Long story short, i have fas and schizophrenia My mother denies everything, i hate her. I'm an anomaly, i'm a mistake. Something that shouldn't be I'm literally a deficient creature, this world has failed me. I wish i could get something in return. It makes sense to want to destroy things, to exact revenge, to make some sense out of this. But the universe is indifferent and nihilism is the only truth, if i could erase everything i would.
>>256197 i was hospitalized and i've had multiple diagnosis saying that i'm on the shizophrenic spectrum, i'm basically chronically psychotic without meds
>>256201 call it evil, mostly though it's sheer ignorance and stupidity. like not having the sense to consciously not do it A lot of succubi don't plan on pregnancy so they might be in the first stages of pregnancy, drinking away and now your baby now has fas.
People don't value life, so why the fuck should i.
No. You aren't a mistake, there are no mistakes in life. Everything is part of a carefully devised plan. We are all the chess pieces of God. And we play the roles assigned to us by him. You are perfect the way you are. It is okay to hate the world, after all we were made exactly to hate this world and to yearn after God and his kingdom. Destroying things and revenge only matter as long as you can't find meaning behind the universe. You have to understand there are no accidents, everything happens for a purpose.
Nihilism is the easy answer, when you give up trying to find the purpose behind the scenes. Don't take the easy road. Learn about this world, its people, the universe and you will realize it is an order, not chaos. The divine law upholds everything that exists. Yes, life sucks. But why does it suck? It sucks for a reason, think about it. Even the fact that you can understand that life sucks makes you special and places you above normal people. Maybe if you were born to be rich and healthy you would have been very attached to this world and life. But the way you are, you can see this world for what it is. It is God's gift to you. Accept it. Live with it. You are special.
>>256212 >Christcuck shit There's no room for any god in this hell. I seriously can't fathom why a large majority of the american population thinks that if some baby dies committing no sins, it's "part of some complex plan". FUCK YOU. Being a cuck follower to a religion is THE de facto easy answer. Literally every single question in our realm can be "answered" by some random omnipotent being in the sky by saying that it's "all part of a plan". No fucking wonder lobotomized evangelical Christians got into Q anon so much back in the day holy shit. It's just blindly following some god that's never been proven to exist and countless times has let his followers down.
>>256213 Not Christian, but I believe in God. I see my post upset you very much, wizfriend. Shame. There is no easier answer than "well nothing has any meaning" - that is called baby's first existential crisis. Finding the goal behind the suffering and the system behind the chaos is exactly what one should do.
The baby who dies IS part of a plan, not concerning the baby first of all but his family and parents. Bad things do happen in life and they remind us every time not to get attached to this world that much, to seek something higher and nicer and better than simply living comfily in this world.
Proven to exist? But how could anything exist without a creator and his divine cosmic laws? Proving that the universe just appeared out of thin air is much more akin to stupidity. And he didn't let anyone down, because he never promised a good life (again, I'm not a jew, muslim or christian), if anything religions point to the fact that you shouldn't bother with this life so much and this world so much. Look forward to the reward you get for enduring all this while staying virtous, kind and good.
>>256212 Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Than he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? -Epicurus.
>>256214 Finding the goal behind the suffering >Look forward to the reward you get for enduring all this while staying virtous, kind and good. This is called cope. And honestly, reward for suffering sounds like some kind of sick, satanic style mockery. On top of that there could be a humane ways to remind us to not to get attached to this world that much.
>>256217 Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Not so simple. He allows evil because good things can come from evil too, look at the death of Christ. His enemies did him a service. Without death there is no resurrection.
>>256221 Nihilism is the cope, there is no meaning so you can do whatever you want. Yay! Besides, everything is called a cope. Oh, how I hate this overused meme word.
It isn't a mockery, you get your reward if you live well, what is the mockery in this? Everyone's tested in this world. You need to prove to God that you are worthy to enter his kingdom. >there could be a humane ways to remind us to not to get attached to this world that much Haha, if you were born as a rich 10/10 looking Chad who could get anything or any wo-man he wanted then you wouldn't feel any pity or empathy for those who suffer. Blessed are those who cry and all that.
