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The only reason we're depressed is that we lack money

If we had enough money we would be kings


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Everything revolves around money.

The people you associate with, where you live, what you eat, what you do all day, what you look like, what car you drive, if you wear glasses or not, and the list goes on.

Money is the most important factor in determining if your life will be good or bad. All the whining here on /dep/ is the result of having no money.


>there are entire cultures that actually believe this


Yup. The only reason I am unhappy is I don’t have any way to support myself so I am forced to conform and be a slave to get money to stay alive. If I was able to be a neet then I could be free to be me



Well, I don't lack money and I'm still depressed. Guess your cope theory went down the drain huh?


bill gates wears glasses


money isn't real


While what you are saying is not far from truth don't underestimate a faulty brain capacity of creating problems.
If you had money you'd probably be depressed about something else.


Money is the root of all evil


undoubtedly the most stupid point in a very stupid post


you're very dumb i hope you get all the money in the world just so you can realize how little it will change how you feel (beyond a few months of trying new toys)


More money means less work and less work means more time to do what you actually enjoy. So I agree with this post.


t. Jewish wizzie.


you only need to work once every 10 years for a few months to buy a new pc


give those to me


Then I'll be back to being poor and depressed.


Good one. Mommy will take care of the rest, bills and housing and food


Aren't there well off people here that still want to end it?


When I was younger and even more retarded I once thought that money wasn't the only thing that mattered in the world. But as it turns out, it is.

I mean look, if you had 5 million, a paltry sum compared to some rich folks, you could easily buy a nice house, invest the rest, and live off the dividends for the rest of your life.

No dealing with wage slavery, normtards, or fear of being homeless.

Life taken care of, and go hire some escorts too.


>No dealing with wage slavery, normtards, or fear of being homeless.
if you really wanted to get rid of those issues, you would fake something and easily get on autismbucks, or whatever. but even more, if money was actually what you needed you would easily find the enthusiasm to make whatever obscure shit that sells online and get rich. making 5 million USD isn't that hard for an autist in this day and age. however, you'd only be put in an even deeper hell with no work to distract your attention from the issues you actually should be going through in your head right now. you're sabotaging yourself because you're not yet ready for financial freedom and it wouldn't bring you anything of value, rather the opposite.


Once you're financially secure, you'll have all the time in the world to think about how empty your life truly is. At least when you were poor, you had the hope that money would fix everything and you would be happy. Once you're rich, you either turn into a consumer and believe X product will complete you or you realize how pointless everything truly is.


For some, yeah. Having welfare after being poor took away a lot of stress and suffering. Now I have time, money, and a car. I am still too fucked up to do things most days. I’m not in constant mental terror though like when my family was poor. Shitty thing about all this is you don’t know what will fix things.


Quick question. What do YOU think would make you happy?


Some kind of enlightenment or fringe knowledge that would make me stop being subservient to my psyche. I'm way passed the regular cope of "If I can only get X, I will be happy" which is completely delusional and just keeps you in a cycle of striving and despair. Either happiness is found in breaking that illusion or it doesn't exist at all.


>Some kind of enlightenment or fringe knowledge that would make me stop being subservient to my psyche
you can stop being subservient to your psyche right now, there is no enlightenment required. well i guess it kind of is enlightenment by /dep/ standards since willpower is basically a swear word around here, but thats all it is.


Can confirm %100. When I was grinding away, working my way up the ladder, I would constantly tell myself "Once I make X amount a year, everything will be okay." Well that day finally came and then I realized how incredibly fucking pointless everything was and how as soon as you make it to the top of the ladder you have to deal with 5 other people up there constantly trying to knock you down.


It reminds of the minecraft creator, who said he spent his days staring at a black monitor for hours until 5:00 when his friends got off work. But honestly that's a kind of problem I would be happy to take on if I ever got there. Honestly, my biggest issue is the massive time and energy sink that is wageslaving. It sucks the living life out of me and I still have to take care of day to day chores. Little to no time to unwind, much less put effort into new skills or hobbies.

Wouldn't bring me anything of value? Hell no, there's a shitload of things I would like to do if I actually had hours in the day and wasn't fucking fried in the head from forced socialization. You're right on one thing though, I probably need to stop making excuses if I really wanted to get rich kek.


when i was a poorfag i used to think this as well, now with a couple of million i am still living like a hobo doing nothing with the money, all that changed is i dont have to worry about the "future"

thing is i never planned of getting rich or having a future, funny how it all works out, those wagecucks will be chasing their "future" forever


>Everyone is suddenly a richfag now
I didn't knew I was sharing a board with Jeff Bezos and his pals.


i agree full-heartedly.


