i enjoyed speed when i was an active member of the world, i would do tasks without douubt and confidence.
Liked mdma for 3hour masturbation sessions, ended up refreshed.
lsd for pure escapism and it goes hand in hand with bicycling, i would get lost in the city and spend the whole day exploring on my bike like a kid, would end the day totally destroyed
Yes, mdma + jerking off or lsd + biking would reset my ego and expectations to a more positive one . If you are having some bad months or years having some days to really enjoy yourself with something new will give you new hope about normal activities and you will seek again more pleasurable activities. At least that was my case
Problem is that I don't even fucking know how to get them. I can't even make them since I live with my mom and she'd ask why I'm fucking pouring baking soda and making actual crack.
I feel like if I took drugs, it'd numb the pain of living just a bit. I used to wonder why people did drugs, but after living in this fucked up world for so long, I get it. It's to distract themselves from their shitty situation.
I don't even know how I've went this long being straight edge.
Did you learn nothing from Trainspotting? Renton was reduced to nothing because of his heroin addiction. The rush of dopamine doesn't justify the side effects, after effects, withdrawal, mental and physical degradation, etc.
>>238453 This, drugs are for normalfaggots that can't deal with a little bit of pain in their pointless lives. Wizards should be used to suffering so they shouldn't really need to use drugs.
>>238453 >>238084 >>239397 >>239438 t. drugletts without a clue. You're as bad as the folks in politics trying to ban video games and this is a fair comparison. If you're not actually retarded and view drugs as tools instead of "woahh I'm about to get fucked up on this bad bad DRUGS I'm so bAd and cOol" then you'll find a whole new world of possibilities out there. It's just stupid to employ tolls with your hands and then restrict yourself to mashing rocks in terms of your mental and emotional capabilities. Addiction is not real.
>>t. drugletts without a clue. >You're as bad as the folks in politics trying to ban video games and this is a fair comparison. >If you're not actually retarded and view drugs as tools instead of "woahh I'm about to get fucked up on this bad bad DRUGS I'm so bAd and cOol" >then you'll find a whole new world of possibilities out there. It's just stupid to employ tolls with your hands and then restrict yourself to mashing rocks in terms of your mental and emotional capabilities. >Addiction is not real.
>>239449 I have a stash sitting around which could last several years, haven't touched anything in it for past several months because I'm in no need of it as a TOOL. I don't care if normies junk out, pass out, and never wake up. Legalizing all drugs would simply be a win for everybody. 130IQ+ get unlimited drive and enhanced abilities and trash get's removed. Heck, there isn't a single entrepreneur type who isn't on amphetamines, phenibut, or opiates.
>>239451 >Heck, there isn't a single entrepreneur type who isn't on amphetamines, phenibut, or opiates. Normalcattle ants feeding itself performance enhancers to fatten themselves up before the slaughter are who you are basing your life choices around? Either the drugs have rotten your brain, or you were born with such a condition. Also I highly doubt these people are on OPIATES of all things. Stimulants - yes, because it "focuses" your mind into being a bugman that accepts/enjoys doing monotonous wageslavery and being socially interactive.
As a whole drugs are both unnecessary and pointless, most nootopic (which is what you are talking about) are placebo at best, or at worst just for the sole purpose of making more efficient slaves such as in the case of central nervous system stimulants.
>>239452 Nootropics don't work do anything. I'm talking about actual "drugs" that you can feel taking effect almost or actually physically at higher doses.
The jews/reptillians/1%/spooks/etc… are unironically trafficking fentalogues and getting them put into every supply so that they can make opioids artificially dangerous to support prohibition and scare the normies away from opioid use. See, they've spent the past half a century or more manipulating society so that we're all deprived of romance/friends/comfort and as a result, deprived of the hormone oxytocin which endogenously acts as a positive-allosteric-modulator at the mu-opioid receptor. In fact, there are even skin receptors that actually detect "soft touch" and signal for the release of oxytocin. The world they are building is like the opposite of "brave new world". They realized people are easier to control when they are lonely/sad/uncomfortable/deprived of oxytocin. Problem is, junkie chads can bandage this issue with opioids. Another problem is that opioids are actually quite safe when you remove the prohibition. So they gotta make opioids artificially dangerous to kill of junkie chads that flout their control and scare normies away from following in the footsteps of junkie chads. Simply put, junkies are the only free men in the world. Jews fear them, glowniggers cower in fear of them, and kings are terrified of the day when they'll be forced to bow to junkie chads.
