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Everything is bullshit. Everything is a lie.

The way we're expected to exist within this framework of constant misinformation is to either remain in a bubble where all of the shit sold to us is still true out of sheer ignorance or delude yourself into believing the bubble is still there once it pops.

If you do manage to remain in the bubble (which is basically only possible if you're rich, a succubus, or completely braindead), there's a chance the resulting emotional and psychological repression will either turn you into a violent, neurotic mess or drive you insane. But, if the bubble does pop and you want to keep the delusion alive, look forward to becoming some sort of functional addict in order to make that happen. Your whole life becomes a constant effort to stop yourself from thinking too much or at all.

The default mode that most humans exist in today is one of denial and delusion. A complete disassociation from reality. The ultimate goal of modern humanity is not to understand oneself and others but to avoid true understanding at any cost, because knowing yourself and what you really want will inevitably lead to questioning society and its systems. This is, of course, unacceptable to most people and they, out of some misplaced sense of self preservation, essentially commit spiritual suicide in order to keep existing comfortably within society.

This extreme kind of behavior then leads to anyone existing outside of this paradigm as a threat. Anyone who doesn't want to live their life that way or even just brings up the idea that the existing system might be flawed is met with outright hostility. No dissent can be tolerated, because, at this point, the system of delusion is so fragile and blatantly false that even the slightest push would cause a domino effect that would cause someone's entire belief system to come crashing down.

How the fuck did it get this bad? I mean, we may be living in what is literally the darkest possible interpretation of human existence. At least older shitty civilizations had the benefit of being forced to do stupid shit they didn't want to do, but what we have today is people choosing to live this way, or, at least, justifying the worst parts of it. It's completely unsustainable, and everyone knows it, but it somehow manages to continue on. It's maddening.


You're one of those people who thinks God doesn't exist but doesn't understand why God has to be created aren't you?

People don't care to understand themselves. They care to know where to eat, where to earn money and when the garbage men are coming. People don't need to be deep intellectual thinkers, they need to survive and help their kin survive. You have too much free time and no purpose in life so you spend all your time over thinking and ending up miserable. Get a purpose and work on it instead of driving yourself neurotic through over thinking. You're not some intellectual genius prophet. You're a fat unwashed guy sitting in his bed room.


OP, your problem is that you try to see everyone and measure everyone with the same standard. Normals are a completely another race from us. They have no great feelings or passions, they don't desire impossible things, they lack any sort of original thought and so on. They deserve their fate and they are happy enough with it. Their gods are work, partying and sex so big deal instead of going to church now they go to orgies, who cares? They are apes either way, inferior people who need strong leaders and rulers. If it were up to me I'd bring back the 12 hour work a day stuff and make sure that people had to work even on weekends and holidays. Because they are literal cattle that needs something they can occupy their times with and it is slaving away for superior people.

People like us, who can think outside the box are extremely rare. People like us either end up as priests or philosophers or artists of a system. Or as a group that works against the system and tries to bring it to destruction. We weren't made for labor or for obeying rules, norms, laws and customs. We were made for ruling and for creating rules, norms, laws and customs. Free-thinking, creative, uncommon, critical people like us are the ones who build societies and cultures.

>You have too much free time and no purpose in life so you spend all your time over thinking and ending up miserable. Get a purpose and work on it instead of driving yourself neurotic through over thinking
1. Who would have thought people who have free time end up thinking? Why do you think society puts this much emphasis on work and contributing to society?
2. Being miserable and "driving yourself neurotic" are signs that the individual in question is a superior person. Content, happy, ordinary persons never invented anything, never came up with original ideas, never built cultures simply because if you are happy you don't feel the need to do anything other than continue being happy. Happiness is the requirement for being average.
>You're not some intellectual genius prophet. You're a fat unwashed guy sitting in his bed room.
This is how succubi and normals think, so I guess congratulations. You succeeded in thinking like a sheep. Who cares about Socrates or Diogenes, haha, they were only unwashed creepy people with too much free time on their hands, right? Don't drag others down to your filth, pig. Not everyone is a failed normal here who is obsessed with catering to others' expectations and fulfilling some empty ideal society put on them.


Did I say anything about working? I said get a purpose, get out of your own head before it drives you crazy. You're not superior because you're neurotic, you're inferior and your own delusions convince you other wise.


High quality post.


>If you're not a norm you're inferior


>normalfags are just a bunch of NPC we wizards are superior

yeah high quality post indeed, something I haven't seen here posted more than a thousand times.


>People like us, who can think outside the box are extremely rare. People like us either end up as priests or philosophers or artists of a system. Or as a group that works against the system and tries to bring it to destruction. We weren't made for labor or for obeying rules, norms, laws and customs. We were made for ruling and for creating rules, norms, laws and customs. Free-thinking, creative, uncommon, critical people like us are the ones who build societies and cultures.

I thought so 10 years ago. Then I realized all that is a farce. Thinking and philosophy will only get you stuck in your head, it's fine for a while but eventually it will become stale. People like us become depressed, NEET, homeless etc. Only if you are rich you can make it without becoming insane.


What is untrue about it?


