>>239705 I'm fairly convinced I'd have managed to fuck up my life even if I started at the top. Even though I didnt start anywhere special in terms of class in this existance its also not terrible. theres not a single outside factor that caused my failure in life besides my own laziness.
>>239709 What do you mean? Are you saying intelligence is linked with your social class and it occurs from sexual selection from succubi, if so I dont believe it, a lot of the billionaires are dumb greedy shitheads who dont want to fix humanity (Reduce plastic/xenostrogenic pollution, make everyone into chads via eugenics or germ line editing, solving world hunger, etc)
>>239716 >>239709 oh god dammit Im sorry, I read your message wrong, I thought you were referring to the picture and said "why did you remove the brain bits"
>>239705 I don’t believe this. I think there’s a ceiling on certain “classes” based on IQ, but even low-IQ people could probably start a successful business dealing with pleb commodities
>>239721 I'm not so sure the 'lower classes' stay that way because of low IQ. I think it has more to do with the fact that the wealthier groups do everything in their power to keep the others down, as ultimately their wealth and power depends on it.
>>239721 Your health, looks, community, family, social skills and education background are more important
like >>239722 states the upper class use their power to keep poor people poor with inflation, flooding working class communities with immigrants and drugs, dumbing down public education, encouraging divorce, pushing identity politics
It's all designed to break down lower class communities and stop them creating moving up the ladder
Well my mom never worked and I spent my childhood living off of government handouts and shit her boyfriends would give us but as an adult I was forced to go to school and eventually enter the lower middle class.
I kind of feel like that just makes me more of a slave though.
>>239724 Yup, it's all manipulated. The rich fucks up top will only let certain people climb up the ladder, everyone else is screwed. For example, I've noticed a lot of immigrants find success mainly because of political reasons. They usually receive far more help from the government than a native citizen would. This is by design.
>>239726 >Plenty of people from dirt poor countries with no connections in the first world eek out a comfortable living. Why? Most of them don't and are working low paid jobs or are involved in criminal activity. The ones who do come from upper middle class families who were able to give their kids a good education and upbringing.
The truth is that the vast majority of people won't be upper class or upper middle class regardless of how much effort they put into it, yeah the (((mass media))) loves to show people who were dirt poor when kids and became rich CEO's but they don't show the literal millions of people that fail every single time every single day.
And even for people who actually make it the accumulation of external circumstances (what people calls "luck" or being at the right place at the right time) has a much higher influence in your success than your own individual effort.
So yeah, you coula actually make it, but the game is so rigged and the odds are so low that it's pretty much a miracle if you do, and in case you actually make it it's probably due to external circumstances.
Think about this, winning the lottery is considered extremely unlikely, yet every single time someone wins, a lottery is a miracle happening every single time, that's how your odds are.
>>239733 I didn't say most. >The ones who do come from upper middle class families who were able to give their kids a good education and upbringing
Shared environment accounts for very little of adult IQ. What you just said is typical sociologists fallacy, ie not accounting for genetic confounding.
>>239721 Most industrious poor people get attacked by others if they try to break free. Their peers start collectively making up fake shit about them and they end up getting arrested. All if they break character. Humanity is like crabs in a bucket and they will hunt those who step out of line. It is this way for the ultra poor, the middle class, and the ultra rich. I have personally seen rich men get destroyed by several lawsuits once they stepped out of line.
>>239726 >college professors have a 120 IQ average Does that include the commie professors, blue haired freaks and transvestites? Go fuck yourself. Also your Juden Peterstein tier perspective about “muh hard working immigrants” is completely based on lies. “Successful” Immigrants only succeed through mafia like organizing and blue collar crime. They are just parasites. In fact, “unsuccessful” immigrants have more non-scumbags per capita than highclass “successful” immigrants.
>>239737 The lottery itself is actually rigged too. I personally know an antifa succubus that “won” 300k, and then bragged about what actually happened. In reality the people were moving through and redistributing cards with pre knowledge of which ones were winners. They specifically brought in like 5 cards that were winners, shuffling the rest out, and had her “win”. She was later supposed to divide the money to her antifa bosses which she did, keeping 30k for herself.
>>239741 Because bullies and succubi are the ones who rig everything. You start to realize that this “system” that we were brought up to trust? Is actually just a group of people “working” in the “system” while talking about a system. THEY are the “system”. They decide what goes where and we’re supposed to believe it’s just natural, and not 100% all them, as a little mafia, as a little gang, picking and choosing who wins and who loses.
>>239705 End of teenage years when I became an adult and started looking for work. In order to get money you must already have money, you can't just create it out of thin air because that's not how the system works. >inb4 "you're just low IQ" I had far better grades than my richer classmates but they had both the money and the connections that come with having a higher social status and were able to secure themselves comfortable futures. I couldn't afford the costs of living while studying university, let alone the costs of tuition, and tried to find work. I got turned down from even simple shit like being a shelf stacker at grocery stores and that kicked off my NEET years. I remember going to one interview for a job that many would consider 'beneath' me (it was minimum wage, long hours, and completely unskilled - but I was in no position to turn my nose up) and the interviewer remarked that with my grades I could've became a brain surgeon. I think she took pleasure in denying my application for this reason.