If there were a drug that would get rid of my autism then I would take it. Just seems like a way to avoid your problems temporarily while you are still miserable deep down inside, with the added side effects that come with regularly taking dangerous substances.
>>239457 Phenibut. Dose - 1.2-2 grams Twice a week at most, if you take more you will feel down. If you use responsibly you will feel like a hyper motivated and fearless version of yourself on days you take it with the next day being a slight improvement over usual mood and third day back to baseline. Downsides- none. If you're in the USA it's actually legal to just buy in a sports store.
>>237950 If they didn't cost any/much money, and weren't illegal carrying with it risks of trouble, I'd probably give drugs a go. It sounds like some kind of escape from yourself.
>>239511 It's not as much an escape (unless you're retarded and do high doses or nod) as a straight temporary upgrade. Get into Research Chemicals, they're legal, extremely cheap, and extremely pure. Only way to bonk yourself with them is if you're stupid. Otherwise no drawbacks.
>>238084 The jews/reptillians/1%/spooks/etc… are unironically trafficking fentalogues and getting them put into every supply so that they can make opioids artificially dangerous to support prohibition and scare the normies away from opioid use. See, they've spent the past half a century or more manipulating society so that we're all deprived of romance/friends/comfort and as a result, deprived of the hormone oxytocin which endogenously acts as a positive-allosteric-modulator at the mu-opioid receptor. In fact, there are even skin receptors that actually detect "soft touch" and signal for the release of oxytocin. The world they are building is like the opposite of "brave new world". They realized people are easier to control when they are lonely/sad/uncomfortable/deprived of oxytocin. Problem is, junkie chads can bandage this issue with opioids. Another problem is that opioids are actually quite safe when you remove the prohibition. So they gotta make opioids artificially dangerous to kill of junkie chads that flout their control and scare normies away from following in the footsteps of junkie chads. Simply put, junkies are the only free men in the world. Jews fear them, glowniggers cower in fear of them, and kings are terrified of the day when they'll be forced to bow to junkie chads.
Minna, Zyklon be careful of what shills like >>240367 are posting from their phones. It's prime deluded opium addict COPE and a good example of someone who means ill upon us all, as evidenced by the fact that he is encouraging us to take drugs which make us ILL.
Defending stimulants has its merits but implying that we would all be happier doped up is like saying we'd be better off having one leg because then we'd have one leg fewer to scratch when they are itchy. Opioids only heighten the spirits of takers by dumbing them down to an feminine, infantile level of brain power, not unlike the euphoria felt during hypoxia. They succeed in their goal by preventing as apposed to encouraging. Stimulants on the other hand actually improve mental capacity, allowing the taker to see things from a higher perspective. Whether that person is depressed or happy, the stims will only alter their emotions if the user is able to consciously find reason to change their outlook. This decision will be maintained even as the drug wears off because it was made in a healthy state of mind. When someone feels good because of opioids, their happiness will vanish once the taker comes through, and with the goal being to feel happy again but not having came to a conscious conclusion on what they must do to feel happy, the taker will scrape and crawl back to taking opioids in a desperate bid to achieve this, thus an addict is born. Stims too are often rejected and countered by the brain, but in moderation they can help kickstart the natural development of a brain that needs no drugs to function. >They realized people are easier to control when they are lonely/sad/uncomfortable/deprived of oxytocin. True, but your precious opioids don't produce oxytocin. They at best will release that which you brain has in storage, but further generation will be inhibited by the drug, and you will become dependent on continued use of such poisons just to produce levels that make you feel NORMAL instead of GOOD. Consider SSRIs. They achieve by inhibition, and as a result the brain develops more uptake glands and increases serotonin production to counter the drugs. As a result, when you cease to stop taking (Stop paying all of your bux for) the drugs, you're left worse off. Caffeine does the same to fatigue receptors, and now many Western citizens find themselves not questioning why they find it necessary to spend thousands of dollars per year on their morning Starbux. Drinking liquid caffeine first thing in the morning to feel normal is just seen as the regular, healthy course of action - and a cup of coffee has a 5000% price markup. Notice a coincidence, Mr. NotJewsihStein??
