Isn't all just so tiresome, the endless struggle for existence. Why is my existence such a burden, I don't even know what to do anymore. We just go onto imageboards just for stimuli, to absorb information for other reason then to distract ourselves from the fact that there is no meaning, we came here into the world from the will of another forced to suffer. The only solace I have is that I will no longer partake in the world, I will only be a passive observer, I will never be subservient to the will. It's just depressing that I am forced to partake in society, because my parents want me to be a wageslave. I wish I could just stay cramped up in my room all day, I hate going outside and seeing normalfags.
>the fact that there is no meaning Life doesn't have a meaning (beyond not dying) until you make your own meaning. Most people find meaning in life. Be it religion, keeping their loved ones alive, or even killing people. If you're sad that your life has no meaning, then make one or find one. Nobody one an imageboard is going to be able to give your life meaning.
There is a purpose for why you are here, OP. But it's crude and without grace. It doesn't satisfy anything. It doesn't reach some special end goal that you would care about nor justifies the path to it. It's the hammer built to hit a nail in a post on a road in the middle of nowhere that is never used. You're not looking for meaning as you already have it and it doesn't solve anything (and the idea of making some is just a semantic misunderstanding). You are currently building the narrative needed to begin taking pride in your preferred lifestyle under the pressure of social demand and criticism. Prioritize good sleep, hydration and the preservation of your privacy and freedom in as many facets of your life as you can. That's how "tiresome" can be managed. If you live such a slave existence that you can't do any more than you already do, then simply write angry whiny texts like these, be unapologetic about it. It's an easy release and would keep you sustained on less than what you have. If you find you have absolutely no desire to begin to build up your fort, feel free to give up any apprehensions about indulgence. It's the only other road by that point and you'd take the worst of both worlds by committing to neither and simply doormatting your life away in deprivation. You would not be alone in such a cockroach lifestyle however, it is the common road that non-rich decent people end up in. Trash personalities adapt better to hideous lifestyles like utter indulgence. Sociopaths manouver society better to secure their bubble world.
>>262465 >im an ancap,mysef. You mean the Monty Python-esquw cookiecutter ideology that was literally made as a joke to make fun of people grasping at political labels to attach to themselves?
Another nihilism thread, oh the variety is killing me. So what is even your problem, op? Having to wageslave? Sounds bad, you should avoid it and do everything to avert that fate. Otherwise there isn't much to be said. Life is hard. Get used to it or drop out. The meaning is in your consciousness itself, what you value and what you prefer and what you think is worth fighting for. The rest doesn't matter.
You can be happy with minimal effort and luck in this world, despite life being so dangerous and full of suffering. Suffering can be endured, "no objective meaning" is the source of joy and not sorrow for the intellectual mind, develop your Self and build up your Ego.
>>262471 Not "can be endured", "is endured". There is no active decision. Enduring is what you do while you are in the process of building methods to resolve or mitigate the suffering. Small nitpick but I think you're patting yourself on the back too much over doing nothing.
>>262473 There is a decision involved, people who off themselves obviously choose not to endure things. Same can be said for people who run off and get addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex/masturbation, etc. These types choose to overload their brains with sensory pleasures instead of trying to reach some kind of inner stability and harmony and dealing with suffering that way (in the healthy way).
>>262476 Buddhism is overrated pleb-ideology. That is why it is so popular nowadays. It offers people mental suicide. So it is like cutting off your arm because you broke your arm. Getting rid of the ego because of some suffering isn't worth it and doesn't fix anything actually.
Instead what you should want is building an Ego that is in accordance with your True Nature. Get rid of the traits in yourself you perceive as flaws and develop traits that you think are positive. Works wonders.
>>262476 Easier to build up an artificial ego through wizardry than achieve whatever the fuck ego-death is, if it can be achieved or remains as a retarded platonic ideal.
You’re better off being someone with a god-complex than trying to override healthy impulses, for an ego death try a shotgun.
>>262493 >>262488 Agree. In my opinion wizards should try to create their own inner castle where all the things we love (hobbies, interests, stories, emotions) are. This Ego-death thing is just assimilation into the undifferentiated mass, like most right hand paths it's pretty much like physical death, and even worse than that. Even Buddhism has its heroes.
