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 No.249901[Last 50 Posts]

please post your experiences with anti depressants here

i'm starting on them (Citalopram) tomorrow and im scared that ill gain weight from it


Don't take them


I've taken all of them they all do the same thing, make it so you have trouble feeling sad. There are crazy schizos who will tell you it calcifies your brainstem or something similarly ridiculous but they are just retarded

If you stop taking them you'll have minor withdrawals for a few days, that's it


Do you like fapping? Do you like not being a zombie? Do you like feeling emotion? Do you like not having permanent side effects?

If you answers yes to any of the questions, meds aren’t for you


I never got permanent side effects from antidepressants


dont work for me and every type has given me a negative response.


Antidepressants kill your dick don't take them


who cares not like you need it


if you can still get the urge of fap you are not depressed enough.


I take lexapro for my anxiety. I can't quit them because my anxiety comes back and it's horrible and debilitating. It's real depressing to know I'm dependent on these pills.

and yes, I've tried exercise, diet, meditation, etc.


describe your anxiety and i'll take them for my sleep issues


I just like to fap okay? I also have long depressive spells where its the furthest thing from my mind but yeah OP should know that these pills will do that to him in advance


what response?


I take lexapro and it makes me apathetic largely. Prior to taking lexapro, I hated the world and all of its inhabitants. I saw the world as an evil place with evil people. I think for many depression takes the form of "I am bad", but for me it seems to be more external and take the form of "the world is bad". I don't even know if it's depression to be honest, all I know is after taking an antidepressant I didn't feel/think that way as much so I kind of assume my depression takes an atypical form? I do think about stopping it because it feels like I am not seeing the world for what it is.


This is one of the reasons I refuse to get therapy or medication, even though I am sad. I am depressed because of fundamental inequalities in our culture which disenfranchise me and make the conditions of my life shit. Meds and therapy doesn’t fix that, it just gets you back to work so you can get taken advantage of and make other people money. Fuck that


I don't see how that has anything to do with medication though. I take meds including mirtazapine and lexapro and based on everything
I've read and seen in 43 years, nothing tells me humans *aren't* evil and the world not being an evil place.

The world is a disgusting place and most people, especially neurotypicals, are disgusting monsters.
Meds just allow you to get through the day without that fact constantly crushing you mentally.


I've taken every possible ssri combo and never felt any difference in emotions. I've also tried ndris and other atypicals to the same end. They've only ever given me brain zaps and other mildly discomforting side effects.

Idk if should have stayed on each one for longer though, because my shrink was admittedly switching between them a little too fast. At the same time I did give Cymbalta 3 months to prove its magic without results. Atm I am considering giving citalopram or escitalopram a second go but this time I'm going to try them for a minimum of three months.


>please post your experiences with anti depressants here
Very bad. I was on Citalopram myself, they caused me to gain 100lbs and become emotionally unstable and were what helped open my eyes to how corrupt and ineffective modern healthcare is. My recommendation is to throw your pills away, depression is not an illness a doctor can treat.


I tried many of them. Some did nothing except sideeffects. Some seemed to numb my emotions in a sense, but I experienced this as a negative effect; my emotions didnt vary as much, it became a grey constant suicidal dull endless flow of death thoughts. I would rather have some variation


I'm on my third year of escitalopram. I did short breaks between each year but that was a mistake because depression and anxiety comes back hard after a couple of months. They do help a lot and I did gain a little bit of weight (like 10 lbs) by the end of year 2 but I lost it all after I stopped taking meds and got depressed after like 3 months to the point I couldn't get out of bed and didn't eat anything for 2 weeks. So now I'm on year 3 and honestly I'll probably have to take them for the rest of my life but at least I feel functional.


i didn't take them for depression even though i 100% have it
i took it for sleep but all they did was making me not being able to sleep at all




>>250946 why do you want to feel functional and why is that so important to you that you would take ssri long term


Because when something hurts you want it to go away. Meds are the less messy option. But they work only when I take them so that's why long term


Antidepressants only work if you are a normie who has at least one person in your life that you are not related to who gives a shit about you. They should just call antidepressants "emotion blockers" because that is what they really do. You no long feel intense sadness but you also don't feel happiness. They limit the peaks and valleys of your emotion. If there isn't anyone in your life to remind you of the things that make you happy then antidepressants won't help.

They didn't kill my dick, just made it damn near impossible to cum.


why would you need someone to remind you of the things that make you happy, do you have dementia


I was put on escitalopram at 11 for dubious reasons, and pretty much immediately went from wiry to fat with weight problems for the rest of my life. This destroyed my social life and the peer rejection from it caused most of my personality problems today. I am a wizard because of SSRIs and I wish I could personally execute everyone responsible in Minecraft.


Get propanolol as needed (not daily; take it before an anxiety-causing event). Not only does it not have the side effects, but in the long term it is proven to amplify the effects of exposure therapy so that you can actually get better.


Escitalopram is the worst one for causing metabolic problems that can be permanent. Take ANYTHING but that.


20mg lexapro here
1 year taking it
I gained weight
My libido is off
I jerk off less

I'm not as sad
I'm not.as.emotional
My emotions are restricted in terms of severity


I took that and it made me lose weight

not him but that didnt help me at all, felt like a sugar pill


What dosage?


I just think that psychotropic meds are hella scary and shouldnt be used in general, but If you say theyre helping you then thats great I guess


I think it was 10 or 15mg


You know what's hella scary? Waking up one day so fucked up that you think dying would be a relief. And there's no reason and you just don't know what to do. When you don't enjoy anything anymore. You go to a doctor and he gives you these pills that make the next year one of the best in your life.

The scary part about them is when you realize the effect goes away when you stop and you slowly return to where you started. You do keep the changes you've made about your attitude and whatever but it's really easy to sink into that depression swamp again.


I just have this opinion that my "natural" emotions are right and everything that alters them is wrong, so I'd rather live with depression (which I keep changing my mind on wether or not depression is actually an illness or not) than alter my emotions with drugs. Please dont view this as me telling you that youre doing something wrong, you do you


I think this is a common sentiment. It's the same reason it took me years to try anti depressants.


I don't really know what you're talking about. My emotions are the same I'm just more positive in general. If you can manage your depression it's fine that you don't use meds but I'm way past that point.


They worked somewhat but I ran out and couldn’t work up the courage to go back and ask for more, so I guess they didn’t work enough.


Don't listen to fearmongering in this thread. Meds are great. I went to a psych ward after a suicide attempt an it took a while, but my doctor managed to get me a combination of pills that worked wonders. The only side effect I have is a lowered libido, but I am a hopeless crab, so that only means that I fap a lot less.
Take the pills if you need them. Just remember that it might take a while before you find a combo that works for you. Be honest with your psychiatrist and report any abnormality and he will help you.


>Be honest with your psychiatrist and report any abnormality and he will help you.

funniest shit I've read today


On citalopram, buspirone and mirtazipine
Feel like a fucking corpse, I have no emotions anymore. No anxiety but nothing else either. I think I'm just going to stop taking the damn things.


mirtazapine can make you extremely tired, maybe you could just stop taking that one


I only take that one at night. For sleep, nominally.
I just feel hollowed out.


Yeah, you might take it at night, but the effects extend into the next day because it has an extremely long half-life. I have taken this and a few other tricyclic antidepressants, they make me feel lethargic and slow for an entire day or two after because it's still in my system even after I slept. If you're only taking it to sleep you should take something with a shorter half-life like benedryl, which has basically the same sedating effect. It's worth a try if you really want to give meds a chance


I don't know.
I'm trying to get in to see a shrink since I just moved out of state. I feel like I keep getting jerked around by these fucks. I just want to try and convince one to prescribe something I can pop when I need it and not a battery of shit that makes me feel less human than I did before I started taking it.


