Personally I will most likely use my SN to take the exit. Hanging via longdrop seems like it takes a lot of guts and suspension hanging looks prone to failing enough that it is too scary to decide to use that method over SN.
>>248821 a proper hanging will immediately kill you, what happens is the fall combined with the tight rope breaks the vertebra in your neck and severs your spinal cord, you immediately lose all feeling of your body and just fade out into death's embrace
>>248819 One thing to consider before suicide is theories of personal identity. If your aim is to escape existence, you may want to consider the implications of self termination under such frameworks as Open Individualism.
I tried to find the answer on google, but I couldn't quite get it. When I hang myself, do I place the rope above my adams apple? I've seen videos of hangings where the rope is low on the neck, others are tucked neatly under the chin.
Thinking about using a belt or cord and hanging off my bedframe
>>248848 Check out or the 8chan suicide board on archive. I would not reccommend using sanctioned suicide because it is ran by the crab king (owns 8 crab forums) and is filled with normalfaggots.
why do we need a thread for this LARPing cringefest? if you are gonna kill yourself, just do it. you dont need to be an attentionwhoring faggot about it. this is the antithesis of what wizchan is all about. none of you are actually depressed and you will only kill yourself when you are 30 and realize that you look like shit after transitioning
>>248878 Nigger. Half of this thread is asking about methods and the other half is shitposting about reincarnation. Nobody is attentionwhoring or transitioning except for the little tranny living rent free in your head.
>>248890 as long as your SN is airtight it should be fine forever. it is oxygen that makes the sodium nitrite into sodium nitrate. I had a nightmare the other night that my SN was opened and all turned to shit. My SN was opened once sadly but you can test with a regent test or something if your SN is still good or not.
>>248891 i've been keeping it in a plastic bottle with a screw cap ever since i bought it. it is the original container it was originally sent in to me (pic related). is that a sufficient protection from oxygen?
>>248892 If it is sealed you should not need to worry at all. >>248893 when everything always go wrong for you it is not a stretch to think you will be one of those unlikely statistics. On this topic there is info on the suicide wiki that does not seem genuine about SN. Under consequences of failure it details how SN poisoning can be reversed and people can recover. There have been a handful of people on SS who have failed and had no problems but it makes no sense to think this can be consequence free. How can you be deprived from oxygen for 15-20 minuets and start breathing again and not have problems? The way it is worded makes it sound as if there is nil risk.
>>248819 I keep hearing mixed things about heroin overdose, anyone know what's right? Some say it's the best method as you go out on a high, others say it's a horrible with no explanation given. Which is right?
(This is for future reference btw, not planning on doing it until my mother's dead)
>>248904 considering that doctors use morphine to mercy kill suffering patients I can only think the people saying it is horrible are anti freedom and pro suffering.
>>248823 Yeah he wrote about it, it's called longdrop and it's not easy to do. Executioners had detailed manuals, specially designed metal parts that go on the rope and they still had some failures where the hanged would just choke.
>>248893 when all your live you made wrong choices and everything went the wrong way yes your suicide have very high chance to fail that's the sole reason that keeps me away from trying
How am i supposed to have faith in this if everything, and i mean every single detail failed in my life? How can i be sure i won't fail?
>>248904 I concluded that it is the ideal method after extensive research. There are many reports from heroin users who had overdoses. Anti-drug retards everywhere say shit about drugs when they have never even tried anything
>>248921 not sure, i planned that i'll throw myself under a train many years ago, but never actually did it. even when the feelings get unbearable, i always pathetically think about looking for 'help' as if a mental hospital could help me, instead of ending it like a man. i hated normal people always crawling like worms to stay alive, but my fear made me like them.
>>248824 >One thing to consider before suicide is theories of personal identity. If your aim is to escape existence, you may want to consider the implications of self termination under such frameworks as Open Individualism. Mario Alejandro Montano did just that. His basic argument for suicide despite this is that even he continues existing after his death, death is still the most powerful transformative agent of consciousness that we know of. Even if death isn't the end, chances are that his next life would be better than this one.
From his blog: >Suicide is currently my best option since it is the best transformative agent for the contents of consciousness that I can think of. I still feel that rationally considered, the boredom, malaise, anxiety, shame, pain, absurdity, loathing etc. is not worth the scant rewards in my human life. There is a vast ocean of radically different mind configurations of which my locus forms but a meaningless fraction of a dust speck. The idea that out of all possible modes of being across eternal probability space, I would be this human is frankly repugnant.
>>248823 >the fall combined with the tight rope breaks the vertebra in your neck and severs your spinal cord Which means that you will be a quadriplegic if you fail.
>>248904 I think I can help here a bit with some anecdotes. I have lost consciousness many, many times over the years I was actively using heroin. I have also "officially" (for lack of a better word) over dosed twice, where I woke up in an emergency room, got shot up with the narcan.. the whole thing. I was one of those guys who needed multiple shots to be revived the second time as I had also mixed in kpins… With that out of the way, the two times I had the legit overdoses, it was peacefully lights out. No coming to light shit, no build up, it was literally like going to sleep and then waking up in the emergency room confused. I had a buddy who overdosed and died. His brother found him convulsing. Apparently he "looked like he was in pain" and was even choking on his own mix of vomit and blood, which his brother got in his moth trying to give cpr… So, ultimately, it is tough to say man. I guess if you want my opinion or plan. I am planning to get drunk and either go by no drop full suspension or rifled slug shotgun shells. I just cant trust a heroin od to really do the job and not leave me as a vegetable. When I go, I WONT fuck it up–you know what I mean?
I think I want to schedule with a euthanist but it might be illegal since I’m a lobotomy victim. I had no anesthetic. I hate my life so much and it’s filled with little sexual torture bits that I hate so much that just don’t fucking stop. I cannot bring myself to be happy without the help of copious amounts of alcohol and the sounds of cuckolding fill the air at night in my den each eve. and I been eyeing this spot in the shed where I could do a rope up and climb a bucket, they’re 11$ and I get WU cash. I’m afraid it’s going to hurt and I really just want everything to be perfect instead. I hate that I have to do this. Why did my surgeon do this to me dude I want to curl up with a grenade and scream all at the same time, very frustrating
>>249050 Well they clapped me to a ward and declared me a methamphetamine addict first. I was not allowed to leave for a period of 4months if involuntary treatment to beat a meth charge. And then they filed through the court for me to have neurosurgery in a sort of holocaust like event for my comorbid Bipolar I with suicidal features. I saw a corrupt psych from behind the doors of the psychiatric facility who told me he’d make me retarded. and then two teams of doctors all under lock and key involuntarily. My family would drive me down and tell them all about the meth and alcohol use and they’d 5150. I had committed no murder or rape at the time but meth possession. They went on and on about fearing my next high would trigger a manic episode that I would kill myself or others on and proudly declared they were going to “save my life with neurosurgery that makes it impossible to move” and “curb my manic, homicidal thinking and cocaine use” following a mock trial. even though I hanged they insisted in the court I was homicidal and they bought it. truth is I wasn’t addicted to meth neither homicidal but to tobacco and ethanol and was in a state of deeply depressed suicidal ideation. Then they jabbed my arm on s gurney and I woke up strapped down in Canada. He said since I’m an alcoholic anesthetic is too good for me and started to take razors and stuff to my brain.
