Did you guys ever hit a point where you had so much of life stacked against you, that you spontaneously realized "None of this is really my fault", and felt a lot better? You can only place the blame on yourself for so long before it starts to become ridiculous. There's nothing I could have done to prevent this, and realizing that makes me feel a lot better.
Yes I've explored my biography a lot, and all the redos and couldabeens, and the more I explore it the more I lean towards determinism and predestination. This is objectively true. I don't tell myself this just to cope, as it also lowers my self-esteem to know just how bad and hopeless i always was
Definitely. It gets easier with time to appreciate how I was struggling with a lot of ridiculous, unreasonable people and situations, whereas before I've always more or less assumed that the problem was just me being weak, retarded, ungrateful etc. In fact that's been a huge psych issue for me for the longest time, but thinking like that just hurts me and wears me down all the more.
Therefore I do my best to kinda just not give a shit.
for me, it took a long time, because i was always fed, You Know we are all EQUAL, we can All Be a Success, just work hard. I had no one to tell me how world actually really works.
im a fuckin 2/10 facially, 93 fuckin iq, 5 ft 6 in w/ arms like tooth pics. What kind of fuckin life was i gonna lead? exactly.
school: you kinda really suck, you can forget about your stem dreams, why are you so bad at math?? dont you study?? me: i study all nite!! take this Iq test? O, um its a 93, yea, umm sorry, you re fucked.
trades? LOL i was laughed off.
my face locked me out of almost all else, knucklehead fuck jobs you at least need to be decently average in appearance
so all the success stories you see on boards.
All of em are like, Yea Yea, i finally got my act together, took some stems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and woa Shit, im smart, now im makin sweet bank, yea try it w/ a fuckin 93 Iq.
on top of my watever ISM s, and all fuckin abuse i experienced growin up,
Not really. I couldn't care less whose fault it is, I want relief, now. Knowing or feeling it was the only way things could have turned out only helps temporarily, to the extent that it lifts the burden of failure only until the point of realization. After that, it still falls on my shoulders.
I agree with you rationally. I have consciously accepted it but deep down I still seethe at being a loser. I have a main character syndrome from a childhood of anime and games, a mother that feeds me grandiose delusion of being special, me coping with the idea of being special as a reason for why I don't get along with other kids and maladaptive daydreaming. I thought I accepted my fate but as I get older and forced to face reality more and more it really sucks to see that the full extent of my potential is just to work a shit min wage job or NEET until suicide.
>>288256 This might sound cheesy, but the biggest losers in society often have hidden talents that are out of reach of normal, healthy people. Hitler is a good example but many of the greatest writers, philosophers, and artists were basically walking genetic abominations that were still really good at one thing. Your genes may exclude you from the common modes of happiness but they likely don't exclude you from all of them.
>>288257 Exactly my cope lmao. >I am a tortured artist, a mad genius. I just need some turning point as a catalyst and I'll stop gooning to fetish porn and begin my journey towards greatness. Writing this down I realize I still haven't let go of the slim chance that this is the case. I am really too narcissistic to be happy being mediocre. Maybe it's not a bad idea. Maybe I should just go full delusional and pursue some hypothetical potential I may not have to the point of self-destruction. Not like anything else is better.
The worst fucking feeling is having no one else to blame but yourself. Some people can blame their environment, their parenting but I remember that every time my parents were strict with me or tried to teach me skills I resisted and just wanted to play video games and watch cartoons. I think what would have happened if I took different paths in life and realized that all paths might be converging to me being a loser who can never leave his "comfort zone". I know I am being dramatic but being stuck being me almost feels like some karmic punishment.
>>288259 My parents never bought me a video game console and i still ended up a non-functional hermit. so i wish i had had the escapism of vidya rather than being pounded by reality.
probably for 99% of men its better not to have a video game addiction, but for me the constant focus on reality was a focus on my own hell failure and misery.
>>288261 I'm just hoping my body gives out. I don't know why it even bothers to keep running. So I can lay in bed and drink until I hallucinate I guess.
