I know that majority of Indians will probably never leave India. But I grew up watching American movies as a kid, I was frequently bullied by my parents and people around me which made me seek un-Indian media, an escapism of sorts. And some of the happiest memories of my shitty childhood involve watching movies like 'Dr. Dolittle', 'Home Alone', and 'Baby's Day Out', I have always dreamt of how cool life could be in America, with sexy highways, unbelievably beautiful nature, big houses, pick-up trucks, polite people, less pollution, and incredibly minuscule population density compared to the shithole where I live.
Are there any turd worlders here who understand my pain? How do you cope? I have tried cutting media and shows from the first world, as they make me feel miserable afterwards, but watching them is just too addicting.
>>282600 Seems like a good idea for a week or two. If I will ever manage to earn money, it will be doable. And if I ever get my fingerprints back which got wiped off due to hand washing OCD in the past, I might get a passport. Kek it's so brutally over for me.
>>282599 At least you didn't go for Japanese media, would probably be feeling much worse.
But yeah, I'm Brazilian and for me it's any country that has not been forgotten by God. I've been looking for a place to rent in my city, it's either immensely expensive or the risk of having your house invaded by drug addicts and daily street orgies near your house. And I'm in the "good" part of Brazil. I wish going to Europe was as easy as Europeans make it seem on the Internet.
>>282599 A lot of people around the world are ameriboos. I was born and raised in the united states. I too was bullied by people. I'll tell you that that wouldn't change if you were born here. Foreigner's sometimes don't think i'm american because i'm not a loud, obnoxious prick. America is one of the most normie nations out there. It's so normie that its considered rude to be quiet and you will be made fun of for it. I hear that australia is even worse. > I have always dreamt of how cool life could be in America, with sexy highways There's nothing sexy about congested highways and sidewalks that remain unfished for 30 years and everything being 40 miles apart. If you don't have a car in america you are fucked. Thats one thing i hate about america, its not walkable. I'm lucky to have a grocery store a mile away and i have to crawl through barbed wire and thorny bushes to get to it. >unbelievably beautiful nature when you are not trapped in a concrete enclave america does indeed have a lot of beautiful nature. I don't know how it is in india but if you live in a densely populated area i guess it probably looks like silent hill or the first gears of war game the rest of the things you mention are true though >Are there any turd worlders here who understand my pain? yes. given how everyone in my neighborhood was either a fucking indian or muslim. Lots of your kind move here and walk around in their garbs. They don't seem to want to be american. In my middle school it was just an ocean of brown skins. the amerimutt memes are true and everything you like about america comes from white people. but there were no white people around me growing up. Just my mom and one russian kid (if you can even call russians white) who lived down the street >How do you cope? i think you should just imagine walking down the street of a suburban neighborhood and seeing your fellow indians and asiatics walking out of the house and tending to their lawns. kinda ruins the idea of living here
>>282617 Im always impressed that everyone online seems to speak english decently, to my mind many as equal to native speakers. but I guess USA culture is just that strong, that people around the world have a strong motive to pick up english, and do so.
>>282619 weren't poos colonized by the british and forced to learn english? If i'll give indians one thing they can at least speak english past a preschool level. You can't get one sentence out when talking to other foreigners without geting a "WHAT???" because they don't understand anything.
indian english is gramatically better but english is an ever changing language so american english is the definitive english.
>>282620 tbh I haven't noticed a higher quality in Indians talking english online, compared to other regions, but there might be a higher quantity based on what you said.
>>282625 See >>282617's post. It's pretty accurate. The problem is that you third-worlders see America as a shining city on a hill, where you have opportunity and dreams awaiting you, but that's not true anymore. What awaits you is a dying decaying society where half the populace are no better than wild animals and the other half are increasingly withdrawn into fantasy land. All are nihilistic. But sure, you'll have all the mammon you could ever want, and you can get nice and fat, too.
Besides, you're not going to magically change because of a new location.
I don't think thirdies realize how structurally damaged the family units of the lower classes are in first world countries. It's not unusual to grow up under a roastie single mother that lives in welfare. It's not unusual for your suburb to be a sort of prison because you're too far from kids at school to travel. A lot of those "freedoms" only apply to the middle class and above.
I see a lot of videos of literal slums from the Philippines, and people there seem a lot happier with more people around, being close to other people. It's very easy for otherwise normal people to end up isolated in the suburbs.
I'm so sick of seeing your subhuman brethren every fucking day where I live, you "people" are a swarm of locusts eager to jump shit and dirkadingadaloo to anywhere that isn't India and spread your ugly swarthy bloated overbite chinless faces, uglier than niggers, and broken DNA across the planet. You a bunch of fucking insects like the Chinese as you're both r-organisms, flood other countries, and undermine their industry so I hope you nuke one another to oblivion. Once your kind reach administrative positions for the job you got as a diversity hire you fire the original staff and cut corners to make way for the shithut dwellers for them to make atrocious welds and spaghetti code and whatever for the industries they will soon cause to stagnate. I seriously mean it when I say kill yourself, there're at least 100,000 others who think like you anyway who will take your role.
