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 No.264658[Last 50 Posts]

I just have to get through this week edition



Any of you dishwashers? It tears up my hands and I always ache from it, I'm considering a career change to forklift operator


how am i going to explain to my boss that i made yet another fucking mistake. and dont give me that "explain why it wont happen again" shit. i used that last time and still made the same mistake.


where I work mistakes get glossed over and don't matter much


How bad was the mistake?


I'm so angry, as a software engineer I see literally everyone working from home yet my stupid employeer refuses to allow it for some bullshit reason.

It makes me angrier because everything else about the job is decent, decent pay, decent hours, decent people yet the thought of going to the office for years makes me want to puke.

I will have to threaten them with quitting if they don't allow me to work from home.


I really do wish codecels were shooed out of the wageslave thread.


My company has this stupid policy where 8 hour shifts require an unpaid 30 minute break. If corporate sees that you aren't clocking out for your mandatory 30 minutes, they just take it out of your paycheck.

Shit's rigged, man.


they should just let you leave 30 minutes early


I guess Sopranos Wiz finally got some vacation time… Tony's been ringing in the new Dungeon Crawler thread since at least 2017.


Not the real thread. mods, delete this. we need the tony soprano mascot OP.


Yeah wtf, new thread with a Sopranos OP PIC PLEASE. It's Wiz tradition, one i love.


if board software can merge threads, that would be better than deletion


Fake ass wageslave thread


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Baby whining intensifies

I was the only one doing the Sopranos themed wageslave threads and I decided to use a different picture this time.

Deal with it. Nobody else wanted to make the thread.


im not whining, but the ol tone balding mccoozehound gifs are much more palatable than random lazy fatass meme #9002


I refuse to post in a topic that has no Tony Soprano in it. You ruined my weekend.


same. no tony, no posts. im boycotting this thread as well despite my new job at Target.


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At work rn, (gas station) it's 11:19 and I go home at 12. There's a huge recession hitting soon, I have 0 skills and I'm a fucking loser dropout. But anyway, any of you guys deal with Indians at work? I've found them to be the most greedy, succubus-like, autistic, manchildren at any kind of leadership role; for fucks sake, even succubi and boomers aren't this bad. If I can't get a comfy coding/night-sec job soon, I'm ending it - not a fucking chance I'm doing this for years, let alone decades.


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I dropped out of graduate school in part because my PI was indian. He just had insane demands. Wanted me to be in the office doing research 8 hours a day, the go home and read research papers for another 3 hours, and when I asked him for help our guidance on my thesis he'd either say it's my problem to figure out or he'd pawn it off on a professor friend and let them help me instead. The guy only cared about publishing so his reputation would be better, he didn't even seem to care about the research anymore, it was just about the clout.


In the nearest future i will have to actually begin searching for a job and I am fucking terrified of this. I've had some taste of that during the technical school - messing up, getting yelled at, humiliated in front of other people. Jesus christ, i'd rather hunt and forage.


I wish the Wizard Institute of Technology (WIT) was real


I used to brush retail off and usually disregard any retail workers who complained about it. This was before I began working in retail. Fucking hell. I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with serving the fucking hills have eyes tier people that come into my shop.


Slept 18 hours after completing my work week.

Work completely drains my life blood.


I wish I could do this too, unfortunately the only worse thing than working is losing the precious free time I have left.

I basically have to force myself to do things when I wish I could sleep all weekend.


Why do I hear wizards rarely talk about gossip culture?

I've had 2 jobs and in both of them the gossiping among coworkers was easily the worst part of the job. The job itself wasn't that hard.

Do all of you work in tech or something cuz that's the only place where I imagine it's mostly introverts so I guess they'd be less willing to gossip idk…


you are right about tech jobs having less gossiping, the only time i witnessed actual gossip in a tech company was when a succubus behaved in a really selfish way until everyone had enough, these places really have more people who don't get anything out of gossiping.

The few regular 9-5 jobs I've been at were terrible when it comes to that though, you can't even work in storage without getting into unnecessary social drama bullshit, they will project their shit at anyone, even more at you if you're not able to partake in their retarded social rituals. It's more present in places that have a lot of succubi but even in male dominated environments outside of tech it's still pretty much the same. Why can't normies just stfu and do their jobs and go home afterwards.


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I work at a warehouse and the gossip is just sad in my job. Two people around their early 20s already have kids they don't even know and don't wanna deal with in their age. One manager relationship didn't go well and started dating a co-worker whos been friends for a year, one dude threw a ladder and almost hit another co-worker in the face with a box, just don't work at a fucking warehouse christ.


Fuuck, it's kinda sad the only other options for people like us is to either be programmers or do deliveries or smth to avoid drama, despite not being enthusiastic over either.


I know so much terrible and embarrassing shit about other people without even having talked to them once just from listening to gossip


I'm sick of having -1 speech skill.

It's just so embarrassing and humiliating.


life really is hard mode when ur mentally ill, a poor man, disabled, or w/e. maybe you relentlessly struggle and manage to get a job… but how many of us can keep the grind going…. idk how normies manage to do this shit until they're like 65 if not older. i feel mentally worn out at 28. i have been fired from multiple jobs for under performing / depression / mental illness. maybe i should just sell everything and live in a tent somewhere. id have more than enough for food for years. idk wizzies……… idk……. i just feel like life shouldn't be this hard. its not getting easier…


I'm younger and still don't understand how can they withstand the same repetitive lifestyle until theirs 60s… They probably have passion and hope for the future to keep going like this. I don't really care about my future or have any interest in having a family or any of that crap. I just want a house to play vidya and be left alone forever.


I quit my job.

It was a job I had in my early 20s. I was feeling nostalgic and I guess I believed it would somehow be good for me. It was just as bad as it always was.

I don't know why I do this to myself. Every fucking time, I just fucking give them everything, they take my time like the fucking leeches that they are and suck my soul out. The corporate parasites dictate everything you do. They twist your perceptions to fit their own views of the world and vilify you if you deviate from their own vision of what an employee should be.

My soul is fucking rotting. All I am is a fucking shell with this pathetic and subservient cuck hiding inside of it, afraid to show itself for the fear that it will be seen for what it is. I'm ashamed to be here at all, and all I want is death.

I fucking gave them everything and they threw me away for someone who would happily work for less. I don't know whether I should feel pride that I said no, or disappointment that I have no spine and rolled over at the first sign of resistance.


This is the world we live in now, i'm just waiting for people to finally snap and destroy corporations and kill the people at the top. I'm tired of being a fucking bot to them, you and me are human beings and we deserve better than this. All everyone wants is a normal fucking place to live and have food on our plate but we have to sell our souls to these demons to obtain basic needs.


This whole week has been an absolute shitshow. This bank has some of the dumbest and most uppity clients I ever had the displeasure of working with. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m working from my apartment and we’re getting a pay bump I’d probably leave this nightmare.


I already commit as much crime as I can without getting caught.

There is no point trying to instigate anything bigger because most people are subhumans who are content with a barely livable salary and will not join you.

Just exploit the world and normies as much as you can and avoid getting caught at all costs.


You know the absolute joke about all of this? People in social work are no different. They are all about working as least (wenig) as possible and getting as much money and reward as possible. Its all a ashit show, faking, lying, and fudging documents and notations as much as possible to not work. They dont care when someone gets crazy or dies. In fact its a relieaf. Less work to be done. Congrats humanity.


Gotta love starting out the day by being told how you suck at your job. Weeeeeeee


Congrats. You finally get it. 99,9% of humans (not counting some ascetic monks) are simply on a hedonic treadmill.

They just do the bare minimum to get as much sex, food, alcohol, drugs, sleep and entertainment as possible.

Nobody cares about you. People only care about getting their next dopamine fix.


I think I've become slightly used to the monotony of it all. I still hate having fuck all to do for 6+ hours a everyday and basically just having to stare at the walls and pretend to be busy, and there's this insane fucking rage whenever I think about how much time I'm wasting everyday doing fuckall but sitting here and throwing out the little time I've got left, but at least the boredom hurts less than it used to.


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I hate this job but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Part of me wants to quit because I'm constantly stressed, overworked, underpaid and have to deal with shitty co-workers. Part of me thinks I deserve better.

On the other hand, I'm lucky that I even have a job considering I'm an autistic shut-in that can barely go outside. I don't think I could handle an interview process and all the social crap they'd throw at me before I even got in the door. I'm lucky that I work remotely, but I remember how much I suffered 2 years ago when I was commuting to an office every day and struggling to not have a panic attack and couldn't handle making eye contact with people on the bus. Despite the stress, I'm in a "stable" position currently which I don't want to take for granted and make the mistake of making my life worse by having my ego tell me I deserve better.

My technical skills are great, I get shit done, I learn fast. But I always struggled with shit normal people take for granted. I can't handle change, I can't handle all the social niceties, I can't figure out how to get a normal haircut or get clothes that fit me, I can't communicate and express myself eloquently, I talk AT people and hope they understand me. I can't really fix this despite my best efforts…

I have a bunch of money in savings that could last me a year because I have nothing to spend it on. I live with my mom that has some understanding toward my condition so she helps out by buying me groceries and chores, but she has no income of her own. If I quit, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get back on the horse again. At which point I might as well hang myself so I can stop being a burden on others…


I was in a similar situation and got off the horse.
It’s basically impossible to get back on.


As a jobless neet I think you shouldn't take this decision lightly. becoming free of that slavery might seem like a great idea now, but the feeling of freedom won't last. Your job may suck ass, but at least you won't feel like a useless waste of skin and sleep all day because you have nothing else to do and all entertainment became boring. However, feel free to do as you like, i'm in no position to spew advices.


