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 No.243160[Last 50 Posts]

Compared to 20-30 years ago and earlier, having a meaningful impact in any field or area of interest is at least an order of magnitude more difficult, due primarily to an increase in competition in all fields. This is normally mentioned in the context of how it affects the average person, like how a college degree isn’t an edge anymore. The effects of this on ambitious people are even more severe, though. It’s not possible to keep up with and contribute to the state of the art in anything unless you are an extreme workaholic with no neuroses or vices whose household is entirely taken care of by someone else.
Every single thing is just so saturated. It makes pursuing anything earnestly a waste of time. It’s like trying to pursue manifest destiny after all of the land has been claimed. If you weren’t groomed into a specific field from childhood it’s over.
There’s an entire generation of smart, capable people just rotting on the vine.


The heck are you talking about? There is a decadence. Of course you're thinking about doing the same that everyone else is doing, yeah, for that there are a lot of people already.


Sorry, I don’t speak ESL.


Bullshit. Reality is just the truth that you are here right now (Dasein) and nothing you can do against this knowledge. Trivial stuff. You are NOT special. Give up on trying to be special. Noone cares.


There's more than one way to skin a cat. You don't have to grind on the same path as everyone else to make a difference. There's plenty of fields which only exist because someone thought outside the box or found a way to repurposed technology.


I think a lot of it is due to the skewered perceptions society has on jobs and shit. Go back to the 50s and just going into a factory to install parts on a car for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, was considered fine. You weren't really seen as a loser for doing it. Even jobs like groundskeeper has a bit more respect to them. Nowadays even middle class tradesmen, are whining and complaining about how they just didn't quite make it in life.

From the late 90s to about two to three years ago, everyone truly believed that going to university would be a ticket to the upper managerial class as you get older. And it's true, and it is a necessary ticket, but it's no longer sufficient, it's oversaturated. There's only a limited of those management/late career slots available, and truth is, a lot of Lawyers are going to be staying on the $50,000-$60,000 wage they started out on.


It's not a skewered perception it's the increased cost of living


>Every single thing is just so saturated. It makes pursuing anything earnestly a waste of time. It’s like trying to pursue manifest destiny after all of the land has been claimed.

Exactly. "History" on this planet is over already, unless we count things like quantum computing (already exists in laboratories) or flying cars (already exist as prototypes), or mail delivery robots (already exist, see Boston Dynamics).

There are literal Mensa doctorates rotting away as base researchers because there isn't any meaningful work left.

This planet is now like a round of Civilization that has already dragged on way too long, every single building and wonder has already been built and the population is way too high.
So you press "end turn" only to see no progress, because there is nothing left to progress towards except the Space Race.

The only frontier left is space. That's the only place left where huge masses of ambitious people have any future left.

And guess what, you have been born 100-300 years too early to partake in that exploration.


That factory worker could support a family and buy a house outright in a short period of time. These days, low class pleb jobs wont even allow you to live a decent independent life as a renter; such people are now like subhuman slaves and paid as such.


My father bought a house with a factory workers wage in 8 years. With cash.
While sustaining a family of 4 in which my mom didn't work.

How do you think these boomers can relate to us? Their real wages converted to modern purchasing power were something absurd like $60 an hour.
While things like houses used to cost 30-50x less and you could order a steak in a restaurant for 1 dollar.

They have no idea about the hell we live in.

The average unskilled worker made $5600 a year in 1960. Let's see how much that is in 2021 money when we take inflation into account:


They made $51,000 a year packing groceries, working a single factory shift, filling gas at pumps or other menial labor.

The median wage for UNIVERSITY graduates in 2021 is $19.33, with 8 hour work days and 5 day work weeks 40k a year.

Let's not even get into minimum wage employees today. They live 3-4x worse than their parents despite working full time.


Yet these "self made" gas pump attendants are lecturing people with masters degrees over how lazy they are.

I'm sick of this world. There needs to be violent revolution if political change isn't coming.


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I disagree with the sentiment. I see that the challenge the next 3~4 generations will take is to end poverty in developing nations and the African continent, I think is feasible that in the 25th century all populations on earth will be the equivalent to the modern middle class. This will eventually lead to a higher optimization of the world.
The future of thing is terrifying, but seems promissing in that regard.