>>282635 agreed. I spent my first ~30 years in a suburban hell prison. There was nowhere for me to go at all without a car, I couldnt even go to a grocery store or take a walk, zero independence and controlled by one deranged single mother. I couldnt even see that it was my environment killing me: it's so normalised that i'd believe a psychiatrist that I myself am defective and need drugs for my "anxiety disorder" and "depression". The only way people survive the poisonous environment is drugs, legal or otherwise.
I visited south east asia and it's obvious that impoverished people there are happier than many 'rich country' suburban poor. Take me to the fucking rice fields anyday
>>282656 i guess whites just hate whatever minority they have to spend the most time around. while the average white hates niggers most. techbros hate asians most, and complain as much about indian writing bad code, as regular white complain about blacks raping their succubi
>>282656 We are all bonafide certified wizards. We would work to sustain your society while not fucking or even trying to fuck your succubus. In exchange we get luxuries like basic sanitation, reliable water and electricity distribution and affordable electronic toys. Seems like a good deal.
>>282675 its the halo effect even on wizchan. because indians are ugly, they get this intense vitriolic hatred for something as minor as writing "shitty code", that a nigger would only get for doing a gang rape
>>282656 OP appreciates beauty and kindness. While you are just a codemonkey crab slaving away full of hate for a nice wiz you've never met. He has more of a soul than you.
Why don't you kill yourself, you're clearly already in hell?
>>282678 I think the shit code stuff is overstated and more based off stereotypes from the 90s. It's not like every second western code-nigger isn't just bashing python and JS frameworks together and just in the industry for the money.
I quickly became a sir respecter at campus when it was only the Jeets helping me out with my C stuff.
>>282675 Thank you sir but there are enough Indians in my country and I've seen them pop out 6 or 7 crotch goblins a pussy. Yes it'd be very nice if there were a more selective slew of immigrants, not that I have any bonds or fondness to the society I live in but it's better than a mass of browns and gays I see every time I step outside to this shithole city. >>282678 Don't worry I hate niggers too for more than the ungabunga behavior and they are also ugly as shit and smell like shit. >as minor as writing "shitty code" >you are just a codemonkey crab Thank you sirs for zooming in on one point in one sentence. >>282683 OP wishes his country wasn't a literal shithole rife with bureaucracy and overpopulation, and is just jealous and wanting of a Hollywood cookie cutter life that isn't available to at 90% of Americans anymore and never really was for anyone under 25-40, as the rest of the thread has corroborated.
>>282692 I'm not a recruiter for the Russian army or anything. But OP expresses a desire for large open spaces, that are sparsely populated. Russia and India have a good relationship since the Cold War and allows e-visa travel. And Russia will grant citizenship to anyone who serves in its army.
So it seems clear to me, that Russia is the solution to OP's problems.
>>282617 Sure America has it's problems but its nearly perfect if you're from a country like India. >>282620 The other reason to learn English is that we have four different language families, and even in same language families, we have different languages and dialects. Pajeets are like chimps so we can't centralise because promoting one language would make the other pajeet chimp out massively, so what the government does is slowly kill our native languages, including major ones like Hindi, and dilute them with English words and force English upon populace although that does help with globalisation and integration in international economy. It's actually very hard for me to make it understand to a Non-Indian, how we pajeets are ready to be enslaved and killed and colonised by Non-Indians but we will never work together, because quite frankly Indians hate other Indians so so much than they could ever hate an outsider. >>282622 Don't worry. I am literally physically unfit to get a passport. >>282656 kek /pol/lard I agree that we pajeets are incredibly misbehaved, I don't think that reason behind is necessarily race (although our epigenome is fucked), but look the other thing is this, I can't control other pajeets even if I want to, and secondly as I said, I literally cannot get a passport so you personally don't need to worry about me. It's quite sad that we pajeets basically survive in a hyper kill or be killed world where people would kill each other over a grain of salt, such is the poverty in this shithole and pajeets carry this behaviour outside with them, which include doing things like haggling when not necessary, being pathetic "yes" men, driving down the wages because pajeets are ready to work for 1 dollar a day. We weren't like this before our millennia of slavery. But India is likely going to be a shithole forever. I hate illegal immigration and finding out loopholes to abuse the system of a foreign country (even though at time like 1971 United States was incredibly hostile, and practically genocided my people en masse in Bangladesh, but I digress). Overall /pol/lard I agree, that your grievances are legitimate, and they would be given that 500,000 Indians are living illegally in America, I can understand that, we have a massive problem with illegal Bangladeshis regarding this. Look this post was just me lamenting that I could never live in the United States, not me asking for advice on how to find loopsholes your system. >You're ugly, chinless, midgets, and…. lol can't escape lookism even here. >>282678 This.
>>282702 >I literally cannot get a passport so you personally don't need to worry about me Yeah I know, I'm just sick of seeing you guys everywhere but simultaneously am curious about and like India from the aspects that aren't shit. I don't have familiarity of the country besides what some other poos have told me on how Modi has run it (into the ground) and that nothing happens without bribes. At least half the trash that pollutes India comes from America and other countries dumping it for "recycling".