>>249071 >And then they filed through the court for me to have neurosurgery in a sort of holocaust like event for my comorbid Bipolar I with suicidal features.
So you were self-harming beforehand and the meth use rotted your brain where you had a tic that caused you to hit yourself constantly. This is the only way involuntary neurosurgery is approved, at least in the US. Surgeons are loathe to do it because, being honest, they know nobody on meth is going to treat their bodies right and it will just be a waste of their effort. You were put through at least 3-4 years of intense sedatives to try and control your spasms until, after your 20th psych hold, multiple doctors finally agreed that you needed a part of your brain removed so you would stop hitting yourself.
If you were truly only messed up on normie drugs like tobacco/alcohol, you'd have been sent to prison instead. Which you were at one point, and then you did something there that made it clear you'd only get yourself killed.
Considering the circumstances I think you ended up lucky, many people in your position go straight to the homicide part and spend the rest of their lives behind bars. The fact that you are posing here indicates that you aren't in a controlled facility (an actual control zone, a halfway house or group home with unrestricted external web access doesn't count). You are the reason the national mental health crisis hotline/911 alternative is happening because the police no longer want to deal with you. This is a unique power you should embrace.
>>248825 Even universe will die so what makes you think that you will pop up ? Same could be said for an ant . There is no infinite life because at some point universe itself will die out.
Even if your theory is correct then life cycle will continue until heat death of universe. So in the end everything would be simple energy as neuron , proton that will never meet again to form a new universe. Everything ends eventually
So what? I was suicidal and you refused me proper medication on a misdiagnosis. We’ve been through this before. Rehab would’ve been a good pick from the get go. None of the dozen trips to wards. What about the electricity torture? I was afflicted with so much suffering and addiction and you delivered a nightmare of stripped rights and humiliation and sometimes pain. I can’t complain too much more though. In my opinion the whole system needs to be re-evaluated, they ice picked in bed, I did nothing but cry on the inside and felt like a victim, I didn’t understand I was sick, I was imprisoned and wished to go home and stop being brain tortured
Is Jumping in front of subway train best method If you don't have access to guns? I think that and jumping of a building are my only choices. In my mind if I jumped in front of the train there's no chance to survive, is there a chance? I just don't wanna survive. Can anyone give me any advice on this?
>>249208 I know, that's why I think jumping as the train approaches is my best bet. I don't know how to get other methods like the one you said to work and cause I don't go out at all I think it'd raise suspicions (getting the stuff and coming back).
I'm thinking about buying cyanide from the deep web to kill myself, how do I do it safely without getting in legal trouble or getting scammed? Does anyone here who has bought drugs/anything else from the deep web have any tips?
>>249356 Encrypt your address with PGP. Only buy within your country, from a seller than has a lot of feedback. Check forums for any information about the seller. You won't be able to get cyanide because it has no recreational usage, so switch to heroin or fentanyl instead. Preferably use Tails on a USB drive. Preferably don't write things like your wizchan message online without a VPN. Defending yourself against law enforcement is an endless rabbithole, you don't have to go extreme about it but this is a matter of opinion.
What is you lot thoughts on carbon monoxide posioning as a suicide method? seems pretty easy and painless to me. Get a lump of coal and a small and enclosed area with little ventaltion, light it in some sort of grill or container, slowly fall asleep and then a bit later you fall asleep and you’re dead. Even the most pozzed country should allow people to buy coal, right? right?
>>249464 you can just take gummie worms and claim you tried to OD and they will pump your stomache. why do you want to be in one? have you ever been in one before?
>>249465 >What is you lot thoughts on carbon monoxide posioning as a suicide method? >Even the most pozzed country should allow people to buy coal, right? Carbon monoxide mimics oxygen in the body and has killed countless people troughout history. It's only noticable effect is that you feel tired as in having to go to bed. If you go the coal route you might have smell, smoke, e.t.c. but it's better than nothing. Chemically produced is what the bosrode-wizard used. If anyone has the screenshot please do post it, I have it on my other computer so I could post it tomorrow if no one else does. As for consequenses on failiure it's similar to suspension hanging. Carbon Monoxide ultimatly kills by depriving the brain of oxygen, if you are "saved" brain damage is possible but unlike hanging there is no risk of paralyzation at least. But like bosrode-wiz said (not quoting directly)"if I don't reply anymore you will know that you have found a safe painless way out.
>>249464 Honestly, you probably don't want to be going to a psych ward. That place is full of true crazies, and the staff may even be abusive and uncaring.
It's funny to say this, but prison might actually be better. But if you know for sure that the psych ward you're going to is alright, then I guess you'll be fine.
>>249484 psychward can be so so boring with nearly no freedom. Expect them to wake you up and lock your room door so you have to socialize with the schizophrenics who walk back and fourth all day yelling.
psychward can be fun. my one had a rec room we could do art in or even a massage chair we could use.
>>249487 I had fun the second time I went to the psych ward, but doctors had me on like 6mg of klonopin a day just so I could be near other humans without freaking out, it gets kinda old after a while though, it would be more fun if they gave us like a snes or something to play mario and crap along with the television and drawing activities
>>248848 >>249003 Whatever you do don't kill yourself try to seek out some professional help for your issues wherever you can. Family,Friends a support group anyone who is willing to help support you with any of your underlying issues.
>>249466 Yes, I've been in one. It was pretty rad. It was voluntary, but I looked over my paperwork and it seems pretty obvious they thought I was malingering. If I give them some evidence of an attempt, I might get to stay longer.
>>249501 If you have family you could maybe cut yourself and scream about wanting to kill yourself. you will get admitted if the family call and it will seem more legitimate.
What is the story here? why do you want to get comitted? for NEETbux? you usually need to have been in one to get NEETbux and stupid succubi are always going into them for trying to OD on random pills.
I'm just thinking about how I enjoyed not really having to do anything and being given all of my meals there. I already have autismbux, but I can't imagine going inpatient will look bad if that ever comes up.
>>249531 will it be free? your home life must be shit if you have to put up with so much you rather be in a ward. I can see myself enjoying a stay at one for a month or two but I would not want to live there being surrounded by people.
The schizophrenics end up making you go insane because they never stop making noise and they cannot help it but it is horrible.
>>249540 >doctors wanted to put me back in for severe depression I always dodged that palce as well. at first they try get you to go on your own admission and i always refused. I started going to hospital for breakdowns with SH and risky behavior and managed to talk myself out and finally I went in when they legally could nap a wizzah. Why do the quacks always tell you to take antipsychotics and go to a ward if not schizophrenic.
I think that prospective NEETbux NEETs should consider going to the ward because it helps a lot for paperwork.
The ward is incredibly boring and you have to deal with others who are either borderline succubi or schizophrenics. Good luck sleeping when the man next to you is talking to his dead family and laughing all night.
I am convinced that the ward is best for helping undiagnosed/medicated schizophrenics and bipolar people but aside from that there is no help.
This is a method that I'm entirely unsure of how effective it is due to how rare it is for someone to suicide that way, but it seems like self-waterboarding may be a viable way to go, especially if you have a tub(which most people have). This seems relatively easy to do.
