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I've heard throughout all my life that I was a smart kid and I've a lot of potential. Looking in retrospective, this was only a pleasant way to say that I was different from the rest. I always stood out not for good reasons.

I absolutely can't read people or hide my emotions, in conversations that becomes clear in a few minutes. I can't clearly identify when a person is joking or being honest or acting in bad faith. After a person meets me doesn't takes too long until their respect for me is gone.

But I'm no intellectual either, I can't handle too much information, learn fast or show an unique perspective, my opinions are the things I consume on the internet slightly altered. I dropped high school for the fear of failing and I am severely afraid of testing my knowledge or writing texts (Please, indicate me about any of the eventual grammatical mistakes I'll definitely make in this post).

I feel below the average person, no matter what activity I'll always lag behind.

Maybe, I'm just a slow person who spent too much time on the computer.


people used to tell me I was smart too now they tell me I'm retarded, nothing wrong with that though



> I absolutely can't read people or hide my emotions

You sound like the typical INTP type of personality. Either that or you have something like Asperger. Nothing wrong with any of those.

If that is the case, you may like this community as well:

> I dropped high school for the fear of failing and I am severely afraid of testing my knowledge or writing texts

This is more rare. The basic google search says it can be due to anxiety or depression, it also says that "trauma absolutely affects cognitive ability, concentration, our ability to learn, and yes, even our ability to read" so, welcome to the club, you are in the right place.

Don't go too hard on yourself Wiz, mental health problems are a bitch and it's not your fault. Just try to identify the source of the problem and to improve slowly, one day at the time.


You’ve discovered the actual barrier for intelligence is an individuals willingness to learn and not muh born protigy and that your as disposable as I am
You don’t have to cope or feel bad over this
It’s actually quite healthy knowing the human species is in a position comfortable enough where it can afford to lose some of its own members and still persist in its expansion and development for the good of everyone left


Almost everyone gets told that they are smart when they are a child/teen and while it's basically an unwarranted compliment most people are able to actually learn things and acquire social skills along with the other things required to be a functioning human being and the compliments work as a motivator and strengthen ones self-esteem.

Others grow up struggling to do something meaningful and many of these people still think they are smart even if they end up making wrong decisions all the time or just seem overall retarded.

The fact that you are able to self reflect on this shows that you are definitely not as dumb as many failed normies who are oblivious to their own irritating behavior and stupidity. This shows that you still have the tools to change a few things to make life more bearable if you are able to find a philosophy or whatever to live by.


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Sounds more like an emotional problem, like chronic low self-esteem. If you were truly dumb, you wouldn't have been able to write a post like that. Most people out there can't write two sensible sentences, trust me. The majority are most likely much, much more retarded than you are.

>dropped hs

Doesn't mean shit. High school doesn't teach you anything related to wisdom or critical thinking. Same for higher education like uni or college. Education has always been about sucking up to your teacher and learning his/her perspective about things and then parroting it back to them. It's basically a training ground for future worker drones. All the good or useful things about culture, history, literature or philosophy I know I learned by myself during my NEET years via internet and books I downloaded.

And I think you confuse success by society's standards with actual worth. Society tells us you are only worth anything if you have a "good" job, earn a lot of money and if you are respected by your peers. That's bullshit, just another meme to force their hive-mind onto us. I talked with normalfags recently online quite a lot and even the so called educated ones were impressed by me, by my style and knowledge and cultured behavior. My highest "achievement" was finishing hs, keep this in mind. My ex-class mate from high school who now works in the philosophy department of some uni wrote to me, that "My philosophy or view on life is extremely convincing and my style is unique too" and he basically invited me to the philosophy department to study/work there. He also said, I quote, "even the non-existing God made you to be a philosopher, that's another thing that you are the type that lives in a barrel because you hate every kind of authority, wiz". Not to mention other people who I don't know and talked with them online, everyone is astonished to learn that I am 25 only.

Okay, bragposting aside, you get my point. I live with my parents, NEET for 5 years already, never a worked a single day, can't do basic things on my own like doing official stuff or doing the shopping or going anywhere outside my hometown without my parents or paying the bills, etc etc. I shower once a week and look like a homeless person. I am barely functional in the truest sense of the word, yet I don't think I am worse than other humans at all, in fact I think I am special and unique. I just specialize in things that aren't practical or useful in the mainstream sense of the word. Cheer up, wiz. You aren't worthless, you probably have things too most people can't say a word about yet you are good at those things.


