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What do you think causes child prodigies to kill themselves in adolescene/young adult years?

Was reading this https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/01/16/prairie-fire and it had such a profound effect on me.


Mental illness is correlated with extremely high IQ is the obvious first reason. It's why Ted Kaczynski fucked off to the forest.

The second reason is that they're mostly not really Wunderkinder in the first place. They're just somewhat smart kids with attention seeking mothers that portrayed them as prodigies. And once they grow up and there isn't the benefit of having their mother over their shoulder setting up interviews and helping them study for the Mensa exam, they get revealed as mediocre. Then their parents turn on them for "failing to live up to their expectations".


High IQ is linked with suicide. You are less likely to enjoy the world if you get too familiar with the mechanics that keep human society going.


You are also much more likely to have schizophrenia or mental illness if your IQ surpasses 120.


COPE, people with high IQ are more healthy and mentally stable.


Did you even read the article or are you just shitposting?

>In a study just published in the journal Intelligence, Pitzer College researcher Ruth Karpinski and her colleagues emailed a survey with questions about psychological and physiological disorders to members of Mensa. A “high IQ society,” Mensa requires that its members have an IQ in the top 2 percent. For most intelligence tests, this corresponds to an IQ of about 132 or higher. (The average IQ of the general population is 100.)

>The survey of Mensa’s highly intelligent members found that they were more likely to suffer from a range of serious mental disorders.


selection bias, it's an ancient observation that ppl who apply to mensa are not representative of high IQ people in general. makes sense, because high IQ people who are stable and sane enough to accomplish things have better things to do than join a pretentious club


isnt mensa at the dysgenic end of high IQ generally speaking


Mensa is filled with the normalfag high IQ cohort, it's filled with the ones that pursue normalfag careers and do became professional athletes or actors. The average technerd or mathematician is less likely to be in there because he needs less reassurance of his intelligence due to the fact he's in a highly cognitive field.


stop derailing the thread and try and answer the fucking question, thanks


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>What do you think causes child prodigies to kill themselves in adolescene/young adult years?
Simply because they are more sensitive. It has long been my suspicion a significant minority of our most talented people (often succubi) don't reach their twenties.


That boy sounds like your typical hillbilly white trash.


More sensitive…. okay. How do you KNOW that?
>this kills the pontifier


>im interested in tech or math but life doesnt validate my intelligence so i project onto mensa


Simply from seeing it happen to other people.


oh, so you know large numbers of prodigies



30 points of IQ below the average = clinically retarded.

If you are a member of mensa, you are literally surrounded by retards all your life and everything, from school to work is made for retards.

It's no surprise if you lose your fucking mind after a few decades of having to endure that.



It's not only that, they are literally surrounded by retards and every is made for retards (school, work, society).

Imagine every single day of your life you have to deal with nothing but fucking retards decade after decade. Yea, it's no surprise if you end up taking the emergency exit.


No single person could make a statistically significant observation, that's why I wrote in >>270773 it's a suspicion. Note the question in the OP is specifically "what do you think causes it?" not "what causes it?"


the entire question is a loaded assertion probably unfounded by the evidence. Last I heard the antisocial genius high IQ stereotype was nonsense. Suicide is an even less likely supposition


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The question in the OP is a prompt for personal anecdotes, not statistically representative evidence. You're correct about that stereotype (although you're also the first to invoke it), a prodigy is simply someone who is talented. This includes, in the cases alluded to, prodigal artists and polymaths who didn't reach their twenties.


>wasn't depressed
>He hadn’t suffered a breakup, or endured a personal rejection.

