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 No.12337[Last 50 Posts]

Drinking is a hobby right.

Please enlighten me alcoholic anons: how the fuck can you guys do that shit so often?

Whenever I get drunk all I do is feel tired and I'm either too drunk or too sober to enjoy it so how the hell do you get the balance right?

Also, what do you guys do when you're drunk and how long does it last?


Alcohol is quite a demon. When you're trying to get a buzz you will want more, and once it hits you it will be hard to pay attention to things.

I think this varies by person so it's hard to give advice on it. Though typically I just browse Wizchan or watch anime when drinking, and when it gets to the point where I can't pay attention I just find something else to do, like listening to some anime OP 100 times in a row.

Also my drinking sessions last very long. I can be sleepy the entire day but if I have a few drinks all of that sleepiness fades away and I enter a drinking mode in which I'll stay up for 8-12 more hours.


Drink orange juice between your drinks. It might help against hangover.


I only drink occasionally but sometimes when i'm feeling really depressed i drink until i puke. It doesn't help a bit.


I hate drinking. In the absolute best case scenario i'll feel good for less than 6 hours.

I always feel nauseous, become even more depressed than before as soon as the buzz starts going, find it impossible to sleep for long, and feel like death the next day.



You develop a tolerance to it over time (both physical and mental), just like any other drug. When I first got drunk it was like "how can anyone do this?" now it's nothing to me.



Good advice, you just need to get fluids in your body inbetween drinks otherwise you just start to feel ill.


Drank 2 beers the other day. My body is not used to alcohol, so I was a little buzzed. Coming off it sucked - my stomach was upset, I was dehydrated, and groggy/tired. I guess I should drink liquor next time.


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The trick to enjoying alcohol is moderation, imo. 3 or 4 pints of ale or 50ml measures of vodka is the sweet spot for me. Just enough for you to feel it, but not enough to make you drunk or hungover the next day (provided you keep hydrated while drinking). I tend to avoid making cocktails because I wind up drinking too many of them too fast.

As for what to do while drinking, I like watching movies. I generally go through about 2 pints over the course of a movie (1 pint every ~45 mins).

Good ales: Anything English. Wychwood is my favourite brewery.
Good vodkas: Russian Standard or Finlandia. Absolut seems popular but for some reason I've never tried it. Any 40% vodka should be decent.


I don't get hangovers so drinking too much isn't a problem for me, the only issue is drinking too much at once until I feel ill, but that's still a matter of getting used to the alcohol.

I like to play video games mostly while drinking, maybe watch TV or a movie if it's time to settle down for bed but yeah, video games are my favourite.


H-how often do you guys get drunk ;———;


I love cider. I love how it makes my piss smell of apples.



Every day now :/ it's not the healthiest habit but it helps me stay sane and keep off drugs.


I just quickly drink about 100ml of aqua vitae whenever i want to get drunk and thats it. Never drank another thing.


>keep off drugs
anon… there's something you should know…


>Please enlighten me alcoholic anons: how the fuck can you guys do that shit so often?

You build up a tolerance. At first you get drunk as hell off a few drinks and stop there. Then you need more and more until you build up to the point where you are drinking a 5th a day just to keep that euphoria that comes with being drunk.


Whenever I get drunk all I do is feel tired and I'm either too drunk or too sober to enjoy it so how the hell do you get the balance right?

Try switching to a different liquor. Vodka made me tired for quite a while so I had to switch to rum, which kept me awake.

>Also, what do you guys do when you're drunk and how long does it last?

When I'm drunk I do not really do anything different, which is probably why I drink. I would be bored out of my mind without alcohol.

To avoid a hangover hydrate before you start drinking. If you hydrate while you drink, you are just going to piss it out, unless you pass out and don't piss your pants while you are sleeping.


D-don't tell him


I drank a bit too much whiskey last week. Couldn't fall asleep cause my head was spinning like hell. I started puking next to my bed. The next day even more puking. It will be a while before I drink alcohol again…


Delicious akvavit. I love this stuff but I only have it around Christmas time


I'm drunk right now. Friday nights are pretty good to drink. It helps masturbation too.


>It helps masturbation
I guess it makes me want to fap more, but trying to fap when drunk or hungover seems to take so much longer. Sometimes I'll just have to give up before finishing.
Usually like 5 days a week.


It has the complete opposite effect on me. I keep finding small things funny and end up getting an erection.


Don't know if aqua vitae is the right word in English for it. Its just super cheap drink with lots of alcool %


I decided to get some absolut so I could try it. On the up side it was on sale, but on the down side the bottle is decorated with the gay pride flag and some diatribe about equality (probably why it ended up on sale). As expected of Swedish vodka.

Anyway, the important part - the taste. This is probably the best vodka I've tried so far actually. It has a very nice balance of smoothness and sharpness. Sharper than Russian Standard (which is very smooth), but smoother than Finlandia. 5/5 bretty good.


I find fapping while drunk really hard. I have enough difficulty as it is just getting and keeping an erection while sober.


Oh fuck, I hate when that happens. This is why I always keep my alcohol consumption at moderate levels these days. There's nothing worse than being tired but not being able to sleep because it feels like the room is spinning whenever you close your eyes.


every night

I would rather smoke cigarettes and drink than be obese. Everyone has a vice.


One night I was so shit faced I started fapping to some things online which I didnt remember. The next day I check my browser history and it turns out last night I was furiously masturbating to loli rape and guro.
Thats the thing with alcohol, it takes the demon out of you, your instinctual self.


I drink most nights, but I very rarely drink to the point of drunkenness.


Only few times a week now.

Have been trying to reduce my spending (it's too fucking expensive).

For a couple of years it was every day, still finding empty bottles.


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You have good taste.


Watering your spirits down to an alcohol concentration below 20% allegedly enhances the taste.


Your body gets used to the alcohol. It takes a few tries to know what gets you drunk, where your sweet spot is, and what liquor doesn't make you sleepy.

But if you become an alcoholic neet like me who never leaves his house, you will become fat as fuck, and the added bodyweight will make you harder to get drunk. As a result, you end up drinking a fifth of liquor a day just to maintain your nice state of drunkeness. Now you are fat as fuck, and waste like $100 a week on booze.

If you can, smoke weed instead.



Oh and when I am drunk I tend to go on the chans and give long lectures on physics, or post long, rambling political posts. I sometimes think about jerking off but I never do. I also eat quite a bit when I drink, which is why I got fat, but I am on meds that kill my appetite and that helps a lot when it comes to managing my diet.


How to not end up puking and feeling like shit the next day?


The only way to truly avoid it is by controlling how much you drink and how fast you drink it.
Drinking a lot of water will mitigate your hangover to some extent. But it if you drink too much you'll still feel shitty for a while.

Switching from hard liquor to beer helped me in this regard. No self control + whiskey = drinking myself into a coma


>buy 80 something proof rum
>takes awhile to get drunk, feel like I'm using it up too fast
>solution is to buy whiskey with a higher proof
>no buzz, just sleepy drunkenness

Well never buying whiskey again.


