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Any time I am thinking about improving myself I look back on YEARS of non-existent discipline and passed opportunities. I think about learning something and then remember how every time I tried in the past I quickly stopped. At this point I feel like I am physically incapable of anything but lying in bed and sitting on my computer distracting myself to not have to exercise focus, thought or be confronted with hard bitter truths which just get more bitter the more years I spend doing nothing. It just feels like there is something fundamentally lacking in me. Like the discipline switch is defective and can't be turned on. Even when I hear from someone who suffers from severe health problems accomplishing something instead of feeling inspired I just feel even worse about myself not doing anything. I have 0 accomplishments that I can look at as proof "I can do something".


Normalfags don't have epic discipline to do hobbies and to learn languages and shit OP. Most normies come home and zombie in front of Netflix until they go to sleep, or they browse their phone.

These phones and computers are addictive, they're designed to be addictive. You're no different to the average person.

At best normies play sports or go to the gym, or if they're upper class, they play an instrument, or they play video games. I get out a bit and I know not a single normalfaggot that does the improvebrah self improovement hobby discipline shit.


Somewhat related, Seligman did another review of learned helplessness much later (2016) which provides a good discussion of what we’ve learned since. The use of the concept in culture has been particularly intellectually degenerate and used to abuse people.
Link : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4920136/#S20title
>Learned Helplessness at Fifty: Insights from Neuroscience
>Steven F. Maier and Martin E. P. Seligman


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Normalfags are already conditioned since kids to be normalfags. The quiet kid who has gone easy in the school without studying never learned to study and never learned discipline. The normalfags had their entire childhood and teenage to master it. All the improving thing is for shock yourself back into action, piece by piece. For walking outside I need nofapping at lest one week, do push ups, do the bed, sleep early to fix sleeping cycle, to shower, to shave my beard, to cut the hair and a hood to feel comfortable. Do you think a normalfag need that? No, because they have going outside since ever.


This is pretty interesting. So, there is no such thing as "learned" helplessness, but rather passivity/anxiety is the default response to prolonged stressors/aversive stimuli. What's actually learned is the possibility of control which then suppresses the anxiety/passivity response.

So, ultimately, a completely useless concept and nothing to psyche yourself out about. Focus on solving external problems. Sometimes shit just doesn't work and it's not your fault. Nothing you lack, you just expect the universe to be organized around you winning and being successful, yet the default position is being a loser for everyone (one way or another).


You do improvement stuff because it helps you build confidence and discipline that you never learned and it drastically helps staying sane during times of depression and isloation. People who function normally have learned these things already but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea to acquire discipline in your own life now. If you have a difficult life and you're not a normie you have to take different paths to learn certain things and the 'self-improvement stuff just works great for that.

It's not about emulating normies or being a failed normie, it's about being a human being and learning basic shit that you never learned and becoming more functional for your own sake.


Why does it matter to you what normies do and how is that relevant to OPs post? Also why do you write a whole rant on improvement stuff when OP didn't even mention anything like that once. Funnily enough there's always someone complaining about this stuff in almost every thread, search for 'improvebrah' or 'improvebruh' and you will find a shitload of posts that have been made just over the last few weeks most likely by the same poster as well and I think you might be a similar guy since you immediately hopped on with a post like that even though it's not even the actual topic.


Do normals really self-improve ?
This concept of self-improvement is kinda vague.

I don't think normal people actively self-improve, rather they were just being themselves and this enabled them to naturally learn the things that are aligned with their genetical message.

Like did Mozart or Beethoven self-improve to learn music, i think not. Rather they were born with absolute pitch, and they naturally followed the road of musical art.

Did Pascal self-improve to be a mathematical genius ? Rather he was born with the ability to perform mental calculations, and naturally he followed the mathematical road.

Do you think females actively self-improve to keep their house clean ? Rather it's a feature of their genetical message, the fact that they are females makes them not tolerate a chaotic dwelling.

