My older obsessed sister tried to "raise" me to be an effeminate sentimental submissive castrated white guilt liberal faggot. I try to clean and fix myself from it but the ghost is always there. I'm 24 and feel like she (and my dumb degenerate brother) stole my life
>>237788 Fuck them. They're scum. Is there any way you can escape them? You're in a terribly toxic environment, you deserve to experience at least some happiness in life.
>>237788 Best you can do is get away from them and let time heal the wounds. Do not let them dominate you or ruin your life. It is ridiculous how harmful their indoctrination is to young men.
>>237829 I would agree with this except my father was/is the libtard and my mother and rest of the family were the ones than had any sense. From everything I am seeing though, single mothers really are a problem.
>>237896 He's retarded but that line of logic sucks. A being born from B does not mean B is the same thing as A e.g. An egg is not a chick, an artificial womb is not a lamb
>>237788 I really resonate with your talking I had a shitty family too growing up, at this point the only we can get better short of getting isekaied and being brought up in a stable family is forgetting it ever happened and behaving how you think a normal human would, if you act like it enough eventually you will become it.
I wouldn't have become a fucked up neet in 99% of timelines. whole family used me like a punching bag until I grew up and grew a pair and started to fight back, I wish death and suffering upon them all, I could have been a well adjusted sane person.
sure she stifled you a lot but the only thing you can do now is to post about how to get out of that mindset not about how bad you were given it I forgot up until today the stuff my parents did to me since I transitioned into living a comfy neet life.
what you do right now is more important than what you did or what happened to you.
>>237912 lmao liberals dont teach white ppl to be "not racist" they teach them to hate themselves and bend over backwards for minorities; be excessively socially accommodating, fear saying the word nigger as if it were the name of the devil, it's totally bonkers
>>237913 not saying nigger is simply basic courtesy. It was a term meant to dehumanize and demean them, a term from the uniquely racist slavery born in the US. What's wrong with basic courtesy? Can't have a peaceful society without that. Saying nigger is a simple sign that you want there to be a sub-class beneath whites like there was during slavery and Jim Crow. It's saying you believe they are inferior so you are justified in treating them as inferior. If you're white it's obvious why you would want this, you get special advantages over the blacks that you can collectively oppress through racism, but this is morally wrong. Do you disagree? It seems so clear to me that I won't bother explaining why unless you are so morally deficient that you can't understand it.
>>237905 >I wouldn't have become a fucked up neet in 99% of timelines. whole family used me like a punching bag This is so damn accurate in my case. I barely realized it as an adult how fucked up and abnormal my life actually was. And the worst is the 99% timelines part, it is true. If I was raised in another family or at least with a single sane down to earn person in the family I'd probably won't be as depressed and miserable as I am
>>237959 >It was a term meant to dehumanize and demean them, a term from the uniquely racist slavery born in the US. Wrong. It's just latin for black. Postmodern propagandists think that if they repeat a false claim enough it somehow becomes intrinsically true just through repetition. So a postmodernist might concede that nigger just means black but he'll go on to say that since his masters have been propagandizing the word nigger for a past few decades it means that you must concede to their lies. Because niggers chimp out when you call them nigger you MUST go along with their delusion that saying nigger is somehow an act of aggression. Fuck that. Truth exists outside of your play-act dialectic.
>>238204 So you can still say Nigerian if you love Latin so much. Adding the extra G is because you have a racial point to make which is the opposite of the innocence you were protesting here
>>238205 Blacks are the least wizardly of races. From wizardly to least wizardly: Asians>American Indian>Whites>Hispanics>Blacks
Being around niggers is like being around antisocial and noisy normalfags. They are the less self aware, introspective, and moral people while being the most extroverted, noisy, antisocial, aggressive, and immoral race. You will find that blacks have the same stereotype in every country because they are mostly niggers and all niggers are inclined to crime, rape, disease, and degeneracy.
>>238205 so you'd be fine with me calling blacks nigers instead? That spelling is used in some old writings when referring to blacks. The extra g doesn't change the meaning at all.
>>238208 At this point you have to ban politics. /pol/ is here because the only places for /pol/ to be are anonymous imageboards. You can't have the opinions of /pol/ in public anymore.
>>237832 Why do you think the only alternative to being pussy-whipped white guilt faggot is being some promiscuous unironic nazi dude? You can be non-racist without hating yourself.