>>282707 To be fair Modi is just like anybody else before, he hasn't done anything special to warranty the hatred he receives, except the fact that he got elected by preying upon legitimate grievances from Hindus, and didn't deliver upon them. The hatred that he gets in the West are for wrong reasons. It's not like the country was any better before him. And a lot of problems in India are unironically because of democracy. Bribes are not as common place as you might think. But in the upper and extremely lower echelons of the society they are very common. As for trash well, the first world pollutes because of high consumption (leading higher quality of life standards), the turd world suffers. Regardless, as a poor country we are pretty much forced to take the worst deal on the table, which is better than having no deal at all. It's over for India, we got knocked out of civilisational phase about a 1000 years ago, its only going to get more and more savage from this point on.
>>282625 Depressingly expensive and everyone is pissed off about the state of things.
OP, you're Indian, so let me be totally real with you, you WILL face lots of racism. Those quiet serene landscapes with long highways, pickup trucks, and low pollution are breeding grounds for backwards right-wing fucks who WILL be racist towards you because you're not white. Jobs out here are far and few between unless you like manual labor and destroying your body for very little pay. I take it you probably have a good education, as most indians who come to the US do have a great education in comparison to us Ameritards. If that's the case, you'll prolly end up in a city. Cities are generally more progressive, pay will be higher, access to resources will be better. However, almost all cities in America worth living in are so ungodly expensive that you'll wonder if living in the country side isn't so bad (spoiler: it is). The people are usually less overtly racist, but unless you score a good job fast (and trust me, its hard because our job market is in the shitter), you'll prolly end up living in a small apartment with roommates. Plus, cities are prone to pollution and overcrowding. And public transportation? LOL. Unless you get lucky/rich fast and can afford to live in NYC or something, you NEED a car. And cars break down and are expensive.
The USA is not at all what it's cracked up to be. It makes sense that Mexicans come here (which they don't even do that much anymore cause they're wised up to how bad it is over here) because we're right next to Mexico and it's easy enough to get back home. But travelling across the globe to live here? C'mon man.
>>282796 Well there isn't much decision to make as I am too much of a subhuman to even get a passport, and you're right, the sense of disgust is objective and we pajeets are disgusting although I am not sure if it will be believed on imageboards but there are a shit tonne of Indian who look good and mog me into oblivion. But in the West the White Chads would probably mog me into oblivion, and I would be seen as a midget roach, but still, you know, would've love to seen the United States for like a quarter of an year or so, I doubt I could live between people who can't speak my native language for long enough because the cultural disconnect would be huge, I find it easy to read and write English over the internet, but when it comes to speaking the language, I start doing the needful and redeeming myself as a pajeet.
Regardless, it's all over for me. I guess, I will continue watching YouTube Videos of people's POV walking in America and dashcam footage, and with the power of delusion and daydreaming and retardedness, I will imagine my self as a rich, sophisticated, 6'4 white, American Officer. When irl I look worse than a cockroach.
Also, kek you guys are right, take a look at this shit https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/uiu7nh/woman_saved_by_her_camera_from_likely_being/ >Indian man roams in the park >sees a retarded roastie >doing weird expressions with her eyes painted with a sketch pen >stops for three seconds (after witnessing sheer retardation) and wonders if she's mentally ill >goes away >"OMG he literally raped me" >"Oh no kween, shoot him kween" lol wtf
>>282818 Because >>282601 I got my OCD triggered from my retarded parents when I realised that my father and grandfather don't wash their hands after using fucking toilet. And every time I touched anything that my subhuman family members did I washed my hands 'ritually'. I am over it now though, but the damage is already done. I have problems regarding getting documentation in this shithole because of the lack of my fingerprints.
>>282819 surely there must be a process for nibba grandpa on the farm who loses both his hands in a farm machine no fingerprints and he cant get no passport?
>>282817 Saw something similar some time ago on youtube, with some retarded colored hair white bimbo in Japan filming some old Japanese guy staring at her acting stupid in front of a camera. Young westernized succubi are the worst thing in existence.
>>282617 >i think you should just imagine walking down the street of a suburban neighborhood and seeing your fellow indians and asiatics walking out of the house and tending to their lawns. kinda ruins the idea of living here It's insane how your ego makes you think that third worlders like OP want to be around white people no matter what. Nobody gives a shit about that, they don't come here for the people lol. The part about watching american media is even more retarded, everybody watched american media because it exported itself massively, a ton of third worlders wtached South Park, The Simpsons, Spongebob, Star wars, or even 2 and a half man. It's about the quality of life. They'd be fine among themselves, and newsflash, vast majority of the time when they get there they stay among themselves, even as they rise to success. It's because you have life on easy mode if you're not retarded. A nice big house, a really good salary, low population density, plenty of great small cities to retire to… and you can send like a tenth of your income to your family back home, it will be enough for them to live very comfortably instead of suffering. But no, you have to complain about that, even though the diaspora in the US are extremely well integrated, successful and don't ruin the quality of life in the US, quite the contrary. A good example is the Nigerian community:
"In the US, Nigerians are the most highly educated of all groups, with 61 per cent holding at least a bachelors degree compared with 31 per cent of the total foreign-born population and 32 per cent of the US-born population, according to 2017 data from the Migration Policy Institute.
"More than half of Nigerian immigrants (54 per cent) were most likely to occupy management positions, compared with 32 per cent of the total foreign-born population and 39 per cent of the US-born population."
>>282879 Sorry, but I do wish I could live only around whites and East Asians. The "keeping among themselves" is true and is a hopelessness-type curse.