>>262488 people who off themselves endured until they found a resolution to the suffering and solved their problem the only reason you don't is because you fail to find a solution
>>262516 >true self Nice nu-age cope for "just be yourself". You'll never enter the stream of consciousness if you don't even have the will for an ego death.
>>262522 >resolution to suffering >suicide Reducing suffering only has meaning if you are alive. Suicide is counter-productive, it is a false solution, same as ego-death or getting addicted to things. Again, you burn down the whole house just so you can avoid having to deal with actually fixing the building.
>>262525 There is nothing wrong with being yourself, though. Ego death is for those who hate themselves or want to be practical about surviving in the world and they want to adapt to all circumstances and environments. I'll let you think about why ego death is the common theme in religions of the Orient. Couldn't be just to pacify a large amount of slave caste, nah, who would trick people like that? Surely Buddhism and other eastern religions weren't invented for that purpose…
>>262516 >>262493 These religions and philosophies that place a big emphasis on ego death are normalfag ideologies. Their ideal is to create a person who is completely harmless. Look at certain monks in the East, they refuse to eat meat and to even sit down before they swipe the ground to make sure they don't hurt any living being. The ideal is someone who sacrifices himself for the sake of not hurting anyone. Just plain dumb. Only masochists and people who don't respect themselves use these as their final escape.
>>262526 >Again, you burn down the whole house just so you can avoid having to deal with actually fixing the building. You talk like death is an avoidable event, whether you like it or not you will die, suicide is just speeding things up.
A dead person doesnt suffer. Death is obviously a solution.
You can never truly kill the ego. Softening via ego death experiences and meditation practices reveals real truth about its illusion, creating a more comfortable ego for the individual >Their ideal is to create a person who is completely harmless Nothing is more dangerous than a person with nothing to lose. However obviously ALL conventional religions and philosophies are accepted by society only because they are normalfag ideologies. You are merely stating a tautology
>>262528 >A dead person doesnt suffer. Death is obviously a solution. You don't know that. You think you know that, you may think you have ways to prove it, but you really should word such claims as "I don't believe a dead person can suffer".
>>262528 >A dead person doesnt suffer. Death is obviously a solution. we don't observe death ending the cycle of suffering, it looks like a central component of it
>>262536 if all living beings went against their survival instinct and killed themselves that wouldn't end the conditions for life, so something is missing in this formula
>>262527 So then why hurry things? You will be non-existent for the rest of eternity, compared to that your life is very short.
>>262528 A dead person doesn't do or experience anything, well, because he is dead. So who benefits from suicide? You? You won't exist so that can't be. Suicide is pointless if you don't believe you will ascend to some higher dimension through death. If you are a hard materialist there is no point in suicide.
Ego death experiences and meditation are waste of your time. They were created for the purpose of relaxation and to give you a break from…yourself. If anything, people need exactly the opposite of meditation. Constantly occupying your mind with things you contemplate is the way of the superior intellect. >Nothing is more dangerous than a person with nothing to lose. It is exactly about NOT making you dangerous at all. If you sever your attachments to this world and acquire perfect peace of mind then there is no reason for you to get upset about anything at all. Even if someone tortures you for fun or even if you are forced to eat literal shit you will be happy. It is about brainwashing you not to care about this life at all, that's hardly dangerous.
>>262536 So can I ask you why you are still in this world then? Don't come with the "survival instinct" meme as it is proven again and again that humans can defeat this if they really want to. You say suicide is a solution. Well then, you know what to do if you actually believe this… Clue: I'm not referring to posting on fringe imageboards about how suicide is the solution to everything.
>>262540 i agree, how do you imagine a single-celled organism would develop without the perception of, say, hunger? isn't the perception of suffering from hunger a consequence of having a metabolism to begin with?