What is wrong with having a purpose that involves philosophy, thinking or something along those lines? You can't "get out of your head", by the way. If you really hate your own thoughts and fear from yourself then feel free to become a drug, alcohol or masturbation addict and stop thinking. Or get brain surgery and make yourself into a drooling retard. We can think for a reason. Giving up would be like giving up your talents. You encourage op and others to become average, mediocre, everyday people when they clearly aren't meant to be. Same goes for you too, probably, if you are here. You will never be normal, happy, content once you started thinking. You can't go back to the herd.

That doesn't make it false, does it? It is true, some people are meant to ponder about higher things than just pussy and working. We aren't different from philosophers and other intellectuals at all. Writing books or being recognized by the community aren't what make you into an intellectual. It is about your personality and interests. Wizards simply like deeper and more meaningful things than most.

You completely misunderstand it. Being depressed, NEET, homeless, etc as you put it are expected consenquences for us. Reason? We aren't made for this world where everyone gets treated equally more or less and everyone is forced to contribute to society by doing actual labor. On the contrary, if you would be an accomplished person with wealth, succubi and fame, THEN you should fucking worry. Being accepted and respected by trash rabble can only mean you are doing something wrong.

Our rewards are different from that, it is mainly the knowledge that you are doing what is right and expected from people with our talents and abilities.

No matter how many normals I'm forced to interact with and no matter how much they hate me and I hate them, they are always forced to acknowledge my wisdom, intelligence, insight and critical thinking to some extent. Even though they despise me, they always say I'm a very intelligent person. I tried to hide away from this fact for too long but we can't run from ourselves forever. We are this way for a reason and the reason is that we should use what we are good at, which is thinking.


If you're so superior why do you depend on normalfags for food, shelter, protection and entertainment? You're only superior in being a parasite.

Philosophers are a sign of a society in decline. Huffing your own farts doesn't get you any where and you end up with an unwarranted ego like you have. You're not superior, you're inferior and have flipped morality upside down to justify your own existence. Instead of getting out of your head, you double and triple down on it to save your inflated ego.


If you were as superior as you say you are you wouldn't have such an ignorant take on people who aren't like you.


This is such a dull and moot point to make. Not every wizard is a neet, there are people who work here or have inherited money to live on.

I still don't understand why some of you normals who come on this site despite not being wizards, think all of us are neets.


A King depends on his servants to provide him all those same things.


Normals are generally sub 100 IQ, don't expect them to understand even the President of the United States is nothing without hired uneducated muscle protecting his back 24/7.

He would be dead within minutes. Heck, even with all the protection in the world looneys could still storm the Capitol again and potentially take his life if he got unlucky.

All it took to put Kennedy offline was 1 mentally ill sociopath with a sniper rifle.

Every single person on this planet is interdependent.


>looneys could still storm the Capitol again

Not sure I would call them looneys…I think they were more like mostly peaceful protesters.


how do you 'peacefully' invade the top administrative office in the nation while they are trying to confirm the election results?

i also wonder how you peacefully demand the vice president to be hanged


>"Hang Mike Pence!", Dumbledore asked calmly.


I stopped being neurotic about a year ago actually. Feels pretty good. Turns out over thinking is actually a good thing. You just have to be willing to listen to yourself sometimes.

I get where you're coming from, but I just can't go full sociopath like that. A lot of people may be stupid and short sighted, but they're still people. They have just as much of a right to exist as I do. The problem is the people in charge fucking with them in ways they can barely comprehend let alone fight against. I wish they'd try a little harder, but there's really only so much you can expect people to do. It's frustrating, but I can't expect the average normie to understand the absurd complexities and esoterics involved in modern psychological manipulation. Even I don't fully understand it.

>believing the official narrative about the capital "riots"
>actually thinking Oswald's "magic bullet" killed Kennedy


>Or inherited money
So a parasite? No one said everyone is a NEET. They said you look down on people you depend on and have built an ego around it. Without trash men and sewer workers you would be living in a pile of your own shit. Have some respect for people who you rely on and stop acting like you're some magical video game character who's a strong independent womyn. You're not and you never will be independent.

A king doesn't depend on his servants. They have an exchange of services, he rules them and does good by them as a leader. The lead make him a king and support his ability to rule so they both prosper. You're not a king because you have autism and society pities you enough to fund your air addiction.

Are you a nigger? Whites are generally 100 IQ. That's the foundation of IQ tests.

No one stormed the capital. It was all live streamed and you can see them being allowed in and making fools of themselves. When a succubus tried to go where they were told not to she got shot and died. Had it been a proper siege more people would have died on both sides. Instead you have one idiot disobeying an armed mans orders and a cop dying of a heart attack a few days after the incident. It's nothing but propaganda to say it was any sort of insurrection.


Fuck off ShareBlue


I said it was mostly peaceful.


Okay, if you want to phrase it like that, he depends on those he exchanges services with…it's the same thing. It is a matter of dependence as one person can't do everything; you say as much in this very post. I wasn't claiming to be anything like a king, I was simply pointing out that the argument that one cannot be superior to those he depends on is blatantly flawed.


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>No one stormed the capital

Take your psychotics medications and go to bed.

There is so much evidence contrary to your psychotic babbling that you're just making a fool out of yourself.


I don't respect normies like you at all. I don't care if you do a "crucial job".

In fact, rather than making a profit off normies, I would pay money to see them tortured or their property vandalized.

It brings me greater joy to see a normie like you suffering than it is to invest my inheritance. White, black, asian, I hate all normals equally.

