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I am thinking of going monkmode. I was thinking: if I am really so depressed that nothing in the world makes me happy, why not leave it all behind? If I play vidya and eat pizza and smoke weed and browse the internet and life still sucks? My depression is characterized by existential thoughts that never resolve. If I'm questing for happiness this way, and it isn't working, maybe I need to try something else. Maybe If I devote the effort I use on being miserable towards enlightenment I will actually stop being so sad.

Look at normalfags. They are just as sad as we are, deep down. There are billionaires that get depressed and there are drug addicts in halfway houses that get depressed. They worship pleasure. They worship themselves. Or they are retarded and don't understand why they should be sad. They try to find out how to live and they fail, but monks don't. Monks are content with the simplest life there is because, from an existential perspective, if you can't be happy with simplicity why be happy with decadence?

I'm not sure if you guys will understand this, but I know normalfags never will. You might call this a cope or something, but I think it really is one of the best solutions for a depressed autist. Who knows, maybe after years of monkmode I will return to my former life with some newfound joie de vivre and be able to enjoy things more than I had before? Kind of like a "dopamine detox" to use the normalfag buzzword. But in this case I would actually gain some wisdom.

If you have ever seriously contemplated suicide, or maybe even attempted it, you know you've got to find a different way to live. You've got to try whatever you can if you're really dedicated to being happy without being a normalfag. Kind of like the einstein cliche about trying the same thing over and over being the definition of insanity. At least, that's what I think. And why I seriously considering going monkmode right now.


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Here, forgot to add pic


I've considered it before, but I don't even know how to begin.


Didn't read the whole post but good luck


Might aswell give it a try. I like the idea of being content with litte.


dont forget to do semen retention otherwise you're a degenerate nigger obsessed with hentai and porn like some larpers and young gays around these places


Going Monk, is just another way of phrasing the whole point of what Wizardchan exists for.


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>I am thinking of going monkmode. I was thinking: if I am really so depressed that nothing in the world makes me happy, why not leave it all behind? […] My depression is characterized by existential thoughts that never resolve. […] Maybe If I devote the effort I use on being miserable towards enlightenment I will actually stop being so sad. […] Monks are content with the simplest life there is because, from an existential perspective, if you can't be happy with simplicity why be happy with decadence?
You would love the third essay from Genealogy of Morality, it precisely addresses this idea of asceticism as a life-preserving instinct in response to decadence


Another one steps on the path, good. I would suggest eastern philosophy. Buddhism is very wizardly. Basically, the essence of it says that all is unsatisfactory, pleasure and pain are the same thing. Giving up attachments is how you attain peace. Be warned though, there will be no turning back. If you decide to quit ascetism and return to gluttony, weed and porn you will suffer, because your senses will be sharper and you will see how disgusting the food is, how soul draining porn is, how weed is just making you dumber and more shallow. You might swing for some time between the two modes.

However, if you think to cut out everything at once, all the pleasurable activities you enjoy right now, you will fail. You need to take is slow, find replacements for certain things, limit other things, cut out the most negative ones completely. Moderation is alright, as long as it is what it should be. Buddha saw that neither path of debauched hedonism nor strict masochistic ascetism are truly satisfactory.


if you seriously considered this you would not post it on the internet.

"gonna leave it all behind" larp thread 392838


Discussing alternative ways of life has been a part of wizchan history


Thanks wiz, I'll check it out.

I've cut my wizchan/internet use down to about 10 minutes per day and planning to reduce it even further so it's at least a step in the right direction


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>your senses will be sharper and you will see how disgusting the food is, how soul draining porn is, how weed is just making you dumber and more shallow. You might swing for some time between the two modes.
This is exactly what happened. Also
>neither path of debauched hedonism nor strict masochistic ascetism are truly satisfactory.
Pretty much this. I posted pic related in another thread about tech addiction and I think the idea is similar. I cut out weed and porn (working on internet) and replaced them with reading, exercise, and meditation. Then, I limited gaming and TV to evenings only. I saw a lot of improvement after doing this, but the biggest thing that helped was Buddhism. It gave me a spiritual outlet for my natural cynicism and I started realizing many things. For example, I used to complain that all media was shit now and I couldn't enjoy it anymore. Turns out I was right, but my solution was wrong. Instead of turning to more and more pleasure, I just had to embrace the hatred of media and look for a spiritual solution instead.