>>256227 The problem with being just a machine is it implies there's something else, something higher, that makes being a machine diminutive. There's no "just" modifier, surely?
>>256228 He is 100% right. If you study biology you will find we are DNA machines, the truth is all this suffering has no ultimate function, it's just another mindless Darwinian malware minigame product created by blind and unintelligent design, by a dumb molecule. All of these theological or philosophical system trying to justify it are intellectual coping mechanisms, literally made up "meanings" from noise. A big part of our cultural memes is about that.
>>256231 I don't understand how you get mindlessness, unintelligence, malware, "dumb molecules", or noise if you honestly accept what you wrote. Aren't you entertaining a fallacious theological system yourself when you use these pejorative terms?
I suspect the reflex to present humanity as a plague is original sin, recast. Christian ethics has possibly been bred into people at this point, but it disguises itself behind indifference. The world has "fallen" into materialism in the minds of these people, but that only raises the question "fallen from where?" It was never higher to begin with, what fell was man's vision and now he piously pities himself and the world. Will we catch him whispering prayers next? To save the dying world? Isn't he simply the one who is dying?
OP since you are not receptive to the Christian poster I will just tell you this quote. "Do not attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained away with ignorance"
Hang in there bro, I hope you can find some peace in this fallen world
sorry bro. im a dysgenic freak as well. it's only downhill from here. headed for the worst. don't know what else to say. just wanted to help the ratio of normalfag infiltrators espousing down's syndrome about hope and cure-alls. life only gets harder with age and the time. not easier. we'll get poorer and we'll get crazier and we'll be alone for it all.
>>256227 >>256231 If you accept Darwin's reasoning and evolution I fail to see how you can say everything is meaningless. Can't you see that evolution implies intelligent design? Oh, wait I forgot. Everything is just a coincidence, yep. Even if those accidents just pile up after another, there can't be any great purpose or plan…nope. You science-fags are the bloody dogmatists who refuse to think rationally. You are so wrapped up in so called "facts" and empirical proof that you refuse to use logic at all.
God made you and gave you free will, you are free to choose: become an animal, a biological machine only or something more. You can try to fight and do evil and become top dog in this world, acquire riches and have a shitload of children that will spread your genes further and further OR you can say no thanks and decide to live morally and like a human being. Your choice. Either this world or Heaven. You choose. Evolution is there for the wicked people, for the chosen ones of God and his saints who refuse this world there is the peace of God and his kingdom.
>>256257 >>256268 I guess when you can't argue with anything I say there is really nothing for you to write about.
>>256278 Oh, it's a gift all right. But it depends on what you value. You want the Chad life with pussy and money and pleasure? Then it is a curse. But if you are enlightened and can see beyond earthly things then it is a blessing to you. I don't want an easy life, I want to live life the correct way. While I don't have schizophrenia, God put me to the test multiple times and put me through horrible existential suffering. But I'm grateful to him for everything, both the good and the bad things, to tell the truth maybe I'm even more grateful for the bad things. Because they opened up my eyes much more than all the good stuff that happened to me.
>>256279 Multiple religious texts, different kinds of religious texts all talk about an afterlife and rest as a reward for a virtous/pious life. Plus through pure reason, logic and rational thinking anyone can realize the objective truth about the universe.
I wish I had some sort of official label documenting what's wrong with me mentally but mental health doesn't a thing in this household.
I am severely hard of hearing at least that is diagnosed becuase physical disability is harder to deny. And of course my parents still don't believe it anyways. In fact they used to think I could just chew gum to make it go away. Some fucking middle ages logic what the fuck.
Since we're on the topic of fas. My mom use to say pregnant succubi should drink a little cause it's good for them. Thank god my sister grey rocks that psycho especially since she was having her own kid. I can't imagine another generation have to endur this whole pot of fuckery in life.