>>249483 Lots of people die of CO posoning due to haphazard use of furnaces and power generator everytime winter rolls around. It’s gotten so bad that manufactuors are obligated to put warning signs that state “Do not use this in enclosed areas or you will die in MINUTES!” Imagine how easy it is to do accidently. now realize how trivial it is to do it on purpose! The coal method should work just as well but however, most of the suicides are conducted in East Asia, and their coal is likely less refined or exerts more CO than western one.
>>248896 Honestly this is something that worries me aswell, I've got my SN ready to go, but I'm afraid that if something goes wrong I might have to be a vegetable for the rest of my life, unable to really live, but unable to die aswell, it'd be hell on earth. Does anyone has any confirmation that SN really doesn't leave aftereffects if you survive?
Also, still on the topic of SN, is it absolutely necessary to take medications with it or is just the SN good enough for suicide?
>>249617 >Does anyone has any confirmation that SN really doesn't leave aftereffects if you survive? Well, should have the same effect on you long term as a salt overdose (not as painful of course short term). So yes, no risk of ending up a vegetable. >is it absolutely necessary to take medications Yes. Absolutely. You don't want to vomit it all up in your sleep to instead of peacefully drifting off into oblivion wake up with a splitting headache and blue arms covered in vomit
>>249633 >Well, should have the same effect on you long term as a salt overdose (not as painful of course short term). So yes, no risk of ending up a vegetable. I see, but like, and perhaps I'm understanding the method wrong, but isn't the idea behind the SN that your cells don't receive oxygen? If you're left in that state for some time, but get "rescued" won't the lack of oxygen to your brain cells cause any damage at all?
>Yes. Absolutely. You don't want to vomit it all up in your sleep to instead of peacefully drifting off into oblivion wake up with a splitting headache and blue arms covered in vomit I agree that doing it without the medication isn't ideal, but can you still die with it? I recall reading many goodbye posts on Sanctioned Suicide before where people would take only the SN and apparently it would work, but now it seems that the concensus is that you need the medication, are the odds of me dying from just the SN low or is it more like 50/50?
>>249617 > Does anyone has any confirmation that SN really doesn't leave aftereffects if you survive?
that is the meme, people claim it doesnt but common sense says that after being revied 30min later when your blood wont have new oxygen in it.. is.. a meme.
I used to always be on the SS site and the only people who claimed it did not leave damage were people found shortly after and there is no testing done.
>>249641 >>249640 Well, by the time any permanent damage would have been done your cells can’t take up the oxygen anyways so even if the EMTs have oxygen tanks your body couldn’t absorb it. >is the odds low or like 50/50 Genuinely have no idea about percentage but the fact that it works for some leads me to beleive it depends on your metabolism, wether/how early you throw up, body weight e.t.c. I imagine you could boost your odds by staying awake as long as possible manually making sure you don’t vomit
Can someone share their thoughts on the following as research has not turned up any information. Will a large karge dose of a stimulant help you push past your survival instinct? I tried to do some research and found nothing and I cannot get onto SS to ask there nor do I want to talk with them types of people.
On one hand I can see a very large dose giving you the guts to kill yourself but at the same time I know the drugs other effects like paranoia could inhibit completing suicide. (SN and probably suspension for good measure)
>>249581 you can't die by getting waterboarded, in fact it's arguably not torture. I watched Steven Crowder get waterboarded on some Christmas special livestream he did with some ex military dude to prove that it's not as bad as Christopher Hitchens claimed it was. honestly I doubt this could kill anyone, but a picture's worth a thousand words…
>>250055 I watched it and I am surprised how you could claim it is not torture. It doesn't have to kill someone half the point is that it is non lethal and does not leave a mark.
how autistic do you have to be to think you can compare some buds on your YT doing it to and other situations.
I think I’m finally there. I feel a compulsion to die. It is dispassionate, and logical. I sit and look at the world, at the people, at my life and myself. I don’t see anything worth continuing. I’ve seen what I needed to see and done what I needed to do and now it’s time to go. I don’t know what lies beyond of anything, but I can say without any doubt that I simply need to not be here, wherever or whatever here is.
>>250055 I was de-facto waterboarded as a kid by having my face held down in snow that melted in such a way that I couldn’t breathe. The reason it’s torture isn’t because you can’t breathe for X seconds. It’s because you don’t know if they’ll stop in time or not. Obviously doing it in a controlled environment where you know they’ll stop after X seconds won’t be that scary.
>>250168 >I sit and look at the world, at the people, at my life and myself. I don’t see anything worth continuing. This is like part one. Part two is overcoming that survival instinct and going through with it. Good luck.
You might as well post info about what gun you decided and why for the thread. >>250173 > It’s because you don’t know if they’ll stop in time or not. Obviously doing it in a controlled environment where you know they’ll stop after X seconds won’t be that scary. You would think the retards here would be able to tell being picked up and beaten and then waterboarded by your enemy is a little different than having your faggot buddies do it with a safe word/sign like in that video.
I had 10 Norco I got when I got my tooth pulled, but I used them to get high. I could have taken them all with some booze and just drifted off. I fuck up everything. I hate myself.
>>250168 It's funny because I remember wanting to die when I was only a child. The feeling progressed severely when I was a teenager but it was always this edgy actively shitty feeling of despair and anger. Now that I'm older I still feel the same, however it's different. The edginess is no longer there, but instead there is a distinct dullness. I'm tired. I'm tired of life and its demands. I'm tired of being a loser and a reject, and I am 100% aware of my limitations.
The superman bravado of youth has worn off. The hopeful feeling of a possibly future has faded away. I have a better understanding of how the world works, and I know that I have no place in it. That edgy teen feeling of wanting to die has matured into a matter of fact destination. I no longer fear the end, because the reasons to stay around on this mortal plane are flickering out…one by one.
I've already chosen a date to kill myself, one that has meaning to me, so I want to stick to it. Still, every day is just too much, and even though I'm already at my lowest point, life always finds a way to push me deeper, I'm breaking down, I can't stand feeling so sad all of the time, I can't even distract myself anymore, nothing works, I just feel so miserable.
How do you all cope? Does anyone have any advice on how to make my days more bearable before the date of my suicide finally comes to free me from all of this torment? I need something, anything.
>>250409 >How do you all cope? Does anyone have any advice on how to make my days more bearable before the date of my suicide abuse alcohol and drugs because what else is there to do?
>>250409 Don't kill yourself try reaching out for help find someone, a close family, relative, hotline,aqquaintance anything that can stop you from feeling all depressed and suicidal. In the UK we have Samaritans, SANeline, national suicide prevention helpline, CALM (campaign against living miserably) The Mix, switchboard if you identifty as gay or lgbt.
There are some lifelines in America, Here is a link:
>>250414 I have very limited access to these things because I live with my parents and they have little regard for my privacy, so if I try to sneak these things in they could come into my room without knocking and it'd be a pain to deal with that. I've managed to sneak alcohol in a few times, but I have a hard time drinking it, my resistance to its taste is very small, though it's also hard for me to get drunk, it's just not reliable sadly. Still, I appreciate the advice, anon.