>as soon as you make it to the top of the ladder you have to deal with 5 other people up there constantly trying to knock you down.
You dont have to work when you have money. You're still talking about slave lifestyle


Willpower is unsustainable. Fighting with yourself 24/7 isn't anywhere near the tranquility of real happiness. Either things flow effortlessly, or you're doing it wrong. Willpower is part of the striving and despair cycle, not a solution to it.


Money and health are two the most important things in the world.
If I had two of them there's no way I would be unhappy.


Having money and freedom create the quality of life. That image is insane. From a 'pick your type of government' perspective it's not a quadrant and should be. Left is equality, right is inequality, top is authority, when thinking of politics as a triangle. Then again some say top is anarchy, left and right being still the same though, equality vs inequality. Freedom? Is that equality? Money would be inequality. But quality? QUALITY? That does not compute. Quality =/= authority anymore than it would mean anarchy. Quality it says. Choose two it says on top of it? For what purpose was this made? *contemplates* oh yeah, that choose a side goyim and ignore the vertical option is why. Spectrum, horizontal spectrum logic of politics. Extremely sheep tier an image if that be the point. Are you left or are you right? The top isn't even there.

Top plus M could be facism OR anarchist capitalism and top plus F could be communism or social libertarianism. Freedom and money would be either authority or anarchy, dead center on the quadrant.

It's ambiguous as hell.


I would agree if I inherited the wealth, made some lucky investments or won the lottery. But becoming somewhat wealthy by dedicating everything to a soul-draining career, well there's a reason they call it compensation.


you have to be a complete fucking brainlet to actually think having money would make you happy. You are needing to be lacking in a lot of self awareness. I ate some crisps an hour ago and tomorrow I will want more crisps.


having money reduces anxiety which will make you happier, worrying about not being able to pay for doctors or groceries or a place to live is painful


You really fail to understand in a true way then don''t you.
It NEVER ends you know. I have had money I have had whatever and as soon as you get it you start worrying about other things.
I have also been homeless and worse and in the end none of that matters because being content comes from your perspective.


Having money makes finding happiness easier, obviously it doesn't guarantee it. If you're actually wealthy you'd know this. I've been on both sides and having money is like removing a handicap on everything in your life.


>Having money makes finding happiness easier

After 75K a year, there's severe diminishing returns and most people don't report being any happier. That's because money will solve some amount of suffering, but at some point it doesn't change much.

Money can give you freedom, but it's not obvious at all how to go from that to actual happiness. You then make another theory "Hmm, maybe if I get X, I'll be happy?" -> "Gosh, that wasn't it, maybe it's Y?" -> "Maybe I need to be more Z?" until you die.

This is a completely basic observation and I can't understand why people fall for the obvious trap in chasing material objects. Beyond a base level of comfort and security, money isn't a cure-all you imagine it is.


I meant have enough money to live, not being rich or anything, I've never had a job in my life so I never had money and I am constantly worried about not being able to afford living like I am in the future


it doesn't mattter. if you live in the city you can just eat out of a bin.
we are so dame pampered


That's because most normfucks are dumb wagies who want to wage forever, I cannot imagine wanting that, I wanted to wage full-time only out of guilt, now that I've done it for 2 years it ruined my life, if I made 150k instead of 75k (I only make 35k in reality) I would be happier because I could retire twice as soon. Honestly if I made 150k out of college like some people do I would retire at 35.


>it doesn't mattter. if you live in the city you can just eat out of a bin.
I have really bad anxiety and other issues, I'd rather not have to go outside let alone break tresspassing laws, I just want to sit in my house and play games


Me too but when you need to do what you need to do you will do it.
If you have things you want to do what is even the problem? everything is just a distraction until we die anyway. Reading the classics or reading picture books is all the same.


What's truly ironic is that in order to make that kind of money, you have to be really, really invested in the corporate world to begin with. Those are the kind of people who would never want to retire in the first place.


Bullshit. I have a net worth of about $80,000, and I'm still a depressed mentally ill loser.


That's not the kind of wealth OP is probably talking about. 80k is nice but doesn't last that long in the long run.


it's "the 1%" for a reason dumb cunt, some people have more money than others, it doesn't make them unicorns.


that's poverty level


No it's not. What I have is poverty level. I literally have $300 in savings in a very expensive European country.