If you're a real "nihilistic" /r9k/ type faggot, there's no reason not to become Buddhist. It's the same thing except you won't be miserable.

I'm probably going to cut out the internet altogether for a very long time after posting this. I just wanted you all to know how good it felt when I finished a long meditation session and actually felt alive for the first time in recent memory, and I think you should do the same. The discussion quality on the internet is universally pretty shit but Wizchan at least makes me feel a little less lonely most of the time which is why I will probably return in a few months.


Nice to see another wizard of actual wisdom. Good luck to you on your path to true comfyness.


Wise posts.

Whenever I've felt "high" on life, I consciously avoided the internet, or at least the worst places, and most media, because I just felt like it would bring my mood and happiness down. As if they had >"low vibrations" or something like that.
But after some days of this good mood, the boredom would become so much that I succumbed and returned to internet, garbage sites, distracting and barely entertaining myself with rot.

I should definitively force myself to read and meditate more often, and avoid garbage. Fortunately exercise is easy now.
Thanks for the inspiration.


>I cut out weed and porn (working on internet) and replaced them with reading, exercise, and meditation. Then, I limited gaming and TV to evenings only.

Who would have guessed that not being a midnless consumer nigger addicted to porn, masturbation, gaming, and imageboards, and instead working on yor body and mind and following good habits would benefit a person. What a revelation!


You are really not nearly as intelligent as you think.
Explain how consooming books is somehow superior to consuming any other type of content?


explain me how getting and education is better than getting high, consuming porn and mindlessly fapping and watching netflix

lol at this lvl of argumentation on wizchan


Reading about wizards making progress and breaking habits in this thread genuinely makes me happy.


I grew up around wealthy people and most of them spend their teen years and young adulthood getting high, consuming porn, mindlessly fapping and watching netflix.
Some of them date, but they have crabs just like poor people nowadays thanks to society being so looks-centric.

The only thing that differentiates them from working class people is they live in a bigger home and their vacations are on yachts or in the alps instead of a coach class flight to some tourist hell infested with a million brits.

When will people stop spreading the meme that wealthy people are somehow this super hard working, book-reading 'overclass' of people when a huge portion (and when it comes to under 30s, all of them)
simply inherited that wealth and did nothing to 'work hard'?

You can tell small minds instantly when they idolize and worship rich people or career slaves.


I can agree with this 100%, in my area were a lot of wealthy families and I grew up with their kids. Even in their 20s they still have the families wealth pay for their cars, apartments and failed business attempts, they all aren't successful enough to afford any of things they own. Many of them are also still unemployed and do drugs or play games in their parents huge homes all day and they never had girlfriends not even in our early 20s.

The only two rich kids I know who actually do the party lifestyle also have very good looks and they seem like the type of guys who would have been popular either way and now they just use daddys money to drive a sportscar and get expensive drugs to bag sluts. They always throw parties that can be heard in the street or they go to parties while most of the other rich dudes I know smoke weed and hang around.

They don't work hard, they either just study, do their regular job or neet like everyone else, they don't have any extreme work ethic or good business ideas and they often just lie about whay they do. They also don't seem happy and are just as depressed but they are able to hide it behind social media, drugs and superficial social bullshit.


i did this shit and was still a depressed retard


What are you going to achieve with your 60 hour works weeks you dumb fuck?
Gloat over NEETs and wizards how you're a good citizen?
Show off your wealth to other faggots?
Change the world?
You're not even getting a wikipedia article for yourself unless your a hyper normie, well connected, very social science/business type.

PROVE how wasting a wizards time and efforts on these inane, aimless pursuits is better than jacking off for the 5th time today besides that it's "good for you lol".



You are so fucked that you don't even see the purpose of doing things to improve your own wellbeing. You think anything people do has some kind of superficial motivation behind it involving normies or wealth. The fact that you dont even grasp the concept of doing things just reveals a lot about you.