>>250436 >>250437 I could write a book about everything that makes me depressed, in a way I already do, because I write a lot of my thoughts in my diary, which is also my main source of venting, because I feel bad when venting to other people, because I know everyone has their problems and I don't want to bother anyone, also I usually just feel worse when venting with others for some reason, so I won't get into detail.
The reason I made that first post is because the last few days in particular feel like a sick joke, I already wake up everyday feeling miserable by default, and my day to day life is insufferable to me, but Friday, Saturday and Today all had specific events, which I won't detail due to it being very personal, that managed to make it all even worse, and with all of it happening in succession I'm genuinely breaking down.
Every day, even though I try to have a little bit of hope that something good will happen, that it won't be unbearable, that maybe something will happen that will make me reconsider my decision to kill myself, every single day does the exact opposite, and has something happen to make me feel even worse, it's like a prank, a sick joke, and the only plus side is that it leaves me no doubt, I'm certain that I'm doing the right thing by ending my life.
>>250436 I don't quite know why, but "saviors" like this kind of piss me off. It just eminates this holier-than-thou self-righteousness combined with this incredible arrogance of "of course NOBODY would ever have a legitimate reason to commit suicide."
>>250453 You should talk to a professional there are many people willing to help. By keeping yourself caged up all by yourself will leave you lonely and confused.
>>250054 The 1.7 minutes probably comes from the fact that some people are retards that do retarded shit like use birdshot or shoot themselves in the chin and blow their face off instead of blowing their brains out.
>>248819 I have a retarded question, but I'm not sure where else to ask it. Would a crossbow work for quitting? I'd assume you need a really high-power one or heavy one, but if you did it shotgun-style (in the mouth) would the odds be in your favor to quit? I know fuck all about bows in general, but know they're not regulated like guns are.
>>250499 I'm honestly unsure if the bolt would manage to even pierce the skull fully. I've seen a single report of someone doing it successfully, which is why I asked.
>>250502 It isn't a stupid question. This method seems like it has a high likelihood of working to me, but I could find very few cases of people that killed themselves using firecrackers or by cutting their carotid artery. That's why I asked.
>>250493 Somebody asks this almost exact question every other thread. Crossbows are lethal, but you need to put distance between the bow and yourself to allow the bolt to build up inertia. Put the tip of the bolt up to a wall and pull the trigger and you'll have minimal penetration even if the bow was held stationary. Shoot the same wall from a few feet back and it could go right through. Think of the difference between punching a face and pushing on a face.
Crossbows kill animals by hindering movement of whatever vital organ the bolt penetrates, such as lungs or the heart. bolts aren't meant to bleed the animal out like a bullet would. There are niche tips and bolts that do allow blood the drain (for tracking game), but a healthy human blood will coagulate before enough drained. You'd bleed more from slitting your wrists.
Humans routinely survive large blades, nails, and wreckage lodged in their brain. You're a lot more likely to walk away in serious pain and with permanent brain damage if you shot yourself with a bow. You'd have to kill yourself he same way you'd kill game, by basically stapling your lungs together with the bolt so you couldn't breath. Unlike game though, humans are much less likely to die from pain shock, so your instincts could easily overpower your will and allow you to breath against the pain of the bolt. This is how cats, dogs, and raccoons can live fore weeks pieced by bolts.
>>250503 an M80 is a quarter stick of dynamite, something designed to break mountains. There's a lot of power in one but you need to focus it properly. Having the cracker resting against your body without containing the blast energy from escaping outward will leave you with some burns and bruises. Even if you did get ahold of a powerful bomb and contained the blast on to one artery, the wound would be messy and singed, reducing bleeding.
If you want to explode your neck and can buy reloading equipment, an empty camp stove tank filled with black or smokeless powder could decapitate you.
>>250504 I've heard many stories of people losing fingers because of firecrackers. If they can blow people's fingers off they can definitely cut an artery.
>>250574 >In some weird cultures like USA they keep shoes on while inside and bring inside all the grime and dirt. I grew up in America (parents are from overseas) and this still confuses the ever-loving shit out of me. We still use toilet paper, by the way, instead of the more sanitary and, IMO, comfortable bidet.
>>250574 >>250576 I thought this was only a thing on TV, because it's more convenient for them to keep their shoes on or not to be in socks or bare footed or whatever. I refuse to believe that any real person would do that.
>>250578 I am american and we never wore shoes in the house unless people were over, then it felt like it would be kind of rude to ask them to remove their shoes so they just leave them on and my parents leave them on too, we dont have any place to remove shoes either so you have to bend over or sit on the floor while you take them off
>>250574 I seriously don't understand this. It's such a small preventative thing that will help keep your place clean without having to clean every single week. Take off your goddamn shoes and don't bring food into your bed for fuck's sake.
>>250576 Bidets sound so unsanitary. So everyone has to grab the bidet with their shitty dirty hands to use it? that means the bidet needs to be sanitized a lot. thats just gross i'd rather use TP.
I've been thinking about killing myself lately, unfortunately even though I don't even feel like a human being most of the time I still have the very human feel of fearing death, I don't think I feel death by itself (after all how can you fear something that involves your own non existence?) but I feel the process of dying, pulling the trigger, using the rope, jumping out of some building or in front of traffic, etc, I fear pain, I fear the thoughts and so.
Yet the logical part of my brain says "What if the process of killing yourself hurts? being alive will hurt so much more and for more time in the future, the spark of very intense pain during my death will actually save you more pain down the line".
I wish killing myself was a much simpler process, if I don't want to be here why I can't just get out in peace with some medicine? Why we can't take our own lives when we feel that it's not worth living anymore? This makes me sad but angry too, this isn't how it should be, I should have the right to end myself in a peaceful, dignified way.
Just some random thoughts, feel free to disregard all the shit I write.
>>250753 No, there is nothing to disregard. That was a good post.
Everything you said is why I want euthanasia to be a legal choice. Too bad my sadistic country would rather keep me alive for a century than allow me to escape this torture.
It's not that I'm even depressed. It's simply the fact the world is created for neurotypicals.
I have zero in common with their reality TV, artificial music, their loudmouth bragging, their compulsive obsession over the slightest wealth or mundane objects, their constant judging, racism, intolerance, hostility.
I just don't belong in that species. I only have the necessary human bodily functions to stay alive, but I have absolutely and utterly nothing in common with any of those humans.
It's torture to be alive for a century or longer in this state. It will always be 100% impossible to connect to anyone because they are simply not on the same wavelength mentally. It's like trying to converse with a dog or pig who has some semblance of sentience and tries to put together simple words and sentences. It's a futile effort. They only "get" each other.
No matter how nice, considerate or fair I am to them, they treat me like an absolute alien.
Why can't doctors or pharmaceutical companies acknowledge this and allow us to escape, or at least spend considerable resources on medicines that allow us to completely turn off the part of our primitive brain that requires connection or interaction with others?
The main cause of death in autistic people unlike any other people in society is suicide.
Depending on the country the average lifespan of autistic people (note - men, not succubi) is 16 to 30 years lower than the general population, with most of those suicides happening between the ages of 27 to 35, and another spike at 50+.