>If you were actually dumb yada yada you wouldn't be able to make a post like that
No, video related. Guy is actually dumb and can self reflect just like any other person. I think that self reflection and intelligence may not be related at all, I think it's like a personality trait imo.


Wasn't talking about self reflection at all, like I said op has low self-esteem most likely and so he can't perceive himself correctly. I was talking about the way he writes and such. Dumb persons can't write coherent texts, believe me.


>Okay, bragposting aside, you get my point. I live with my parents, NEET for 5 years already, never a worked a single day, can't do basic things on my own like doing official stuff or doing the shopping or going anywhere outside my hometown without my parents or paying the bills, etc etc. I shower once a week and look like a homeless person. I am barely functional in the truest sense of the word, yet I don't think I am worse than other humans at all, in fact I think I am special and unique. I just specialize in things that aren't practical or useful in the mainstream sense of the word. Cheer up, wiz. You aren't worthless, you probably have things too most people can't say a word about yet you are good at those things.

I can't agree with this completely, it's definitely important to find your own worth and not making it depend on normies but your life depends on your parents and I think your philosophy only works as long as they provide for you.

You wouldn't be able to have your lifestyle without your parents who you not only depend on financially but mentally and at the moment you are spared from responsibilities.

On your own you'd have to apply for neetbux or work, buy groceries, go to places to take care of things, pay bills, deal with normies all the time, clean your home and much more and all of that is not only required to look good in society its also required to take care of yourself and if you're not able to do that you will notice how you definitely have a lot of downsides compared to others since you're not even able to survive on your own and at the same time your quality of life will decrease drastically because there is no one to help you.

Time is real and if your parents don't leave you with a lot of money it's gonna feel like a wall hitting you in the face because all those skipped responsibilities are just gonna pile up for the future and there a high chance that your viewpoint will change once that happens.


What is your philosophy wizard?


The only thing that's truly difficult is the wageslaving and living expenses. Doing basic is chores is nothing, even the most incompetent idiot gets used to that after a couple of weeks


>Doing basic is chores is nothing, even the most incompetent idiot gets used to that after a couple of weeks

Then you'd be surprised how many people are not able to take care of chores, bills and not even their pets or themselves. There are many people living in shitholes full of garbage and cat litter with debt piling up because they don't pay bills.


You don't scare me, you think I never thought about the future or things like that? You didn't mention anything that I haven't thought about. Still, it is important to clear some things. My goal was never a 'succesful' life by normalfag standards, I don't care about that, not even about survival. I'm not afraid of death and leaving this existence behind, I had several close calls with death, it never terrified me. About a hard life: I'm not afraid of pain and suffering either. My tolerance of pain is extra-ordinary (multiple doctors mentioned it to me and I observed it on myself in many cases), I'm used to fasting and eating very little if necessary, in short I live the spartan way of life, so to speak. Luxury or comfort is something I can do without. In fact, I train myself always so that I can endure harsh living conditions.

I'm not dependent on my parents 'mentally' , whatever this means? But if they are ready to do things for me then why should I refuse their help? It is another question what will happen when they are gone or no longer can help me. Maybe I won't be able to function alone, maybe I will do all right (since if you are alone you are kind of forced to get your shit together, even if you don't like it). Only time will tell. I'm all right with living the homeless or poorfag life too, or living in prison or in some asylum for insane persons. It's because my goals aren't the same as those of normalfags'. I don't care about the comfortable life or easy life, I don't care about career or family, I don't care about friends and so on. My purpose in life is to stay true to myself at all cost and to do what I want, as much as this is possible. I'm ready for whatever God has in store for me. Stressing about things you can't change or don't want to change is futile. I will live out the fate that is given to me and see where it leads. Maybe to suicide, maybe to life under harsh conditions, whatever. I'm not like most people, I'm a special person who has a totally different "build" than normals, so it is useless to compare myself to them. They are good at other things, while I'm good at yet another things.

