I used to cope with patriotism, believing my country was better than the others despite being poor, at least we had some morals. But take a look at the vidrel, the vidrel is India.
There is nothing Indian about this, all I see is unabashed degeneracy, alien to Indian soil. It is then I realised, that only I care about India and Indians and not the opposite. Nobody gives a fuck apparently about the country. About the culture. About what my ancestors tried, all in vain.
It's a brutal reality, while this fair skinned Indian bitch parties, some poor, short, balding, dark skinned Indian man will clean this up. All while her body becomes a maze of Hindu Chads, Muslims, and White Tourists.
Patriotism and Nationalism is truly the cope of the man who has nothing to be proud of with himself. And desperately seeked some higher purpose in the service of motherland. All while knowing that neither the motherland, nor the citizenry gives a shit about me.
I am all alone. There is no us vs them. It's me vs everyone, me vs life. Another cope gone. >Ahhhh India is so conservative vro >Indian succubi are extremely oppressed by uggo pajeets vro >India crab paradise bro >Muh arranged marriage Aaaacccccccckkkkkkk
Third world brokeness. First world wokeness. BTW recommendations for other copes? I like driving. But fuel is expensive. So I am now unironically thinking crocheting like my grandma. Kek the days that are going to come by.
Yeah I used to be patriotic until I realized that the biggest enemy of patriotism is literally retards in my own country ruining things from within. Then I realized it's all just a trick to cuck poor people into wanting other people to be successful and trick low value males to wageslave or die in some war.
Nationalism is a construct invented by those in power to make those who are not compliant and willing to give their all in service to something which ultimately does not benefit them. Why force a man to work, when you can make a man believe he wants to?
one of my main ideas in life is devoting myself to give my country whats the best and to help it become stronger inb4 uga buga they manipulated you said the nigger that sit at home all day eating trash food and consuming goyslop being manipulated by jews in every aspect of his life
>>288349 Not that there's any goddamn difference, in my eyes. See the fucking vidrel, what the fuck is it? Miami? Like how the fuck is this kind of degeneracy even legal in India? If one day, I get elected in a position of power, I will have Su-35s and Dassault Rafales have these places of degeneracy bombed with cluster munitions. >>288350 Which country? Is your country not filled up with normies?
>>288352 poland, one of the last normal countries over the world every place will always be filled with normies, when I was younger I used to hate them but now I have gained pretty normalfag mindset about society in general and stopped dividing people between normies and non-normies and just respect those who seem to be honest and believe in similar values as I do. last years everyone started treating me with a little more respect so thats propably the effect of it.
If you go through life bitter because other people are enjoying themselves, that's just sad and pathetic. It speaks of a man with a tiny mind and an even tinier heart. All you will do is prolong your suffering. You are like a pig wallowing in the mud only the mud is suffering. You bring it upon yourself.
>>288392 Well, what do you want me to do? Enjoy while seeing this degeneracy? All while some innocent Indian Man mops up the dance floor in the morning for a monthly salary that this bitch has spent upon her mini jeans? Not too mention that this shit is now common place in a country like India? At this point it doesn't matter much but India sure gets more dunked on by the world than it deserves.
>>288404 Life is incredibly unfair and there is no justice whatsoever. You do realize oligarch inheritors, spoiled 19 year olds, get more income through stock dividends by partying, playing video games and doing drugs than 500,000 ordinary indians get through wageslaving 7 days a week?
Can you even comprehend they spend more money on a vintage champagne bottle than what 100 indians earn in a year, then they don't even bother finishing it up?
They also drive cars worth the annual income of a hundred thousand indians without lifting a finger.
The world is an injust hell, deal with it and find copes. The cheapest cope is food.
>>288404 India absolutely deserves to get dunked on, it's a horrid hellhole. The Platonic ideal of third world. Being born there is just chance, sure, but they certainly don't help themselves look any better with what a garbage country of street-shitting mongoloids they are. You'd think COVID would have killed more of them.
>>288446 Joy in life is only temporary. 99% of any living organisms life is struggle.
Even if you were Jeff Bezos your mind would be filled with worries, like is someone going to kidnap and hold my family members for ransom. What if the 15 security guards in my home turn against me. What if I go to prison for 30 years due to antitrust violations like the Enron billionaires.
No matter how you spin it, life is a scary awful place. Being a wizard and watching movies at home is one of the least painful ways of spending a life.
>>288452 That is why people cope with addictions. I would say sexual addiction is the main one among both wizards and normies, because it gives more pleasure than the average coping activity.
>>288452 Most people live neutral lives, the idea of individuals being in constant struggle is from the narcissistic western mind. Life has suffering in it, most people are ok with being alive, many even glad for it.
>>288450 Tone down the racism nigger, but I agree, things are bad. Very much so. And given the state of our demographics, it's going to be pretty bad in the future.
