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My life sucks ass in a degree that I am sure exceeds infinitude. I am in a panera bread in the middle of a snow storm in Boise, Idaho. This is a quasi-help request. I do not fit in at all as a homeless man and I am scaring myself and others. I do not use drugs or alcohol because those are pretty much immediate "GO TO JAIL" cards analogously. I am trying to go to school and I fear that I am going to be arrested any day for being homeless here as it is a low-crime and low-homeless area. Wizards, please make me feel better. Please, tell me that your life sucks more than mine.


My family also wants nothing to do with me and are unforgiving normalfaggots, so no assistance there.




I think there is nothing worse than being homeless. It's the most degrading and traumatizing experience that a human being could have. Well, actually, being in prison with a bunch of criminals who want to rape you probably does sound worse…
Pretty soon, most people in America will be homeless, but hey the stock market is reaching all time highs, so who cares?


But dude… I watched a video yesterday of a guy getting set on fire and hit with machetes. Please call me a little bitch. Please excuse yourself from being a compassionate human because I look aggressive due to prolonged fear instinct. Bro… your inadvertent sympathy is fucking retarded.


I literally spend a good portion of my day getting stunted and flexed on by normies that think life is like a movie. I wonder how they feel? They think they're better than a suffering and lonely homeless man lmao


When I think of family, I smell a ripe barbeque. I hate those people more than you know. It is a day fantasy where I can eliminate them.


If it's of any solace to you, just know that I will personally make sure these normans live on after death so they can feel the rotting flesh slough from their corpses as the earth reclaims them, for eternity. My magicks will be the great equalizer.


As is our mission, wiz.


I also realize that Wizchan has become my own personal cave. When I look outside I don't really see anything good, but on this silly forum I feel a touch of belonging. As soon as I look away from this screen, I see succubi mocking me and snow falling outside. I see staff becoming irritated at my prolonged stay. I see the draining money in my wallet. I am become fear.


I live in a household full of succubi and they all hate me and make fun of me for being a virgin and a NEET.


The great equalizer for normalkind should've been the corona, but it hasn't taken nearly enough lives. I won't be satisfied until at least a quarter of the US population dies from this virus. Then I can go around and piss on their graves.



Read this, look how you evaluate your life in comparison.


>Known for: Murder and torture victim
A bit tactless and disrespectful documentation.


Got diabetes, back pain, knee pain, autism, broken rotting teeth, eczema, leaky bladder etc.

Wouldn’t wanna be homeless tho


How would you put it? She wouldn't be notable if she wasn't murdered and tortured.


Do succs actually think this is a good argument?


People in jail live better than homeless consider to commit a crime


Not him but they should've wrote "Japanese schoolgirl and victim of a high-profile crime"


Being homeless in cold climates suck. It's easy to be homeless in Los Angeles for example because it's warm year round.

If you're really homeless and think you're going to stay homeless, try to get to California or something. Make sure you have all your IDs and stuff.

Hitch hike and do whatever you have to do to get there.


The homeless don't even have to commit crimes. Just keep sleeping in a public space after being told to go away and bingo, you're arrested. The police despise homeless people.


She's dead, her life isn't so bad anymore :D


She experienced what most people experience in years and decades of suffering compressed in a few days of intense violation. Not the worst deal necessarily.


>family also wants nothing to do with me
>unforgiving normalfaggots
Don’t hold this against yourself OP. If you were chad, they would NEVER be so nasty. I have a cousin in the family who routinely beats people up, gets arrested, sells drugs, is just AWFUL, and worst of all he bullies our older relatives (ages 70 plus) for money/items. He doesn’t work or go to school, although sometimes people pay hin to be in their advertising (they throw free jobs at him but he just refuses)

But guess what?

Everybody LOVES him. They defend all his actions, they excuse everything, he comes and goes from peoples’ homes as he pleases. And he even physically assaults some of them. They glorify and herald him in any conversation, they cover up and deny anything bad he does, especially if someone confronts them about it.

That’s because he’s 6’4 with a chad face.

But guess how they treat me?

I dont do any of that shit yet they are ALL OVER ME, they fucking hate me! Any little mistake I make they crucify me kver, they tell everyone that I’m a bad person, it’s so bad OP. Yet in reality im the nicest dude in the entire family, I’d give ya the shirt off my back. I had to leave school because of Covid and I started to have medical issues. Guess what they told everyone? They said that I dropped out due to an extreme drug addiction! I’ve never done drugs in my entire life!

The. Fucking. Irony.

But guess what? I’m fucking hideously ugly, 5’6, osteoperosis from some undiagnosed disease, and I have a succubus’s body somehow (maybe I have kleinfelters disease). I have Ddouble D sized breasts (horrible gyno) and a succubus’s slender skinny body, hands smaller than anyone’s male or female.

My point is that normgroids justify their hatred of you with fake things, twisted narratives, tiwsted facts, ANYTHING to make you look bad and provide pretext for their behavior. It’s the complete opposite with chads, they twist and lie in order to make him look like a hero.

