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 No.262348[Last 50 Posts]

Im going to do everything within my power to not coom (no fap,no wet dreams,no nothing)for 180 days. I want to realize the absolute peak of male human life and see if,then, I still want to die. I honestly dont know what i will think -then- but I -now- speculate about the "me of the future";180 days in the future,to be most precise.
godpseed to all you in my stead.


nofap is peak magical thinking. it's the male version of "the secret" lmfao


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I'll join you! I tried studying programming yesterday and all I did was spend a few hours memorizing a list of 29 things (headers in the C standard library, I used a memory device to make it possible to memorize in a few hours). That's practically all I accomplished yesterday. Very slow pace, I'll never get anywhere like that. Need to become sharper. I'm like an old retiree that takes a whole day to do one simple thing. Nofap + fasting (makes me much sharper) from now on.

Learning programming cause I gotta make money to GTFO of living with my mom. Not getting a job, making profitable software by myself.


I feel the effects of nofap after a day or two.


the perfect man is around the corner, just believe, sweetie


No fap is your last effort? Are you fucking for real?


succubi are evil. When I use libraryz or tantror looking for books I want, invariably tons of perverted succubi's "romance" books pop up,making it a grim gallery of all female fetishes and fantasies regarding men
nowetdreams. i will make water fall upwards.


Mastery does not come from completely disconnecting from your body, there is no point in denying reality. You are flesh being who craves things. Just jack off every few days, do not consume any sexual media, and disconnect sexual impulse from your sexuality. Treat it just like brushing your teeth, something that needs to be done. Certain herbs can also lower libido.


>Certain herbs can also lower libido.
"certain bleaches can burn your stomach lining,do this to master fasting"


Have fun having an ultra big orgasm after one or two weeks of nofap. That or enjoy the constant random boners, erotic thoughts and dreams.

You set the bar too high and you will 99% fail and then you will feel even worse. Maybe trying setting goals for yourself that you can actually reach instead of aiming too high and failing spectacularly.


You're making it much harder on yourself


Good choice, you gain nothing from masturbation and stand to lose much. Just occupy yourself with things to do and avoid mindlessly browsing imageboards where people spam pornography for attention.


Are you still doing it OP?


Wtf even is this thread, some crab joke? The state of this site is unbelievable


it's the chilean fucktard


i DEFEND constant,random boners.


its impossible. you will cum eventually because of the buildup…


there is no buildup. the coom just gets reabsorbed by the body. needing to ejaculate constantly is a psychological addiction not physical necessity imo.


there is no buildup. the poop just gets reabsorbed by the body. needing to poop constantly is a psychological addiction not physical necessity imo.


silly wiz,poop can't create life…poop isnt ALIVE


it is full of bacteria and can host all sorts of things


I managed to do this and it definitely improved my life, then I eventually fell back into coom faggotry because my lifestyle was still very bad. You have to use the opportunity to change some other things as well, otherwise you won't be able to maintain it since it's been a habit. I'm gonna completely stay away from it again now because I have a lot of other stuff figured out as well such as nutrition, working out and stuff to learn.

The most important thing however is that you don't consume any pornography because that's what ruins your brain completely and not because some dumb whores are objectifying themselves but because it literally ruins the chemicals in your brain and it's so addictive that it's one of the main reasons for erectile dysfunction in modern times. Jerking off in a rare fashion is probably not even that bad but watching pornography is destructive.

I'm 100% sure that getting rid of porn addiction is something that will improve anyone's life.

Porn and fapping addiction is also very often a sign that you're not busy enough, you need to occupy your mind with other things that are actually meaningful otherwise you will go right back to any habit after a short time.


What kind of romance and fetish seriously?


Anon here. Its the easy method to help you unbrainwash your fapping

Nofap is good. It is life changing. Keep at it. If you fail don't sweat it, just remember how awesome it felt and how much more energy and confidence you had when you doing it and keep going.

Eventually porn and hentai stop being as suddenly seductive. Its easy to get over confident at this stage but remember to not even peak or tempt yourself still. But ya it gets very easy after about a month.

It honestly feels amazing to not feel like shit all the time. And to not have to waste time anymore. And my migraines stopped.


bullies,CEOs, that weird yaoi omegaverse shit,bikers,etc…
basically anyone who would be a child predator IRL


Am I the only one that is generally more at ease and productive when not wasting a single thought on when or when not to masturbate? You do it because you're bored. If you don't fill your life with shit you'd rather do, you'll just feel the frustration of boredom and mistake it for a need to fap which is just the brain begging for any kind of stimulation. You can just as easily go get junkfood or whatever. It's all the same shit.
It's an addiction for the lonely and listless that believe they are calling upon such great willpower to resist porn when they're just bored out of their minds and substituting the fap with substances or low brow entertainment instead. No progress can be made without first choosing a direction to head in.


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>E-everything was… going fine after i s-started… nofap…
>h-how could i.. got… prostate cancer…


I just fap and it feels really good then i go on with my life. I dont even understand why people would want to not fap. It feels good doesnt it? I can only guess such people are all crabs that are psychologically running from some desire for sex so they feel bad for pleasuring themselves - seems fucked up


30 days no fap here.
Didn't plan to, just happened.
Not sure if I'm reaching Zanshin, or constantly having erotic thoughts. Video related


This is how i feel about food. When i was actually trying to improve health and loose weight i would spend more time doing things because i wasn't spending hours watching shit to accompany my snaking.


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Admirable goal OP, I'm not currently on nofap, but have done 100+ days in the past, that was without a doubt the most energetic and awake I've felt in years.

It's always fun to see all the addicted crabs pop up in droves to justify their disgusting addiction whenever this topic gets brought up though. We even hit all the meme talking points, including "muh prostate cancer", predictable as always.


>I dont even understand why people would want to not fap
It's related to hating everything and calling everything immoral that can be enjoyed privately. It's the slave mentality, nothing new here. You can't enjoy masturbation because that "isn't the way you are supposed to live out your sexuality". For some obscure reason people believe the only correct way to do this is by finding a gf/wife and reproducing in the process. That or you must be a monk for all your life. Because masturbation bad, sex good - according to their little monkey brains.

But why only 100+ days, oh my enlightened ascetic friend? Maybe because, hm, it was something natural you repressed in the process?

Nofap is done by self-hating crabs who want to torture themselves or think they will suddenly "man up" if they refuse to jerk off. What stupidity.


Based. If you have actually felt the rise of inner energy, that's a great step


Stop falling for his bait. The Tao of Sex (pdf) has already detailed explanations about how much valuable this mana is.


Every mystic and religious nonsense regarding reaching enlightenment through preservation of mana/semen is just another normalfag control scheme. These same philosophies say sex is kosher while masturbation isn't. These aren't wiz-compatible ideologies. Wake up, you are being led on.

Just jerk off as much as you want.


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>Strawman like a professional

>Bring up Nietzschean concepts in a desperate attempt to seem more intellectual

Why is the internet filled to the brim with your type?

>Nofap is done by self-hating crabs who want to torture themselves or think they will suddenly "man up" if they refuse to jerk off. What stupidity.