I daydream about how much relief I'd feel if I didn't have to think about work anymore but there's too many downsides. I also can't quit in a single day, I have to give 30 days notice according to my contract which is probably the only thing that stopped me from impulsively just ghosting my employer with a small resignation message - because there wouldn't be an instant relief. I also can't afford to burn bridges with the few people that I know, so I'd have to stick around and honor the contract…

The only thing I could do is somehow make the job not suck, but my attempts at improving the organization and company culture have failed because I'm not a leader or someone people will follow. My co-workers are doing the bare minimum and I don't blame them considering putting in effort and taking up responsibility is not rewarded. Salaries have stagnated and it seems we're only getting more and more work as the clients constantly ask for new features and make demands. My boss tells me that the project we've been working on for 2+ years is still not profitable apparently, so we can't hire more people or have competent project managers or an actual QA team or even support staff that doesn't just forward me the message.

I've tried the "not giving a shit" approach but as an autistic I get obsessive with things and I can't just let go. When something is not working or I have a problem to figure out I can't stop thinking about it after work and I get nightmares trying to solve stuff in a dream but only going in a loop. My co-workers regularly submit subpar work that is untested and badly written, so either I have to check it and fix it or it will stay like that. I can't be bothered to convince people that they should do good work because it's the right thing to do And maybe they're right, they won't get a tap on the back for it or a bonus, I'm the retarded one for getting stressed out about shit.

That's what I thought…I actually did apply to one place several months ago as an experiment and got a reply to come in for a formal interview but the thought of going in and talking to this HR lady made me feel physically ill so I just said I changed my mind about the job.

Someone suggested to me to apply for remote only positions, but even they ask to see you on webcam and make sure you're a normalfag before giving you a shot. The reality is that I will always be filtered out because of this…



You complain yet I'm here >>264669
,probably much lower paid than you and having to go to the office everyday, I hate it, they told me that we we're going hybrid at the very least some weeks, and I will just quit if they don't deliver, being a NEET was much better than this.


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>been enjoying the NEET life for over a year now
>finally forced to get a job
>found a job in a warehouse, seems like a nice enough place
>supposed to start next week but hiring process keeps getting worse with each step
>starting to regret my decision

First I did the normal, easy stuff: send a resume, have a short phone interview, then an in-person interview. I'm not the most socially-skilled individual, and needless to say I was uncomfortable, but I muddled my way through well enough and I'm basically hired. Unfortunately, I'm now at the 'background check' part of the process. I don't mind it normally, because normally it's just someone poking around the internet, looking for criminal offences and social media accounts that I don't have. However, in this case they want me to take a urine test. I've done drug screenings before, but they were just the simple mouth swab. Now I have to print out a document to take to the screening location, I have to wear a face mask and have my temperature taken and show them my license, all so I can get shoved into a room and told to piss inside a cup and then hand it to someone who will analyze it and put me into their system like I'm some sort of convict.

The whole process sounds dreadful. I haven't even done it yet and I already feel violated. What's more is it doesn't even feel like I'm getting a job anymore. It feels more like I'm being processed and sent to the state penitentiary. I'm not even working yet and I already miss being a NEET.


Yeah, my condolences. I don't know why employers insist on this archaic practice other than some paranoia that you will be less productive and the company looks less serious if they don't rent out big office space to impress the clients.

When the pandemic happened, we all switched to working from home and I guess my boss saw that nothing changed (before that you could only WFH if you asked for permission and only for day or two max). My mental health improved immediately and for a while there I was kind of happy, but you always find new shit to complain about. Now I'm butthurt that I have to do too much work and I don't get to slack off enough - meanwhile, some of you work in a warehouse doing physical labor.

I definitely sound ungrateful but my suffering is nonetheless still real. I decided to just learn how to have better boundaries and learn to say no and just work as a 1x programmer for a while instead of taking up too much responsibility. If shit breaks or slows down, I doubt anyone will notice. The coding nightmares are not fucking worth it…


>volunteer to take on customer service duties
Why did I do that
Actually, I didn't. I just got kind of roped into it. I told them I didn't want to, but they said "nah this is just temporary you'll be doing just a bit of it until we get a replacement"
Now I'm the replacement


>However, in this case they want me to take a urine test
That doesn't sound like a normal thing for companies to ask of you to do and feels like a red flag to me. Usually, if the hiring process of a company is very bothersome, your superiors are going to be bothersome to deal with once you actually start working there too. Maybe just try somewhere else?


I'm guessing you don't live in The Land of the Free (TM), drug tests of all kinds are not only acceptable, they've become the standard (for new, low-level hires).

Piss tests are almost always done off-site. While they (might) "technically" be paid for by the company, you still need to go to the facility, fill out paperwork, and have your privacy and personal freedoms casually violated for no reason besides "cuz we said so". Will take at least an hour+commute expenses.


>Maybe just try somewhere else?
I'd like to at this point, but I feel like I'm in too deep now since this is the final stretch before my start date. Plus, my dad is pressuring me into the job pretty hard as well. On top of that, >>265123 is correct. Most US companies will casually violate your privacy and autonomy in one way or another. For example, one of the other jobs I applied to (dishwashing) required me to disclose my last 7 years of residence history, and then wanted me to submit multiple forms for their background check. At first I thought this warehouse job would be easier, but it seems all of these places are basically the same.

To any wiz who doesn't live in the US: never believe anyone who says this is the best country on Earth, it's not. You may be at slightly less of a risk of homelessness, disease, or starvation, but the price of those comforts is full-fledged slavery with little hope of escape.


I LOVE the gossip. I get to do some work up in the office now, where there's a few ladies up there including the manager who've been here for 15+ years and it's hilarious all the shit they talk about 'the downstairs people' I used to work amongst. I love getting the inside scoop about what's going on, who's fucked up, who's in trouble, hearing them make fun of people etc.
But it's also horrifying because I'm sure they used to talk about me too, but, that's just how things work. They talk about each other behind their backs too. I hear many things. Not just in the office, there's basically no truly private places in such a building. I hear shit all the time that shouldn't be public knowledge, it's actually pretty irresponsible sometimes lol but information is power. Sometimes I use it to my advantage or just plant it in places to stir some shit (in ways not traceable back to myself). Hearing them make fun of this other lady for being a 40 year old virgin, man, succubus are lethal….and the amount they love to burp and be gross, much more so than the men, because they know they can get away with it.


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So this is the real world. This is what the majority of humans are doing. They strive for this, they fight tooth-and-nail over the opportunity to do this.
This is what my life has been leading up to and what I will be doing for the rest of it:

Moving stuff to other movers of stuff so that everyone involved can continue to afford continuing the moving of the stuff.

There are people who aren't part of this endless circle of moving stuff to other movers of stuff so that the stuff can continue moving between movers of stuff.
I don't know who they are and I will never be one of them.
They never have to move stuff or worry about whether they will continue being able and allowed to move stuff.

One day I will be gone and my tomb stone won't even say "Here lies Anon, he moved stuff".
I'll just be ashes mixed in with the ashes of billions of other movers of stuff. There will be some grassy hill outside of town under which all these ashes of billions are buried. The hill will have a sign "People who moved stuff". The hill will be grassy for a few years until the neglect makes it a filthy dirt mount with a sign reading "Stuff". The cheap labor used to bury our ashes will lead to streams of black mud appearing on the outskirts of town when it rains. Nobody is completely sure of what this filth is; only that it is probably waste material and thankfully it drains into the sewers where it fucking belongs.

One day the unstable, polluted patch of cheap land from which toxic black goo once oozed will be purchased by Amazon or Walmart and they will construct another warehouse on top of it. The warehouse will be filled with stuff to be moved by people to other warehouses across the realm.


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Welcome to reality wiz, you aren't the chosen one and you aren't special whatsoever like me. I think we both will end up being wagecucks till we die lonely and miserable, but at least when we die we will be free from this torture. No more thoughts, no more pain, emotions or feelings, just eternal peace…


What is it with normies and working for such massive shitty companies?
I would rather be, and have been, homeless because of my refusal to work for a company like that. I regret nothing.
I feel like working there would be a way of admitting defeat. Like I'm just rolling over and letting corporate America suck my soul from me and sell it back for a profit.


well written and beautiful post. bleak though.


I swear to God the biggest mistake companies ever do is hiring workers offshore because they can be the absolute dumbest people on the goddamn planet.


the bottom of the barrel jobs often have you go through that because they deal with druggies. it costs them money as well they wouldnt be doing it if it wasnt needed. chances are its like that in all the moderately easy to enter jobs around your area


Working made me realize that work is probably the worst thing to ever happen to people, it literally kills your soul, makes you a slave of someone else, you dont even belong to yourself, this is probably what Marx was talking about when he wrote shit about alienation.

I just took a day off without telling anyone (just because, fuck them) and I realized how much freedom I used to have when I was a NEET, it truly feels like work is this awful prison that destroys you both physically and psychologically, now that I had this small spark of freedom I don't think I can handle being slaved forever.

And keep in mind that I've only had this job for a couple of months, I can't imagine doing ANY job for years, I would rather kill myself honestly.


There are 3 kinds of visceral alienation I've experienced like that
>work: you don't own the product of your labor
>food: huge agricultural and logistics systems that produce the same thing growing a few feet away
>property: living on square plots of land in a row, where each occupant labors for 30 years for no particular reason


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I had a discussion with my mom today and we ended up talking about jobs. She said she made about $25,000 in 1975 working at a supermarket. The most I've ever made is $45,000 a year working as a government researcher in modern times. We looked it up and her pay in modern dollars is equivalent to ~$100,000. No wonder everything is fucked.


Yeah, i've been doing it forever. I fucking hate it so much but never quit because i know i'll never get a better shitkicker job. Some weeks i'll get 6 shits and the other just 3 (which is nice). Theres also free food but i'm over eating there. I'm an absolute husk of a man now and dragging my ass in there is torture.


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I honestly think our economy will be the end of us, things keeps getting pricey and pricey each month and year, people won't afford to live and go crazy. Riot happens, people will violently attacks innocents, rich people or people who got it easy in life… God I can't wait for the shitshow that will happen in the coming years.



Yea, the people fighting to raise the minimum wage have been saying that for a long time. The corporations put an actor on the White house (Ronald Regan) and rigged the game completely in the favor and against workers ever since.