I also spend money on Facebook migrant groups to get more rapists and leeches into the US and Europe. My primary motivation is not making money.


>I would pay money to see them tortured or their property vandalized
>I also spend money on Facebook migrant groups to get more rapists and leeches into the US and Europe.
Seek treatment and leave Wizchan.


Uh, based.


>oh no the lower class filth has entered our sacred temple
>they defile it with their mere presence
>they dare to believe they can just enter our halls and touch our things
>this is nothing short of an act of treason
>everyone look they're trying to overthrow our democracy
Lick boot somewhere else

This type of behavior is just failed normie bullshit disguised as enlightened thinking. When the bubble pops and you can't delude yourself into believing the bullshit anymore, you lash out at normies, because you're mad they have what you can't get back.


Not even him, and I gotta say I disagree with you as well.


I hate normalfags with a passion, but I hate arrogant "wizards" who drone on and on about their supposed wisdom even more. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Oh it's the same troll the mods refuse to deal with shitting up wizchan yet again.


It's really not that bad you're just getting wrapped up in your head a bit too much. If you live in a first world country and can get neetbux it's probably the most comfortable existence wizards ever had in history, we can just pursue quiet lives without being bothered. I think a lot of us really underestimate just how harsh and cruel life was before the industrial revolution especially for social outcasts like us who struggled to fit in or pull our weight.

Most of the stuff you're complaining about is only a concern for normalfags and conformists. Who cares if they swallow every lie their rulers tell them? Normies have always done that and probably always will, we have to follow our own path.



>just treat yourself like an NPC bro

You're the worst type of human being there is. Your pathetic attempt at finding solace in your mediocrity is embarrassing.
>y-you're just like everyone else, binmen are your equals!
Oh shut up you little worm. Anyone is capable of being a binman or sewer worker, it's a talentless job for the inferior working class. There will always be binmen and sewer workers because there will always be low IQ, desperate people.
>y-you're a parasite
There is no nobility in work. You'll not get a handshake on your deathbed for being a good little drone. You'll be used and abused by your superiors and you'll be grateful for the scraps they leave you.


I agree with everything you wrote except for the part about how it's hard for most people to stay in a bubble unless they're rich female or braindead, I think it's far easier for most people to remain in bubbles even if they are smart and male. That part kind of contradicts the rest of what you wrote anyway about how denial and delusion is the default mode. It's the default mode precisely because there are many institutions in society devoted to intentionally creating bubbles for people to inhabit. Advertising, opinion-based entertainment (aka fox news type shit that's not actually news at all but pretends to be for the purpose of deceiving people in order to make them vote how the elites want them to), hollywood themes being pushed, social media influencers, targeted ads, it all has the purpose of making people slaves to the consumerist social norms they are trying to set.

People mostly just want to prove themselves worthy based on whatever that means to a particular society. In our society they set the standards through advertising and media. The coolest most successful people have these things so if you want to be cool and successful you need to do these things and get those things. Being a highly successful worker consumer became the standard everyone was judged upon specifically because monied interests have put a lot of time and effort into making it that way over many generations. Now people are little more than addicts seeking that next hit of self esteem to be provided by the capitalist system. That's how it got this bad.


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Humans live in society and depend on each other regardless of who they are. The honest workingman, your friend, depends as much on others as me. And if there are workers somewhere then there has to be rulers or parasites as you call them, it doesn't matter which words you use. Leeches are a natural part of society and they have their own place and functions.

>Philosophers are a sign of a society in decline.

Wizkid, philosophers and thinkers exist in any kind of society. Whether it is communism, fascism, monarchy or democracy, there are those who are drawn to intellectual pursuits. And these thinking people are the highest type of persons. Simply because nobody else is capable of doing what they can. Free-thinking isn't something you can learn, being creative isn't something you can pick up, being dominant isn't something you can make yourself into with practice, etc. While on the other hand most jobs can be learned by anyone, even difficult jobs like being a doctor or lawyer only require hard-work and studying, not actual intelligence.
The difference between people like me and the average joe is simple enough to grasp, even for simpletons like you, with this example: if you put a gun to my head and told me to let's say, go to work in a factory or go be a janitor somewhere I could do it. I don't do these things because I don't need to and I don't want to. Now, if you held a gun to the head of the average working guy and said to him "interpret this text of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche or Plato" he would be fucking clueless. Or if you asked him about the deeper things of life and existence, well you would be forced to shoot him because he wouldn't be able to come up with any comments (because he doesn't understand anything that is not obeying someone's orders or anything that hasn't got to do with partying, sports or succubi). So who are actually the real leeches? If it weren't for thinkers there would be no political, social or economical systems and your favorite workingman would be left with his balls in the cold because he would be fucking clueless what to do without rulers telling him what to do.
>You're not superior, you're inferior and have flipped morality upside down to justify your own existence
Ah so now you are trying to play the thinker too, when it is convenient for you. Great double-standards. But if you brought up morality, let me tell you: it is normals who are envious of people like me, not the other way around. Whenever I mention I don't work to others they go into full ressentiment/pleb hate mode against me. Why? Because they would like to be like me, not giving a fuck about morals or the opinions of the majority and just doing what they want deep down. But they are too cowardly for living freely and they hate any sort of conflict so they get stuck as slaves. Sucks for them.

Nice to see so many bottom-feeders here. Come, I'll give it to you what you hate the most: truth.

