.


You are talking as if building a house is the same as minecraft.. Some blocks of dirt and voilà!
That's too unrealistic


>if all the masses of poor took this advice and attempted it at same time, skyrocketing demand. The whole point of wage-slavery is to deny the masses the possibility of self-sufficiency so they're forced to wage-slave to live.
Your whole point here is incredibly accurate


Idiots talking about self sufficiency while wanting to enjoy the convenience provided by other people.


Where the fuck did all these retards came from?


no idea, it's the same kind of low-tier bait you'd see on any day of the week, at any time of the day on r9k.



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>It's amazing how some people say that "being a wizard is not the same as being a loser lol" when trying to improvebruh and later they suddenly that wizchan is a site for virgins and social outcasts when it fits their retarded argument.
Those are almost certainly different people you dumbass.


bruh 😲


wageslavery is the ultimate cuckoldry. like i cant imagine waking up at 6 in the morning, driving an hour to your job and an hour back, working your ass off, and coping with the anxieties and insecurities of a constantly changing capitalist machine just so schlomo shekelstein can make some money. i mean think about it for a second. you go through all that just so somebody else can make money. if that isnt cuckoldry i dont know what is.



>Person from a privileged position shits on the unprivileged for their circumstances and goes as far to recommend some shit that is pretty likely they wouldn't try themselves.
OP if you ever feel mad at normals please remember you just exhibited the same behavior with this thread.


That assumes the volcel neet isn't the one privledged compared to the normie sexhaver


You do realize that many people either wageslave or end up on the streets? Priviledged scum.


they deserve it for being assholes to their parents
imagine being such a crab that your own parents had to kick you out


honestly poor people and wageslaves deserve it. im a secular humanist and i believe people that are successful had to work hard to get where they are, and apply their energies in intelligent and creative ways. especially in the year 2021 if you are a wageslave and youve been working hard and you aren't rich, you are a retard. there are so many opportunities to succeed in todays world if you are willing and able to adapt to change and can be assertive. i am a NEET but my dad is pretty wealthy and he works with a guy that literally refuses to talk face to face with anyone and has a secretary succubus talk for him. that is literally the most wizardly thing ever. and people put up with it because he is good at what he does.


Wizchan twenty twenty one



You’re completely retarded


why? do you not believe in secular humanism or something?


I have no sympathy for the wage slave. They are at least accepted by society due to the fact that someone was willing to hire them instead of getting laughed at or told to go back to their mom's basement.
It amuses me when they post here, like they even belong here at all. Plus if you work then you're much more likely to have defiled yourself with a succubus at some point.


As someone who has had a job, I disagree completely. In my opinion, the correct way to build yourself is to build a portfolio, and then work and not work intermittently. It's something I'll be trying to do whenever I'm done with uni, but I'm not sure I'll be able to in this day and age because of how few jobs there are.


>like they even belong here at all
So only kids with rich daddies like >>235131 are allowed to post here?


Is the same person making all these posts or has the site really gotten this bad?


I know it sucks Anon and I'm all for beating the system and being a NEET. But not everybody has the ability to do so. I recommend since you know now to find a way to be a NEET 24/7. Just try to figure out something long term so you won't have to worry about being a wageslave in the future.


I disagree having no job is great at least for me. I just wish I had money and could stay home 24/7 I love the NEET lifestyle and talking to people online and posting on image boards and playing Doom brings me happiness. I wish you the best luck


I wageslave to be able to consume. Enjoyed it more than neeting, gets me out of the house. But it's only a marginal improvement, really.


How do you get by?


my bad anon, I read it as "your kids" instead of "you kids"


Poor people deserve to be poor because they weren't lucky enough to be born from the golden vagina.
What a fucking retard.


Serfs had to give away most of their profits to their lord, they were practically slaves in a more direct way than wagies. Though, even though they lived in filth and had to work more than the average wageslave for less, they had fresh organic food and tight knit actual communities instead of alienated commieblock anonymity.


>it's another "crab reveals himself as a failed normalfag crab" episode
You wish you were "accepted by society" but then look down on people who might have the ability to lose their virginity, while implying that it's impossible to be voluntarily celibate. This is not wizardly at all. My rejection of society and succubi is a choice, you're just a crab by circumstance.


Your seething is fucking annoying. Go back to 4cuck to vent your resentment you stupid groid


Ah yes, it should go back to the Place of 1000 Wagie Hate Threads


Not all wageslaves are wageslaves by choice. You think I WANT to get up at 5:45 every day? You think I don't want to be at home drunk watching anime or building my models? Well, not everyone has a super family who will support them. Not everyone was born into a happy rich family, I spent a month homeless and this is better than that.
> hate paying for food then grow your own, hate paying every month for an apartment go buy a small patch of land and build shelter or fuck just buy a trailer, hate buying clothes then repurpose old clothes or ffs make your own
A patch of land big enough to grow food on will cost more than I'm able to save in 20 years. This is your mind on being born into a rich family. Growing food isn't as easy as you think, I have a small garden with some veggies but to grow enough to live on I would need a whole lot more ground. This is a bait post but still, fuck you. Build shelter? And get thrown out when the government finds it or stabbed to death by a hobo? How will you charge your phone there?
You're either a wizkid or have a family supporting you. Not that you'd understand this, you have your idea of farming for food from fucking minecraft.