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So I went through with the urine test (mentioned here >>265107) and I am now officially a mover of stuff in a warehouse. I started work yesterday in the 'apparel department' where I spend my entire day packing and processing articles of clothing, then taking them to the shipping area. It's not terrible (yet) but it gets very repetitive and mind-numbing fairly quickly. I start to get pretty tired about 5 hours into my shift. Another sour note is that a normal shift is basically 9 hours, as they give you the mandatory lunch-hour. However, we are allowed to take as little as 30 minutes, which most people opt to do (myself included) so they can go home 30 minutes earlier.

The true nightmare is just over the horizon, however, as we are entering our 'busy season.' What this means for me is that very soon, as in next week soon, they will be scheduling me for 10 hour shifts and weekends. I'm pretty sure I overheard our supervisor use the term 'mandatory weekend' so it wont even be an option. I already feel like my free time is almost non-existent on normal shifts, but it feels like the true slavery is fast-approaching. I'm really dreading this.


I've been working a year at a similar job like yours and my god it's so exhausting, every time I think "i'll eventually get used too it" I fucking don't and each day get worse its insane. Mostly from horrid management and careless co-workers who dont do shit but have favoritism around the place. Be prepared for the hell that awaits you.


if you're under 40 start strength training, if you're over still do that, but get your testosterone levels checked.


Yo straight up i smoke weed so for those piss tests i literally use fake urine called "quick fix". you can buy that it comes in a container with a nozzle and you just heat it up and dump it in the cup. works great for drugs or if you just don't want them invasion your privacy


>don't want them invasion your privacy
What a retard lmao. Your privacy ends where you job application begins. Civilization doesn't need more potheads operating equipment, so good on them for demanding a urine test. And if you really cared about privacy, you wouldn't be in here spouting how much you "straight up" suck smelly fags. Take some advice from the Suicide General.


Kek, I don't know why people won't try some delta 8, yeah its shit compared to real weed but it isn't smelly and psychotic. I feel good and wake up the next day feeling better and normal.


>Yo straight up
I have nothing against weed, but are you wizposting in a ghetto?


Delta 8 is weak as shit. Vaping those cartridges suck ass.

I wish I had real weed.


They suck but real weed is hard to get man and people just straight up hate the shit uncontrollably, I don't get why people care what they do on their own times.


who care if people use drugs as long as they dothe job right. its invasive


they just raised the foodstamp limit where i'm at by a lot. i think they know a lot of ppl can't afford to eat everything is getting shifted in a weird way. basically because the rich have so much money and the gap is so big


alert anti-weed retard. have fun being miserable while im enjoying being high.


Dude needs to chillax


A recruiter said he wanted to get me an interview after the weekend. I gave him my resume and now I have to wait in anticipation for him yo call me because all he said was Monday or Wednesday. The job is contract and apparently moves "quickly", so a one week period between finding and interviewing is normal. The problem is I don't know when he wants me interviewed. This is atupid. I don't want to wait to find out, and I don't want to find out today is the day, "so I better get ready!" I'm actually pretty desperate for a new job since I've been outta a job for three months from covid as well as it generally being hard for me to do things. ADHD literally ruined my life and made me so depressed that it's even harder to function.


You're like an idiot hitting his head against the wall because he's amused that he can see "stars" for a few seconds. "Enjoy" your brain damage, straight up yo!


>smoking a plant makes you retarded

eh ignorance is bliss anyways.


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Are you implying smoking weed is the equivalence of hitting your head on a brick wall? Because if any substance is that its alcohol. Yes weed isn't healthy but neither are most things technically and it's much safer than a lot of prescribed "medicines" .

So long as you aren't smoking weed under the age of 25 literally all of the after effects fade in a couple of days besides of course THC in your piss/body fat but even that goes away in a month depending on the amount you did.

It's completely fine you personally dislike marijuana for whatever reason like being on the schizo spectrum, having burnouts for parents or whatever. You shouldn't project that onto wizzies here who are just trying to catch a break in the demiurges fallen world.


You probably weren't very bright to begin with, but all the more reason to save up those brain cells since you can spare so little.

0.01 weed points have been deposited into your account.


man you are steaming! i'm sitting here stoned just laughing at your misery.


Lol, smoke up you braindead fuck.


Why does it bother you so much? Is it cause it makes society lazy or its a "nigger" drug or what? I'm fucking suffering enough, I can't fucking enjoy a goddamn plant to alleviate this shitty world? I can't have anything anymore.


weed makes depression to comfortable a real man just takes it and / or fixes conditions


theres nothing wrong with weed i get high everyday and these dudes are missing out on some amazing feelings and effects from this plant. just ignore them


>theres nothing wrong with weed
Except for the long and growing list of psychological and physical side-effects that manifest through regular usage, as well as the obvious downsides to filling your lungs with dirty smoke from a plant likely covered in mold.
>i get high everyday
You will begin to experience bipolar, psychotic, amnesic, and irritable states as your baseline within 3 years. Weed can only distract you at that point. You will never go back to feeling normal without it.
>amazing feelings and effects
Go ahead and list them so we can recommend drugs and supplements for the same effects which don't have downsides.

>just toke your problems away

>just spend lots of money and time on something potentially very illegal
>just poison your blood and become a shivering wreck for a short feeling of numbness
>become addicted like me
>yeah there are real solutions to problems but dude, weed

You braindead Jamaicaboos have your containment thread for stoning out. Most of the users participating in the wageslave thread would be thrown in prison if they took a single ounce of your advice. Trying to convince men healthier and wiser than you to dumb themselves down to your level with horrible decisions is normalfaggot tier.


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Lmao weedhurt


I work as a bike courrier doing food deliveries. Is it not one of the most antithetical job that a wizard could do ? I'm constantly outdoors in a big city full of people and it's really making me uneasy sometimes, no matter how much i try to not give a fuck. It has been 2 years now doing this and i think it had eroded my peace of mind slowly piece by piece, it's weird. People can be awful (have openly been to me a few times), sometimes passive agressive, and it's like it built up during these 2 years. I thought it would get better but it got worse, i feel more out of place than ever before. And the line between reality and paranoia got very thin, i'm full of apprehension, i think it's unhealthy for me to keep doing this shit.


That sounds rough. I hope you can find a better job, wiz.


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So an update on my new warehouse job: I hate it. The 10-hour shifts I had mentioned before are worse than I originally thought. I thought it was 1 or 2 10-hour shifts sprinkled throughout a week, as it turns out however, I'm expected to work 10 hours every day, 50 hours per week (not including lunch, prep-time, and commute) total for the rest of the year. What's more is the 2nd and 4th Saturday of this month I will be expected to work 8 hours. I've just been tremendously bamboozled by these people, because when I originally applied, I was told 8 hours Monday through Friday. I knew that getting a job would severely curtail my personal freedoms, but this job has successfully baited me into full-on slavery. On top of all of that, I've been having some health issues lately and this job isn't helping matters.

Family and coworkers of course tell me, each other, and themselves the same bullshit lines. Things like "you'll get used to it" or "wait until you see your paycheck, then you'll feel better." It's an obviously weak cope. I don't see how anyone can truly 'get used' to 10+ hours grinding away at the same dull, repetitive tasks for 5+ days in a row. And as far as the paycheck goes: How am I supposed to be happy about money that I don't have the time to spend or enjoy? This whole situation has quickly escalated from 'depressing slog' to 'waking nightmare' in less than a week. Today my mind actually shut off all thoughts and emotions for about 2 full hours, this happens from time to time as a sort of defense mechanism when I get extremely enraged and depressed simultaneously. My brain simple doesn't know what to do with all of these negative thoughts and feelings, so it just flushes everything out. I've been giving serious thought to killing myself lately, now it's all but confirmed. I can't take this pointless, agonizing life anymore, so I'm going to spend the next 4-6 weeks wrapping up some personal affairs and making preparations, then I'm getting off this horrible ride.

You were right, this is hell.


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I'm indian and my dad is like this. I'm too dysfunctional to work but he forced me to go to university instead of neeting out, since I have done absolutely nothing for the last couple years, I am now being forced into finding a job. Why couldn't I be born into a jewish banking clan…


>new warehouse job

Yeah, being a warehouse wagie is no fun. Those jobs are reserved for literal slaves.

They expect to work you to death.


That guy on the phone who was freaking me out about an interview in like, 3 days, didn't bother. Thank the gods. Not only do I not want this shit right now, but the company itself was ghosting me for three months. Fuck em.


Thank you. It's rough but it feels somewhat self induced which is really frustrating, because i have no control over it. Then i think i'm somewhat right to feel this way, cause these 2 years have simply been empirical evidence that some people do hostile shit, do judge, observe and comment when you drive past them on a bike and it can be awful and humiliating. It's like you're a sitting duck, especially if you look weird because of a condition (for me it's chronic depression and some form of autismo i guess) and for some atavistic reasons. I'm a 6ft6 white dude but i am also getting too old for this job, i'm almost 29 most of my coworkers are youngsters. I had people commenting on how i looked rough, others on how i was about to cry, others on how i looked scared, which doesn't surprise me because i do get neurotic as fuck. Sometimes it's just weird or malicious looks, i mean people coming from ahead and observing me the whole time, not looking away. Sometimes with a sneer.
I didn't mention the cases of open hostility, i mean when people got confronted which just confirmed that i actually didn't fucking misheard or imagined shit. I bet my ass that if i did that more often, it would just have confirmed lots of things but i prefer to get on with my day. It's little things like that, that just led to a build-up. I'm not straight up paranoid but too sensitive, which led to apprehension. I feel misunderstood and it pisses me off, i think to understand me someone someone would have to do this job in my skin.