This leads me to this question. Can humans really gain new functions outside of the ones set by their genetical material ?


It's mainly the teens/youngfags here who shill self-improvement because it makes sense at a young age since they are so behind what most wizards experienced

"Got a problem? Time to fix it" mindset is only something that appeals to 20 yr olds. There is already a bunch of experienced wizards here who have done every single self-improve thing and most have said it's a waste of time to even try it. It's not real advice because it ultimately boils down "you sad bro? just be happy", it's another version of just bee yourself.

Real advice from wizards is to just accept you are a loser and stop trying to turn into a failed normalfag. Those trying to still self-improve are only doing it because they haven't accepted they will be sexless virgin for life and trying to escape the situation.


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>How to regain confidence in yourself?

This is easy and not complicated at all. No need to use big fancy words or to talk about "self-improvement".

You're a wizard, you're very likely a socially isolated loner and this is an important detail: you got no physical person judging you. You're free to be yourself, just be yourself and slowly build your confidence. Go out in public, wear your favorite clothes, go eat in a fancy restaurant alone, go to the park, basically go to public places while being alone. You're free to make as many mistakes as required because you got no one judging you (only yourself), confidence will eventually enter your body.

You'll realize no one really cares about you, most people are minding their own business (plus you're very likely a grown man past 25). Even if you did have normgroids staring and shit talkingabout you they won't physically pester you, in plain 2023 it's socially unacceptable to be mean to losers, and normgroids are too aware of their image and appearance (even if they're jerks, they don't want other people to know they're jerks so they're more likely to be neutral to you). Confidence in wizards have its limitations, if you expect to turn into social gigaCHAD that very likely won't happen, set realistic goals. Aim to feel confident with yourself while being around normies.

>why would you want to be confident around normies wizard? you're not a wizard lol

Some social interactions are unavoidable (going out for groceries, being forced to wagecuck in an office, family gatherings, etc). People treat you nicer if they believe you're confident, it's in anyone's best interest to appear confident. A firm handshake and firm eye contact can make a normie do exactly what you want it to do, normies are dumb animals.


self-improvement term is strangely defined/interpreted by you. just aimlessly doing something to get better at something didn't ever work, doesn't work now, and will not ever work in future, because that's not how the brain works. brain and body can only 'self-improve' when there's a real reason for, an external thing to drive you. if you just sit in a single room for entire life or wageslave in a shithole for entire life sure as hell 'self-improvement' turd will not work.


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You don't.

You won't magically "regain" confidence in yourself. Especially not by reading books or watching cringe videos that will put you in a fake belief of power.

The only thing that gives you or removes your self confidence is your personal experience of life. If you have a good experience of life with success, attention and validation you will be confident in yourself. If you have a bad experience with life with little to no success, rejection and failures it's biologically evident that you won't be confident in your abilities.

So you can put yourself in a mental state of delusion by watching videos that will tell you want you want to hear to make you pay for whatever garbage they want to throw at you.
You can try to have new experiences and life will tell wether they those experiences will be fullfilling and therefore changing your mental state or disappointing and erasing even more of your self confidence.
Finally you can accept your state. That works best when you were born as a loser (bad genetics, poor environment, no change possible in your life) and that works even better if you're born with the right combinaison of factors (being a female in the west for instance, or just good genetics & good environment).


>Do normals really self-improve ?
This concept of self-improvement is kinda vague.
>I don't think normal people actively self-improve, rather they were just being themselves and this enabled them to naturally learn the things that are aligned with their genetical message.
Are you retarded? I even acknowledged that normies already learned these things way before, at least read posts before you reply because it makes you look like a dumbass


I was able to gain confidence in my late 20s with things like lifting, changes in my lifestyle and just making general life experiences and even managed to develop discipline after years of being lost. I could go on in more detail but my whole point is that you can change a lot of things but only if you find your way of doing so which can be tricky depending on your situation. I don't necessarily recommend listening to improvement youtubers but you can learn a thing or two by just listening to interviews with whatever people you're interested in especially if they do something youre interested in doing, this is something that had a lot of value for me as I lack social contact and people to talk with. Lifting was also a great addition, just learning to lift right and seeing improvements is a nice experience and it really makes you feel better physically, you can fix issues with your back and posture as well.