I tried mirtazapine and it had horrific effects that lasted well into the next day

>something I can pop when I need it
Opiates and benzos work like this but in my country it was impossible to be prescribed for me, so I suggest illegal means of purchase


I regularly take mirtazipine. Learning how to punch thru the fog when you wake up and actually get out the bed is the hardest part. Immediately make coffee, it helps. If you take one it has afterlife that last for 2-4 days afterwards that hollow feel and brainfog


>opiates and benzos

Eventually you'll stop popping them 'as needed' and start popping them all the time.

t. fucked up their 20s with pills


I was taking mirtazapine for a while but those drugs always give me dry mouth. Was taking it mostly for sleep and am going to try melatonin now.


ask your doctor about rozerem, it's basically prescription melatonin


I took opiates and benzos regularly from 18 to 27. Now im 30 and havent taken them for years because my life situation improved. So no, that doesn't match my experience. If I didnt have them when I needed them I am certain I would be dead now. I consider the unavailability of opiates and benzos a crime against humanity


I was on SSRIs for awhile. Unlike other people's experiences, I lost my drive after getting off it. I've had to stop taking the tricyclic antidepressant I was on too and haven't slept in 36 hours since my script ran out. I've been avoiding caffeine and even bought some crappy melatonin gummies, but they do no good. I just lay there in bed unable to sleep.


Nothing has helped me at all and if they did anything it was always bad effects.
I was taking this and did not find it helped me feel better but I was sleeping a lot and felt foggy.


>If you stop taking them you'll have minor withdrawals for a few days, that's it

I don't believe this is always the case, In my experience the withdrawal was far from minor, but it only did last for a few days. I only lasted taking them for two days before I started having hallucinations and very severe panic attacks, they really make me feel like I had just gone on a stimulant binge and I could not sleep at all.
For the three days after, I was still hallucinating and really couldn't sleep while still having panic attacks. This experience was enough to make me never want to take any sort of psychiatric medication ever again, which didn't actually happen. I believe this was Cymbalta as far as I can remember.

The only other long term psychiatric med I have tried was Lamictal. For the first month, it was pretty great. I was essentially in a hypomanic episode and had unlimited energy. As time went on this just became extremely exhausting even though I was getting enough sleep. I started to become extremely anxious and the hyper realistic dreams began to eat at me a bit, it was always something to do with me dying and it felt very real. Scary stuff. No withdrawal for that, though.
I have multiple bottles of other meds(lithium, seroquel, trazodone, and some other stuff) that I don't think I will ever be desperate enough to take apart from trying trazodone for a couple days in the past, which just made me manic.
It really should be noted that I was diagnosed with a form of bipolar disorder, but I'am still in denial even though it seems pretty obvious.


your reactions seems kinda weird, I' diagnosed bipolar and only some antidepressants caused mania, you must have gotten unlucky and given meds that you cant tolerate


Eh, I started doing some reading after I left the ER and I was only able to find one study but a few anecdotal cases of people that have previously used LSD having hallucinations after taking antidepressants. The study in question was of some older guy using acid very heavily in his teens having nothing but terrible experiences, and in the end he started taking a different antidepressant which didn't cause these issues so you may be right, i don't know. I don't remember the meds in question in this case and the ones from the one survey I found among college students didn't list any medications or many details at all.
My experience doesn't mirror his completely, though. I had nothing but good experiences, and cliche as it sounds, helped my mental state.


Antidepressants are a fad


Antideppresants were debunked years ago


the mental gymnastics you have to use to even consider them anything but a failure is astronomical. We are conditioned to think they work but at the same time don't.


They actually aren't a failure for a lot of people.
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it failed.


The studies suggest to me that they really are a failure for society. Even with all the corruption and broken study designs, at best the literature suggests they barely beat placebo


SSRIs are OK. They mostly even out the lows and highs and kind of work to numb pain. However, and it's a massive shame that it isn't prescribed more, Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is fucking awesome. It actually makes you happier and gives you more energy. It's also great in combination with an SSRI.


Depression and suicide rates are not decreasing so it's difficult to see them as anything but a failure. There is mounting evidence that they do more harm than good.


they made me fat


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>Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is fucking awesome.
Agreed, besides potentially giving you super alzheimer's or a seizure.

The entire idea behind a dopamine reuptake inhibitor is radical genius, on top of that it does the same for norepinephrine. Bupropion is an a-typical antidepressant and handles totally different than your typical SSRI shit show. Most people don't have serotonin issues.


>it numbs your emotions
>it is to be a normal functional member of society
It's funny how they don't even hide the fact that to be a normgroid it means to be a soulless drone


Pure poison. You're better off just being depressed in earnest than living in a pink fog of fake contentedness. The side effects are usually horrible and if weight loss is the worst you get count yourself lucky.

Try St. johns wort, ashwagandha, and ginkgo biloba. I take them daily without losing brain power or my wizard. SSRIs will make you gain weight, cause brain fog, ed, trouble urinating, constipation, brain damage and worse.


from my experience those things are no better than placebo with maybe a mild effect at big doses, though I have more than depression


I have way more than depression, and that may be but at least they're not gonna give me alzheimers and ED while I'm still in my 30s. Pharmaceuticals are absolutely evil. Never again.


I don't take antidepressants and a lot of those side-effects I read about here I have without even taking them.
I cannot imagine being any more numb emotionally, I haven't felt shit but discomfort at being alive for months.


dont take their meds , they gave me antipsychotics , benzos and ssri's

i was unable to have thoughts , i wasnt aware with my surroundings and felt certainly numb and unhuman
at the guest room for the therapist there was another old succubus who took the same benzos as i did , she looked dead , she stared at the floor for extented perioud of time and her movements were sluggish and robotic

don't take their meds , you're not ill for no reason the chemical imbalance they keep telling everyone is due to the shitty society we're forced to engage in and with




If you feel so much better, then why the fuck are you here?



They make you emotionally and physically dead. That's all they do. The point is to make you so tired and despondent that you don't fucking kill yourself because FOR SOME FUCKING REASON SOCIETY DOESN'T WANT YOU TO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF.
Why the fuck do they care????
Why the fuck do they go to such lengths to stop you????
Just end it.
Good fucking god.


On 10mg a day of Viibryd I feel much better. Am I absolutely beaming and don't get sad or experience anxiety or any of that? Of course not but when I do take them I am much less likely to fall into the pit of despair that I often do otherwise. The problem is they are expensive and I don't have insurance so I'm kind of screwed when these run out.


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Because they want to extract taxes from you. It's that simple. Nobody cares about you a a person though. They want the resources you produce.


I wanna quit my anti-depressants solely the fact that they charge me for it and 50 bucks to do appointments, I know people need money to eat but my god im tired of them taking money out of my pocket just to be zombified, they dont really truly care about mental health and the fact I wanna kill myself everyday.


You could replace taxes with labour and it would be just as accurate, if not more. Please stay in your pol containment thread in the future.


I don't see how this is a political issue. Suicides are precisely discouraged because wizards can provide cheap labor.

Removing that source of cheap labor hurts owners of capital.

That is why the Foxconn plant installed anti-suicide nets and meshes under the factory windows.
Workers are a resource that generate you money when you own a lot of capital.
You don't want that resource to kill itself once it realizes how bad it has it in life.

>Having built safety nets along its employee dormitories after a series of jumping suicides at its Shenzhen production plant, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing giant Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., which uses the trade name Foxconn, is now installing the same sort of nets at some of its inland factories, state media reported Tuesday.

>Foxconn already installed nets to prevent workers from jumping to their deaths at its Shenzhen factory buildings.

Earth is literally hell if you don't own capital and have to work for pennies to earn a living and heaven if you have access to large amounts of capital.

Those who are already in heaven don't want their little amusement park of a life to shut down.
They will discourage suicides even when the person is unknown to them.


My point is that this poster in particular is selective in who and what to blame because he has an agenda (state bad)
I don't know why you would single out one entity when there are others just as nefarious, such as the ones you provided an example of, and I feel this is an understatement.
Sorry for going off topic.


I'm vaguely reminded of the all the "NEETs" and "isolated" social programmes they used to have in the early 00s. I remember there being a drive to actually get isolated people to get engaged with society. There were telly programmes on the subject.