Raising the status of developing nations will only drag down the quality of life in developed nations - they are relied upon to provide criminally cheap labor. Likewise the upper class has incentive to keep pushing the lower classes down: both for cheap labor and to build moats that protect their positions of power. In theory automation should lead to allowing people to work less and have more free time, but in practice we see that it just concentrates wealth and power. I see no signs that we should be optimistic. Everything points to further segregation and intensification of the divide between elites and the slave class, with the continued erosion of any form of middle class


Tell me what it cost for a TV and a smart phone in 1950. How many houses had multiple cars and multiple TVs?

The cost of goods and quantity of goods the average person has access to has greatly increased.

How do you feed billions of low IQ africans and what do they offer that's optimal? Optimal would mean cutting dead weight not giving it more resources to suck up without remorse. You can give a nigger a computer but he's never going to invite Linux. He will break it and make a shank out of it though.


Davos crowd, I know you want everyone to buy your propaganda, but you're so desperate for everyone to agree with you that now you're trawling around wizardchan? Maybe you should look a bit inward as to why nobody agrees with you instead of astroturfing everything.


if you arent disabled like me and are eligable for neetbux why are you on this site? you need to suck it up and be a man and earn money. if youre not disabled or severely psychotic you and are a wizard youre a failed normalfag


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>Tell me what it cost for a TV and a smart phone in 1950. How many houses had multiple cars and multiple TVs?
This shit is starting to get infuriating. The FED has to start EXCLUDING cars, TVs, and bullshit appliances from their inflation metrics. You can't eat a TV ffs. The only reason these exist in these metrics is to deflate and put spin on how horrible things have actually gotten.


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And then combine it with the _fact_ that wages have completely stagnated since the 70s. Things have been getting worse for the past 50 years now. It'll only keep getting worse.


Who cares if you can eat a TV or not? The income and cost of things doesn't define the quality of life.



I love it when the person you're arguing with says something so out of line you don't even need to reply. You can just quote their response to anyone else who happens to be reading as well.


I take a look at the trends society is undergoing, increasing automation, increasing globalization, everyone tracked and targeted with personally tailored advertisements designed to make them materialistic consoomers, increasing corruption, increasing racism. It's all linked together to increasing competition. Because the competition is heating up, so are the tricks used to get up in the game, the ivy league college admissions scandal was just the tip of the iceburg.

All sorts of other cheating happens where groups of socially dominant people gang up and bully and take advantage of less socially dominant people. The nerd would do the homework and everyone else just copied. The nerd does the work and the boss takes credit and the pay bonus. Racism is just another form of this gang bullying with the socially dominant whites ganging up on less socially dominant minorities. All of it is in service of winning the capitalism game. People are so brainwashed by generations of materialistic consoomerist propaganda that they have become pathological narcissists en masse and they all desperately use the established ways of gaining narcissistic supply that are provided in capitalist society, namely making money and spending it on shit. With internet tracking and advertising and social media, that need for narcissistic supply has only ballooned while opportunities to get it have diminished.

You can be a workaholic but not be able to ingratiate yourself with your superiors or co-workers and end up being the weak one singled out by the pack to be picked on and bullied and never make it up while genial and gregarious chads can walk in one day with zero work ethic and be promoted instantly. It's all about connections these days, unless you happen to be unusually smart, talented, and educated which let's face it most of us are not, and even then if you have autism or otherwise unusually stunted social skills you will always be left out of the ever-evolving tactics people are using to win and dominate socially. For many who see through the capitalist consoomer brainwashing or simply don't have what it takes to win at it, there is little true motivation to participate in society. The demands are too high and the rewards are too low. This is why you see more and more people simply dropping out of society and becoming hiki ghosts.


It's both. The cost of living has gone up on essential things like healthcare and housing while other consumer goods have gone down. This makes people just as stressed about money as ever even though they may be able to afford more tvs and clothes and shit. However, people's perception has definitely also skewed. Social media and internet marketing made everyone more narcissistic as suddenly everyone can see what you're doing all the time and you need to broadcast to everyone else how great your life is going all the time. I really think the internet fucking broke people and the majority of people in society can be considered insane.


Easy there, normgroid. Not everyone here has the capacity to speak two languages perfectly all the time. Still better than someone who can't even understand only one just because a few minor alterations.


I have to disagree. The native population of most of Africa have already proven that they can offer absolutely nothing of value in terms of either culture or work. So there is nothing to gain for the rest of the world to start pouring money into a place like that.