>>288259 Your post reminds me of all those alcoholic dudes who visit rehab 3-4+ times but never get sober, instead they leave and go back to binge drinking. I used to think "Wow look at these selfish assholes wasting good opportunities over and over again! How selfish!" But do you know anyone who failed rehab like 3+ times and eventually became sober? Do you know any criminal with a string of charges who eventually cleaned up his act?
Maybe this is overly deterministic, but I think the popular notion of how willpower works is stupid. They did a study of obese people in Finland who managed to successfully lose and keep off the weight, and found drastically reduced lifespans, a good 5-10+ fewer years of life than they expected. And the hypothesis is, constantly using your willpower exerts stress on the body similar to literal stress and ages you very quickly. Contrary to popular belief, humans are not designed to fight their own deepest biological drives. The truth is, rehab will work for some people. Jail will work for some criminals. But it can't work for all of them. Some of us are just destined to be criminals/gamblers/obese/addicts by nature. It's simply how it is.
>>288264 >Maybe this is overly deterministic It is overly deterministic. You're not wrong in a sense, but you would have to have a support group and other things that would go against the nature of wizchan. Maybe not wizardchan though, I can't remember.
>>288266 Maybe for some. Maybe for you. Personally a chick couldn't solve any of my problems because I'm just biologically wired wrong, life isn't always that simple
>>288267 Not even talking about a chick, I'm talking about an actual support network. One aspect of normalfags, particularly socially higher normalfags, is that they have a positive feedback loop from their peers. Socially higher normalfags have that feedback loop magnified by their peers and people lower on the social ladder.
if you are a cute baby everyone will instantly start givin you positive feedback and attention,
ugly babies (US) are rejected and ignored by our own parents.
if you get positive feedback from day 1, positive feed back from parents, from family, from extended family, neihgbors, into school, and it snowballs their entire life.
its why normies, especially the really attractive successful ones, couldnt comprehend even a moment of our lives.
the analogy i use is, its like a person lived their entire life in middle of some tropical rainforest, tellin some dude in middle of sahara desert how to find water.
>>288268 I don't believe a support network will save everyone. If your problems are caused by a lack of resources like food/shelter/money, or because you're isolated and lonely, then sure other people can fix them. But like the examples I gave, if your problem is rooted in deeply malfunctioning biology, like a serious drug addiction, gambling addiction, obesity, insomnia, or mental illness then the cards are stacked against you and a support network isn't going to solve much. But also, the lens you're looking at this through is too narrow. Ask yourself why socially high-ranking normalfags have these positive feedback loops, and it's because they come from good families, they have money, they're cute, they're healthy, their parents helped them socialize, etc. But when you entered school, you were naturally low-ranked on the social ladder and lacked that support from others.
So saying "Life isn't 100% deterministic because if I had a great social support network then it could all be different" is weird. Because the fact you have no social support network is itself determined by your genes, your parents, where you were born, etc. Maybe if all you needed is some food because you're starving, then just go to a local church or soup kitchen. But if you mean long-term social support, well yeah, that only goes to successful people by nature. A loser gets no support unless he shoves a wad of bills into a therapist's clenched hand for a brief 40 minute talk
>>288245 Of course. While personality disorders are bullshit and psychiatry itself is bullshit, all this is bullshit in the sense that these are not illnesses or disorders, are just descriptions of one's personality. But what's true is that my DNA, my brain, is definitely not wired like the brains of other people.
I'm too self-aware to be able to live.
So, of course, it's not my fault that I am like I am. I'm even proud of being what I am, even though it makes me suffer because I'm incompatible with the outside world.
True acceptance, though, came after 30 years of life and after getting NEETbux.
>>288272 Sure, we don't perceive it like that. Really we need to separate two conclusions which appear closely linked but only one of them is proven. The proven one is: There is no such thing as "true" free will because literally all our lives are determined by an endless series of cause and effect, which must shape our lives no matter what (because there are no effects without causes). However, this tells us nothing about what's 100% set-in-stone due to fate in reality. To know that, you'd require a full list of every cause acting on you which is utterly impossible. Which leads us to a second conclusion: We can't prove that a cure for any of our problems is impossible either. Nothing is strictly impossible, but like bigfoot it's really really improbable. You could say, "Well as long as there's a chance, I'll keep trying." But our bodies aren't designed for chronic stress, and fighting against the odds is chronic stress. Maybe if you felt a sense of progress it could be a positive process, but in reality it's like (1) feel stressed that problem exists, (2) brainstorm really hard for a solution, (3) try it out, (4) it fails, (5) repeat and enter a new cycle of stressing your body to solve the problem. If the stressful period is brief like quitting a drug addiction, sure it's worth it. But if the stressful period is long-term, this will slowly harm the body and shorten our lives.