People refuse to regard it as a lethal condition and just keep making fun of them. Imagine if people were making fun of cripples the same way, they would be ostracized. But it's completely ok to do the same towards non-NT's. This is the species we live in.
It is lethal specifically because NT's hate non-NT's and exclude them from friendships, partnerships, jobs, everything. It is genocidal, hateful, spiteful behavior towards a group of people.
>>250436 Of course there's always this guy. I tried "reaching out for help" once and all I got were useless pills and a set of behavioural strategies to attempt to become a good wageslave and I was sent nack into the pit of despair. Thinking back, it really does confirm that modern society is full of robotic actors who only care about extending machinic culture. I can't find anyone who will support my dreams and I am too weak and uneducated - a fine gift I recieved from the public school institution and my commoner parents.
>>250872 >How bad would it hurt if i chugged a bunch of paracetamol? /r/suicidewatch is that way. Obviously it would be a very bad idea and not even good for suicide.
>>250872 I tried that. I dont remember the quantity but it was about 2x the supposed lethal dose. Just ended up with massive stomach pain and constant vomiting for 2 days.
>>248820 You could get a black powder gun, since they are less heavily regulated. You could also buy a flare gun and buy a gun adapter so you can make it fire gun ammunition.
>>250941 Anyone that uses "spoon feed" on a social platform is a ginormous retard. The point of places like this, or any kind of forum, is to have discussions. Telling people that you won't "spoon feed" them is not only unnecessarily snotty/childish but it also discourages people from posting. Are you gonna tell someone to stop "necroing" when they post in an old thread too? Idiotic. I think you're the only person that need to fuck off with your need to try and apply baseless rules to people.
>>250942 Accurate in terms of the results but those type of people I am thankful for since it encouraged me to be self reliant which is essential Made me conclude that talking is pointless
People say to compress your carotid arteries before h4nging yourself so I lied down on the floor like I was going to sleep, felt the pulse on my throat and squeezed it with my hands looking similar to this,, but it didnt make me dizzy or black out even in 20 seconds, I even squeezed it so hard that I felt the back of my vocal chords but all I felt was the pulse getting stronger, pain in the area I was squeezing and a headache. How does one even compress the arteries?
I don't know what keeps me going, but I'm getting tired of living. I should have killed myself back when I was a suicidal teenager, I would have saved me a lot of pain, but I fell for the "it gets better" meme, now I'm almost 33 and I still have nothing to live for. Everyday I grow more desperate about my situation and I just want it to end, but I'm so broken that I don't even have the energy or the motivation to kill myself. I envy you people.
>>251158 I'm actually kind of excited if there was a downloadable 3D-printer design to kys with.
But you know every country on Earth is going to ban the shit out of this. Which kind of surprises me since Australia is such an authoritarian dystopia, except when it comes to this.
>>251160 still can't accept that it's here, what is even that thing dude? neuralink was the last one that scared me. actually it's a blessing because the next version will be this
Can I kill myself by standing in front of my microwave? I know there was an episode of South Park where someone gave himself cancer by sticking his balls in a microwave oven. I think the radiation should affect my whole body and increase the chances of death if I lay it flat and sort of dangle above it, exposing different cross-sections of my body to the death rays.
>>251160 The guy just happens to be Australian and actually Australia even is the only place to ban books like the Peaceful Pill Handbook. Don't be fooled, there is no silver lining anywhere to the australian authoritarian dystopia
My plan is to hyperventilate and swim in a body of water (Look up shallow water blackout). However I dont know if theres something wrong with me because when I try and breathe rapidly and deeply, it feels like the oxygen/air doesnt reac my lungs, I have to breathe deeply and slowly for the air to be able to be felt in my lungs (I sometimes have trouble sleeping because I sometimes cant breathe lying down), in addition to this my nose burns after breathing in and out super fast when doing it 5 times. Am I a retard that is hyperventilating wrong or is there something wrong with my body?
>>251344 And it doesnt work, I tested hyperventilating by lying down, attempting to hyperventilate for two minutes (Which I failed I guess since I didnt really feel like I was breathing but more faking breathing) and stood up and blew on my thumb, I just felt the urge to breathe more than I did just holding my breathe without hyperventilating beforehand
In every photo and video of an already dead hanged victim, the rope is positioned at the top of the neck/close to the bottom of the jaw yet in videos where people attempt to hang themselves, it seems that they put the rope at the bottom of their neck, below their adams apple. For example, And some put the belt/rope on the middle of their neck; If I want to do suspension hanging where do I position the rope, my carotid artery pulse is strong above my adams apple and there's no way I can position ligature on the middle of my neck because unlike every hanged victim, my apple is pretty big and is basically a large bump on my neck. Can anyone give me any advice to where I should put the rope
Yew (Taxus baccata) seeds and leaves are highly toxic and I'm very much interested in potential success percentage from ingesting a decent amount. I've read mixed reports about pain etc, some say you fall into a coma and then have heart attack which would be perfect when you think about it. Others say it causes terrible sickness and you survive anyway.
Natural, readily available poisons seem like a dignified way to go out. Yew, Hemlock, Monkshood etc are all easy to obtain and theoretically guaranteed death if you take enough. It's the potential pain factor which puts me off
>>251370 Can anyone provide help? I used jute rope and placed it above my larynx and below it and I still felt the same thing while doing partial suspension hanging, just a feeling of my eyes exploding and head almost bursting. My last option is full suspension but I dont want that to fail as well. No matter how hard my neck is squeezed, my arteries arent shut off and I dont lose consciousness even in 20 seconds. how the fuck can I compress my carotid arteries?
>>251398 If you guys arent going to fucking help I'll just do full suspension. Would drinking 250ml of whiskey cause a 58 kg man to pass out, if so how long would it take
>>251407 Guns are illegal You need a permit to buy nitrogen and argon, helium is useless as it's no longer 98% pure. I had an idea of using sulfuric acid and formic acid to create carbon monoxide, problem is I dont know where to get these two, can anyone give me a list of actual products that contain these two at a high concentration? And dont just say "drain cleaner, car battery" tell me the specific type of drain cleaner, you can even give me a link to amazon or ebay or any other website selling them
>>251416 I can't get it, it's not on Ebay or Amazon and other websites require you to register as a business with your profession and such. You also need a specific antiemetics to avoid vomitting which I think would be difficult to obtain. >>251415 Despite what everyone says, I actually found formic acid before sulfuric. Although I dont know how much concentration the formic acid is, it just says "formic acid cleaner". Does anyone know any products that contain sulfuric acid? All the drain cleaners contain Lye or something not sulfuric acid
>>251418 The antiemetics were not hard for me to get I just went into the drug store and said what was needed in order to get them and they are not even seen as a must have now anyway. There re still ways to get it although it is much harder now with it being off ebay and amazon.
it sounds like you need to do some more research into everything.
>>251423 >Ton|1 Ton/Tons(Min. Order) This is for 1 ton of SN. The price does not seem so bad but there must be a way to buy a smaller quantity from a chem lab in china or elsewhere.
I got prochlorperazine maleate from the drug store OTC but anyway it seems like the antiemetic is seen as not totally needed based on latest trends from SS within the past year.