>>282708 Modi isn't any different but he just made it (marginally) worse, again, from what I was told. Also I notice how much you apologize for being Indian which rings true to the stereotype that you guys hate yourselves which saves me arguments but is fucked, whether that's bred yourselves or what people (like me) say about you guys. I think if India got its population reduced to half of what it is now, life would improve threefold right off the bat at least. >>282879 Some do wish to have their country not turned into garbage by the CIA and international capital, and some do hold jealously and longing to live among fair-skinned first-worlders as they are associated with the countries that aren't literal shitholes like India. Very few care actually care about the culture they long for. >even though the diaspora in the US are extremely well integrated, successful and don't ruin the quality of life in the US, quite the contrary. A good example is the Nigerian community Tell that to people in the southern United States, Canada, or any big city in the western world really. For every educated rich Nigerian in America (who are creme de la creme by the way, they already had money and status from their parents) you get 5000 Africans and 50000 mestizos, all who cross the border. For every Paki doctor in the UK you got 10000 normal Pakis. I feel naked if I'm not carrying a knife where I live now.
As a side note, people would prefer if they just went bac to their countries but the geopolitics we live under have turned these countries debt-ridden and culturally unsalvagable so racism becomes justified especially with how high living standards used to be. After brown person's country is destroyed by war or banking schemes, they're invited in western economically prosperous countries on the natives' tax dollars as most of them won't work, brain drain begins along with the flood of shit, mutts are born leading to the death of both cultures, and then you have two countries of utter imbeciles with the elite and educated looking down smugly from the top who are loyal to their money and status only. Many nights I've heard loud normalfag radio music and blaring honking coming from cars, homeless people soliciting and tailing people, getting my muffler cut off in the middle of the night, or whatever else, and it's not coming from whites or Koreans.
>>282895 >I can't fucking read Man, there's something amazing about you. You just can't interpret stats, it's amazing. The diaspora you complain about commit less crime and are more educated than the native white population. In the UK, nigerians are also incredibly successful. In the UK, pakis are better students than ethnic brits and go to university at a higher rate. But you saw some bullshit graph on /pol/ so it doesn't matter lmao. Even though there are other countless articles showing native brits doing the same.
Percentage of university participation by ethnicity Ethnicity20032008 White British28.232.6 Other White36.943.8 Black African40.956.6 Black Caribbean26.637.4 Other Black2741.2 Indian64.167.4 Pakistani3744.7 Bangladeshi34.548.8 Chinese66.175.7 Other Asian55.456.3 Mixed33.539.1 Other3844.2
You're just an idiot, plain and simple, and you don't care about being wrong. My post isn't to say that certain groups don't commit crimes at a very high rate, just that it's not black or white, and that groups like indians, pakis or nigerians are better citizens than… basically everyone else.
>>282895 >Self hate Yup, it's literally a cancerous disease. I doubt myself too much too. I wish there was a way I could bluepill myself. Causes a lot of problems in real life. Fuck body dysmorphia and low confidence too. I wish I could just validate myself to the point I need no one on this planet.
I am not sure about the exact topic of debate here.
However, in discussion about immigration, we must always take confouders into account. You should never take statistics about immigration that don't specify explicitly how they take confounders into account for granted.
The law of small numbers and the law of small numbers are also at play.
>>282909 Can you not fucking read what I said? What fucking facts? I experience it and they're all human trash that the depositing country is relieved to dispose of. I said those educated Africans and Pakis are a drop in the pond compared to the boatload of them that were imported by parliament and NGOs, no shit they're going to be upper-class and civilized no different from old money estate families native to the island. You're lying out of your ass to claim that it's Brits and Celts who commit the majority of stabbings, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and rape gangs in the country at least outside of Northern Ireland which has always been a ghetto. Black and Pakis aren't living in decrepit mining or seaside towns away from any support in metropolis' and affirmative action boosting the former despite getting worse grades in compulsory schooling. This opens up the argument for life in the UK in where the shorthand is they're all shitty peasants with a government more buffoonish than America's. >My post isn't to say that certain groups don't commit crimes at a very high rate, just that it's not black or white Wow I can't believe white people aren't docile angels and they're also capable of committing crime. I've never heard of a yob, chav, hick or bogan in my life until I met you. What the fuck were you being catty for with your post, retard? It's also laughable you say they integrate when these hordes of migrants will live in Europe for decades and still can't speak the language or do so in a bastardized tongue.
>>282925 According to wikipedia whites attack pakis because they are seen as weak, passive, soft targets. so rather than dangerous muslims, they are seen more as weak indians, for whites to abuse.
>>282930 If race-related depression is something that upsets you to read about then maybe you should spend less time in the race-related thread of the depression board. >If I don't like it, that means it's from 4CHAN I'm beginning to wonder if there's like some website or video out there that ESL people watch to learn how to fit in with Westerners on imageboards and one of the tips is "Accuse anyone who offends or disagrees with you as being from 4chan"
>>282932 > If race-related depression is something that upsets you
Well anytime a nonwhite talks about their race-based depression about being treated poorly for their race. You guys have to interject that you are depressed that his inferior race even exists.
>>282937 We're not upset that they exist, only that WE are not allowed to exist without having them forced upon us.