I'm not doing Nofap for any of the aforementioned reasons. I'm not religious nor do I find masturbation in of itself bad.

I abstain from masturbation and pornography due to testosterone, I would like to keep my testosterone as high as I possible can.
Unbalanced levels of testosterone are one the primary reasons most men are filled with anxieties and fatigue, having dealt with that in the past I would very much like not to go back. The benefits of maintaining healthy levels of testosterone for a man are so abundant I would run out of words if I were to detail them all, lets just say there is a reason why practically every top athlete is supplementing T.

Pornography and masturbation is not inherently bad, however the way most people engage with it most definitely is. Masturbating multiple times a week, collecting GB's of folders upon folders of porn, going down deeper rabbit holes to get off and the subsequent shame that follows. Do not come to me with some bullshit about how one can jerk off looking at a wall or using ones imagination, the men who do so are practically nonexistent in this age. Most men are addicted to porn, they're not using it this optimal perfect scenario the health experts always blabber about, tell a man to abstain for 7 days and watch the subsequent aggression and the endless number of excuses.

It is far easier for me personally to abstain completely from it, I do not count the days I have not masturbated anymore, I just think of myself as someone who does not engage with that anymore. We do live in a hyper sexualized society and if I do mess up I simply move on, no shame no regret. I have never once refereed to myself as an "enlightened ascetic". I would even argue the times I do fuck up and use porn, I use it in a much healthier way than most men.


>I abstain from masturbation and pornography due to testosterone, I would like to keep my testosterone as high as I possible can.
>lets just say there is a reason why practically every top athlete is supplementing T.
i do enjoy when stunning ignorance (about your own biology, no less) is delivered with such confidence


Nofap is done by self-hating crabs who want to torture themselves or think they will suddenly "man up" if they refuse to jerk off. What stupidity.
From my observation also most anti-porn and nofappers are rightwing normals who wants crabs to be desperate so they could pursue females and norm up. Nofap is anti wizard ideology. I also was fooled by them and I remember starting to see every female in streets as very sexy even females in their fifties. Those people wants you to be normal.


>Nofap is anti wizard ideology. I also was fooled by them and I remember starting to see every female in streets as very sexy even females in their fifties. Those people wants you to be normal.
what makes you believe finding succubi in their fifties sexually attractive is normal?


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>i do enjoy when stunning ignorance (about your own biology, no less) is delivered with such confidence

Testosterone levels of men have been dropping consistently for decades, it's hard to pinpoint any one reason, from studies obesity seem to play a role. I personally find this to be disappointing results, as obesity, in the health world is the one factor that always gets the blame, for good reason, but it does little to narrow down a definitive answer.

The reason I bring this is up is to illustrate how little is currently know about Health & Fitness, you can run a longitudinal study, PHR, clinical trials, CBPR, yet rarely will the results of the study come up with a definitive answer, usually it's "X, Y, Z, seem to play a factor".

As it stands, the individual has to be responsible for their own health, your doctor goes by what he learned when he graduated college, which today may be outdated information, if you expect him to stay updated be ready to be disappointed. Your gender, race, age, height, gut bacteria, health condition and allergies are all factors to contend with, which is why a definitive answer to anything in the health field is rare to come by.

Evidence linking masturbation with changes in testosterone levels has mixed conclusions, if there is anything more concrete to go on there are the psychological effects that impact testosterone levels. A man who masturbates once every two weeks or a once a month, most likely does not feel shame, guilt or depression, all negative feelings that factor into low T, whereas a man who masturbates excessively most likely does, excessive masturbation for me means more than once a week.

As to my personal findings, I have done blood-work twice every year for over a decade and ever since I cut down masturbation significantly my T levels went up, again less masturbation could be one of many factor or it could even mean nothing, especially as T can be hard to monitor correctly as it can changes throughout the day.
There is also my lived experience and my experimentation's towards optimizing my mental health and fitness, I have been a person who masturbated multiple times a week, to someone who does so about every other month and I much prefer the latter, and will happily live this way for the rest of my life.

If I'm wrong, I still gain benefits, there's less wasted time looking at porn, no porn addiction, no wasted money (for those retarded enough to pay for porn). I would love to hear the contention you apparently have about athletes supplementing T.


Bro Science, The Post?

>Bring up Nietzschean concepts in a desperate attempt to seem more intellectual

What, so now "immoral" and "slave mentality" are officially copyrighted definitions of Nietzsche? Maybe get a break from imageboards and internet discussion, your brain is rotten it seems.

>Masturbating multiple times a week, collecting GB's of folders upon folders of porn, going down deeper rabbit holes to get off

So what is wrong with this? If someone has a high libido then he should just masturbate once a week like you do, even if it will frustrate him? Not everyone is (you), you know that? Different men have different needs. You can stop projecting now. You don't represent our entire sex. You most likely feel better because you have a naturally low T level and multiple masturbation a week isn't for you. That's it, you aren't some epic dude who can control himself with his iron willpower. You just found out that you need lower amounts of orgasms, otherwise your body gets tired. It's all right, you don't have to be ashamed of it.
>and the subsequent shame that follows
Maybe stop giving a fuck about what anyone thinks about your fetishes and masturbation habits? Like I said, slave mentality, peak slave mentality right here, everyone. You drifted too far from the herd and now you are desperate to get back to it. You should be ashamed of yourself for THIS, not because of what you jerk off to during nights.
>Most men are addicted to porn
This can't be right simply because most men are wageslaving or studying. So that takes away 40 hours a week already, not saying anything about draining them from their vigor and energy. PLUS, most men have gfs and wives so again, I really doubt "most men are addicted to porn". Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend. It is completely natural and so is the frustration healthy men exhibit after 7 days of abstaining from orgasm.

Yes, anti-porn and nofap shills just angry at porn and masturbation because these things make them happy without a gf. But the mainstream narrative is that you should get a gf and have sex and a family, ohh woe. So these wannabe normals hate on porn and masturbation and give witty broscience advice to anyone they can. Ignore them.


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>If someone has a high libido then he should just masturbate once a week like you do, even if it will frustrate him?

He, whoever this man is can do whatever the fuck he wants, I have not once in this thread told anybody how much they should or should not jerk off.

I came to this thread because I knew it would be filled with angry crabs justifying their addictions, and boy it did not disappoint, notice how the OP of this thread did not say one disparaging remark about masturbators. Yet, you people simply cannot help yourself, you're like fatties getting upset and crying that someone is going on a diet, fucking hilarious.
It has absolutely no impact on your life if OP decides to abstain from masturbation or not, yet the mere fact that he chooses to do so triggers something primal and aggressive inside you.

>You most likely feel better because you have a naturally low T level and multiple masturbation a week isn't for you

There you are at it again with the straw-man and ad hom. I will have you know I would actually jerk off multiple times a day or the very least once a day when I did so.

>That's it, you aren't some epic dude who can control himself with his iron willpower.

Never once claimed to, I even said I failed my abstinence at around 100 days. It must seem like iron willpower to a coomer like you I suppose.

>Maybe stop giving a fuck about what anyone thinks about your fetishes and masturbation habits?