Increase your brain's POWER through stimulation - drugs, vitamins, foods which provide the necessary chemistries for your brain to PRODUCE ITS OWN good chemicals. Exercise your body to improve the quality of your blood. Do things that challenge your brain to get it back to school levels of activity. Feed your brain new ideas with vidya and anime. Do this A LOT. Make improving your brain health your #1 priority, and as it wakes up you will unearth buried desires to do things which you know on paper should make you happy. Niptoons will become enjoyable again, video_games will become finishable, your creative drive will open up an interest in making your own entertainment from thin air. Become dependent only on the freely obtainable and eternally sustainable drug that is a healthy, uninhibited male brain. You owe it to yourself. >Jews fear the pothead Then why are they ALL lobbying to legalize and accessorize it literally EVERYWHERE? Name one Jew who is against putting a smelly joint in your baby sister's mouth. Disgusting goblin you, pitiful subhuman-by-choice trying to drag everyone else down to your level of dependencies. Reject crab drugs which bring your brain to a female state.
>>240372 Can confirm. Was very lazy about doing Japanese flashcards even for 20 minutes, but after several times on amphetamines and flashcards I can easily pull off 2 hours while sober.
Every single drug I've taken has followed the same pattern. Initial honey moon phase. Feelin' amazing and thinking of how my life will be different with this new power. Then, stability phase, then it tapers off into nothing.
Best you can hope for is to cycle your drugs so your tolerance wears off.
>>240396 Good example of how to not do it. Get chemicals in several classes in set up a week long cycle with 2-3 days sober. Phenibut-LSD-Benzo works great for slogging through the work day. Stim on one day on weekend to get the game finished or whatever else you're trying to do.
>>240473 Stimulants don't work on me like most people. I feel relaxed, very mellow, and high like I'm taking some kind of opioid. The high wears off after taking them for a week.
>>240473 So stop doing that and get to wiz projects. The stim will keep you working at it and all you need to do is show up. After a while your brain will start recognizing the project work as fun instead of shitposting while sober too.
>>240495 >>240519 Even if you feel no desire to do anything for yourself you must still have some inkling to provide for the the wiz/ open source community. Phenibut will give you the push you need.
I wish I had access to mushrooms or acid. Psychedelics are the one thing I haven't tried in an attempt to fix my brain. Probably wishful thinking that a psych dose would change my life but there is enough evidence now that they can fix depression and anxiety and improve your outlook. Or turn you into a schizo.
I've always thought that before suicide I'd like to take a massive dose of psychedelics. Nothing to lose. Doubt it will ever happen as governments don't want people taking them and I'm certainly not going to approach random niggers asking for drugs
>>240542 DMT helped me a lot more than any med or therapy. Do some googling its easy and "legal" to obtain as plant material. If you do a big trip you may not kill yourself after opening your mind more for better or worse. It can be a cruel teacher horrors beyond imagination.
>>240544 "Won't be forever, some idiot will die we all get seen as said idiot, banned." >>240542 Most I've taken was 2tabs of LSD and 0.004g of 5MeO-DMT. Not much changes. Only had to fuck around with depersonalization for a while. If you don't read books or watch anime for the pure joy that it gives depersonalization won't affect you adversely.
>>240975 Slippery slope is not a fallacy. So learn to redirect that slide into Pharmacology or some such interests rather than "getting high as fuarrk dude"
You do you, buddy. I could never get into drugs, not even alcohol. Partly because I've seen what it does to people growing up, and because I'm very likely to get addicted to stuff. Makes me glad I'm anti-social and never went to college, so I could never get any connections to drug dealers.
>>241153 Alcohol is super bad for you and so are uppers but the other ones I'm not so sure are so bad. Of course booze is the only legal thing, eugenics that is.