>>262541 >So then why hurry things? You will be non-existent for the rest of eternity, compared to that your life is very short. Something that isnt experienced isnt relevant to the equation. Less suffering is an improvement >So who benefits from suicide? You? You won't exist so that can't be. Removing suffering is an improvement, just like being sedated during a surgery. All your arguments would also conclude that you would want to be awake during brutal surgeries that you could otherwise sleep through - completely absurd. >Ego death experiences and meditation are waste of your time. They were created for the purpose of relaxation and to give you a break from…yourself. If anything, people need exactly the opposite of meditation. Constantly occupying your mind with things you contemplate is the way of the superior intellect. You show here that you know literally nothing about meditation practices. They are about fully experiencing the present moment, not giving you a break from life. Meditation is mental activity and psychological exercise, not sleep. It trains you brain like a muscle in a way that improves mental health. That is how i experience, and how it is explained in the books I have read. >It is exactly about NOT making you dangerous at all. There are many different sects of Buddhism. Some are actually violent. Some burn themselves for political purposes. As an individual it doesnt matter, you can take what parts of buddhist wisdom you want. >So can I ask you why you are still in this world then? I enjoy living. If I didnt and I had low enough chance that this would change then i'd be gone
>>262471 God, how am I supposed to cope with this realization? I hate how shit is so purposeless, just because I can do whatever I want doesn't really fill me with optimism. Nothing interests me and the only thing I know to do is rot in my room and browse imageboards 24/7.
>>262548 >less suffering is an improvement >removing suffering is an improvement Again, you are talking from the pov of someone who exists and is alive. Removing suffering only matters if you are alive to reap the benefits of it. You can't justify suicide on rational grounds unless you are willing to believe in some kind of afterlife. >just like being sedated during a surgery. All your arguments would also conclude that you would want to be awake during brutal surgeries that you could otherwise sleep through - completely absurd. Your example is the absurd. You really draw a comparison between suicide (the supposedly ultimate end) and going to sleep during surgery? The obvious difference is that in the latter case you will most likely wake up and can enjoy the benefits of the surgery in life. What is the benefit of suicide, I ask again. >meditation babble Of course no one wants to admit its true purpose, otherwise it would be seen for the shallow and meaningless thing it is. There is a reason meditation involves not thinking about anything or at least trying to. Now, why is that? Maybe because it was designed for weak men who can't handle being conscious? >Some are actually violent. Some burn themselves for political purposes Yeah, they kill themselves, wow they are so dangerous. Do you really not see how it is used as a tranquilizer of the masses, not being different in the slightest from how Christianity was used/is still used?
>>262550 Start valuing yourself and respecting yourself and stop seeking meaning for your existence in some abstract metaphysical arguments? You are the center of the universe. What matters is what matters to you at the end of the day. I don't even view life as purposeless anymore, maybe it is from the pov of some higher being. But to me it is about deriving joy from it. If you see ants then do you say there lives are meaningless? Maybe but for the ant life has plenty of meaning and that is what counts. You need to understand there is a BIG border between you and the rest of existence. You are a completely separate world. If your reason for living is because you like to shit all day then that is the goal of life, for you anyway. Stop seeking some kind of community with everything that exists. There is none. There is you and there is everyone/everything else. >Nothing interests me and the only thing I know to do is rot in my room and browse imageboards 24/7. Nobody forces you to live like this if you hate it. There are many ways to live your life, you don't have to leave your room to enjoy it. You can get access to endless stuff for free on the internet, that is something many generations would have liked to have before us but they didn't.
>>262560 > Start valuing yourself and respecting yourself and stop seeking meaning for your existence in some abstract metaphysical arguments? You are the center of the universe. What matters is what matters to you at the end of the day. I’m not the anon you replied but its just a lie and stupid cope. We’re all worthless especially genetic freaks likes of me. You want people here to fool themselves so they could continue living. If I had easy way to kill myself like fentanyl I would do it really fast.
>>262443 >>262476 >>262488 Maslow's hierarchy of needs always wins you fucktrads. >Death ego. what fucking ego u talking about, it is fucking dump system build on you. There is always needs to be satisfied (hunger,sex,achievement). the problem is everything in life repeating itself, needs repeating itself everything is fucking repatition man it makes life boring and meaningless.
>>262526 >A dead person doesnt suffer. Death is obviously a solution Dead is mystery box can be better than life or worse stfu already.
>>262548 > enjoy living. If I didnt and I had low enough chance that this would change then i'd be gone Fuck you hypocrite.
>>262550 >Nothing interests me and the only thing I know to do is rot in my room and browse imageboards 24/7 Be grateful for what u have, it is not the imageboards that sucks it is the same thing u been doing it over and over but better than living like a slave in 2490 B.C. picking stones over and over again to build fucking pyramids.
>>262560 >Nobody forces you to live like this if you hate it. if life was a choice, it is like people choosed that okey mr nobody forces you, stfu.