It has reminded me of this quote which I had read. It's a kind of possession by the gun. Probably a buried subconscious desire

"It is possible for there to exist a suicide by distraction, which would only be with difficulty be distinguished from an accident. A man handles a pistol that he knows to be loaded. He has neither the desire nor the idea to kill himself. But he grabs the weapon with pleasure, his palm grips the butt and his index finger closes over the trigger with a kind of sexual pleasure. He imagines the act. He becomes the slave of the weapon. It tempts its owner. He turns his mouth towards it. He brings it to his temple, to his teeth. He is almost in danger, for the idea of the functioning, the pressure of an act sketched out by the body and accomplished by the spirit, invades him. The cycle of impulse strives to complete itself. The nervous system itself becomes a loaded pistol and the finger wants to quickly close around the trigger." - M. E. TESTE


Since you are arguing whether or not prodigies are actually more likely to kill themselves I wonder if the opposite is true and that retards are less likely to kill themselves. I assume retards probably have a stronger self preservation instinct. Retards probably kill themselves by accident more often or out of impulse. An intelligent person might rationalize it and plan it, researching the most effective method and treating their suicide almost like a science experiment (this seems like a very masculine way of killing oneself) think of that kid who built the suicide helmet.


The average full blooded Aboriginal is pretty much around the cut-off point for retarded (It made the local news when one graduated high school here). Their youth suicide rate is 4x higher than the Australian average. I don't think the retarded are incapable of suicide at all.


>suicide helmet

That image is fake as fuck





Suicide helmet isreal and will kill the wizard


Exactly. Imagine how 100 IQ tech support feels like when they have to constantly tell subhumans they have 35 viruses on the PC or that their power cable is most likely unplugged.

Now imagine living as a 130+ who has to deal with 100's and 80's for decades without losing his mind.


>Imagine how 100 IQ tech support feels like when they have to constantly tell subhumans they have 35 viruses on the PC or that their power cable is most likely unplugged.

I would feel fine, because it's part of an easy job.

Why do tech-niggers always crybaby about customer service? Lawyers and Doctors have to put up with way more shit from the public/customer.


the animals that just subsist on instinct and emotions live in blissful ignorance. i embrace death.


Being low IQ and self-aware of your retardation is a much worse fate, on top of that everyone whether if they're some average double digit IQ normie NPC or some gifted high IQ genuis will think of you as some worthless peace of trash mouth breather with no consciences or value. At least with a high IQ you would be respected and admired for your intelligence and cruise through life.


That's interesting and funny, thanks anon :D
That's how I feel, but maybe I just have a massive ego


> Being low IQ and self-aware of your retardation is a much worse fate

This is millions of time true. Having too much insight as low iq brainlet feels terrible unlike other low iq brainlets who thinks there isn’t anything wrong with them.


>he said, posting in wizchan


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Long article but I read it all.

It's clear to me that, in that one boy's case at least, he was an utterly bog-standard aspie who suffered from an insane mother (BPD, narcissism; the usual being-a-succubus disorders) and a meek, autistic father who kowtowed to the mother.

He was homeschooled on a remote farm away from other children, allegedly according to his mother because he was "too smart for them". Yet if you read the full article it is evident his mother had absolutely no idea of the nature of his relationships with others due to her own mental illnesses and desire for him to be a certain way. She essentially saw him only as she wanted him to be, regardless of how he actually was.

There are multiple references throughout the article to him not being "gifted" at all. Perhaps most glaring being that the succubus psychologist who tested him at 178 had previously been involved in the fraudulent diagnosis of a 298 IQ in some other kid. Also her husband was a "psychic healer" and she too believed in that woo nonsense despite allegedly being a scientist.

Boiling it all down, it seems he was deprived of the chance to be normal. He was groomed by his insane mother to be "gifted" because she desperately wanted him to be gifted, yet he was in fact likely a normal boy, perhaps in the 115-130 range. He was isolated from other children all his life except for at "gifted children conferences" he was taken to by his parents, at which he easily made friends and connections.

As a child pretty much everyone goes along with what their parents tell them. Yet near the end of his life he was in his teens and perhaps beginning to recognise he was firmly under his mother's thumb. There are references to his desire to be with his romantic pen-pal, his desire to "escape" and his flagrant unwillingness to discuss his feelings with his parents (presumably because he had since recognised them for what they were).

Perhaps the hardest thing to understand is why he didn't ride it out until he was 18 then cut ties with his parents forever. The article makes reference to his (much older) sister to the same mother who did exactly that, again likely because the mother is clearly insane. The article briefly touches on the availability of means of suicide towards the end. Time and time again it has been shown that simply having the access to means to end your own life at hand dramatically increases the likelihood of you committing suicide.