There's been surprisingly little research on hangovers and what actually causes them.
In what has been done, a general theme comes across: What causes them is unknown.

Dehydration will make a hangover worse, simply by compounding the hangover with dehydration.

And in general, curing hangovers is impossible. Reducing their effects may be possible, (besides drinking less).

20% of the population don't get hangovers at all (or at least ones very mild), these people are known as 'jerks'. They are more likely to become an alcoholic for perhaps obvious reasons.
I'm one of them- not an alcoholic though.
To explain why would require me to explain my entire philosophy of my body. Long story short, I hate the idea of being fat more than I like the effects of alcohol.


I'm a jerk, but I also seem to have some weird wiring that makes me immune to addiction. It just doesn't happen, I can stop any time I want and actually do stop after a couple weeks at most, simply because it starts to not be fun anymore.



I don't get hangovers if my body is healthy. If I have a hangover, it is mostly because I been treating my body like shit. The alcohol just pushes it over the edge and I end up feeling like shit for an entire day because of the heavy drinking.


Gatorade/Powerade works as well.


Whiskey is best enjoyed with a half-decent bottle, on the rocks. It will get you drunk over some time. If your body has a high tolerance and you want a stronger buzz try 100 proof. Make sure to hydrate and eat enough, I've found whiskey hangovers much worse than rum ones.


Wow, I posted this thread months ago and it's strange to see someone who seems like a stranger only to realize it was actually yourself from the past.

Join me in feeling these most abstract of feels.


Has anyone here drank himself warm?


I generally use blankets and wear a jacket (yes, indoors).

Alcohol is very unhealthy and a shitty drug, so I don't recommend it. If you want to feel comfy, opiates or benzos are more effective and healthier, although more expensive. Addiction is a bitch in any case, but an opiate addiction won't case your body to deteriorate (the lifestyle that follows from it might though).




>Addiction is a bitch in any case, but an opiate addiction won't case your body to deteriorate (the lifestyle that follows from it might though).
>(the lifestyle that follows from it might though).

Which lifestyle? Being awake all day and night nonstop? Doing shit to support your addiction?

Defininitely, Sherlock.


>Doing shit to support your addiction?
That, also not eating properly, not sleeping properly, and if you IV (which you don't have to, smoking works fine for heroin), the doors of hell are wide open anyway.


If I remember correctly, someone here claimed that whiskey together with Red Bull has the same effect as cocaine.


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You just drink until you can handle it, I`m at about 4-5 drinks a night.
Maybe it`s genetic but you build a tolerance to it over time.


You should watch the entire episode. It's part of 'Brass Eye'. Which is great.


alcohol is one of my hobbies, weed too but that's a pain to obtain. drinking straight vodka right now


>tfw need 0.5L at least to get drunk


How long did it take to get you there?


not a lot, it's dem genetics


It's more a matter of weight


>tfw fatass
I'd just get annoyed if i drank 0.5L.
I'm not sure if fat really does increase your tolerance but i'm a pretty big guy without the fat too, i've lost some and i drink less often now so i think i can get drunk slightly cheaper than in the past. Alcohol is expensive as fuck where i live.


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I drink any night I have the opportunity.
What is everyone drinking tonight?
I'm drinking IceHouse Edge tallboys


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Last night i got drunk and didn't sleep too good, i ended up just laying in bed in the middle of the night, half asleep, uncomfortable and in total existential terror. Anybody experience terrible existential crises when drunk?


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happens to me with pot….not so much booze. drunkeness usually (hopefully) brings sleep. or the spins which arent too fun.
a few years ago drinking alone and rewatching anime was a lot of fun for me, an emotional experience. now i barely drink. things i used to enjoy just end up always becoming boring and unenjoyable after a short time. it sucks.

>>15771 pbr is my jam.


I have cut back my drinking. Once I stopped drinking daily, it became clear how stupid constantly drinking is. It makes you sick as fuck, gets you fat, and the only benefit is about an hour of happiness per drink. Not really worth it. Everytime I have the urge to drink it instantly goes away once I remember how stupid and sick it makes me.

I didn't cut drinking alcohol out entirely, though. I only do it once a week to have something to look forward to.



"0,5l" is meaningless when we have no idea if you are talking about beer or 80%-vol vodka.


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After doing reasonably well at cutting back, I'm back to drinking every day, although it's not quite as bad as it once was. The really bad part, though, is the fact that I've figured out how to mix high caffeine teas with light flavored wines to make a combo supremo that will probably be the death of me.


It makes me emotional, suicidal, nauseous. I'll stick to weed and the rare opiate


tfw i have never been drunk


>I've figured out how to mix high caffeine teas with light flavored wines to make a combo supremo

Thanks for this protip, man. I'm going to give it a try.


trust me you're not missing anything


Anyone else a homebrewer?


Here in New Zealand anyway beer and spirits have a ridiculous amount of excise tax on them so it works out a lot more economical to brew your own. You also get to control the inputs for the entire process too which is cool - ingredients, temperatures, all the variables.


I really want to get into homebrewing, but I bet it's expensive.
Any tips and tricks or what type to start with?


I homebrew sake, it's pretty simple and doesn't taste too bad. Most brewing looks pretty simple to me until you get to distillation.


For brewing beer it's simplest to start from malt extract. John Palmer's book How To Brew is considered the beer brewing bible. First edition is available to read free at http://howtobrew.com/book/introduction

The main things are keeping your equipment clean, avoiding oxidation and keeping your temperature relatively constant. Go all malt - don't use any dextrose.

If you're interested in distilling, homedistiller and artisan distiller are great websites. For making vodka/gin I'd start with Making Gin & Vodka - A Professional Guide for Amateur Distillers. For making whiskey etc the concepts in Ian Smiley's book Making Pure Corn Whiskey: A Professional Guide for Amateur - And Micro-Distillers will serve you well. PDFs of both are easily found on the net - not sure if I'm allowed to post them here.


It's actually way cheaper, in its most basic form. If you want to experiment with it, get some sugar and some yeast, and make Kilju in a 2 liter bottle. You don't even really need a airlock, just unscrewing the bottle slightly can work. Since kilju tastes like shit, I would suggest that you add some ginger powder or fresh ginger to the brew, along with some lime juice. But you don't really have to.



I'm also told that jack keller's winemaking website is a great guide to winemaking. http://winemaking.jackkeller.net/basics.asp

Please note where I live (NZ) beer brewing, distilling and wine making are all legal but the laws may differ where you are especially in regards to distilling. All that said they are great hobbies with a very tangible outcome.


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I've stepped my drunk-game up to mixing green and st johns wort teas, with semi-sweet dessert wines. At some point, I'll probably incorporate wormwood extract into the mix, as well.

The best thing about these combos is that I don't end up laid out on my bed listening to sad music. I'm actually able to function on some level, and as long as I pace myself, I won't ever get a hangover, since I'm getting lots of water and (possibly) vitamins from the tea. I always end up drinking slightly more tea than alcohol, and sometimes, I'm drinking much more tea than alcohol. It's a decent system, except that it kind of encourages the constant drinking, since there's no real punishment.