Sociopath is just a buzzword, one that most intelligent people see through sooner or later. Your beloved people may look like you but they are below you in so many ways you can barely comprehend. You are probably still young and influenced by low-tier ideologies like socialism, humanism, utilitarianism or such nonsense. Who can blame you? I fell into these traps too when I was younger. Make no mistake, these people need sword and sticks because they don't understand anything other than brute and bloody force. If you give them equal rights or even a little bit of space they end up backstabbing you and dragging down everyone to their void. The rabble needs to oppressed as much as possible, let them only interact with their own caste and demand from them absolute respect and worship for superior people like us. We have divine right, no, duty to treat them like shit. Pity and mercy towards these mistakes of life will only lead to your own downfall.

We are certainly more independent than normals will ever be. We are as free as people can get within reasonable boundaries. By the way, they don't help us out of the goodness of their hearts, they work for society simply because it is the easiest way to live and requires the least resistance and critical thinking. They are mindless hedonists who always choose the easy path. That is why they will always belong to their low caste.
We do everything that kings did or other nobles, we try to make the world a better place, is it our fault if the rabble doesn't listen to us? By hating people like us they are preparing their own destruction. Any society that disrespects, shames or looks down on their intellectuals is doomed to either servitude to a healthier culture or to destruction.


No one exists in a vacuum. Just because it doesn't personally effect me, it doesn't mean it's not there. The outside world effects you where you like it or not. And, even if it didn't, I'm not just going to ignore the world burning down around me.

Also, I don't know where you're from, but where I'm from no one can just decide to get neetbux. it doesn't work that way.

There's also no nobility in being lucky about your lot in life. In fact, there's no nobility in anything. You're the same as everyone else because you're a person just like them. You don't have to like them, but please don't pretend you're better than them, because you came out of the right vagina.

That's not what I'm talking about. You're talking about echo chambers and consumerism. Those are just the distractions used to keep people docile. I'm talking about the basic assumptions people have about our reality. The bubble pops when you realize capitalism is bullshit or when you learn the truth about relationships. Some people are insulated from this more than others, but no one cares about men, so they usually find out first.

>Sociopath is just a buzzword, one that most intelligent people see through sooner or later
Stop. You're a dick. You like being a dick. Feel free to keep being a dick. I don't really care one way or the other, but just admit you like being a dick, and stop trying to pull everyone else into your delusions of grandeur. Don't act like being a dick is logical, because it's not.


Well, how I see it, you're te one trying to drag other people here down. While >>243324 is inciting people to become better even if in not a good situation.


If by become better you mean act like a sociopath (aka a normie), then sure. And, I'll repeat, if you want to be a dick, feel perfectly free to act like one. I don't really care. Just don't act like it's better or somehow noble.


Are you actually 12? Everyone is a "dick". Nobody is the good guy in life. Everyone looks out for himself first of all and this is natural. Life isn't a superhero movie or some anime and certainly not a Hollywood movie. You mentioned me overturning morals in your previous posts yet it is exactly you who is doing it right now. As a last resort you cling to morality, because you don't have anything else you can be proud of. You are a nobody, a failed creature, someone who doesn't possess any qualities that separates him from the common herd. In your rage and envy you attack anyone who has some self-respect or spine left, anyone who doesn't hate himself and his life.
Good and bad persons don't exist, only weak and strong persons, slaves and rulers, worker drones and free men. The so called good or moral persons are only "good" or "moral" because they are too weak to sin, to be "evil", despite deep down wanting to live like the egoists they despise.

>There's also no nobility in being lucky about your lot in life. In fact, there's no nobility in anything. You're the same as everyone else because you're a person just like them. You don't have to like them, but please don't pretend you're better than them, because you came out of the right vagina.

You made me laugh very hard, thanks! Needed that. Yes, there is absolutely no difference between a drug addict and Alexander the great or Julius Caesar. Yes, yes. Keep deluding yourself with the idea of equality. Whatever helps you sleep through the night. There is no wrong way to live your life, oh no! Everything and everyone is equal! Haha!


>You made me laugh very hard, thanks! Needed that. Yes, there is absolutely no difference between a drug addict and Alexander the great or Julius Caesar.

Why would that be absurd coming from someone who claims that "good and bad persons don't exist" ? Like i should immediately see some difference in absolute value between a drug addict and Caesar, but not between some do gooder and a child rapist or a serial killer ? Learn to think for yourself you dumb fuck. Nietzsche is trash.


>Nobody is the good guy in life.
OK, Satan.


The do gooder and the child rapist are both egoists, that is why there is no difference between them. This is a question of morals and morals are subjective, therefore they don't exist because morality is either absolute or there are no morals at all. While there is an objective difference between the lives of those who pursue greatness, glory, reforms, strive to better themselves and the world and the lives of those whose biggest points in life are when they have sex or get drunk to the point of sickness. The first category is about the few select ones who want to achieve bigger things than just momentary pleasures and aren't content with existing only like the masses, they want to live. The second category I described is nothing but animals. You belong to this category and act butthurt when people call you out on it.
You don't understand Nietzsche at all. He didn't try to take away value from this world or the things that make human life noble and worth living, on the contrary. He hated on morality and moralfags simply because morality is a lie, invented by weak persons to feel superior to the strong ones.