I even remember getting "NEET?" leaflets through my letter box.

Now it seems like they just want you to get back to work as fast as possible.


I've been thinking of getting on them.

My grandma takes an older TCA amitryptiline and I've stolen some pills to see how it works. I felt completely braindead at regular doses but after i took 1/4 of the pill it felt nice, was able to sleep better, enjoy things and concentrate again.

I think antidepressants are ok, it's that the doses being prescribed are just way too high and the side effects at that point outweight the positives.


>get isolated people to get engaged with society
>get back to work as fast as possible
what's the difference?


Not him, but my guess is pretending that you care about their well being and want them to have gf, friends, hobbies etc and openly just wanting to use them for labour.


I'm assuming you're genuinely asking but back then it seemed to be trying to get you participating in the local community and projects with the main thing being the social aspect. There were a quite a few people dying alone with their bodies not being discovered till weeks or months later and shit like that and I guess they wanted to reduce that. No idea if any of it succeeded though cos I'm pretty sure those types of social programmes (and many others) had their funding cut.


My experience with medication is that its hard to get right but when you do it's so, so worth it.

As an example: I started out being put on a medication called 'oxazapam' for social anxiety. Oxazapam is a benzo and its weak enough that it didn't prevent my panic attacks in social situations. Benzos also have the draw back that they slowly stop working and give you rebound symptoms (all the initial symptoms you were hoping to treat but much worse.)

Other bad drugs I've been put on:
* Valium - feels amazing and it's so relaxing – but its a benzo and eventually put me into a subtle state of panic that lasted months
* Temazepam - helps you sleep for a short period but then you develop tolerance and it gives you rebound insomnia = not sustainable for treating insomnia

Then over time my condition(s) were better understood and I finally decided to get treatment. I was put on propanolol which immediately stopped my panic attacks without the nasty benzos. I got diagnosed with bipolar (and started on a mood stabilizer called valporate.) This made it much easier to think and also reduced my anxiety even more but I was still depressed and unmotivated.

After the valproate they tried Lexapro which didn't help me for depression. But then I was switched to Venlafaxine and my god… the first few months on this med it was like blissful happiness and complete satisfaction with life. I actually just spent my entire days in bed reading articles and not wanting to do anything else (NEET at the time.) I reasoned this was just a short term result of adjusting to the meds (and the effect went away.) But I was still left feeling happy I'd say like 99% of the time.

At this stage it was the best ever place for my mental health because my bipolar, depression, and panic attacks were all successfully treated – to the point where my symptoms were almost all gone (still feel uncomfortable in social situations and still get insomnia.)

The final mental-health issue I'm trying to address is my concentration problems. I've been fired from many jobs because of mental health reasons (concentration issues being one of them.) I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I've slowly been exploring medications to treat my symptoms. Just like with the anti-depressants I had to switch a few times and slowly increase the dose to find therapeutic levels – but I think I've finally found a good dose for my Vyvanse which I'm happy about.

What I will say to wizards about meds:
1. They take time to work – unfortunately on the order of weeks to months.
2. You need to be patient to get the med and dosage right.
3. They can work profoundly well.
4. It can be hard to find doctors who know what meds to use. You will probably have to fight for your own treatment. Don't give up.


>the chemical imbalance they keep telling everyone is due to the shitty society we're forced to engage in and with
Did society bad shred our veins as well?
> Vessel caliber may relate to mental disorders as cause, consequence, or both. Psychopathology was associated, in particular, with wider venules, which are thought to reflect, in part, damage to microvasculature associated with problems of oxygen supply to the brain
Or maybe it caused mutations in our genomes?
>Copy number variants (CNVs) are variations in the number of copies of chromosomal regions produced by microdeletions and microduplications due to meiotic misalignment. It has already been established that certain larger (>100 kilobase) CNVs confer increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs)
>Here, we report on the psychiatric consequences of carrier status for pathogenic CNVs. In particular, we had the opportunity to assess psychopathology in a relatively high-functioning sample
>This cohort had a very high rate of psychopathology, with 85% of participants having a psychiatric diagnosis (Table 1). Amongst the axis 1 disorders, mood disorder (42%), anxiety (47%) and NDDs (48%) were most frequent. Rates of personality disorder were even higher (73%).



Misclick, I'll speak to my personal experiences and nothing more. Some people probably make claims and support stuff, but I'm too lazy for that.
Venlafaxine, ssri: wide pupils, everything feels "fine" but no happiness. Eventually made me suicidal. This is like prozac cranked to max
Prozac, ssri: venlafaxine-lite. Dick no work while on it and I'm having trouble off for 1.5months but it could be my fault. Again, I just felt fine. This is no way to live whatsoever in my opinion so I pulled off them.
Bupropion, ndri: took 25 days for them to work (I think) and I started doing small chores around my place. That's it though, no big side projects, no reading, no happiness from doing these tasks. I just see garbage and think "I'll throw that out, why not?"

Now: No fun = nothing getting done. I'm a wageslave so this is a big problem. I may start taking some… "secondary medication" bought form a "roadside doctor" to keep working and hopefully find enjoyment in hobbies.


Bit in a need of advice
was/ I am in state where I cant feel any joy + depression etc. so I went to therapist.
Got SSRIs, took them for an year and half but aside from feeling numb it had no other effect, after talking with therapist he refused to switch to other meds. so I just slowly waned off them and somehow functioned without them, still no joy and such but without absolute numbness.
Now can I somehow fix my problems without taking them, is there anyway for that or I need to take them longer for it to take effect?
I just want to feel joy again.


I have chronic illnesses that completely destroyed my quality of life, but I'm still expected to work like a normal person and my country is not gonna give two shits about my situation.
I'm clearly unhappy about this and I can see it's about to take a turn for even worse with my body breaking down further.
My family wants me to take medication (they are not professionals but I think they just want me to shut up and stop complaining about life).

If I start depression meds will I just become a numb zombie? I don't know if I want to be a doped out person in pain. I wish I could feel better from the health issues. My fear is the meds will give me even worse health problems in the long run and my family and etc are just trying to get me to take them so I shut up and they can kind of move on from me.


i hate the demiurge


>Got SSRIs, took them for an year and half but aside from feeling numb it had no other effect, after talking with therapist he refused to switch to other meds. so I just slowly waned off them and somehow functioned without them, still no joy and such but without absolute numbness.
I have no advice, but I am in a similar boat with SSRIs, I pulled off of them. As for the therapist shit, as far as I understand therapists can't prescribe meds only psychs can so I don't know where that is from. Change psychs and consider a non ssri antidepressant, they do exist. I'm on bupropion and it didn't fix my life, but I do function better on it.


They'll help you with about 20% of all your symptoms, without counting the new side effects.


Keep in mind this board is called 'dep.' Chances are very high that:

1. anti-depressants never worked for the people here
2. they had shit doctors who didn't prescribe them the right meds
3. they chose not to take meds for their own reasons

I think for these reasons you're only going to get negative and bias responses. For what its worth: if you're considering anti-depressants you should talk to your doctor and follow medical recommendations. Try to get good information on what you're taking. It can take a long time to get medication right but it's well worth it when you do.

source: am a walking grocery list of mental illness. I've tried many meds. I'd say its taken me about 2 years to get my meds right from the time I decided I'd fully commit to being treated even if it initially sucked. A lot of people aren't willing to do that.

I have bipolar, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, adhd, and I'm on the autism spectrum (yeah its a lot of issues, but virtually all my symptoms have gone away with treatment.) it may be easier for you all to get help if you don't have as many issues as me.


not an english speaker so I didnt know what word to use to describe profession which prescribed them, we call them different in my language, my mistake.


I started paxil few weeks ago for social anxiety, and it didn't do anything for me, well, it actually made me feel finally happy for a few days. But then I started smoking weed again and depression came back. FML


It takes more than a few weeks for SSRIs to start working. That's not to say Paxil is the right drug for you tho. Only way to know is to give it time.