Shame and guilt after a cooming session is not attributed to me alone, human disgust goes down while aroused, most likely there to aid you in passing on your genes, such as fucking a succubus who might have just been raped by someone else, smells bad etc etc. In the modern age the shame and guilt comes from being aroused at porn one finds disgusting while not aroused, like guys fapping to trannies, religious upbringing can play a part as well.

>This can't be right simply because most men are wageslaving or studying.

Yeah, because most men simply can't spare a few minutes for a wank, they're just constant productivity machines. It's not like the average time spent on social media is around 2 hours a day, nah that is just unthinkable.

>PLUS, most men have gfs and wives so again

Again, displaying pure ignorance of the world at full display, having a gf or a wife does not mean access to sex. Men in relationships still jerk off.

>Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend

Twice a day? I would classify that as an addiction for sure, once a day is pushing it, but you do you coombrain.


>I abstain from masturbation and pornography due to testosterone

Your general health has a greater impact on test than masturbation/sex does. if you eat clean and are physically fit and active it's hard NOT to be horny as it is natural part of human existence. shutting it out entirely cant be a good sign of your health. just like people that feel the need to drink coffee every morning are all unhealthy people for having such low amounts of energy


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>I would love to hear the contention you apparently have about athletes supplementing T.
sure, excess testosterone will be converted to estradiols by aromatase. it's part of the reason why bodybuilders struggle with gyno and shrunken testicles when they use steroids. your body attempts to maintain hormonal homeostasis, and an excess of one hormone will simply upregulate the production of inhibitors. it's likely not a good idea for a healthy man to supplement t, but it's your body i guess


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>Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend

>my low-T friend

I love how you try to emasculate another man, whilst at the same time insinuate masturbating twice a day to be a manly man's activity. You really are John Wayne 2.0 when you sit down to watch another man fuck a succubus you want to fuck.

You remind of me those fat as fuck, beer-belly boomer guys sitting on their asses to watch sports, the type of men that fell for that propaganda that what they're doing is a "manly" activity.


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>I love how you try to emasculate another man, whilst at the same time insinuate masturbating twice a day to be a manly man's activity.
And your only recourse is to insinuate he's a cuckold because he's watching porn instead of having sex
on wizchan.

Nuke this thread btw.


> Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction. It is completely natural

Yes, watch the porn goyim, porn is completely natural(trust me) and ruin your dopamine receptors and mental health then defend your degenerate behavior because porn and masturbation is now your new religion.


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You seemingly ascribed the worst interpretation of athlete T supplementation you could, not only that you brought up body builders, the one type of athlete that have a remarkably bad reputation in this regard.
In my post, even twice I remarked the importance of balanced levels of T, of course going overboard is bad, that goes for practically anything, why would you think I would advocate athletes to do that?
That aside, T supplementation is not as it was in 70s-80s, there are ways to reduce the risks and maximize gains, while making it hard to detect during testing.

I would encourage every man to get their Testosterone tested, the rich and wealthy have been on Testosterone Therapy for over a decade, perhaps even longer, it's only recently that the lower class plebs have hear of the benefits.


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>saying that watching pron is not cuckoldry



exogenous T should be approached very carefully. I hate how men today would rather do drugs than improve their lifesytle. you're probably not a burn victim or a supreme genetic fuck-up so you should do what you can to get your T up naturally than to hop on TRT and unnaturally attain these hormones


>You seemingly ascribed the worst interpretation of athlete T supplementation you could
generally whenever someone uses a motte and bailey strategy to shield their actual position i just ignore it. if you believe you can accurately track the affects of whatever supplemental testosterone you're using, or intend to use, that's up to you. i simply didn't see any cognizance in what you wrote about the unintended consequences of doing that


Just post some naturist tips about increasing hormone levels and finish the chatter


Remember: the point is regulating the disorder of fel energy at 90% and making efforts a 10%
>Avoid stimulants
>Practice HIIT
>Use cold showers, especially to the balls

There are more


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wow, an unsourced wall of text, must be true.


>Just post some naturist tips about increasing hormone levels
why? because more == betterer?


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>exogenous T should be approached very carefully.

Which is why I have been careful with my words, it is you and others in this thread who seemingly intentionally misinterpret my positions and twist my words to "win" internet arguments.

>I hate how men today would rather do drugs than improve their lifesytle.

Good we agree on something, I hope you've noticed that I've never once told anyone here to get on Testosterone willy-nilly, I've encouraged testing, if you find out you have an imbalance from a test, obviously lose weight if you're a obese fuck then make a informed decision.

>if you believe you can accurately track the affects of whatever supplemental testosterone you're using, or intend to use, that's up to you.

I do not believe I can track it, nor have I ever said I could, I go to a health professional to get my Testosterone tested.


>Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend
>Yes, anti-porn and nofap shills just angry at porn and masturbation because these things make them happy without a gf. But the mainstream narrative is that you should get a gf and have sex and a family, ohh woe. So these wannabe normals hate on porn and masturbation and give witty broscience advice to anyone they can. Ignore them.
>Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend
>Jerking off to porn once or twice a day isn't addiction, my low-T friend


Eh, you're going to get a lot more productive energy back, but your depression will still remain.


Yes bruh don’t watch porn or masturbate. Just do no fap and be desparetely horny and think about sex all the time. When your so horny because of females being in skimpy clothes all the time then you will ask a female out and try to pursue sex then stop being a virgin.

I said EVEN in their fifties. Nofap ideology is created by right wing traditionalists to make non sex having men desperately horny so they will pursue succubi and sex and stop being virgin

Man like you did get fooled by right wing trads. I know because I was one of you. I did noporn and nofap for 3 months when I was in university (2 years ago). succubi dresses really scantily these days and I did became really horny, sex was in my thoughts all the time. It did made me feel really bad in many ways and I stopped. Nofap and noporn is a scam by right wing trads to force non sex having men norm up.


> Yes, anti-porn and nofap shills just angry at porn and masturbation because these things make them happy without a gf. But the mainstream narrative is that you should get a gf and have sex and a family, ohh woe. So these wannabe normals hate on porn and masturbation and give witty broscience advice to anyone they can. Ignore them.

THIS. Goal of no-fap and no-porn is frustration for crabs so they will pursue sex and relationships. These right wing trads do not account some men are just mutants and incapable of relationships with succubi and no matter what they do they can’t be normals.


My libido has been dead for a long time, and I don't even have wet dreams anymore, where are my superpowers.

>you're low-t bro!

Maybe. Oh well, not gonna complain.


>I said EVEN in their fifties. Nofap ideology is created by right wing traditionalists to make non sex having men desperately horny
What do right wing traditionalists gain by making you ideologically horny for grandma?


You had wetdreams into adulthood. I remember trying nofap and i busted in my sleep 3 weeks in.


I never had a wet dream in my life. Is this abnormal?


Are you really retard? Goal of right wing trads to make you pursue sex and marriage and nofap will make you more horny and could lead desperation so you would try to be normal. I just said succubi looked extremely sexy with 3 month no-fap EVEN decent looking succubi in their fifties because of the horniness. What part of the EVEN you don’t understand?