Sauron, his orcs, and his Easterner armies were causing chaos and ruin wherever they tread in Middle Earth. Gandalf commanded Sauron to depart Eastward, never again to step foot in Middle Earth. "Leave or be destroyed: was his ultimatum, and he chose death. This is what we want, for them to go back to the land where their people hail from. They can't be here without making here more like there, and there is bad for us. Dark skin belongs in the desert. Go back before death is the only remaining option.
>>282937 I wouldn't be racist if I didn't see them everywhere everyday, who are 10 times worse than any white normalfag. I have more in common with an anon whether they're brown or not than my own countrymen but as pedestrians I loathe them immensely and would rather they go back to where they came from or killed. Yes yes it's a shame that they don't send good ones or just third-world anons and wizzies but it is unrealistic.
Also don't impotently shit up a decent thread with your low effort post you faggot, you know what I'm referring to.
>>282599 indians just stick to their kind in america kinda like chinese, honestly i hate the whole lot of you and would be glad if the borders shut closed for good
Your view of america is pure fantasy, few get to live that way and those movies you listed are practically ancient history at this point. weve had at least two major financial crashes as well as crippling inflation to make sure as many americans are as miserable as possible
>>282970 Most wizards are low class or lower middle class at best and face extreme labor competition from immigrants.
There has never been a period in American history where lower class or lower middle class people didn't hate immigrants. It doesn't even have anything to do with race, Irish immigrants received severe racism and hate just as much as Chinese and Indians did.
What you saw in movies like Home Alone was Americans living sheltered, privileged upper middle class or even upper class lives. Kevin was a carefree kid living in a multimillion dollar mansion in New York for heavens sake.
99% of americans will never, ever achieve that kids standard of living even if they slave away for 7 decades.
Movies and Hollywood don't represent reality for most people. Actual unfiltered reality in America is just as unglamorous as it is in India, just a bit more sanitary and less densely populated.
>>282973 the kid also stole his moms credit card, booked the top suite in the waldorf astoria (one of the most expensive hotels on the planet) with the payment clearing and did all sorts of upper class shit
most americans have never even slept in a hotel and those who have, have been in motels or standard brits-on-a-holiday tier dumps
>>282970 you can absolutely do that, just in another country. immigrants here are happy to drive home prices through the fucking roof among other things like the other wizard had explained before me. ive seen shithole houses go for hundreds of thousands more than they are worth because foreigners will scrounge up a load of money with their family for them. there is no american dream and i wish that stupid idea would be dead already. the US is no more special than any other western nation other than its stubborn beliefs and obnoxiously large military. if you were smart you would take advantage of american's love for throwing money at shit that sounds pretty and use that money to live somewhere else but then again, swarthy foreigners have flooded all those markets too
>>282970 They undercut the labour market here severely. 80% of shit jobs are staffed by immigrants. How much would that shit pay if they weren't here? How much of a better life would we have if the capitalist class didn't dilute unskilled labour?
>>282982 lol you really think the capitalist class is going to throw you more scraps if there aren't any immigrants? They would just find a way to make more middle class people poor. There is no version of capitalist society in which the worker consumer is more than a slave.
We can't blame the capitalists. We as the consumers want the dirt cheap prices on everything. That doesn't happen by magic. How many people are willing to pay higher prices to help out their brother americans? We don't go shopping for charity. And even as charity, we aren't going to donate to some middle class wagie making more than us. So we need dirt cheap proles, be they here or there. And we vote on it everyday we buy the cheapest product.
>>282932 It's not that I don't like it. It's the fact that you're blaming me personally for the behaviour of others. If I were to start blaming your hemisphere of planet for colonialism, capitalism, and for enabling and glorifying promiscuity, premarital sex, and drugs. The seethe here would be intense. And falsified historical copes like "Gee, those times were different it was a kill or be killed world" would start. That and you're just posting something that's just not relevant regarding the post.
Oh trust me you don't want to live in America, I agree with what you say about pollution but here's the deal, you will experience so much unbridled racism in America that you'll actually rope. Especially if you're a man, because self hating pajeets have destroyed whatever remained of our image. Not knowing the people will never be able to distinguish between self hating pajeets and Indians.
Now, you might think just like another resident pajeet here, that "Oh, it doesn't matter bhai, Indian Men are dating Indian succubi too, how is it less emasculating than a whitey dating an Indian hoe?"
And trust me, you're in for a rude awakening, the fact of the matter is this, while those Indian succubi who date Indian Men in India might humiliate you for not being tall enough or good looking enough. And I know that kind of mog is enough, now add race to that as well. And you get a mog with fuel-injection.
And I can tell you EVERY. SINGLE. ATTRACTIVE. OR. WHITE. PASSING. INDIAN. succubus. is dating a white man. Or has been pumped and dumped by a lot of them, we are talking body counts in high fifties.
And Indian succubi would always look at you in the eye, to emasculate you on the basis of race, this is not something that other Indian succubi with Indian Men in India would do.
And than if you're like me, I have some very very attractive cousins living in America, and their kids are going to be half passing, so they don't have to worry about the their sons facing any racism, and of course succubi are uniquely exempt from racism with a minor exception of Black succubi.
Literally all my extremely attractive Indian Cousins (we are talking Aishwarya Rai levels of looks here) only exclusively date white man, and shit upon us knowing damn well that their sons won't bear their racism cause no one would be able to tell. Although, East Asians are even unluckier in this metric.