>>262572 You still seem to believe falsely that there is some ultimate meaning for existence, I guess you think it is procreation or whatever, based on your failed normalfag of a post. The universe or the gods don't care at all if you don't reproduce or don't have sex or if you are a "genetic freak". The only one who cares is you and normalfags who use this as an excuse to feel good about themselves and to mock you. There is no official or sacred narrative about how you are supposed to live at all. There is no guide book to life. Stop eating up every kind of shit normalfag society poops out its anus. And >cope You deserve to be stoned for using this overused buzzword. AND >If I had easy way to kill myself like fentanyl I would do it really fast. "If X thing was Y then I'd kill myself for sure guyz, believe meee" No, you don't want to die, otherwise you'd be dead already. You like many others think about suicide because it provides escapism for you. But you won't do it.
>>262574 Maslow was a grade A moron who had an extremely narrow view about life, like most normals have. Men can transcend his urges and control them. >if life was a choice, it is like people choosed that Not sure what you mean. You can choose how you want to live your life is what I said.
>>262581 > You can choose how you want to live your life it Life is predetermined you can't choose and Maslow theory big part of it is correct thats our society is build
>>262587 You make choices day after day yet you deny the possibility of choice. The meme about determinism is a lie invented to convince slaves they can't do anything against their "fate" aka the social order.
Maslow theory is worthless, it is just projection on the part of an extremely materialistic man who can't see beyond his nose.
>>262634 >You make choices day after day Speak for yourself. I dont perceive that at all > The meme about determinism is a lie invented to convince slaves they can't do anything against their "fate" aka the social order. Determinism or not has literally -nothing- to do with the course of events. Two timelines where only one is deterministic would be interchangeable. A slave can just as easily revolt and feel that it is their fate to do so. Wish you 'free will' schizophrenics would at least make better arguments
>>262634 If hunger is a choice I would like not eat everyday yet it is the craving or urgent need for food or a specific nutrient. It is a need predetermined with it entire your life So enough boo shit already
>>262635 You don't perceive it because you are delusional at this point, probably read too many depressed 19th century german philosophers.
Eh, no, you don't get it. If someone is told fate/some god's plan is real or that his environment and genetics determine literally everything then how will he behave? He will succumb to passivity and fatalism, that is what determinists want. A slave indoctrinated into determinism won't revolt because he thinks there is a reason he was born into the slave caste and that he isn't capable of anything better. So try again with your shilling for determinism. You just want to justify why you don't even try to improve your life or to be happy.
>>262636 Nothing is predetermined. You do what the fuck you want. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, they just have some hidden agenda usually.
>>262670 You can choose when you eat and what you eat. How do you think people protest who decided to starve themselves for example? Material needs are easy to transcend, you do it every day too probably without even realizing it. So enough with this "humans are only biological machines" nonsense already. You have willpower, reason to make choices and to stick to them. You can even kill yourself, if that isn't transcending your animal impulses then what is it?
>>262689 >You can even kill yourself, if that isn't transcending your animal impulses then what is it? Data shows conclusively that people who kill themselves tend to have had unhealthy upbringings and other issues pushed on them while they were very young. If someone gets beaten as a child, not taught basic life skills, and then that leads to a spiral of depression that culminates in suicide, that's hardly a choice. Everyone's life is like this, just more chaotic so you cant untangle all your influences. >You can choose when you eat and what you eat. Like when child sees a mcdonalds advert with a fun toy and "chooses" that they want a happy meal. A Russian might feel like salo because they ate it since they were a child and it is cheap at the market. Someone born into a vegan New York family isnt going to "choose" that though, since they dont even know it exists.
You cant deny that your "choices" are influenced by things outside yourself. Once you accept that, you can only make the claim that you have another 'internal' influence affecting your decisions that is some sort of will. Philosophically justifying the existence of that internal influence requires claiming supernatural magic like a religious soul - but you havent made any such argument. It is tiring seeing you just make claims and conclusions without any rational argument or justification. >You just want to justify why you don't even try to improve your life or to be happy. I am happy, and break laws all the time. I don't have the sense of guilt, anxiety and pressure of blaming myself for things beyond my control; that sense of freedom is the only consequence I find from deeply understanding my lack of free will.
>>262465 >>262469 >>262471 >>262475 Actual ancap here. It's amazing that despite there being an entire libertarian canon out there you people still insist on making a fool of yourdelves online.