Yes, patriotism is a conflicting topic for me. One one hand, I recognise the need for it, especially in multicultural countries like India and USA, governments need something for people to rally behind when they don't have other common interests such as religion or culture to unite people.
But it is a double-edge sword when people feel like they have been betrayed by the country/government, when they feel like they are being mocked or abused for their patriotism, which is probably why military recruitment is at an all-time low in countries like USA and UK, people no longer feel their country supports/reflects them so why should they support their country?
It's true saar. Globohomozisation of "hell on earth for cunts" India is happening and already done. USA, the liberals, and the West have done the needful and redeemed the fact that we will remain a broke shithole. But a woke shithole.
Kek vidrel (caution: degeneracy) is from Holi, the festival of piousness of Hindu succubi.
They've done it. They've turned Hinduism into a meme movement.
>>290880 But winter's cool man. I love snow. Because I have only ever seen it once when my parents took me to Himalayas. Besides your passport is too powerful so you can move to Oceania.
>>288301 It is unwizardly to be patriotic or nationalistic. We are unwanted in our own countries, normies see us lower than immigrants. Why the FUCK would we identify as part of the normal-cattle from our countries when they don't even see us as kin? Being a wizard is as individualistic as you can get. You won't find many people in your area who can even understand your situation.
Your people are misarable, normalized taking shits on the streets, and rape succubi. There's nothing to be proud about India, pajeet. Patriotism itself is stupid. Maybe you deserve being a wizard
>>291031 Stfu you stupid cunt. Rapes are literally western propaganda, yes they do happen (I wish more of them would happen especially the one where your mother is raped, as a matter of fact, I am working on a patent for a umbrella that is of stainless steel so that I could heat it insert it into your mother's hole which should be easy cause she's a slut to begin with and then open the umbrella) but not to the extent westoid anti Indian media reports. Go back and support Ukraine.
If you really wanna see what kind of shit Indian cunts pull just go to r/twoxindia and look up misandrist Indian laws. Real sufferers are men. But they seldom correct succubi. Because they think by not doing that they increase their chances of landing a jeeta.
>>291046 Anti-Indian sentiment. Something that happened with Japan and is happening with China. Since Japan and China don't use English as much as we do. Lots of reports get buried.
Majorly because Indian succubi hate Indian Men because of our looks so they use every small incident and blow it out of proportions.
Indian men's belief that is they admit they suck some stupid roastie might drop them some crumbs. Genuinely, and I know there isn't much point in arguing it but rapes are very very rare.
That and Muslims, despite being the minority make the largest share of rapists in Indian jail.
>>291052 What i mean in simple words is that the way i get along with people is not by race or nationality, is by how much i can relate with them.
The world is just like the internet, there's shitty people from all places.
I also heavy dislike authority in general, but im also not a socialist or communist, i think capitalism is great because of the freedom it gives to people live the way they want
>>291038 >rapes are western propaganda <yes, the do happen <i will rape your mother
Impressive, Ramesh-san! Not only you refuted my claims, but you did it using a logical and perfectly crafted (((reasoning))), in a composed way, not once using vocabulary such as "shut the fuck up", "stupid cunt" and "slut"!
Perhaps I was wrong about jeets. I used to see you as disgusting pigs; now I want all your asses dead.
>>291056 >>291057 86 succubi are raped in India daily One succubi is raped in India every 15 minutes
And we all know this number is largely unreported. Rape is in India's culture and you poopoo brains don't even see it as a problem. Plus, only 73% of you can read or write. How many of you can actually understand they read?
>>291059 More people fling literal cow poop at each other at the end of diwali than there are residents in all EU countries combined.
People can't even fathom the level of primitiveness in India. Not even cavemen who lived in the subcontinent 10,000 years ago operated at this mental level.
>>291064 For a long time people spoke as if classical liberalism was the same as modern conservatism. But as rightists go in a more nationalist direction, there are clear important differences.
>>291072 I take liberal to mean freedom as in "free to do what I want, free to let others do what they want" and you said this was in "all forms" which includes freedom from criminal penalty
>>291049 I have. India is the second largest exporter of beef in the world. But yes cow dung is still "worshipped" as manure. It's generally thrown in the field to help crops grow. Personally I don't worship cow milk and piss but some mentally ill people do. Or its used in ceremonial purposes by farmers. I am a Verma. A jeweller by caste, not that we do it anymore. That's my jaati. And kayastha is my caste/Varna. We didn't fit in traditional 4 varnas. But majority of us are of General category by the Indian government. >>291057 Yes that is one tribal village out of a country of 1.4 billion. You've gotta really stupid to think 99.98% people even engage in it. >>291059 I don't know if it's unreported if anything it seems inflated. For some reason only we're singled out by rest of the world despite the fact niggers and Muslims rape orders of more succubi. Like whites are responsible for 32% rapes in SK and are the biggest producers of CP. Look I don't even wanna have race war here like majority of whitefakecels. I know y'all are individuals, i am just asking to be treated as an individual and less my race. But there's definitely something co-ordinated going on at global stage and India which is hard to understand because we have appeasement programs and due to which we'll never be a peer competitor for the US or China. So this kind of hatred is unjustified. And wrt literacy rates, personally I think they've made a huge jump in the 1950s we had literacy rate of just 5% note it's at 75%. Can't believe this crab forum is using succubi rights to own the Indians. Like bruh there are only three or four Indians on this whole website rest of them swallowed the JBWpill and roped.