Not a day goes by where I don't think of killing myself because I'm practically trapped at home because of it.

I am too deep on the autism spectrum (diagnosed) to be able to work, yet there are no avenues for me to make money through.

I am practically in hell. All around me people own homes worth $500k, have holiday homes, cars etc. while I can barely feed myself, and I'm 1 disaster away from having utterly nothing, such as my laptop breaking.

You have no idea what I'm capable of doing after enduring this for decades.
I would do things for $80k that would put war criminals or Breivik to shame. Hell, even $5000.

You think there is no real poverty in western countries compared to African countries just because there is indoor plumbing, smartphones etc.?
Nobody here knows what it feels like. You come to a point where you would slice a room full of people with a chainsaw for $5000 and not even feel bad about it because of how cash strapped you are all the time with no escape in sight.

Actually, scratch that $5k figure too.
If some biker gang or scummy drug dealers gave me $1k and a handgun to kill someone they need gone, I would risk 20 years in prison for it without pondering it for 2 seconds.


>making 5 million USD isn't that hard for an autist in this day and age

Lmao, you don't even believe this yourself.

There are less than ~200k people globally with a net worth that high. Or 0.0025% of the world population.
Most of whom were already born into wealthy upper middle class families in the west.


>At least half of wizchan userbase is richfag tier yet they're still depressed.

Fuck this, this site died in 2014.


Can't buy happiness, or so they hey say.


look buddy, go to bunker chan if you want to talk about how all your problems would be solved if you had some more money.
people living in the real world have issues that can't be simply fixed by throwing money at it.
And if you're saying that every issue you've had in your life would be fixed so easily, then it sounds to me like you have it more easy.
making money must just be impossible for you.
so the people that happened to get lucky and have it should just shut up yeah?
get real


There is no escaping this hell

Inflation has depreciated my wage, the government wants to tax me until I'm homeless, wages have stayed the same for 40 years, house prices increasing $120,000 a year in some areas, food and gas is more expensive, getting overrun by 3rd world peasants, healthcare is a joke, no financial security, alienated from humanity, only way to make it is through investing in crypto ponzi schemes, your viewing history and everything you ever said on the internet is catalogued, your data, accounts and identity can be stolen at any time due to data breaches, can be a victim of a SIM swap and have your bank accounts drained, car can break down at anytime leaving you stuck in one general area, phone carrier coverage in my area is monopolized by 1 expensive carrier, work can see everything you do on your work computer, no privacy whatsoever, pray that the government doesn't arrest you for whatever minute reason, get in a car wreck and accidentally kill someone and then end up in prison for years, having to listen to nigger rap through media mediums, having to see zoomers become degenerate retarded freaks with pink hair all the while listening to nigger rap and wanting to become a femenized boy, have to live with the fact that boomers somehow bought $500,000 mansions for cheap because they either inherited it or bought them with 2 years worth of wages, have to watch and see advertisements and ads of ugly brown people and homosexual niggers on every commercial, have to pretend this is all right or get fired from job and end up homeless, have to wear face mask, have to pretend there is a pandemic going on, have to interact and cooperate with psychopaths and sociopaths to even get a pittance wage, have to be reliant of and at the mercy of other people with the hope they show mercy, have to get into major debt or just die if you get some sort of health problem.


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It's all so tiresome. The collapse is our best scenario at this point. I don't even care if I'll make it through the collapse, I just want to watch this horrid dystopia burn to the ground or at least get a glimpse.


There's a limit to how much money can make you happy. At some point, you have enough resources and adding more doesn't do anything. Yeah, not working or depending on other people is great, but it doesn't magically give you a purpose in life, change your personality or make you enjoy being alive - it's just one less hassle in a world full of hassles.


Is this some /pol/ copypasta?


Not true. Having enough money to live off the interest is literal paradise. It removes 99,99% of hassles.

No more interacting with sociopaths to get a pittance wage. No talking to people you don't want to talk to. No more stress about shelter or food ever again.

Unlocks every travel option, accomodation option, food option and entertainment option that exists.
You also get access to the best healthcare immediately, anywhere on the planet and bypass all waiting times.

It is absolute, complete freedom from all shackles on this hellhole planet.

Sorry, but are you just trying to cope with being poor?

Having read the things I listed above, could you now fathom why people are willing to murder, sell drugs or their soul just to get a *fraction* of that freedom?


if I din't have to worry about wageslaving I'd be the happiest being in the world.