I'm going to get into it.
Look into freeze distillation/fractional freezing.


what i would do is drink one of the convenience store bottles of vodka or gin, or two bottles of the small one-cup sake. basically just drink a bunch fast. in like a few minutes the drunk feelings come and i could relax and feel giddy and go to sleep or laugh at everyone else passing by. i once slept through the night so calmly and i woke up to discover my whole body and everything wasn't fully covered in the night, i forgot because alcohol, so i was covered in mosquito bites, hundreds on every limb. alcohol is the greatest if you can afford it.


I fucking hate drinking. I've tried a couple times and I don't see why anyone would drink either. Even when you get to the right buzz, it goes away too quickly and it leaves me depressed/chasing.

You can smoke weed if you have the possibility, fuck you can even down a bottle of cough syrup, it's 100% more fun than getting drunk.

If you're really desperate and live somewhere they grow, you can go in the country and look for cow shit to get some p. cubensis mushrooms.


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I find alcohol eases my anxiety. I drink mostly beer and wine. All of the strong stuff just makes me gag.


Drinking beer directly from the keg is awesome, normies are really onto a winner with that shit.


About once a week here just to help fall asleep. I don't get wasted. Either $3 bottles of wine from the grocery store or I make my own using bottles of juice and a bit of yeast in there. Just leave the cap open a tiny crack and let it sit out for a week, you get basic boring wine.


Tfw can drink like 14 0.5L 4.3% beer in one night. Shit's expensive and brings out the worst in me.
I become bitter, angry and emotional. The opposite of what I usually am during the days. It's also the only time I relax - at least in the beginning.
But it doesn't make me feel good or comfortable, but rather excited and expands the void I go around with every day. The lack of prospects, education, motivation, willpower and all other normie-functionalities.

How do you learn to drink stronger stuff? Beer is not cheap here, neither is stronger stuff, but cheaper per alcohol unit at least.
I want to be the hipster who drinks whiskey and shit plain. But the taste is way to strong for me. It burns and just a zip makes me feel bad.


Just brew your own stuff. Homemade wine is simple.


I can relate. I always drink tons of beer and almost always regret it. Stronger stuff is economic but if you're like me and have 0 self-control it's easy to drink yourself into oblivion. I had so many blackouts in my whiskey days that now I can't even tolerate a shot of it.

As for "learning" to drink stronger stuff, you can always take shots of liquor and then chase it with a drink of your choice to make it, or make mixed drinks to make it more tolerable. In my opinion the only liquor worth drinking neat (not shooting it) is whiskey, especially bourbon. You could always try cutting it with water and hope you learn to tolerate it or develop a taste for it. When I started drinking it straight for the taste it was with a stronger liquor though, so there is a difference in quality, and you might miss out on that if you're going for bottom-shelf booze.


I regret it every time. I'm just sitting infront of the screen with a 6-pack next to me "playing" some shitty multiplayer-game (HoN) while doing poorly because of alcohol. Occationally I am on Skype with some people, but it's mostly me being stupid.
I drink drinks sometimes (like Gin Tonic), and always makes it to strong so I have to taste it, and fill it up with tonic.
Blablabla, it just feels pathetic to have more or less beer as the only thing to drink. I want to be one of those guys who can poor themselves a drink when getting home from work and zip on it for a long time while liking it.

On occations I drink wine, but I drink it in the same amounts as beer (until the body has enough obviously), so I have no control. I can't relax with alcohol. Go binge or go sober.

I don't like who I am sober, and I don't like myself when drinking. There's a small sweetspot where I am comfortably enough, while being socially able enough.


And unlike other people, I have a very poor memory when I drink. I can watch a TV-show during my first beer, and I will barely remember I have watched it. Had it not been for webpages that keep track of it, I would have trouble knowing. It's like I am more invested in binging on alcohol then anything else. Guess that is my only real skill :^)


>I want to be one of those guys who can poor themselves a drink when getting home from work and zip on it for a long time while liking it.

Though even if you do become one of those guys, that evening drink might simply become a prelude to you binge drinking the whole, possibly expensive, bottle of booze. Any time I try to kick back and have a drink early in the day, it never stops after the first drink.


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Was planning to stop today but I just started to feel progressively shittier as the day went on, decided to hit the liquor store just before they closed and the first sip was like fast-acting medicine, I love it.

I just realized we've had this thread for a while and nobody has really mentioned their favorites. What's your preferred type of alcohol to drink? Have favorite brewery or distillery? Favorite drink?


I almost only drink beer because it's the cheapest way to get drunk where i live. I like the modern hoppy IPAs a lot but it's a bit expensive.
My favorite cheap beer might be blågul or pripps but i think i prefer getting drunk on hard liqour.
I like Fernet Branca a lot but it's too expensive, my favorite mixed drink is probably GT or cuba libre.


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Is it actually wizardly to visit pubs? I think that there's nothing wrong with that as long as you just sourround yourself with people and don't socialize with them. I like whiskey the most, btw.


Posting about going to a bar is a specific example given of a rule 2 violation. Pubs and bars, no matter how different one wants to say they are, primarily serve as hubs of socialization. It makes about as much sense as saying you go to a party to be surrounded by people and not socialize.


What if the bar is piss empty with exception of the bartender?


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The bartender would try to engage in small talk with you. Your reluctance would reveal your magical inclination, but he wouldn't let on that your cover has been blown. You would be given copious amounts of alcohol until you are sufficiently inebriated, to where you couldn't properly recite any incantations of protection or destruction. You realize what's occurring, but it's too late, the doors are locked and there's no escape. He pins you down and so begins the great wizard holocaust, not by bloodshed, but by the extraction of mana.



I know right?

We should just ban everyone who doesn't sit by themselves in their room all day eating saltines and drinking water.

In fact we should probably ban everyone on this site because socializing anonymously is still socializing.


>In fact we should probably ban everyone on this site because socializing anonymously is still socializing.
This tired old strawman? Insecure in your wizardry, buddy? You should note I said "posting about going to a bar." Your post is a tacit admission that you go to pubs if you're going to get so upset about me reciting an example from the rules, but mods don't usually ban tacit admissions so you're in the clear, Norman. Have fun playing pretend here.



I visit bars when I travel.


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The normie in pic related has a somewhat wizardly attitude towards drinking.

My favourite drinks:

Wheat beer and Whiskey


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Wheat beer is great. I really wish I still lived near a a Trader Joes, it seems like they have the only good taste hefeweizen for cheap. Most of the American ones seem to be overpriced yuppie trash, German hefeweizens are great but are intrinsically more expensive than I'm willing to pay, and my other go-to is a seasonal. I need more hefeweizen in my life.


good tasting*


Anyone ever experienced some bigger medical downsides from drinking other then the normal hangover?
The past few weeks I've had a severe stomach ache every monday and the night before Monday that has gotten progressively worse.
This week I've had pain / felt nauseaus the entire week. Even now, 6 days after, when I drink a beer, I get this itchy feeling inside me.
From my self-diagnosis and adjustments of symptoms, it's something about my Pancreas or Diabetes or some shit.
I should probably check it out very soon.