But i bet i'm not the only one to feel this way. There's that guy, looks to be in his forties, he always seems stressed as hell (kinda cowers with a pavlovian response when greeted while driving the bike) and still wears the mask on his mouth. He's also 5 foot. You can tell this guy had to live a life of abuse despite having a better character than me, he seems much kinder and less proud than me deep inside but shit still buggers him. Abuse that still persists with that shitty job exposing him to rude urban normies, gee whiz…

I also talked with other guys, there is one guy that got spat to his face for asking a guy to clear the way, another one got asked by some depraved faglord if he wanted to get his dick sucked. I also have access to a chat for work purposes (to communicate with colleagues or dispatch) and i have seen crazy things there too like guys getting assaulted for delivering too late or getting lit cigarettes thrown in the face while driving past a group, getting insulted for asking the client's name (must match the one on the ticket) etc. Shit sucks, i just can't stand the shitty vibe this city gives off sometimes.


Where in the world is that place?, are the assaulters born there?


It's common for people who do jobs like courier to have some really shitty experiences, since they have to deal with the lowest of the low daily, but it seems like your city is exceptionally shit.


I know exactly what you mean about little things build up and being paranoid/sensitive about people's bullshit. I quit my last job and had a nervous breakdown because of this very thing. People really were talking mad shit about me, I wasn't imagining it; but it led to me hearing voices and hallucinating things for real. I really hope you can quit that job, and get out of that city too holy fuck man that sounds horrible!


It's in western Europe. Will say no more for obvious reasons cause you never know. I'm pretty sure the people commiting the worst things i gave as an example were from an immigrant background (the areas in which it happened point to it) whether they were born here or not, but even average normies can get awful.

It's weird cause this city do have a shitty reputation, but at the same time it's not THAT bad and there are worse places for sure. Many locals defend it (often students or international people though so they live in a bubble). But it sucks at the same time and people are always on their guard, even those who pretend they love it, it's really confusing. The general ethos is kinda trash, very cosmopolitan and chaotic, "the war of all against all" basically while pretending everything is cool and fine. I feel that's why people can be so hostile and judgy in here. I just got back from groceries and there was some crazy hobo screaming insanities right in front of my house. There is always something, but then they will tell people to just brush these daily occurrences off as something silly until everything turns to shit. Anyway i really need to gtfo to the countryside or a smaller city.

It's nice to know i'm not alone even though it must have sucked ass for you too. Thank you wizbro, wish you the best.


>It's weird cause this city do have a shitty reputation, but at the same time it's not THAT bad and there are worse places for sure. Many locals defend it (often students or international people though so they live in a bubble). But it sucks at the same time and people are always on their guard, even those who pretend they love it, it's really confusing. The general ethos is kinda trash, very cosmopolitan and chaotic, "the war of all against all" basically while pretending everything is cool and fine.

im not a "cities suck!!!1" kinda guy but i feel this can be said of every single one on earth lol


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Man I'm glad to be in shape again. Right now I'm getting paid a living wage to smash stuff with a hammer and throw garbage in to a big metal box. I can listen to my music and eat whenever. As long as the things are smashed and the garbage is tossed I get paid. I can even take some of the garbage home and set it on fire to warm the house.


What's the fucking logic behind these recruitment agencies not letting you call them back? Feels like there's not a single fucking company on this earth that actually wants employees. The fuck, I'm literally offering myself up to be a slave and there's no takers. The fucking state.


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There are actually very few wagies in the world. I ran the numbers a while ago and concluded it was a huge meme


I hope you are wearing eye protection


Remember to wear a dust mask. Demolition is actually an extremely hazardous industry to work in, especially long-term. All sorts of shit in that dust that can cause problems.


Are those app-based gig things good? Instacart doesn't seem bad. You're basically a professional grocery shopper. IDK how much it would all pay though but if it's comparable to a low-tier wage slave job it seems preferable due to the flexible hours and lack of human boss.


If you have a problem with getting paid who do you go to? Call tech support at some megacorp? I don't know man I'd be wary of app stuff for this reason alone


> I just want a house to play vidya and be left alone forever.
when i was 10 y.o. i thought the same.


Pretty sure they all pay you like a dollar per day. succubi really love "working" in them for some reason. I'd say there's probably a really shitty catch in it, I haven't even heard of instacart before though.


Go back tomorrow after 5 days of self isolating, in retrospect I shouldn't have spent those 5 days binge drinking because I'm currently racked with the fear and will get terrible sleep. Only I can be this fucking stupid.


if i was you id continue my binge and skip work


I don't know why I get so upset about my coworkers enjoying working. There is a dude that started working at 8:00AM and ended his shift at 00:00 and he didn't even complained about it. It's like he is a robot or something. Jesus Christ.
Retail by the way.


They probably already accepted their fate and slog through the shit. They can't leave or do anything about it but work to survive, I don't really blame em for trying to enjoy it.


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Do wizzies here have advice when trying to self-teach Javascript to get an entry level programmer job? Right now I'm reading through an easy guide on basic programming (Book is called Beginning Programming in 24 hours). I'm 1/2 way through right now.

And how hard is getting the Javascript certificate? Are there any pointers I should look out for?

My goal is to just get into a desk job so I can stop killing my back at my grocery work.


>My goal is to just get into a desk job so I can stop killing my back at my grocery work.

Sitting at a desk is going to do far more damage to your flank than lifting Doritos all day


This weekend went by faster than normal. Helped family with car problems on Saturday and now I woke up way later than normal on Sunday, while trying to make myself sleepy again so I don't go to work having been up for 10 hours already. Jeez. Working sucks so bad, I want to NEET. The only problem is if I fuck up on this job (I deal with high electricity and interstate driving 80mph) I won't get fired - I'll probably die. Which is not looking like the worst outcome in the world now that I think about it.



Javascript has many frameworks, the most used ones are React, Angular and Vue.js. If you want to get a Job, you have to learn one of those. I recommend you React, but check them out.

Finish your book and do a course like this one next: https://getfreecourses.co/react-the-complete-guide-incl-hooks-react-router-redux-8/


>My goal is to just get into a desk job so I can stop killing my back at my grocery work.
Study for a CS degree and do something like FreeCodeCamp on the side


You should pick what you want to specialize in. Since you picked JS as your first language, I'm assuming you want to go into web development. There you can either specialize in Front-End or Back-End programming and sometimes there's Full-Stack developers that do both.

Here's a site with up-to-date roadmaps on what to learn:

Front-end development is a little more forgiving when it comes to core computer science knowledge needed, but it has its own set of complexities. I suggest learn vanilla JS (just pure JS without any frameworks) and learn how to manipulate the DOM, then when you pick a framework like React or Angular, it will be less magical what they do under the hood.

If you want to become an elite hacker, then teach yourself computer science first:


is anyone else here an Ideological neet? I dont want to make someone else richer. I really dont.


Why don't you spend the next 4-6 weeks looking for a better job lol


>Man I'm glad to be in shape again. Right now I'm getting paid a living wage to smash stuff with a hammer and throw garbage in to a big metal box. I can listen to my music and eat whenever. As long as the things are smashed and the garbage is tossed I get paid. I can even take some of the garbage home and set it on fire to warm the house.

Glad you have a job that you can tolerate wizzie but may I ask, do you live in a 3rd world country? All the demolition crew jobs here in the US pay absolute shit wages.


>uses burning garbage to warm his house
Signs point to yes.


With current prices and inflation working is mostly a massive scam, our parents and grandfathers worked hard so they could buy Houses, cars and some kind of wealth that could last for generations, today we mostly work just to avoid starvation and homelessness the best we can, it's basically impossible to build something by yourself unless you're already rich.


Yep, our grandfathers could actually build a legacy because their accumulated wealth held its value. For us it's actually counter-productive to work since we're trading our time, energy and even health for a currency that depreciates in value, and very rapidly as of late.

I will probably be fired or laid off from my current job as I've been slacking off the past few months (although it's mostly because I'm still waiting on stuff from my co-worker but they won't take that as an excuse). The inner wagie in me feels bad for it, but the more rational part knows it's for the best.


Canada, actually. So yes 3rd world. The house is heated with large wood stoves. Hardwood 2x4s burn hot and quick so they're good for getting the fire going in the morning. There are small electric heaters on the water lines to keep them from freezing.

Got the job through my dad. It's a small construction company that hires contractors for their respective trades but there's no specific training needed for hauling garbage so all it takes is to be in shape and willing to get dirty. Last job we did the boss saw there was a young guy on internet classifieds near the site who was asking for a day or two of basic labor. The guy had his mom drop him off, he did well breaking, hauling, and cleaning, then collected his pay and went home. So many old contractors, landscapers, and professionals just need a guy or two to do the lifting. They pay well and as long as you have your own wheels you don't have to hang around all day or be at the mercy of their drunk driving. In the winter I will probably be shoveling snow which is one way I chose to get exercise even as a NEET. I like breaking ice, it smashes like glass but it is not sharp and sometimes there are coins to mine out. I found a set or horse shoes in the basement at the last job and they belong to me now.

I'm getting $25/h cash, 10 hours a day some days. If I work enough hours in a season I can ask the boss to put my pay on the books. This means I'll have to pay taxes on what I've earned but I'll be able to collect seasonal unemployment insurance. I am saving up for a gaming PC for the 6th time in my life.


Recently got a pay bump to $22 an hour working from home for a bank. Mainly telling people to turn their devices on and off again. It's soul draining…but at least I don't have to go anywhere or socialize with anyone physically….so I guess take the good with the bad? Idk.


Got a raise at my office job to 17$/hr. I guess that's all a master's degree and 8 years of schooling gets you these days. Should've just chopped wood for double the pay.


Not bad wiz, sounds like you found a nice way to earn some luxury.


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I can only dream about getting this much for a hourly wage. I'm stuck in peasant 17/h for a job that deals with high electricity, interstate driving, and extremely high exposure to RF. It's either this or flipping burgers though. Hilarious the hell situations I find myself in. God I hate everything.


It's probably in Canadian dollars so you're actually making the same wage LOL

25 CAD = 17.93 USD


Meanwhile, minimum wage in the richest European countries is between 11 and 13 dollars. Earning 18 dollars an hour for a typical wageslave job sounds insane to me. I would only have to work 3 days a week on a wage like that to earn the same amount that I'd get from working 5 days now.