There is absolutely no purpose in trying to prevent others from doing the things they want to do or from improving themselves other than projecting your own unwillingness to improve yourself at them, envy is most likely also playing a part here.

Not every wizard neet wants to be a depressed impulse controlled retard who needs to touch his dick all day and slave to the constant consumption of media and games in order to not go insane because he spends his days stuck in a hamster wheel of constant pleasure seeking while time is running and hes too retarded to realize that if he would take the steps to improve his life now then he would reach a point where he feels content without having to rely on porn, drugs and consuming media.


>how is being an obese junkie porn addict chronic masturbator imageboard user not better than studying something, pursuing a career, having healthy habits, reading for pleasure and enjoying your life in a dignified way
aylmao the level of argumentation on wizchan never ceases to amaze me.


Yes, I am being unironic.
WHAT is the END goal?
You still haven't explained it besides "it feels good bro XD".
As far as I can see you're western 22 year olds that have read some grifters self-help book and are regurgitating it without actually putting any thought into what you're "trying" to say.


>You still haven't explained it besides "it feels good bro XD"
isnt that the rationale behind indulging in things like masturbation and gaming?


Except that it is efficient and to the point.
You are going in a roundabout way, increasing your backlog, and achieving nothing but excess green paper slips and expending more effort.


>just do what feels good for brah uolo
normalfag mentality. Leave this place, failednormalfag



A few benefits of improving your mind and body:

- Having a way less clouded mind
- Feeling content without depending on drugs, porn and almoat constant media consumption
- Losing the need to resort to escapism
- Being in control of your impulses
- Feeling physically well as your body gets enough exercise
- Doing fun stuff is actually fun again because you do it as entertainment and not to kill time
- Giving less of your time away to consume the creations of other people while investing more time into yourself
- The experience of making progress
- Increased productivity for art, projects, hobbies etc.
- A better sense of time
- Increased self awareness
- More freedom overall because you have less dependencies and increased control over yourself

It gives you more independence if you are alone and on your own, you can actually get stuff done or even start moving a completely direction if you want to step out of society completely. You have better control over yourself as a wizard, neet or autist whatever and you are not just the consumer of things. You will also be more mentally and physically prepared for unexpected events in life.


You're going to repeat the same mistakes from the self-improvement thread here? Why not improve on them?


You know what, just don't do shit and be an envious cunt towards people who do, seems to fit you really well.


There's no envy in my heart. You can address what wiz raised in >>275040 without contradicting yourself, he is really asking you a teleological question



why are you so invested in always going against positive posts? why is it so important to you? youre just a miserable faggot who wants to drag other wizards into your shit and because you don't get the reactions you want you just resort to shitting up every thread or post that offers advice or a positive outlook. if people actually answer your smug questions you just ignore what they actually wrote or you dont reply at all.

people will just keep telling you what a faggot you are and all the replies you get are either negative or its yourself samefaging to your posts. youre one of the worst schizos this site has ever seen.


>You're going to make similar post to the ones that I didn't agree with? Really? #JustSuccubusThings


>why are you so invested in always going against positive posts? why is it so important to you? youre just a miserable faggot who wants to drag other wizards into your shit and because you don't get the reactions you want you just resort to shitting up every thread or post that offers advice or a positive outlook.
>people will just keep telling you what a faggot you are and all the replies you get are either negative or its yourself samefaging to your posts. youre one of the worst schizos this site has ever seen.
I don't recognize any of this, you likely have me confused with another wiz


I agree on both points to a degree, but I think Buddha did have merit - for the time period he lived in.

He gave non-spiritual genuine hope to poor Indian peasants by making them content with poverty.

Pushing asceticism on modern humans is just as you said, a distraction by wealthy human apes so you don't notice how much you get exploited by them on a daily basis.

Isolating yourself completely from other human apes while living in relative luxury would be ideal, unfortunately only a handful of people alive are lucky enough to be in that situation (mostly through inheriting a lot of money).


you dont get to control where you "go"
it's a phase that might round up your character once youre mentally grown up


I've been dirt poor as in homeless, and I've lived in a very spacious nice apartment.