Try pot, dude. Less harmful, less impairing, more of a happy effect, and it makes music hella cool.


There's a good chance that you've developed some kind of stomach ulcer from drinking. It's a sign that you need to stop.


Nothing that has been officially addressed. When I still drank hard liquor I could feel a lasting pain under my rib cage, think it was near the pancreas. Mixed drinks, specifically ones involving pop, would give severe stomach aches, but those would go away after a day. I'm fairly certain I've had alcohol poisoning on numerous occasions since my body would be shaking for the whole day, I even slept for 24 hours one time. I also experienced delirium tremens once and spent the day in my pitch black room shouting nonsense, my family got pretty scared.


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Since finding out that St John's Wort is a dissociative and an SSRI, I've decided to try boiling 50g of plant material in a half liter of water, combining that with a half liter of vermouth, and drinking it all over the course of this evening. I expect to have gone insane, and strapped myself to a cross by the time the oldnorms are waking up for their easter cupcakes.


I'd be interested to hear how effective the John Wort is.


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It's definitely an SSRI, not totally sure about Dissociative element, although the studies say it's an NMDA antagonist, so I guess it must have some action there. Don't go in expecting a DXM substitute. I had a lot of fun, and for the regional equivalent of 1 US Dollar, it's totally worth the price. One thing I have to say, though, is that the St John's Wort feels like it lasts a hell of a lot longer than the alcohol does. Probably kicks in later, too.
But when they're working together, it really is a lot of fun. Listening to music is fun. Browsing is cozy. One thing I'd say is to probably keep the 'tea' and the alcohol separate, and mix them in small batches (as in, in the cup) when you're ready to drink. It's easy to want more of one, but not the other.

It really gets rid of the pic related feeling, too. I ended up spending most of the night listening to music and reading hentai mangas without a care in the world. The only issue is that St John's Wort has kind of an odd hangover, at the 'high dose' level. It's not bad, just kind of odd.


Bumping this thread with stating how much I love a cigarette to a glass of whisky on the rocks. Fuck e-cigs, they're soulless shit.


I am going to wake up somewhat early tomorrow and buy a 24-pack of beer and drink all day, hopefully it's enough. Too bad vodka stores are too far away so I can't be bothered to get any.


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Don't let this thread die, you drunkards!

This week, the weather has been sufficiently hot for enjoying neat, cold wheat beer while enjoying the sight outside. Can't wait until it's winter so that I can enjoy pics related.


Surprised somebody caught this, it was awfully close to the bottom when I looked yesterday.

Speaking of wheat beer, I can't see why it isn't the standard amongst beer, it's just so great. Hefeweizens are so drinkable and so much tastier than some bland lager, and even their hoppy variants give the best of both worlds. Yet it seems the most popular things are always tasteless light beers or Quadruple IPAs that taste of soapwater.

Irish coffee is great too, that's the only mixed drink I bother to make these days. Hot coffee, whiskey, and cream altogether on one cold night, it's great. It's even nostalgic since it feels like a special occasion any time I bother making one.


there is a "barcade" near me (it's a bar with an expansive arcade) that i sometimes go to. I don't talk to anyone (except maybe to say "good game" or the like if I'm playing the free super smash bros game) and i rarely order a drink (it's expensive) but I do love going there. It's being able to surround myself with other people who a lot of times are there for the same reason I am: they just want to play some arcade games in good company. It's like being alone but not quite… as alone, if that makes sense


I vomit pretty much every time I drink. Rarely I'll just sip a few drinks over the course of a night, but the majority of the time I'll drink 2-3 40ozers and spend an hour or two on the floor in the bathroom next to the toilet, fighting the spins and getting up once every so often to puke.


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Drinking can be a way of life too.
A lot of people on here endorse or romanticize alcoholism and drug addiction as wizardly pursuits.
I disagree entirely, addiction is a horrible monster, the worst in the world, worse than any succubus, worse than any other feeling.
That said, I am an alcoholic, and here is how I go about it. I drink moderately most nights and I get completely drunk all day for 2-3 days of the week.

>Wake up

>Exercise, eat, stretch, etc.
>Begin drinking
When you drink, you dont want to throw up. Its wastes alcohol and after you start throwing up you feel sicker and want to stop drinking and just sit down with your head in the toilet bowl for an hour or two.
In order to avoid vomiting, its best to consume harder drinks first and follow with lighter and lighter drinks. This way, by the time youre drunk, you wont sip anything hard enough to trigger the "im poisoned" body response, and you wont throw up.
So begin drinking;
>1 bottle of cheap vodka(I like popov)
>Drink in swigs at first, when you have finished half of it, start doing shots
>Generally drink in my room while watching a movie.
>Finish the bottle in a 2 hour period
By this point im very drunk, so I might put on music and dance a little, or try playing guitar or piano. I am bad at any of these things while drunk.
This first period is for fun, funny movies, dancing music (I like Bavarian waltzes) and trying to enjoy yourself a little. This period lasts for about an hour, dont drink, just let the vodka set in.
>Hour over
>get 2 bottles of wine, 1 red, 1 white
>Sip causally while reading a book or browsing. (for some reason I can read perfectly while drunk when I can barely even walk)
>Drink the 2 bottles over a 2 hour period of reading and listening to classical music.
I usually wake up late, so by this point its getting dark. I hop on my bike and put in techno music, then I bike to this little nearby nature area. Its not the actual forest, which I sometimes camp in while sober, but an area thats full of normies by day. I can bike drunk. I remember when I was a kid and I was visiting my grandparents in slovakia, a cyclist that was too drunk to walk tried biking. It was an amazing light, he would swerve like crazy, but he was fine in the end. That inspired me to try it, and its a lot of fun. with me I bring a guitar, axe, 30 beers, knife, hammer, and some dry sticks and paper.
I cut wood off of dead trees and make a firepit. I make a dakota about 3 feet deep, with a separate hole entering the side for air intake. This keeps the fire low so it cant be seen from a distance (its illegal and I dont want to deal with normies).
At this point, I just sit around the fire drinking beers, and badly playing guitar and singing songs. Ive never run across anybody out there. I do this for a few hours. Sometimes I just drink and stare at the fire, trees, or stars.
>Go home
>sit in front of computer with dipping tobacco, browse till tired, go to bed.
Im in that last phase now. I described the typical night, but today instead of a fire I went fishing. I caught nothing.
As I implied, im drunk now, so apologies for any mistakes in syntax or whatever.


You say it's not really a wizardly pursuit (and for the record I agree with you), but the way you worded that made me feel as if it was one of the noblest pursuits a wizard could strive for. Especially
>I just sit around the fire drinking beers, and badly playing guitar and singing songs. Ive never run across anybody out there. I do this for a few hours. Sometimes I just drink and stare at the fire, trees, or stars
That sounds amazing. I don't even drink that much but I really want to try this now. I don't think I could manage the fire but I could definitely drink and stargaze.