Is it worth telling you that americans niggers and africans are completely different in culture and work ethic?


Not him, but I can say that I'm a native English speaker and even I had difficultly parsing that. Let me try to break down why that post sounds so weird:
>There is a decadence.
Given the OP's post, the word 'decadence' here seems completely out of left field. Decadence of what? OP was talking about how well-educated people can't even seem to get by, and this seems to be talking about degeneracy in society.
>Of course you're thinking about doing the same that everyone else is doing, yeah, for that there are a lot of people already.
This statement flies directly in the face of the last phrase of OP's first sentence, "due primarily to an increase in competition in all fields." Maybe you're making a reference to everyone trying to get a college degree? Maybe you're talking about how everyone is actually trying to get jobs at the same place instead of looking at different places, and you're chastising OP for not realizing the many opportunities out there?
Again, it's not really clear what things you're reference. For example, when you say, "doing the same [thing] that everyone else is doing," what exactly is 'the same' here?
>The heck are you talking about?
The heck are YOU talking about?



>There is a decadence.
Let me say one more thing here. This has got to be one of the weirdest sentences I've ever heard. I've heard 'decadent' a lot. I've heard many things be described via the adjective 'decadent.' The only times I've heard or read the noun 'decadence' has almost always been together with the word 'general,' with some sort of preposition in the sentence for juxtaposition to another concept, or starting off a sentence.
For example,
>There is a general decadence.
>Roman society was filled with decadence.
>One roadstop on the way to sin is decadence.
>Decadence was the norm.
I've also never heard anyone say "a decadence." With concepts/ideas, it's very strange to use the article 'a.' E.g., "There is a poverty." A lot of the same rules apply here. It'd be more natural to hear "There is a general poverty of thought here."


>OP was talking about how well-educated people
No, what the planet has is a lot of people with degrees or jobs that they got from licking feet. Specially in the West. Which has nothing to do with being educated, or better said, being good at something. There is a lack of people who want to do their own thing or doing something because they like it.


We don't have the resources required to achieve that and the ecological impact of everyone living a middle class lifestyle, even a European middle class lifestyle, would be devastating. As >>243200 said, improving developing nations will only negatively impact your quality of life in the West.


>I disagree with the sentiment. I see that the challenge the next 3~4 generations will take is to end poverty in developing nations and the African continent, I think is feasible that in the 25th century all populations on earth will be the equivalent to the modern middle class.
Equality of outcome really is an evil comparable to white supremacy.


>JP video

That dude conflates liberal culture wars with "leftist" agendas.


>in the 25th century all populations on earth will be the equivalent to the modern middle class
I can't understand how you have reached this conclusion. It seems likely that the story of the rest of the 21st century will be mass migrations out of the third world (sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian subcontinent and south America) as climate change in combination with exploding populations render it increasingly difficult to scratch out a living there. If we ever get a real grip on climate change, it will only be at the point at which it begins to impinge significantly on developed countries in north America and Europe, by which time the current "developing nations" will have been utterly ravaged by its effects. What happens in the longer term is anyone's guess but it's far from clear that your optimistic scenario will play out.


I'm not understanding you. Expound on your thoughts a bit more.


The point is the people constantly talking about Lgbtwtfbbq (not that I have anything against them) and those advocating for the nordic welfare model have nothing in common.

Social democracy is increasingly being emulated by politicians in the west who care about the vast majority of their constituents rather than pandering for billionaire stock owners.

Don't confuse rational politicians with those who keep talking about gender nouns.


You just have to compete in games that are implicit rather than explicit. Obviously trying to be the best engineer or lawyer or something like that you will be blown out of the water by those with higher raw intelligence and eventually AI. However there are still lots of games that people don’t realize they are playing explicitly. This is why a lot of people can have success doing creative projects or social media stuff even if they aren’t necessarily very smart or talented.


>I really think the internet fucking broke people and the majority of people in society can be considered insane.

It's funny, out of all the sci-fi authors, Philip K Dick with his schizo neurotic nonsense was the most on point. We're basically in A Scanner Darkly, down to the mass surveillance, and paranoia and mental health crisis, just swap out substance X for the internet.

The thing is, we're still above 1920s-1950s workers and they didn't have this absolute deprecation of lower class workers. It was the sixties to mid eighties that were the absolute golden years, even with stagflation. As long as you weren't a retard that got a mortgage you couldn't afford, you did well.