And for fucks sake look at OP's vidrel and >>290873 we are just as degenerate as you guys are. So now you guys can celebrate that India has been westernised at least Hindu India. And people like me will die in misery seeing it all go to the drain.
>>291077 >>291077 of course you need to respect other people boundaries, like not robbing or killing and all that shit. Doing those things is not freedom since youre disturbing other people lives.
Im also think guns should be allowed for everyone to protect themselves.
As for drugs, i think it should be like the netherlands.
Yeah it may seem too much but in my views any civilized society should be able to function with those terms.
>>291085 I mean all castes are good except when they leech of the government. I am Verma which is a jati. Varnas are Brahmin/Kshatriya/Vaishyas/Shudras. We lie somewhere between Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. But yeah you've got the right idea, I am from the north.
With that said the word caste has no direct translation to Hindi. A Varna like Brahmin can have multiple Jaatis like Pandits, Pandeys, Dubeys, etc. And in the case of Brahmins those jaatis can also have lots of gotras (clans/patrilineal lineage) like Gautama, Bhardwaja, etc.
The reality of Indian succubi is pretty bleak, they whore around in their 20s and then they ask for a betabuxx in 30s.
They pull petty scams like they will match you on a dating app and then they'll take you to a really expensive cafe and the owners that they are in cahoot with to charge you 10 times and if you don't than they file molestation cases on you for which there is no bail either.
They dress up in dharmic attire in the morning but you'll find them laying pissed outside the nightclubs.
Sometimes when a succubus dates a man, she and her parents file fake cases on the guy. So that succubus seems like an innocent angel who was raped but not a slut like she is.
As far as arranged marriage is concerned it's tinder on steroids lol as another currycel here once said.
What's the fucking point of being patriotic? you don't choose the country you're born, why would you be proud of something that happened by pure chance?
Also almost all countries are shitholes, even so called "1st world countries" (what a stupid name btw, it's a cold war term that got "adapted" by retards to change the meaning completely, like the term "liberal" in the US).
>>291063 tbh as much as I wish I was born in the first world (well maybe not seeing the condition of the succubi there, wouldn't be surprised if "wizards" here would rather defend "their" succubi then side with a poorcel), India is still a hell lot better than most third world countries, as a matter of fact I would go so far to call it the best among the third world despite having more problems than other third world country.
but sadly given the demographics although our fertility rate was 6.8! in in 1950 it's now below 2. Below replacement, but sadly it's the hindu populace that is dying. Future is muslim, yall
>>291187 I understand but hopefully you can see the progress, tell you what, about two decades ago, we only had electricity in our houses for just 3 hours a day, when temperatures use to go up for 44C in summers, and electricity grids use to crash. And even in winters. But now, electricity rarely goes for 3 hours a week, even in summers.
We barely had a highway network, and now we have third largest highway network. Our fertility rate was 6 in 1960 and now it is reduced to 1.9, despite the outstanding birth rates of the Muslims. We have managed to develop a military that is the 4th most powerful in the world, we acquired nuclear weapons even as outside world tried to sabotage us.
We were a debtor country earlier, and now we are a creditor country, we are food secure, and we have a truly stellar pharma industry and perhaps the best healthcare system in the third world. Literacy rate in India was 20% in the 70s, now it's 74% today.
And despite all of this, I admit we are a poor country. And yes, our achievements fade away into irrelevancy when compared to China. Life is bad here. But you can appreciate what the country has done after 1500 years of slavery under Islam and 200 years of slavery under British. So in that context things are getting better for now.
Can't say about the future though, but I guess in the future it won't matter cause India is becoming Western in it's culture see the vid in OP's post. So we all will be the same. We will all speak english. Our mothers, sisters, etc. will all dress up scantily clad, they will all complain about oppression, and patriarchy. Whilst practising the most degenerate and immoral and immodest acts (doubt that succubi even know what modesty is). And we will all hate each other over our race, and everything, which is understandable because whites were the top dogs (still are but not to that margin) primarily because of China and internal bickering. So that will give rise to resentment, kanging, so that the elites, normie men, foids, and faggots make sure that gynocracy will never be overthrown.