>>262526 Death is still obviously a solution (and in the rational world, the single best one). The mystery box element applies to all choices as we don't have perfect knowledge of anything. All your choices are blind, so going ahead to death where you're going regardless to rob yourself off the potential that continued living entails is literally just simple logic. You only deny it out of fear.
>>262541 >So can I ask you why you are still in this world then? Don't come with the "survival instinct" meme as it is proven again and again that humans can defeat this if they really want to. You say suicide is a solution. Well then, you know what to do if you actually believe this… Clue: I'm not referring to posting on fringe imageboards about how suicide is the solution to everything. The world of the living is the one shared by cowards and incompetent losers. If you're here, you are one of those. That's your answer.
>>262692 You don't need to be depressed to kill yourself, in fact if you knew what you were talking about then you'd know that depressed people rarely off themselves. Most people who do commit suicide had something happen to them that they couldn't deal with or didn't want to deal with, some tragic event and shocking event out of the blue. Like a child dying or discovering they had terminal illness, etc.
Nobody denies that what you can choose from is outside yourself. But that doesn't mean you don't have a free will. It means you aren't omniscient and all-knowing. The child can choose between happy meal, hotdog and hamburger. Same for goes for your other examples. You don't need to believe in souls to believe in free will. Cause and effect doesn't necessarily mean determinism, things are more complicated than that. >I am happy, and break laws all the time. I don't have the sense of guilt, anxiety and pressure of blaming myself for things beyond my control; that sense of freedom is the only consequence I find from deeply understanding my lack of free will. Then you are the other extreme, the one that doesn't want to take responsibility for anything and doesn't want to feel bad about his wrong choices so better eliminate that free will, mate!
>>262701 Ancap is peak normalfag ideology and nothing more needs to be said about the subject.
>>262704 No, I deny it because I'm consistent with myself and my beliefs, unlike you. You will die either way so what's the rush again? Do you believe in some kind of afterlife? If not, then your reasoning is still illogical. By rushing into death you could rob yourself of many good things that still await you in life.
If I was to die today, whatever. Like you said death is inevitable. But I like living. Now what about you? I suspect you are the one here who reasons based on fear. You are afraid of life so you idealize death and suicide. However, that will always make you inconsistent as long as you exist. Every second you spend clinging to life you acknowledge that life is better than death and worth living.
>>262705 Now you can't enjoy life as a wizard? Seems like a pathetic failed normal mindset to me. If someone wants to kill himself he will do so, not bore others on a fringe chan on the internet with his roleplaying. Playing the depressed, suicidal person here became a role, something people adopt and like to pose as. It's empty acting at this point. You are still alive because you still enjoy life. And if you enjoy life, you affirm it. You can be honest about it.
>>262707 > You will die either way so what's the rush again? Do you believe in some kind of afterlife? If not, then your reasoning is still illogical. By rushing into death you could rob yourself of many good things that still await you in life.
HAHAHA. Do you really believe in that? I’m 29 already and my parents are getting older and more sickly. There is only suffering, pain and death in my future. Killing myself before all these things happens will be best for me. I just need to find a fast, painless method and I will be death in a minute.
You want men in here to fool themselves so they could continue their pathetic existence because of your false and disproven religion(by Darwin and his evolution). Not everyone is alive enjoys living as you said either. Some people are too weak, cowards and powerless to kill themselves. Genetic determinism is truth. Humans like other animals just biological machines that are animated by their genes. Environment and nurture is small compared to genetic influence. You will not supress your genes.
>>262728 Yes, I believe that. >I just need to find a fast, painless method and I will be death in a minute. That's a lie, you won't do it. It's just a comforting thought to you.
I don't know what religion you are talking about, I'm not religious. I don't think having sex or other normal values determine people's worth so I don't think wizards live a "pathetic existence" at all. Learning to enjoy life is really easy, you just have to re-wire your thinking. > Genetic determinism is truth. Humans like other animals just biological machines that are animated by their genes. Environment and nurture is small compared to genetic influence. You will not supress your genes. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, I guess. If you want to feel like a powerless victim who can only whine then continue on this path.
>>262749 Leave him alone anyways, let him rot and suffer for no reason. I don't blame him though, the world really looks shitty and annoying nowadays, I hate how everything is expensive and the fact I can't retire earlier enough. I'm gonna be trapped in the wagecage for rest of existence and it's hard to accept that.