I guess it could be possible to advance up the ranks so to speak, but it's extremely rare and incredibly difficult. You would have to be both intelligent and incredibly sociable in order to develop a web of contacts to climb up the ladder, along with an unparalleled ambitious nature.
>>239726 Absolute horseshit, most immigrants are working shit jobs, with terrible hours and no benefits, in the hopes that MAYBE their children (or more realistically their GRAND-children) will lead more comfortable lives.
I don't know how USA works, but apart from asylum seekers, in most countries you need to be sponsored to do a high-paying job in order to get residency
>>239797 This is exactly why being a NEET is the actual way of winning this fucking rigged game, why contribute to a fucked up society when you can live for your own pleasure? Unfortunately being NEET requieres money, not a fucking fortune but money to pay for food and entertainment still way less than the average normie that doesn't really work for money, most people have already their basic needs covered, normies work because it gives them "status" and makes them worthwhile in society eyes.
>>239798 In New Zealand immigrants flat out refuse to work construction. I haven't seen a single indian or chinese man on a construction site, they all pour all thier energy into other careers. They don't work shit jobs at all.
We just pull Filos on temporary visas to do the job, none of them get to stay here.
I grew up in a upper middle class family but in an area with some really wealthy people. I never really had jealousy or a desire to be more wealthy, but it is kind of insane to see what real money looks like. People have so much wealth that my family who have more money than 90% of Americans seemed completely poor by comparison. People have big $80m dollar mansions full of expensive furniture and art with mercedes and porsches and then 2 or 3 vacation houses and buy or rent places for their kids to live in at age 18. It’s crazy to see this compared to other people I know who were poor or lower middle class and have basically nothing.
My family is either lower middle or working class idk how they define these kinds of terms. And I have become underclass. I get bux and live comfy NEET life so idgaf about any of these dumb labels
>>240254 Same. Or rather I already have but I'm not a wageslave (yet) so I don't really feel it. I dread doing some lowly possibly manual labour for next to nothing, especially after growing up in a comfortable academic household. Fuck social mobility. >>240257 God I wish that were me.
>>240257 I wonder how big the American underclass really is. There has to be tons of unemployed people hustling to make ends meet, desperate to survive. The media tends not to talk about this stuff. I think having a job, ANY job, puts you at an advantage, even if it's shitty and pays low.
Always have been the poorest of the poor. I also inherited shit genetics, which guarantees I will not succeed in life. I'm an autistic dysfunctional human and there is no way to escape it.
>>239797 >You would have to be both intelligent and incredibly sociable in order to develop a web of contacts to climb up the ladder I didn't sign a contract to be a socialite when I was born but it seems necessary to even get the shittiest jobs available. Fuck this requirement of needing to have people skills to make money.
>>239705 because of internet I got close to upper class friend, but after a while he just bullied me for being poor and I want to kill myself even more now
>>239800 being NEET isnt really winning because society will throw you first under the bus, for example my NEET buddy, he opened the door for fake repairmen, they took his organs and nobody bats an eye because he have no family nor friends. being NEET is cope because no actual person will respect you on the streets.
It's interesting they often complain that immigrants are either criminals or job stealers, are you working a job shitty enough that can be easily stolen by an uneducated criminal?
>>240467 Yes dumbass. Have you never seen the wageslave thread? Most people here are shelf stockers and warehouse workers. It seems like most posters don't have degrees either. They are on the same footing that any uneducated unskilled immigrant is. If anyone is to be mad about those jobs being taken, it would be wizards.
>>240467 >be mentally I'll enough to hinder career prospects >not mentally I'll enough to be a perm NEET on disability bux Sounds like hell truly. >>240468 Even if a wiz gets a good job unless it is solitary they are fucked because either unwilling or unable to social network and must larp as a normalfag at work. How do wagies do it?
>>240469 I'm not clinically mentally ill like some here, but in my experience it's not too difficult to fly under the radar and just work then go home.
>>240469 >How do wagies do it? I'm not sure. Always wondered that myself. I would have roped from having to socialize at work all the time, even if it's small talk or whatever.
Here's something I found some time ago, it's based on an old /r9k/ post. I'm not sure if the author intended it to mirror how your initial wealth affects the direction of your life.