And white men will, at least 99% of them (just like men of any other race but for other races this number might be at 85%) will view Indian succubi as an object of sexual conquest, and will see themselves as the victor in war against yours and mine inferior race, I live in Bay Area, I cannot mention what kind of hell hole it is.
Trust me, one day you'll be overwhelmed by the sheer mog that takes place, and you would in your mind feel completely emasculated, and you'll hate yourself to the point that you'd look into the mirror and cry about the colour of your skin, the features of your race, this is going to be in addition to your already ugliness that has put you in this position in India.
I immigrated here from Mumbai, and I am half-tamil so I have slight intonation in my accent which not only repels whites but repels Indians who were born here too. Either ways, I don't like being here, although I am grateful for what America has given me, but sadly for my ailing mother, I need to earn, and as soon as she'll die, I will be back home, getting mogged by our own people, but hey at least they are "our own". Although United States is an amazing country, beautiful landscapes, I have been to the Grand Canyon and few national parks, very lovely, hopefully the Americans will preserve it unlike let's say the dilapidated condition of Appalachia Range.
>>283516 Oh you don't have to go out of the country to experience this. I live in HP. And in a university near my house there is a Chad White from UK doing his PhD. And he pumps and dumps a new Hindu succubus every week including Assistant Professors. I mean, our gender ratio is already fucked. Because Hindus aborted succubi en masse because they were not comfortable with succubi being raised in abject poverty, but it was fine to have sons in gutter. And succubi scream muh misogyny over this.
And since a lot of Muslims literally get paid to date Hindu succubi. Now, they are largely the same race as us but still. Good luck finding any Hindu succubus over 22 who is a virgin. And those who are virgin tends to be legitimately oppressed or even 2-3 points below you in SMV and dare I say, I feel for them greatly. It's over. Not only for you hated your financial condition, looks, skin colour, height, frame,… now you hate being of your race as well. It's over for me here as well. At least in America you get clean air, although things are not much bad in HP but we are like a really small part of India. It is what it is I guess at this point some people are just born to suffer, I wish we could have one race or maybe genetic engineering and everybody starts looking the same White, Blue Eyed, Blonde, etc. And that is when personality will start mattering but even then succubi will like DarkTriad Fucks over us.
>>283538 No, I'm actually glad those posts are here. Try posting about books on hob and see how many responses you get. Or music. Or anything that's not trash basically. Now one anon complains about pussy and he gets a conversation going instantly. It's good to know this is what the users here want to talk about, even if it's against the rules. This is what people here really want to say, what they have to say. This is their real concern. It's alright. I'm far and away from the wizchan user, there's no reason to bother with this site. Every six months or so I forget that and try to come back here and lurk for a couple weeks, hoping to interact with peers. It's good we have those anons to ignore the rules and remind you this is the people you're trying to interact with.
Sure, with rules in place you might think people here are beyond that but one guy talks about succubi and then the others show their true colors and join the conversation asap. I think that's why wizchan is dead, honestly. The rules won't let people here post about what they really want to post about. Remove rules 2 and 3 and you'll see what the users really want to say. Why pretend, really?
Well fuck it. I wrote half the thing already, I'll post about Ringworld and I'm off. No reason to stick around "wiz"chan.
>>283537 If everyone is blue eyed blonde then no one is blue eyed blonde. Succubi will always find a way to differentiate between them and there will always people like us who will exist and will have no succubi which will ever love us for whom what we are. Its completely over and I think rope awaits me.
>>283537 > And since a lot of Muslims literally get paid to date Hindu succubi.
That is a Hinduvata Alt-Right conspiracy theory. They don't even have their own original Alt-Right they steal it all from the West just CTRL-F replace Hindu with Christian. They even painted Pepe Orange.
>>283550 Jeets and Chinks are the least original peoples on the planet. They just steal everything from the West and jerkoff telling each other they have the most ancient beautiful culures on earth. But none of them ever ascended to empire because they're subhumans. At least the Nips tried.
The greatest philosopher of the Alt-Right Jordan Peterson says that Indians are white, therefore you must accept them.
And really if Iranians are considered white by the US Census why not Pakistanis and Indians? They are right on the border. And do Indians and Persians really look that different?
>>283587 Yeah, stealing land is called empire, stupid. Whites sure as shit didn't steal your technology or science because you had none until the mighty White Man came around. Jeets and Chinks would be painting each other in human shit if the white man hadn't stepped in to take what you couldn't use yourselves and brought you to modernity. Sad, but that's the state of the world we live in.
>>283599 Yet your beloved leader who wanted the white race to get rid of anyone who isn't white and perfect lost horribly, costing Germany one of their worst defeats and many rapes of their succubus. Your ideology is simply childish and you live in schizoid delusion. No one hates white people, people are tired of your racist shit.
>>283601 Who cares about Hitler? Jeets and Chinks are three billion mindless drones who could vanish from the earth tomorrow with zero impact on culture, technology, or the strength of human society. Just low, low people. Or "people." Black folks and Hispanics and Jews are all cool. Get on my laser-focused level.
>>283604 >zero impact on culture, technology, or the strength of human society. You're welcome to work in a steel mill and replace the chinks that would've otherwise done that job.