I highly recommend you order a pull up bar (one that hangs in your door with different size handles not the ones your screw in between your door). Try to do Pull-ups every 2nd day, just try to do as many as you can whenever you're at home and it crosses your mind or in between doing stuff during your workout day. A lot of times you won't even be able to do one pull up because you procrastinate but its important that you just keep up the plan as much as you can and that you don't give up in your head. If you push yourself you can change a lot but starting anything is hard.


>Real advice from wizards is to just accept you are a loser and stop trying to turn into a failed normalfag. Those trying to still self-improve are only doing it because they haven't accepted they will be sexless virgin for life and trying to escape the situation.
Speak for yourself but try to avoid doing the 'real wizard' posting because its kinda gay and your whole post reeks of loserbait which is just as retarded as listening to andrew tate.


fuck attention and validation. it's much more important to approve yourself and to be content with your result. it's the lot of normalfaggots to grind external approval, wizards seek to fulfill their inner needs.


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Learned helplessness? Oh, you mean learning that you're helpless


Your whole post reeks of failed normalfag seeking validation because you think you are above regular users here. Fuck off.


If your whole life can be changed just from lifting you were just a failed normalfag all along. Stop gaslighting wizards into thinking they should all be chadlite LARPers like yourself.


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>If your whole life can be changed just from lifting you were
Suffering from the negative mental ailments consequential to poor muscular, vascular, and digestive health. And it is good that he struggled towards the goal of correcting his body. It payed off!
>chadlite LARPers
Opinion disregarded, you are from the crab forums if you even use "Chad" to refer to any non-depressed male, especially so if you're dividing it it to tiers - 'lite'. Lmao!


Clearly you just have to cross over to the other side, but you don't even try


learned helplessness is such a dumb concept. implication is you never really failed to become an astrophysicist, you are just not trying to become one hard enough. even if you fail the admission tests fifteen times, it's not because you cannot become an astrophysicist, but instead you have given up on taking the sixteenth test, and if that fails, well you either keep going on or you have "learned" helplessness and it's your fault for not trying more.


You just proved that youre too retarded to read through a post before you reply. I mentioned lifting as one thing of many that helped me so why are you discrediting my post by writing stuff like I only fixed my life with lifting while calling me names. Youre so busy with shtting on anyone who has some kind of positive outlook that you can't even be bothered to actually read the posts you reply to.


It takes a special type of loser to fall for the self-improvement meme, one who is not happy with his lot in life. Someone like that is definitely not ok with staying a virgin for life.


It takes a huge loser like you to convince others to be losers


You're confusing normalfags who give useless gymbro tier advice with wizards who get no benefit from such advice.


Not really. I'd say > 99.9% of people haven't reached nirvana, like you. O sage master.
And even reaching this point, all the way up there where you are, is a form of self-improvement


I didn't fall for any meme, I just started working out and did other things that were good for me. All I can say is that it's definitely worth getting healthy and acquiring some form of discipline. It might take time until that decision comes however. I don't understand your hostility and it would be interesting to know why you react in such a hostile only because I shared my own experience, the reason must be related to yourself and not other posters on imageboards that's for sure and it's worth reflecting yourself on why that is.


>it's definitely worth getting healthy and acquiring some form of discipline
Only if you plan to live long and procreate. Get this normalfag shit outta here.


I don't want to go to the gym but I will look into what exercises I can do at home. I feel like shit physically so exercise is way overdue. Looking like a flabby skeleton and being out of breath after carrying groceries is not very confidence inspiring.


calling anyone who does better than you a normalfag is kinda retarded.


Explain why without sounding like a normalfag.