And I wanted to ask you this previously but forgot. First you took the position that normals are superior to us but now you switched narratives to the everyone is equal thing. Now which is it? You can't have both. Either someone or a group is above others or people are equal. You sound more and more like a confused child who just shouts whatever nonsense occurs to him at the moment.

You are either a succubus or a young person. Once you get older you will understand what I mean.


>We do everything that kings did or other nobles, we try to make the world a better place, is it our fault if the rabble doesn't listen to us?

I guess delusional grandeur isn't a phrase that's familiar to you?


>This is a question of morals and morals are subjective
how did this cope even come into existence? every time i hear it its followed by nothing to back it up so im assuming satanists just say it so much you assume its true.


> Now, if you held a gun to the head of the average working guy and said to him "interpret this text of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche or Plato" he would be fucking clueless. Or if you asked him about the deeper things of life and existence, well you would be forced to shoot him because he wouldn't be able to come up with any comments (because he doesn't understand anything that is not obeying someone's orders or anything that hasn't got to do with partying, sports or succubi).

Perfectly put. People with your level of consciousness are probably 1 in ten thousand globally.

So regardless of whether you've inherited millions, whether you're unemployed or working as a train driver, your intristic value is thousands of times higher than that of an order-taking bot.

This isn't a question of who's "better". That's what far-right activists with their little egos are concerned with.
I am not better than a down syndrome person in a wheelchair, nor is Donald Trump "better" than a high school teacher.
This is a question of which is intrisistically higher value and quality. That is the high IQ thinker. Regardless of their bank account balance or profession.

I don't claim to be one. Never have. People like Schopenhauer however are, or anyone at their intellectual level.


>You're the same as everyone else because you're a person just like them. You don't have to like them, but please don't pretend you're better than them, because you came out of the right vagina.

Self-defeating nonsense. You're advocating that wizards view normalfags in a way that they themselves don't view wizards. Do you really believe that normalfags think wizards are "a person just like them"? Absolutely delusional.

As for being 'better' or whatever, I just think that it's pointless to even make the comparison. Meaningless. Normalfags and wizards may as well be two different species.


>normies treat us badly, so stoop to their level and be just as bad as them
Being an intelligent, self aware person isn't pragmatic. I don't expect to get anything out of it. And I don't really care what they believe about me. I just choose to be better than them. Just because they act like psychopaths doesn't mean I will.

And, again, no one is telling anyone to do anything. Be a dick if you want to be a dick. Just don't act like your sociopathy is somehow justified.

>how did this cope even come into existence?
It's the cope rich people use to justify this ponzi scheme of a society. They pretend right and wrong don't exist so they can keep leeching off of people.


>This isn't a question of who's "better". That's what far-right activists with their little egos are concerned with.
>This is a question of which is intrisistically higher value and quality. That is the high IQ thinker.
Generally centrists and leftists appeal to universal human equality, that intelligence is a result of environmental factors, and that measuring intelligence is inherently flawed because of implicit biases in tests.

By implying that intelligence is an intrinsic attribute, i.e. heritable, and grants the person higher value you are reasoning like someone on the reactionary right, but not necessarily far right. Recall that fascists came out of the trenches of WWI where reductive notions of class and intelligence didn't apply, but where the spirit was tested.


Considering yourself a centrist, leftist or rightist is a low IQ move to begin with.
You are being tribal and ideological instead of addressing each issue with the highest possible efficiency.

Also, I did not say they are "better". They are simply higher value and deserve to be put into positions where they can make optimal decisions for the rest of us.

Right now that isn't happening. We are electing beauty pageants, reality TV hosts and fanatical televangelicals into offices of power.
These people can barely tie their shoelaces let alone make complex rational decisions that take into account as many variables as possible.


>And I don't really care what they believe about me. I just choose to be better than them. Just because they act like psychopaths doesn't mean I will.

So, to summarise, you believe that normalfags and wizards are the same, and that neither is better than the other. At the same time, you think you're better than them because you think that you're the same…

I repeat: self-defeating. The only end path for this retarded line of thought is trying to somehow foolishly separate 'what' they are, from 'how' they act, which is doomed to fail. A 'free will' argument of "Well, they could just choose to be better!"

>And, again, no one is telling anyone to do anything. Be a dick if you want to be a dick. Just don't act like your sociopathy is somehow justified.

That was my first post in the thread, I'm not the same guy you were talking to. Anyway, I will just say that it is perfectly possible to delusionally try to be 'better', but in the first place it is reserved for those who have the margin to do so.

Finally, try to dispense with the buzzwords (sociopathy, psychopathy, etc). Or are you going to call someone an autist next?


That all issues must be addressed to maximize efficiency is an ideological view all its own (one unknown before the industrial revolution), that removes all romance from living.

>They are simply higher value and deserve to be put into positions where they can make optimal decisions for the rest of us.

Technocratic bodies have tried and failed to apply rational decision making in policy areas like foreign relations only to find humans aren't ahistorical rational creatures. It's slamming a square peg into a round hole.


>that removes all romance from living.

Because poverty and bad policy is so romantic.

Nordic countries whose political bureaus and ministries are largely made up from extremely competent Ph.D's, intellectuals and rational thinkers (mutually exclusive) are doing so "unromantically".

It's also so romantic to become homeless if you lose your job and not have any real safety net. Or losing all your assets to a repo agency after you couldn't pay a $90k medical bill.