SN is not banned in all countries on amazon I would even suggest joining SS and asking around for a source I am just glad I got mine easily.
>>251425 >I would even suggest joining SS and asking around for a source I am just glad I got mine easily. They dont allow vpn or TOR users to sign in, if I had an actual australian/italian IP address I could make an account and use it and I can't use an VPN IP address from those countries as they know that it isnt an actual IP, I need a real one from a real household
>>251450 I'd suggest using a free Wifi hotspot or the internet at a cafe or library, but such places tend to block traffic to any of the remaining 'real' websites.
Holy shit you can't even lurk SS without an account now. I am guessing it's because NYTimes doxxed the current runners of the forum and discussed how the website encourages suicide, to be honest 95% of all discusions, on suicide discussions mind you not offtopic, were a bunch of redditors/neoredditors whining about life and "normies". The only places that allows discussion of suicide methods with TOR now are perhaps nanochan and dread; look up TORCH search engine and use that to find the two
>>251532 Maybe im a fence sitter?i think theres a chance i can see the glory of the world but i would have to start giving 0 fucks about anything and everything
>>251537 Ill try to explain in english(im not an anglo,thanks Lain)
My life sucks in part because im a coward. If i mustered courage and live crazy maybe ill live a bit more >I cant stand not-being a teen idol pretty boy youtuber/tiktoker
I bought formic acid and sulfuric acid on ebay, the formic acid arrived by I checked my ebay messages and apparently the sulfuric acid order is "incomplete". I can't find sulfuric acid anywhere, can anyone just tell me any product on amazon that contains 90+% sulfuric acid , dont tell me about hanging or SN, I just need sulfuric acid
>>251577 I hope the guy who sold me the sulfuric acid has himself, his daughter or son raped, piece of fucking shit shouldn't sell stuff when they're out of stock
Are these good enough to make CO and if they are do I just have to put paper in the chimney starter, light it on fire, add charcoal and wait till they turn white then put them on the bbq and let it all burn?
I am going to die by hanging. I will buy the rope next payment. I will have to hide it. If I decide it's too hard I may do DXM instead, bout two grams ought to be the ticket out. I am dead FUCKING tired of everything. I HATE my sex drive, I HATE how it's this impossible thing, I HATE the memories of being told I'd never and beaten. I'm done, very soon. I've hanged to the point my heart stopped once or twice already. It didn't hurt that bad. I just needed everything to be perfect and was delivered a total broken mess and it's left me a husk. I'm not scared anymore. Goodbye
i don't have to live because my parent want me to. i don't have to live because my parent want me to. i don't have to live because my parent want me to.
How do I make a 95% concentrated solution of citric acid with 400 grams of citric acid powder and 500ml of deionised water. I am going to use the citric acid for something important but it has to be in liquid form
I'm contemplating suicide. Argument for: I have no fucking clue what to do next with my life (just finished college only because my parents demanded me to) and I DESPISED being forced to interact with evil normies in school and college - don't wanna work like that my entire life. Argument against: my family will be very sad and there are still some nice things in my life (like bicycle rides and video games).
>>251895 Yeah this is basically where I'm at, though the people I met weren't evil, it was me who was defective, through nature or nurture I've become twisted and disconnected, I don't think I could hold a job, not that I would really want to but I need to if I don't want to be homeless. When I get so down I start tearing up I have this strange juxtaposition between crying simulataneously because everything is so null and void and because life could be so beautiful, even if the only beauty I can extract is from chinese cartoons and videogames.
Let's say I have fentanyl and I want to OD on it, what do I do? Is fentanyl a pill that you can OD by taking a lot of, or do I have to inject it. If it's the latter then I'll call this method off
>>251872 If anyone here is looking at this and is curious whether or not it's good. It isnt I am >>251872 and the solution with this acid stung my nostrils, I might have done it wrong but I am not bothered doing it over and over again trying to make sure it's successful.
How the fuck can I make SN ship to a locker instead of my house? I live with my family and they will definitely open the fucking thing and make a whole shitfest out of it. I already ordered some SN and put a inpost locker as the shipping address, I felt at peace until I realized the locker has a Hermes and Ebay logo, nothing else so I dont know if the parcel is even going to be put inside the locker or just be cancelled when the postman can put it inside I fucking hope the leaders of Ebay are raped in hell, stupid fucks banned the fucking thing so I can't use the locker and purchase SN off ebay
>>252198 I already ordered shit off Amazon and had it sent to a locker, how the fuck can I do the same thing as other packages where I just post the locker address as the shipping address and just put it up from the locker it seems that other than Amazon no one direct sends to a locker why not? Not even fucking royal mail
>>252212 I know I meant if there's anything that is like amazon lockers but instead of only having certain things shipped to it any product can be shipped to it and you can just order it to the locker like you order any normal package. It doesnt matter I just said fuck it and ordered the stuff to my house, I hope my family does not find out
Does the idea of an afterlife scare you guys? Or are you a confident enough atheist that it doesn't bother you? For some reason the idea of reincarnation scares me more than the idea of hell. I think it's because there's at least some sort of sense to a one-and-done life where a God decides where to send you afterward based on how well you did. Imagine putting in all this struggle to pull the trigger only to instantly respawn as an Indian peasant with leprosy.
>>252272 Let's suppose you have no memory of your previous reincarnations, and there is no "mark" or trauma left on the soul from past lives–if these assumptions hold true then death is absolute as far as I'm concerned. Clean slate every time. Someone with severe amnesia can sit down one day and watch the greatest film ever made, then sit down the next day and see the worst film ever made, and neither experiences will have contributed much to his perception of the world by the third day because there would be no recollection of enjoying (or suffering) through either film.
For all you know you've probably already been a leprosy-stricken peasant several times.
>>252272 I don't care about the afterlife or lack thereof I am going to encounter because even if I don't kms, I was already going to encounter them anyways even if I died naturally 40+ years later.
I think I've got a prostate issue. Pissing has been getting increasingly difficult for a couple of years now. Even my cum loads are weak which has never been a problem. I'm hoping this might be serious and it will give me an honourable way out, let nature do its thing. I have got a disc injury in my lower back though so it could be related to that, spinal nerves etc.
I'm holding back on serious suicidal thoughts for now to see how this pans out. Its impossible to see a doctor here these days anyway due to the terrifying plague that is OMICRON (aka runny nose). I've never felt so bleak about existence, all faith is gone, I finally see nature for what it is. The strong and the evil prosper, the billions of untermensch get what they deserve. I'm hoping I get to the point where I stop caring, sadly, I'm still clinging on to something resembling hope. Hence why only death would put a stop to this insanity
>>252369 I imagine guns must be one of the easier methods as far as bravery goes because they're just so fast. With a gun you only need to overpower your fear for the single half-second it takes to pull the trigger and it's over.
>>252373 Indeed, and if done properly, your brain won't have time to do any near-death/dying fuckery since it will be nicely extracted. Could go somewhere peaceful too. I guess CO poisoning is the next best thing but I don't think any room in my house is airtight.