Not to sound like some anti-weed fag, but anti-depressants usually doesn't go well in weed sadly, if you take it a lot with the anti-depressants, you won't see any benefits from it at all.


I'm already emotionally numb and cut off from my emotions so they never had an effect on me


I'm going to try psilocybin again. I've lost faith in therapy and mental health professionals. 8 years of going nowhere. When I tried psilocybin I had increased introspection during the high, everything felt more clear. The effects seemed to last for a week and I had the courage to actually go to a grocery store for once. Has anyone else had any luck with shrooms?


doing stuff that amplifies delusions, releases dopamine, and generally messes with your mind won't fix you. having found no solace in mental health treatment isn't unusual either. that entire field is filled with pseudoscientists. the gist i'm getting is that you just want to use drugs, and since you have entire subcultures enabling your decision, I just want to be here as someone that disagrees with your choice.


Well, the only reason I'm trying them is because I've heard a lot of success stories from people who never had luck with pills or therapy. I'm not some druggie. And there's more research showing that psychedelics can help with depression. I'm tired of being a depressed loser. I'm 30 now and things are just going to get worse as I get older, unless I try something now


I started taking them about every or every other week a few months ago. The only thing it helped with was overeating. Depression it didn’t do much for, and last week I gave up and started an SNRI. Still going to take them though. I like them.


They are looking into psilocybin for treating depression so I definitely don't think your idea is crackpot. People use the drug to also treat cluster headaches. I've used hallucinogens before and the experiences I've had on them are very fond memories.

Would be a comfy hobby to grow the shrooms yourself and then trip every so often to appreciate life more.


>try new antidepressant for OCD
>build up to the max dose
>works for a couple weeks
>stops working

Goddamn it.


is Wellbutrin only way to ever feel happy again without taking hard drugs?


How do I push my psych that I want a certain drug I feel is safer? Or will they just think I’m a druggie


Not sure if I should quit amitripyline. Probably. No effect on mood at all (I've used it on and off for a year, but only daily for about the past 2 months at most). I never expected a mood boost anyway, I know the deal with these sugar pills however initially it was REALLY fucking good to sleep. Now, tolerance has already built in a relatively short time. It's fucked my sleep if anything by now. I sleep 14 hours and wake up at 5pm most days. Does that really matter? No I guess not but it is a little depressing. Amitripyline itself gives side effects like headaches, BAD dry mouth, I believe what happens is it knocks you out so much initially you don't notice them. But I've woken up a few times and felt diabetic. Not a fan of these pills. Insomnia is garbage too though.


Other side effects I forgot. Despite(because of?) sleeping so much I don't feel rested at all. My brain is cloudy as fug, constantly feeling dizzy and basically retarded. I don't drink alcohol, but somehow back when I did drink quite a lot I don't remember ever feeling this completely monged out.


More side effects from this. "Brain zaps" which in reality is a lot more disturbing than the almost cartoonish medical term implies. Like you feel electricity radiate throughout your body. And extremity numbness - my fingers are actually numb. Great… well I've committed to quitting this shit but I know quitting will mean I can't sleep at all, which leads to its own problems. Why is it always a rock and a hard place instead of a rock a hard place and a decent option. Always 2 extremes of bullshit and other bullshit. I quit fluoxetine last year cold turkey. No more trust in doctors.


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currently taking 80MG of Prozac a day and 10MG+ of Haldol


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is this true legit? should I use meds as steroids?
>The acute diazepam administration caused a significant increase in plasma testosterone levels while no changes were observed in LH concentrations and testicular PBZD-R. These results further suggest a modulatory role of PBZD-R on testicular steroidogenic activity

Decapsulated testes from adult rats showed a significant increase in the basal and hCG-stimulated testosterone secretion

>administration of TTN provoked a dose-dependent increase in testosterone secretion



I wouldn't fuck with T stuff until you're close to your mid 30s, there's way more health risks involved when you do it too early.


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how do I fight sleepy-ness when on meds? I sleep like 11 hours cause of my meds,but when I dont take them,I sleep literally one hour and im still energetic.
(i MUST keep taking them tho,otherwise nasty stuff happens).
Should I read medical manuals and psychiatric tomes so I can trick my doctor into giving me xanax or a super-strong med?


They block histamine and acetylcholine which are wakefulness promoting hormones.
Only way to keep urself awake is stimulants i guess.


Im stuck with living with helicopter parents..I cant chug down coffee at 10PM,theyll get mad.
but I feel motivated now..if its about hormones it isnt "real" sleepiness,just a trick by my own chemicals


Been on venlafaxine (effexor) for about a year now. Started with 75mg, then went up to 150mg, and then again to 225mg. Most of they year has been with 225mg.
It felt like it was working kind of in the beginning, but that could be placebo.
If I ever miss a day, I get very bad vertigo, which I don't mind that much.

My main complaints about the drug are weight gain and loss of motivation. I have no clue if the drug caused it or not, but I noticed these changes about the same time I started the drug.
I"m 5'7" and weigh 210lbs. Last year I weighed 155lbs.
I've been eating a whole lot of fast food this past year as well and slowly stopped going to the gym, where I used to run 2 miles on the treadmill almost every day.
I'm also going through my last year of college. I've noticed that I don't try nearly as hard in my classes as I used to, as I was very passionate about my major before.
I'm currently weaning off it and plan to quit fast food and soda, and get back into the gym routine.

As for how I felt during my time on venlafaxine, I never really felt "happy" on it. It mostly seem to remove all care I had for anything. I guess in that regard it successfully suppresses depression. But I believe environment is a very important factor to depression, and my living arrangements don't help me. I hope when I move into my own place, when I graduate, the depression causing environment will go away.
Gosh, I hate living with random people.


To add to this, my shrink has recommended alternative medical treatments.
First was Ketamine, a type of drug usually used for putting people under.
The other was electro-shock therapy, where they zap electricity in your head while you are passed out, like you would be for surgery.
Both of these are treaments you receive in a hospital or similar place, not something you can just have at home.
Have any of you guys every had either of these treatments? How did it go? Did it work?

Personally, the ketamine seems kind of sketchy to me since I've had several surgeries as a child and know how strong anesthesia and painkillers are. The electro-shock seems okay to me since I can suspend my belief enough on it as I don't really understand how that'll work.
I guess some concerns I also have is how often these treatments need to be done. But I guess those are questions for the shrink.


electroshock therapy is extremely dangerous. There is a subreddit full of people saying it permanently damaged their brain, in particular damaging their memory.

Ketamine is great. If you didnt know, people use it recreationally and you can buy it on the street. At low doses it is very enjoyable. At high doses it can be trippy.

I have researched both of these nd experienced illegal ketamine. I would highly recommend ketamine and warn against electroshock therapy - only do that if you've truly exhausted all other options


I remember on various hallucinogens I would make so many plans about fixing my life. 'Tomorrow I'm going to make a resume. Tomorrow I'll walk to the store and hand them it…' Once I actually did. But inevitably the effects would wear off and I'd go back to being an anxious, autistic mess. Kind of depressing.



fuck off


Why risk it anyway?
I wouldn't reccomend them to anyone even if I haven't experienced side effects myslef, the risks are just too high.
I've heard of people killing themselves because of permantent side effects of this shit.
Agh, it's all so tiresome.


it's just psychosomatic, permeant effects don't exist


Ketamine reduces me dwelling on negative thoughts and my rumination for a few days. It's not a perfect solution but helps some.


Yes they do, if not permanent at least they remain longer than what the box says they do, look up PSSD.
In fact I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the reasons suicide rates have been increasing in the last decades, people being fucked over by this shit and being convinced that it's all in their heads, thinking they have just lost it completely, while still using their 100% safe meds (lmao imagine being so delusional).


>In fact I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the reasons suicide rates have been increasing in the last decades, people being fucked over by this shit and being convinced that it's all in their heads, thinking they have just lost it completely, while still using their 100% safe meds (lmao imagine being so delusional).

