Making a thread for BPD discussion since the last one we had here has died. There is a common misconception that only succubus have BPD and this is not true a lot of wizards actually have the disorder also so please do not attack the posters here for mentioning their affliction. Misaki is the OP image as she is BPD and I am sure many of us would relate to her. Wizards that suspect they are BPD but not diagnosed as they share some of the traits are welcome to discuss those traits also.
So you have BPD how does this manifest for yourself? Have you any experience with therapy and how has that been for yourself? Do you agree with the diagnosis and are you comorbid with another personality disorder meaning you have both of them at once or share significant traits? Do you get very attached to people what have your BPD experiences been like? Do you self harm at all? Do you feel you will ever recover from BPD and how do you cope with it?
Psychiatric diagnoses always seem fake to me. Probably because normalscum think it's cool to be "OCD" or "psychopath." BPD just sounds like another method that normalshits can make themselves seem unique without actual talent for anything. I once knew an attractive succubus who straight-up told me she has aspergers. Maybe I am stupid and ignorant but it is really hard to believe this pseudoscience
Wizzie with BPD here glad we have this thread again. I have BPD and also schizoid disorder comorbid or so I am told but who really knows since the "science" is not empirical and I worry that I will never be "normal" as in not BPD but have found therapy helped in a very minor way. >Do you agree with the diagnosis and are you comorbid with another personality disorder meaning you have both of them at once or share significant traits? I agree that I do appear to be BPD as technically I have the traits but who really knows maybe it is because I am a wizard but I do not really see myself in other bpd people. I am comorbid also and have a rather rare diagnosis. >Do you get very attached to people what have your BPD experiences been like? Maybe >Do you self harm at all? Yes I do it is really dumb but I do >Do you feel you will ever recover from BPD and how do you cope with it? Recovery is not really possible you just learn to cope better is all.
>>236480 I get what you mean I do and often normalfaggots just get diagnosed somehow and make it their whole identity as if it really is something to be proud of but personality disorders and diagnosis do kind of make sense when you learn more about it you will understand why. The label means nothing just think of it as a cluster of traits which goes under the term BPD.
What makes it hard to believe that mental disorders exist? OCD can come in many forms it is not really being a clanfreak like normies think I have OCD myself and get all sorts of compulsions and thoughts plus do rituals that cause me stress that is a real thing.
>>236479 I'm in my down phase right now. Feeling really dead inside and seeing no point in trying to do anything productive. I don't see a point in harming myself, but I do have a tendency toward self-destructive behavior during these times. In a few days I should start feeling amazing again though for no reason. It's not like anything changed. Only the chemicals in my brain.
>>236682 In the last BPD thread there were many bpd wizards also BPD is underdiagnosed in men. A lot of true wizards are schizoid but lack the diagnosis.
Why do you disagree about the amount of BPD wizards.
>>236680 Sure, let me go comb through that collection of studies done on wizar–oh wait, there's none. Guess we might as well throw all speculation out the window.
>>236689 >Why do you disagree about the amount of BPD wizards. Because it's clear you have a perception bias from reading you. "Lots of wizards have BPD", "Misaki is the OP image as she is BPD and I am sure many of us would relate to her."
>>236480 Psychiatric labels are just an extension of the mess of the human world. They are trying to group together behaviours and traits in to manageable categories where you can try to find relevant solutions, and in the long term specific causes be it social/biological/environmental. There is some validity to it however measured by the outcomes of different types of treatment for each category and stuff like brain scans showing similar abnormalities in a percentage of people with the same diagnosis.
In the real world it gets mixed with ego and interpersonal neurosis. Mental illness is inseparable from the discussion of free will, self control, and responsibility which means it always comes up in socially contentious situations. When someone declares "I have X" if you imagine them saying "I think I exhibit these behaviours and struggle with these specific feelings" conversation makes a bit more sense. They probably won't be thinking like that themselves because most conversation isn't actually in those terms and conversation that demands you account for your behaviour is normally emotionally charged conversation around blame and one party needing to express anger. If they're just saying they have X because they find the narrative of their behaviour interesting or to excuse their behaviour reading, responding to it as I said to imagine it earlier still makes sense.
>>236703 I honestly will never get over the cringey trainwreck that is "psychology" and the sheer amount of people that take is as a major in college. In my school there are about 20+ different psychology lectures… why on god's green earth would you ever need so many psychology lecturers? What could they possibly be teaching people? I have overheard several people in society speaking about "narcissism" like it's a new fucking soda. Everyone from teenagers to old people are in love with this pseudoscience/ social programming and it's sickening
>>236704 Psychology is a meme major like political science. It's all a scam but as long as people are still willing to pay for these useless degrees, the lies will continue.