All that rational leadership but those countries can't get their suicide rates below most other European nations. Perhaps there's something being overlooked?


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>All that rational leadership but those countries can't get their suicide rates below most other European nations.
you sure about that?


This ceases to be a remote statistic, or some number which has no bearing on your immediate reality, once you have spoken to people from Russia. Life is suffering there–as is the case anywhere–but it seems most Russians have been inured to a level of misery which citizens from other "developed" nations can only dream of.


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You didn't give a damn about the browning of America.


>The do gooder and the child rapist are both egoists, that is why there is no difference between them

No, because even animals including other primates have been shown to have innate values which can't be violated upon the threat of physical punishment. Even apes respond to unfairness in trials.

If you punch a kid to death, 99.99% of other humans will gang up on your to incarcerate or kill you in response.

Whether that response is right or wrong is irrelevant as long as it's an inbuilt response in the psyche of any mammal alive. It's just a natural response.

Every human law ever codified into text also takes into account these natural responses, for example in crimes of passion, acts of self defense, desperation or heat of the moment. Which is why a mother with postpartum depression killing her own baby rarely serves a life sentence in prison.

Or why killing someone who attempts to invade your home may not even be punishable at all, since the defender is by instinctive nature expected to act as such.
In your absurd view, the person defending his home is just as guilty as the invader. False. He has the moral high ground in the eyes of 99.99% of people.


>Now, if you held a gun to the head of the average working guy and said to him "interpret this text of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche or Plato" he would be fucking clueless.

If you gave an i686 technical manual to Joe Normal he would have no idea what to do with it either. Philosophy is not in any way special. You don't become a Schopenhauer by birthright, simple as, the same way one does not invent the Turing machine out of thin air.

If you gave Joe Normal a library of books, the time and focus to go through them, and the disposition to be stuck in his head for a while, he will produce *something* too. If that something is of value, who is to say.

Not all philosophers were the emo kid in class, not all philosophers were "stuck in their head", nor were they all depressed.


Was it Nietzsche who went into a whore house but was too embarrassed to do anything and instead played the piano in the brothel?


>and the disposition to be stuck in his head for a while
Not him, but this is pretty lazy. If you're going to the extent of handing out even disposition for your hypothetical, then the thought experiment ceases to have any meaning.


Fine, cut it out. We can keep the original gun as a source of motivation.


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>you sure about that?
Yes, I'm very sure.


Your "purpose" is bullshit and won't matter in 50 years. I suppose if you have a real passion for something then absolutely but most people don't have that so they shit out kids instead and then work 60 hours a week.


This post is cringe, and it's cringe because you think yourself worthy of being an architect of society. You don't have original thoughts or ideas. You were right in the first part, should have stopped after saying they were apes because after that you turned into a fucking retard.


fuck off tourist


It would be delusional if I thought I was the same as others when I live life completely differently, think different things, feel different things, act differently, etc. And don't refer to meme sciences like psychology, especially on this site. You only ridicule yourself.

It is the contrary, evidence points to the direction that morality is subjective. We have yet to see some evidence that points to some ultimate, objective morality that should be applied to everyone. Man's natural state is amoral, just like how animals don't follow morality. Morality is the absolute cope, any intelligent person can see this.

Animals having values, god you are hilarious! Animals do whatever serves their own personal interests first of all. Animals only have instincts and they follow them always.
>If you punch a kid to death, 99.99% of other humans will gang up on your to incarcerate or kill you in response.
Why do you think that is? Honestly. Surely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that in our modern world children and succubi are valued the most. The morality of today is very pro-children, the average person is a sheep who doesn't have original thoughts. Do you understand where I am going? Killing children used to be a "moral" or rather natural thing in history before our modern times which place a very big emphasis on equality. Children used to get sacrificed to gods, they were eaten, raped, killed, tortured, used as slaves not too long ago actually. You are a moron who is so brainwashed by contemporary thinking, morals and modernity that you can't even think about people acting without morals. You believe morality is natural, that it is natural instincts, you can't get more confused than this. What should we say about muslim countries, though? They treat children like property (like they should be) and they think it is the moral thing to do. Another set of morals, completely different from the neoliberal, humanistic West. By what right do you think you are morally right and not muslims?
Human law/legal matters was never about morals, it was about protecting the ruling classes and their interests first of all. Protecting private property is always an important part of every proper society that wishes to last longer than a few days. It was never about morals. Society going soft on succubi who kill their children has to do with our crazy society we live in where equal rights are the trend now. In the names of equal rights they give special rights to succubi and other bottom-feeders so that the people who hold the power won't lose it, thanks to the trash rabble who supports them.
>In your absurd view, the person defending his home is just as guilty as the invader. False. He has the moral high ground in the eyes of 99.99% of people.
Not guilty, guilty doesn't exist. Both the invader and the person defending his home are doing what is in their own best interets. It is about real life, not abstract concepts like morality. Deep down even the most moralfag person has natural instincts and egoistic desires. Defending yourself is one of strongest desires someone could have. Even if came some crazy society where self-defense would be considered immoral, people would still do it. And I will just pretend you didn't try to run to majority opinion to find something that should validate your views. Classic moralfag, always referring to majority and numbers, as if it proves anything. Who says that 0.001% of persons who think differntly are wrong? Right or wrong doesn't depend on numbers or majority opinion.