Stop getting so offended by everyone. Op starts a thread about nofap, of course there will be some who will call him an idiot and very correctly. It is very amusing how you think we are all raging at you and op because we are so envious of you and your nofap. It's the opposite, we laugh at you nofap faggots and pity you. Going to lengths like >>262620 mentions, with using cold showers lol what the hell is wrong with you people? Your little nofap pseudo-science is a religion or cult at this point. Thinking not jerking off will have ANY influence on your failed normalfag pathetic life other than being horny and getting erotic thoughts all the time, just amusing. It's worse than the working out meme at this point, at least that makes you look good and makes you healthy while nofap has zero benefits other than the shitty placebo you imagine in your sick mind it has.

Shame and guilt come from giving in to the pressure of your peers, caring about what should be "normal". Religious guilt after fapping has the same origin as this. You feel bad after you masturbate because you want to be a normalfag who doesn't do any "degenerate" things. You hate and despise yourself because you aren't "normal" so you try to cut out masturbation from your life and fail hilariously. Again, the solution is to stop caring about what is normal, not to deny yourself for the sake of some phony norms and values of a retarded society.

>Yeah, because most men simply can't spare a few minutes for a wank, they're just constant productivity machines. It's not like the average time spent on social media is around 2 hours a day, nah that is just unthinkable.

>Again, displaying pure ignorance of the world at full display, having a gf or a wife does not mean access to sex. Men in relationships still jerk off.
If they only spare a few minutes for wanking then they aren't addicts, you are speaking against yourself. Oh and yes, browsing facebook on your phone and masturbating to porn are totally the same…oh wait, no. The former can be done everywhere, while masturbation has to be done in private. Most men aren't social recluses, do you know that? And I didn't mean that men who have gf or wives don't jerk off because they get sex always, I meant that most wymen don't like it if their partner watches porn. So again, who is really addicted to porn? Maybe /pol/ was lying to you when they said we are living in Sodom and Gomorrah, just maybe…

Keep testing your T level religiously, like a good crab does. I'm sure your life will magically improve and change if your T level goes up even slightly…

Nobody is trying to shame anyone here, maybe stop being a sensitive little succubus? Who talked about what is manly and what isn't? I certainly didn't. If you got offended it is because you think like a typical autist failed normal. You exposed yourself for what you are.
>You really are John Wayne 2.0 when you sit down to watch another man fuck a succubus you want to fuck.
You are one of those raging bitter crabs who can't watch porn because they go full sour grapes? I don't want to fuck anyone, if I wanted to then I would have ordered a whore to my house long ago. But I didn't. I like masturbating because it only takes a few minutes a day and it costs me nothing, plus I don't have to endure some annoying succ. Maybe ease up a little and try to enjoy porn and masturbation instead of wanting to murder the guys in porn movies because they are "stealing your succubi" (typical in-cel logic, you think you are entitled to every attractive wymen on Earth for some mysterious reason). Grow the fuck up and don't spend all your time on /pol/.
Also, nice implication there that the only proper way to enjoy your sexuality is through actual sex. Very "wizardly". Masturbation bad, sex good, according to you and many others - am I right, you failed norm?

Thanks for confirming that nofap autists are /pol/fags mostly. Go ahead and try to overcome your natural instincts to enjoy orgasms. I assure you, unless you pay a whore, you won't get sex no matter how much you masturbate or don't masturbate. You won't norm it up but keep trying, you failed normal. If you care about your dopamine receptors that much then you should stop doing anything fun or enjoyable in general, including eating, listening to music, etc etc, after all these all give you dopamine boosts. Moron.

It isn't, are you retarded? Something is an addiction when you spend all your time on it. How is masturbating for 1 hour at most a day is addiction? If some normalfag said that he has sex with his gf twice a day then you would say it is completely healthy and normal, I bet. Another failed normalfag, that is what you are too.


>Going to lengths like >>262620 mentions, with using cold showers lol what the hell is wrong with you people?

Asceticism signalling has been a thing for a long time on this board. If they were serious about it they wouldn't even be using a computer (watch out for these dopamine highs bro!)
The nofap phenomenon reeks of puritanical thought. To be fair I do think masturbation is not good, and the efforts to normalise and promote it are ridiculous and harmful. However the self-improve science brahs on the opposite side of the spectrum are just as unsufferable and their arguments as worthless. You get very strong "new convert" vibes from them where it's like they saw the light and have to preach and make up all this fantastical crap about the almost magical benefits of not ejaculating. I guess if you used to spend dozens of hours every week looking for the most disgusting material and masturbating multiple times a day it would be life-changing to kick the habit, but it's not something intrinsically related to 'semen retention' or w/e schizo hogwash the retards have come up with..


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>Keep testing your T level religiously, like a good crab does. I'm sure your life will magically improve and change if your T level goes up even slightly…

Call someone a crab, proceed to be a crab in the very next sentence, you can't make this shit up folks.


> Nofap and noporn is a scam by right wing trads to force non sex having men norm up.
>not watching porn is a scam
>watching porn twice a day is normal
> try to enjoy porn and masturbation you failed norm
>you're a crab if you don't watch porn or masturbate like me, you're a failed normalfag
There's nothing more normalfag than watching porn. Sex and porn is for the lowest common denominator.


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>The nofap phenomenon reeks of puritanical thought.
Then you disagree with >>262676 who believes it's a political tool and >>262688 who believes it's about bitterness and guilt, so we have 3 competing explanations

One sign of motivated reasoning is when posited explanations are simply constructed ad-hoc in order to launch attacks, and these change opportunistically minute-by-minute to continue these attacks when they fail. We can anticipate increasingly divergent narratives developing as you 3 grope around in the dark for a political target to strike. That's all that's happening here


Posts fucking 4turd wojakshit and talks about lowest common denominator holy fuck.


Couldn't type "4shit" like usual with your GF in the room?

What site are you guys coming from the wordfilters "4Chan" to something else so you've begun typing it differently out of habit? 4shit, shitchan, 4kike, 4turd… I'm not holding it against you to succumb to habit, even I type "succubi" instead of "w0m3n" off-site.. But at least have some self respect and find something more clever than just "poo poo site shit turd chan".


>calls 4chan 4turd
>thinks he is in a better place than 4chan when he is surrounded by porn addicts, crabs, fags, and depressed failed normalfags


I've always know that a large chunk of wizchan are severely mentally ill individuals, yet to see a prime schizo poster in real time is always amusing.


A post full of strawmans and calling everyone who disagrees with you crabs, or accusing them of being from /pol/ or failed normalfags because they don't want to poison their minds with pornography while claiming that you're high t and that's why you "must" watch porn and masturbate every single day. Porn isn't natural or good for you, studies have proven this. You're clearly in the same group with junkies and can't barely reason and act offended and aggressive when someone correctly points out that you. Lower amoral creatures don't belong on a site like Wizchan. If you think crabs are bad, then you should take a look in the mirror.


I really don’t understand you really. If you do nofap and no-porn then what you do after seeing all those females in skimpy clothes in streets? You have to be either hikikimori and don’t go out ever or be extremely low-t man with no sexual urges. When I was in university as I said seeing all those succubi in shorts and mini skirts. I was going crazy with 3 month of no-fap and no-porn. What is your solution to this? Are you masochist who enjoy sexually teased?