>>236704 What's not to get? Everyone wants to know why humans act the way they do.], especially in psychology people are lead to believe they will be able to manipulate/help people. Now whether psychology can do any of that is neither here nor there, but it promises to so it's attractive to many people.
>>236705 Anyone who disagrees with formal astrology 101 is a gaslighting narcissist. I notice this form of ideology in a few places, where it employs a "vice-grip"/ironic twist in its lore, so simple disagreement would result in you being pathologized. Similar to alcoholics anonymous, the "alcoholic" is characterized as a disagreeable villain who would never admit he is an alcoholic, and in so being, inadvertently admits he is an alcoholic. It's reverse logic that a child could do.
>>236704 Psychology classes are really popular, especially with roasties with mental illnesses.
Psychology at it's earliest form was a jewish scheme to extract the gossip from the local populous and to gain power over them. Freud was bat shit insane with all of his theories sounding extremely Jewish (incest, everything is incest). These days we use little to none of his writings and it's mostly people moving beyond his incest gossip.
>>236709 Freud has had a massive cultural impact. The whole "mommy" and "daddy" fetish meme that went around was indirectly influenced by him. I think that freudian slips are real, though. The rest of his stuff is just an insane jewish cokehead rambling about nonsense.
>>236711 >I think that freudian slips are real, though. This is interesting. What makes you think that? Ever since I have heard about it in high school I thought it was nonsense, and so is parapraxis in general, but that shitty belief is so ingrained in people's head that they automatically interpret the most benign slip of the tongue as a freudian slip when 99.9% of the time it means nothing at all.
Usually extremely low mood with seemingly random bursts of well being and motivation that never go anywhere because they vanish a moment later giving rise to dread. Often do not feel human and also aware I will shift in what I think I am my identity so to speak and this gives more anxiety. There is no tranquillity even if you have what is termed a favourite person as you become so afraid they will abandon you and they always do leaving you hurting but another thing is that with BPD you can never trust yourself as you know your mind is warping your perception of others.
No cure you just have to learn to cope with the pain. The way you cope matters also because it can be through self harm or drug abuse leaving you more broken and grotesque the final destination is becoming entirely numb.
Wizards with bpd just get treated like a succubus here and normies even hate us for beig so fucking crazy all we do is cause others problems even if we do not mean to it is just awful.
>>236479 Not related to your thread topic but I was looking at the image you posted, which was the original cover of the NHK novel, and I decided to look up when it was released since I didn't recall. 2002, which is almost 20 years ago now. The characters from the novel would be almost 40. That time period is completely gone and you can never go back. It just slips away and you don't even notice it, and before you know it you're old and everything is changed and gone. I want to go back, I don't want time to pass. Anyway, the picture made me think of those things and made me sad.
>>236924 Anyway, to be on topic, I've never been diagnosed with any personality disorders, though something is quite clearly wrong me (I just can't afford a doctor). I have continual mood swings in which I become extremely depressed, and then it will wear off and I will be relatively okay until the next depression hits. When I'm depressed I can barely function and lose interest in everything. When I'm not I can function at a basic level, though of course far from a normal person. I don't seem to go into a "manic" state though (or if I do it's very mild), so I doubt I have BPD.
>>236924 Probably the most depressing thing I have read in a long time. We will never have old internet back nor the culture to start again it is all uge websites and censored bullshit fuck me and this gay earth
DBT therapy book for any wizzies that want to help manage their BPD. You do not need a therapist to benefit from DBT but a good one would aid yourself in learning the best ways to use the skills and apply them to your life. Worth mentioning you can also go onto reddit subs for self treating DBT if you feel you would benefit from learning it along with others typically DBT is taught in a group setting.
>>236479 I have severe BPD along with severe depression both with psychosis diagnosed. Not from a private doctor trying to brainwash me. This has been diagnosed by various doctors from the public healthcare system and I've been in the psych ward a couple of times.
There's a huge estigma and misconceptions about BPD. BPD shouldn't even be a personality disorder, it should be long to the Bipolar Disorder spectrum.
Common symptoms are severe depression, obession with depression, splitting, paranoia, extreme grudges, psychosis, mood swings that gravitate to negative feelings (suicide, anger, fury, depression, hopelessness) unlike mood swings in Bipolar which go from happiness to sadness. Also BPD is way more fast, 24/7. Bipolar is episodic. Both have impulsivity. BPD has more self harm, suicide completion, self harm and substabce abuse, specially on men. BPD doesn't even has the euphoria that a manic episode gives you.