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Consider he said "you" on a board of wizards, we can assume that the people who are besting us are doing so in an area in which a wizard might strive to be good in. Solitary advances, self-discipline, knowledge gathering and skillbuilding all for the sake of self-satisfaction. In this case, the state of being of many friends and wet of dong are not factors we consider when determining if someone is better than us, because those areas don't interest the wizard.

For wizuser "Orangeclaw" To call wizuser "Spamdalf" a normalfag because Spamdalf, in his strive towards self-betterment for the sake of better fulfilling his own idea of what kind of man he'd like to be, outpaced Orangeclaw in his own strive, is retarding in the literal sense. That mindset retards Orangeclaw's own progress as he convinces himself that to succeed in self-fulfillment is of normalfag desire, giving him self-justification for avoiding development on the grounds that he doesn't wish to do as normalfags do.

To simplify: it's sour grapes. Every man wants to be better. A goblin man who sits in a goblin cave all day tossing stones at the ceiling will wish he were better so that he may not risk a stone bouncing back at his green goblin face. When a lone man does better for himself, he does better for all lonemankind. He becomes a beacon of light, and example to study, and paragon of progress that will forever prove that being a better "you" than you are now is possible.

This is why it's imperative for boys and men to council together and announce their achievements. Positive and competitive environments fuel growth of the self. Reward a man for besting you, announce your envy, and tell him you'll be even better than him soon. Mutual exchanges of reassurance and recognition can go a long way to making wizards ever more powerful.


t. normgroid troll


i find it hard to believe that going up and down the x-axis with some weight can have such a profound effect on one's confidence.

maybe that's why normals enjoy going to the gym ? maybe their genetics is coded in such a way that moving weight up and down the x-axis releases dopamine and some other endocannabinoid ?


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And what do you do to release dopamine?


You're delirious in your smugness. If one were to announce he is going to be better at video games or better understanding japanese children's cartoons, he would get no trouble from us wizards. But where the problem lies is that underneath the "self-improvement" is always an implicit invocation of normalfag values. Despite your attempts to hide your true motivations, they are painfully clear to anyone outside of your circle of virgin larping discord buddies.

Improving one's self is always predicated on accepting that your current self is flawed in some way, deficient compared to some kind of ideal. What can be said about wizard that strives to be more "confident" in social situations? That wants to have a more muscular body? To which standard is he comparing himself to? Certainly not the wizardly ideal.

What normalfags like you attempt, and often succeed in, is to sneak in these normalfag values underneath a general, neutral stance of "improving", of going in the upper direction, obfuscating the fact that there is no single UP but rather many directions and one's path depends on one's value judgements. "Fellow wizards, I am simply striving to better than I currently am, surely you can understand that and won't fault me for it?" - the normalfag smugly says and performs a slight of hand. Who can fault him for wanting to be BETTER? To be better is simply better. How can being better now be worse. Your rhetoric is what's "retarded", dear failed normalfag and no one is falling for it.


I think this whole concept of calling others "normie" isn't helpful. I could just be looking for blame here but I think it lead to me pigeonholing myself and creating this mental wall that I could not pass by labeling myself as a "loser" early in life which of course lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.


>underneath the "self-improvement" is always an implicit invocation of normalfag values.
No. I challenge you to find any posts on here that support improving oneself for the sake of better fitting in as a normalfag. I didn't read any of your post beyond this sentence.


>I didn't read any of your post beyond this sentence.

Thanks for admitting you're mentally challenged so I don't even need to bother arguing anymore. You didn't even understand the question or what implicit means, do you? Just piss off back to discord.


Palindrome gets. That's the cosmos calling you a faggot.

You made a claim
>underneath the "self-improvement" is always an implicit invocation of normalfag values.
Now back it up. You've got such conviction that normalfags are running rampant, so go find them. Unless, maybe, you created a strawman out of thin air hoping nobody on /dep/ would ask for you to back yourself up.