>>256269 >You science-fags are the bloody dogmatists who refuse to think rationally. You are so wrapped up in so called "facts" and empirical proof that you refuse to use logic at all. >I guess when you can't argue with anything I say Given the premise is unfalsifiable, yes, it's impossible to argue against. That doesn't mean it's true.
If we take logic seriously we almost inevitably arrive at the conclusion there must be a God because logic is a deductive system using a priori reasoning, but there's a problem: there are multiple logics and all logical systems are incomplete (as proved by Godel), therefore logic doesn't represent the kind of ontological justification for a divine mind that it first appears to.
>>256196 It sounds like you have a place to stay and internet so that’s something. If your mom hated you she wouldn’t be in denial either. You should try being nicer to her. I’d bet you would miss her if she were gone.
>>256304 >My mom use to say pregnant succubi should drink a little cause it's good for them ignorance and stupidity sometimes is the real evil or willful ignorance at least.
>>256303 It doesn't matter what you want in this regard, fact is you exist already. The question is what will you do about it? You can live with God or without him.
>>256307 It is more than enough proof for anyone with a sane and honest mind that multiple systems across the world and through history came to the same conclusion, that God must exist. If someone rejects the truth willfully and puts his head into the sand, what can God do? It really is up to the individual to choose how they want to live. Science doesn't have anything to do with this topic in my opinion.
>>256317 > It is more than enough proof for anyone with a sane and honest mind that multiple systems across the world and through history came to the same conclusion, that God must exist First off ad populi. Second off, if all those groups and doctrines were met with the same divinity, why do they all hate each other and label the others as malicious heretics? Why do they contradict each other?
>>256317 I get angry at your implication that a life with God is different from a life without. This is the attitude of a snake oil salesman to the nth degree. You conjure a problem out of thin air and sell the solution. But the true scam being peddled here is directed at yourself. For you have based your faith on the validation of others across history. You believe nothing until others agree and so you must sell your crutch to others and make them agree. You are the only cripple here, leave others alone.
>>256317 >It is more than enough proof for anyone with a sane and honest mind that multiple systems across the world and through history came to the same conclusion, that God must exist. If someone rejects the truth willfully and puts his head into the sand, what can God do? You could equally argue that since humans developed all these axiomatic systems it's no surprise they find themselves in them. >Science doesn't have anything to do with this topic in my opinion. Scientists reason about causes from their effects to infer the existence of universal laws. It's the same apophatic method as theologians. Did any of them stop to ask what a cause or law even is? What's worse is that our certainty about our observations is rooted in an abstract world of mathematical models. Most scientists and mathematicians are pretty naive about philosophy, so they are often reflexive Platonic idealists like Penrose, but it's entirely consistent with the position.
That's not the only reason it is the truth. But let's discuss it. Why the differences indeed? Humans are easily tempted by the sin of pride. They want to make their own tribe/nationality/race to be the strongest and most unique and therefore they distorted the truth multiple times to suit their agenda. If you go around looking for differences, what separates you from other people and cultures, you will end up with rivalry, contempth, hatred eventually. Because you can't empathize with someone who seems to be completely different from you. God is the universal link, connecting everything and everyone. Instead of differences, you should focus on the common themes and motifs. Like the story of the ark and great flood, the theme of God becoming human and getting killed, then resurrected, etc etc. It's astonishing how similar myths different nations and cultures possess.