İf it makes you people feel better it'd take me two days to earn 17$.


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The working conditions in US jobs are slave tier regardless of office or manual labor. Slavery was still legal here only 50 years ago. Neurotypicals don't handle stress the same way we do by keeping it all in and are constantly letting out their agressions and complaints here and always blame whoever doesn't speak for everything. You can't quiet guy it and do your job, manual labor is all teams of low iq groids talking about sports and getting drunk. Office environment is the same groids except in an open-office panopticon you are constantly mentally exhausted because you know everyone else is watching everything you do and say. If you don't feel like speaking that day and ignore a coworker it might get you fired if they complain. Having a threat like that constantly looming over you and in your mind daily is insanity inducing. It's literally better to be a beggar homeless or a 0 money neet than work in US as a wiz. Especially now with a world war on the news 24/7 groids are more hostile and stressed out than ever.


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You're living a good life, appreciate it.


Don't forget all the unironic sociopaths that go around trying to cause drama everywhere. I've got an entire dozen of them in my daily life and I have to supress the urge to flay those annoying fucks everytime.


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>Just appreciate shit anon, at least you only have a half of shit on your plate instead of a plate full of shit!

I just want this off this ride already, this world feels like hell.


>world economic forum
>you will own nothing and be happy
>you will be unhappy and lead a meaningless existence and like it
You missed the point of your screencap, retard.


One of those days where time seems to zoom by during my breaks and lunch, but slows to a gat damn crawl when on the clock. It's the fucking worst


The study being cited is an attempt to add the dimension of "richness" to the existing dichotomy of hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing studied in psychology. These guys have interpreted that in the worst way possible, of course, probably to mask a retreat in the face of falling living standards. This is a good opportunity for their enemies to capture more abandoned territory


>Reading all this shit while I make $1000 a month as a software engineer in a shithole country.

>And mine is one of the "high" salaries.


>World Economic Forum
>unspecified "experts" say x
>article is about something completely backwards and nonsensical, but spun in such a way as to attempt to convince the reader that black is white, right is left, and up is down
It's pretty damned predictable at this point. I often wonder if anyone actually buys into this whacky bullshit, but in truth I don't think I actually want to know because the answer is likely 'yes.' Some normalfags really are that stupid unfortunately.

I make almost double what you make, but I have to work 50+ hours a week to get it.Also, I don't know how the economy is where you live, but here we're getting fucked with inflation, so my money doesn't even go very far. And they say we're "first world." It's shitty everywhere, sadly.


When will this shitty inflation fucking end? Everywhere around the world people are getting fucked while the elites are chilling. It's such bullshit and I hate how we can't do anything about it.


Got a phone call today from my new potential master. Training will start on tuesday. It is a car cables factory, although I don't know shit about cars or cables, but i need thos shekels. I predict a lot of fucking up and a lot of being yelled at. It will be my first job since graduating university, i'm pretty fucking terrified.


>that abstract agony of having a day off but you're so used to having your life dominated by work that you can't even find something to spend your free time on


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I'm taking a blueprint/PowerPoint course now at my job. In trying to get on the brake machines and it's required to take this class. If i do this ill be able to do overtime and a department change and better pay down the line. I just wanna quit I'm too retarded to understand math it feels like I'm gonna be a underpaid wagie forever. Only reason in doing this is to get out of the department I'm in which all I do is box shit up with no overtime available. I just wanna quit and become a NEET again. This isn't what I'm meant to do with my time and soul, I want out already. I just feel like crying now when I'm in this class now


I fucking hate how most high paying jobs require you to know math, be a social god, require you to have 4-6 year degrees, know how to organize and be some übermensch… I fucking hate this world, why is it designed to be so hard and unfair?


>we can't do anything about it
you could try not investing all your wealth in worthless fiat currency. thousands of people have worked tirelessly to present the solution of cryptocurrency to your dumbass and you have just chosen to remain ignorant of it.


>The solution of cryptocurrency
Go shill your failed experiment somewhere else.


its okay that you missed out on making bank off the early hype, investing in cryptocurrency still makes total financial sense. however if you want to sit idly by and let yourself be robbed while desperately clinging to some hope that your investment in a fundamentally broken currency is going to pay off then i guess its your choice.


I've yet to see anyone on here post proof of their withdrawed money from crypto. Just admit you're acting in bad faith by shilling crypto because you're one of the dumbasses who fell for it.



>a desk job

It still confuses me to read this. What "desk jobs" are there for programmers? Is software engineer/developer considered a desk job? What else is there? Is there some sort of magical desk job that lets you more or less fade into the background doing your job while paying you enough to live alone? Being something like an engineer/developer seems to carry so much responsibility and requires absurd amounts of technical knowledge, technical skills, and interpersonal skills to blend in with normals at a level that is harder to do in most other areas of life. I just don't know what other entry-level jobs exist for "programmer" other than engineer or developer that you could get just by knowing the basics.


I've been working a hard labour job that i'm not qualified for for about 1 year now. I am basically an apprentice assembling and fixing escalators and fancy automated parking spaces. I got this job through my relatives right after 4 years of neeting in high school and it's been hell for me considering i never had to work with my hands and handle tools before.

The shittiest part out off all of this is that i have to keep working in order to not be homeless or starve and i don't have any time to learn new skills or plan for my future in order to make my life easier and not have to break my back and spare all of my free time away from home for a slightly above minimum wage in a 3rd world eastern european shithole. I just turned 20 and i keep telling myself that i still have time but it all seems hopeless. Being out of town for work 3 weeks out of 4 monthly while having to handle retarded boomer normgroids doesn't help either.


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Succubi will go to great lengths to justify their shitty behavior. Case in point: I work for a bank's digital support department and this guy calls in to get his cards activated for Apple Pay because he got new cards after he went on a date and the succubus that he was with stole his cards. I felt for the guy and helped him get his cards verified and he was thankful. My coworkers overheard the convo and one of the succubi said "he probably asked her to go Dutch and she got mad"…

Like she's defaulted to justifying shitty behavior by saying it was the guy's fault so she deserved it. What the actual hell??!!


quit my job, but I still gotta work for two more months or they could suspend my license to work anywhere else for a year. dad says I should still half ass it, but I am incapable of half assing anything. I need to start looking for a new job anyway, why can't I just full on ignore this job I'm giving up?


succubi instinctively defend succubi in the abstract. Like, any time there's a conflict between a man and a succubus and she doesn't know the succubus, she'll back the succubi.

Yet they will tear apart succubi they do personally know like a vulture over the most trivial shit.


>but I am incapable of half assing anything.


It's called a conscience. You feel guilt when you're screwing someone else over, even if that someone is an employer who doesn't give a shit about you.


Has anyone here worked in a hotel before? I landed a job as a cleaner for one, tomorrow will be my first day. It's a pretty shitty contract; the pay sucks, there's nothing extra for working late shifts or weekends and the hours aren't set with a minimum of 16 a week. Not that it matters, I am one of the unemployables so I have to take it or spend another four months job searching.


Currently working from my apartment high as shit. Because to work for a digital support department at a bank, you have to be high in order to deal with the technogical retards that are the American elderly population


That sounds pretty nice, how’s the pay? Enough to keep you drugged at least?


We just got a bump to $22 an hour from $16 an hour. All I gotta do is sit at my desk. Take calls, and make sure I don't fuck anything up or pass anyone off on purpose.


yea fuck thati can't deal with people i wouldn't be able to do thatj ob at all. i have a short fuse i wouldn't be able to handle stupidity.


i hate being a cashier
i hate everyone who shops at my store
i hate all of my coworkers
i hate how my manager can smile like a crazy person at 9 in the fjuking morning while being at WORK


why do you work around the general public lmfao fuck that noise. i'd work ina warehouse before doing anything around the general dumb public


because actual warehouses won't hire me, i don't want to work full time, and i am only doing this job so my mom thinks i am doing something with my life.
also this job WAS supposed to be a stockroom position but they just decided to make me a cashier as well.


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>work as a solo cart attendant in a supermarket
>extremely physical job
>also required to clean up messes inside the store
>get called in to clean up a bunch of shaven facial hair that was all over the family restroom sink
>no 'room closed' sign to be found anywhere so I just lock and shut the family restroom door when cleaning up
>spend about 8 minutes cleaning up the mess with a paper towel and just rinse away the leftover hair down the sink drain
>finally unlock and open the door after I'm done and there's some pregnant spic roastie succubi with 3 other kids who was waiting outside and was apparently waiting for awhile even though she didn't even bother knocking
>Starts bitching at me because she thought I was hogging the family restroom to myself
>didn't really hear her at first because I had one earbud in listening to music and I assumed she was complaining about something else to herself as she was doing it in a somewhat low tone a didn't really make eye contact with me
>When she finally catches my attention by looking right at me and saying "I know you're ignoring me" and "I know you can hear me" and I just reply with "what?"
>continues to start bitching at me about how I was wrongfully hogging the family bathroom to myself
>tell her I was cleaning a mess in bathroom
>she doesn't believe me and just says "yeah sure" in a loud aggressive bitch-like tone
>don't know how to react so I simply just start laughing at her to piss her off because i'm just fed up with passive-agressive normalfilth types at this point
>she stares at me in anger as she slams the family restroom door shut
>I just walk away and continued the rest of my shift listening to anime soundtracks and various videos about random historical events in late medieval period Europe

I was looking forward to calling her a roastie whore if she confronted me again but I never saw her after that. So far I haven't received a complaint about it from management as most of them don't give a flying fuck about customer complaints in relation to employees in the first place as most of them are usually just over exaggerated BS. Could've cared less if I would've ended up losing the job over this anyways since I'm a semi-neet and have money saved up to last me a few months if I had to do so.


I appreciate your compliment, but I think it is because I am too autistic that I have to devote my entire focus to it or I can't do it at all.


it's best to just pretend that you can't make heads or tails of what they are saying in situations like this. Just give a blank stare and walk off.