>>283589 >LETS HAVE ENDLESS DEBATES ABOUT SKIN COLOR AND GENITALS! MURIKKUH FUK YAR There's so much brain rot and insanity in America. What a dogshit "culture".
>>283618 The Chinese completely disappear and your go-to consequence is steel production? You realize the Burgers were #1 in steel production until it was all outsourced, right? I think the world will be fine.
>>283619 Yeah, I'm not talking about skin color. Your reading comprehension is poor, a very sad Burger trait exported worldwide.
>>283618 The Chinese are not pure manufacture now,they're making massive progress in technology and AI, 20 years ago they had fucking nothing, now they re just a couple of years behind Intel and AMD in CPU technology, they will eventually catch up and surpass the US.
I hate you. I WISH I was in India so I could join the Aghori sect of shiva sadhus. yet, you ARE in india..but complain like a bitch and desire extremely pathetic, feminine shit like "highways" and " pick up trucks"
>>283657 >>283659 Majority of comments here are from the whites venting their racism out, to feel like they are part of a community, and banking on the achievements of other whites. Believing that this somehow gives them a right to be racist, although, it makes no sense to confront them, because their mind has already been made. Very very few comments here are actually about fucking succubi, the post was originally about not living in India. Majority of the comments don't really address the post.
>>283679 Oh I have no problem with people on the internet trolling and saying pol incorrect shit, ofc, say nigger all you want, but some of it is just pure hateful, not intended for humour, to address legitimate issues, or to provoke a reaction.
I can ten thousand percent confirm you're talking fucking shit about pakis and Indians and Nigerians. being "good citizens"
I work in the financial crime sector in a major bank.
Almost all financial crime, from money muling to low key tax evasion, to people smuggling is committed by a single person
A Foreigner.
When the timings in our job for working alerts were unfair, people literally used to try and skip the alerts that had non-white names attached to the file, because writing up a report was so much more likely on the pajeets, and they didn't want to get stuck with a whole day of them.
You're talking out your fucking arsehole mate.
Fuck your "stats" on going to university. WHO CARES. WHO SAYS THEY'RE STUDYING ANYTHING WORTHWHILE OR NOT JUST GOING TO SKIP COUNTRY TO AVOID PAYING THE FUCKING FEEs (which they do constantly by the way).
"Nigerians are better citizens"
NIGGER. Have you even BEEN to a major city in the UK?
For the edification of the nigergian cum gargler I'll even expand on my own post:
Black of all stripes: money mule activity, unregistered MSB activity, people smuggling, drug money layering
Pajeets and indians: mass tax evasion. Various schemes for this such as unknown cash entering the country through unregistred MSBs, used to buy properties througH DODGY FUCKING PAJEET LAW FIRMS, move "poor relative" into home have council pay their "rent", have poor relative work in your store at same time and put name to fake shell business you "buy" food from etc etc etc.
Romanians: Drugs. Contract murder. People smuggling.
Chinks: People smuggling.
Nigerians (specifc to blacks): Every type of scam under the sun. Usually a concern of the fraud department rather than actual processing of gang funds etc, fondness for totally made up companies on companies house that aren't the least bit convincing ("MASS OIL EXTRACTION" linked to a fucking council flat in wolverhampton, so that they think banks will understand why they're depositing 85k in cash per year - retards).
>>283741 if anything 1800s rich people thought poor people were smarter than they actually are. that is why they opposed democracy. since it seems so obvious that if the poor can vote themselves all the rich's stuff, they will do so. but it turns out that politics is more complex than that, and the poor didn't do that. and rich people have done quite well under democracy.
Nice job sidestepping everything I said about them being utter fucking criminals and latching on to the weakest point.
Your hurr-durring is even worse though becuase you have clearly never been around indians doing an IT module in university. They junt whine on substack until someone literally does their work for them.
They also simply BUY smarter peoples work online.
Just fucking accept it - there is a simple reason why people dont like immigrants. It's not just knee jerk bigotry. I actually see what they do all do long with their bank accounts. Anyone who meets them knows they are a net fucking drain on society. They are just, JUST smart enough the be little worker drones for the neo liberal hellscape. There is nothing grand about them whatsoever, and insofar as they're "just like us" their little closed communities are riddled with law breaking.
Faggots like you fall over themselves to denounce white tax evasion (and fuck them too btw) while having NO idea that pretty much 50% of immigrant families are ripping the system off in some way or another, shamlessly.
>>283747 I mean if someone went on a long rant about Blacks and then mentioned they hate how Blacks control global finance, might as well call out how stupid that is.
Oh and while we've had global finance mentioned I'll just say that jews are so ahead of all this shit that I rarely saw them on the auto generated alerts.
When they OY VEY in that respect they're almost impossible to catch because they keep so many accounts with so many other banks
(top money laundering tip - open MULTIPLE accounts, have MULTIPLE other companies doing some piddling little aspect of your "real" business. Banks hardly ever cooperate in any way over singular accounts being suspicious. They just use data protection legislation as an excuse to not bother)
The little hat people know the above very well and sticking financial crime to them is like trying to nail jelly to the wall.
Conversations I've had with branch managers who work in highly jewish areas just indicate they all trade INTRA-COMMUNALY with PRECIOUS METAL and jewells only. Or property leases
Totally undetectable for the most part as regards banks.