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Too much filth to read. Specially filth who wants to mock everyone who doesn't want to turn into a coomer, so pobly a psychoroastie
>maybe /pol/ was lying
or an obese transgender…

Yet given the quality of those last lines, probably also a coomer amongst the worst.


>pic related

>from chapter 6 at "The Tao of Sex Health and Longevity"


>Start conserving semen exclusively for intercourse with succubi
>A succubus, by contrast, may masturbate to heart’s content without damaging her stores of energy
You should be banned for quoting this normalfag text. You’re absolute retard and don’t belong this place and answer to the my questions above. How could all of the places you did post this text to aspire for wizards?



>>You’re absolute retard and don’t belong this place and answer to the my questions above. How could all of the places you did post this text to aspire for wizards?



It is saying that losses are to be avoided, having a succubus or not.


You literally did posted a /pol/ tier normal text that suggests men to conserving their semen for sexual intercourse with females. While saying there is nothing wrong with succubi masturbating and even says their masturbation is a good thing. This thread proves we’re invaded by no-fapper right wing trads that wants us to be normals who conserve our sexual energy for intercourse with females. Its just unbelieveble, if mods did their job all of you will have been banned.


>whining coz of muh /pol/
Recognizable as usual, aren't thee?
>retard insistence about doing it for succs
Take as you wish. You can eat dung about it.
>invaded by no-fapper right wing
So wonderful, that will compensate your turbonormal retardcy and quite the same against the sociopath commie childmolesters flying down here.

You deserve death


>trying hard to move wizards into fapping
>so they may age faster and tougher along with deeper mental decay
>misery seeks company, the abyss has teeth


YOU LITERALLY DID post a text just says have sex with females instead of masturbating you shithead. Just gtfo to /pol/ or wherever you did come from

>While a retard who literally supports a post that says conserve your semen for sexual intercourse with succubi

None of you normal invaders from /pol/ answered my questions here either. I said I did no-masturbation and no-porn for 3 months. If only mods did their job and banned you normal invaders


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You know, I'm a combative person and I love getting into retarded internet arguments, however, picking apart every single wrong and fallacious part of your post would take hours.

You ought to be proud I suppose, for being so retarded even I don't want to engage.


>bitterness and guilt
>political tool of the right-wing
>puritanical thought
Why can't these 3 go together? All seem true to me and closely linked. You are just trying to worm your way out of any critique that dares to attack your sacred idol nofap ideology.

Puritanism and being bitter obviously go hand in hand. When you try to deny yourself and your natural urges you end up hating the world and see everyone except for yourself as degenerate or someone who is tempting you to "sin". This mentality is pretty much how /pol/tards like to think of themselves, that they are the only "pure" and "decent" people left in a rotten, immoral world. But since all nofap is roleplaying only, it can't be sustained in the long run. These people fall back and masturbate always. Then they feel guilty because they can't live up to their childish ideals related to stoicism, self-control, christian purity and all that crap. They like to spread this misery and to share with others, that is why they come and preach to others about the imagined benefits of nofap.
As for actual sex-having /pol/fags, they shill for nofap among white people because they think it will make all those "losers" and "betas" man up and will result in more white children.

What do you mean?

Their holier than thou attitude is the one that annoys everyone mainly and how they offer nofap and anti-pornography as the ultimate answer to all our troubles. You feel bad? Must be because you fap too much! You are ill? Don't jerk off so much, bro! You struggle with poverty? Just try nofap, worked wonders for me!…It is all so dumb, it is a religion of its own at this point.

Then maybe hurry up and get out of here. You feel you don't belong here and that is right.

They are crabs, because nofap is designed exactly for crabs who want to become normals.
>studies have proven this
No, they didn't. It is all BroScience cultist shit.
I masturbate every single day because I enjoy it and don't like torturing myself needlessly. I don't need to justify it to a bunch of retards suffering from christian guilt/repression and from their very own natural impulses.


You explained perfectly. Anti-masturbation defenders are just failed normals that tries to man up and have sex with succubi instead of masturbation. They’re polfags as their wojak coomer memes shows. One of them even posted a text literally admits their goal of conserving semen for sexual intercourse with succubi.


You deserve death. If mods did their jobs you could not even step into here.

The worst crap is that many fainted coomers will still go happily after mana loss due to how much this sociopath claims just here where the weakest men inhabit, to joyously coom otfen as something usual

yet his mental issue can still be a caveat for those those minds are not dulled enough.

The coom is told by The Tao of Sex to worsen the most common issues amongst wizards, will you people believe is casual?
>loss of drive
>bad memory
>health in decay, restlessness
>physical weakness

The crab must be so focused in cumming that he only gets that energy is reserved for succubi, absolutely oblivious about whatever the text said.

And this how you might be also beholding one of these damages due to the coom, as he clearly admitted posts before to be a coomer.

The Tao of Sex explains why these urges are better under ruling and channeling. Along with your behaviour.
>muh crabs everywhere, boo hoo
>getting even worse idiocy


You still did not answered my questions here>>262729 and I see no reason to discuss with you anymore because you’re just a failed normal that tries to man up and have sex with succubi instead of masturbation. I only masturbate once every week instead of “coomer” bullshit you say

> You deserve death. If mods did their jobs you could not even step into here.

You’re just mad that I exposed your polfag ideology and you can’t refute what I said as you couldn’t answer my questions in above.


Answer these



>if mods did their job all of you will have been banned.

If mods truly did their job then coomed out retards like you would be banned, a real wiz would never even think about a succubus, let alone jerk off to them multiple times a day, normies like you ruined this site.



As I said I only masturbate once a week. Yet you still did not answered my questions



>What is your solution to this? Are you masochist who enjoy sexually teased?

Self-disciple and a burning hatred for succubi, something unthinkable for a normie crab like you who worships succubi, now fuck off from this site, you sully every wizard by your mere presence.


>loss of drive
>bad memory
>health in decay, restlessness
>physical weakness
Have nothing to do with masturbation at all. Your little magical witch doctor shaman bullshit doesn't have any grounds in reality.
Nice r9kid meme you have there.

>They’re polfags as their wojak coomer memes shows. One of them even posted a text literally admits their goal of conserving semen for sexual intercourse with succubi.
It is just funny at this point. They are blatantly screaming they are outsiders now with the all the feel guy posting and r9kid meme buzzwords they use. Plus that text is directly preaching against the wiz-life. They are exposing themselves more n more as the discussion keeps going. Hopefully they will finally get themselves banned.


Self-discipline is useful I agree but why on this particular topic? There is no reason to make yourself even more frustrated as a virgin man. We all have zero access to sex here so why not enjoy masturbation? It is free and you don't have to rely on anyone in order to achieve pleasure. No begging succubi, no money wasted on succubi, no time and effort wasted on succubi, you just put on a video and jerk off and go on your business. What is wrong with this?

>a burning hatred for succubi

Why would I hate succubi more than I hate normalfag men? There isn't any sort of "brotherhood" between males all over the world lol, this is how 9 year olds think. I like my fellow wizzies but otherwise I don't give two fucks about men. They could get gassed along with succubi for all I care.