Except that philosophy and free-thinking is different. You are either born for it or not. You can't learn it. You can learn what certain philosophers taught but you can't learn creativity. Your idea of what ifs is completely irrelevant. The reality is that most people have trouble thinking about anything other than TV shows, sex or work. Not because they are controlled by some elite first of all but mainly because they simply lack any interest in the deeper meanings of things. They are weak, stupid, average, cowardly scum.

>Not all philosophers were the emo kid in class, not all philosophers were "stuck in their head", nor were they all depressed.

Never said anything like this. But they were actual thinking persons, unlike the rest of humanity. Most people never think, they hate to think. If you think otherwise then you didn't spend any time around normal people.

I certainly have more original thoughts than 99% of people so it qualifies me as an architect of society. You probably think I am a nietzschean but I don't agree with him on everything, I try to make up my own philosophical system instead of relying on others.



Give us something so we know you are not just stuck in a delusion of grandeur. I don't care what, whatever concept comes to mind, whatever is pondered at this time of day… I myself am currently contemplating beauty and abstraction, so - if you'd like to indulge…


>Your "purpose" is bullshit and won't matter in 50 years.

Exactly. This is why I see life as utterly pointless, unless we count the present moment and fulfilling our immediate needs for the next 6-24 months at a time.

Not even Napoleon or Hitler are relevant today. Life goes on. In 3000 years they will be a vague footnote in history like pharaoh's are to us. In 50k years their existence wont even be acknowledged by anyone except autistic historians digging through ancient archives.


To make the post above more clear: If even a Pharaoh is completely irrelevant today, why would a wageslave mean anything to anyone except their immediate family for a couple decades?


>Defending yourself is one of strongest desires someone could have. Even if came some crazy society where self-defense would be considered immoral, people would still do it.

You are bizarre. You yourself admitted there are natural impulses (like self defence) which cannot be stopped.
This is precisely why laws like Castle Doctrine have passed and give legal immunity to people defending their property.

In the next sentence, you still claim there is room for moral ambiguity in determining who is more guilty, the assailant or the defender. Who really gives a shit if the assailant is acting in his own self interest? They're stealing laptops and phones. They're not stealing because they're hungry.
Their actions wont lead to anything except incarceration in any human society ever to exist. And that's a lucky outcome if they don't get shot first.

Thus by your own admission, there is no moral ambiguity about who is more guilty. You are only playing contrarian for the sake of disagreeing.

There is no human society on Earth, not today, yesterday or 2000 years ago that would take the side of the assailant in this.


It is all about fulfilling your destiny, or embracing the role Mother Nature has in store for you, depending on your views. There is nothing uglier than a noble, talented, great person who campaigns for equality and human rights, who wants to abolish all kinds of privileges or differences between people. I used to be like that, I blame christian morality with its fixation on humility for this fault of mine. I worried myself sick over my fellow humans and wanted to improve their lives before mine, even if it led to my ruin. But what is more beneficial to humanity overall? Superior persons should pursue their desires and egoistic passions which were given to them by nature. Through this, they can improve the quality of the human species and the world, not to mention their own lives. We have desires and feelings for a reason. Morality and rationality are just phantoms praying on weak, innocent, vulnerable minds.

It's always been the law of nature that superior people lead their people and they had full right to do whatever they pleased. Human rights, equal rights, modern values are signs of degeneration and sickness. The down syndrome person fulfills his own role in nature, just like the teacher and people like Donald Trump do. It is our duty towards ourselves and the human species to rise to power and to strive for greater things than most do.

You think you are moral but you are just a hedonist. Moral and hedonist usually go hand-in-hand. You are sick of yourself, hate your life but you want to feel good? What to do? Make virtue out of your weakness, laziness, apathy. You take the path that offers you the least resistance, which in your case is being a moralcuck who lets others do whatever they want and refuses to engage in any sort of conflict. You call anyone healthy, anyone who has any sort of vitality a dick or immoral and there! You can sit back and feel good for the rest of your life.

My family has been granted nobility by the Habsburgs back in the 18th century if I recall correctly, we even had our own symbol. Among my ancestors were many intellectuals like doctors, artists and teachers. But then again, my father is your average construction worker, though he is way more self-aware and intelligent than most people of his class. Genes accumulate through generations and finally end up producing great individuals. Lots of times it happens seemingly out of the blue entirely though it always has its roots in your ancestors.

Intelligence tests don't mean anything, though. The actual measure of someone's life should be how he thinks, feels, how creative he is, what are his dreams and passions. How he lives his life. Social darwinism and aristocracy are the same, when you get to the core of it. People like to bring up examples like Hitler who seemingly didn't have noble heritage yet managed to rise to power and turned out to be one of the most influential people in history. Maybe he didn't have noble ancestors in the previous 1000 years before his existence but a man like that, cruel, cold-hearted, full of dreams, creativity, passion, energy, vitality…He definitely had noble, strong and exceptional ancestors in the distant past. People like him don't just appear out of nowhere. He was a born ruler. Even as someone who doesn't like national socialism, I respect Hitler and people like him. They are the reason the human species exists at all.

I don't have to prove anything to you, you are free to think however you want about me. Your opinion won't change the facts: that I am dominant, aggressive, wise, intelligent, brave, creative, etc. I could go into long posts detailing my virtues and why I am superior compared to you or most people but I don't see the point.

