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After all you don't feel anything, not pain, the absence of pleasure etc, you won't feel any negative feeling, you won't worry about anything.


But what if it drives you insane. Like you are stuck inside a black box


What if it's infinitely pleasurable?


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You can't escape. Do you think escaping would be as easy as just killing yourself.


I had an NDE… and I promise you death and what comes after is really bad. Whatever you do, DON’T DIE. There is no heaven afterwards. But there is hell. There is only hell.


Tell your story. You can't just leave it at that.


stop avatar fagging with er


Death cannot be avoided, you'll die of old age someday, suicide is just speeding up things.


What do you mean exactly?


No, death is not bad at all (especially for people like us that don't really enjoy life) death is just the cessation of everything, the ending of existance, how something like that can be bad? is an event.

Normies dislike death for 2 reasons.
1:They enjoy this fucking world, at least they enjoy it enough to be scared of the prospect of their friends, family,money,achievements and other things ending.

2:A lot of them fear some kind of judgement where God or some other entity comes and judges their actions, they know that they're pieces of shit that wouldn't stand a proper judgement.


There is no god and free will doesn't exist so judging robots to an eternal fate would be nonsensical.


I reject your fatalism


Okay but it doesn't make it any less wrong.


Conversely, it isn't true just because you think it so


I died once. I will never forget the cold, dark fingers of death reaching out for me. However, even that death was a necessary component of the big picture. The virus that Birkin had created brought me back from the blink of annihilation. When i awoke, hatred became my master.


Is that from a movie?


As a kid, I imagined death as just pure eternal blackness, but you're still conscious and can hear everything, including your mother weeping at the funeral. But after that, all you can hear is the bugs fucking your rotting flesh


I imagined it as infinitely falling through a hollow and dark tower.


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There is no "death".



You keep on posting this so I assume you believe it's true. I don't believe this since it assumes when you're dead, nothing exists. I don't get that. You just don't exist? I also don't understand why they think pre-birth is infinite. You just don't exist until your born. I think the finite life is more the start and death is the end. When people say you were "pulled out of the void", it's not literal.

You start existing when you're born then you die and the world goes on without you. Time doesn't stop.


The image is based not on a material world view, but that of an observer dependent one. I also don't agree with it, but operating under the assumption that perception is reality, then it makes sense.


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It's a hyperbolic and meta representation of multiple lifetimes, by "infinite" the author means that it keeps happening and is in fact a permanent unending state, not that you are actually living and infinite amount of time in one material form.
>Time doesn't stop.
Time is not a real thing in the "real" world. And when you die the concept of time too is gone. There are no stops between this life and the next.

>But why don't remember your past lives therefore they reincarnation is not real

Would you very much enjoy remembering your own mental and material disintegration? A good example of this event is also present in psychedelic trips, they're extremely difficult to remember when the chemical is out of your brain, because you need the chemical to even imagine such a state. A complete change of the material shell would have similar effect.


I thought the same thing to when i was little lmao


If our psyche is erased every time we "move" to another life, then what is the point in claiming that there exists previous and future yous? Would you not be functionally a completely different person every incarnation?


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Explain por favor


lol at that picture


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Sure, but it's no consolation after you're actually born again in some third world hellhole.

You wont have knowledge of any past incarnations, that's true. You wont know anything except the present.

But it's still going to suck, and you'll wish you weren't born.

Antinatalists have proposed tongue-in-cheek there should be a intergalactic spaceship simply eradicating all life one planet at a time to stop this cycle of suffering.


That's the only thing keeping me from suiciding at the moment.

Things could be far worse. I live in the US in a safe city, I have disability benefits, and I still have a clear mind and I'm able to walk, run, go outside and have hobbies.

Statistically, the next round is going to be in some shithole in India or Africa. I can delay experiencing that by at least 80 years by stretching out my current life.

Life isn't the best sometimes in this body, but it's better than what 99% of the planet can offer.


>I live in the US in a safe city, I have disability benefits, and I still have a clear mind and I'm able to walk, run, go outside and have hobbies.
Sounds like top 0.1%


Reincarnation is horseshit that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense, why do people believe it, and why do they project that belief onto spiritual and philosophical doctrines where it doesn't even exist? I cringe when I see someone taking it seriously.


It's a cringe idea, just like abiogenesis. See what I did there?


