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I feel like I trolled myself.

In my 20s I had a depressed monk mindset where I didn't feel like I needed more than a computer with internet access so I didn't have much motivation to work if I don't enjoy it and lived not thinking about the future.

Now that I turned 30 I got bored of the internet because I feel like all the interactions and content there just repeats themselves, I stopped watching anime which was a cheap way of entertainment, I feel like I watched all the interesting movies and the new ones suck.

I started watching a lot of youtube and got exposed to all kinds of niche obsessive communities that are about perfecting something. For example I was happy using a $10 keyboard all my life and now I started looking at $300+ keyboards. I didn't care about how my room looked but now I wish I could move out and decorate it properly and give it an actual aesthetic but that would require money.

But years of not doing anything not only left me with 0 skills and an empty CV but also lazy habits that seem impossible to change.


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Is free schooling an option? Would at least give you something to do in the day


depending on where you live the education options might not be terribad. All you really need is one recent job experience and skills training for a career
>people routinely fake their resumes and don't have to give out references either


I've felt this way too. I'm never gonna wage, I'll have to start a business somehow.


How did you manage to make it through your 30s without getting a single job?

I was raised in a rather poor family and my biggest motivation was to get money for the things my parents couldn't afford or didn't want to buy me. I got my first full-time job at the age of 24, and it was a little bit awkward to have a boss my age.

If I were you, I'd find some vocational school and get an apprenticeship afterward.


>How did you manage to make it through your 30s without getting a single job?
lol normalfags always find this impossible to believe


I'm sure it's just a phase. It can't take long until you realize an expensive keyboard or decor trinkets will add nothing in your life but clutter and dust.


Idk. The older I get the more I start caring about a trainquil and aesthetic environment too.

I was content with a keyboard, mouse, screen, tower and a shitty white room with no furniture in it in my 20s.

Now I'd like to spend time in a home that isn't a complete eyesore to look at since I spend 22 hours a day indoors anyway.

Nice furniture or antiques cost a ton of money. Getting new flooring costs a ton. Getting new wallpaper costs a ton, getting a professional paint job (self painting usually looks like crap) costs a lot.

There is no way around it, if you want a beautiful environment to live in, it costs thousands upon thousands of dollars.


It's funny because I think the reverse is impossible. I'm 31 and so bored and alone I actually want to get a job now…but I've no idea how to do it. It feels so impossible having to bullshit a resume and then have to lie and lower yourself in front of some manager normie…


If it makes you feel better my room is kinda "aesthetic" and I one of those expensive mechanical keyboards and it does very little for my happiness.
The environment you live in fade into the background when you get used to it, I'm not here to say that living in a basement is preferable to a mansion, but even those living in mansions get used.
Buying expensive trinkets, rugs, etc to fulfill some sort of hole inside you is prime whaman behavior, please reconsider and do not waste your money on stupid shit.

Oh, and whenever my expensive mechanical keyboard breaks I'm going to get a cheap 10$, the difference is really not that great.


I think you are overestimating things a bit, as someone who has helped decorate many rooms self painting isn’t that bad and you won’t notice mild imperfections. If you look at YouTube there’s no end of tutorials to paint furniture in a way that looks well finished, so it’s possible to make second hand furniture look nice.
I think if you really want a nice room you don’t have to spend thousands, and if you think it will be worth it some effort isn’t a bad price to pay.
Personally I’ve collected things over the last couple decades and never paid much attention to it, I have a giant oil painting of a subject that was almost miraculous finding it and I barely pay attention to it on the wall. It’s worth a try, even if it’s just to refresh your mind and treat it as a new space separate from old memories.


Then learn how to paint. Watch InexteriorsTV on youtube or some other goodlad. Next, get a pack of different grits of sandpaper and get hold of literally any furniture, broken or otherwise. Make that furniture your own. Most importantly, fuck it up 1, 10 or 100 times and enjoy it all. It's so easy to get active and grow once you jump the first hurdle of inactivity. Nothing more than doubt that stops it.


I go back and forth through phases of desiring more money and wanting to reject modern life and live as a neet hermit. The internet sure does suck now though so it does make you yearn for something more.


" I feel like I watched all the interesting movies "
i have this problem too.
when i was 19 i met a guy who said 'being a film guru isn't really a skill. all you have to do is watch a lot of movies. if you want to be a cool movie guy just start watching a movie every day and you'll have seen 365 in a year. that's all it takes.'

well thanks for making me a cool movie guy and for also making me have nothing to do in adulthood.
i've seen literally every film worth watching and all i have remaining is indie 0 budget shite i don't give a fuck about, and stuff like the nightmare on elm street sequels that shouldn't have been made.