I hate the misconception that this is a succubus disorder. Succubus and men have it the same; succubus just are more likely to seek help and attentionwhore more. Men are more likely to be agressive and violent, which is usually misdiagnosed as AntiSocial Personality Disorder. Which is very fucking different to BPD. >Misaki is the OP image as she is BPD and I am sure many of us would relate to her>>236479 She is not BPD. She has attachment issues, a lack of identity; but she lacks the other hallmark, more serious symptoms. She shows dependency disorder more. She's totally not an accurate representation of BPD. An actual "celebrity" acurrate representation of BPD is the actor Pete Davidson.
Answering the other questions in next most. In my last post, I'll talk about BPD specifically in wizards. Which manifests different, but it's BPD nonetheless.
>>236479 >So you have BPD how does this manifest for yourself? Yes, oficially diagnosed by multiple free doctors. Severe case apparently. >Have you any experience with therapy and how has that been for yourself? I live in the third world. Therapists see BPD as a lost case specially if you're a wizard. You're likely to be very smart, and to simply question, ignore or challenge any sort of treatment. Therapists hate that. >Do you agree with the diagnosis and are you comorbid with another personality disorder meaning you have both of them at once or share significant traits? Yes. Before BPD I had severe depression for many years (pre 23). At 23 I officially got diagnosed with BPD. Plus substance abuse, but I consider it a symptom of BPD. I also got psychosis from both. I don't get diagnosed "psychotic depression" because of differential diagnoses; it's understood that BPD means you suffer from psychosis. Not like a schizophrenic, but you still get delusions and hallucinations. >Do you get very attached to people what have your BPD experiences been like? I try not to because they break my heart. I try to keep to myself as a self defense mechanism. But I can be socialy and charming. Poeple call me handomse and musuclar, fit, well dressed, etc. But I have no self esteem. >Do you self harm at all? Yes, my main method is substance abuse. Triggering overdoses on me and seeing if I actually die. Or being in that state of near deth, challenging death fearless. >Do you feel you will ever recover from BPD and how do you cope with it? No I don't, I firmly believe it's chronic. This is heavily engrained in your behaviour. What happens if that this peaks in your mid to late 20s. After that, if you survive all the self harm and overdoses and shit; you very likely matured while being "crazy". And that means you can go back to "baselines" or pretending to behave normal.
>>236479 >>237191 >Answering the other questions in next most. In my last post, I'll talk about BPD specifically in wizards. Which manifests different, but it's BPD nonetheless.
Now, BPD in wizards is diffinitely the biggest misconception in BPD and genders. We usually get misdiagnosed ASP instead, which is a complete disregard for others.
Both can be comorbid, but definitely there's lots of ASP misdiagnosed. Accurate diagnosis is important because BPD treatment is crucial for the patient not to fucking die by suicide or self harm.
I can confidently tell you, most of us have rejection and abandonment issues, most were abused during our childhood and upbringing, sometimes even bullied. Our guardians were crazy, drug addicts, physically abusive of all of them. All we had was internet and videogames. As adults we're constantly humiliated and look down upon. It' doesn't matter if you look handomse, muscular and fit to succubus. Everyone can tell when you're weird.
The best approach that I have thought about is to exclusively help ourselves within the BPD Wizard community. There's other BPD forums but they're mixed with succubi and bullshit. Our needs are different and we could benefit from helping each other. We share the same struggles.
What are your thoughts? I am willing to try to lead shit and see if people get interested.
>>237193 >The best approach that I have thought about is to exclusively help ourselves within the BPD Wizard community. There's other BPD forums but they're mixed with succubi and bullshit. Our needs are different and we could benefit from helping each other. We share the same struggles.
What could possibly even help us though? The mania and delusions of granduer to accomplish things feels so good, and yet the fall back into a depressive episode is too powerful.
>>237200 DBT is meant to help but I really am sceptical of how helpful it is and if you have ever done it you can really get a feeling that it could be revised.
>>236480 I was thinking the exact same thing the other day, I don't think its true that mentall illness doesn't exist, but normalfags are exploiting them for fake victim points, like my sisters succubus friend that claims autism, yet is the loudest, most obnoxious person I have ever met that loves talking and socializing with normalfags, yet the autistic males i know are more accurately the stereotpe of shy nerds that dont socialize and can go months without talking to someone IRL.
>>237497 Psychiatry is cult like with practitioners rarely questioning what is really just speculation based on educated guesses. In my experience students of psychology do not really think for themselves and soak up whatever information they are taught which is fine but they have such an absolutist perspective on mental health.
Actual autistic succubi are very much like autistic men the issue is the high functioning spectrum bullshit which can give anyone an autism diagnosis.