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>Why can't these 3 go together? All seem true to me and closely linked.
Those 3 things go together in your mind (if you're being truthful) likely as a result of local political conditions. There's no necessary connection between any of them given the multiplicity of historical practices where there's no such intersection (cf. abstinence in byzantium or abstinence in the yogic tradition)

>You are just trying to worm your way out of any critique that dares to attack your sacred idol nofap ideology.

I wrote earlier in the thread that this and supplementing testosterone are unlikely to have the intended result (and that the results-orientated view itself is flawed), so the rest of your post is a non-sequitur

From your perspective there's no legitimacy to the lived experience of these people or any valid grievances to be addressed, you view them simply as political enemies to be smashed. To me it's a consequential social phenomenon. This is why you and your friends come across as hysterical ideologues, but maybe you could educate us on why sexual power and control is central to your politics and therefore explain your objectives in this thread


I already explained the connections between them, we live in the western world so of course I explained it in a way that is related to our culture. All those so called examples you mention, all cultures all over the world has/had this sheep mentality: sex good, masturbation bad. It is a control scheme universally, to make men marry and so make them dependent on the system. The crusade against masturbation all over the world is rooted in this, that the individual mustn't satisfy his own desires by himself. He must marry and reproduce, he must create more slaves and must work (because if you marry you will have to feed your family somehow). It is a vile normalfag plot against wizards and wizardly characters.

>From your perspective there's no legitimacy to the lived experience of these people or any valid grievances to be addressed

Oh yes, we don't know each other so by this logic all communication is useless between people. I know it is just a placebo effect, these nofap morons think nofap can cure cancer and whatnot. Besides most of them still masturbate despite all their epic roleplaying. I have every right to call out their stupidity just like they can call me "a coomer" and whatever trendy r9kid buzzword they use.

>you view them simply as political enemies to be smashed

>but maybe you could educate us on why sexual power and control is central to your politics and therefore explain your objectives in this thread
You are paranoid, there is zero politics involved here, unless you consider it politics that I hate normalfags and their little schemes to trick us into norming it up. I prefer masturbation to marrying and having children. If you disagree with this, if you think marrying and having a family or simply a gf is the "natural/healthy" way of handling your sexuality then you don't belong here, on this site. That is all.


All that shit to justify being a coomer. But yes, sex is actually better than fap since it does not create cuckold fetish, you do manage proper hormone charge and you might reabsorb fluids from the other, which profits both sexes.

Since all that stuff is not worth discussing here, wizards just need to know how to handle proper semen retention

>You are just trying to worm your way out of any critique that dares to attack your sacred idol nofap ideology.

As if this critique were possible without going retard. The book y'all know which is…


grain brain schizo has sex, how surprising


>you must watch porn and masturbate everyday or else you're a failed normalfag and crab you sexless virgin

Wizchan 2022


>sex is actually better than fap
Oh really now. So wizardly of you.

>since it does not create cuckold fetish, you do manage proper hormone charge and you might reabsorb fluids from the other, which profits both sexes

I will just ignore the latter two because they are obviously normalfag broscience shit to promote sex, but seriously, it does not create cuckold fetish? Are you an actual retard? To be a cuck you need to have gf or wife in the first place, you imbecile. Only sex-having normals can be cucks.

>wizards just need to know how to handle proper semen retention

No, we don't need any of your normalfag advice, thanks. I think what wizards need is to finally accept masturbation and embrace sexual self-reliance. Wizards need to watch more porn and masturbate more, not less.

Because having sex like that other "wiz" says is the proper way for wizards? God, this site really hit rock-bottom. Destroy this place already.


I cut grain out of my diet completely and started going into comas. Do not listen to a word this man says, he is purposely trying to kill us and is probably an agent of the global kike elite


>Because having sex like that other "wiz" says is the proper way for wizards?
Or you could.. You know.. Do neither? lol


You must leave this site and stop promoting porn as something natural and healthy that every male should consume. You're an agent of the devil and you're doing it for free.
If you're watching porn everyday like you say you do, you're a degenerate. Simple as that, and a responsible and hardworking normalfag with a wife and kids who doesn't watch porn is superior to you.
A male virgin addicted to porn who defends his addiction is not a volcel nor a wizard, it's a failed normalfag. Get a girlfriend if you're that obsessed with sex that you feel like spending your time watching pornography everyday is normal and natural.


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Just finished jacking off to some Kainé porn from Nier replicant, life is good homies


>religious analogies
>using the slur degenerate on a site populated by neets (???)
>"stop having a harmless outlet its bad because like i said so u freakin coomer!!!!"
Damn I guess a normalfag who plays games everyday is addicted but as long as he doesn't look at pixels of naked chicks on a screen but fucks his gf instead he's secretly a based wiz master supreme.
Back to /pol/ faggot, nobody cares about your schizo nofap cult.


That is only realistic if you are some ultra low T naturally asexual guy. There is a reason most of you no-fappers fall back into your "bad" habits always after a few months at most. Either way, I still don't see why masturbation is wrong.

>If you're watching porn everyday like you say you do, you're a degenerate. Simple as that, and a responsible and hardworking normalfag with a wife and kids who doesn't watch porn is superior to you.
Lol the nerve of you, to say such things here of all places. You seriously devoted yourself to the task of converting us here to your normalcuck ways, huh? I'm sure that responsible guy who gets cucked behind his back daily and works his ass off in order to be able to provide for his whore of a wife is much "superior" to us, yes definitely.
>A male virgin addicted to porn who defends his addiction is not a volcel nor a wizard, it's a failed normalfag. Get a girlfriend if you're that obsessed with sex that you feel like spending your time watching pornography everyday is normal and natural.
Now you openly reveal yourself yet again for what you are, a normalfag. How did you even end up here?


I can't imagine something more cucked than watching porn and defending such a nasty degenerate habit on Wizchan.
A normalfag who works hard, has a family and kids is more noble, and pure in his heart and mind than a sick rat who watches porn everyday and promotes porn on Wizchan.
That normalfag as a matter of fact, is more wizardlier than you, because he isn't promoting watching porn on wizchan.


k but I'll still coom (to hentai)


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Actually nobody is promoting porn on /dep/ - it's you delusional nofaptards promoting your self-loathing meme cult. The effects of nofap are placebo and caring about testosterone levels is pointless biological reductionism.

Okay so if we're to go by your broscience logic, ejaculating is bad (even though 99.9% of all males to ever exist do it) because it lowers muh t levels, this is bad because it makes you tired and gives you brainfog. It's quite an assumption to believe the average wizneet is depressed because they touch their willy every other day (something normalfags do as well - you're a retard if you don't believe the average guy looks at porn maybe 3 or 4 times a week) and not because of various other factors such as their lifestyle (sleeping all day, eating junk food, not exercising) and hobbies or lack thereof that makes them bored and lethargic. For the record, when I've had an interesting project to work on, it doesn't matter if I nutted to porn the day before, I'll wake up eager to work on it because I WANT TO. All the average bored neet is going to do by stopping fapping is just deny themselves an outlet in the hope they're going to be imbued by some magical miracle sauce befitting with your embarrassing religious analogies, when all it'll actually do is make them hate themselves more for failing an arbitrary set of rules some moronic status seekers posted on the internet.