I NEETed a year before finally going back to work. NEETing isn't fun without passive income.


>idea of farming from minecraft
This made me laugh because it’s so accurate. I grew up on a farm and it’s way more involved than just planting some crops in a random patch of land. It’s also less consistent than you would think. The idea that you could survive with a “farm” of one acre of random land in the middle of nowhere is straight out of a video game. Not to mention even if you did somehow have a larger plot of land and the proper equipment to farm you would need to turn over a profit to pay property taxes. I assume OP is just trolling though, unless he is actually underaged.


Fuck off if you dislike us being odd and dare I say "nerdy" let him enoy what he wants.


Where the fuck do you think you are? Personally I am into neither, but those are the most typical possible hobbies for wiz types. Screw off.


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>dislike us being odd and dare I say "nerdy" let him enoy what he wants.

Anime and model building isn't nerdy, it's just dumb and a waste of time. Plenty of normalfaggots do it.

>Where the fuck do you think you are? Personally I am into neither, but those are the most typical possible hobbies for wiz types. Screw off.

Anime nor model building aren't typical wizurd hobbies.


Well there you go guys, you unleashed the retard. And all you had to do was to ignore it.


Anime is the most normalfag thing ever, sure. The japanese are obssessed with sex, little succubi, and an idealized version of friendship that's like magic. There exists good anime that isn't dumb though


>Where the fuck do you think you are?
He's what the end of the wizard threads predicted, normalfags coming to claim wizardry.


or just some nigger who blew in from the kiwi farms trying to epically troll you.


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This is actually hilarious because I'm probably more of a truwiz™ than almost everyone here.


>Anime and model building isn't nerdy, it's just dumb and a waste of time
You're on wizchan.org and complaining about people wasting their time.
>plenty of normalfags do it
Anime sure, it's a way to kill time and I rewatch the same old series. What's next, you're gonna start complaining that there are virgins on this board?
>complains about people wasting their time
>calls others' hobbies a waste of time while arguing and starting fights on a forum for 30 year old virgins.
Yeah totally, real truewiz right here. The fact that this obvious bait thread is still up speaks to the absolute state of wizchan


Your posts are stupid but that video is the funniest thing posted here in ages. What is the source video?


Yeah, and these wageslaves are the normiest of them all. You need to literally have friends and be social to get a job. That's unwizardly.


>You need to literally have friends and be social to get a job
No you don't


Yes, you do. You can't just walk off the street and get a job somewhere without having social connections first. I'm actually glad this thread exists. It exposes the normalfags that lurk among us. We need to shun them from our space and send them back to 4cancer.


You can just walk up to a place and ask to get hired you know maybe not walmart but smaller places still do the boomer handshake stuff which actually is good advice.

You can just apply for jobs online you doofus do you think everyone who gets a job using online applications personally knows whoever the fuck hires them? what a delusional world you live in and just so you know I am much more of a loser than you the very fact you even need to work shows you are not on disability money for being a super wizzie unless you are turd wordler in which case sorry.


Actually I do get neetbux for being autistic, but I was trying to prove a point. If you really believe that the job market is nothing more than a game of charisma and other blatant normalfaggotry, then you're wrong. Shaking other people's hands is an example of this. It's a normalfag thing to do. Nobody will hire an autistic wizard like me, and it's the truth. It makes me more of a wizard than 99% of the posters here, including you.


Of course it is a game a social game I never denied that but you made it sound like you HAD to know people to get a job.


I've working for over a year for people that don't even know my face, they just send me stuff and I do it. You just sound like a moron who tried to get a job, failed and now pretend you didn't because you're so wizardly


You are a retard


Being a NEET is god-tier and anyone who has been for any anount of time worth a damn knows that we need to support our wageslave bros out there. Shit's hard out there man, we all need a release valve. This thread shoulda been deleted kek. Sage for low quality post


Report it for rule 5 and 4. He is showing contempt for our wagies wizards.




good post zoomer very informative hahaha kill yourself retard


The fact that this thread is still up almost 2 months later is an encapsulation of wizchan 2021. It is such obvious bait
>hate paying for food then grow your own
In the city? On my balcony I can grow only minor things like garlic and spices and 1 bag of potatoes which hardly goes enough to live of.
>hate paying every month for an apartment go buy a small patch of land and build shelter or fuck just buy a trailer.
Any piece of land big enough to live off completely, as there are no jobs in the countryside, costs more than I can afford to save up in many many years. Also you need to pay property taxes so you still need a job to pay for those massive fucking taxes each year.
>hate buying clothes then repurpose old clothes
Only sound advice and I think literally everyone whos not a richfag here does that already without even thinking about it.
I know he does not actually think these things but some people hold similar beliefs so I still wrote it out, really I'm just mad at the state of the chan where this sort of thing almost seems like it could fit in. In case he responds surely it will only be an insult, mark my words.

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