>don't matter much
this. i dont matter about that because it was just happend. i cant make it wasnt happend. So I tell the truth to the boss even I got nikpicking or whatever


Wiz gets fired


wish i could reply because i'm a cart pusher too, but there's no tony soprano in the OP so i can't.


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This is how I usually handle the majority of normalfag confrontations since they always have some type of advantage or upper hand over me and they usually hate it when you give them voided reactions that they can't get off to and talk shit about to their circle-jerk social group later on. I guess in this case I was extremely worn out and depressed from the job. I'm getting to the point where I'm growing very tired of letting normalfags walk all over me as I did for most of my life as over time it just turns into bottled up anger that's bound to blow at some point. In fact that's nearly what happened here, I was just going to tell her off but I was able constrain myself on a whim to where I just laughed, If I saw that bitch again I would've certainly done so though.
See you on the next thread I guess, will make sure to make another post about being cart pusher.


Are wizzies that butthurt about the tony thing? Is it really a big deal..?


There's a job near me that offers free community College. I plan to apply but I hate interviews, I find it useless to answer what I plan to do in 5 years or what my hobbies are. Why would the hiring manager need to know that? I just want to work so I can make money and invest that money in skillsets the gets me a better job.


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I can almost feel her bad breath on my face. Disgusting.




This is a sane normal human being.


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I would rather slice my arms with a dull spoon than work for these 82 IQ subhumans.

My only fault was that I wasn't born rich so I can avoid the labor system and live off dividends.


Another week of bullshit
This is fuckin dead-end slavery. My parents hate my low-caste employment (and lack of professional social ties), but would be infinitely angrier if I weren't employed. Apparently all I need to do to get a raise/promotion is to speak to my immediate manager, perform handshake, demand raise.

My only escape is drugs&drinking w/ vidya cartoons etc

I'm so depressed and unhealthy I can't imagine life past 40 (32 atm). Too cowardly to kms in one quick run though. Probably cardiac/respiratory failure while alone. Might be accident/"accident" on the job, lots of ways to get mangled and killed. All so frightening it makes me need to drink to escape the fear.

I guess this is the rest of my life huh? Just slavery. The sooner I exit the better.

Breeders are pure evil


What's even worse is how breeders think we're the lowest form of scum despite the fact that they're the worst people in the world because of how horrible they really are.


Least insane HR foid


>be IT monkey
>get assigned a project in august to manage the conversion of all our reporting software to a new platform (alongside normal duties which are easy enough)
>get no guidance on it aside from some barely applicable docs
>do some work on it initially
>soon realize I need an access key to progress any further
>don't have right permissions to get it myself, have to ask my team lead, who probably has to ask some Indian vendor guy for it
>spend the last 2 months making very little progress because I'm still waiting on the access key, which I keep saying
>also realize that I have to completely rewrite the ancient plugin we use by shoehorning in the vendor's API, which I still haven't even been able to test
>today was told to give a demo of the project
>boss is surprised that it's not near completion a month before we're set to migrate

This is why you don't accept the first okay-sounding job offer you get. Or at least have the balls to quit, unlike me.


good morning sir


Just keep applying to other jobs.


Pajeet you bloody bastard approve my access key alredy.


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but it's fine if they ghost you or don't follow up for weeks lmao


Rules for thee, not for me and all that.


how do they become so delusional they think being "blacklisted" from their company means anything to anyone? Wage slaves have plenty of options, we don't need to come crawling back to you.


The blacklist isn't for their company nitwit. They share blacklists with each other warning other companies not to hire people.


How is that not illegal?


I don't understand how normies can just sit and talk for hours, laughing like maniacs at nothing.

I just don't get it.


if you're extroverted/normalfag, you don't have a filter to what you say so its super relaxing to just shoot the shit for hours. talking for them is like thinking for introverts, relaxes them and clears away mental clutter.


Because their minds are so simple. /story


In my shit hole country that is actually illegal, but no one cares and companies do it anyway.

The game is turbo rigged against people like us, this is why cheating and lying is justified.


I’m pretty sure it is in most places, but you can’t really stop it. Like the video that was posted earlier, HR heads of different companies know each other and can simply pass an excel spreadsheet around. There’s a famous blacklist for Hollywood too, people acknowledge it.


There's a guy at my job that most everyone seems to like, he's 'the funny guy.' I haven't really talked to him much myself, so I often wondered why people like him as much as they do. Today he was working in my area for a good portion of the day, and being in the vicinity of his conversations I figured it out: he's a hyper-consumer with a zany, jokey "personality." He listens to nearly every kind of music, watches the most popular shows, and plays all the flavor-of-the-month video games, all while firing off self-deprecating jokes at regular intervals. He does basically everything a well-trained normalfag is expected to do, to the point where I can hardly consider him an actual human being. Of course, this all seems to win him big brownie-points with all the other normals at work.

It's actually kind of funny in a way, I can camouflage myself well enough around most of my co-workers. I can have small conversations and even joke with them on occasion, and sort of get away with pretending that I'm a 'normal' person like them, but the one guy who can somewhat sniff me out just happens to be arguably the biggest normalfag of the bunch. It's like the only functional instinct that their kind has is the ability to identify that which is different.


not him but thanks for this


It's funny how all the normies suggest to learn programming, like it entails some great job, when in reality you're working with normalfags all day, writing retarded code for your company and attending meetings.

Just LMAO at your shit life dude.


I'm sorry for loops were too difficult for you, wizzie. Now, gimme uhhhh black coffee and a cream filled donut. Thanks!


I don't understand how someone can tolerate a factory job 8+ hours a day.

All I do is sit in a chair in an office for 8 hours shitposting and fucking around on the internet, yet I'm absolutely exhausted after 8 hours.


are you an accountant?


That's because you lack motivation, you have no real reason to do the shit you do so you end up exhausted.

If you had an interesting project or thing to do you would be motivated and willing to do extra work for it, that's pretty much the secret for all successful people, motivation, that's what makes some people work 16 hours a day for years and don't feel bad about it.


I'm really passionate about excel spreadsheets and quarterly reports.


>All I do is sit in a chair in an office for 8 hours shitposting and fucking around on the internet
I work in a warehouse arranging, packaging, and shipping clothing for 10 hours a day, and I'm on my feet the entire time. I would love a job were I can sit and browse the internet for any length of time. I'm sure it's not perfect, and I'm sure you have your own struggles there, but goddamn I envy you, wiz.


My fucking god I hate having a job so fucking much, wake up wagie it's time to work! and then I spend an hour in a bus to work for 10 hours, then go all the way back, and by the time I have a meal it's the fucking end of the day. I've done literally nothing but watch 2 episodes of anime today and guess what? I've already been consigned to the fate of sleeping at most 6 hours today. I came home expecting to actually do things I like and to improve myself for fucks sake.


I share much of your pain, wiz. Granted, my commute is only about 20 minutes so I get a bit more free time, but just like you I work 10-hour days. It's simply agonizing to come home and almost immediately prepare for my next day of waging.


The worst part is that even if you completely get rid of personal time and just spend all your free time on improving yourself so you can get a better job it will take you years at the very least to get to that point. Oh what's that, you can learn a language in a year and get a significant raise if you do so? Well too bad, we won't give you any free time so you're going to have to take at least 3 years to do so because you can only study 30 minutes a day or some other ridiculously short amount of time. It's just a trap you can't get out of once you fall for it once, you're fucked if you didn't happen to notice things early on in high school and spend your time giving yourself markeatable skills, and it's really fucking hard to notice when everybody around you is a partygoing fool who doesn't give a damn about such things. Perhaps a third of them happen to accidentally make good connections and get an easy good paying job, but the rest are thrown into the wageslavery pits to never see the light again.


This is one of the things Sam Hyde said that really stuck with me, wageslave jobs waste your time and almost completely disable you from doing any progress neither creative or skill wise.

I really regret not having learned any meaningful skill and you're right it's hard to notice these things in school when most people are doing dumb shit or you get distracted with other stuff. I've been so lost all my life just to wake up in a nightmare that might never end unless some kind of magical thing happens and all the alternatives take too much time or they are just schemes to get pulled into. This modern world is a fucking joke and it's even worse if you can't partake in all the little distractions like a normie.


>I really regret not having learned any meaningful skill and you're right it's hard to notice these things in school when most people are doing dumb shit or you get distracted with other stuff.

I fell into the bad habit of parasocial relationships with podcasters and started to see through the looking glass and beyond my white trash upbringing. The truth is there's little value to all the free time you have as a kid doing kid shit when it's done to the point of gluttony, I would've been fine with 10 hours a week on the playstation instead of 40. I'm jealous as fuck of kids that had their parents actually push them to do shit. I think that makes a big difference and the asians that complain about their tiger parents are absolutely ungrateful about the leg up they as a demographic enjoy because of their healthy culture.


You can tell you're in a good place to pivot if you feel regret and guilt over sunk cost. It won't be easy, but you can steadily grow and change your habits so that in the future you have more skills, confidence, and likely resources. We all have a child and a parent inside of us, you don't have to let the child be in control.


With that said I was actually more productive when I was working 40 hours a week, funnily enough, and many normalfags are. There's something about having too much free time and being bored and lonely that can induce a sort of laziness.


Arbeit macht frei


>I think that makes a big difference and the asians that complain about their tiger parents are absolutely ungrateful about the leg up they as a demographic enjoy because of their healthy culture.
>You can tell you're in a good place to pivot if you feel regret and guilt over sunk cost.
>With that said I was actually more productive when I was working 40 hours a week

welcome to linkedin


I touched on this a bit in another thread, but when I was growing up I really enjoyed creative pursuits. Unfortunately, most adults around me at the time often discouraged or blocked me from engaging in interests like drawing or comedy. I still regret not trying a little harder to get what I wanted, but it often feels like it's too late to try.