>have nothing to do in adulthood.
There are 400,000,000 things to do besides watching new moves


have you seen pretty baby? About a cute loli


A lot of the shit you think you need a lot of money to do you actually don't. People 100 years ago did stuff with little money.

Take fishing, you literally need a bucket, a few lead sinkers, a few hooks and a roll of building twine. This collection of objects costs maybe $20, $30 at most.


There's a bit more to being a film buff than just watching movies imo. Being able to discern a film requires having an understanding of the production process, medium, the technology involved and genre. In fact, I think just mindlessly watching a film a day is probably detrimental to getting a proper understanding of film if you just consume mediocre garbage. It's like how reading nothing but female romance novels would not give a proper understanding of the medium of literature.

The best way to watch film is to select good ones or ones representative of the genre, and then watch it once to get the plot, and watch it a second time and think over how they filmed it and what they did and why. If there's a commentary track available, watch it with that, and (for any pre-2010 film) watch interviews with the actors. This doesn't work for modern Disney-shit because they sanitize all their behind the scenes work now.

If you care about the Film Industry, there's also a need for understanding mass appeal. Film snobs are always confused as to the popularity of Michael Bay flicks, but can't fathom that his films are aimed at an audience of 13 year old boys and r-slurred blue collar workers that want to nap across 3 hours and not miss much.

Idk I feel like most film buffs miss the mark because they're either consuming nothing but goyslop mindlessly or they're english majors that are too focused on themes and symbolism. The 30+ minute film essays on youtube breaking down the themes of every childhood film makes me cringe. Sam Hyde kinda said it best, the human brain is wired to find the same sort of narratives and stories entertaining and much of the actual quality for movies comes from the effort put into cinematography, pacing, special effects, etc, themes and symbolism and all that other gay english major shit is just one piece of the puzzle.


Have you considered applying for neetbux? At this point, you have nothing to lose.


They make new ones though. Looking at my Letterboxd I've watched 48 movies with a 2022 release. Thankfully I'm not too picky about my movies.



when you ve seen every movie, TV show, read every book, played every game, etc…. etc…. etc…..

and it actually starts to feel like work to do it,

it happened to me, after 8+ years of NEET i was disgusted by myself. and debated a job to distract from my hobbies, til my parents told me to get a job or leave. eventually you will become sick of distractions and amusements, they werent meant to be purpose of life.

you need to find and make your own purpose, a talk for another time


nah fuck wageslavery


>driver license
>easy training courses financed by local goverment
>and get in cagie, you'll see many normies recycling theirselves from other sectors they've been working at


Give yourself some credit op you didn’t troll yourself you were merely coping with the situation given to you in the healthiest way you could possibly imagine saying you trolled yourself is just another chip at your ego don’t do life’s work for it you deserve better


It's the opposite for me. When I was young I used to be incredibly frugal and planned my career to make the most money possible. Now that I'm finally able to make a good income I don't care about it anymore. I choose to be NEET until my savings run out. I've a fair amount saved up but I blow it on stupid shit. I give it away to bums. I almost want to withdraw it all in cash, go to a busy street and set it alight just to see how people would react.

Part of it was realizing what money really is. It's simply a claim on the output of the economy. But when the claims are constantly going up and the output is stagnant or declining and the products are mostly garbage, suddenly money doesn't seem so valuable. Most of the things I need or desire can be bought with a modest amount of money. The rest are things that no amount of money can buy. I can't buy back my youthful body and spirit. I can't buy an attractive face or charming personality. I can't cure my medical disorders with money. I can't pay people to like me. I can't buy a loving family. I can't buy a society that's worth living in.

Increasingly I'm seeing that the path to maximizing one's freedom and contentedness is to minimize reliance on money. The more money you have, the more you are reliant on the evil financial-industrial system that enslaves the entire world. The best way is to rely on yourself and others in your immediate vicinity. Since you most likely have no one you can rely on, or a few family members maybe, then you should do your best to be self-reliant.


when i had a job when i was younger the managers hated me cuz i was always smirking in their face not taking them seriously. now i know better than to do that you dont want them to hate you


fishing isn't fun. its a boring chore activity for normies to do


Fishing is fun, relaxing, rewarding, and good for the body and mind. You are mentally unwell.


well its wizchan, most people here are mentally unwell if not all.


Deciding to remain a virgin is a sign of mental wellbeing. Stop disparaging the entire community.


