Why is it that despite being friendly and trying to be nice, normies talk shit behind your back or just insult you. People insult me daily, just today they wish me happy holidays and as i'm walking away they insult me. Normies are fake, they don't have pure empathy, they have selective empathy and apply virtue signaling.
I'm not even saying empathy is necessary, they act malicious because they feel like it. If i was like them i'd be out there killing people, they get mildly annoyed and act all deviant.
>>252238 Just the way it is, people like to put up a fake mask, was chilling with this guy at work really good until he scammed me out of something( don't wanna talk about it) it was some stupid shit and he quit anyways, I don't really trust or care about anyone anymore, just want to be alone 24/7.
How do you present yourself? Are you unkempt? Everything they do is to better position themselves in the social hierarchy and to look better in front of potential mates. Don't give them a reason to make fun of you.
>>252241 >just want to be alone 24/7. Same, internet is fine but other than that being alone 24/7 is the best. I always fantasize about living somewhere isolated.
>>252243 no i'm not feral, i'm just awkward/odd in any social setting, be it familiar or not. I keep to myself and don't talk much unless i need to. Still i communicate and i'm polite. I'm not people shy so it's not like i'm afraid of social settings, i just appear odd
>>252249 You're either in highschool or you have schizophrenia and you're hearing shit. When you're an adult people don't make petty remarks about others in public, if they are saying bad things about you it's in private conversations and most likely just small comments like "that guys kinda weird" unless you do really asshole antics
>>252255 >When you're an adult people don't make petty remarks about others in public, No legitimately people say mean shit to my face, .Do you honestly think adults are above saying mean shit ? Psychological abuse or name calling doesn't suddenly stop because you're an "adult".
In all honesty i was never bullied in highschool, i was treated fairly, i've literally been harrased more by adults. Teenagers square up and beat you in the face, adults don't resort to physical violence because it get's them a ticket to jail
>>252258 Where the hell are you meeting these people that are saying mean shit to you daily? You are avoiding mentioning any specific place or any specific thing you do and I can't think of any setting that you would interact with a person that is outside of their/your job, and at that point it's highly unlikely they would risk their employment just to call you a retard
>>252259 No i'm a neet atm and i basically get send to volunteer at places, i've never stayed in one place to work, i've had different jobs here and there. I used volunteer in the kitchen staff, most people are friendly but there's always the odd bunch that call me names like retard or autistic Not because i don't do my job well mind you, i've had overseerers comment on my work ethic saying i work fast and do my job well. Some people just see me and think, hey this kid stands out let's pick on him, i'm always in a disadvantage in those type of situations
>>252261 >>252261 Not really what's funny is that at my worst, the best i was ever treaded was by working class low education type folks They didn't give a fuck, they treaded me kindly and openly, again other times that wasn't the case with other working jobs. It's about environment and context, kitchen duty is not a good place for someone that's vulnerable.
I was never able to be esteemed or loved by normies. I used to really want that but after all the failure and humiliation I became jaded and embittered, and now I am completely jokerpilled. I don't even give a fuck about them. Sometimes I piss them off and get into conflict with them just to remind myself that I don't need to spend my life walking on eggshells around them.
I've always been bullied at work where I have to work around other people (normies).
Even if I try my hardest to be kind and nice to them, they always stab me in the back, calling me autistic and retarded.
I've had teachers and classmates gang up on me to ridicule me, single me out and put me down.
I've come to the conclusion that everyone is in it for their own specific self interests and being part of society is just a game of constant lying, manipulation and pretend.
I no longer see people as respectable humans but petty cattle that should be exploited.
>>252255 There is a guy I sit next to in college (I'm 27 he's 23) who loves putting me on the spot by asking me questions of a sexual nature. Like "do you like tits or asses more?" just to make me squirm. I turn red and start stammering. I can't really report it because it's classed as "guy talk".
>>253328 So these are the asexual wizlarper monks in real life, huh? Going red in the face like an embarrassed Japanese schoolgirl at the mere mention of T&A? Sounds about right.
>>252255 You are fucking delusional, cunt. A cuntoid at my old college said to one of its inbred cunt friends that I looked like a rapist when my back was turned despite being only ten feet away. They probably talk all sorts of shit about you too and you're just too much of a dysgenic special needs retard to attain the self-awareness required to realise it.
>Be neurotic autist >In the psyche ward regularly for anxiety >Snap one day >Beat the shit out of someone in public >Get called out on it >People pull over and tell me to get off of him >"What the fuck do you know cunt, did you fucking see what lead to this. Drive off, mind your own fucking business" >Suddenly everyone respects me >Have no problem in life due to me being able to flare up in anger when needed >instead of making my life worse, violence and aggression has made it better. >haven't been in the ward since
I am no closer to understanding human emotions but holy fuck I hate normalfaggots so fucking much.