You keep confirming you're retarded and/or disingenuous. Surely you understand what "implicit" means? I can't prove you aren't a virgin either unless you explicitly state it, but you already know that and rely on that in order to "run rampant". Similarly, one can ascribe any manner of intentions and make up excuses for glaringly normalfag behavior. In recent years, one can in fact be a complete normalfag in every way, yet if they claim to be voluntary celibate and virgin, wizards are forced to tolerate their presence.


Show us the posts made by people promoting self-improvement for the sake of normification.


There really are some actual losers in this thread, the only reason why you don't want wizards to give advice to others is because you're sacred that they move on without you or some other self-centered weirdo impulse. Just read that guys posts but read it with the voice of a pathetic character like golum or that hunchback guy from 300 and then ask yourself why he gets so triggered by others saying that you can have a more positive outlook. Just don't listen to negative faggots as they only want to disencourage you, most of this thread has been shit up by one guy once again but thats another thing. Never trust a guy who wants to disencourage you from doing things that have been known to be good for us for thousands of years, he just wants you to stay in the same depressed state without moving forward and you won't turn into a normie just because you do things that make your life better. With that being said, everyone has to figure this out by themselves, getting emotional over stuff like this is retarded of course you feel tempted to reply when that other asshole keeps posting dumb shit but it's also not worth it, people who are smart won't listen to such a negative fag anyway.


Ok esl-kun


>There really are some actual losers in this thread,

For real? Actual LOSERS? I can't believe there are actual losers on this website. Wow.


can you believe those losers are also sexless virgins for life? that's like so against our values self-improve bros…our gymgoing was supposed to make us kings here but we only get exposed as chadlite larpers every time


I went to the gym for 10 years before dropping it and can tell everyone here any type of self-improvement is just placebo from noobgains or the "honeymoon period" where you experience increased results while first starting out. Ultimately it's back to 0 and not even worth trying.


You're spot on. Good to know there is still some actual wizards here. The improvebrah rhetoric falls apart everytime because they are trying to obfuscate their motives. Normalfags hate being seen as a loser just the same as they hate being virgins which is why they try to self-improve out of their situation. It's clear to see their reason for self-improvement is because they hate wizardry and virgins.


>There really are some actual losers in this thread
Actual losers in my wizchan, I can't believe it.


God i wish ALL normalfags would just leave my board the fuck alone!
They envy us, for they are the dullest vermin alive in all eras.


We also wish you damn left but no more kiwifarmer fap fuel I guess.


because some people have more mana inside some have less


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I mean God is the Experimenter and I'm the Dog. And it is rational to just lay down, as there is no reason to believe that now suddenly God has shut off the shocks on the other side

The dog (me) is justified to not jump again


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btw nice job hijacking another thread in normalfag discussion. a retarded discussion in that.


>But where the problem lies is that underneath the "self-improvement" is always an implicit invocation of normalfag values.

so the point is that the more miserable, retarded and depressed you are, the more you are a wizard?


>The improvebrah rhetoric falls apart everytime because they are trying to obfuscate their motives.

what motives? i can't see any motives, care to clarify? because they seem to only exist in your head.


I don't really agree with the premise that we are all abnormal. We're normal, just dysfunctional and depressed for various reasons. I think people like to cope by deciding that living the way they are living is some justified choice which somehow elevates them above everyone else, but in reality none of us chose to be this way, it was suffered upon us.


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Normalfag logic be like you got cancer try to regain your confidence back


>so the point is that the more miserable, retarded and depressed you are, the more you are a wizard?
nope. not him but as I understood his point was that self-imporvement is only welcome if it's the typicall redpill normie shit like gym, diet, cringe yt videos, cringe podcasts, cold showers, meditating, spending billions on fake suplements, etc.

If someone wants lets say improve in playing video games, watching anime, reading comics or just books, collecting lego, etc. then that is not considered self-improving beacuse normans tipically see those things as something 'losers' would do.