>1. Social resources are necessary for certain actions and life events to be available to you. The ability to get a phone call with good news or support from your friend, or for your cousin or college buddy to invite you on a double date or recommend you to an employer… is impossible to "generate" through positive thinking, targeted efforts, lowered inhibition, cold approach, etc. >2. Sharing social resources is something that does not come naturally to people. It's awkward. It's like you're begging them for money or affection, or anything else that's precious and exclusive. >People are used to a common pattern through life: obtaining their hard earned resources at the right time in life, being proud of what they achieved, and expecting the people they interact with to keep up the pace. >3. You usually need SOME social resources in order to get more, just losing out on the earliest social resources you get from family ties can put you on the backfoot, and the disgust shown to you by people who notice your poverty in social resources is not imagined, it's really there, and it wouldn't exist if social resources had little value, meaning they were actually easy to generate or obtain. They are treated as a precious thing because they are a precious thing. >4. Trying to fast track your acquisition of social resources puts you at risk of being taken advantage of by sociopaths. This is part of the reason why social resources are so valued. You are not just connected but you are connected to the right people. >Chances are that, just like me, you are very low on social resources, even if you have a buddy or three to chat with. What was your early life like if you are currently an adult low on social resources? Could it be possible to guess? >Cocooning parents that avoid neighbours, relatives and connections? >Antagonistic siblings that see you as a burden? >Dysfunctional institutions with an oppressive atmosphere where everyone hates being there and can't wait to leave? >People that are close to you seem to have given up and no longer take care of themselves, let alone others? >Almost always being at a disadvantage in social resources compared to others and being forced to beg others to share some with you? >Feeling like you're always behind and are missing something essential that others have, even those who are less wealthy or attractive than you? >Generally being too eager around people that are all just waiting to return to their "real" friendships and relationships? >Frequently being told that you will "come into your own" and "get lucky" when it comes to social resources later in life? This despite people being naturally averse to sharing them with others and the wealth gap widening as time goes on? >Social resources are the most real thing there is, you cannot replace, simulate, or quickly create people that care about you and are trying to secure opportunities for you. It just cannot be done. Social resources start being accumulated at a very young age, their accumulation is only partially under your control, and it snowballs very quickly into either success or failure.
>>240486 >Cocooning parents that avoid neighbours, relatives and connections? Yes, my parents were pretty isolated, borderline anti-social people. >Antagonistic siblings that see you as a burden? Only child. >Dysfunctional institutions with an oppressive atmosphere where everyone hates being there and can't wait to leave? Reminds me of my experiences in Church or school. >People that are close to you seem to have given up and no longer take care of themselves, let alone others? Yeah, my parents were fat unemployed losers who did nothing except watch TV all day. The couple of friends I had as a kid were fellow outcasts at the bottom of the food chain. >Almost always being at a disadvantage in social resources compared to others and being forced to beg others to share some with you? Yes. >Feeling like you're always behind and are missing something essential that others have, even those who are less wealthy or attractive than you? Yes. >Generally being too eager around people that are all just waiting to return to their "real" friendships and relationships? When I was young, yes. >Frequently being told that you will "come into your own" and "get lucky" when it comes to social resources later in life? This despite people being naturally averse to sharing them with others and the wealth gap widening as time goes on? No, people were generally pretty honest that I was a loser who was not going to have a pleasant life.
Pretty accurate stuff. It wasn't until I was 16 that I understood how much normies cynically gamed their interactions with each other and by that point it was too late for me.
>>240486 This is what they don't want to admit, that they didn't bootstrap themselves into becoming upper middle/upper class by their own sheer will. They don't want to admit this not just due to narcissism but it would absolutely shatter the illusion that if you "work hard" you too, a wageslave on minimum wage, can become as wealthy as them.
If the unwashed masses realized that they will never be more than small replaceable cogs in the machine, they would riot. It's probably why shit is being automated as fast as possible.
>>240604 >they would riot I wonder if bread (more like bread slices) and circuses are going to be enough anymore.
I feel like the veil HAS been lifted and the masses, or at least the working class and "lower middle class on the edge of the working class boundary" masses, have realized but are paralysed with fear on what to do next because they've spent their entire lives eking out some kind of barely comfortable existence but even that is under threat.
>>240699 They're trying to incite a race war. There was a lockheed martin leak on twitter where a bunch of execs were sent to a 3-day re-education course for their "white male privilege".
And of course all the tweet replies were about brain-washing, wokeness, anti-whiteness, etc because the lower classes are all stupid dogs with no critical thinking skills.
Lockheed Martin is an arms manufacturer that makes stuff that kills people in brown countries. Being "woke" doesn't change that. They probably spent those 3 days drinking with their exec buddies about how retarded the proles are.
Incite a race war and whatever real issues fall by the wayside.
>>239726 My mom rents our old house out to a family of Nigerians, this is assuredly not true. The father was a doctor in Nigeria, here he drives Uber and works nights as a security guard. Non-hispanic immigrants and especially "refugees" in North America are categorically members of the upper classes in their original countries. The real refugees, who are typically low or middle class just end up displaced in UN camps somewhere in a neighboring country - the plane tickets would probably cost 10 or 20 years of their family income just to buy.
>>239705 Since I was a child but you can get away or lvl up if someone is willing to go thru hell for you My mom was a low wage tailor and had to work from 8 am to 7 pm but thanks to that I went to school and managed to get a nice job as of now, thru the years id say thanks to her I went from working poor, to working-class, and rn I would consider myself Lower middle class.