There is probably some "golden mean" of effort where you spend 1 day in the week researching your problems and forget about it for the other 6. But if a problem truly appears insolvable, well, perhaps let's just accept it and move on.
to me its that window in age of 20-25. if a person is 25 and they are one of us. barring winnin a powerball jackpot your life is pretty well fixed and locked in place.
no, no one is gonna suddenly be glad to see you. hell, my family made it clear they all despised me around 12.
no one is gonna accept and praise you into a friend group. it would of taken place a decade earlier.
A social support network isnt a magic bean you just find, swallow , and poof, you re a Normie! as stated above it starts at day 1. you either get one or you dont.
only a couple of instances ive seen alter it:
1. you come into a massive amount of money, blind luck, bit coin, watever, 10+ million, and yea, suddenly people all kiss your ass. But, its not easy obviously, always need to remember they hate you, Any attention is just for money sake.
2. some latent skill, where you are best in world. You turn out to be best in world at ___________ insert weird category, pro gamer, you were super lazy in school, and found out if you work at it you could be a top neuroscientist, or you never touched a gold club in your life, you picked it up and a pro says you could be a pro player. This kinda shit almost never takes place but does happen.
but if by around 25 you are locked in place, its best you accept it for what it is and not torture yourself
>>288245 It's hard to find a way to blame myself for short stature and autism. I've become so enamoured with fatalism that I genuinely don't think it's a cope, but an acute observation. Successful people say "luck didn't get me where I am now" but what if you were born a dwarf? Killed in a car accident at a young age? Determinism isn't a cope for us failures; it's a cope for normalfags to justify their advantages without guilt or shame.
I started feeling like that when I started blaming the world for being fucked up, but only to an extent because I mostly realize it is my fault because I am a weak person who lets himself be ruled by fear.
I always laugh at rich successful people who say crap like; im like really:
did you work to be: tall? attractive? smart? born to good parents? nice family?
you were born lucky, breezed throug life, and tell themselves: IT WAS WORK!! maybe it was, but end of day you lucked into situations someone like me never lucked into.
>>288245 I'm not "giving up" entirely, but I am going easier on myself yes. I can't wave my hand and make the economy better, can't tell these companies to enjoy my dead-eyed fish stare and stutter, can't go back in time and tell the kids who bullied me into this to stop, can't…you get the picture.
The funny thing is that I look back now and see how I gave up too early and actually could have changed my fate BUT these thoughts just didn't enter my mind at that time and if someone tried to give me advice I ignored it because I wasn't ready for it. I can't control what I think and I can't control what I accept and reject. I could possibly regret not thinking of something right now in the far future and I can't force myself to think of what that might be.
Also I feel grass is always greener and you never know what other issues a different turn in fate might have caused.
Decide to study engineering and you might find it boring and wish you studied art. Study art and wish you studied engineering as you struggle for money.
Work too hard and wish on your deathbed you enjoyed life more. Enjoy leisure too much and you might wish you were more ambitious…
I think the best thing is to not overthink or glamorize life. There is no meaning. There is no medal for dying with no regrets and achieving your goals. You won't unlock any extra post-game content by living a successful life. We put all this energy into achieving things when the satisfaction we feel is in the end just some chemicals in our head. If a genie offered you a wish you will wish for money or superpowers when the straight forward wish would be to just be happy.
if you make it to 25, and realize you are playin an absolute dog shit hand, Ive only seen 2 caveats in mentioned alter it.
woa Anon, you really just made 20 million in markets! in bticoins! etc… woa,
money will buy you out of our BS, but it would take a lot; and ive seen men like us be robbed blind and end up back bein poor too.
the King Arthur gag, you didnt try at all in school, you took an Iq test and woa Fuck its 143, Prepare to make Bank. or some weird latent skill you possess w/ some work will make you wealthy. or some other weird skill or latent ability turns out to be life alterin in a positive way.