The following is an often seen story among anyone diagnosed with autism including myself but by a succubus.
"i was diagnosed with asperger's at 14. i remember getting "tested" in a hospital by a lady who made me play with toys and make up stories to go along with them, asking if i had any friends and whatnot. the whole thing was kind of hokey to me and i sometimes i doubt my diagnosis on account of that, and also just because i was young and probably didn't know how to respond to questions like that correctly, or differentiate when i actually experienced a symptom to a degree that would be clinically significant. i have some autistic friends and in general i can relate to a lot of their experiences, like with obsessions, not being able to pick up on social cues, "masking" my behavior especially as a succubus, etc, i'm still just not sure how to know if that actually means anything or not"
I always thought I was borderline. There were times when I literally wanted to kill myself one moment, then the next I'm ok. I'll alternate between hating someone and liking them again later, often times within the same day. My emotions are all over the place. There isn't a stable trait about me, my sense of self is fragmented. Plus I'm autistic so this shit has sent me to the mental hospital more than once. I'm fucking insane.
>Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is described as a severe mental condition characterized by high affective instability, impulsive behaviors, autolytic attempts, or unstable interpersonal relationships
>>239625 Can you explain what you mean in more detail also please keep in mind that you do not understand BPD by reading the first thing you see on wikipedia or even google search results! Feel free to ask any questions friend.
3 Misaki threads up in a row at time of posting lol
>>239626 for example pic related is a guy with bpd that attentionwhores on /b/ and writes letters to his past friends who left him because he saw them as lovers and treated a friendship as if it was a romance: >I still cry every day about you but not like I used to I cannot seem to feel anything anymore but the thought of you the memory of you it hurts so much. >I love you so much I lay in bed just imagining I will wake up and you will be there and none of this happened. It never stops I will never get over you and what you meant to me. >lease let me wake up to you again. >I am used to being alone but I am not used to being away from you it makes me want to do something crazy haha
>>239630 I see your misunderstanding as you think this user is talking about a lover and it is true that wizards do not follow a path of romance however it is actually common for BPD individuals to care so much for a friend that it is a strong form of love without the romance involved.
Would you still say it is unwizardly if it was the case that this user is only talking about the love in a platonic way? (lets just assume he is)
>>239630 >guy with bpd that attentionwhores on Nice going then immortalizing his image by reposting his thread on /dep/ >on /b/ So.. He's making up a story to troll spergs like you, and it's working.. How do we know it wasn't you who wrote that thread and are just trying to strawman for fun?
>>239631 >common for BPD individuals to care so much for a friend that it is a strong form of love without the romance involved Does it sound like "caring" or "platonic love" to tell a male friend this: >I love you so much I lay in bed just imagining I will wake up and you will be there and none of this happened. >It never stops I will never get over you and what you meant to me. >please let me wake up to you again. >I am used to being alone but I am not used to being away from you it makes me want to do something crazy haha that bpd guy has been avatarfaggin for a year with pictures of 2d succubi and wants to be a succubus and have a "friend" to love, so not wizardly at all. >>239633 >How do we know it wasn't you who wrote that thread and are just trying to strawman for fun?
>>239632 Assuming that user is just talking about a friend it is as I mentioned in my post here >>239626 not surprising for borderline people. I personally think that people who say it is impossible for someone with BPD to be a wizard/loser comes from people not knowing anything about borderline personality disorder. >>239635 >Does it sound like "caring" or "platonic love" to tell a male friend this: You have to remember how people with BPD experience friendships as it is vastly different than healthy individuals as they will both idealizing and devalue others in extreme amounts. Have you had any experience with BPD people? >>239633 Could be yourself for all we know trying to drum up controversy.
>>239636 They experience friendship like it was a romance and treat friends like lovers and then obsesses about them and act like if they've gone through a breakup when things don't work out >I love you so much I lay in bed just imagining I will wake up and you will be there and none of this happened. >It never stops I will never get over you and what you meant to me. >please let me wake up to you again. >I am used to being alone but I am not used to being away from you it makes me want to do something crazy haha
Not wizardly and no wonder since it's mostly a female disorder.
>>239638 Why is it not wizardly to have deep connections to a friend? by your version of what is wizardly being a psychopath devoid of any emotional connection is wizardly isn't it. You claim that this BPD person is not a wizard because they are so hung up on an old friend and that is a judgement that I think you better back up. >and no wonder since it's mostly a female disorder. Are you really going to be so reductionist and claim anything that is "female like" is not wizardly if so where does it end.