God made us and gave us our fate, we can't change it. We are "free" in the sense that God didn't give any moral restrictions to us but we are all puppets of God either way. Do what you want. Do what you were made to do and have no regrets. This world is a battleground and training site only, God has many other realms where he will send us after this life, to continue to test us, to make us stronger. The struggling won't stop, for all eternity we will be forced to fight. Conflict is the salt of life and what makes life fun. In short, this is it. Nothing special, but I guess when the mainstream uni philosophy department ideology is neo-marxism, even my philosophy seems interesting.


true. all these people thinking they will never have to work are in for a rude awakening. my advice would be to start prepping now for when you have to work, cuz its going to come one day.


stopped reading at god. thats just an assumption you aren't certain a god exists.


Not everyone is made for wageslaving. People are different. Some may be able to get by without having to work for a long time.

It's not anymore of an assumption than anything we are presented with during our lives. Prove to me that senses are accurate and we can perceive the world as it is. You can't. You can't even prove you are real for sure.

Don't be so close-minded.


I really like your conciseness, anon.
I appreciate your post very much. It's led me think a lot in the past 2 days.
The second paragraph reminded me a lot of my teen years.
Neetism is a distant dream for me, but its always nice to see a NEET with a strong sense of purpose. One day, I'll get there too.


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>even the most incompetent idiot gets used to that after a couple of weeks


In your previous post you wrote a paragraph about how you are not able to get anything done on your own and how your life depends on your parents as a grown man and now you are suggesting that you are mentally strong and how you can endure "pain" which is completely contradictory.

>Luxury or comfort is something I can do without. In fact, I train myself always so that I can endure harsh living conditions

You take luxury for granted everyday, the luxury of having your parents take all responsibilities from you and you live this way until they can't help you anymore, if you were as mentally strong as you suggested then you wouldn't live like that in the first place.

You talk about "harsh living" conditions from the comfortable position you are in right now when in reality you are just having the luxury of free time which you are wasting and no responsibilities which you admitted to not being able to care of anyway but you are deluding yourself into thinking that you are not just waiting to hit the wall once your left on your own, defenseless without a safe space. You talk about the hard life without having been in any real bad situation ever, at least not one your parents couldn't save you from.

Your whole post reeks of unwarranted self importance and delusional thinking.


agreed, the guy you replied to is completely delusional and this is the case of people who've actually never faced hardship. Thinking they're strong for being different when in reality they're just different, but extremely weak


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You people assume a lot of things about me, based on a couple of posts. I won't even go into it in deep detail, because it is useless to justify myself to complete strangers. I know I've been in bad situations before, situations other people, normal people would get scared just listening to stories about it.

I don't do shopping or other chores because I never had to? My parents always did things for me and it is fine for me. It's not like I tried to go do the shopping or pay the bills and came home crying to mommy because it was too hard for me, I never even had to try because my parents do it always. Why refuse their help? There is no sense in it. If they are willing to do stuff for me that's their choice. I can at least spend my time one whatever I want this way. I know it won't last forever, but you take what you can get. If I don't need to wageslave and bother with everyday stuff then I'm only too happy to live with the chance.

I won't hit the wall, because I know it will get harder once my parents can't support me. I'm not delusional, I simply don't see what good it would do me to worry about the future all the time like some idiot. Anxiety and depression don't change anything for the better. I felt dread through my earlier years but I learned this doesn't lead to anywhere. Since then I realized that planning for the future is a meme only. I've seen countless control freaks, full of stress, preparing everything for their future and then getting crushed miserably when something didn't go as they planned. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow, you can't prepare for shit.

Yes, I'm stronger than your average man mentally. Why is this so hard to believe? I don't rely on my parents for emotional or mental support, I'm not that close to them. I like them but I know they are normalfags too so I don't discuss my thoughts and feelings with them, I don't rely on anyone in this respect. That is what makes me strong, because I don't need anyone for these things. Financial support is another thing. Again, I don't see why I should wageslave or be "independent" in this sense when I don't have to?

You want genuine advice? Don't define yourself by mainstream capitalist normalfag terms. In our current society those are seen as outstanding who know how to make tons of money. You ever thought maybe there is more to life? Because there is. It would be delusional exactly if I had a low self-esteem, like you people. But I know my talents and abilities, I know what I'm good at. I also know what things I lack. And it's fine. I'm an extremely intelligent and cultured person, many people said it, and not dumb people, teachers and people who are smarter than your average joe. For a long time I tried to ignore it and pretended I was an average or below average person, but I lied to myself. I'm a special individual. It would be pretentious and false humility to describe myself as average or someone who isn't good at anything.