>>237788 Older sister professed she actively wanted to make me a homosexual and even my mother encouraged me to be gay. I never became a wand worshiper however there must have been many cases of succubus ruining their wizkids.
>>238258 Interesting. DMX's talks about his experience being raised by a single mother in his autobiography, E.A.R.L., it's pretty brutal but a good read, and gives you some insight into what is like to be abused a child:
One time I remember she had given me a beating in the kitchen in front of the stove with one of those thick wooden spoons that folks hang on the wall for decoration. But I didn't do what she said I had done. I didn't do it. I kept trying to explain that to her, but it was no use. So when she finished, I just ran down the hallway screaming as loud as I could. "Momma, you're a liar! You're a liar!" Then she came in my room and beat me some more for talking to her that way until she finally heard what my explanation was. "Well, next time say that!" she told me. "But I did say that, Momma. That's what I was trying to say to you the whole time!" It never mattered. My little sister, Shayla, was about five when she started waking up to the sounds of my mother going crazy. When I started getting old enough to outrun her, and the grounding wasn't working, my mother decided to beat me while I was sleeping. In the middle of the night, while I was still in the bed, she'd just pull my covers up from the bottom, sit on my back, and just wear my behind out. Before I even knew I wasn't dreaming anymore, I would feel the hits on my ass and the back of my legs. If I had been sleeping on my back, then she'd hit me in the chest. "Ma, stop… Please… I can't breathe. No, Momma, no. I can't breathe!" "Well, when I get finished whipping your behind, then I'll take you to the emergency room for your asthma!" And that's exactly what she did. After she was done, she'd call a cab, tell Bonita to look after Shayla, and we'd go to the hospital so they could put me on a breathing machine. I don't remember the doctors ever asking what brought on the attack. The next time she hits me, I'm gonna…
Things got so bad that I began to contemplate my mother's murder. Night after night I would think the act all the way through, play the steps over and over in my mind: first go in the living room, kick her in the stomach and make sure she falls out of the window. Then all of my pain would be over. The vision always ended with my mother holding onto the windowsill. "Earl, help me," she'd call out for me to save her and that was when I would always feel bad and end up pulling her back in. I would see her hanging there, begging for her life, and I wouldn't be able to go through with it. That's what made me know that I really didn't want to kill my mother. I didn't want to kill her, I was just mad at her. I loved her. And no matter what she was doing to me, I couldn't hurt her. I just wanted her to have my back and get down for me. I wanted her to feel like how my grandmother felt about me. Or at least try.
Sick and tired of this "Normies are all brainwashed nigger-loving liberals! You can't even have an opinion anymore!" narrative that these "free-thinkers" like to tell themselves so they can feel like they're some kind of brave iconoclasts. I'm black and I get called some "nigger" (or some variant of it) by strangers and store-employees every single time I leave my house, simply for existing. I actually started wearing plugs in my ears every time I leave my house.
It's almost as if CNN and Redit bot-posts don't represent the thoughts and habits of the multitude.
>>239762 >I'm black and I get called some "nigger" (or some variant of it) by strangers and store-employees every single time I leave my house, simply for existing. doubt.png
>>239763 >>239764 Hahaha the fact that you think I am MUST be lying and that that "can't be real" is interesting. I wonder often how certain others would fare in my shoes. Every single frame in that comic has happened to me. And (almost) every single time I am never doing anything but minding my own business. I could tell you plenty of little episodes.
Off the topic, but for me it's proof of how vicious and disgusting normies are.
>>237910 The US is exactly the same, except rather than explicit laws you just have people who fuck you over collectively. Insult a succubus? >You raped her. We all saw it happen. Then the police take your ass to jail and to trial and they dont accept any evidence you have in court.
It’s basically third world mafia style corruption, but with feminism.
>>239771 No, but I know who you are talking about. Dunno why he has so much of that shit saved on his computer, the weirdest thing is how he just spams it on random threads for seemingly no reason at all. I just [-] and ignore it tbh.
>>239766 Heh back in school there was this black teacher who told us she faces racism all the time. She told us just yesterday she went to the grocery store and some redneck standing behind her in line calls her a "nigger bitch". Then the man slowly looks her up and down her body and comments "you know you look pretty good nigger bitch, how about you give me your number?" They just shamelessly lie about this stuff all the time
>>237905 >whole family used me like a punching bag until I grew up and grew a pair and started to fight back It sucks that when I started fightning back, they considered me mentally ill, but not when I was the punching bag and the reason for all problems in the house. I fucking hate normies.