So I just wanted to share this with you to keep your chin up. Normgroids are fucking animals and they’re LIARS. They’re scumbags. Dare I say, they are evil. Never take what they do or say seriously.


I am ugly beta male with no personality traits or hobbies. Everyone walks all over me. Bullied and used by people whole life so have trust issues and fucking social anxiety.

I have a degree but I can't really get a good job because probably they don't like my face nor I have impressive academics nor I have connections cus in a third world country that is important for anything.

I don't why I am living tbh. No one believes in me not even myself. I wish I wasn't a bitch and grow a pair to kms.


>third world country
Sorry to say but you need to be good looking, charismatic and have social connections in first world countries too.


Same symptoms here, sounds like klinefelter

Do you get tremors and shakes when doing basic movements? Cuz that’s where my osteoporosis is at right now

Don’t ever go on a diet btw, cuz rapid weight loss turned my osteoporosis from a manageable stage to a severe problem


A strong man is never a wrong man.


They're animals. That's how animals do social interactions. It was never about right or wrong, it's about showing your teeth


Go to California


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I'm a 28 year old college student who never had a job and stopped caring what happens to me. I'm living for the day I can take my last few breaths while laughing at the absurdity of this stupid fucking world.


Im trying to stay off 4chan and get back into gaming and being a better person for my family.


too bad that it doesn't kill. its overhyped by the government for unknown reasons, but the virus doesn't kill anyone.


if you stay out on the street eventually youll lose it and do something stupid which might get you arrested. i would suggest trying to get some kind of help (benefits?) or learning to camp / survive and somehow make the extra money needed for necessities.


Not all countries have benefits for the poor.

In those countries that do, these people can live relatively ok and happy lives. Not in luxury but in safety without worries.

In countries without, they go mad on the streets. Laissez-faire economists support the latter system in order to pay 0,6% less personal tax.

Why wouldn't nordics be the happiest countries on Earth? They can never end up in that situation in their countries.


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I'm not homeless but heard my traumas.
In middle school I was very weak i only weighed about 75-80 lbs I was sexually harrassed and sexually assaulted through out the entirety of middle school. They would hold me down and stick their bare crotches and asses in my face and they'd beat me I tried to fight back. They would slap my ass or grab my crotch and twist, they would run up behind me and kick me in the balles. The teachers who were supposed to protect me would only scoff and roll their eyes at me when I asked for help. One time a kid kicked open the bathroom stall and pissed all over while I was trying to take a shit, when I told a teacher what happened they took me to the nurses office and just told my parents the I "had an accident"
All of this was swept under the rug so they could try to save the reputation of that failing school.
It was years until I under stood that what happened to me was long term sexual abuse.
That doesn't even cover the shit that happened to me in highschool, all it took was one popular kid who didn't like me to claim that I said "I was gonna shoot up the school" for me to be treated like a criminal and for my only friend to get sent to juvie.

As an adult I cant stand to be near these "people" any more, they all participated in my torture by ignoring it or cheering it on. I feel like I'm on the vergeof a nother schizophrenic melt down.
I'm saved up a lot of money and I think I'm gonna buy camping equipment and live in the woods indefinitely.


I’d say that’s more just abuse than sexual abuse.


How is
Getting dicks rubbed in your face and getting your ass and croch grabbed at not sexual?


im in a similar experience to you. my homicidal urges have never calmed down. every time i remember being attacked and bleeding for those freaks i get the urge to do mass murder. teachers just laughed at me and the one time i fought back i was stopped by a teacher.
i dropped out soon after that.

have you ever got over the anger bursts and how?


Not really
I still get really angry or depressed about it sometimes. The best thing is to just not think about it but even then some times the anger or the sadness or self loathing is there even if I'm not thinking about it.
Used to be a lot worse but a couple years ago I had a schizo meltdown for 2 weeks where I couldn't sleep and was pestered by horrifying hallucinations. After that I realized that if I didn't learn to just let go of stress anger, or fear that I was gonna lose my fucking mind and I haven't had to many issues since then. Every time I get wound up I've been able to just let it roll off me.
But lately iv been high strung as fuck and it feels like I'm getting attacked on all sides and I'm feeling an episode coming.


Cause I don't think they did it for the sexual satisfaction, they just wanted to make your life hell by any means.


i often get angry at even the posters on here, as they are WAY better off than me. i saw posts about having high school friends and all that shit. im lower than a hermit i practically dont exist.


i dont have any reason to have a shit life, but i do. so mine is the most pathetic


she deserved it though so its not necessarily a bad thing. somewhere along the line she made a choice, and that choice got her raped tortured and murdered. fucking skank


You can be homeless and still have a smartphone to post from, as you said you live in a low crime area. Not sure if I'd have that here in Brazil.


Im gay and my dick is small. My balls are small too.


A used old iphone 7 with a cracked screen costs 20 bucks these days.

People who think having a smartphone is still some signifier of wealth in 2021 are mentally handicapped.


Not him, but honestly, that kind of stuff is past "just abuse". Even if it is in some freudian kind of thing.


Ethan, get off the internet…


My dick is curved like a banana. Nobody has ever seen it and it doesnt matter. But wtf

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