>Deciding to remain a virgin is a sign of mental wellbeing. Stop disparaging the entire community.

some are deciding, for others the decision was made. the opinion of those for whom the decisions was made i don't particularly care about.

t some other anon


Fishing is cruel


No it is not. Catch-and-release results in a fish being fed and getting a burst of exercise. Catch-and-eat leaves more resources available for young fish.


just buy bitcoin and wait 10 years


>advice from pre 2016


jelly no coiner


and you are someone who needs other people to enter their ponzi scheme


cool fud bro


>it's FUD to say that it was good advice to buy bitcoin before 2016
no this is well supported, look at the charts


>it happened to me, after 8+ years of NEET i was disgusted by myself. and debated a job to distract from my hobbies, til my parents told me to get a job or leave. eventually you will become sick of distractions and amusements, they werent meant to be purpose of life.

I feel like a lot of NEETs go through a transformation as they go from a worry-free early 20s college student/drop-out to a grown adult man in his 30s still living under his parents roof. Sure when you're a young NEET in your 20s, you may lie to yourself and cope by saying that eventually you'll get your shit together, get a job, get a career, get a purpose, you still have plenty of time, etc. And all the meanwhile you waste your days engaging in mindless & pointless distractions of video games & internet addiction and what not. Meanwhile all your old acquaintances from school or college move on with their lives and careers, while you still remain in that early 20s childish mental state with nothing to show for it (by normie society rules).

Yea, if you're a trust fund kid or you managed to make money from crypto and can afford to live without working, it probably won't stress you too much, but if you're wholly reliant on your elderly parents on support, you kinda start feeling shitty for it especially if you know they won't be able to support you forever. There's nothing worse then one day having the realization that you're approaching your mid-30s and you essentially spent your years in front of your computer in your room with nothing much to show for it except watching some TV shows & anime. If you can cope with the realization, that's fine but I think a lot of NEETs simply won't be able to.


>neetcoin has intrinsic value and is not a ponzi! Believe me, the market cap only rises with every sensational story trolling boomers and crashes when people lose interest!
>non-state backed currency will just win, we'll all start doing it and the fed won't do nuthan


tbh im the anti bitcoin poster a few posts ago, and this is a huge straw man. One can believe BTC will raise in value without believing it will replace FIAT currency. I don't personally believe either one, but still


the key argument is that bitcoin is the future of currency and will become so widely accepted it supplants fiat. Whereas empirical experience indicates the only thing this is being used for is drugs (let's use a currency everyone can monitor electronically and the gov can backdoor and steal anytime, deal?) and currency speculation which is the real source of value and based on hype mostly. BTC is the TSLA of currency, smoke and mirrors and decoupled from the actual value-added function it performs


>will become so widely accepted it supplants fiat
i wish bitcoiners would adopt a few more levels of gradient between 0.00 value and supplants Fiat.

The capital controls / drug buying aspect of BTC is the most relevant aspect to its value, imho


I'm about to turn 34 and this is pretty much exactly what I'm experiencing right now.
>elderly parents
>won't be able to support you forever
Dad's been dead for years now and my mom is in her early 80s. I have no direction still yet and no ideas what to do for my future.


You're far behind the times. 7 years ago that was the narrative. Now BTC merely relies on its scarcity as 'digital gold'. And it is in fact a compelling argument: fiat will keep inflating while bitcoin does not, so it is already becoming very useful in shithole countries will collapsing currencies. It doesnt even have to pump in price, it just has to not perpetually fall every year. Even though it's illegal in places like Egypt it is still being used and gov cant stop it. Currency transfer is banned and even if you try to escape these countries holding gold they will likely confiscate it, so what else would you do? In the dystopian future it will continue to be useful despite not replacing fiat and being somewhat underground.

>let's use a currency everyone can monitor electronically and the gov can backdoor and steal anytime, deal?

Monero obviously fixes this and is continuing to gain ground in the peer-to-peer sector + dominating the drug market. Usable decentralised btc-xmr exchanges are imminent and will remove the 'oh no gov will ban it' factor. Crazy to not be exposed to it from my perspective.


I don't see the rationale for investing in this versus a more truly stable source of value like gold


Exactly, gold, physical security, and food is a hedge against US hegemony, not Bitcoin (probably invented by a US intelligence group or asset, who own all the missing Satoshi coins. That alone is enough to distrust it, but fools use it as a reason to trust the unnamed unaccounted for party


How are you going to get through an airport or border with hidden gold? How are you going to trade it with people without counterfeiting risk? How are you going to use it to buy food and pay rent? All of these issues I can solve with monero but not gold.