>>252273 We aren't made of our memories though. Imagine you're a severe burn victim, and you are given the choice of either suicide, or taking a pill that makes you lose all of your memories and revert to the mind of a newborn baby. Taking the pill would do nothing to end your suffering.
i want to start over i want to start over. god if youre reading this please let me start over, please. i wouldve been the best student in school, i would participate in all sorts of events and get medals in olympiads and get only as in my report cards and id read a lot of cs textbooks and solve the exercises in 16 languages and get a lot of certificates by the time i finish highschool, i wanted to go to the mit and get a dual major in maths and cs and a minors in physics or something like that, i wanted to get a ms and a phd and then spend the rest of my life doing postdocs and write a lot of papers, never stop writing, and write a lot of books, and program a lot and work on so many projects, and draw a lot, like one drawing a day or one mega drawing per week or month. i wouldnt do anything else, no videogames manga porn or anime ever, no wasting time, just a complete freak and monster entirely dedicated to his craft. if i were a succubus id only ever wear white. i dont know thats the life i was supposed to live, thats what i wanted to live, i dont think thats what i want to be, i think thats how id have turned out if i could just have been myself, i wanted to express my love for others, i wanted to take care of others, i wanted to care when no one else cares, i dont know god please please let me try, if youre really god you know every reason why i turned out like this, im sorry that i wasnt stronger. i dont know i cant stop crying every moment when im awake im crying and ive stopped eating its very weird behavior, i dont know i just want to scream i was here and i was different and i wanted to be together with everyone else. i lost my childhood and i cant live without it. i dont know can you imagine being kullervo. if i were kullervo i would never be edgy id always listen to my parents and be grateful even when people spit on me and id always try to use my magic for greater good but i think at one point id realize im beaten and theres nothing more i can do and just kill myself like he did. and it would make me sad because its like i took something from you. i dont know i really like charlotte yeager and ive once seen tech savy people using strike witches avatars and if i were one of them id use yeager as mine, i think its not that shes fast but the world seems slower to her. i dont know when i turn inside out and am focused only on my internal world it feels like the whole world slows down, it practically pauses, i can get so much thinking done in an instant, it feels awesome. i dont know there are plenty of things i identify with her. i dont know how to put it but i feel so much freedom and energy like her. even her gestures. i dont know i just want to start over, a lot, how much it transcends words. i dont know there are things a handful of people can barely feel, i can see those things clearly, i can take them to their conclusions, its all obvious to me. i wonder if these words make any sense but to myself. i dont know i just wanted to be myself. i think things would have worked out brilliantly if i were just allowed peace and quiet like everyone else. i wish i could live in a world that is both my own internal world and the external world, i think i could have made them to be one and same. i dont know there are millions of things i wish i could say but then the post will be too long. basically i think i will kill myself. tonight if im not to tired. or tomorrow. all ill do until i kill myself is imagine everything i wanted to do, i like imagining typing commands, feeling the keyboard on the tip of my fingers, drawing on a tablet, feeling the pressure of the pen against the screen. i dont know i think it really wasnt supposed to be like this.
>>252161 Fentanyl is an opioid that can be smoked, snorted, injected or taken orally in a pill, it can even be taken through skin patches, which is the most common way that it’s legitimately used.
>>252457 The problem with quantum unpredictability is not that the particles themselves behave randomly. Only the unreliable observation that either has to use probability or expend massive amounts of energy (you need absolutely null resistance) to actually see the state of particles, otherwise the system is as deterministic as everything else. It's like trying to study practical microbiology with only magnifying glass and fair amount of educated guesses.
>>252463 Most do partial hanging as the traditional version needs 10 feet of space between you and the ground. For partial you need a 10mm rope, what type I dont know but people say Nylon or climbing. It has to be in a slip knot and either is under your larynx or on it directly, you then kneel or try sitting and pushing your head forward If you do it right and are lucky it takes 10-15 seconds. Unluckily some aren't lucky and just feel their heads popping and a headache, like me
I'm so fucking unlucky. I bought two SNs and the second seller told me he couldn't ship it because the SN received moisture and went bad. The first SN is going to come on the fucking 20th of January, way later than the second one I was so glad that my SN was going to come and all I was worrying about is when it will come Fucking stupid life, I hope this God or universe or what ever it fucking is just lets me wither out of existence.
How easy is it to OD on opioids? can I just take 10 of them and pass out peacefully Don't say "get a gun" or "use a noose" because hanging hurts my eyes and I can't get a gun
>>252471 then why do people on the news report on the opioid crises and overdoses. What's the most popular form of opioid to overdose on and how do I do it?
>>252474 The opioid crisis refers to massive opioid addiction in the USA, not suicides. Pain pills are hugely overprescribed across the USA, especially in depressed regions, and addiction is a giant problem. OD'ing is just not a reliable way to die, especially with pills, and especially with pills you can actually get prescribed as a normal person like regular-strength vicodin. The vast majority of opiate overdoses occur with street drugs, fentanyl being the worst by far.
The only real use for drugs like that is like alcohol where people use it as a booster for a real method.
>>248819 How do I get over my death anxiety? I have a 12 gauge shotgun and some slugs, but I just can't bring myself to do it. How do I stop being such a pussy? I've been dry firing my shotgun in my mouth to try to acclimate myself to the sensation. Two things that I think are inhibiting myself are fear of failing and fear of the afterlife. I'm afraid of fucking up somehow and getting my face blown off while staying alive. I'm also afraid of being reborn in a reality that's even more hellish than this one. I know rationally that I should off myself, but I'm too inhibited and cowardly to actually do it.
>>252599 >point to your ear and close your eyes, it isn't that fucking hard. Is shooting yourself in the ear better than shooting yourself in the roof of the mouth?
>>252613 They're both good but you're more likely to not miss pointing to the ear than in the roof of the mouth since for the mouth you have to angle it in a way to hit your brainstem
>>252572 what do you have to be scared of? there is quite literally nothing. you will return to the obscure of which you came. are you scared of nothingness happening?
>>252572 >>252723 Pointing out that death anxiety is illogical if you want to die is obvious. The problem is that it's a reflex, not a logical thought. The impulse to avoid death at all costs is lizard-brain level shit. It's not something you can talk yourself out of or turn off. You can only overpower it. Lots of suicides die drunk or high off their ass because the altered mental state makes it easier to make a decision your body doesn't want.
Does anyone in America know if you can purchase a gun without issue if you see therapists for depression, and receive neetbux for depression? Would it be registered and prevent you even if you've never been involuntarily committed (or committed at all)? I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to go, and would vastly prefer a gun.
>>252754 Does anything actually happen when you fail a bc? Do they have to notify authorities as some roundabout threat against yourself situation? Or would it just be an uncomfortable encounter?
>>248825 time is infinite, yet this blip of a second that has just passed started and stopped. don't let your fear or misunderstanding of experiencing literally nothing cloud make you hold onto this whole life thing too tightly.
I'm 25 years old and I've finally started to realize how things work after being freed from the grasp of my retarded parents and the worthless education system. So I realized that every decision in my life has been a fuckup and lamented about what I could have done to set things right. I also realized that the last century or two of humanity has been full of fuckups that will almost certainly ensure our extinction. Then I realized that there is no such thing as a fuckup as it was in Fate's hands all along. From that I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that there's nothing I could have done to stop this mess. And all there's left to do is sit back and enjoy the unimaginable hell that awaits us, assuming I live to see it.