>>239630 That poster is a fucking nutcase, literally cut itself because that "friend" asked it too, apparently can't even recognize that if someone is getting you to mutilate yourself for their entertainment then they weren't your "friend". One second will spam about how smug it is being a NEET, the next second will write about how it so depressed while cutting itself or laying in a pool of its piss because it is too depressed to use a toilet. Never mind the fact it spams /b/ about wanting to be succubi unironically, it is so far into the delusional that it envisions itself as a TERF feminist (its own words) despite clearly being a tranny itself. It also seems to have some massive drug problem which I can only assume adds to its frequent psychotic episodes. Mind you this is only the shit it has slipped up and mentioned, god knows what else is hiding in its closet.
Its actual posting habits consist of avatarfagging, screeching about wanting to be a succubi, howling about how succubi are the real wizards, pleading with the mods to remove the virgin rule, begging the mods to remove male rule, posting about its "friend", about being lonely, about having no friends yet claiming only "normies" have friends, blog posts, posting and masturbating to 2d pornography while claiming that 3d porn is unwizardly, and endless other cancerous shit no one should ever want to hear or see.
BPD's are basically the furthest thing from what a "wizard" or literally any human should be, just emotional trainwreck abominations that are completely delusional. Unironically euthanize at birth tier, for their own sake if not for others.
I have not been diagnosed with anything so far (wouldn't know where to go and I don't trust meds or shrinks). I seem to suffer from a lot of BPD-like traits, especially the part about having a favorite person, intense jealousy, being a moody cunt, etc. However, I don't self-harm. The most I have done is punch my thigh when I'm angry and pinch myself a few times for fun as a kid. Cutting seems retarded, but maybe there's an appeal that I won't understand until I try.
Maybe I have the BPD variant that doesn't include self-harm. It has a name but I can't remember.
It's also possible that I have something completely different, like schizoid personality or plain retardation. I'm not very smart and I'm not good at figuring people out or "manipulating" them. Then again I've never been in a relationship, so that's that.
>>239750 You and the rest of the people in this thread have what is called "normalfag succubus disorder", the suggested treatment for this disorder is to leave wizchan immediately.
>>239750 There are 9 traits to get diagnosed with BPD and self harm is not needed to qualify but if you can relate to BPD people in the way they see others (idealize) than you may as well have it and could benefit from working on these skills. >>239753 >>239757 I wish people especially wizards were more tolerant of those of us with borderline personality disorder or traits all you are doing is bullying people because you consider them to be female like and all that matters to be a wizard is being a virgin that is asocial and male. It is not uncommon for males with BPD to be very succubus like but this does not mean they are a transgender or a homosexual.
>>239783 >because you consider them to be female like Meanwhile reality: >"Sometimes I wish I were a normalfag succubus." BPDs are not wizardly and this entire thread is a bunch of succubi larping as wizards or men who wish they were succubi themselves. The only known therapy for BPD's is to leave wizchan immediately.
>>239785 >>239787 If you do not like that some wizards have BPD then maybe you can stay out of the thread. AT least back up your claim that BPD is not wizardly.
>>239788 >AT least back up your claim that BPD is not wizardly. >Sometimes I wish I were a normalfag succubus. Its literally normalfag succubi: the disorder, which is why BPD men post things like wanting to be succubi so often. Its not even just that poster either, the CC migrant that screeches about wanting to be a succubus on /b/ everyday is a diagnosed BPD as well. Just accept reality, BPD is anti wizardry and consists of succubi larping as wizards, and men who wish they were succubi.
>>239789 Often it happens to be succubus who have it but many men do as well and it is slightly different for men who have it than succubus but there have been other threads about this mental illness on wizchan in the past so a good amount of wizards have what is known as "BPD"
>>239790 >newfag cc migrant comes back >immediately starts to defend itself while pretending not to be itself BPD threads have been bumped by you the CC avatarfag that the mods don't ban despite breaking rule 8 since last December. Reminder that you will never be a wizard or a succubi you disgusting abomination.
The first paragraph from the first result on duckduckgo I found:
"With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment or instability, and you may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships."
If this isn't your most typical teenage succubus behavior then I don't know what is.
It's BPD awareness month so I have to see norm cattle prattling on about having "BPD" that they probably self diagnosed. BPD ruined my life because it makes me tr to ruin my life I am my biggest enemy. It is so hard because I will try to "recover" from all my other issues but ou can never commit as you have mood swings so often so you can never commit. >>239794 ou do not know anything about BPD you are reading about it from a search engine you do not know how it has variants it is not just succubus brain disorder it goes beyond that many men have BPD. You are hating on people who hate themselves wizards who already wish more harm on them than you ever could and all because you think to have BPD you have to be a succubus and you hate succubus.