>>288264 While what you said is very true, I wouldn't say anyone is destined to be a degenerate addict. Some people can naturally fall into good lives and bad ones, but with the right intervention you can steer the course.
As you said, there are studies that show willpower is a drain on energy so you have to find a way to change that doesn't require willpower alone. People make healthy choices if they are happy, but the problem is trying to figure out how to make an individual happy. At the basic level you have to do the simple shit like get sunlight, exercise, socialize, get decent sleep, and eat healthy. The problem is when it is hard for many people to do this basic shit which means they never have a fair shot at improving.
Based on my personal experiences with myself and people I know, 35 seems about right. Around age 40 is when people really start to solidify in their actions. I don't think it is a biological thing but rather at that point you have gained so much life experience that it is hard to put faith in anything else. Like the only way for you to truly turn your life around past 35 is for you to abandon everything you know and be willing to blindly believe some authority. This may be why a lot of people turn religious later in life.
People who are in their 40s and start to do crazy things like get rich for the first time, or turn into horny Quagmires that fuck anyone willing tend to have some glimmer in exceptionalism in their past. The loser shut-ins stay that way and at best become social later in life and make a lot of friends that'll attend their funeral but not do much else while the person is alive.
>>288308 >At the basic level you have to do the simple shit like get sunlight, exercise, socialize, get decent sleep, and eat healthy. This is technically true but you miss the point
No one lives a shitty life because they don't get enough sunlight. Or they don't eat enough salads. All these things are side effects of having a much bigger problem, like a drug addiction or obesity. And even then, you can have these huge problems & still live a productive life with a job, and still do basic stuff, and be unhappy. The problem itself is what's causing their unhappiness.
Sure. However, before addressing larger issues it is smart to first ensure that the basic needs are met. It's important to recognize that our brains can be susceptible to cognitive biases, which may lead us to adopt harmful behaviors. Religion can provide guidance in dealing with complex personal challenges, but in its absence, it's crucial to adhere to a routine of healthy eating, regular exercise, exposure to sunlight, sufficient sleep, and social interaction as foundational steps. Only after these basics are in place should one consider the possibility of a more significant problem. Ironically, this approach to self-care can be viewed as a form of belief system in itself. Belief, in some form, is an essential part of the human experience since belief is the only thing we have during times of uncertainty.
>>288316 >Accepting my fate doesn’t make me feel better You feel better in the sense that you stop worrying about changing things in your life, or thinking that you're wrong, etc. That's at least something.
The realization of this appeared only prior to a problem of a spontaneous sort, which would show itself almost always at the onset of any deliberate, 'well intentioned' attempt I may have had. Initially, I figured I was just going insane; you know, calling what might otherwise be 'accidental' as completely incidental but, you have this same exact 'accident(s)' repeating themselves in what can only be called an exact paradigm, that calling it anything other than incidental, self-evidently beyond your grasp, a module to create foil, is just being stupid. -That it's a denial of things as they are. So, I just threw in the towel. Exerting an effort where every effort ends up sabotaged, either on account of your ineptitude or a series of misfortunes, is something I couldn't -and still can't- do.
In the end, I haven't really accepted my fate so much as I have grown privy to its end. Picture this wiz >>288253 trying to confront -because this is purely inevitable- the increasingly unnecessarily convoluting world with a 93iq. What can he do? What do you do if, from the very outset, you're created a mentally bastardized retard; given the faculties to create an impression of capability but fall short on every, single, expectation, without exception? There's nothing.
I'm a retard, anon, and will suffer the fates all retards do. It's not something I want to accept but I know any attempt to become otherwise, will then fabricate a disorientation of 'the threads of destiny' wherein consequences will rob me off what little solace I've come to grow attached to. And you know, that's quite hilarious: That it's almost a sort of universally imposed law where any attempt to radically differentiate yourself from what your natural calling is, will lead to a disorientation corrected by the gods smiting you much the same way Asclepius was struck dead by Zeus for finding a cure to death, so too shall the retard die in his overconsumption of 'nootropic' and worthless, endless, study.