The boy in the article's parents had him shooting a rifle from age 10 on the farm and it was available to him at home, while they were away. It's entirely possible his suicide could have been prevented had he not had access to that firearm. That's not to say for a second that he was incapable of thinking up other means, only that limiting access to means of suicide has proven effective in preventing suicide. Having a gun next to you, grabbing it and pulling the trigger is different to walking 10 miles to walk in front of a train.

As many of the residents of this website can attest to, having a mentally-ill mother and a meek father (present or absent) is a pretty terminal combination for boys. Even at the very end of the article, only the father has the capacity for introspection and is capable of admitting that they weren't good parents. Meanwhile the mother still has her head firmly up her own ass, incapable of empathy or admitting wrongdoing of any kind.


>Having too much insight as low iq brainlet feels terrible unlike other low iq brainlets who thinks there isn’t anything wrong with them.

Exactly. It's excruciating to know your brain is software-limited to certain features in life.

That there are people with software much, much more advanced than yours, who can get $350k a year jobs practically just by being themselves, while you struggle doing basic math.

It's literal torture


Even with a hard hereditarian position of 80% genetic basis there's still a bit of environmental and lifestyle influence possible. Someone at 90 int should be able to reach 100 and get along like any other functioning normie if they follow proper dietary advice and >do supps. Even the groids were doing fairly well in enriched environments. You might never be able to do advanced math but then again you don't really need to in order to live comfortably either.


I had a mother of the same sort, it's uncanny reading this.

They want their children to be sickly, physically stunted and to be a maternally laborious burden on their poor helpless mother. But they also are sekrit speshial geniuses that will one day be part of the cognitive elite working above the peons. This particular combination sates the desire of harvesting pity and sympathy and having better kids than everyone else.

You know what happens when those kids turn 16 and being sickly doesn't make those kids into sympathy cases anymore? Those mothers go into full panic mode and start hysterically shaming them for being lazy and helpless, bombastically screeching that they'll be sweeping streets and working menial jobs if they fail this school year. Just imagine if your entire life, you were shoved out of the way the second you tried to wash your own plate because "you're too clumsy and helpless", and you get inculcated with that learned helplessness, only for a 180 to occur in your teenage years where you're instantly expected to reverse that learned behavior.

Perhaps I'm extrapolating too much of my own experience here, but that's likely what killed him. It played out exactly like that in my own life and almost did me in.


What disgust me the most is how they share his suicide on the internet for stranger to read. Its like anon said 'harvesting pity and sympathy' can't they recognized this in themselves? They are attempting to benefit from his death, is this love? If it were love I think should've keep it to themselves. Instead we have "teen genius mysteriously kills himself! Mother is an author btw"
This is typical narcissistic behavior of breeders.
My mother was watching a short documentary about someone's son who may have killed themselves. The parents were at a beach with the reporter discussing the details while ominous droning ambient played with panning camera shots. And I commented how it was disrespectful to their son since it made it seem like a mystery movie it turned very real tragedy into short entertainment. She seemed insulted by my observation since she was enjoying herself and hadn't even considered how it may be disrespectful.

In the end everything is just a movie. Real suffering is trivialized.