I think the big reversal in antidepressants comes not from new data. But more from the fact that all the middle aged succubi (like 1/4 white middle aged succubi) addled on them at high doses are set to become neurologically fucked up in old age. We're going to see them all collapsing out of the workforce and into early retirements one by one.


>im scared that ill gain weight from it
really? thats what scares you the most? u must be scared of how bad it would mess with your brain. my mom is taking fluoxetine because yes and i read it increase your brain plasticity, i dont know what that is but sounds atrocious lol


I feel good on fluoxetine. I have panic disorder and GAD and decided to replace klonopin with it. Supposedly it makes me completely numb, crude, and pretentious but its good and I can breathe, feel alive again thanks to it. Ask for prozac if you got GAD or panic attacks, it works, been on it 6years


I was diagnosed with GAD and all the SSRIs I tried over 2 years (including fluoxetine/prozac) were like insidious poison.


Anti-depressants work but nobody seems to know how they do so. For years people thought they 'raised chemical levels' but I read recently that a systematic look at research showed definitively it wasn't true.

The research didn't say that anti-depressants didn't work. Just that their mechanism of action is more complicated than just raising or lowering the levels of a few neurotransmitters. There are still clinical trials for drugs and these drugs still have therapeutic results. But I think depression is a much more complicated disease than people previously thought.


The results are barely ever better than placebo. Users and doctors obviously break the blind because of the side-effects: that is enough to explain the slight increase to the placebo effect. In addition, studies that show it doesnt beat placebo are suppressed by politics and corruption, so you get a statistical bias from that too


I'm pretty sure adderall or even low dosage of morphine would have a better results. Even rolling the die with psychedelics.

They "work" in the same sense that people in the early stage of a meth addiction often have their depression go away. Of course if you're taking a substance that alters your brain chemistry in extreme ways has the potential to alleviate depressive symptoms, anyone who has done mushrooms can attest to that.


Morphine would work but nobody will prescribe Morphine for depression


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I have psychiatrist session tomorrow:Should I be open about my suicidality? will he poison me with more meds?


if you tell people youre suicidal you'll just get involuntarily imprisoned


Only if you need to do so as some plan to try to get neetbux


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Well it won't get them to leave you alone, if that's what you're going for. If you trust the psychiatrist to actually help you get rid of your suicidal thoughts then not telling them won't help you.

Anything that is specifically making death seem the better alternative to life?


Man, you are never honest with a policeman, employer, social worker, bux administrator or psychiatrist/psychologist. Learn this. And sometimes you even have to lie to ordinary doctors.

Don't tell him anything. He won't help you. They will lock you up and make sure you take a bunch of meds. He can only give normfag advice like "try to have friends" or "get a job/gf". He won't offer some ultimate solution to all your earthly sufferings.


Did you know, recent findings show that serotonin is not linked to depression, and apparently pharma companies have tried to hide this information for as long as they could. If this is true then antidepressants are even worse. Theyre just emotion killers


I was on and off of a couple years ago, been off of all them for ~6 years or so now.
There were the immediate effects, some made me extremely angry at people. Some made me extremely hungry, others made me sleep 17 hours a day, a bunch of weird stuff. I don't remember getting anything positive out of any of them (tried different ones for years). Cut them cold turkey a bunch of times, brain zaps were fun.

A bigger concern for me now, is I have basically no or very few/scatter memories of when I took them and before. Including fairly recent stuff I just barely any recollection. It's very disturbing and the little things I do remember just feel totally alien like it wasn't me. I got way better when I got off of them and also remember everything after pretty clearly. Is it just because of time, meds, who knows? But because of the meds I'll always feel like my past and self are cut off possibly because I just got experimented on.

I've talked to someone online who had a similar experience, they had an apartment for a year in college they have 0 recollection of they only sort of remembered they had when a family remember reminded them of it. They don't actually have any memories of being in it at all, just a year gone.
I suspect part of them is sort of disconnecting people, which just leads to people being unable to take in what they experience and connect it with memories. Who knows though.

For the idea of meds in general, the medical industry in general is a scam. Post the GI bill in the 40s in the US they radically reduced standards because of the need of doctors, and it's just continued degrading with the weight of the massive beaurucratic system of faggot normies protecting their jobs.
No one has any idea how the brain, or any mental issues works, it's all just made up. They only care about medication to the extent the medical/academic industry can produce studies which show it effecting population groups so they can sell it. They just find some random tiny mechanism in the brain they can get to respond consistently and larp like it has anything to do with the actual phenomena of depression because they are too retarded to do anything else, and it works well enough to sell it which is what they need to keep their job.
No one knows or cares about any of the long term effects, or what else might be going on mentally/physically for people. If the FDA, insurance and pharmaceutical companies can make enough bullshit research doctors are happy to scam everyone, it's what their training teaches them to do. It might help people still, sure, but it also might make any actual improvement far more difficult, especially after long term use. I know I was on them for a while when my brain was still developing, who knows what that impairs in the long term. So long as it isn't distinctly measurable enough for them to get sued they don't care, and there is no way of knowing.
With big beuracartic hellscapes like the medical industry all that matters is if you can defer financial and legal responsibility, no one has any responsibility or cares if anything works.



Who would have thought the chemical imbalance theory is total bs with no scientific basis whatsoever




I take them for GAD. lack of libido is infinitely preferable to feeling low-grade anxiety from waking up until bed time.


Antidepressants just replaced all my sadness with emptiness. When I got off them, I wasn't used to sadness, so it was tough to get readjusted, but over time it got leagues better than feeling empty all the time.


I know exactly what you mean about time loss. All the times I’ve been on it are like a blur of someone else’s life. I stopped taking them a bit over a year ago, and the past year has felt longer than the three before it.


srris and snris are a scam and are a placebo, they just make your dick not work
for anxiety the don't do very much at all, but it's trial and error, you need to figure out what meds work for you.

I take benzos now which is a horrible drug, but for now the only thing that helps with anxiety, i'm going to try other stuff like lexapro, LTheanine aand hydroxyzine etc


I've recently realized after getting off mine that I was on for a little over a year, I also had some memory loss in this past year and even the year before that.
I wonder that as time goes on, this whole past year would vanish from my brain.

Would you guys say that the forgetfulness of past events were more gradual, or would you say it came about shortly after stopping the medication?
This past year hasn't been very remarkable for me so I don't care if I end up forgetting most of it (unless I already forgot the important stuff)


>be me
>on bupropion
>feel no different than when I was off it
What is your experience with it?


quitting cold turkey prozac 80mg haldol 10mg Wellbutrin 150


I'm not those guys, but I was on on it for about 4 months. Never felt all that different.
I've never really felt much difference on any type of antidepressants. Tried a couple SSRIs, NDRI, and lastly took an SNRI. All the same nothingness.


Pretty bad honestly. I tried Zoloft for a couple years on the second lowest dose and it made me lethargic and just caused me to stop caring about everything. It didn't help me improve my shit life, just made me content with it. After I got off of it was when things got better. I actually had to confront and fix all the things that were making me depressed/anxious. It seems like SSRIs are just a bandaid, and all bandaids eventually lose their adhesive.


>10mg haldol

Are you a schizo?


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I think I contracted tinnitus from Amitryptiline… FUCK.

Only took 5mg too, so very low dosage essentially.
I was laying in bed and got the sudden TSSSSSSS noise and It has been pretty persistent since last night. It's not bad when I'm standing or sitting but when I lie down it becomes noticeable.

The scary part is some users on reddit have reported it to be persistent.The drug is still in my system so I probably gotta wait it out but idk.

Just watch out for this when dealing with the jewpills bros. Tinnitus is a known suifuel.


>Tinnitus is a known suifuel
I have had it for years, sometimes more severe than others, but it has not bothered me that much honestly.