Right now, for instance, I'm really debating whether or not I should buy myself an acoustic guitar. I don't have very much time to practice, but I'm fairly certain I would enjoy it. Aside from that, part of me wants to use music as a possible escape from waging, seeing as plenty of people make money from entertaining on Youtube and Twitch and so forth. The biggest issue is that I wonder if I wouldn't just be wasting my time, since I can hardly ever practice and I don't have time for lessons. So I doubt I could become skilled enough to make a decent amount of money and leave the wageslaving behind. If nothing else, I would just like to have something to work towards that I actually care about.


I don't want to disencourage you if that's what you really want to do but trying to make a living with anything creative is a waste of time in most cases.

You have to consider time, it takes a lot of time to get skilled and then it might take years to get a decent following and the older you are the harder this will hit you. You also have to do way more work than you would with a 9-5 job and making music is just a piece of it, you are also required to network with people on top of a lot of other stuff to reach any success.

Then there's also the fact that a huge amount of other people are doing the same, most creative things are oversaturated at this point. Once you make your social media profiles you will feel like you just entered a new world full of people who are trying to do the same as you and most of them are not successful, the only way to rise above them is by having a huge work ethic and not even then you have any guarantee that it will go anywhere and if it does you will have to stay on the grindstone in a very persistent way.

I'd say try it to gain experience and definitely do it if its your passion but be prepared for all of this, the successful artists on twitch and youtube have usually been doing it for years to reach their following.


I remember an episode on the Matt Walsh show when he was talking about this in regards to his own career. He maintained that the 9-5 is the path of least resistance in life and is the easy route, and creative/alternative careers like he has are harder to achieve and maintain.

I think maintaining passion for it is probably the hardest thing. With being a Lawyer or a Doctor it's clear feedback and a clear, deadset career path. Being a musician or an artist or a youtuber often means you're eating shit with no positive feedback for like five years to a decade before you have some degree of success.


Trying to be a musician for money is a waste of time in like 95% of cases.

That said if you enjoy playing the guitar you should fucking do it, just because you like it, that's reason enough to do anything really.


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Anyone been thinking/reflecting on property as debt? It may seem strange,but think about it: ownerships of estate impplies taxation.
owning a house literally makes you owe stuff to the State/goverment.
and each bill,each coin,is taxable and taxed. Money,property…are they debt?


Property is a liability.

You have to keep forking over money for taxes, home repairs and insurance.

It's how people stay poor.


what would be our solution then? to avoid homelessness,but to avoid paying taxes which would be used for(at least here)the Abomination of public healthcare?


It's always ironic how conservatives can learn you more about how to achieve something with creative things than leftist libtards.


Housing pre-1980 was considered a depreciating asset, like cars are today. It was considered a safe investment with small returns as a landlord, and was only worth it if you could scale it up with dozens or hundreds of investment properties. Land in itself was always valued, but the housing on top of it was just an aggregate of the materials and labour that went into it and depreciated over time, and was nothing special. Ask people back in the 1970s about speculating on housing and they'd look at you strangely and say "Why, they can just build more?"

People don't realize how historically weird and strange this anomaly of housing being this super valued investment asset is.


Not that anon but property does indeed keep you pretty fucking poor for the first 5-10 years of your mortgage. There's so many people selling the best years of their life (20-35) working two jobs and constantly stressing about finances so they can be comfortable in their 60s. It makes little sense.


I was able to overhear a group of succubi yelling at each other during my break. It was amusing.


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You guys are probably right, I'm not likely to make a decent living off of music, especially with the US economy steadily declining. In truth, I was considering engaging in two major projects: the first being the music, then a bit later on I was going to make a Youtube channel dedicated mostly to reviewing my favorite shows episode by episode. However, I'm not sure that either will truly free me from my current circumstances. I may not be successful in either case, but both projects are things that I would be genuinely passionate about and engaged in, so I think I'm just going to dive in and do it. Worse case scenario, I go back to planning (and carrying out) my suicide, but at least I can go out knowing I gave it a real, honest try. Wish me luck, wizzies.


What shows do you have in mind to review?


Mostly science-fiction shows. Stuff like Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5, Farscape, etc. I would review them based mostly on the quality of the storytelling, dialogue, and acting, not as much on production/prop/set quality, seeing as some of the shows I would be reviewing are roughly 50 years old (Star Trek: TOS) and some of these things simply don't age well. I would examine which episodes or scenes I think are good or bad and give my views on why I think so. Depending on how long it takes for me to record and edit a review, I may branch out to other shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment. I also wanted to utilize an avatar or mascot for privacy, because I don't care to show my face online. I don't know how many people would actually be interested in watching someone review old shows rather than the new ones, seeing as most people want to keep up with what's current, but I still think it could be fun to do. Plus, the people who do watch my videos would likely be people who share some of my interests, so that might be nice too.

Also, I did go through with buying the guitar. I'm having fun playing it thus far. Of course I have to pace myself since my fingers aren't calloused yet, so I can only play a few minutes here or there before I need a break. It's still a lot of fun to experiment with it though, and I look forward to learning more about how to play and maybe compose my own songs sometime in the future.


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Dot poster get back in your cage


Why the fuck do succubi spend so much money on literally everything, holy shit.


eating out for lunch used to be a normal middle class thing. Millenials just don't have the same purchasing power nowadays


That shit ass small sandwich is 10 fucking dollars???


succubi are rabid consumers and they can't handle money


god damnit I hate working with indians


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Weird how much I relate to this comic about squid wageslaves…

I'm really praying I can retire by becoming a landlord. Like really hard.


IT wageslave here.

Hate working but I have a free work gym, free fully stocked kitchen, free gym membership, benefits dental and health. Good pay time off, get to WFH when I want to, pretty sure this is as good as it gets. I just look at my phone all day. Hoping to buy a small home alone and begin the new total isolation chapter of my life.


I was just like that comic 4 hours ago. Now I'm at work


ITT: educated professionals receiving six-figures LARPing as wageslaves


In monopoly money, though.


Is it normal to have no free time whatsoever as a full-time wageslave? It's my first time working 40 hours a week so I don't know if it's just the shift I work or what, but I work from 14:00-23:00 and I can't do fuck all on a work day. I can't do anything late at night without waking my dad who also works and is asleep by the time I come home. So I just go to bed as soon as I get home to try and have my day in the morning. But I have an hour long commute and get home at quarter past midnight, so even then the earliest I can realistically wake up is like 9:00, and I always end up lying there in bed for a half-hour before I can force myself to get up. I barely have enough time to shower, make a half-decent breakfast and clean up afterwards. Forget any kind of entertainment or leisure, or anything outside of the usual that might need doing. I only get to exist outside of my job on my 2 days off in the week. How the fuck does 90% of the world live like this?


I just read Nickle and Dimed, and yes. You should expect to spend more than you make, both in time and money.


>How the fuck does 90% of the world live like this?
Because 90% of people essentially have to choose between the life that you described or being homeless.


A situation I will most likely be in soon, can't wait to let wageslavery drive me to suicide


>ex rapist

how wizardly


Yeah it's fucked. I don't have a job but I'll skim through these threads every once in a while. Never fails to amaze me tbh.


the absolute fucking state of wizchan.

you are a disgusting sex haver. reported. kill your self


they were forced into years of higher education, applying for jobs in hyper social yuppie sectors and enjoying all their cool normie perks (lol at 'free' gym membership, what else, table soccer, a professional barrista and hammocks? lmao) and high salaries

they suffer as much as wageslaves struggling to get and hold down a min wage security guard job or stacking shelves in retail :^)


>I sort of just mounted her and came inside within a minute

Wizards who have children


got an offer. guess it's time to quit the neet life and start hanging out in these threads.


>I hate living better than 90% of wageslaves.

I swear to God, some people just come here to humblebrag subtly, this is part of the reason why this place went to shit.


the vast majority of people here arent even virgins and just want to be somewhere that they feel superior


Fresh wageslave here, I’m probably going to be hated for this but I honestly don’t feel horrible.
It may only have been 1.5 months but I can confidently say that my job in a local store (11 bucks an hour) is a million times better than college. I finally bit the bullet and dropped out against the will of my parents and I haven’t been this happy in years.
I work 2 weeks a month as that’s all I need (I have very few expenses other than rent and food), but not having to worry is what I love.
When in college I never truly had any time off (civil engineering) and I was always stressing to the point of heartburn over exams and falling behind.
Now I just live in the moment; when I get off work I am finally free to live. I walk in the woods, I fish, I play video games or whatever else I feel like.
My family wants me to finish this education and get a well paying job so I can start a family but I am happy like this. I don’t even know what I would do with the pay from a full-time job, as is I have about 200 bucks over every month that I save up (have about 5k saved up as emergency fund).
Fuck college, I am never going back that shit was actually fucking killing me.
My condolences to all the wizards that live in poorer countries that have to work the entire days every week, I can imagine that is torture as well.


theyve never been subtle


I'm 26 year old who neeted basically since high school and man I just hate working full time even though it's been 2.5 months I yearn for my previous neet life. Most people waste it playing the same old vidya and watching YT junk but I spent it reading and growing as a person.

The good thing though is I drive my dad's old truck. Its a small truck which can hold 4 pallets. The best part about this job I usually wake up at 7 am and come home at 4 pm sometimes even earlier (been days when I come back 12 pm cuz' there's no work for me). I can take a break or two whenever I want if I drive by a cool shop I can stop by and check it out. Haven't been told off yet. I listen to podcasts most of time and sometimes music and normie radio. I've worked factory jobs before and this blows it out the water. Only problem is loneliness which I don't mind since I'm a virgin neet. I am used to my isolation.

So yeah neets buy a van or truck and look into courier work but don't go for a big company I joined the biggest and they worked me to the bone to the point where I had a mental breakdown so yeah work for a small company which has like only one office they'll usually have a client or two they want to keep happy which means not a lot of afternoon work and you may luck out like me.


Your dad pays you to drive his truck?


happy for you lad.