>>288431 I've cheated destiny more times than I can count and somehow got away with it. I should have killed myself by now or live under a bridge, but through immense webs of lies and deception I managed to not only get a house of my own but a cushy salary with little to no work. A new car, travels, discretionary funds to do whatever.
It's insane how far you can get just with a forged degree and acting trustworthy enough for no normie to ever bother looking into you.
I should be a penniless broke autist living under a bridge or died of suicide decades ago. Instead I've been at CEO dinners with random senators and 'important people'.
It all feels surreal, I await the moment when I get smited down. The deception is so outrageous and massive no normie even thinks of the magnitude of the fraud I am. I went fully all-in with a fake identity and then pushed it even further.
2) Be real. Your parents were not good enough to educate you. Let me tell you something. When parents/society say "don't do drugs", do people listen? No. Why? Because telling a kid "to not do something" is not enough, never was. You have to explain WHY. For example, you take the kid and show him pictures of disgusting drugis and then you explain them it's poison showing the process. You have to SHOCK them for them to be afraid to do it, using both intellectual and emotionnal means. Parents/society always tell you things as blank statement but they never put any effort into explaining why IN DEPTH and also showing your destinity if you don't listen.
Be real, most parents/society are just very bad at educating kids.
ive run into scammers and con artists. You cant make it work if you re ugly. Its not just about Talky Talky.
Any scammer will tell you, key is to
LOOK The Part. if you can make yourself look the part, people will buy in and believe it. And, if you re smart you will study and train and learn to be it after you sneak in.
if you re ugly, all people will notice is, you re ugly.
scammers, the really talented ones never get caught, unless get too greedy.
Also, if we re talkin real crime. You will eventually be busted, only and unless you were mentored by a criminal,
>>288431 I know what you meant exactly as with fate working against you. That being said, the way you write doesn't impress to me a retarded person, but rather an intelligent one at least with his words and the same apply to other anons in this thread and board for that matter, you people are definitely not lacking in the mental department compared to normies, just wired differently and unfortunately unsuitably for modern society. I'm not saying I'm against gist of what you are saying, in fact I'm very much in agreement as it is what I've experienced myself. I don't think giving up is the correct answer, but I do give up at the slightest notion of success and unburden myself of the need for success (or trying for success for that matter). I simply take all these incidents of fate working against me as vindication that its not my fault, no need to stress on it and if need be I will just lie in bed.
>>288493 The key to it all is a forged degree like someone said above. You wouldn't believe how retarded and low IQ most recruiters are. They are as easy to fool as small children. All they see is degree, degree, degree.
They don't care about anything else than you having qualifications. All your prior experience, personality, hobbies, skills are meaningless. You just need that diploma. And when you have it and you can believably larp in that job for at least a few years to earn a comfortable buffer of money, the flood gates have opened and you will bathe in cash.
Tldr; If you don't have a diploma from a good college or university, buy a forged one, less than 0,01% of recruiters will look into it in-depth
>>288629 Google "diploma mill". Just don't get one from a shitty country and you're set. It has to sound official and pompous so that idiot recruiters fall for it.
Well, it depends, a lot of things were/are stacked against me but if I give up now then that would be purely on me. In the end it doesn't matter what cards you were dealt, only how you played them.
>>288245 Yeah, I didn't choose my parents. I didn't choose where or when I was born. I didn't choose my early education or whatever faith my parents were going to impose on me only to demonize and guilttrip me if I wasn't devout. I didn't choose to be bad with money like my parents were, resulting in a debt that took a decade to pay off and reduced the quality of life I had in my teenage years.
I'm no longer punishing myself. I did what I could and I'm relieved that I no longer have to care about anyone now.
>>288590 Absolute bullshit. Degrees are completely useless now. The only thing that matters is experience. How the fuck are you 15+ years out of date and writing complete bullshit with such confidence?
>>289067 Not that poster, but in Europe you wont even make it into the interview without the proper credentials, there are 1200 people competing for the same garbage office job.