>>239770 They fell for the meme that white people are all noble and magnanimous arbiters of justice and decency. I guess if they admit otherwise their entire narrative of "evil brown people grinding powerless innocent whites into dust while laughing maniacally" is a delusional TV2.0 meme doesn't stand up to real-world experience.
>>239906 I have never once in my life seen someone just randomly call someone else on the street an obscenity. I've never seen someone get cat called, or called a nigger, or a loser or whatever else. So yeah, my experience of life runs contrary to what you are telling me.
I bet you get the stink eye every now and then and that's it. I'd believe you if you told me you had a bad run in with some bigoted asshole once or twice in the past, but every time you leave the house? Give me a fucking break. The fact you actually go as far as saying you wear ear plugs outside makes me think you probably have some unresolved paranoia issues. Whitey isn't out to get you.
Minorities in Toronto have a harder time trusting white people than white people have trusting them. I actually know this firsthand too. Lunatics like you are just as bad as /pol/tards who devote all of their brainpower to picking out jews from a crowd.
>>239922 I'm not a lunatic and no I'm not "imagining" it. If you're thinking that I'm some kind of 'black power personality' who was taught at some point to think "whitey bad", and now I'm blowing every minuscule perceived slight out of proportion to feed my narrative you'd have a hard time getting further from the truth. I was just as surprised as you all are that so many people can go out of their way to be so nasty. I myself "fell for the meme" that (particularly white) people are basically decent and friendly and will give you a fair shake in life. I learned fast how things really go in this world.
People will talk all day here about how normies are annoying, bullies, cowards, vicious, tribalistic,etc. yet they get incredulous when I suggest that the same forms are true through a racial lens - and if I were in another thread and just said "normies" are like so-and-such rather than "whites" my post(s) would be nothing to look twice at.
If you people refuse to believe me there is not much more I can say, but I assure you I'm not exaggerating or lying about a single thing.
Also I'm not sure what you mean about "minorities and trusting whites", please elaborate.
>>239936 Honestly, I'm kind of astounded to see someone speaking against the groupthink of Wizchan. There's a very far-right zeitgeist which I find extremely ironic given how many NEETs rely on government benefits.
I don't really agree with your view that all White people are evil. I'm White and I don't experience racism due to that, certainly, but my ideal is to scorn and shun racism to the greatest extent possible. I just try to treat people with respect and be a good ally and hope others do the same.
If I say something left-leaning, I get dogpiled with far-right nonsense. It's frustrating how vitriolic and insincere bad faith attacks are always the response. Yet I just think, wizards aren't the only ones suffering in the world and I believe in compassion and aid for all oppressed peoples.
>>239936 Don't mistake me for a right-winger in denial, I just give myself the right to be dubious when someone claims they have it so ridiculously bad with racism, especially in a place like Toronto. I've seen enough people exaggerate their experience out of resentment or actual bigotry to at least try and talk sense into them when I see it. When you say store employees are literally throwing slurs at you I'm reminded of the time someone told me they had a run in with a racist cashier who didn't say "hi" back at them.
>>239936 I believe you sort of, I’ve never seen anyone cuss out a black person directly using the slurs but I’ve seen racism against black men that are ugly/small framed/short.
When I was in middle school I invited kids to my birthday prty and like three kids came. It was basically people that were nice to me but that werent necessarily outcasts like I was. Again they just felt bad for me. One of the kids was black. my uncle went up to him and I shit you not, said >hey hey hey look who it is, its fat albert! How abouts some watermellon hey hey hey, how abouts some fry chicken? Fat albert want some orange soda? Hey hey hey! I couldnt believe that shit but the kid was jolted. However he kind of shook it off. He stayed the rest of the birthday party, but didnt come back to hang out again though. Now for some backround info my uncle is a total psychotic scumbag and anongst the worst of the bormies. But my point is that bullies, of any race, can and will be racist if they see an ugly male. It’s interesting though because my uncles not racist in general. He was only ever racist towards that one kid, that one time, out of the blue. He just saw an ugly male and wanted to hurt him. Normies do that all the time and racist insults are just another tool in their arsenal.
