Maybe nobody will read this, maybe you will read it and be mad at me but I don't care. The truth needs to be written down.
This thread is yet another "oh God I'm so special so I have a right, no a DUTY to look down on others" delusional thread. Fantastic. Just what we needed. Sure, you as a friendless, reclusive NEET who posts on obscure imageboards and reads some philosophy or classics are just a poor Übermensch who is hated by the mass or the sheep. You are a shepherd in the making, no doubt about it! But wait! Did you actually achieve anything that makes you think you are above others? Did you write some epic novel or come up with a new Beethoven-like music? Or you made paintings like Da Vinci? Or you achieved anything that 99% of people can't do? No? Then why do you look down on others? And even if you were a misunderstood intellectual or artist, that wouldn't give you the right to treat others like shit. But who are we kidding? Most of the userbase here is made up of:
- mentally unstable people
- lazy people who lack any kind of ambition
- socially retarded people
Do you see how laughable this whole wizard-aristocracy crap is? We aren't shepherds, only outsiders and outcasts. Big difference. Being an asocial male virgin doesn't raise you above the so called cattle. You - we - are part of the cattle if we look at things closely. So what if normal X spends his time partying and doing drugs and fucking whores? What do we do? Shut ourselves up in our comfy rooms, read some philosophy or classics maybe, play video games, consume media, etc. What is the difference? We are hedonists too just like most normals, we just envision pleasure differently than they, in some ways. Why do you feel the need to look down on others? Wizards are never, will never, never were part of the elite or aristocracy of any kind of society. We have more in common with homeless people, crazy lunatics, addicts, prostitutes, criminals and other lumpenproletariat material than with the middle class or with the elite.
"But I'm an intellectual!"
No, you aren't, according to society. You lack the stamp of approval of the elite so you aren't an intellectual. You may know more about philosophy or other things than some actual teachers but that doesn't make you into a professional teacher or philosopher. Sitting in your room and posting on imageboards isn't what intellectuals do, they go out into the real world and apply their knowledge. Or they write actual stuff they publish later. You are an intellectual yet you aren't at the same time. Besides, the only reason we can even be proto or semi-intellectuals is because we have access to the Internet. If we lived hundreds of years ago what do you think, how would we have existed back then? I am pretty sure we would have been slaves, or would have been executed for breaking the law or would have been put into the loony bin. Maybe find a place in some monastery where we would wash dishes and do the gardening until we die of old age or find some other low paying jobs or serve some Normalfag Aristocrat. Certainly would have been worse for us than current society. The process of democratization that took place in the West made it possible for us to NEET at home. The Internet, the biggest gift the common people like us received, gave us the chance to read some intellectual stuff but don't delude yourself. You aren't special. You aren't superior. You are very much part of the common folk. I'm guessing you aren't possessing much capital if you post here and you haven't achieved anything extra-ordinary that could pull you up to join the elite.
The class-delusion of the people here is amusing and sad at the same time. We aren't the inventors, researchers, poets, artists, philosophers, intellectuals, scholars, political or spiritual leaders of the future. We are the leeches that don't produce anything worthwhile, we are the ones who would get the bullet first in any authoritarian system because we are expendables and worthless, according to any society. Both the Soviet Union and hitlerian Germany got rid of homeless, unemployed people.
So we are part of the rabble. What is the next logical conclusion? Anarcho-communism. A system where everyone gets treated equally, where you don't have to prove how useful you are day-by-day. A society where those get the goods who lack them the most, not those who are the most useful to society or those who are the best in anything. A society where everyone helps everyone else voluntarily. This be your goal. We need a more humane, more warm-hearted, more empathy-filled society. People like you OP don't help, you are part of the problem. You say, look here is a wizard and there a normalfag but I only see selfish, egoist psychopaths almost everywhere. Enough with this dick-measuring contest of who is above who already! We are all brothers and sisters, we need to stick together and eliminate the elite. I don't care how intellectual someone is, if I had to choose between a black guy who is obsessed with pussy, drugs and stuff like that but is ready to help others in need and some intellectual prick who may know many things about philosophy and intellectual topics but doesn't understand the basic principle of "treat others the same way you wish to be treated by others" morality - I'd pick the average joe any time. From the way I see it, the only thing that matters is whether you are a selfish bastard or someone who would like to help others. Saint Augustine said love and do what you want. That is it.
>>238494>>238433Outcasts and autists - in the sense that we apply these words to ourselves here- didn't create shit. The western world was built up by the restless, nothing-is-enough, passionate Übermenschen. The teutonic warrior knights, the greedy cardinals and conquistadors, the treacherous and plotting nobles, the selfish and psychopathic kings, the hard-working intellectuals and researchers who for vanity wanted to be number 1, etc. The Estes, Medicis, Borgias, The Sun King and Napoleon, the hitlers of any age and similar people who didn't care about anyone but their own fantasies and passions, those who were willing to sacrifice and murder anyone who got in their way.
Actual autists, hermits, loners and outsiders were too busy doing slave work and hiding away in monasteries doing ordinary chores. Or getting murdered by their aristocratic overlords and getting tortured by the Inquisition. Or rotting in rat-infested loony bins. The West is the product of the faustian man, the egoistic, selfish individual who always wants more and more.
In contrast, we wizards are more the oblomovian man. We in spirit are akin to the eastern man who is satisfied with doing nothing in particular, who only wants to be comfy and to enjoy the little things in life. We prefer shutting ourselves up in our rooms to actively engaging in life. We don't have big ambitions, we just want to have fun. We are passive, feminine, "slavish" in contrast to the active, masculine, "german" man of the West. We are OK with leaving things to God/fate/luck, we don't want to control and know everything. Collectivism and idealism suit us better than egoism and materialism. We thrive for peace, stability, quiet while the normalfag western culture is built around struggle and constant change.