Instincts aren't morals. Objective morality is about objective truth and facts, not feelings, desires or instincts. Again, you seem to confuse legal matters and morals. Defending private property is one of the core principles of any society. Because if the worker drone sees that he works in vain, that his stuff he gets by honest hard work gets taken by others via brute force then there is no point to slaving or working.
And again, why should the robber feel bad? Just because the majority aka normalfags say that what he does is bad? People condemn criminals because they envy them, this is the story of morals. The moral person hates the immoral or amoral person because he does whatever he wants. This produces envy in the weak/moral person. Morals have always been about envy.
>Their actions wont lead to anything except incarceration in any human society ever to exist
That is their problem, no? Might makes right. If he can get away with it then good for him.
>There is no human society on Earth, not today, yesterday or 2000 years ago that would take the side of the assailant in this.
That is because everyone wants to preserve their property, not because of morals. If the average person could know for sure he could get away with it, then he would kill and rob. Of course, since he is afraid to try it and doesn't want to risk prison, he takes the moral high-ground usually and hates on criminals. Not because he is a good person, or because of morals, simply because criminals live in a way he only dreams about.


> dominant, aggressive, wise, intelligent, brave, creative
Found the Alpha male


You wouldn't be on this site if any of what you said is true.

These are nothing but delusions. The opposite of strength. You are here by necessity.


If you want to be Nietzschean, maybe the fall from nobility is not the cause of your current mediocrity and lack of power, but rather mediocrity is why your family was expelled from the seats of power.


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>It is all about fulfilling your destiny, or embracing the role Mother Nature has in store for you, depending on your views.
Isn't nature largely indifferent to that? When a plant fills a space it isn't fulfilling what nature left aside for it, but exists in contradiction to its environment as a living being. We say this is the role, telos, or purpose of the plant. Wouldn't willing in accordance with nature mean not willing?

>Instincts aren't morals. Objective morality is about objective truth and facts, not feelings, desires or instincts.

You could argue objective truths are human intuitions worn down with time. The world of truth seems more solid, universal, better known, and more human than the immediately perceived world for this reason.

>There is no human society on Earth, not today, yesterday or 2000 years ago that would take the side of the assailant in this.


OP tells us people spend all their time distracting themselves and make that their purpose. You tell OP then go and do the same thing by having him distract himself.



>People like us,

A lot of people on wizchan are the byproduct of an advanced medical system that prevented them from dying young. I should have died young, most everyone here should have, and then we'd not be a problem. Since medicare is obsessed with keeping every runt alive instead of dead we get tons of crabs just from that.


Very true. The only reason I survived a medical emergency as an infant/toddler is because of modern surgical techniques. It’s very clear from various birth defects (duplicated and misplaced glands, sterility, etc) that I should not have survived at any rate.


>literal appeal to authority of majority


Better than being a complete cuck. I would rather be an asshole than someone who gets oppressed always.

Thanks for relaying the message of mainstream society. Like we haven't heard this already, I don't know, thousands of times? This line of thinking will always be false, simply because it considers success according to majority opinion. You imply that only losers are on this site, the truth couldn't be farther from this. If anything, the people here are strange, eccentric, original, creative, seekers of truth, warriors who refuse to live like others, actual humans as far as they possess actual personalities and they aren't just npcs, they are feeling and thinking humans who aren't afraid of going all the way down into darkness and despair because they are honest and strict with themselves and the people around them. We are the type of person normals like to read about or watch us in movies, why? Because they desire the freedom and power we represent. We are symbols in this rotten society, we represent everything good and noble in humanity, just like how we represent the worst and most disgusting side of humanity too. We represent greatness in every from, whether it is negative or positive. We are the heroes and villains at once, some of us are very moral, kind, altruistic and humanistic and want to deliver mankind from every suffering. While I and other wizards like me only care about power and our egoistic desires. Being a wizard can go either way. The only common thing we all share is that we aren't ordinary persons and that we were born to do special things. If you post here then you are already different from others and can expect to have an interesting fate ahead of you.

If I wanted to have sex really then I would have house-ordered a whore already. Or if I wanted a gf then I would use social media, dating sites or even go socialize in real life. Same for wanting friends. But I am not interested in any of that. For sexuality masturbation was always enough for me and as for friends, I never suffered from solitude. I'd rather stay home and write poems and books or engage in enjoying the art or creation of others. That is simply the way I am and no amount of meme psychology will convince me that I am wrong in assuming that I am unique and better than most people.
When you get tired of this self-defeating normalfag narrative then you will see that I was right.

I am pretty sure any kind of willing at all is in accordance with nature to some extent. There are different levels but fundamentally you can't go against nature. We exist in nature, come from nature, live in it and return to it when we die. Even the most "self-denying" or "ascetic" person acts according to nature to some extent.

As for the other subject, instincts and morals are different. All people have the instinct to kill and destroy yet morality usually forbids it. I don't think there are much collective instincts that humans share, if morality was the same as doing what feels good or natural at the moment then we arrive at my point that morals are ultimately meaningless. For the robber, robbing and killing is natural, therefore moral. For the people who defends himself and his property, doing so is natural so it is moral.

You are an idiot. This is literally true for most people, even the most "successful" normalfags nowadays or even in history depended on medical aid. There is no should have in nature, you either survive therefore you are strong and able or you don't, in which case you were weak, unable or unlucky.

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