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Its better when im sober and I can head out into the actual wilderness, but if im drinking I could die out there.
It sounds all noble, but the shit I did before I started drinking was amazing. I would go 15-20 miles out into the mountains and camp for weeks. I would play actual good music, and I was working on becoming good at fingerstyle and piano.
When im drunk its all dumbed down. I go off into a little park thats usually flooded by day, super close to humans, and hide like a rat. Instead of improving my skills, I just strum and sing bad songs I read off tabs I print out (Most guitar songs use the same 5-6 chords so I can just print like 60 pages of tabs and play new stuff for like an hour)
It might sound enjoyable, but its no good. Its just that my entire life I was never happy, and all of a sudden something makes me a little happy and I cant let it go.
I can drink through the winter. After that I need to get back outside.


>Finish the bottle in a 2 hour period
>By this point im very drunk, so I might put on music and dance a little

By this point, I would be very dead.


Your tolerance will build up over time.
Im also 6'3 200ish so that might play into it


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I like yoghurt drinks.


>watching liver failure destroying my dad
I don't think I can enjoy this stuff anymore.


Did anyone try the Dan Aykroyd vodka?

I heard it's good but according to the website it isn't distributed in my city.


Most of the time the spins is caused by drinking too fast. If you drink slower, it rarely happens unless you're consuming extremely excessive amounts, like 8+ shots over the course of a night.


Whenever i decide to get drunk, i'll probably do something active like playing video games so i notice it hitting more, or post here . Watching e3 drunk is fun also. I usually drink cider/wine for base and rum/vodka/fruit vodka (palinka) mixed or from shots. Sodastream syrups ago great with vodka.

I only drink on an empty stomach when i want to get shitfaced. Also eat something very greasy or fatty. Eating bread with fat spread across it is top notch, and also have a second glass to drink something non alcoholic like water, juices or soft drinks.


Try mixing some lighter stuff, like sprite/7up with vodka or rum with coke/tea.


Drunk again woopydooooo

I don't think I have an issue..
It's just that there's nothing to keep me from drinking when I have days off. Why would I not? I don't like life sober. Nor do I like life drunk. I just dislike it slightly less. Or at least stuff allows me to be distracted from hating life easier.
It's not that I need to and desire to get drunk, but rather it allows my mind to wander in itself, to experience emotions I usually don't allow myself to have in everyday life. It's like I'm privileged when drunk.

I can get to do shit I never really thought I would do. Play video games, even chat with strangers on occasion (not that they have much to say, and neither do I), but it doesn't mind me as much.

Like. Who am I?
Who am I when I drink? Who is that person? The person that can actually do shit, that can function normally, that have the confidence to do whatever? Am I that?
No? That's me? No. That's not me, I'm not sober.

Why must organs start to fail only for me to be happy? Why nothing inbetween????


>Why must organs start to fail only for me to be happy? Why nothing inbetween?
Yeah, it sucks. To get as drunk as I would like to be means I'm slowly killing myself. I don't see the point of just drinking a little bit, it doesn't take the edge off life enough at all.


Shut the fuck up dude, weed just makes me more anxious/paranoid.. Alcohol is where its at


This is an issue that is largely confined to the realm of illicit marijuana. When you start to get into the medical system, you start to have botanists, and in the few years that we've had legal weed, they've come out with strains that minimize the anxiety/paranoia effect to almost nothing. I would suggest, if you want to smoke, to either get into the medical system, start growing yourself, or find some way to get a better strain through the DarkNet Markets. Alcohol is not a long-term solution to anything.


What alcohol do you guys think is the best bang for your buck? Everclear? It's super potent (95% alcohol).

How often can one get drunk without damaging one's self?



Bacardi gold rum is my goto booze. Somewhat cheap, doesn't wreck havoc on my digestive system, and it is not that expensive.

I would say you are good drinking about 3 times a week if you exercise frequently.


The best value alcohol is stuff you make yourself. Nothing beats it, besides maybe living near a vinyard and having cheap wine available because there's a local glut.
Beer or wine kits turn out to be extremely good value, but you have to be both patient and value clean equipment.


Hit me with a margarita


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The sooner I finish the bottle, the sooner I can make it in to a lamp. The shade fits perfectly and locks down with the cap. If I can sell the finished product for a dollar more than what I payed for the bottle, it will be like free whiskey.

Maybe this is why drunken office guys always wake up with a lampshade on their head.


Buy a copper still, you'll make the money back within 2 weeks if you're a really heavy drinker.

You can make alcohol from sugar, yeast, water, and a still for cents per gallon.


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It's finally starting to get cold here, so with the next paycheck I'm going to buy one of those motherfuckers in pic related for making me some Grog.


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What do you snack on while drinking?


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Mother fuggin sardines.

I also love shredded squid but squid isn't that common here in the US.


not sam adams
what cunt made this map


Bit's of dried kielbasa and toasted rye bread, all kinds of magical.

I think New Zealand is like the only country in the world where home distilling alcohol is legal. Even shithole african countries ban it, although of course it isn't enforced there.

Had kind of a funny conversation with my local sheriff about this once when he stopped by to drum up support for the local (re)election. He knows I have a still, which is used for making respiratory tinctures, and that I make mead as a hobby. So I asked why I could operate a still and make alcohol, and yet it was verbotten to make alcohol with my still? After some fumbling and weasel words he basically said it was for health (tax) reasons and with a wink, that I should stay out of trouble.

To be honest, I've had poorly made moonshine before, and would gladly just drop the $4 a fifth on gas station/papermill "vodka" rather than deal with the taste, the hangover, and the potential methanol contamination. Not to mention shining with my little gallon still would take FOREVER.

If that bit about NZ is true, I'd love to see a study done about the general safety of home distilled spirits there, lord knows there are enough alcoholics in the world, if the potheads could do it I don't see why we can't get some laws changed too.

Just my drunken rant on the subject.


if you're only distilling a gallon, wouldn't it be easier to just freeze the water and dump the ethanol out?


Yeah, but my point was it wasn't really worth the effort to distil a single gallon.

If you're freeze distilling it, five gallon buckets are common enough for about $3. Line up about five of them on your porch, and you'll have a few months worth of brandy strength hooch, maybe enough to get you to next winter. Sweet fruity tasting stuff tends to handle this better than starchy stuff, apple jack being probably the most popular option.

Wouldn't really bother doing it in a freezer, but I suppose a gallon could be useful there.


What? Distilling is legal in most of Europe as long as you don't sell it, and getting a homebrewer license is possible in many countries. The only reason it's illegal in America is because of protestant retardation.

If you use a copper still the risk of methanol poisoning is extremely low, unless you drink enough alcohol that you would get alcohol poisoning you won't get methanol poisoning. Freeze distilling will probably give you methanol poisoning. Methanol and ethanol have different boiling points so you just heat the copper still enough for the ethanol to evaporate and the methanol to stay liquid.


The last sentence you wrote is wrong. Methanol boils away before ethanol, so you just dump the first fraction of distillate you accumulate before the steam temperature reaches the boiling point of ethanol. Check wiki for more info.


I'm drunk right now


Can someone explain the appeal of alcohol? I'm not trying to be provocative, as I legitimately don't understand it. Do people drink in spite of the taste to get the buzz?