After not being depressed for awhile and then becoming severely depressed as of late I am remembering how much this just fucking sucks. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for tomorrow, but I am not meeting with the psychiatrist but the registered nurse as far as I can tell. I am going to ask for lithium as that is the only thing I am willing to take, as well as the occasional benzo which is helpful. I have a bad feeling about this, though. I feel like they will toss my previous diagnosis out the window and just try and give me SSRI's. Better but still not ideal would be the antipsychotic recommendation, but I refuse to take those as well. If that ends up being the case I am pretty much SOL as far as psychiatrists that are covered by my insurance within the surrounding 80 miles or so.


i knew someone who took lithium and they gained 150lbs and became so retarded they un-learned how to read and had to talk to me online with speech to text.
unless youre stabbing small animals to death, idk why you would want to do this to yourself.


because it seems to be the most predictable and least harmful until you start to get to the decade+ mark when you start developing hypothyroidism and renal issues. if i don't like it i can always just stop it in the worst case. but there isn't anything else i would be willing to try, and either way i'm nt in good standing and dont really have much to lose, seemingly.


I've been taking 500mg ashwagandha and 6gram spirulina for 2 months now. I know that they are not antidepressants, they are nootropics, but they helped me with depression. At the first week I had mild headaches from ashwagandha, but it went away quickly, and that was the only side effect. I didn't experience anhedonia like some people on reddit (I only went there because I didn't find good info elsewhere). My depression has gotten a lot better, it's like this stuff eases the pain. The depression transformed into melancholia and there is calmness instead of anxiety. My thoughts are clearer and my cognitive state is better too. I strongly recommend everyone to try them out, but be careful because there could be bad side effects like anhedonia, headaches and stomachache.


I feel as if I'd go insane without my script. It lifts the veil of unhappiness and dastardly at ease on my SSRI. The only thing better is valium. It goes great with the weed and everything… been doing it in combo with several legal cruxes. I feel fine. Thank you Pfizer


Guess I'm on Lamotrigine again. At least I know this one works to alleviate depression, but I suppose we'll see if bad things happen again. No lithium because of TD and weight gain, but recommends Olanzapine and Risperidone.
I swear I'm being trolled by being prescribed Hydroxyzine, though. This does absolutely nothing for anxiety and I feel like it may be even making matters worse. All is does is make me tired and disoriented as well as giving me sinus headaches, with still present anxiety. Every day that I have taken this before bed I always wake up with my heart pounding multiple times throughout the night, as well as the worst vivid dreams. I think it's messing with my brain a bit since not only do I have so many of those weird hypnagogic hallucinations, I have far more vivid intrusive thoughts while being awake. Take up to three times daily my ass, I wouldn't be able to function.


wow William, pretty cool how you can just give away money like that. you're such a good person.


olanzapine shrinks the brain by 7% after 36 weeks. Get off that stuff or switch to something else


I believe in healthy stress and I think antidepressants make me less worried about things I should be.


If I could change one thing about my life it would be that I never would have taken psychiatric medication of any kind and also certain drugs. Stay free from that shit I beg you.


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I can't even get off my SNRI without having massive headaches and extreme anxiety, I got jewed so hard, this shit isn't a fucking joke to anyone reading this please don't take that shit I beg you.


Clark, sorry, I'm still waiting to hear back from Williams. Will try to keep in touch.


I got prescribed APX-Citalopram. Any one else taken it? I don't know if i want to bother.


I take that. It doesn't do anything for me.


st john's wort
vitamin d

SSRI's just make you feel like a zombie and have whiskydick. You also can't go off them easily once you start. I would advise against it


>SSRI's just make you feel like a zombie and have whiskydick
This is pretty much me already. I do feel more intensely suicidal lately so i thought i'd try it. I'll look into the stuff you posted though.


SSRI's are not going to stop you from feeling suicidal. Actually I think the whole therapy/meds biz is a larp that hardly helps anybody

I went swimming for an hour every day on a poorpass and read books in the sun instead of going on the imageboards. That with the supplementation I've outlined might help. Every time I've picked up a job my mood/anxiety would also disappear in about a week by the way


Meds are a huge scam and psychiatrists try to keep patients on their list for as long as possible for profit, same goes for mental institutions. If they think a patient is gullible and naive they will do all kinds of messed up things from prescribing meds you don't need to useless programs that just waste your time and money while they make a profit.

This also shows how psychiatrists don't even help, they just chemically turn people into complying robots and then they keep making appointments to further leech off money.


When they do help, they help marginally, and they help short term. And it's like you're digging yourself into a hole that you will have to one day climb out of in the form of getting off those drugs. You do not know pain until you've withdrawn from SSRIs, they can easily kill you due to despair.

It's literally better to become a NEET and give up all responsibilities than to get on those fucking drugs.


I've taken Duloxetine (Sandoz) the tension in my head from depression cleared up. I feel hyperactive and keep slapping my face and kicking my legs. I don't feel any less suicidal but I feel more suicide-able. I think if I had the means to I would kill myself without hesitation, If I had knife which wasn't dull I think I could easily slip it into my throat. I don't see the point to living like this I hope I never meet myself again.


I'm in Lexapro and that helped me a lot.


valium was like a light high, olanzapine i didn't notice anything
mirtazapine i didn't notice anything but it made me hungry, temazepam put me to sleep good, phenergan didn't put me to sleep
desvenlafaxine i don't really notice anything but i do more than just lie in bed now so maybe it is doing something, quetiapine puts me to sleep good


Listen here, n00bs. Engrave these words once and for all, lest you keep yourselves feeding a bunch of psychopaths


I was on zoloft and was able to hold a soul crushing job. I realized they were controlling me and made me stay at a job I hated by removing my emotions. I stopped taking them and soon after quit my job. I am not sure which is worse now. At least with a job I was able to afford nitrous, which is all I did on my free time from the job.


Also since I have stopped taking my medication I have been wanting to hurt other people which I never had before I took them.


>olanzapine i didn't notice anything


After attempting suicide 3 times in one year I was forced on Lexapro.
Here's what happened :
Colors appeared brighter.
I started losing clumps of hair and experienced watery, oily diarrhea.
Lost my sex drive.
My suicidal and depressed thoughts went away….. Eventually however after noticing the hair loss, I stopped taking it. My unstable behavior and depression came back, and now i'm diagnosed with a different mental illness and taking Risperdal + Sertraline which basically ruined my health.

Gained 70 pounds within less than 12 months, have high cholesterol and triglycerides, high prolactin. My sex drive is gone again. The doctor said it's time to taper the dose of Risperdal… Basically, before starting meds and thinking meds were poisonous, I was right. However, i'd probably still be locked away in a mental hospital for refusing to take them.


Have any of you tried removing gluten/sugar/dairy from your diets? I have found that this helps greatly.


I did but just to alleviate the phlegm income. Not that my depressions depend on diet this way but rather on the amount of somatized block inside me.


What do you find it does depend on?


Is this how you react to basedness? Ashaming


i have removed nuts, salt, oil, meat, eggs, fish, vegetables and fruits as well.


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>Did you know, recent findings show that serotonin is not linked to depression, and apparently pharma companies have tried to hide this information for as long as they could.

>recent findings

They knew this since the nineties.
They gave antidepressant this name because it's a great marketing name, but they don't cure depression, also because depression is a term that don't have a satisfactory definition, not even today.
What it does is giving you an effect where your mood gets a bit better and that's it, and after a while it doesn't work anymore because your brain has balanced the effect out (which is why you then get withdrawals if you stop).

Are they useless and do they do not work? No, that's not true.

But the only reasonable use is to use them for a short time to help you facing a very bad time you're going through.

Long term use is something crazy, but the health system don't care, so it might happen to you that you take them for years. If that's the case, you are on your own and you have to read and find information and start tapering.

Only reporting my personal experience.


Nutrition is bs.
You should eat like healthy people always ate: food variety and moderation, and that's it.
Any other "diet" is bs, especially concerning mental health.
Mental illnesses are because of genetics and society, diet don't mean a thing, it's marketing bullshit for neurotypicals. Really healthy people, like extremely ignorant and stupid (i.e. happy) old people, can eat ANYTHING and they are ok.