I don't think ever before in history has there been such a seething deprecation of the working class people that actually work and contribute in society. It's not only that they're considered lower, it's that it's considered a total failing on your own part and that it's considered a just dessert for being a fuck-up in life.

In 1947 you could have a job where you mostly dug trenches and wheelbarrowed concrete, and you could hold your head high. Now most people have to hide that embarrassing fact from others as they age.


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PKD was a 20th century schizoid man.


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>Compared to 20-30 years ago and earlier, having a meaningful impact in any field or area of interest is at least an order of magnitude more difficult, due primarily to an increase in competition in all fields.
There's also the fact that problems just tend to get harder and more complicated as technology advances.



A lot of traditional working class industries were sold to Asia or are being replaced with automation. The ultimate goal of the elites is to stop the working class breeding and have most of them die off to combat overpopulation. They don't want them to exist anymore aside from being maids and prostitutes.


It was inevitable that Asia developed, even without western investment they were always going to. We never could pretend that screwing rivets onto a car was always going to put us ahead of the rest of the world forever.

>The ultimate goal of the elites is to stop the working class breeding and have most of them die off to combat overpopulation.

This is absolute bullshit, the elites themselves have no willpower to combat overpopulation or any serious problems. They just hide away in their hermitic little rich areas isolated from the rest and pretend that those problems don't exist.


>The elites themselves have no willpower to combat overpopulation or any serious problems. They just hide away in their hermitic little rich areas isolated from the rest and pretend that those problems don't exist.

Bingo. They are only interested in their own little hedonistic treadmill.

Even people with absolute power like Kim Jong-un show time and time again he isn't really interested in anything else besides food, cognac and building new ski resorts and amusement parks for himself.

Life truly is that disgusting and simple: There are no "ultimate goals", it's just a bunch of apes trying to max their endorphins.


idk about that, why are they telling everyone to breed then? if that were the case they would limit children to 1-2 per family. they want more wage slaves


More wageslaves doesnt harm the rich, it helps them, by lowering the cost of labor and keeping the wageslave class poor

>This is absolute bullshit, the elites themselves have no willpower to combat overpopulation or any serious problems. They just hide away in their hermitic little rich areas isolated from the rest and pretend that those problems don't exist.
They arent all the same. Some of them get a god complex and want to play with plebs like they are pieces in an RTS game. Bill Gates seems like this, he wants power like a god emperor


Your story doesn't really check out, considering he's already given away 100% of his current networth into global charities.

He's also the original signatory of the Giving Pledge with Warren buffett, meaning his fortune wont pass to his children after he dies, but to thousands of charities worldwide.

He is leaving his kids 10 million each, sure it's a big amount of money, but they'll be forced to make their own way in life.

(He divorced from his wife, but the original agreement stood in court, the kids "only" get 10m each)


Sweet Christ you actually believe that shit?


Are you from a third world country where everyone is just a soulless sociopath?

There are plenty of billionaires who aren't bad people and genuinely want to give away their cash once they die.


Funding third world countries to help them come to the first world IS being a bad person.

What kind of a retard thinks 10 million is going to take work to survive on? You can live like a king off the interest alone. 10 million is multiple generations of living like a god.


>There are plenty of billionaires who aren't bad people

You must be most naive person in this thread right now.

Bill Gates has been with Jeffery Epstein, a convicted pedophile, multiple times.


How is that contrary to the message you replied to? All those "donations" allow him to exercise power and influence the course of events


>genuinely want to give away their cash once they die.
Uhh… are you implying there is an alternative? Being buried with it like a pharaoh?


Most people just hand it over to their children or grandchildren who then piss it away in a couple years.

Giving away implies donating it to people other than your direct offspring.


10 million is unironically a shitty amount of money to live on in New York where his kids live.

I mean you wont sleep homeless on the streets, but you're not going to be buying anything except a 1-2 bedroom apartment with that.


I don't understand how that relates to the billionaire being a bad person or not. Theyre dead at that point


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Funny enough, it's the sociopathic ones that most want to do their own little thing. The ultra rich -at best- want to be Bill Gates and actively improve the world in the same fashion Enlightened Monarchs did during the 18th century.

I've worked on the homes of the ultra rich, I'm talking people with wealth over 100 million. The thing that is most unspoken is that they actually take an interest in the working class and their day to day life, they find it fascinating. And they hold the professional managerial class and yuppies in contempt because they see how desperate those people are to pretend they're rich and important. All the seething hatred of the working class comes from people making around $80,000-200,000 a year, not the ultra wealthy.