>>239907 This, I mean truly how often is this really happening? This dude is crying about it being literally everytime he steps out of his door, its just absurd. I mean either he is in a old KKK small town with 1k people that is 99% white boomers while he is dressed as a gangster, or its just lies for sympathy. Maybe this happens once in a blue moon, but can't you just just move on with your life? Apparently sticks and stones was never taught to these retards, instead they think they have been physically attacked and then cry for sympathy online lol.
>>239907 >>239947 you probably come from more sheltered middle class backgrounds, anti-social behavior is a fact of everyday life in the more violent and criminal parts of society
>>239948 >dude you must just be a sheltered rich kid lol Fuck off retard, absolutely not true, and only shows how far your willing to go to pretend like this pity party should be taken seriously. Literally no one is going to be called a nigger every time they step foot outside their door, unless they have riled up someone enough to stalk and call them a nigger at every chance they can, or you live in KKK hicksville with the average age of 70+ and a population of 497 boomers.
>>239949 I'm not black or American so have nothing to comment on whether the racism thing is true but you're clearly prejudiced and don't want to admit that racism might be common in the USA.
I know from my own experience of being a short passive male growing up in rough areas that being abused by strangers is very common. I would get dirty looks, verbal abuse, sometimes they would throw beer cans or stones at me etc if you're unable to imagine this stuff happening to you you must come from a very sheltered background where this never happens, I can't think of many other explanations.
>>239949 Why did you take his obviously hyperbolic language at face value? Do you honestly, seriously, unflinchingly believe that upon leaving his front porch, some stereotypical redneck and his hamplanet bride will pelt him with Pabst Blue Ribbon cans and call him a negro? The reason behind some things, like the obvious emotional scarring that poster's experienced, have to be coaxed out of the words. No, he's not living something out of the Deep South; he isn't living quite exactly like your average stiff either, and a lifetime of slights, no matter how minor, averages out and leaves you frayed around the edges, mentally speaking. Things add up.
>>239951 Not the anon you're speaking to, but I am an American. I've lived the past 23 years of my life in the Deep South. I've lived in majority black areas and majority white areas, and only one single time in my entire life have I seen someone called a nigger, and it was a friend calling his best friend that
Anyone who claims anything otherwise is lying. Nobody is going around and harassing niggers. They're an immense cancer upon the world but everyone is brainwashed into tolerating them these days
>>239950 Absolutely delusional, first it because apparently I'm some rich kid, and now its because I'm prejudiced. Why not just say what you really want to say, tell me its because I'm a racist white male or something you complete retard. No one is saying it NEVER happens, pity party losers always exaggerating reality to garner more sympathy.
>>239951 >obviously hyperbolic language You mean lying for more pity? Yea how about just being honest, instead of making up imaginary worlds where people are hiding around the corner to call you names at every moment. The reality is that your post is just mental gymnastics trying to defend an obvious LIAR, no need to sugar it up for people, hes a liar and that's it.
>>239964 >omg you don't believe that literally every time I step my foot outside some stalker is there waiting to call me a nigger >UR A RICH KID PREJUDICED RACIST NORMIE Ok you pity party loser, try twitter next time you want a hugbox that just assumes your ridiculous and obvious lies are reality.
>>239966 >>239962 >>239947 He’s right, retard. You literally write like a sheltered rich kid. the fact that you dont think strangers are violent and aggressive to small framed or short dudes absolutely proves that you’re a sheltered faggot. There’s no other way somebody can be such a naive idiot.
>>239972 Yea I'm sure "fighting the system" is what they had in mind, and not "DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO". Although I do agree that global megacorps can kick rocks.
>>239970 you're a moron. people mostly mind their own business unless you're in a really violent area or something. no one is going around harassing people they're only focused on themselves .
>>239936 >People will talk all day here about how normies are annoying, bullies, cowards, vicious, tribalistic,etc. yet they get incredulous when I suggest that the same forms are true through a racial lens - and if I were in another thread and just said "normies" are like so-and-such rather than "whites" my post(s) would be nothing to look twice at. Tell me how seeing this through a racial lens isn't the normiest impulse in the world. You distort reality for self-validation the same way white racists do. Are you really gonna act like niggas don't bully anyone? Are you really gonna act like they aren't tribalistic to a fault? Please.
>>237959 Niggers ARE inferior and need to be exterminated, the sooner you realise this the better and as a matter of fact of you haven't realised this yet you're a retard.
>>239951 >and a lifetime of slights, no matter how minor, averages out and leaves you frayed around the edges, mentally speaking. Things add up. Do you oppose anti-white rhetoric then, in that case?