Basically a chemical lobotomy. On antipsychotic right now plus an SSRI ; my life was once filled with emotions and dark thoughts about the future of society, now i'm "stable" and "content" with life even though it's objectively a lost cause. Any rational person would have gone ahead with my plans for suicide long ago.


You think the same things you did before, you just don't want to die. You might also be slightly more productive. That's about it


This. In fact they keep you from fixing your life, making you more miserable in the long run


I feel better immediately when I'm not wageslaving. I literally feel my physical and mental health healing when I'm not trapped in the office. It's a fucking cult.

I'm considering taking antidepressants to cope with this shit but I realized I'm generally fine if I'm not working. But they won't allow that will they? It's all totally fucked in the head.


pharma pills might help with the motivation aspect of depression but they likely won't help with the anhedonic aspect. you won't feel sad, but you also won't feel too happy either. the sadness is still there, it just doesn't affect you as much.

an anon in the drugfeel thread talked about using standard therapeutic dose dxm as an antidepressant and i am going to try it. robotabs are on their way. i am a little worried it will affect my sleep, but otherwise i'm somewhat looking forward to it. but again, i also looked forward to pharma pills, various supplements, and less various other, more bizarre supplements, none of which resulted in anything resembling a genuine, satisfying change in me.

The only thing I can advocate for is exercise, good sleep, and perhaps meditation; meditation can elicit a change in many people, especially those who are willing to stick to it every day. Notice all of these are only effective when done consistently, meaning you will incorporate them into a routine. A healthy routine stabilizes the mood quite well. Unfortunately, I am often tempted by vice. But I know that I will get better


antidepressants are genuinely poisonous trash that gives you brain dmg. designed by big pharma to sterilize and chemically lobotomize you. I took them for just one week and instantly started having panic attacks and nightmares.


The outcomes from SSRIs really vary, though they're prescribed for a reason. You're likely to see the best outcomes if you fit the profile of someone with MDD or PDD as those are the conditions they were formulated to treat, though modulating serotonin uptake has such broad implications that they see use for a wide variety of conditions to differing degrees of success. If you're depressed because your life is shit and you stay inside all day, eat like shit, and sleep like shit, they're not going to fix it, though they may help with the motivation to get your quality of life up which can. Don't approach them as a cure for depression, use they as a tool to get things straightened out, they try to go off of them once you're doing better. Side effects also vary, some people have none, some people have all sorts of problems. Last one I was on years ago gave me horrific tinnitus, turs out there's serotonergic activity in your ears. Worst case scenario you just stop taking them and the problem ceases.


Is it going to be really that bad?
I started taking Zoloft for my OCD and already miss jerking off in ten seconds. Im already having a hard time choosing between OCD and side effects, both of which are terrible.


They'll only think you're a druggie if you try to make them give you opiates or whatever. You should just address your concerns with the side effects but beware they will try to convince you to keep taking it so you need to be assertive.


Been reading about how MAOIs are significantly more efficacious than traditional antidepressants like ssris. Wizards should look into it.


Do you still feel the same hormone urge to jerk off? Or is it more like a habit and the side effects have given you ED?


Before anyone for any reason begins taking drugs that affect serotonergic neurochemistry, I suggest he reads this sub-reddit first:



imagine posting a subreddit about "Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction" on a board of virgins.
man, you are stupid.


Most people here wouldn't be thrilled if they lost the ability to masturbate.
(and note that I said "ability to" not "desire to")


Interested in learning more about Wellbutrin vs SSRIs. Did Wellbutrin give you anxiety or make you manic in some way? How did it feel compared to SSRIs for depression and anxiety?


How is that an invalid point of discussion?


>pic related
why do you make your trolling so painfully obvious? permanent virgins do not give a fuck about sexual dysfunction because they won't need their dick ever anyway


/r9k/ trolls are in high gear.


not those guys but wellbutrin made me sleepy and didnt give me insomnia, ssri meds always gave me severe insomnia, it also helped me focus on stuff without getting distracted


It’s prescribed off label for ADHD and feeling calmer and more focused are pretty hallmark outcomes for that issue. I wonder however, what pseudo-stims do to someone with anxiety.


I have severe anxiety, they didn't really effect it at all


What's the difference between SSRIs and TCAs has anyone tried both? I've only tried TCA and it gave me very bad brain fog, do SSRIs also give brain fog?


tcas will make you tired and sleepy, ssris are more likely to give you insomnia


>ssris are more likely to give you insomnia
I already have sleeping issues, I think imma pass on ssris


I usually never have sleeping issues anymore but I have problems with brain fog, anxiety, and stuttering. I wonder if this is more serotonin or dopamine related. I hear having excess dopamine can actually make you more agitated.


Never helped me with anything, my life improved once I ditched them

And this >>249906 is pretty much all I got from them, although I'm not certain I have permanent effects. Maybe my brain chemistry got fucked, I can't tell.


if antidepressants dont help what does? what will give me energy and drive?


Doing something that feels purposeful probably.


Depends on the source of your lack of energy. Could be lack of sleep, some nutrition deficiency, some hormonal imbalance, etc. Also I think a lot of people here have bad cognitive/behavioral connections to the ideas of work and study so they just have a huge aversion to those things and end up procrastinating.


even doing purposeful or enjoyable things doesnt give me drive thats the problem

>bad cognitive/behavioral connections to the ideas of work and study

Could you elaborate on this? How would you establish a positive connection?

Do you mean desire for instant gratification and seeing work/study as a forced on by others chore/roadblock to fun during schooltimes where you just wanted to play video games all day?


I spent my entire childhood getting spanked over not studying enough for school, even though I had pretty decent grades. This made me very anxious about anything related to schoolwork (and later work) over the years because the first thing that ever came to my mind when I considered doing anything was that I would get spanked by my dad if I messed up. It paradoxically made me worse at school because thinking about school filled me with anxiety and made me feel like crap. In the end this only created a strong association in my mind of studying and working with extreme feelings of anxiety, in a Pavlovian conditioning sense (think of the dog that salivates when it hears the bell). So basically to this day my natural instinct is to avoid thinking about study and work, and to indulge on internet and video games to soothe the anxiety.

A lot of people have very negative conditioning related to work and study, and this is a huge cause of procrastination. It doesn't need to have to do with corporal punishment. Basically when thinking or getting invested into something makes you feel like crap, it's natural to avoid those things.


Its strange that these things work so different on different people. You would think same chemical, into same organism, supposed to affect the same organ - very different response.


So you didnt have it before but now your addicted to it?


It makes perfect sense because it's essentially just a placebo


its not


But how do you feel while you're on it? Is life more bearable than before? Is the anxiety coming from the fact that you might be dependent on the pills for life?


Same species different brain structure and function


I've heard good things about that one for acute anxiety. Are you supposed to just ask your doc about it?


I'm on effexor and it seems to be helping a bit with depression and anxiety. Only a week in and I already feel slightly better. 36 years old wizard with no friends btw. Never taken meds before but I had to because I risked getting fired from the job because muh productivity hit an all time low and the bosses started to complain.


Does anyone here has any experience with Risperidone for depression? I can't take any antidepressant because I have high risk of become manic psychothic, help me, bros.


Keep us posted on your progress Wiz.

If you’re at risk of becoming manic, Risperidone could help calm you down by reducing dopamine. But that’s mainly if you’re schizo so…


I'm not manic now and never been, but the doc said that if I take any antidepressants, it could risk it push me into a real manic episode, and it won't have a turn back once it happens, like you turn on something that once on, it can't really turn off easily. Anyway, I really want a antipsychotics that have good antidepressants effect without push me into becoming manic.


Get the fuck off the drug this instant, don't take another dose. Don't do it long term. Get the fuck off right now, right now.

It was 3 years of in and out of the psyche ward and instability when I started weening off that garbage. Once you're hooked, you're pretty much hooked for life.

Stop right now, this second, throw out your prescription.