Every yuppie with a McMansion is a total cunt to work for.


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>the world in complete economic ruin
>"rich people totally care about us"


99% sure this is the trolling fag yet again. You can tell by how stupid everything he posts is. It's just bait supposed to wind people up.


>There are plenty of billionaires who aren't bad people and genuinely want to give away their cash once they die.
Self-made billionaires like Gates are sociopaths, they're the only ones who pursue wealth to the degree. Inheritors of wealth aren't necessarily sociopaths but they're so spoiled and pampered they're often even worse.

Rich people NEVER give away their wealth, they invest it or lose it.


It's a way to avoid taxation. He is giving his money to his own foundation where he can still control where the money is going. And when he dies, he can still choose to give the ownership of the foundation to his kids if he wants.


You have no idea what you're talking about. He has donated more during his lifetime to various countries, charities and individuals than the net worth of most people on the Forbes rich list.


You have just proven again your small brain can't comprehend the thinking patterns of these people. You read conspiracy theory websites and think they are some kind of literal lizards.


Wrong again. A huge number of billionaires flat out refuse to give their money to their children after they pass away.


>Bill and Melinda Gates are giving their three kids “a minuscule portion” of their estimated $89 billion, they told the Daily Mail in 2011. “It will mean they have to find their own way,” Bill said at the time.

>Chuck Feeney is not leaving a single cent of his multi-billion dollar fortune to his children.

>“It is eccentric, but he sheltered us from people using the money to treat us differently,” Leslie Feeney Baily told The New York Times in 2007. “It made us normal people.”

>Michael Bloomberg's daughters wont be seeing any of his fortune. The fortune will be distributed to various charities across the country and world.

>Andrew Lloyd Webber is not leaving a cent to his children.

>“I don’t believe in inherited money at all,” Webber told Mirror back in 2008. “I am not in favor of children suddenly finding a lot of money coming their way because then they have no incentive to work


how kind of these billionaires to set up foundations for totally benevolent ends


Seeing what "good" billionaires' foundations have done/are doing and how they work, even though I know I'll never be mega-rich, and I sometimes say to myself, "If I ever did becmoe mega-rich, I'm not donating to charities or making some foundation because of my own hubris in how _I_ think it's going to make the world better." Just because I've seen how terrible the Gates Foundation and other projects funded by these billionaires are.


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>“I don’t believe in inherited money at all,” Webber told Mirror back in 2008. “I am not in favor of children suddenly finding a lot of money coming their way because then they have no incentive to work
This is an interesting inversion of building a dynasty and accumulating generational power. You can tell these people are nouveau riche from their middle class values.


Again: Not everyone is a sociopathic thirld worlder whose only value in life is accumulating as much money as possible.


We should call people who believe everything the powerful says and does "nouveau tards".


Like Jimmy Carter who lives in a 170k house, drinks out of paper cups and genuinely hates those trying to cash in on an ex-presidency?

Keep believing every single person in existence with either cash or any influence present or past is somehow evil. Some are, just like in every socioeconomic group, not all.


>Social democracy is increasingly being emulated by politicians in the west who care about the vast majority of their constituents rather than pandering for billionaire stock owners.
Is this a joke?


Not that poster, but I don't see how it is. People like AOC will get landslide election victories in the next 5-10 years among younger voters.

Older voters will die off from natural causes, making societies like Norway, Finland and Sweden much more commmon in other countries as well.


AOC is the candidate of the young aspiring middle class that wants a leg up. They will kick down the ladder behind them once they made it just like their predecessors.


People have the capability to change for the better. Boomers were monsters and younger people don't want to become like them.


I didn't say anything about people from the past.
But most powerful people from today are just corrupt parasites because since long ago the system rewards being one. Idiots who believe anything they say or do are the worse.


not really human history is basically a cycle of people being self-interested and making the same mistakes over and over again


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>Again: Not everyone is a sociopathic thirld worlder whose only value in life is accumulating as much money as possible.
I'm not sure that would apply to so-called third worlders because a mercantile middle class has yet to form, along with the institutional power of bourgeois psychiatry to pathologize people in such a way. Additionally, I would suggest passing down your family's inheritance to the next generation is precisely the opposite of sociopathy. That inheritance also includes social obligations.