Amen brother. The amount of sheltered faggots on this sub creeching that money can't buy happiness is appalling. If you can't get money in this world, you are fucked. And guess what? It's not like you can apply to be euthanized and put out of your misery. Oh no, they'll just let you slowly waste away from starvation and exposure when you become homeless. No wonder suicide is going to be the new retirement plan.


That's the premise of the Squid Game TV show really.

Why would those people want to return to their old shitty indebted lives, constant threat of homelessness and no life besides wageslaving?

Dying in some random game is miles better as an option.
You will probably not win the $40 million prize money, but at least you get an instant death if you fail and you leave this hell planet.


After thinking about it for a while these past few days I've reached the conclusion that no, money can't buy happiness.

Yeah it can buy security, power, authority, money removes barriers and obstacles almost like magic, but no it can't buy happiness.

One of the best memories I have is when I was like 11 years old, playing PSP games with some friends at school and coming home to watch anime on my shitty computer, and then play more games and play with my dog outside, I didn't have a cent and my family was going through tough times back then, yet I was perfectly happy, probably the happiest I've ever been, everything just felt nice, everything just "clicked" perfectly.

Now at 25 years old I have way more money now and as far as material things go I'm like 100x better than back then, I can afford pretty much everything I want, I could probably stop working and live with my savings for 5 years or so, yet I'm not happy, I think about killing myself almost daily, I'm just not happy and I would give pretty much all my money to feel happiness again, just like I used to feel when I was 11 years old, even if that means giving up all my wealth.

Real Happiness is a very weird emotion, when you are happy you don't feel it, you just feel "normal", you just notice happiness when it's gone, as Andy Bernard said "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." it's very wrong if you think about it, you don't even enjoy your happiness because it's such a natural emotion that you don't even notice it.

This makes me remember some news I saw like a year ago, a very rich chinese succubus (the daughter of a very powerful CEO or something) killed herself jumping from a very tall building, rich people actually kill themselves with relative frequency, that makes no sense if the old argument that money is insta happiness is true, at the end they're still human and subject to similar suffering like the rest of us.

So no, I don't think money can make you happy, it can buy copes and distract you from sadness, but if I had to make an educated guess I would say that for the vast majority of people their happiest moments in life aren't the ones when they're richer economically.


Money can buy you a better life.
Millionares are happier than your average wagie.


>stop complaining about slavery, a lot of free people are still unhappy


Anyone who claims money do not buy happiness is a moron.Money do buy happiness although health is also equally important.


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>Yeah it can buy security, power, authority, money removes barriers and obstacles almost like magic, but no it can't buy happiness.

Exactly. People don't understand that it takes a lot more to be happy than just having all the resources and freedom that you need. Why do you think rich people go out of their way to do crazy shit? Why does Jeff Bezos need to risk a bunch of money on some crazy space adventure to feel alive? Why doesn't he just NEET it up until he's a 100 and just watches TV all day in his mansion? Because he has needs that money can't buy.


You’re retarded and lying bastard money of course buys happines(health is also important) gtfo


Absolute nonsense, anyone who claims money do not buys happines is a liar Jeff Bezos is just doing things with his money that will make him even more happy(like going space) you’re retard


Having money only solves physiological needs and safety/security. An intimate relationship cannot be bought, your self-esteem cannot be bought and so on, let alone self-actualization.

No amount of money will help Jeff Bezos make people think he's not a money grabbing jew sociopath. No amount of money will buy him love, every bitch he fucks just wants his money. He needs to invests billions into rockets and go into space in order to feel like he's doing something with his life. That man is not happy or fulfilled, he's secure and has a full belly, but he ain't happy.


You must be just extremely poor. If your needs are anywhere beyond food/shelter that's just false. You can't buy sincere feelings, or respect or appreciation


>Fighting with yourself 24/7 isn't anywhere near the tranquility of real happiness
its less of a brute force will power thing and more of a free will decision type thing. once youve removed all the mental blocks preventing you from attaining happiness its an instantaneous decision that you take. if you believe you dont need money to be happy, and you believe you can decide to be happy, what could possibly stop you from being happy?


The problem is that your mind still responds to external material conditions as you perceive them. You have very little power over that since it seems to largely be an automatic, unconscious system that relies on previous experience and learning/conditioning.