It probably depends on the course you're leaving and the job you replace it with. I'm in the opposite situation as you. I was an university drop-out, spent half a year working a shitty warehouse job that drove me insane (because I can't really get any other type of job without a degree or social skills), now I'm back at university again. I have way more free time now and don't feel tired and depressed all the time.


I have a job interview in a few minutes. I'm so fucking nervous.


how did it go?


It went better than expected. It was 2 job interviews on the same day. I spilled the spaghetti on the first. The second went smoothly. He didn't ask many questions.


no the company pays me. i make around 1.5k to 2k a week. however i have to give away 650 at the start of the month to insurance.


How long does it take you guys to get ready for work?

It takes me 15-20 minutes after waking up to shower, then get dressed and out the door.


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So that's what like 200 dollars a month in USD?


30 minutes. Wake up, wash face, change clothes and nibble on a few biscuits if I have a few minutes left.



3 minutes. I wake up, put clothes on and Im out of The Door.

I cant fathom Any other way to do this



Wait, what you just described takes less than 5 minutes


you think you are hierarchically better just because you live in uSSa?


5 minutes.
I sleep in the same clothes that I will wear the following day, take a bath and shave the previous one, so really, I only drink a coffee and eat a piece of bread before work.


Waking up is hard work when it's like -10C outside my bed and I slept maybe 2 hours.


i wake up, grab my tablet and take a comfortable 15 minute shite while checking social media (wizchan) and then i just sit on the computer and sign-in.


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I need a list,or a book,or some website,about the list of "things" and financial actions,operations and needs an adult needs. becuase ive been a sheltered kid and now sheltered adult all my life.
mortage? insurance?medical pay? Those would be the Needs,but what else? What "groceries" and cleaning products must I buy on a monthly basis? what about "utilities"?



When I was working i would always wake up 2 hours before I have to leave so I can read the news and vape weed in the morning and then shower and get ready to go. I wouldn't even feel human without morning news.


Just got done sleeping 17 hours straight.

I didn't even try to sleep that long. It's just the weekend and I didn't have my alarm on.


I slept 15 hours immediately after coming back home from work.


I'd say around 30 minutes. 10 to actually pull myself out of bed and face the day. 10 to shower, get dressed, and get my things together. Then a final 10 to prepare my lunch and morning tea, then I'm off.


>10 to actually pull myself out of bed
I have to do this to get my brain ready for the horrors of the real world.
>10 to shower, get dressed, and get my things together.
Eventually I find it easier to skip showering so I spend more time in bed. Still have to get dressed though.
>10 to prepare my lunch and morning tea.
skip breakfast but I try to put together a measly lunch since I can't eat out during work.


I lay in bed for about 30 minutes before getting up. Then I shower, brush my teeth, etc. 40 mins after I get up.


I think a good thirty percent of jobs are useless. A lot of white collar work especially is make-believe work, only necessitated by government regulations. Covid literally served as the proof in the pudding of this theory, society locked down and most people stayed at home, and the engine of society kept turning just fine. "Unskilled" almost became short hand for "essential worker" because of how closely the two are correlated.

I sort of theorize that large portions of the upper professional classes are not as necessary or valuable as people think, and under a natural free market most of those jobs would fetch some pretty mediocre wages. Lawyers are the most obvious example. Law has become increasingly spaghetti and bloated over the years. Healthcare is probably the most egregious example, taking a huge chunk of national budgets at the same time a lesser quality service is being delivered. You just have to talk to boomers about how easy it was to get a leg surgery in the 1960s compared to today, and this is despite the staff employed in the sector increasing by a factor of ten. Take away the regulations, and your average guy could be a pharmacist (it's literally a glorified barista tier job), your average guy could sell insulin medicine. Yeah sure, surgeons will always be in high demand and valued, but doctors coasting by in a GP handing out scripts to the same boomers would find themselves having to do something productive.

State interference nowadays only seems to create jobs for the upper middle class and above. Gone are the days of the communism and fascism as political forces, where the state interfered in the market in the name of the average man and supported the average man. There's a generalized feeling that the average person is useless now, in the eyes of the government and in the eyes of business, and there's a contempt for actual labour now all through society, despite labour still being the force that keeps society turning. Every time a new government program gets announced, it always sucks up the otherwise unemployable, somewhat educated white succubi. It's very rare that you'll see pointless niches created for the lower classes, and if you do, it's the most dehumanizing shit possible, like a Covid security guard that has to stand all day in a mask outside a government building or supermarket. Basically like an employed jester that stands all day pointlessly in a ritual of self humiliation.

There's an uneasy alliance between the state, industry and academia to prop up an artificial class of people that would be menial wagies, literally doing jobs like pumping gas, without state interference. Western societies are at the point where we could easily have a 4-5 hour work day if it wasn't for this 20-30% of the population in pointless jobs and 15% as NEETs/single moms.


You need to waste people's time one way or another, people with lots of free time dedicate themselves to philosophy, religion, and all sorts of research, which can and will easily put themselves at odds with our demonic governments. They waste the time of normal people and intentionally try to mislead NEET's at every step via the internet. Just look at boomers, they all become some sort of ridiculous clown with braindead takes on society and politics in general the moment they quit their jobs and get on pension, this is because of intentional dumbing down and disinformation, which they are extremely vulnerable to due to being suddenly thrust into a position where they have a shitload of free time and nothing to dump it on, as well as general illiteracy when it comes to compuutorz and the internet, as well as it's culture.


>get my brain ready for the horrors of the real world.
Precisely. I spend those 10 minutes repeatedly thinking "I really don't want to do this today" before I finally force myself.
>skip breakfast but I try to put together a measly lunch since I can't eat out during work.
I skip breakfast as well, I just drink a cup of tea and go. For lunch, I usually just quickly throw together a sandwich paired with a handful of peanuts/almonds/cashews/etc. to sate my appetite until the day is done.


This too, I hate to give the reason to normies but jobs are also an emotional/social necessity, not just an economic one, people with jobs are way more likely to be busy and don't try to question things or try to overthrow certain elites, most revolutionary movements start from people that had a fuckton of free time to think about things besides wageslaving tomorrow, having so many people unemployed would be bad for society, that's why artificial jobs exist.

Also in a more personal level having a relatively decent job that I don't hate is good motivation to wake up in the morning and do things to improve myself, instead of just rotting in bed when I was a NEET, like it or not work itself is necessary to lead a healthy life, even Marx said it, he was against exploitation not against labor itself.


Absurd. Are you saying the elites are benevolent and you want them to remain in power by turning people into slaves?
You clearly say you think revolutionary movements are inherently bad? Your comment irritates me


No I never said that, in fact I said that elites do use wageslavery to keep people in check.

But labor itself (as in using your hands/intellect to create shit) is not necessarily bad, labor has been around since the very first human being, what is bad is exploitation, this is in contrast with your typical /dep/fag who considers ANY kind of work a PITA and wants to watch anime and play vidya all day. That is a very sad life.



>HelloFresh uses coconut milk obtained from monkey labor in Thailand, according to allegations from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which is calling for a boycott of the meal delivery service.

>Monkeys are chained, whipped, beaten and forced to spend long hours picking coconuts, an investigation by PETA Asia alleges. Claims of animals abuse are alleged at 57 operations in nine provinces of Thailand, according to the findings released on Monday.

Even monkeys can't escape the wageslave life. It's a cruel exploitative world out there, wagies.


Wagies truly are subhuman monkies


Imagine being a coconut harvester and seeing your job replaced by literal monkeys. I'd feel like my entire self-worth was thrown down the toilet.


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The time for coconut monkey union has come


Chimps are ultimate normalfags.
But this shit is still funny


This makes me think of how my job is relatively mindless, and it seems that the only thing keeping me from being replaced by chimps is that I'm in the US. I'm honestly not sure if that's a good or bad thing, however.


Had a meeting yesterday where supervisor said that we have a new org manager who's watching us closely and wants us to up our metrics. Also discussed rumors of layoffs coming since quarterly earnings were down and a document suggesting it got leaked. Layoffs at all the big tech companies are accelerating. My uncle who was a senior engineer at Amazon just got laid off.

I saw this coming from a mile away. Years of accumulated debt and unsustainable business practices are getting BTFO by the credit crunch, which is only getting started. But in my typical fashion I did nothing to prepare for it, perhaps because I don't mind being NEET for a while. Although it's why I always tell you guys not to fall for the "learn to code" meme, unless it's learning to code robots or CNCs because that's going to be the only kind that will be in high demand in the coming years.


The people getting laid off will be all the succubi that don't do anything but sit in meetings and eat the free snacks.


>code robots or CNCs because that's going to be the only kind that will be in high demand in the coming years.

no it won't, unless you can speak chinese. there are barely any manufacturing companies located in the west, and learning to code CNCs or robots is dirt easy. on top of that everything is done through CAM software, so anyone with a high school diploma can do it.


That's wageslavery without the wage


I've seen a bit of discussion about this online, and the general reply is

>they said the same thing during the 2000 dotcom crash, and then were left with a massive egg on their face two to three years later.

The difference here is
>Moore's law is coming to an end
>During the dotcom crash, the average person spent half an hour a day online (if they were online at all), now they spent as much time as they possibly can already
>TikTok and other platforms have pretty much reached the apotheosis of online opium

I often speculate about the state of tech in these threads (training in tech atm). I think it's like aeronautics, we'll have to learn to be happy with 15% improvement in hardware over a generation instead of Moore's law.

Manufacturing automation has been pretty slow since the 1990s, the largest chicken processing plant here might get one new machine every year or two. Software in manufacturing plants here are pretty legacy, all the computers are running windows 98-ME on their servers and the GUI clearly shows it was rolled out twenty years ago, and you can tell there's been no improvements. The marginal improvements in manufacturing has come down to shaving time off the JIT system. Logistics have become tighter and tighter due to computers, but the actual manufacturing process isn't much different. Amazon basically achieved its success through turning their logistic workers into total wageslaves, not by some wondrous new manufacturing technology.


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the long slow painful decline will continue we're in a new dark age


You work at target too? What do you do?


Aching all over.

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