Drunkards typically drink liquor that they can tolerate the taste of. Cocktails hep with the taste. Beer's taste is mild enough that you can pretty much ignore it when drinking. Cocktails mask the taste of booze pretty well. Also the more drunk you get, the less you give a shit about the taste.

At any rate the good feeling you get from booze is well worth tasting the nastiness of booze, and your taste bugs get used to it after a while. I am pretty much a drunk myself, but I cut hard liquor with some drink in order to water it down and make it taste better.


if youre just doing it to get drunk,why not just buy everclear and stick in your butt with an enema? saves a lot of money


I couldn't enjoy liquor until my mid-twenties. And I only became a beer drinker in my thirties. I think some people grow into it.


Well your brain isn't actually fully developed until your mid twenties so that probably has something to do with it.
I drink but I have never gotten drunk, alcohol is a shitty "high" and I personally think opium is much nicer. Good ale, wine, brandy tastes good though so I drink occasionally for pleasure.


You grow accustomed to the taste of ethanol, to the point that unless you're drinking pure everclear it stops being an issue.

If you're talking about the taste more generally, well eventually you stop drinking things you don't like and find things that you do. The taste of vodka, for example, I've grown quite fond of over the years. And just to cover this, it's purely an american thing to think vodka is meant to have a neutral taste, pretty much all of eastern europe agrees on the flavor pallet it's supposed to have, well maybe everyone but poland who likes to do strange things.

Cold plum wine, or warm kvas can feel just as refreshing as lemonade and hot chocolate, it's all about finding the things you like.

In short, once you're used to the taste of the ethanol itself, stop trying to force yourself into to guzzling beer if you can't stand malted grains and hops, or don't try to force yourself into shots of whiskey if it rubs you the wrong way. Cider or mead or wine, any of them will get you where you're going and do so in a pleasant way.

Hell, if taste is an issue try ice wine, it basically tastes like sweetened apple juice, no alcohol burn, or bitterness at all.


Don't forget that you can also mix your booze with something else, like a chilled herbal tea, or my personal favorite, fruit kompot. When I was in Romania, I got addicted to red wine and dark berry mountain dew. I'd buy 2 liters of both, every day. It was a bad scene, but it was very sustainable, because it tasted fantastic, allowed me to do (simple) things during the day, and provided enough water to where my hangovers weren't overly killer. When I bought some gin, I'd have it with lemonade. When I hopped on the muscat white train, I mixed it up with (chilled) soursop green tea. On special occasions, I'd go buy a bottle of vermouth and about 50 grams of St John's Wort, and then make an evening of that. Eventually I learned how to make kompot, and said goodbye to hangovers forever. Or at least, for a little while.

For the record, though, I've switched to marijuana based milks and teas since, and I'm much happier overall. I think people should at least try to do the weed thing, even if it takes a lot more effort.


Weed makes everything seem so much worse, it kind of amazes me how many people find it relaxing.

Never been a fan of mixed drinks, outside of spiced/mulled wines. Kompot is amazing though, pain in the ass to make, but amazing none the less. I wonder if the romanian take on it is any different from the ukranian version.



Butt chugging is very undesirable. You get REALLY drunk really fast, but it is over really quickly. It also sucks pooping that stuff out later and can fuck up your lower intestines.

Butt chugging is nothing more than a stupid party trick.


I bought some weed off a coworker a few weeks ago. Still pissed the entire time…waiting for my body to start tingling and shit. Nothing. Maybe i didnt get high? Idk, fuck weed either way.


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peach liqueur and coke is god tier.


What anime is this from?


X-1999 I believe


Just got back from my liquor store walk. Already drunk.


Day 2 of being sober and it already sucks.

Life is so boring sober.


It's horrible. What's up with being sober?


Rolf Harris - Nick Teen and Al K Hall


Let's drop some drinking songs!

On vid related:

Skold vs KMFDM - Alkohol

Genre: Industrial Rock, Electro


Pretty much anything by Tom Waits is good to drink to, these are just the first that popped in my head



Favorite getting wasted music by FAR is GG Allin though


Just picked up a bottle of 100 proof whiskey so I'm getting wasted tonight





Sorry for the spam last one


Fuck yeah, GG!



Thanks for the suggestion, man. Maybe I'm going to try this but I fear that coke is very bad for teeth.


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Gonna drink this today.


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Bought a bottle of this vodka last night. I'm fat as fuck so thought if I'm not going to quit I may as well switch to lower calorie options. Mixed with soda water and lemon slices. It was so easy to drink quickly I ended up in bed concentrating on not vomiting while the room was spinning. Feeling terrible today.


Vodka is about the only alcoholic drink that makes me vomit very quickly.


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Hahaha I bought this once it's a piece of shit bottle I totally fell for the made and bottled in Cognac thing the cork even broke off in the bottle right after I bought it, this is what I currently have


Better post the empty bottle big wiz


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Drunker than ive ever been

Talk to me now and you might get an extremely.honest drunk respisn've


I drank six shots
I did this befoee and wasnt drunk as now
I fasted today to make my drunkness more potent


I've been Border on blacking out I have to consciously decide not b to

I felt genuinely godly in the first b few howurs but butbi Donny I don't b want it n now

In drank just six shotz

4 shots 6n shots big


It's. Been 4 hours since I drank


I only drink if I'm forced to attend a social event, or if I need to sleep badly


Anybody else a malt liquor drinker? Steel Reserve and Natty Daddies were all I'd drink when I drank heavily.


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There is a reddit board for hardcore alcoholics. I read through it for a few hours. It was very interesting to see how people live, reminds me of reading Bukowski. My drinking is under control right now. Only 1.5 to 2 liters of hard alcohol per week.


That was a fun read. Do you know more places like it?


I've been drinking whiskey and rum mixed with OJ every night for three weeks in a row. I thought I wasn't getting any hangovers because I was building up a tolerance. I guess it has been the OJ all this time.



I tried drinking malt liquor because it is so cheap but it tastes so fucking bad. I just can't do it.


There is /r/drunk, but that place reads more like the mind of a drunk norman.


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Only teens and hobos drink malt liquor. Nowadays not even blacks touch the stuff.

A few months ago I was feeling nostalgic and bought some Olde English. Remembered why I stopped drinking it. Anyone with a developed taste for beers would find it mildly nauseating and even the effects are more like a headache.

That said, when I was underage my favorite drink to get instantly fucked up was a 40oz with a shot of bourbon dropped in it.



If people in your family abused booze, chances are you are likely to abuse it as well. Simple answer it is genetics, but I think it is a lot more complex than that. Booze is just a coping mechanism for a bigger problem.

But alcoholism isn't a problem for many wizards simply because we have nothing to lose. So long as we don't show up to work drunk, we are a-ok.


I just had a mojito at a mexican seafood restaurant and it was very good. It was tasty and got me more drunk than a shot of whisky does. I'm having a very good day now.


I'm ready to fall over
I'm ready to die
I'm ready to live
I'm ready to thrive


More, more, more!


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Alcohol gives me that spark to try new things.