And about validation and ad populi: who is the one guilty of this here, really? Me or you people who parrot what's been the mainstream opinion since the middle or end of the 19th century, that nothing has any meaning or viva nihilism lol To think that you would actually accuse me of appealing to authority is hilarious when you people are the mindless npcs who let the current post-modern culture to influence your thoughts! >I get angry at your implication that a life with God is different from a life without I bet you are one of those people who think God should prove his existence by giving you 20 sport cars, 40 yachts and millions of cash, am I right? This childish superstition has haunted and corrupted religion/spiritualism since long ago. The early jews had a similar thinking process, that if you keep God's laws and such you will get lots of children and a good wife and wealth and health….However, as God made himself more clear to the people this naive belief was discarded thankfully. God never promised the easy life to anyone. What he offers is strength to bear the yoke of life and to resist the temptations of the earthly life. He is suffering with you when you suffer, this is his greatest gift to us. You aren't alone. He is with you and feels whatever horrible things you have to go through. And after this existence he will embrace you and give you supreme peace you never knew before.
>>256353 I stopped believing in this stupidity when i came across what, according with the philosopher J.L. Schellenberg, are the best arguments against the existence of God. Also there's the Richard Schoenig's argument from unfairness but i think the ones Schellenberg quotes are more convincing.
>>256365 Well, let's hear those convincing arguments of yours. They better not be along the lines of "why God let muh baby die?"
>>256359 I'm right. You can taste his peace even during this existence, you can tighten your connection with him. Honestly, this is surprising, that many are so hostile to the idea of God here. Jesus was so like us it's not even funny, even the looks of him scream "wizard". And he came exactly to give hope and strength to people like us, who were stomped and mocked by society. It's sad most people here reject God because they want succubi, wealth, good looks, friends, etc. Jesus came and told us blessed are the losers of life, basically. And he is right. You don't need earthly things to be happy, in fact you can't be happy as long as you chase these things.
>>256405 Indeed. The human brain can't understand the ideas of no afterlife (ethernal nothingness) or no cosmic justice (this universe is intrinsically unfair and broken). So, we made up all these constructs like God and other spooky metaphysical stuff. The denial of death. There is no Heaven or Magical Kingdom and this guy probably know it deep down. >Although we typically take our cultural worldview for granted, it is actually a fragile human construction that people spend great energy creating, maintaining, and defending. Since we’re constantly on the brink of realizing that our existence is precarious, we cling to our culture’s governmental, educational, and religious institutions and rituals to buttress our view of human life as uniquely significant and eternal.” Sheldon Solomon,The Worm at the Core.
ive made three different threads on /meta/ asking for christian faggots and weightlifters/dieticians/military recruiters to be banned on-sight. it would literally improve this site by 100%.
but they ignore every single one and let threads like this happen. embarrassing.
>>256353 >I bet you are one of those people who think God should prove his existence by giving you 20 sport cars, 40 yachts and millions of cash, am I right? This childish superstition has haunted and corrupted religion/spiritualism since long ago. The early jews had a similar thinking process, that if you keep God's laws and such you will get lots of children and a good wife and wealth and health….However, as God made himself more clear to the people this naive belief was discarded thankfully. God never promised the easy life to anyone. What he offers is strength to bear the yoke of life and to resist the temptations of the earthly life. He is suffering with you when you suffer, this is his greatest gift to us. You aren't alone. He is with you and feels whatever horrible things you have to go through. And after this existence he will embrace you and give you supreme peace you never knew before. Yadda fucking yadda. This completely misses my point. I don't think God should do anything. I don't think about God. It doesn't matter. It's so fucking unimportant. Here we both are, on wizchan, doing normal ass people things like sharing our thoughts on the scams we use to keep ourselves going. You live the same life as me. We're the same. There is nothing inside of you that isn't within me and I am completely without God. Which suggests the actual "putting faith into language" is arbitrary. It doesn't do anything. So you can shut the fuck up about it instead of selling it like the miracle drug it's not.
>>256408 Extreme, strong agreement. I don’t know if there’s a word for when young/naiive people are in that honeymoon phase with some new “fix your life with X” thing and have a burning need to talk about it constantly, but it’s insufferable. If it worked you wouldn’t be here. People that are at peace don’t proselytize.
>>256405 God forbid anyone from wanting higher things in life than just sex and pleasure, oh that's a big no-no! You revealed yourself as a failed normal, which is just what I expected from vehement materialists.