>>252796 I can't, it was just an assumption I made so I could use it in that analogy. perhaps nothing is infinite, perhaps everything is. either way, what difference does it make if a person experiences nothing forever or for only a moment before life and after death? the main point is the dissatisfaction that this person is feeling in their life that's so strong that they want to stop living that specific life, right? so they either die and truly stop existing or die and exist as something else, seems like a win-win (possibly painful suicide stuff aside).
>>252231 I have anti-emetics but no SN. I found a third dealer but this fucking retard wanted me to buy TWENTY-FIVE KILOGRAMS OF IT! I just told him to fuck off and then he pleaded I buy something from him and as a result I "bought" 50g. I told him to send it to a locker, not because I'm scared of my family or anyone finding it but because he sounded like a drugged nigger who might use my address to rob me or behead me with a blunt knife. Anyways I bought some from this nigger and was happy that I bought some SN that will come in 2-3 days… It's already 4 days since I bought it and he still hasn't delivered it to the locker, no QR-code NOTHING, he now starts to speak like a fucking child (Making excuses and sentences that dont make any sense) instead of a gangster like he did prior to the purchase (Spoke normally but saying bro every so often), I even told him that if he has any issues with the locker he can contact me and I'll help him out but either he's so fucking stupid he can't read or he's a scammer. I really hope he's just a slow fucking retard instead of a scammer because I just got robbed, I hope this nigger has children who he cares about then has to watch them die of cancer or anal-rape. Fuck him
>>252815 Also the reason I rejected 25 kilos or more is because there's no fucking way in hell you can ship it to someone's location without the police finding out, 1 kilo of citric acid salt is fucking huge and heavyish I cannot imagine 25 kilos of salt
>>251526 Also, FUCK SS, those fucking bastards banned me because I PRIVATELY MESSAGED someone a dealer that might help him, I knew you aren't allowed to send links to one another but I thought that was for public chats NOT PRIVATE MESSAGING. Also according to the admins they cannot see private messages unless someone reports the person they're talking to so either the admins are liars who secretly look at private chats or the person I thought needed help was a piece of shit snitch dog
How long do you think it would take somebody to find you afterwards? I was thinking about this recently and I've realized I have no idea how anyone would even realize I'm dead. It would definitely take at least weeks, and it's conceivable it'd be months before my absence caused enough problems for anyone to check.
Sanctioned-Suicide has no method talk so it's absolutely useless, because of this I am going to talk here. Has anyone ever thought on ODing on 2,4-dinitrophenol? My aunt took 1 a day for 3 days and stopped because she felt like nearly was going to die, I read about other people dying accidentally from it too. Would death via 2,4-dinitrophenol be painful like drinking bleach or would it be more peaceful, it says online that vomiting might occur if you're posioned but this could be mitigated by taking a benzo + metoclopramide right??
>>252892 Supposedly 36mg per kg is enough to cause 'adverse effects' meaning a normal man weighing 155lb/70kg will need 2520mg to cause "adverse effects" which I am guessing means death, from my research it seems that 2,4-dinitrophenol is sold at 20-100mg so at the lowest you will need 126 tablets/pills to cause death and at its highest you need 25 tablets/pills If you were lucky to get 100mg 2,4-dinitrophenol could you just get 25 pills, crush them into powder then dissolve in 100ml of water then drink it?
>>252892 >>252893 Would taking Meto and an antihistamine like Diphenhydramine before taking 25x 100mg of 2,4-dinitrophenol be good enough? Or does a benzo need to be used
>>252815 If any of you guys want to buy from pharmabayking, DONT. He is a scamming bitch who postpones your delivery and even your fucking refund, as if you need a lot of time to do a refund
Do you think you could kill yourself by tightening a versatackle around your neck? I came across this concept when I was studying knots some time ago. It's a system to gain mechanical advantage using rope. Basically you tie it like pic related and just pull the free end to tighten. It stays tight on its own and you can adjust the mechanical advantage by doing more or less loops around the two fixed loop knots. Would this be enough to cut off blood flow to your brain? How much pressure do you actually need?
>>253342 Before this gets deleted I'd like to say pseudonymous communication is a nightmare, every discord I've lurked is filled with the same hypersocial failed normalfags (or those who aspire to be that–how can you aspire to be something that is 'failed' in its own right?!), a tight and rigid clique with established personalities is all you'll find on chatrooms. Suicide is probably the last thing they're discussing in there. All they want is gristle for the conversation mill (or they're exhibitionists and like inviting people to watch them but never allow them to participate).
>>253343 Anon, this should be its own thread. It gets brought up enough, and enough people kind of have the same thoughts regarding the dangers of pseudonymous communication that it should be brought together in its own place.
>>252923 I fucking hate this disgusting scammy Nigger. He can't even give a fucking refund, it's been two days since he promised to refund my BTC and he still hasn't done so. It takes less than a minute to give me back my money yet he's so much of a fucking retarded dog he seems to not understand how to do it. I hope him, his brother and his old veteran friend that he claims to know, probably lying about him too, get gangraped in hell and have their children raped and murdered too. Fucking disgusting nigger dealers
>>249535 It reminded me of eastern philosophy, especially the concept of "samsara" and their idea of constant rebirth without knowing of it. But at the face of it it's just a badly made graphic with text I don't find fully convincing because even if it's completely true - the only thing I could base this conviction off of is my finite life and what I have seen and felt.
Managed to nearly black out a couple times by just pushing my thumb and pointing finger at my throat. >>252465 So I suppose the way explained here, and the fact 'choking games' exist prove that hanging can be rather quick
If I start shooting up insulin vigorously first long lasting, then short lasting, how long until I pass out? Should I tie myself to a radiator or something so I don't go look for sugar?
>>253897 >>253891 They contain 20% oxygen, you might as well be breathing air (which is also 80% inert gas, 20% oxygen). Use 99% pure nitrogen or argon (And it's not that easy to kill yourself with, you need a regulator and a good bag and you have to decompress the bag and all of that)
>>253942 Yes, taking stuff like that is so painful you’ll call an ambulance. >>253943 One needs such a level of will power to be able to do this, you’ll give in.
Any tips on jumping ? My building isn't high enough, it'll just break my legs. There are some skyscrapers in my town, but they're offices and you can't get in without working there.
What are the odds of being identified after commiting suicide on a foreign country? I'm thinking about flying to a cool destination i always wanted to go and off myself there, without any form of ID with me… would they still be able to track me down?
Firearms are still the best way in my opinion. But it's harder for me to get them because I have a missing person's report and psych ward stays on my record from 8 years ago. If they can't go away I'll jump off a bridge because I can't swim
Fascinates me how a semi-prolific succ can end up in committing. Maybe it is a matter of perspective; if one is given everything good in life and then if one bad thing happens vs people like us who have had it shitty from early on yet still trudge forth. I think alot of suicide is based on spontanity, like when you quit watching a bad movie or playing game. When you are ready you will just do it without thinking.
>>254077 >I think alot of suicide is based on spontanit
There is actually, there is real data to support it as well, people rarely plan out their suicide, which is why having a gun in the home increases the chances of suicide substantially.