Literally capital controls was already mentioned in this thread as it's use, which is not a hedge against the US hegemony, it's for transport. I agree with that, not with it's gold aspect


Yeah, bitcoin kind of sucks as a crypto but it is good for shithole economies like Iran or Turkey.
If you used gold people would fuck each other over, use painted lead, hide weights in coins e.t.c.
When the inflation rate is above 40% like it is in both nations BTC has performed amazingly in comparison. A lot of people there don't understand how money works so every year they save up money only for it to lose in value multiple times faster than they collect it


Oh, I forgot to mention. ISIS tried the gold-coin thing it just isnt very realistic


I care about money now because my health issues are becoming more expensive with age. I’m my 20s the worst that could happen was getting a condition that could be resolved by a GP or physiotherapist in 1-2 visits. Now my illnesses involve getting scans and having to see a specialist doctor.


i was broke until 20 and then i started getting money, but my mind was always broken and i still couldn't take life, so i gave a ton of money away randomly wanting to kill myself, then paid for the most expensive psychiatric treatments, nothing helped, it was all a waste. Eventually I lost it all and now i'm broke and gonna be in debt, which will be one of the reasons I'll have to kill myself, since I don't want to go to prison. Money doesn't always save you from problems, especially if you aren't normal. It's not enough.


You can't be sent to prison for unpaid debts


Not relevant for Wizards, but you can be sent to jail for Child Support Debt


how do you know which legal jurisdiction that wiz is in?


doesnt matter, unless you live in shithole africa there are no debtor's prisons pretty much anywhere


To get a non-dead room you don't need to spend THAT much money. First identify the shape of your room, then find the ideal lay out of the furniture you already own. This is 90% of the effect. Lay-out is everything.
Shelves are cheap to install, and painting is a hassle but you often need only paint one or two walls anyway. Plants are the spice of any living space and only need natural light intake as consideration. So unless your room is some nightmarish, window-lacking, concrete floor cell, you can absolutely achieve warm space.

However like others are saying, a living room won't resurrect a dead soul. It's just a nice extra. If you aren't doing anything in this room you'll just associate this room with doing nothing and lo and behold it'll die with you. This is why consumerism is empty, it's a vessel for your own capacity to enjoy life. If you lack it, no amount of materialism will save you.




nice pic babe


I'm on year 9 of NEETing now and not even remotely close to either disgust or feeling like I've done "everything" (such a cope lie you know it).
Distraction is literally the bulk of life together with the other pillar, maintenance. All you need to do is balance these. Many activities already combine them.
Take music, a type of dissociation and consciousness defragmentation on par with sleep except with more focus and capacity for emotional processing, then the next moment can be working through goals that are built on the premise of improving your capacity as a person such as the mundane physical exercise, study or taking steps to put yourself in a position to attain some specific desire like climbing a mountain or traveling abroad. This is the only back and forth that makes up living. You can replace either of these tasks with anything from adjacent categories and this fills out the bulk of all of your options.

What's interesting to me about your post is that your supposed realization came only after you were already cut off from the ability to live this life by external force. Obviously the ability to not need a job is sustained by pure luxury. But living jobless, which is all being NEET is, it's just living, is not some impossible to satiate soul-drought.
The weight of life is always present, whether you punish yourself over it or not.


I'm over 30 and completely satisfied just meditating, cooking, going for walks. I started working on art (sculpting). It's very easy for me to waste the time away just lying the sun. I'm a programmer too and making some open source projects. None of this requires money beyond what is needed to live


I wanna be like you wizzie, literally inspirational




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>I feel like a lot of NEETs go through a transformation as they go from a worry-free early 20s college student/drop-out to a grown adult man in his 30s still living under his parents roof. Sure when you're a young NEET in your 20s, you may lie to yourself and cope by saying that eventually you'll get your shit together, get a job, get a career, get a purpose, you still have plenty of time, etc.

This is my fucking problem. It happens to me with every time sensitive task.

When I was in college every semester the same thing happened:

-exams get announced like 4 months ahead
-whew that's plenty of time
-oh shit 1 month left now
-oh shit the lecture script is 100 pages and every page is filled with complex mathematical concepts
-oh shit i also have 4 other exams to prepare for
-maybe if i start now i can still pass
-im tired right now though i will start tomorrow
-oh shit 2 weeks left maybe i can pass at least 1 course
-oh god i spent a whole day studying and i am just 5 pages in I will never make it

When there is no immediate pressure I don't do anything. When there is too much pressure I distract myself from facing the problem. As a result I end up doing nothing.

How tf do I fix this.


Same here. I just started doing small jobs at house: cutting the grass, fixing stuff and cleaning the yard. However, recently just stopped because would be awkward asking for money to replace plastic faucets with metal ones to end a leak. I'll just get a shitjob and move out simply because I got tired of internet, further more I get more pleasure doing manual job than browsing.

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