No it isn't, otherwise we would still have legalized slavery and constant warfare.

Society has gotten better and more humane as time has passed. Today even a penniless handicapped in a western country can live like a baron.


There is literally zero difference between a neet and a person inheriting a billion dollars except the amount of money in their bank account or stock balance.

Not every parent wants their child to become a neet.


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>Society has gotten better and more humane as time has passed. Today even a penniless handicapped in a western country can live like a baron.
The reason society appears to have become progressively more humane to you is you're uncritical of the power structures behind it, and because of the particular anthropology you entertain. Namely, viewing people as a series of metrics around life expectancy and industrial output, relative to a scientifically determined norm.

We tell ourselves we're more humane because we've apparently ended slavery and the torture of criminals, but gloss over the cruelty of modern institutions like mental asylums, factories, schools, and prisons, along with their adjacent academic fields in psychiatry, education, and criminology. All these institutions are inhumane and antisocial. It's only because you've wholly aligned yourself with power that the extent slavery and warfare today is invisible to you.

>There is literally zero difference between a neet and a person inheriting a billion dollars
They are wholly different. One is the result of surplus labor produced by capitalism, the other has its roots in feudalism. The aristocratic NEET doesn't have the social power of his feudal counterpart, they are captive.


A neet who lives on $100,000 a month is still just as much of a neet as a neet who lives on $1,000 a month.

This isn't even a possible debate, we're only debating numbers here. Numbers don't change the reality.

The fact that society decides to call the former "aristocracy" like you doesn't change the fact they are both neither in employment, nor education or training.


please stop reddit spacing and posting utopian fallacies on /dep/


We have gotten rid of slavery and a lot of other societal ills. Nothing about that is utopian.


>This isn't even a possible debate, we're only debating numbers here.
Precisely, any other conception of life is excluded. This is a humane and social view of life, according to you. Realize though that when you robotically repeat these neoliberal talking points you have nothing to appeal to other than a myth: that history has been inevitably progressing to its current apex, and you have nothing to say to anyone destroyed now or along the way. Like you say, debate isn't even possible.


False. If anything, I oppose neoliberal policies and advocate strong salaries for workers, strong safety nets for those unemployed, at the cost of taxation for large corporations.
In other words, not much different from Norway.


You aren't a social democrat because you have no critique of capital or institutional power. Debating outside the terms of neoliberalism isn't even a possibility for you, like you said. What you consider to be humane and prosocial is already baked in and is entirely conditioned by prevailing power structures, which is why you are uncritical of them and the myths surrounding them.


Good post.
Few things piss me off more than that trite about the poor living "better" than kings of the past because they have running water or what have you.


Bro the poor totally live better because they can buy calorie-dense food devoid of nutrients but their lives must be comfortable because they are so fat.


That fucking bitch, I knew she was a grifter but everyone was busy staring at her tits.

>Today even a penniless handicapped in a western country can live like a baron.
…have you seen the homeless tent cities of America?

I think spastics like you don't appreciate the difference between millions and billions. I'm sure you can become a low millionaire without exploiting people or the government, to become a billionaire on the other hand is a completely different matter.


I don't agree with that sentiment at all, in fact some lower middle class people today live more miserable lives than medieval peasants.

My main point was we no longer have the most severe forms of discrimination left, such as serfdom or slavery.


>Posting G. Edwards Griffin
My man.


This should be the new American flag


Most billionares after the second generation are NEETs that don't make business decisions themselves, they pay others to manage their finances. There's a reason the rich are stereotyped as being idle and decadent, it's because that's what they become over the generations. All the lazy NEET stereotypes apply to them just as much as they do to NEETs, people that live around them like Schopenhauer commented on how pathetic they are. There's no real avoiding it unless the sword of Damocles starts hanging over their head, like in early medieval Europe or Feudal Japan.

The rich aren't all sociopaths that are stroking their cock to the exploitation occurring. They're people that don't even see or think about it. They just pay people to manage their portfolio, that portfolio goes up, and they do other things. Just like NEETs (outside of 4chan of course) don't think about the wagies slaving away for their NEETbux.


Yet those 20-something NEET's (some of whom can't even graduate from school, so their daddy pays some art school to give them a "bachelor's degree" after they attend a few classes) are sucked up to.

But they get invited to the homes of former presidents and current billionaires. They dine with the pope and Emperor of Japan.