Also, by your passive aggressive tone I think either you guys envy me because I can NEET freely and am talented at some things actually or you want to project your own insecurities and fears onto me. Either way, it's pathetic. Resentment-fags like you who can't be happy for others are the main cancer of this site. Instead of trying to imprint your loser mentality on others you should focus on your own life.


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>Don't define yourself by mainstream capitalist normalfag terms.
>I'm an extremely intelligent and cultured person, many people said it, and not dumb people, teachers and people who are smarter than your average joe.
I'm not disagreeing with you but I have to ask "whose culture?" Aren't teachers just agents of normalfag values and culture?


>I'm an extremely intelligent and cultured person, many people said it, and not dumb people, teachers and people who are smarter than your average joe. For a long time I tried to ignore it and pretended I was an average or below average person, but I lied to myself. I'm a special individual. It would be pretentious and false humility to describe myself as average or someone who isn't good at anything.
Regardless of whether it's true or not, why is this so important to you? My advice would be to let go of it.

Also, thanks for the waifu pic. Walls of text without accompanying waifus are not worthy of being read.


I was a genius when I was a child. I did well at university only when I could study completely alone. But I cant deal with the social aspects of life so i've never had a job. Now I feel like im brain damaged from years of depression and cant do anything productive at all


It sucks that you got to got social connections in order to achieve greatness


Nobody tells you this. It's why you're wageslaving while some cool kid with a brick for brain is now a senior manager in some banking firm.



You really just have a lot of time to think all these little thoughts and you are wasting essential time with delusions of grandeur while doing absolutely nothing. You just sit back with these unwarranted narcissistic thoughts while you could use your luxury of time to learn a skill or try do something worthwhile that could help you in the future.

You completely overcompensate for your lack of control in life by deluding yourself with thoughts of grandiosity while you don't do anything that would back it up and that is poison for you.

You are quite narcissistic and just take unwarranted compliments from strangers because you overestimate your abilities. If you'd hook a monitor to a computer and some old boomer saw it and was impressed you'd probably end up thinking you're an IT expert as well. You are so smart and your thoughts are so in depth and diverse, compliments are just words but your actions and situation show something different. Guess what I know a shitload of people including myself who got these meaningless compliments from teachers and other strangers iwho just try to be nice and boost your self-esteem.

People who are very intelligent and all that are usually quite ambitious and do things.

>Since then I realized that planning for the future is a meme only. I've seen countless control freaks, full of stress, preparing everything for their future and then getting crushed miserably when something didn't go as they planned. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow, you can't prepare for shit.

This clearly shows thay you are oblivious to how the world actually works because people who actually do things and plan for the future have their own stuff while you just live off your parents resources which they only have because they worked for it.

If you were mentally strong and intelligent you would indeed prepare for the future without letting the thought of something going wrong prevent you from doing things. You point at people who failed at doing something and take it as an excuse to do absolutely nothing yourself.


>It sucks that you got to got social connections in order to achieve greatness

This seems to be the case with almost anything even art, networking is just as important as having the skills and if you can't socialize it's most likely gonna prevent you from going further which also shows that just being talented is not enough.

>Nobody tells you this. It's why you're wageslaving while some cool kid with a brick for brain is now a senior manager in some banking firm.

It's the type of inconvenient truth that a lot of people are trying to avoid facing by doing mental gymnastics. People with parents who actually cared about their social skills and self-esteem are truly blessed because it's crazy how so many of our parents were oblivious to these things.


Just admit you don't value life at all, If you did you'd plan on at least something to prevent you from being homeless once ur parents die.
Oh and it's either homelessness or suicide for you after that, don't get any grand ideas, nobody is going to hire a guy that hasn't worked for 35 years.


And then after work its the hospital or suicide regardless. What's your point moving the goalpost like that? How many years of a happy life does someone need before you can say it counts?


Teachers aren't a group that has a unifying ideology. Some think like this, some like that. And I'm sorry to disappoint you but there is no wizardly culture and values. Being a wizard is about not having sex and not having friends, that's all. Even the persons quoted on this site most often (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Ligotti, Pessoa, Cioran etc etc) were some kind of normalfags. The closest we have to wizardly values and culture are religions, spiritualism or systems which think asceticism is important and therefore say you should be alone and not have sex because these things take away your attention from more important things. At any rate, teachers are at least smart normalfags, or smarter than your average dumb person. By cultured I meant simply that I possess more knowledge about things generally.