Fuck asceticism. Life is infinitely more enjoyable when you wake up in a soft king or queen size bed and it's in a separate room from your living quarters and kitchen.

Having good furniture and appliances also makes life much more enjoyable compared to shitting in the forest and scavenging raw berries or roadkill.

I lived in tents and under trees for 9 months. It didn't teach me anything, it was just hell. It was pain.
The pain went away when I first got a small studio and then later upgraded to a bigger 3 room apt. to live by myself.

Screw people who say money doesn't buy happiness. Having a nice home with nice stuff *is* the foundation of happiness.


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>I agree on both points to a degree, but I think Buddha did have merit - for the time period he lived in.
>He gave non-spiritual genuine hope to poor Indian peasants by making them content with poverty.
>Pushing asceticism on modern humans is just as you said, a distraction by wealthy human apes so you don't notice how much you get exploited by them on a daily basis.
This may be true as a matter of modern politics, as where wealth accumulates in a mercantile age (e.g. to someone who has sold a lot of vacuum cleaners) doesn't coincide with a wealthy spirit, but recall that Buddha was a prince. Perhaps ascesis for him and his closest disciples, like Katyayana and Purna, was a prophylactic measure as much as anything


Yet another thread getting shit up.

If you still think porn and drugs feel good, then good for you. If you read the entire thread though, you would know that there are wizards out there who indulge in those things and are still miserable and anhedonic. I'm not trying to tell you to become a normalfag. I'm just trying to tell you to balance those activities with ones that you find fulfilling. I don't give a fuck if it's going for a walk, playing piano, yoga, I don't give a fuck. Just find something you like doing outside of being an indulgent sloth. You'll like yourself a lot more when you're less spiritually deprived


You do realise the two aren't mutually exclusive right?

I literally got my degree (physics) while simultenously drinking, jerking off, watching netflix and gaming during my educational years.


Ignore that retard he misunderstood everything this thread is about


> got my degree (physics) while simultenously drinking, jerking off, watching netflix and gaming during my educational years.
Hello failed normalfag.
Also >proud of watching netflix and being an alcoholoic

wizchan 2023


Because it's not "positive".
It's mindlessly regurgitating white suburban mom "healthy" "advice" that isn't actually focused on gaining any real results other than giving you a smug and empty sense of "progressing in self-improvement".
Only "advice" from such drivel that can be actually applied to a wizzie is getting a skill that can translate to a work from home, minimum hours job so you could jack off to more porn and afford harder drugs.


This imageboard also has it so wrong when it thinks permanent happiness is even possible.

You can have stability, happy moments, contentness, but being happy all the time is not anything any human being experiences on Earth.

Being content with your life situation, with occassional creature comforts and feelings of happiness is the best outcome possible.
Too bad this isn't enough for some people so they turn to drugs, junk food and alcohol to seek an infinite supply of dopamine and endorfins.

My feelings alternate between getting zero joy from any of my hobbies, food or activities, and feeling like life is the best thing ever. That is completely normal.
It's not something you should try to eradicate from your life. Alternating feelings are completely normal and striving to be extremely happy 24/7 is an absurd goal.



This is a very good post and what I was waiting for. Actual 'happiness' is feeling content with the ups and downs of your life without constantly carrot chasing the ups or getting discouraged by the downs and these things work together after all.



Yeah, that's another problem and it's kind of what I was getting at with my post about monotony being inevitable


monkmax poster does it again. The best life for neetie is:
>read/absorb information at least 4 hours a day
>cardio or weights at least an hour a day
>meditate at least an hour a day
>nature at least 2 hours a day
so that's your 8 hour workday. practice dopamine abstention/conservation, fast a few days every week, max out your heart rate once or twice a week.

etc. Pretty soon you find there isn't enough time in the day to actually be a degenerate if you are strict in your discipline and start pushing for stretch goals. How many books can you read in a week? People in confinement can do 1 every 2 days easy and those are often pretty technical.


Pretty much this. I run, then meditate, then spend the rest of the day reading. The thing is, I miss gaming. I really want to get back into it, but the last 10 times I've tried to play games I hated it

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