The world is an absolute joke, where one kind of NEET is treated completely different than the other simply because of the family they were born in.
They don't work for their sustenance and never will. These NEET's earn 1000x more in capital gains a month by sitting around doing nothing, than the average wagie earns slaving away for a whole year.

No, really. I've yet to get any rational responses. How do you people accept this without any cognitive dissonance? How are you okay with a world like this existing? There are literal 21 year olds who can barely read and write earning 100 million a year just for existing and having inherited stocks.

While you slave away at your shitty $15/h job. While people in lesser countries work for a dollar a day.
How are billions of people okay with this? Are they all mentally ill? Are they simply too low IQ to be aware of just how massively they are being exploited?


>The rich aren't all sociopaths that are stroking their cock to the exploitation occurring
Anyone rich enough to fall into the category you're discussing is constantly in contact with maids, cleaners, landscapers, cooks, etc that wait on them and make their lifestyle possible. This skewed relationship with normal people, combined with the culture passed onto them from their parents, is what turns them into sociopaths.

What's up with all of the "rich people are totally just like us" rhetoric I've been seeing for the past few days or so? They live in a completely different world that normal people.

It's a combination of low IQ and denial. Some people are too stupid to fully understand the level of exploitation happening, but most people know something is wrong, but they're more afraid of their whole worldview unraveling once they start asking questions.


Feudalism never disappeared. It's stronger than ever before. You are the serf if you work for low double digits an hour.

The nobility and aristocracy is people younger than you pulling in 9-10 figures a year while doing absolutely nothing.
Inheritance is the knighting ceremony, coronation and ascension all in one.


>While you slave away at your shitty $15/h job.
I've seen job postings that advertise way less than that where I live. The sad part is that some people work at these shitty places for their entire lives. I've known a few people who had jobs at Walmart for years on end and couldn't find anything better. I was a NEET (lived with family and had no income) while they went to slave away in retail hell for most of the week. This world is absolutely fucked. You either work yourself to death or live long enough to see yourself become a penniless NEET.


>maids, cleaners, landscapers, cooks, etc that wait on them and make their lifestyle possible.

You see the same shit with how normies treat retail staff. There's a subset of Karens out there that will treat the person making their burger like shit, but this fantasy you have where the mega rich are all sociopathic reprehensible monsters has no founding in reality.

>How are billions of people okay with this? Are they all mentally ill? Are they simply too low IQ to be aware of just how massively they are being exploited?

I'm not okay with it, but the fault lies in part on us for allowing it. I agree, we should crack apart their mansions and send them to work. Or at least make them live on sustenance NEETbux. But I don't have to go the step further and pretend they're subhuman and all lack empathy.


>but this fantasy you have where the mega rich are all sociopathic reprehensible monsters has no founding in reality.
Right, the damage and suffering they knowingly cause to the world and it's people because enough is never enough for the mega rich, is not because they are sociopathic demons but because they are kind-hearted people.


Kill yourself zoomer.


>sociopathic reprehensible monsters
I didn't say that. I just said they had a skewed view of their relationship to normal people which naturally causes them view them as lesser.

>You see the same shit with how normies treat retail staff. There's a subset of Karens out there that will treat the person making their burger like shit
Is that supposed to make me wrong? Normies doing it is just them either larping as rich or acting out their frustrations on others. But, at the end of the day, they're exactly the same as the people they're being shitty to. They're just too stupid to see it. The relationship rich people have to the lower class is completely different.


>dude but we have onlyfans!
I hate it when people like you post. Actually price of basic things DOES determine quality of life. You’re basically saying that breads and circuses meant that the roman empire was doing better than ever.


Your post should be the new EU flag.


Oh how many times have guys come into power saying “this is it lads, we’ve won, now time for real change!” That’s pretty much the entire history of Latin America.

Guess what dipshit. The boomers used to be bra burning pot smoking hippies. And when millennials and zoomers start having families and getting jobs, they become the boomers. You can’t escape the system


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the boomer


>There are literal Mensa doctorates rotting away as base researchers because there isn't any meaningful work left.

There is work left, the problem is that it's basically just turning the planet into a giant surveillance state. Also, there are still more developments in computing to be done. Computers aren't just putting components into a virtual shopping cart on Newegg and clicking "check out".


>Is that supposed to make me wrong?

Yes. Most people can easily get away with treating retail staff like shit but most don't. They typically get about one Karen a day.