This is kind of an unstructured ramble.
I only read about half of it. It’s all very familiar to me.
Like >>271141 more or less said it’s 100% something the parents, usually mothers, usually with a lower or middle class background, groom their kids into. No billionaires are doing this to their kids even though they easily could. People want to think of I.Q. like wealth, where more is always better and only marginally decreases in utility as it increases. It’s far more like height, where there are rough thresholds of “too short”, “normal”, “above average in a good way”, and “this is a disease state”. There isn’t really such a thing as a gifted child — if anything, it’s a form of special education to deal with the disease state, and should be more focused on proper socialization instead of further isolating them. The people saying he actually wasn’t that smart are missing the point. There is no such thing as that smart. Beyond “a bit weird” is a straight up cancerous overgrowth of neurons in a way that ends in schizophrenia or similar. If a kid were six feet tall at 9 they would be investigated for an endocrine tumor. If a kid is “genius” “IQ” at the same age it’s a similar problem. I actually wonder if it’s a form of cancer, a benign tumor somewhere. In the other case it is more like precocious puberty — every class had some kids that sprouted up and were “tall” in grade school but never grew past that, and were then “short” as adults. When this happens with I.Q. there is no reason to skip grades. Skipping grades is especially stupid since most of the purpose of school is socialization.
And agreed as well with the sort of emotional discard process that happens as the child grows older and it becomes clear that there is no such thing as a gifted child any more than there is such thing as a gifted adult in that way. The “gifted kid syndrome” adults talk about on social media is essentially the mental problems from a very specific form of mental abuse similar to the “tiger parenting” problem that Asians have, with similar results. The difference is that immigrants don’t believe in the American myth of the gifted child, so they don’t do the accelerated/skipping bullshit, so the kids are slightly less isolated and socialize properly, and the parents don’t become disillusioned with the idea of the gifted child and abandon them, so then sometimes they actually come out successful and well-adjusted.
In my experience also, the discard process once the child starts having his own goals or wants to be normal is essentially an interminable and protracted attempt to force the child to either kill themselves, get killed, or get imprisoned. Even if they have other kids with serious problems, “gifted” parents will hound the “gifted” adult child to the ends of the earth trying to eliminate them.


Not going to get into a massive argument but you're wrong


On which point? It’s not something I’m going to get heated about. I’m not saying smart kids don’t exist. It’s more that there’s this mythos of capital-G Gifted, some offshoot of the great man theory, where a kid can graduate high school by 14 and become a physicist at Stanford and it’s some quirky Dougie Howser galaxy brain thing. Really that creates Ted Kaczynskis reliably often.


Uncle Ted is a result of mind control trauma and drugs. For another exceptionally young and gifted person who didnt turn crazy, we have plenty of examplea, Terry Tao, the multi lingual Chess succubi, etc


There are other smart crazies too, goedel and Tesla come to mind.


Would you share more about Teslas alleged crazy?


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MKULTRA literally created Unabomber


thats basically what I said

How else is a man to react to being forcefully drugged, kept captive and tortured


Ted has talked about this before. He wasn't MKultra'd, that was actually an innovative government psyop to get people to think Anti-Industrialism = Insanity. Ted was involved in an experiment where he had his thesis heavily heavily criticized. He didn't take it hard and went on to perform other academic activities. The interesting thing is that before he was involved in the experiment he had already been having anti-tech sentiments, so a better case could be made that they were trying to dissuade him (which is also highly improbable).


I wouldn't be surprised if his sex change appointment anecdote was a govt psyop too


Allegedly he went off the deep end towards the end. He began having strange theories and took a bird as his wife/lover.
In my personal opinion, it seems more likely that his deteriorating mental health was a result of extensive isolation rather than a direct result of high intelligence. From what I recall, in the twilight years of his life he was living in complete solitude and poverty. Those conditions tend to break down even lesser minds. I imagine sensitive types suffer to an even greater extent. What seems most plausible is that intelligence tends to be isolating, and isolation tends to lead to "mental illness" (in quotes because I dont particularly agree with this framework in general).

Theres a book called Empires Of Light that contains a nice overview of Tesla and his life.


>What do you think causes child prodigies to kill themselves in adolescene/young adult years?
1- Failure to satisfy the high expectations set up by their parents.

2- Realizing that perhaps they weren't as brilliant as their parents and teachers made them believe.

3- Realizing that intelligence is not that important in the grand scheme of thing because society actually favors retards more.


>2- Realizing that perhaps they weren't as brilliant as their parents and teachers made them believe.

>3- Realizing that intelligence is not that important in the grand scheme of thing because society actually favors retards more.

Parents can fuck up their children so bad even if they are not abusive, just by lying to them about "potential" and "talent" while doing nothing to actually make them develop confidence and self-esteem which is the only thing they would actually need to succeed in life.

I also agree that intelligence is not even as important, only "social intelligence" is important and confidence. Most of the people who succeed in the world are not some intelligent wonderchild faggots, they are just assertive enough to get stuff done while the ones who pride themselves in things like intelligence or how thoughtful they are usually end up sad and fucked up.

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