If a situation makes you feel like shit, there are really only 3 ways to deal with it:
(a) you change the external conditions outside of you
(b) you run away from the situation
(c) you avoid being aware/perceiving the situation as to not trigger the unwanted, negative emotional reaction (in extreme cases, full blown dissociation)

You can't decide to be happy because it's not a conscious decision, it's always an automatic reaction to your current perception. If you are happy in the moment, this is almost always the result of a perception of reality where your problems are solved, all your needs are met and good things will happen in the future. This state of momentary equilibrium is rare but most people have experienced it at some point. It happens by pure chance and is always temporary because it's like balancing a glass ball on a pin needle. People that think they can organize their lives in such a way as to be consistently happy are quite delusional. On the other hand, doing it by thinking really hard about it, is also delusional.


>we would be kings
I sincerely doubt that, but we'd be more comfortable. Only a small chance it'd make you truly happier.


That's not true at all in my case. I'm getting neetbux, but that changes nothing. I still covet nothing, there are no activities I desire to do, nor possession I crave. I'm literally just waiting to kill myself when my mother passes. Having money will not negate the meaninglessness of existence itself. Money is merely a means to access more filler and fluff to distract yourself with. Escapism doesn't justify existence by any measure.


All the lying retards that claim money do not bring happiness.Man I didn’t know wizchan had this much morons, gtfo you clueless, hypocrite idiots.Money If I also have health will make me incredibly happy.


If money is the only thing you need to be happy you really have a vapid and superficial existence plus a very limited mentality.

Look I'm not saying that being poor is good or gratifying in some way, being poor is certainly a major cause of unhappiness and stress, I'm not saying that money can't buy lots of things like copes, security, some measure of peace of mind etc.

But true happiness is something else, something complex, money itself is not enough to get there, if you had tons and tons of money right now you would be "fine" for some months, after that you would get used to it and you would crave something else, that's pretty much a proven fact, that's why a lot of richfags get into drugs and idiotic shit, they can't find happiness even after getting all that money, some of them kill themselves after realizing that nothing will ever make them happy, others, grow up unhappy and use alcohol to drown their sorrows.


I'm loaded, not a jew or nigger, not a faggot, not a wizard and yet i still want to die.

Janny, you have my permission to clean up this post, ban this ip/asn. Did i say "permission"? I meant that's an order, you peasant.


>But true happiness is something else, something complex, money itself is not enough to get there
>true happiness
Who cares about some meaningless term. You make it sound like if happiness was something holy you had to struggle to obtain when it's just chemicals in your brain.
>that's why a lot of richfags get into drugs and idiotic shit, they can't find happiness even after getting all that money, some of them kill themselves after realizing that nothing will ever make them happy
That's a bad correlation when substance abuse is more common among individuals of lower economic status, same with suicide.

Don't talk about what is like to be a rich billionaire because you will never be one, and you can't even begin to imagine. Go larp as a monk with your true happiness when the rich are happier than the average income people.


>The only reason we're depressed is that we lack money

Up to a certain point.


Imagine going up to someone who can only find on average 1000 calories a day of food, and saying, "You only need food up to a point." Like, that's technically true, but also completely missing the fucking point.


There are diminishing returns once the basics have been covered. You chase hedonism as though it were the savior to all problems and not a contributor.


I have lots of money and I'm still fucking miserable and suicidal


By lots of money, you don't mean enough money to retire forever, right?

Because you don't, you're poor.


Hedonism is the savior, though. It certainly offers a better life than any kind of asceticism that ever existed.


Without going into detail about the hedonic activities. I’m actively aware of how meaningless life is; how we’re trapped in decaying flesh prisons until we die, and it only gets worse and worse as you get older.

The happiest I feel is when I’m heavily distracted from the depressing reality of my mortality. When I say that I mean not only it’s finiteness and decaying nature, but also that I didn’t ask to be born and didn’t ask to have to “do” anything to survive.

Working is literally slavery. You are being robbed of your finite time, freedom, and autonomy. The fact that so many people willfully seek it out is crazy to me. I get it though, homelessness probably sucks ass.


The love of money is the root of all evil, is the full saying.
you're right that was a completely brain dead take. There are people far more intelligent that most of use can dream to become and most of them have nowhere near that amount of net worth.
and yet you're the one reddit spacing like a retard
the truth as it is, is very hard to accept. We never should have evolved from being some type of weird fish into becoming animals that can think and reflect upon things. Humanity was a massive mistake.


>ITT wizards think they're some kind of Bill Gates tier richfag for making slightly more than the average wage

I thought this kind of stupid delusional thinking was only present on 4chan, but I can see that it spread here now.

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