>>262707 The only thing you're consistent at is following the path of least resistance which yields objectively more total suffering. That violates the stated goal of your "beliefs" (which are narratives constructed to understand your own contradicting will). You're no coward, that was me giving you the benefit of the doubt, you're just incompetent.
>>262707 >Now you can't enjoy life as a wizard Not what I'm saying. I'm saying you're among cowards and incompetent losers. Good things will feel good all the same. But you're fucking stupid for being here.
>>262762 Life has always been hard, especially in the past. We have it quite easy nowadays compared to what our ancestors had to go through. Still, with a little luck and effort man can find pleasures and fun to the pass the time.
>>262766 It is normalfag ideology. You are defending a political system where everyone has to wageslave away for his own living. To hell with that.
>>262777 Life isn't a math game. "Oh there will 40% fun and 60% suffering in life for me, well better hang myself guys, see ya" Nobody lives like this and for good reasons. It is just ridiculous. What you are describing isn't human life, it is exactly the cowardly way you accused me of earlier. And it is funny how you say I'm the incompetent when you are the one who can't kill himself despite shilling for the benefits of suicide online. Pathetic.
>>262778 What do you mean I'm stupid for being here?
>>262779 So which part of my reasoning you reply this to? And how is it relevant at all?
>>262782 There is no reason to suicide as long as free or easy money is accessible, since that is what makes life tolerable.
If neetbux dries up or it becomes too hard to steal, then it's time to go on a rampage and go out with a blaze. But until then, the idea of suicide is ridiculous.
Like you said, life has been hell throughout history. It's easier now than it's ever been if you live in a western country.
I can make 4-5k a month with neetbux plus stealing from/defrauding normies, why the hell would I commit suicide?
If I was born a serf in 1800s Russia, that'd be a different story. That kind of life is not worth living.
Fuck the entire captialism system, Fuck this rat race will people care only about status and money above your own soul, now these days if my health don't allow me work for 8 hrs I am useless piece of shit according to what to society fuck the society shit, some people don't do shit yet they got everything, it is just a dump lottery system thats all.
>>262443 Personally i would take the left hand path, whether people want to get out of this universe of suffering because they are coping, it doesn't matter, as long as they are motivated and willing to advance is okay, im not pro life, life definitively sucks. The people who are looking for a way out or an answer as for why we are here find themselves in a situation where erasing oneself from existence is preferable than keeping on living, that approach is okay. I don't think an answer to why we are here or a solution to that problem will be found here posting in this imageboard, wizards should be focusing instead on looking for answers somewhere else, this thread could be considered a waste of time, but perhaps a new thread would work. The point is moving foward. To believe that something neat will not happen in the future is kinda wrong, eventual heat loss of the universe will erradicate all life on the material universe
>>262830 Oh fuck off, we may be wizards but we are still men who do not like being taken advantaged of by a shit fucking soul sucking system. People will snap one day and the elites heads will finally roll.
>Removing suffering only matters if you are alive to reap the benefits of it. You can't justify suicide on rational grounds unless you are willing to believe in some kind of afterlife. The point of committing suicide is to avoid suffering, but according to you avoiding suffering doesn't matter if you're not alive to experience the benefits of the lack thereof, so that makes you think suicide is irrational, but avoiding suffering is an end in and of itself, it's not something you strive for seeking its benefits, avoiding suffering is the benefit, it is an end because you don't want to feel suffering, and killing yourself will fulfill that desire, even if fulfilling that desire means you won't exist anymore. So for someone who has deemed potential future pleasure not worth the potential future suffering, preventing the suffering is worth it even if that comes at the expense of lost future pleasure, and suicide will do exactly that. With your logic if you knew you would be tortured constantly for the rest of your life with not a lick of pleasure, but you had the option to die immediately and avoid all the torture, living through all the torture would be the rational choice, that's simply absurd to me, i mean maybe you would, the choice is yours, but not me.
>>264840 So then why is it that people who argue for suicide in the loudest manner are still alive obviously? Confuses me always. If life is so hard on them how can they go on living?
>>265248 No, I don't think anyone who is alive should advocate for suicide ever. You either do it because you actually think it is the solution to your problems or you roleplay on imageboards as the epic doomer kid who encourages others to commit suicide while he hasn't done it himself. You can't advocate for suicide while you yourself are alive, otherwise you come off as a hypocrite.