Those hippies were middle/upper-middle class shits who were just LARPing as revolutionaries. They were always going to turn into the yuppies of the 80s.


commies say that about literally every revolutionary group, they're just bluepillled losers who can't accept that humanity is inherently corrupt and not whatever system they want to destroy


Whether or not humanity is corrupt, hippies are basically the middle-class woke idpol fuckers of today.


Africa is a very diverse continent larger than Europe.

There are dirt poor African countries and then you have countries like Equatorial Guinea which are richer than most European countries.

There is no single monolith called "Africa".


a few countries in "Equatorial Guinea" which rival ex communist states aren't proof of whatever it is you're trying to argue.


I don't believe you.

Our mastery of genetics / genetic engineering, of AI, of material sciences, of physics, of space, of pretty much everything is far from complete and we still have room to improve.

This is a good time for an ambitious and capable person to be born. The only real issue is dysgenics is removing the "capable" part of the equation from most of us.


Genetic determinism means you can't uplift Africa unless you do some serious eugenics and give them dictators that will weed out the criminals and retards.


>Those hippies were middle/upper-middle class shits who were just LARPing as revolutionaries. They were always going to turn into the yuppies of the 80s.
so are the people today advocating for change. they are all university faggots and stemcels. tradies and countrymen are all right wing as fuck


Seychelles and Mauritius are both in Africa and gdp per capita is about 30k a year.

Gdp per capita in Congo is 580 us dollars a year. So yes, there is no such thing as "Africa" as far as prosperity goes, it's a massive continent with various countries and cultures of relative wealth levels.


I agree. CRISPR could edit out a lot of worldly ills, if not make the world a much more boring place.

Edit out autism from Japan, edit out proneness to depression, edit out social anxiety, poor eyevision etc. and quality of life will skyrocket.

Edit out genetic proneness to alcoholism from nordic countries gene pools.

Use CRISPR to delete genes that lead a lot of middle-eastern and north african people to rape and murder, also delete genes that lead to very low IQ

Only a very harsh dictator could force people to these measures, but it would make the planet immensely more enjoyable to live on.
We have accumulated so much useless genetic baggage over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. Just snip them out.

While we're at it, delete all the genes that lead to Down syndrome, blindness, sickle cell anemia, cerebral palsy, hereditary heart diseases and all other sorts of horrible illnesses which only make life a major pain for the host.


All of those things come with trade offs. Imagine thinking biology is so inefficient that you can “snip out” autism without damaging high IQ phenotypes like those of obsessive artists or engineers, remove tendency towards violence and rape without getting rid of passionate people, etc.

It all comes with trade offs.


>We have accumulated so much useless genetic baggage over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution
funny how none of the other animals developed shit like down syndrome.


But they did?


They don't have social safety nets to keep the disabled retards from dying like humans do.


i aint never seen a down syndrome dog before

but were people really helping out cripples for that long? civilization has only been around for maybe 10000 years i think so i dont know how tribes would keep around retards and cripples. we could probably still find out if tribes did this since aboriginal people are still around and we can go by what they say.


Even if ancient humans murdered every retard born back then, it doesn't mean there wouldn't be more in the future.


If God is all-powerful and benevolent, why did he create Niggers? It seems counter-intuitive to me to create Niggers unless His plan was to test us in some way.


I don't know, I'm atheist.


why would retards exist in the first place?

niggers are a non-issue if you just leave them alone in africa like people did for the longest time


Because DNA is volatile. Two people who are seemingly in perfect health with no recorded history of defects in their families can produce terminally-ill sewer mutant babies while also having normal children. Humans are all slight variations of each other and separate species are just far more pronounced variations.


yes but humans have over 4000 catalogued genetic disorders according to google, meanwhile the average wild animal has only 3-10.


>meanwhile the average wild animal has only 3-10.
1. Where are you getting that number from? 2. Like has already been said nature will just kill off anything that can't survive in a competitive world, so they'd never live long enough to be observed 3. Humans are the most well studied animal on the planet because we are humans, the average animal doesn't get much attention in terms of cataloguing genetic disorders.


Well, I still stick by human society trying to keep the disabled alive, often regardless of how bad their defects are. That might not explain it all, although we also may not understand the full breadth of disorders facing most other animals. Dogs have quite a few more than only 3 recognized from what I recall. Anyway, I fully agree that humans are more diseased than any other creature.

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