>>238081 I think that the primary reason is simpler than you think. The high from drugs just feels good. Weed feels comfortable in your body and makes you enjoy things and think that stuff is hilarious. MDMA is just pure intense euphoria. Psychedelics are complicated, when you see the hallucinations your also feels very weird and you'll usually feel very happy but there's also a risk for a bad trip with a lot of anxiety.
>>239458 >>240519 >>240529 Just received my bottle of Phenibut I purchased after reading these. Took one gram on an empty stomach and I'm gonna down an energy drink in an hour. I'll report back when I think I'm in the comedown.
>>244564 It was a bit underwhelming. The most notable effects were relaxation and music euphoria. Music sounded very similar to the way it does on THC. Unfortunately I didn't feel anything in the ways of motivation or drive, but it did feel like I had more of a clear head while performing tasks. I also didn't experience James Bond-esque articulation like I've read from other peoples accounts, but I did feel less inhibited in the way I spoke. Ultimately I could see this drug being used as an effective sleep aid. I'll give it a couple days and try a higher dose and things may be different.
To the wizards in this thread looking for a drug to aid motivation, I would suggest giving Phenylpiracetam a shot.
I'm literally immune to cannabis for some reason. Alcohol it takes lots of shots to even get a little bit shitfaced. I'm planning on taking more drugs to test how resistant am I.
>>244822 Dissociatives are the only drugs I ever got any real lasting benefits from. Being able to experience your neuroses while being numbed to the feelings they cause really opened up my eyes to how badly my brain is constantly trying to sabotage me.
I never got any disassociative effect from any of those types really, maybe mildly, usually I just get a panic attack and think I'm gonna die while I writhe around
>>244845 I had the best benefits from Ketamine. DXM was okay but I would be too fucked up most of the time to really recognize anything. Never tried PCP
Just had weed and tabaco mixed out of a bong. Blood pression dropped to hell, passed out at some random's dude frontyard. Two hours later I managed to get up go home. What a fucking ride, wonder how no one called the cops.
I recently got my medical marijuana card and lately have been vaping the oil cartridges. To finally have relief again after so long of suffering is an incredibly nice feeling.
>>246211 that stuff is horrible, I took it for a few months due to hypomania and I could hardly think or feel entertainment, there's a lot better medications for the same symptoms
I don't even know where to start to find or buy drugs. Like, maybe going to some doofs and trying to find people with Nike messenger bags or some shit. idk. Really want to try psychedelics for my fees-fees, shrooms would be nice, they grow way too far from me to get reliably. fuck I don't even know.
>>247362 just order it online. i dont how there are still posts like this, I assume all posters like you are 15 years old or something and new to the internet
>>247426 Saying “just buy them online” doesn’t help anyone. It’s not like people instinctually know how to acquire drugs online, especially how to avoid scams and honeypots.
doing DXM is one of the only times i've been truly happy as a adult. can just dissociate from everything and fly away from the earth. i've done it 3 times and probably won't do it again, i don't have the privacy plus i don't want to run it
>>247464 Psychedelics with the intention to change will probably be the most helpful. Ayahuasca , shrooms, etc. Living better through chemistry still requires better living.
>>247472 Psychedelics can radically change your perspective and are therapeutic tools but are not without risks for wizardly types. I personally found they have helped me but with a catch 22 as I no longer think death is the end of consciousness and a "hell" may await me if I die. either way I would strongly advise people who are thinking of taking psychedelics to start on acid and get used to tripping before diving into the Ayahuasca. There are worse things than death.
>>247464 Phenibut and amphetamines. No amphetamines won't make you a crackhead, that's normie retard propaganda. Lab made amphetamines are cleaner and have less withdrawal effects than pure caffeine.
>>248887 I would be pretty psyched if hell was real. I mean, I'm def going to hell let's not waste our breath about that. But at least you get to witness all the other fuckers get their just desserts at the same time. That seems way better than the hell on Earth today, where there's such a massive disparity in quality of life between people. And god knows you don't have to be a good person in any capacity to have a good life. High ho, to hell we go!
>>249351 I've tried Adderall, Concerta and modafinil and none of them made me motivated. Haven't tried phenibut but i heard it's not something you can take every day and I need that.