You gotta keep drinking though or the sparks go away


Tomorrow, after having thrown my paper into the ballo boxt, I'm going to drink one of those, shown in your attached pics. Drinking alcohol gives the whole process a more ritualistic vibe. This only works if you aren't a booze addict, of course.


breathing air and eating food is for "normies" too as well I would assume?


using imageboards is for normies; internet is for normies; watching anime is for normies; watching movies/series is for normies; masturbating is for normies


one doesn't die without alcohol


I've given alcohol plenty of opportunities over the years and I never could enjoy it. I guess I don't have the genes for it.


I hate that I have to cut back on the drinking. What is the point of drinking if I cant be drunk 24/7?


My liver hurts..


My relationship towards alcohol is similiar to the one I have with tobacco. I enjoy it but I don't get hooked on it. The amount of money that I spend on alcohol is much higher, though, than my expenses on cigarettes which are almost none.


Why not make your own alcohol?


Can someone describe sake to me? I wanted to try some but it is expensive for the size of the bottle, even the locally made stuff. Three ingredients sounds pretty pure, but if I can get the same results with raw alchohol and a bit of flavour wizardry I'll skip the real stuff.


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Also I got some of this to mix in my work coffee. Gotta mellow out my mind there. Sucks I need to drink to get through the day, I used to only drink around Christmas and my birthday.


Finished the whole bottle in under 4 hours. Very tasty, very dizzy. Not much better than the Panama Jack's I usually get but thrice the price. Ouch. A lot of local Canadian alcohol comes with bonuses this time of year. This bottle gave me an ice cube mold that doubles as a shot glass. Need buy more something for work coffee now.

My mind is full power. I am searching keywords on eBay I never would have guessed sober.


I bought a bottle of Smirnoff hoping it would be like the Spud I used to get because the liquor store no longer carries any vodka variety. This stuff tastes like dirty water. I will give it to some kids on the road.


Been up for awhile, but I just thought to post it here.
This guy talks about a Japanese drink that you buy to help with hangovers. He says that you can get a better affect with mixing turmeric(?) with black pepper (because it's supposed to help your body absorb it). If anyone ITT has some serious hangovers, it might not cure hangovers, but maybe it'll take the edge off to some extent. I mean, none of us are afraid of a hangover at this point, just a really bad hangover, and if you can mitigate it by even a couple notches with this drink, stock up, Wizards.


I made this thread more than 2 years ago and its still here. Not bad. Wizchan changes even less than I do


Drink sessions last about 7-8 hours and I get very nostalgic and will listen to shit from my teenage years. Lose inhibition and will actually talk to others online (like now)


Same here. Only downside is that my shitposting and trolling increases when I'm drunk. I'm on my 7th Sapporo beer and am ready to make some entertaining posts throughout the night!


As long as they fit the rules no reason not to. Enjoy yourself!


There are a billion 'hangover cures' and none of them actually work.
The only thing you can do is prevent a dehydration headache by drinking lots of water. Drink lots of water while drinking. Sounds weird since you're already drinking lots of liquid but your body uses a shitload of water passing the alcohol through your system.


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I just bought myself this for about $90. Anyone else like drinking rum or are you guys whiskey and bourbon fans?



>Anyone else like drinking rum or are you guys whiskey and bourbon fans?

whatever the strongest and cheapest alcohol i find is good


I enjoy spiced rum. Kraken and Captain Morgan are pleb tier but I always have a bottle of either one going. I recently found something local which has some nice berry flavor.


I like the molasses flavour of rums. >>41756
I prefer morgan's original rum rather than the spiced one.


Kraken might be plan tier but it's cheap around where I am so it's a good choice


I used to know someone who also spent a lot of money on expensive alcohol, but I don't get it, why spend all that money when you're just going to piss it away and when you get slightly drunk you don't even really notice much of a difference in quality anymore.


I think some people are more susceptible to it than others. Personally I think I have a candida overgrowth and whenever I drink it's like I become deathly ill for at least a day if not more afterwards. The candida feeds on the alcohol and creates even more acetaldehyde.


What >>41947 said.
I can drink every single night of the week and not feel a hangover. I personally drink a lot of water, even before I really starting hitting the bottle, but even when I'm so drunk that I forget to down a glass of water before I go to sleep, the only thing I get is like this pseudo-drunk feeling. I'm sure a lot of people know what I'm talking about, but it's almost like you've stayed up for more than 36 hours and the inside of your skin feels like it's slimy.


I brought some vodka but gotta wait till my parents are asleep to bring it in because I don't want to hear their shit about my drinking.


Does anyone have a bottle count going for 2018?
What number are you on, not even two months into the year? I'm almost done with 8, but I honestly haven't been drinking as much as I'd like to. Having to drive to work in the morning puts a real limiter on things.


I lost count. I have become an alcoholic and heroin addict this winter. I mean, I would drink occasionally before, but now I'm drinking at all hours of the day. It's a little past 10AM where I live and I've already started.


just two pouches of wine for me, but i'e only left the house twice so if i were to leave more often it would probably be higher


Three 750ml bottles. I'm trying to cut back to save some money. Between September and January I collected 13 750ml bottles and many other miscellaneous festive drinks.


I drink mostly beer with some vodka from time to time. mmm Maybe 20-30 liters of beer and 1 l of vodka so far. Im an amauter in this but i cant drink more since im useless the next day


I used to be a fairly big alcoholic. 4-5L of beers with vodka a night. Used to drink during the day too.

But then I discovered phenibut and kratom and have cut down massively. You have to watch the phenibut as it's addictive but I feel much better now.


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I'm going to try a new local (Canada) poison every month and post about it here. I need more incentive to drink, post, and leave the house, so this endeavour will make me feel at least somewhat productive. It would be great if a Russian or American wiz would post about something only found in their area too. I'd love to hear more about how great the things I'll never have are.

This is J.P Whispers Whiskey, but with Toffee flavour. I've never seen the toffee one before, and couldn't find anything about it online, not even a photo, so I gave it a try.

It's surprisingly smooth for 35%, At first I thought the alcohol was just sitting at the bottom, but after shaking it up, it still doesn't give me that often sought-after burning sensation. The flavour did surface a bit more though. What I like about it is that the toffee goodness is subtle. When I get a flavoured rum, vodka, or creamer, often the sweetness overwhelms the natural taste of the barrel, making it hard to drink plenty without my adult mouth telling me to put the candy down. In this case however, the additional tastes come secondary to what matters. The flavouring mixture itself I find very nice too. It tastes like actual vanilla toffee, and combined with the whiskey, it reminds me a lot of sponge toffee and how it fizzes away in my mouth, becoming sweeter as it stays in there. I've tried it cold, then had it sitting in the sun all day. I much prefer most drinks warm, almost hot even, and the high temperate makes this an even smoother drink than it was.

I hope it's not a limited time variety/10


My drinks of choice (if I can afford them) are;
1. Chartruese mixed with some Charlie's Lemonade - preferably for night-time.
2. Chivas Regal in a glass filled entirely with ice for the daytime.