It's important because it is a part of me, I can't change it. It's like someone who can draw well or someone who is good at lifting weights, only my talent is rarer than these. I don't understand why others here find it insulting or go full sour grapes suddenly. It's like being born into a rich a family. I didn't choose it. I got it and live with it. I won't let go of it, because that would be so pretentious and false, to say I'm just your average guy. I did that for years while continually witnessing the truth, that I'm special. I won't hide it anymore.

That was funny, your posts only get more hilarious as this conversation goes on. The sour grapes really taste sour to you, huh? I didn't get these remarks about my talents from strangers at all, it was from people whom I talked with on daily basis for a long time when I was forced to be around people. And no, it wasn't just them being nice. I had long conversations about politics, history, sociology, arts etc with my teacher back in the day, she said I am a genius. At another time with another teacher we did a little test in class, to see who had the best memory. I had, out of the whole class, even though most people there had better grades than me. Because they learned for tests and such while I didn't care about these things. My teacher then said my brain is like a sponge, it absorbs anything it comes into contact with and that I could learn anything.

I'm sorry but I'm wickedly smart and intelligent, why does it make you so butthurt?
>People who are very intelligent and all that are usually quite ambitious and do things.
Here you are wrong, yet again, for the xth time since we started talking. I'm intelligent but I skipped classes and refused to write tests back in high school because I saw how meaningless it all was. I realized what a comedy and farce life is by that age and I refused to participate in the shitshow that is called society as much as I could. That doesn't make me stupid, actually it is a sign of how wise I was even back then as a teenager.

>while you could use your luxury of time to learn a skill or try do something worthwhile that could help you in the future.

What for? So that I could live until old age as another whore of society? Someone who gets up every day at the same time and dresses up as it is expected of him, says the things expected of him, does whatever is expected of him? Fuck off. You are another braindead retard, I don't even know what you are doing on this site. There is no value in the life you want to force on me, that's the truth. Go wageslave or even work a decent job, it doesn't matter. Fact is, you are another slave at the end of the day too.

>This clearly shows thay you are oblivious to how the world actually works because people who actually do things and plan for the future have their own stuff while you just live off your parents resources which they only have because they worked for it.

I know how the world works, that is why I refuse to be a part of it. I don't need that kind of life. I saw my parents wageslaving all their life just to survive, it's pathetic. If you can't do what you want in life then you better go die simply. Even the homeless life is better than being the fuckboy of society and another worker drone npc.

When did I say that I valued life? I don't, at least not what life is understood by npcs and normalfag wageslaves. I will live freely and die as a free man. I don't care about working or other bullshit just to stay alive for a couple of years longer. There is no worth at all in the life offered to you by society. You and that other guy don't get it at all. You think like normalfags. What a fucking shame.



Unwarranted self importance


>You and that other guy don't get it at all. You think like normalfags. What a fucking shame

No i don't think like that. If you really don't care about life then why are you alive?
And yeah people generally want to live longer, it has nothing to do with being a normalfag or not, maybe because when you live longer, you have more opportunities to enjoy the things you like and learn about the things you are interested in, if this isn't is the whole point to most of our existence then idk what else is.
Also stop picturing and boxing me into this normalfag bullshit, I'm far from that and my future is also as uncertain as everybody elses. Your future is even more uncertain because you have no idea when ur normalfag parents are going to turn against you suddenly and kick you out because normalfags are like that, then what are you going to do my sweet wizkid who clearly cares about life!??


been there, done that. eventually you realize you are going to still have to work anyway. you must be in your early or mid twenties.


Think what you want, I have a healthy amount of self-respect.

I like living as a NEET, it is sweet. Otherwise, fuck no. Wageslaves spend 80% of their life working with other retarded people and trying to please some rich bastard who doesn't give a shit about them, only how well they can lick his ass and serve him. I say no thanks to the working life. I saw it in the case of my parents, I see it in the case of my brother, it's not worth it. They may have money and can survive but they don't have any energy or time left for anything else. It is a sad life. Working and having a family isn't at all what we are led to believe they are by the movies and such. It's a nightmare. I honestly don't understand normals. Maybe they don't hate working so much because they like to be around people and they like to feel useful to the collective. Not to mention most people simply don't have hobbies or interests besides socializing. But I'm not like that, if I can't live for enjoying or learning what I like then I don't want to live. I refuse to put up with any of the shit necessary to survive in society.