How do you distinguish learned helplessness from actual helplessness? if you fail repeatedly it's not stupid to reason That you are not going to succeed with repeated attempts.

I'm a dumb fuck for thinking about this so much. Normalfags don't put this much thought into it.


well if we use the dog example, it is because the dog is no longer trying, even though the situation has changed, and the other side is no longer electrified


this and also no amount of self-improvement will let you get past genetic barriers anyway that will limit your skill and enjoyment of those things

i could use lifting as example a wiz may be gymming it up for a few years and a normie can pick it up and surpass his years progress in a few months


Yeah next time I'm trying to get over an electric fence i'll keep that in mind.


>so the point is that the more miserable, retarded and depressed you are, the more you are a wizard?

No, it's about values. If you're miserable as a wizard because people think you're a loser and you need to go to the gym 5 times per week, working on every muscle group so you look acceptable to others, then I'm sorry, but you are a normalfag, just an unsuccessful one. You are comparing yourself against the normalfag ideal and coming short, so you go through "self"-improvement in order to compensate and gain social status and respect. That's why all these normalfags claim they're much happier now, the more they fit in and gain respect from others, the better they feel. "Bro, chicks were miring me at the gym and I get more respect from random people."

Things that would make a wizard happy are diametrically opposed to normalfag values. Solitude, firstly. If you told a normalfag that you want to improve your solitude and spend LESS time with people, they would call you crazy. If you told them you're learning Japanese so you can enjoy Japanese media more, they would call you a loser weeb. Wait, you're not learning it to meet people and get a job? What's wrong with you! Don't you want to make lots of money? Bro, you are a LOSER.

I guess ultimately there's a difference between improvement and "self"-improvement. One can improve one's circumstances in many ways and usually you don't need to ask for advice or motivate yourself to do it. It makes sense for you to do it. But with "self" improvement, you are firstly accepting that you are deficient compared to normalfag standards and now you work on fixing your SELF i.e. body, personality, social status, who you fundamentally are, in order to be more acceptable to normalfags and gain their respect.

Normalfags always want to obfuscate this difference by claiming they are just promoting "improvement", "making things better", how could that be bad or undesirable? While they sneak in a normalfag value system. If you press them long enough, they will eventually admit how you're a loser and how there's no such things as wizards, we're all just "dysfunctional" and need to improve ourselves more. Revealing more and more how they hate themselves and wish they could be a normalfag.

The worst part is that "self"-improvement for a wizard will almost always make him more miserable. The wizard will feel natural friction and self-doubt and he will be unable to motivate himself to do it, he will be gaslighted by normalfags that he is lazy and that there is something wrong with him. He just needs to trust his instincts and realize that "self"-improvement is not improvement and won't make him feel better or make his life better, it will just push him deeper into despair as he tries to pass through a circle hole as a square. God forbid if the wizard is successful in his endeavors, because after all that painful work, you realize that you never wanted it in the first place.


>Normalfags always want to obfuscate this difference by claiming they are just promoting "improvement", "making things better", how could that be bad or undesirable? While they sneak in a normalfag value system.

This is the correct assessment. Self-improvement never means to become more virtuous, more humble, or to improve life in the values you, personally, find important. It is always to make more money, to be more affable, to tow the line, impress the boss, and be more marketable. Self-improvement to a normalfag means "Improve your brand". Do normalfags "self-improve"? Do they sit around reading ethics so they may better plumb the depths of their own depravity or dependence? No, nobody does that. NOBODY FUCKING DOES THAT.

A meagre hermit communing with God in a monstarery probably still needs more "self-improvement" according to a normalfag. While a rich narcissist shoving vodka pods up his ass and cheating on his wife on the weekends is A-Ok! He is a self-actually, integrated, whole modern person!



>read that guys posts but read it with the voice of a pathetic character like golum or that hunchback guy from 300
This gives away the motive behind your post, slimy normalfaggot. Just pretend anyone you disagree with is UGLY AND SHORT what a loser am I right my self improvement Chads?

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