However ejaculating is GOOD if you don't look at porn because looking at things that titillate the male gender is evil because reasons because like it'll turn you into some zonked out neanderthal glued to his screen!1!1!! The horror!!! Oh no, things that are enjoyable are addictive, better not do anything I like anymore and just be a good worker drone husband who fucks his wife once a year (AND gets a bj on his birthday!) and be the ultimate badass stoic wizard who ever lived!

You hate porn so much because of your own personal hangups that you're projecting onto every man who watches it, you're also strangely obsessed with being "cucked" which again sounds like a personal problem, your hostile tradcon slurs can stay on /pol/ where mate guarding fetishists like you congregate, bye.


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Stop wasting time on retards like him, they'll just reply with an effortless bait post straight out of 4chan.


Mods have to do something about this /pol/ invaders who says having sex with wife is better than masturbation. All of their coomer wojak memes and cuck word as an insult proves they’re outsiders.


Have fun living the familycuck life, my fellow "wiz". I'm sure it is fun to have a succubus leech on you and raising the kids of another man. You sir, truly are a "wizardly" character, I salute you.

The schism is real. We are approaching a point when we can't coexist anymore, the wizards who like to be alone and jerk off in their room and the failed normals who praise the family life day and night and think it is the only correct way to live out your sexuality. I've always been telling people NoFap cultists are wannabe normals and this thread proved me right in every way.


>Have fun living the familycuck life, my fellow "wiz".

He's not promoting the "familycuck" life you troglodyte, he's saying a normalfag is moral superior to a coomer, you don't have to agree with it, but you're clearly straw-manning and twisting words here.

>We are approaching a point when we can't coexist anymore, the wizards who like to be alone and jerk off in their room and the failed normals who praise the family life day and night and think it is the only correct way to live out your sexuality.

Yep, people are really going to come after you for jerking off to porn, it's not like the whole zeitgeist is sex-positive or nothing. The "familycuck" life is so rare that western countries have to import brown people on mass, because nobody wants to live that lifestyle anymore, nor have they wanted to for decades.

I don't know what decade you think you're living in but the conservatives advocating the value of chasity, marriage and kids is the counter-culture now.


Just fuck off to /pol/ already with your tradition praising nonsense like claiming family life is “counter-culture”.

These posters are literally wannabe normals with their praise of sex with wife being better than masturbation. Also their /pol/ coomer memes and buzzword of cuck on imageboard of virgin men.



>tradition praising nonsense

I have not praised tradition or family at all, I'm never gonna have a family.
I'm simply not a retarded moron like you, who thinks jerking off is some rebellious counter-culture act, do you think the same when you drink water you fucking brain-dead chimp?


Some of you really need to stop being in denial, porn is addictive and destructive towards the people partaking in it, it's consumers and society in general.

The only reason why some of you like jerking off so much is because you are addicted to porn, it's really that simple and addiction is never good in any case but getting rid of it will undeniably improve your life. The fact that some of you feel personally attacked by threads like these further shows how you are addicts in denial.


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Nothing wrong with rubbing one off without using porn though


>wizards who watch porn everyday and get angry at those who don't

Rule 4 Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles.
Being celibate is abstaining from sex and masturbation. Being a porn addict is obviously unwizardly and against the celibate life. This site is for those who don't engage in degenerate sex acts or become obsessed with sex. Porn watchers are sex obsessed crabs who don't belong here. They go against the spirit of the site and don't let real wizards be free and in peace, because they themselves can't think of anything but sex, that's why they watch so much porn.


porn usage has always been rare for me. i dont even like it. but i've still jerked off basically daily for as long as i rememebr


You glossed over NEET and reclusive, being lifestyles where masturbation is a-ok.

So really suck on my nuts fag.


if I don't touch my penis for 3 years surely my schizophrenia will go away


You are the only one twisting words around here. These people are saying over and over again that the family life or sex is better than masturbation, I don't know how anyone can find this acceptable who isn't total normalfag.

And I was talking about this site you idiot, not about society or politics. I am talking about this site people like you are infiltrating with your normo narratives and agendas.

>The "familycuck" life is so rare that western countries have to import brown people on mass, because nobody wants to live that lifestyle anymore, nor have they wanted to for decades.

Yes, it is so rare that almost everyone who is past their 30s reproduces. Oh so rare, people don't have 6 or 7 children like they used to have in the past but only 2, we are in danger really.

>I don't know what decade you think you're living in but the conservatives advocating the value of chasity, marriage and kids is the counter-culture now.

Yes and I really don't know care about that Holy Trinity. Inb4 you are a normalfag because you hate chastity!! No, I'm not. Masturbation has always been an essential part of wiz-culture. Know your history.

Nobody thinks much about jerking off except for you nofap maniacs. We simply fap and don't care much about it while you go to extreme lengths and bomb us with walls of texts to prove how vile a thing masturbation is.

You need to stop being in denial and confess already that you have serious mental issues and problems if you find masturbation and watching porn to be "harmful" but think sex in marriage or with your gf is kosher. You are under the influence of a monster called christian culture or post-christian culture. Before Christianity there wasn't any complex or shame in our culture about masturbation or pornographic content. You let yourself to be brainwashed by judaistic puritanism and feeling of shame regarding your own sexual fantasies.

It's the contrary. Nofappers are obsessed with porn and masturbation, you guys make these things the center of your universe, some imagined evils you must always fight everywhere. It isn't us who praise the family life, sex or having a gf but you nofapper "wizzies". Hm, why would you do that? What could be your aim with all this?


>Nofappers are obsessed with porn and masturbation, you guys make these things the center of your universe
You're the one obsessively replying to everyone in this thread after someone called you out for saying "porn is healthy natural"
You're invested emotionally in this because you know deep down that you're wrong and that porn is far from wizardly as it could be. You can continue living like a degenerate and never know about the bliss of the wizard life, or embrace wizardry and disregard females and porn.



Whack off, glownigger. The web is full with witnesses about improvement after leaving grains.


Just another attack of the sociopath crab who wants every wiz in a shithole to laugh at their misery at kiwifarms or whatever. Any rotting bullshit he can pull to make you miserable he will: he will critizice the warp waning, he will speak good of crypto, of coom, of communism, of taxes, will use schizo as an insult, he will get roasted by buzzwords, will hate wojaks, he's just a sociopath trollcrab.

Let the thread die, this was already derailed due to him being probably a mod, he won't stop spewing self-validations against you all, as if we didn't know who is he already.


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>Whack off, glownigger.
Only FBI agents speak like this, spotted your falseflag a mile away, nigger.


There is no point in arguing with wannabe normal /pol/ invaders who claim sex with trad wife being better than masturbation. They’re exposed more than 10 times as already. Their “tru-wizard” claim is farce. Their main goal is just being normal and they’re mad at us because we refuse to pursue succubus and try to be normal like them. Just say them fuck off to /pol/.


Fuck off to /pol/.