My parents won't kick me out, I'm 100% sure of this. I'm not a drug addict, criminal or alcohol addict or whatever. I don't ask them for money for anything besides basic things. And they love me. My mom said as long as she can lift her arm I won't need to work.
I don't know what I will do once I have to do something, never said I have a plan. But I know I won't panic over it. I want to enjoy my NEET life as much as I can. Better to live a short life NEETing and doing what you want than to live until old age through wageslavery. Don't you agree?

I'm 25. And maybe I will work, I don't know. But I know for sure I will try everything I can to evade the wageslave life, even suicide if necessary. We shall see.



>Better to live a short life NEETing and doing what you want than to live until old age through wageslavery. Don't you agree?

This is my motto too at the moment. And it only got better over the years. Right now I get about €1200 in benefits a month plus about €1k a month for my own expenses from parents.

I've also saved up about €70k. Life is sweet. I travel, drive around for fun, do pretty much whatever I want. I would have gone to Tokyo during covid but the medical paperwork was too much


Jesus where do you live? My parents are dirt poor so the idea of getting so much money A MONTH from them is a pipe dream, let alone getting anywhere near that much in bennies either from the government. When I was on NEETbux I was only qualified to get a few hundred since I lived with them. No chance of getting my own shoebox apartment either. Had no choice but to get a crappy job to "pull my own weight" and the funny part is I still can't afford to move out or do anything I'd even like to. What a miserable fucking world this is.


>It's the type of inconvenient truth that a lot of people are trying to avoid facing by doing mental gymnastics. People with parents who actually cared about their social skills and self-esteem are truly blessed because it's crazy how so many of our parents were oblivious to these things.
Absolutely. I'm surprised so many people even on this board dont realise it and even feel guilty for "leaching" off the parents whom are responsible for their troubles


>it's crazy how so many of our parents were oblivious to these things.
it comes naturally to normal people, it's why they don't feel they have to care how their children do in that regard, and most of the time, it sorts itself out as they grow up, and when they realise it won't it's too late.


A teacher once told me he knew I was destined for greatness from the moment he met me. A decade later and I'm a NEET shut-in five years running with no skills or prospects and a stunted brain. People say all kinds of crap to butter you up.


Atleast you are not taking olanzapine. That shit made me a retarded zombie. I share your feels of being below average. Im about to fail my first year in meme major(software development) Starting tomorrow carpenter course because the internet says the average iq for them is low. If I fail in that too, Ill become a minimum wageslave at my father's farm putting stickers on cucumber boxes. And I dont want to become my dad's bitch, I hate him a lot


>I'm sorry but I'm wickedly smart and intelligent, why does it make you so butthurt?

How is this not seen as obvious wait? Or is this some kind of multi-layered joke that I don't understand?


How is it "greatness" to have skills or prospects? True greatness goes beyond material success or being pragmatic.

You meant bait I assume…No, I didn't intend it as such. Like I said already, normals are in awe when they witness my wisdom and intelligence. Why is it so hard to believe? It's not like normals are so clever or intelligent in the first place. It's not that hard to be smarter than your average guy.


> I know I've been in bad situations before, situations other people, normal people would get scared just listening to stories about it.
I'd love to hear some of those stories.


I always chuckle when I see these stories of a heroin addict mess who gets their life together and achieves something. I’ve been trying to do basic shit for a decade and got nowhere.


that doesnt happen. they just stop using heroin and get a job at burger king or somehing thats the most that those type of people accomplish.


Are you that faggot that used to avatarfag as Squidward?


Sounds like autism but I'm not an internet psychologist

Thankfully you're with friends here that share the same sentiment as you


Short version: been in prison and in psych ward both. Had some fights with certain *cough*ethnic groups, including fights when they tried to stab me, etc.



>certain *cough*ethnic groups
You mean jews? are you sure they weren't just trying to sell you a loan?


No, I was referring to gypsies aka the blacks of central/eastern europe.


Who cares what images people use?


That's not much money.

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