>>270746Long article but I read it all.
It's clear to me that, in that one boy's case at least, he was an utterly bog-standard aspie who suffered from an insane mother (BPD, narcissism; the usual being-a-succubus disorders) and a meek, autistic father who kowtowed to the mother.
He was homeschooled on a remote farm away from other children, allegedly according to his mother because he was "too smart for them". Yet if you read the full article it is evident his mother had absolutely no idea of the nature of his relationships with others due to her own mental illnesses and desire for him to be a certain way. She essentially saw him only as she wanted him to be, regardless of how he actually was.
There are multiple references throughout the article to him not being "gifted" at all. Perhaps most glaring being that the succubus psychologist who tested him at 178 had previously been involved in the fraudulent diagnosis of a 298 IQ in some other kid. Also her husband was a "psychic healer" and she too believed in that woo nonsense despite allegedly being a scientist.
Boiling it all down, it seems he was deprived of the chance to be normal. He was groomed by his insane mother to be "gifted" because she desperately wanted him to be gifted, yet he was in fact likely a normal boy, perhaps in the 115-130 range. He was isolated from other children all his life except for at "gifted children conferences" he was taken to by his parents, at which he easily made friends and connections.
As a child pretty much everyone goes along with what their parents tell them. Yet near the end of his life he was in his teens and perhaps beginning to recognise he was firmly under his mother's thumb. There are references to his desire to be with his romantic pen-pal, his desire to "escape" and his flagrant unwillingness to discuss his feelings with his parents (presumably because he had since recognised them for what they were).
Perhaps the hardest thing to understand is why he didn't ride it out until he was 18 then cut ties with his parents forever. The article makes reference to his (much older) sister to the same mother who did exactly that, again likely because the mother is clearly insane. The article briefly touches on the availability of means of suicide towards the end. Time and time again it has been shown that simply having the access to means to end your own life at hand dramatically increases the likelihood of you committing suicide.
The boy in the article's parents had him shooting a rifle from age 10 on the farm and it was available to him at home, while they were away. It's entirely possible his suicide could have been prevented had he not had access to that firearm. That's not to say for a second that he was incapable of thinking up other means, only that limiting access to means of suicide has proven effective in preventing suicide. Having a gun next to you, grabbing it and pulling the trigger is different to walking 10 miles to walk in front of a train.
As many of the residents of this website can attest to, having a mentally-ill mother and a meek father (present or absent) is a pretty terminal combination for boys. Even at the very end of the article, only the father has the capacity for introspection and is capable of admitting that they weren't good parents. Meanwhile the mother still has her head firmly up her own ass, incapable of empathy or admitting wrongdoing of any kind.