>>252238 >normies instead of normalfags or normgroids >confusing empathy with sympathy. Just why do you normalfags insist coming here? God damn it, i can't escape your kind even here.
>>253349 Calm down, we're all wizards here. And I agree, succubi in particular are just really really nasty to people they don't like. It took me a long time to realize that I didn't need to be going out of my way to offend them in order to earn their scorn and contempt.
>>253421 Nah the kid on the right was pretty brave to sit indoors with the norms. I mostly sat in the bathroom or on the floor in hallways with little foot traffic.
>>253426 Because I never got a chance to observe norms and their dismissive, derisive habits up close, they always kept me at arm's length (while shitting on me from there, too). On the internet they bare their disgusting nature for all to see.
>>252243 >Everything they do is to better position themselves in the social hierarchy and to look better in front of potential mates. Not even just potential mates. It can also be a very easy way for normgroids to get social brownie points to 1up their status in a group of anysort. It's truly amazing how sadistic and malicious human nature can be.
>>253466 >>253464 >>253463 In the face of all this, people will call you an "edgy child" for wishing death and destruction upon the whole of the human race. Genuinely makes me sick when some braindead normalfag starts talking about colonizing space and spreading the seed of humanity throughout the galaxy with this twinkle in their eye.
>>253470 I've been thinking for awhile that people aren't going to escape this rock in any meaningful capacity, and I also think that is a good thing. They shouldn't be allowed to spread their filth across the galaxy.
>>253431 He's implying it's "really just your fault because you were negative so others are negative towards you" and that necessarily made you an outcast who had no friends.
Errata to be skipped if you're not overly interested: Looking back at my childhood and teens, I kinda get the point he's trying to insinuate, but really I also see that I was in a vicious cycle and escaping that would require more compassion and decency from the others. But he's a negative hypocrite himself. "Dont't care"? how about "Don't share" then lol. I don't think he's a normie more than he's just a prick if it's the same person as the inital reply.
>>253441 >Or they can perform depressive ruminating >implying "they" ever had a choice in the matter as subhuman social rejects in the first place Kill yourself, you soy riddled nigger lover.
>>253559 your butthurt does not amuse me, anon. In fact it's quite depressing to see someone derive their entire reason to live from hating someone else Regarding soy,IMO any type of food can be used for good with proper knowledge and timing >>implying "they" ever had a choice You have a choise to reply to me or not, you have a choise to choose tone of you reply, you have a choise to not reply and leave me be and so on and so forth >Kill yourself "Fuck no, not today, thank you kindly"
That's how they function in general. At work, as one normie went away, they immediately started gossip about him, as he returned and another went away, everyone gossip about that one, rinse and repeat two more times. It was like a comedy sketch, normalfag behavior fully condensed in that moment. The rapid changing of subject in perfect succession blew me away. So I don't think you should be too concerned about them gossiping about you because they do everyone.
>>252238 Yes, there are people who are inherently evil. In college, I feel like I'm surrounded by people like that. They make little implied remarks to hurt each other. They don't even respect each other. Pure toxicity… And it's not even under the guise of humor, no, it's just pure and hard hatred. I must admit that sometimes I prefer solitude than staying with thoses sons of bitches.
If you think about it, no trauma comes from loneliness. Many of the mental wounds you have are from situations when you have been around people. Just think of the time you were bullied or the time a succubus laughed at you (not with you).
The "lone-wolf" life is not a fulfilling life either. But I would rather keep my social circle as small as hell instead of buying into the "status" high-school lifestyle where everyone is putting each other down now, I don’t want to be part of a narcissistic sociopathic society.
I'm a tall strong looking guy and I've been bullied a lot, once they see that your mind is weak they will let you know what a piece of shit weirdo you are no matter your physics.
>>254018 have you the movie power of the dog ? there's a stark contrast between two characters one appearing weak and the other strong The weak scrawny kid says that his father told him he was quote "too strong" meaning mentally, on the outside he appeared weak. He is an implied sociopath in the movie. He get's to one up the guy in the end, he was underestimated because of his appearance. he has what it takes to survive.
>>254019 I don't get what this has to do with my post, normies are just gonna treat you like shit no matter how tall or built you are, thats my point. You can have a strong mentality in some aspects and still be a social retard that gets bullied.
>>254018 >once they see that your mind is weak i was talking about mental strength and a willingness to adapt play the social game. like you mention it's more about mental strength. >You can have a strong mentality in some aspects and still be a social retard that gets bullied. strong mentality means a lack of remorse and playing your part in the hierarchy, that's what i meant, like you mentioned a strong appearance doesn't mean you are "strong" mentally.