>everyone I disagree with is /pol/
>if you don't consume porn everyday religiously like me you're from /pol/ and a normalfag
Why don't you discuss with your mother about your porn habits, if it's so natural and healthy and normal according to you. If she disapproves of porn, is she from /pol/ too? Talk with your dad about your porn addiction too, if he doesn't like it and tells you it's bad for you, will he be from /pol/


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Neither of my parents think porn or masturbation are unhealthy.


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Fuck off to /pol/.


>You are paranoid, there is zero politics involved here
That lie didn't last long


Fuck off to /r9k/


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Fuck off to /pol/, but before you do that, come here and give me a big kiss bby


I already thought you were the gayposter.

I wish /pol/ really flooded this crabhole. This way, they'd fun with you.


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Gayposter? never heard of him, i'm the funposter, nice to meet you, cunt.
>I wish /pol/ really flooded this crabhole
Fuck off to /pol/, outsider.


Whatever crab. You are as fun as a vagabond jerking off in public


… and isn't the crab in favor of that!


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>mfw a /pol/ poster calls me a "vagabond jerking off in public"
Rude, apologize to me right now you meanie.


Shut up already /r9k/. Go be a wanker back to 4ch. You even got pron where the banner at every board.


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>Shut up already /r9k/. Go be a wanker back to 4ch
No thanks


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So this is what you niggers do on /b/ all day long huh.


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This was the issue when the thread derailed.


>semen is 20% spinal fluid
>celibacy is not the answer
>semen is harder to produce than blood
Do you even read the shit you post or just the higlighted parts that agree with you?


You "disregard" females and porn so much that you go out of your way to spread your little religion at every chance you get, your little cult which is centered around females and porn.

In a healthy society that isn't the product of judeo-christian values discussions like that could be had.

Not wanting this site to be polluted by /pol/ isn't about politics, it is about preserving the quality and the core dogmas of this site.


Thread ruined by schizo porn addict "wizards"
Don't mention they're sick and unwizardly for watching porn because they will spam this thread and /meta/


This thread had literally wannabe normal /pol/ invaders who claimed having sex with wife being better than masturbation. There was a poster who posted a text that said you should conserve your semen for sexual intercourse with females. That text even said celibacy is not the answer because no-masturbations main goal must be sex.

Yet you think wizards that just masturbates once a week but don’t care anything else ruined this thread?


Chronic porn watchers are just crabs. Wizards are always volcel who don't watch porn and disregard succubi propaganda.


Of course you’re not gonna masturbate or have sex till the end your life… fucking lying moron, fuck off with your larp.


I noticed this not only on wizchan, as soon as someone says something bad about porn all the addicts come crawling out of their coomer caves to defend porn by all means.


Can you already give us some proper argument for why you think porn is bad? We are still waiting…


Wizards have to pretend they're not interested in sex so they go to extremes to avoid problematic desires that they can't fulfill. Seeing a tiddy or a nice piece of ass brings back all those anxious insel feelings that they want to avoid. The other type of nofapper is the improvebrah that thinks his masturbation habits are so impactful that they will suddenly change his life. It's pretty much the standard magical thinking that folks get with vitamins and other astrology-tier shit. Reality is, having a wank is not your problem, but the ten other things you're ignoring by focusing on not having a wank all day and arguing with other wankers on the Internet about it.

Also, reminder that this nofap shit literally comes from reddit. It's basically a way for young men to shame themselves into improving themselves and getting laid. Cumming on your own is unhealthy, but if you have a gf you can fuck 5 times a day then you're healthy according r/nofap.


>It's basically a way for young men to shame themselves into improving themselves and getting laid.

I agree with you here but if NoFap can motivate you to work out or focus on hobbies or whatever then more power to you. People put too much stock in the whole thing


How is Nofap related to working out or focusing on hobbies?


>focusing on hobbies?
Focusing, clear-mindedness is only achieved when the chemical needs of the brain are met. The brain thrives on chemicals that get used up when regenerating sperm. When you cum hard to loli pix, you're taking food from your brain's plate and giving it to your cumsock, who laps it up like a dog.
>working out
Are you really asking this? Testosterone is used to motivate, energize, and rebuild the body and brain during exercise. When you cum (again to loli) your body has to throw all of its testosterone down to build more cum.

Spraying cum from your body as the same effects as bleeding. It may feel good sometimes, but now your body has to drop what it's doing to replace the lost mana. Just stop cumming.


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Yeah man, all those turbo normals who fuck every night are actually destroying themselves. Which is why they never work out and are always failing at their jobs and hobbies.


he's pulling your leg


>all those turbo normals who fuck every night are actually destroying themselves
They are though
>Which is why they never work out
Less then 1% of men work out
>are always failing at their jobs and hobbies.
They always are.
Now, if you're hyperfixating on the few examples of healthy people left on earth, and seeing them as being in same normal boat as the average person simply because they also have sex, then yeah SNIP SNIP.

No I'm not. Everything I've written is true and correct. Stop lying to him. I am right.


I had my laugh, do whatever you gotta man.


Yes, normalfags who do drugs, party, and have casual sex are harming their bodies. nice worshipping of the normalfag life by sex obsessed porn watcher "wizards". Nofap wizards are the closest to this site ethos than the failed wizards who feed on porn and sexual stimuli daily


>nice worshipping of the normalfag life by sex obsessed porn watcher "wizards"

They really talk about normies like obsessed sport fans talk about athletes.

Normies are not superhumans and they suffer from all this porn faggotry as well, from mental health issues to straight up erectile dysfunction. Also the sexual encounters most people have are not worth pursuing at the end of the day and they don't ultimately satisfy anyone because it's shallow and not meeting the unrealistic expectations people have from porn.


I can focus on things just fine whenever I masturbate. However, during periods when I don't I can't focus on anything. Your theory is fake science.

Yes, I'm really asking how working out and nofap are related. Considering most men work out nowadays and have sex often I will have to doubt this statement of yours too.

Why would you care about erectile dysfunction if you are a wizard who does nofap? It should be a good thing for you.
>not meeting the unrealistic expectations people have from porn
It's the other way around usually. Normals end up watching porn and jerking off because they realize having a wife/gf is overrated as hell.

Btw, nice try at calling wizards who watch porn normals when you guys are the ones shilling for the family life. Why would you want to save up all that semen? Maybe because you want to live a sexual life, by sexual life I mean actually having sex? Oh who am I fooling? You are all normalfag tourists anyway.


Because when you replace fap with things like that and doing your chores and avoiding too much stimulation you re-wire your brains dopamine center and it's easier to work towards hobby goals instead of Day 0 your life away to some stupid vile demon succubus


>Normals end up watching porn and jerking off because they realize having a wife/gf is overrated as hell.

Do you even know any normalfags, they're a lot like you, but instead of just porn and masturbation, add actual sex and casual relationships. Every post of yours you use it to defend your porn addiction. Not to mention you masturbate with your sister's underwear, disgusting normalfag. You're a prisoner to porn and your sexual desires in a much similar way, too blind to see it. Everything that brings to light your appalling addiction, like good wizards who are into abstinence makes you feel attacked.


Sounds like a bunch of flimsy bullshit some faggot made up to make you stop enjoying things you like, hard pass.


Coomers are like potheads when you tell them about the bad side-effects of weed


Nofappers are like vegans…nuff said LOL

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