I can't say I've SEEN it, but I strongly suspect kikes are worse than all over the above named groups.
Experience now just tells me theres a fucking reason why groups are hated.
>>285518 If only I had enough money, my career is on suicide watch, I am about to fail my college. And with no way to ensure my basic sustenance, I doubt that there is any room for having fun or going down south to learn martial arts. And if I do manage to fail my course, the only option left would be to rope here. That and Tamils don't like us very much.
>>285530 indianbro, it seems you sincerely are going to CTB and aren't larping. Can we talk on here a bit? I will feel moral guilty if I dont everything I can to prevent a fellow human/s death. I will do my best to help you with advice and cheering-on.
>>285545 i have NO DUTY to know what poverty is, or what hardship it. none ,no duty. i defend my pampered life: I do semen retention so its appropiate. Even so, that said, I did 2 years of study at uni. for psychologist. I can help you stay alive. As I said, im proudly pro-hierarchies and aristocatric. a real aristocrat is deeply human so i feel and understand and ponder. I CAN help you.
>>285540 It's alright brother, I appreciate your kind words, unfortunately the current situation that I am in is rather helpless. Once again, I thank you so much for your sentiment. But then again, the problems that I have are monetary and some and the conditions that I am in it would almost be impossible for anyone to help, but there's only so much both you or I would be able to do so far apart and behind a screen. No need to feel any moral guilt whatsoever.
>>283516 kek that's true, I just met a cousin today from chadstralia, and asked him if it's common for Indian succubi to date White Men, he said that virtually every Indian succubus I know is dating a White man, and said that he has never seen an Indian succubus who wasn't pumped and dumped by a White Man, meanwhile Indian Men don't get shit. And he, expectedly so, changed the topic, and put it down to Indian succubi being "rebellious", I guess we all know what the truth is don't we. lmao man, I don't even know why a lot of Indians even migrate to the West, Healthcare system absolutely sucks over there. I have asked several people about this. I guess there's nothing that we could do now, I think it sucks more to KNOW that you're unattractive and will forever be a Forever Alone nigger, than to actually be one. Over.
Let me give you some peace: The united states and the west in general have been turning into 3rd world shitholes as well. Look at england which is full of indians and muslims, they always turn every place into the same cesspool.
Also politics in many western countries are shifting right because all these Pakis done fucked up.
>>286233 Dont forget the UK elected a conservative Indian as PM. and the USA might do the same if they pick a Vivek or Nikki Haley, 2 Indian choices for a Trump without the baggage
>>286237 If anything as Schop and Evola discovered, the Hindu cosmology is natural to conservatism. More so than the Hebrew Judeo-Christian cosmology which dreams of a progressive history leading to a heavenly utopia. Or an Original Sin that makes all men equally bad.
Reincarnation means we earn our birth. It is the natural butrress to monarchy and all forms of aristocracy and inequality that Rightism is built on.
What did the King ever accomplish other than being born King? The Hindu proudly answers Yes! exactly. He earned his role by being born, the most important achievement of the karmic soul.
We earn our births.
In that one line, we sum up all of conservatism and Hinduism together.
It is no wonder that online Hinduvatas and Modists have taken over far right Twitter.
Hinduism is the natural philosophy of inequality more so than Christianity. Hinduism explains why its "Fair" we are born where we are. We merit our births.
Not the Original Sin of Adam and all of humanity. but the sin our own souls earned and are responsible for. You are to blame for your own birth. And suicide wont get you out of it. That'll just earn you another demotion.
>>286239 Nigga what? No. Hinduism these days is a hippy movement full of worthless hoes. And other Hindu "males" who prostitute their daughters to foreign men, instead of being based and honorkillingpilled. >>286233 I don't think that there are that many Hindus in UK. Besides the Hindus do assimilate well, and a lot of Hindus there are boomer family members with one foot in grave, and Hindu succubi date out completely. Hindus have a TFR below replacement in India, let alone consider it in the West, the thought of Hindus taking over is stupid. If anything it's as >>286237 said, Hindus tend to be more anti-immigration than any other ethnic group. Even in Canada the Hindus are less than a million and in UK about a million, so I just don't get this fear of Hindus taking over, it's simply not gonna happen. Those guys on the other hand, well… you guys are about to find out 1/100 the suffering that Hindus went through for over a millennia under the terrorists.
>>286250 No, I don't think you're some scholar who's sharing so much philosophical enlightenment in a day that typing a name is going to have any impact at all on your routine. I believe you're from a culture that tries to simplify and dismantle things for the sake of making them more accessible to literal retards, which happen to be the main audience of Shoppinghour.
>>282601 >I have no fingerprints. Oh my god. This is the most relatable problem ever. As someone who suffered from cancer, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy killed my fingerprints. I can't update my aadhar card now, and you know that Indian Government makes no exception.
I don't get any subsidies on healthcare now because my aadhar is denied, I can't get a DL because I don't have fingerprints. I can't get a passport either and can't fulfil my dream of travelling.
You won't believe but this honestly made me cry because it's the first time I have ever met someone who shares the same problem as me. All I get are shitty jokes when I explain people my problem. I hope things get better for both of us.
Although I don't think it will, most people don't believe but lack of fingerprints makes me suicidal.