>>256406 I can easily turn this around on you: people like you can't handle the thought of cosmic justice and objective meaning/truth, so you go and and deny it, then go and do what you want because it is the easiest and most comfortable way to live. See?
But I will entertain your scenario and will accept for argument's sake that there is no God, no afterlife, no "cosmic justice". Still, living according to the moral rules that were given to us in the name of God is the best way to live. Because you live like a human, not like a mere beast who doesn't know anything except for egoistic desires and animalistic pleasures. So what if you are right? Then I tried to live like a decent person and tried to be a good man. What if I'm right? Uh-oh, you better not think about it, friend. You will be requested to give account to a higher power about how you lived, that's scary! Better do away with that thought, right? Yes, pretend there is no meaning at all, that is much better, this way you can be an asshole all you want.
To tell truth, for your sake and for other immoral people's sake, I hope there is no God or afterlife. I pity people like you very much. You are so trapped in the mainstream materialist-nihilist propaganda of our age that you can't even think about noble things like honor, justice, love, mercy, loyalty, truth, etc. I don't hate people like you, it is the opposite, I feel sad for you.
>>256431 >>256441 This is another example of failed normalfag logic. "You are here on wizchan too, like me, so you are a loser(like me)" Why do you place so much emphasis on society and its values? Your merit isn't defined by your ability to have sex or to have friends. As fas as life goes on earth, the wizard path is the best. You can't think outside the box at all, you take everything granted that this rotten culture we live tells you. It's not about being rich, good-looking, smart, well-respected or anything along those lines. It is about living with dignity and trying to do what is good.
>>256451 >You revealed yourself as a failed normal, which is just what I expected from vehement materialists. Well i can easily turn this around on you: You proved yourself to be just another failed normalfag who didn't get even the basic pleasures you wanted and invented this "higher things" shit to make up for it all, nothing new from deluded religious. You're being the clown here.
>>256451 "youre a normalfag if you dont praise god for making you ugly, poor, and schizophrenic" alright buddy. there's a big difference between not wanting to participate in society, and being divinely thankful that you don't have the tools to even if you wanted to. i dont say this often but i think you should be hospitalized. very creepy extreme self-loathing to be coming here telling people their immense unlivable suffering is actually a gift from god.
>>256454 Pleasures…sure. You are still talking with materialism in your mind. Those pleasures don't last forever and involve pain and suffering with them most of the time. God teaches us to go down another path, a path that is harder but way more rewarding, even in this existence.
>>256479 >there's a big difference between not wanting to participate in society, and being divinely thankful that you don't have the tools to even if you wanted to. Um, no? If you don't want to participate then why are you butthurt? Someone who loves himself the way he is is grateful to God for everything. It's all about what you value. If you value sex or money or pleasure or fame then you are a bitter failed normal only. To transcend these values, to strive for something more noble is the wiz or priest path. You have to understand, it is better to be born a wizard than a Chad. If you were some alpha male then you would be way more cruel, aggressive and selfish. This way, you are much more likely to feel pity for the weak and to look at the world objectively.
>>256317 Fucking hell will you shut the fuck up with your bullshit religion coping? Not only is it extremely retarded, it's also cruel towards the ones who suffer in life.
>>256353 >I bet you are one of those people who think God should prove his existence by giving you 20 sport cars, 40 yachts and millions of cash, am I right? No, him showing up so we can *see* him would be enough. Kinda helps with the credibility you know.
>>260057 Yeah, everything is a cope you personally don't happen to agree with, sure sure. How is it cruel to state the truth? If anything it should make everyone happy.
>>260058 No, I don't know. Do you see magnetic force? Or gravitation? But they do exist. And what you see is always true? So what about mad people who see fairies and what not? The senses are limited and imperfect.
I'll be getting surgery to "fix" my physical defects, mentally i'll never heal but i can look less ugly with surgery, even though realistically i know i will never be "normal".