I had le depression and anxiety in 2014, I quit the drug in 2017, it took until 2020 before my head came right. I was legitimately made into a nutcase by the withdrawals, in and out of the psyche ward.


>In and out of the psych ward
>No, bro! I'm telling you it's the medication fault that I'm crazy, bro! Just threw away your meds!!!!


Then why am I stable now, doing better than ever? The schizo shit stopped in 2020, since then I haven't been to the ward, the police have signed me off on security clearances and I've got my life together.


So how were you feeling before taking the meds? Obviously it seemed like you were in a place that was bad enough to consider meds. Did the meds just make your symptoms even worse?

I’m curious about all this for my own sake, I’ve never taken meds before but my life is not getting better and will probably stay the same since I’ve felt like a sperg who can barely handle their shit for the longest time.


I was shit before the meds but I would've been fine on NEETbux.

After the meds, I wasn't even fine on NEETbux, I was constantly fucked up.


>Did the meds just make your symptoms even worse?

Meds make you better, but you stabilize on them eventually, and then you adjust to the new normal, exactly how you were, maybe 10-20% better functioning. But if you stop taking them, you enter a world of hell. It's quite literally like digging yourself into a hole that you will struggle to escape from.

Talk to middle aged people on these meds and they'll start lamenting like it's an abusive relationship. They want to get off them, but having the 2-3 months off of work it will take to get off them (legit, you are incapacitated for that long) isn't possible for them, so they just stay on them.

My sister managed to quit after four months on them due to a pregnancy. She said it was the most horrific pain of her life, that she didn't think she would ever come right or feel normal again. You often lose all hope during withdrawals from these drugs. You don't get the drug cravings, but I think they're harder than most recreational drugs.

When you're on them, you can't miss a dose either. Missing a dose will put you in severe pain with a low mood and "brain zaps", where you can just feel the low serotonin in your brain fucking you up. Brain zaps are basically a universal symptom of withdrawal.


>2-3 months
I've come off antidepressants a lot of times, withdrawals are like a week or two max, and if you can get a 14 day klonopin or valium script from your doctor to help with some of the worse days its not really that bad. Some medications like prozac and paxil I didnt even get withdrawals other than mild zaps for a few days. The truth is the people who can't get off these meds are just pussies that can't take a little mental pain for the greater good



Never realised every one is exactly the same! What a genius revelation.


Well shit, I don’t want to be hooked on this stuff for life but I don’t know how much longer I can keep living this life. I wish I didn’t have to wageslave, wish I could be a kid again and NEET without guilt. It’s all too much sometimes.


back on psychiatric medication. prozac and zyprexa. i dont feel arousal anymore


In my experience, they do not fix anything but they may help some people with their symptoms. Some people get worse with after taking them (suicidal thoughts can appear, for example). However, I feel a little a bit better with Remeron (mirtazapine). I have tried multiple drugs and I did some research and mirtazapine seems to have less side-effects than SSRI or SNRI drugs. The only side-effect I got was sedation at doses up to 15mg but doses over 15mg don't sedate me. Currently taking 22.5mg, will increase to 30mg soon.


I can't take life. I've been on zoloft before and it made me not care about anything which is scary now that im off it. Off it I had anxiety to want to achieve what I wanted, i guess? Though when i was on zoloft i immediately let that go, i dunno, it hurts right now.


So far I have been on Seroquel, Abilify, Lamotrigine, Latuda, Vraylar, and now I'm on Saphris. I fucking hated saphris starting out and now I am starting to hate it again. It really knocked me out to begin with which was nice, but I think it increased my anxiety tenfold so my benzo dose increased. After a couple of months it leveled out, but now I can't sleep for shit, combine that with trying to taper down my benzo dosage and honestly I am in pure hell. I want off this med and off meds altogether at this point, clearly nothing works since I am unable to fix the root problems in my life, it just feels like I am trying to stop a major hemorrhage with a tiny bandage, it just doesn't work. The only medication that worked pretty much straight off the bat was Vraylar, but it cased me to not be able to fucking pee properly so that was hell in of itself. Latuda was not too bad starting out either, but it's efficacy waned after a while and with the increased dosage I would get terrible akathisia in my legs when trying to sleep, and I never even took it properly with food. I had to go off it once I hit 60mg because it made me extremely suicidal.
My doctor suggested for me to look into lithium next if the Saphris didn't work out, but honestly at this point I just don't want to be on anythign else. I miss being unmedicated, being medicated I feel like I am just depressed with even more side effects and it just sucks. I have bipolar II, so the hypomania is not even a problem. I get severely depressed at least 6 months out of the year but after years of dealing with it I just don't care anymore, I have no desire to alleviate it. My anxiety and panic disorder are way more of a problem than my depression ever was, and I seem to only have panic disorder with agoraphobia for a couple months at a time at most and then it just fades away. I would be happy to be on benzos for that time and taper off, but the taper is HELL and my doctor won't listen to me about Valium being a renowned tool for tapering rather than the clonazepam I have been taking. I fuckin hate psychiatric medications.


I have been on the stuff for four years now, it's alright. Haven't really gained that much weight and my libido is getting better, although I expose myself to animated porn everyday.

Feeling better to a point life is bearable again.


I've been struggling from anxiety/depression related insomnia for fucking years now. What helps the most with least side effects is unisom. Aside from this I've also tried Amitriptyline but that stuff made me feel braindead for a good chunk next day.

So which psych med aside from benzos can help with sleep that doesn't make you also braindead?


i was approached in public on them a lot more than before i think, maybe because i looked like i was a lost socially maladjusted kid because i stopped caring about other people on them and became a recluse on them


Prebagalin is the best antidepressant for me. It just turns off bad thoughts. I take 225mg and it lasts whole day. Has a ceiling effect for me so it doesn't matter how much I take, only the duration changes according to the dose.


prolly makes you drool and drowsy as fuck tho lol


No it doesn't. At least in my case.


I tried SSRI, SNRI, benzos… NONE of them do ANYTHING - except benzos which gave me a pretty bad one time withdrawal after I finally completely forgot about the useless bottle of pills that don't taste good. I think one of them gave me some very mild stomach ache sometimes too but I can't connect it for sure. What a waste of time.


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Wellbutrin completely clouded my morality and made me homicidal. It really showed how meaningless everything is, but not in a depressive way. More in an "I can do anything, who cares" way.

Anyway, I'd recommend not taking that.


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i disagree pretty strongly with your recommendation. the combination of Wellbutrin and exercise is the only thing that can keep my clinical depression in check. Its been life changing for me. We all react differently to medication. My family is littered with people who have depression and we take a spectrum of different pills even though we all have the same illness and share genetics. Wellbutrin isn't bad itself, its just bad for you. I'd also like to say to you that Seven Samurai is fucking amazing.

I am new to the thread, so if I'm saying things that have already been mentioned, ignore me. Antidepressants can be extremely helpful, but it takes time to find the medication that works best for you and a dosage that works best for you. It's also good to know that sometimes one medication alone isn't enough, sometimes you have to take a "cocktail" of various pills to get exactly the right mix to address your unique issues. Sometimes you have to add additional "treatment" on top of your medication. For me, I have to take wellbutrin and exercise to keep my illness at bay. Medication alone and exercise alone don't really work. But when I take my medication and exercise, it completely changes both how I feel emotionally and how functional I am on a cognitive level. My advice is not to give up on medication if you try one and it doesn't work, or if you try one but the side effects are too much of a downside to deal with. Consult with your doctor about trying a variety of medications till you find the winner, or a cocktail that works for you.


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I first used Sertarlina, it worked well for me.
when I had a relapse I took citalopram and it also worked for me
now I am taking citalopram again because I stopped them, I shouldn't have, I will never stop taking this medicine again.
I still feel bad but because it's the second week.
I know that after that I will get used to it and stop feeling anxious
I have never had any serious sexual effects but if I put on weight, I guess to treat that you have to eat healthy, which I didn't
at least in my case they have worked.


OP here
Can't believe this thread is still up.
I'm Still a virgin and my life got WORSE


lol why

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