>cringe idea
Cringey. Cringy. Take your pick.


im not afraid what is natural


Incarnation at the very least can't be bullshit. Your consciousness was incarnated here out of nowhere.


Someone I once knew told me that he was excited for death because it would give him the answer to life's greatest question. Its just the next stage of existence. Probably more suffering tbh.


more like the end of it


I mean if I am born in a shitty african state I could kill myself again, guns are literally all over the place.


The state of being dead is probably not bad or good, the process of dying you have to go through to get to it could be horrendous. If there was a readily available instant painless suicide, like an off switch for your body, millions would kill themselves every year as it is mostly this fear of dying rather than the fear of being dead that keeps many people lingering on in hopeless lives.


Eternal oblivion makes even less sense.


This. "Just total darkness" makes no logical sense.

Even we were brought here from absolute nothingness. Who knows how many times it's going to happen again?


kek you people are delusional


Delusional how?
How exactly do you know for sure you wont be returning to this shithole again once you die?

Yeah, it wont be "you", but you'll still be looking at this shithole planet from a persons eyes. Or maybe an animals.

And the next time it probably wont be in a comfy country with neetbux, it will be in some dystopian Indian village with no running water.


reincarnation isnt real


because it simply doesn't make any fucking sense


Nobody is saying the reincarnated person would be "you". Just that consciousness is impossible to escape from.

Just like you are forced to be conscious in your current body and you didn't choose to be in it.


My consciousness is based on my very fragile brain and will cease with its destruction, never to be restored again. And even if there happened to be an exact copy of my brain in the future it would be a clone and not me like a clone created now would not be me.


But nobody was arguing it would be you in the first place.
Nobody was arguing you'd remember anything, just that existing at all on this planet is mostly suffering.

I don't want to exist at all on this planet ever again, in any form. Failing any chances to make sure of that, the best choice I have currently is to extend my comfy life in a first world European nation, in which the probability of being born into was around 0,1%.


I do not understand tbh


tldr; there is no guarantee you wont have to experience life again after you die
and if you do, statistically it's most likely happening in a hellhole like bangladesh or another overpopulated piece of crap


>there is no guarantee you wont have to experience life again after you die
oh. this is nonsense.


Did you choose your current place of birth, your parents and your body?


this is related how


You are a completely randomly spawned character on this planet.
You came here out of absolutely nowhere.

It happened once (now). It can happen over and over infinitely.


Has there always been the same number of "characters" on this planet, and will there always be? What if all life disappeared, what would happen to the dead? How did the first "character" come to be if there was no living thing before "it"?


>another overpopulated piece of crap
Are the babies born in bangladesh people who have previously died? How does that make sense numerically? Do you also have to factor in animals and plants? If not, where do you draw the line between the things that "respawn" and the ones that do not? Isn't that strangely arbitrary?


>What if all life disappeared, what would happen to the dead?

That's what antinatalists want to test. Eradicate life one planet at a time, species at a time, then hope life doesn't randomly appear again.

To minimize suffering and pain.


>How does that make sense numerically?


>Between the year 8 thousand a. EC and today almost 101 billion of the Earth's total inhabitants have died.


Not him but the image does get me thinking.
In a sense, we really were "pulled out of the void" in that we didn't exist, and then suddenly we have this subjective experience.
Your subjective existence might be utterly reliant on the molecular configuration that is your brain. This seems somewhat unlikely to me, because our brain is changing all the time and yet we stay as 'us'. But in the case this is true, given infinite time (which passes instantaneously when you are unconscious) then if there is a non-zero chance your brain comes back into existence, you will come back into existence "from the void" again.
One way this would be possible would be through the boltzman brain idea. Your brain just pops into existence through quantum randomness. This idea is hard to believe, but apparently it's believed to be a real thing by some scientistis.
Another way is through the multiverse. If there are infinite realities, then you have to show up again in one of them.
Finally, it might be that this universe is really all there is. When Heat Death happens, that's it for eternity and eternity. No multiverse, no new big bangs, just nothingness forever. This seems wrong somehow but it could be true.


Look up the "Dust Theory" by Greg Egan (a renowned SF writer).


What you felt was a hallucination brought on by your dying brain.


if killing yourself was very easy and fast wizchan would be empty in minutes.

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