I'm hoping to be intoxicated for the rest of my life, then put the remainder of my money towards buying objects and books. I think I might buy a book every week though, just so I can keep reading. I've lost nearly everything that I had in my life for some twisted, fucking rebirth that the other side is bringing upon me, so now all I'm going to do is drink, write, and read. Fuck my life, I want to die.


for me phenibut withdrawals can kick in super fast though and they're hell. I just use it as a tool once every two weeks or so


I stopped drinking because it was too good of an escape. I would drink everything in my house (NEET living with parents) and just binge for days. It made me feel okay with my horrible depression and utter fear of the world around me. I only stopped because I got better tools for dealing with those problems (prescribed psychiatric medication) so I avoid drinking now.


This makes me really happy anon. Glad you got away from it. Drinking (unless you stick to 1-2 beers absolute max) is awful for your mental and physical health AND for those around you.


>AND for those around you
wizchan 2018


>>AND for those around you
>wizchan 2018
crab 2018


can't handle my alcohol, for better or worse
tried drinking some strong cider a while ago, but got sick of the alcoholic taste after only a bottle or two

think it might have been caused by me getting drunk off my feet the very first time I had strong liquor on my own, in which I downed 2/3 quarters of vodka in 4 hours or so and vomited all over my room



Don't drink strong cider, it's awful. Try softer ciders or lagers. Red wine might be a good thing to try. The most important thing to do though is drink something you like. Don't buy shit you don't like.


Blacked out every night in the past week except for the last two days. Been trying to ride the line and I think I'll keep doing that.
Been something of a nuisance in the house recently.


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Best thing to ever come out of Finland.


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Have a fun weekend wizards.


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Christmas beer with cinnamon, Ginger cake and cloves are back in stock. Time to test my liver again. Seriously, last year i found one that tastes literally like liquid ginger cake. Shame it was expensive though.


weird drink, where you get it


Hey, can you big wiz give a sip or two to a wizkid….



I'm more curious about the dice apparatus, what is that thing?


It's an ashtray.


the natural one or the shitty one?


I love drinking, makes one sleep easily and makes one chill and not worry about shit. I don't get why its a normie drug, like sure you do care less but id much rather listen to some music by my lonely and pass out when one is tired enough than conversate with annoying people


Planned on stopping but now I'm at it again. I don't think I count as an alcoholic yet but I might be close.
Got myself some vodka diluted with disgusting fruit juice which I detest but I didn't want to buy a whole bottle. Now I regret not having done that.


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i'm hungover as fuck. have to do some work in like an hour. I think the key to drinkin' is drinking a shit ton of water while and after you slam a shit ton of booze. Not drinking later today as I have to catch a flight back to my home state tomorrow. It's pretty key to know when to lay off the sauce to let your body recover. props to the dude who posted GG. I got hammered as fuck last night on Jim.


I went over the threshold last night and got so drunk I began drinking faster to see just how drunk I could get in one sitting.
I destroyed the kitchen and ate a bunch of raw food then vomited it all up on the couch, my blanket, myself, and the cat. I heard voices and couldn't stop laughing at them, but then a switch was flipped and I felt like dying.

I took a measurement to see how much it took so I can do it again. It was 500ml of 47% black rum over the course of about 4 hours. No headache, just a groggy and empty feeling. I ate something after a nap and immediately felt better.

>It's pretty key to know when to lay off the sauce to let your body recover.
This. I think for most people it happens naturally as the mere thought of getting drunk again becomes sickening on its own for a while after the fact. I'm almost autistic about it these days and actually have a schedule to maximize effect while not feeling like trash for too long after.


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It's friday again. You already know what that means, wizards. Time to drink.

Never drank this before. I had a sip and it kind of like tasted ouzo (which i like), and had a pine like aftertaste. Pretty good.


Welp gotta take antibiotics so no drinking for me for at least 10 days. This sucks.


Whenever I drink I wonder if this is just how normies feel all the time? Able to cope. Able to let things roll off. Small talk comes easily. Can smile at strangers without it hurting. Makes me think my instincts to trust no one are what hurt me, and alcohol of course numbs that. I've actually gone to work intoxicated (it doesn't affect my work performance negatively just loosens me up) and it was amazing how much more comfortable people were around me. This must be how normies feel all the time, the stupid bastards.


I've only started drinking recently. I like trying different kinds of beer and wine. My favorites so far are belgian ale (Leffe and Chimay in particular) and red wine. Also tried mead and liked it.

I've had this feeling too, but never dared to go to work when drunk. The trick is to drink just a little.


Drunk on some Koskenkorva that i mixed with orange soda and it's pretty damn good.


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only for the sailor memes


>tfw bipolar and too afraid to drink because of how it affects me



Fuck it so I went and drank after my mother hounded me about looking depressed and how I need to get a job

I got beer instead of vodka since before my diagnosis I was a big vodka drinker and it always got me in trouble (with police involved, rofl).

So this time all that happened was that metal sounded really good, and headbanging in the middle of back alleyways was fun, only got honked at once

I don't think I'll continue since it's expensive and metal always sounds good to me when I'm walking. I'll just have to walk and listen to metal instead of drink and listen to metal.


I fucking hate alcohol. I can't moderateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or always forget why I should moderate. Or just dont care and it ruins me.


for real, CO isn't Coors?

I drink mainly beer. I used to drink just liquor because, as they say, it's quicker. But, as I got older, the hangovers got worse. Now, I drink for a pleasant buzz, and beer always does the trick.

My favorite beers are stouts, porters, and ales. The darker the better, but I don't like how a lot of beers try to add a lot of sweetness to their brew. I like my beer heavy and malty, but not overly sweet.
IPAs are fucking gross. I live in NC, and for some reason we LOVE our IPAs here. I think it's baby's first brew and is a copout for any real brewery to make nothing but IPAs.

If I do drink liquor, it's gin.


Is drinking alone in a pub a banable rule breaking offense?


read the rules ye nonce.


Is it really a social activity if I did not interact with anyone but the bartender when asking for a pint? I don't think it's any different from going shopping. I don't believe it's antithetical to the wizardly lifestyle. But I guess it's for the mods to decide.


Why not drink alone at home? Being in the pub implies a desire for socialization.


I want to get away from my mother. It's very atmospheric. You don't have to interact with anyone. There are plenty of old men just sitting by themselves, with their beers in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Lot of backround noise. I personally enjoy it. It's atmospheric, just sitting on the outside porch with a cold beer, looking at the sun go down, music playing in the background, people chatting and a faint whiff of smoke in the air. Maybe it's because my father used to bring me to pubs when I was a kid to drink with his friends when he was supposed to be spending time with me. I hated it, but now the memories feel kind of pleasant. It was rather peaceful in a way.


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I am drinking a medium dry martini with pic related (with lemon zest, not olives) right now and damn they were not kidding when they said it had salinity. It almost tastes like sea water, but in a very pleasant way. The feeling and aftertaste in the throat even is similar to what is experienced when swallowing sea water on accident, but much gentler naturally.


Right now drinking a martini with the same gin, same ratio as yesterday but with an olive instead. The manufacturer recommends an anchovy filet as garnish as well, but I was hesitant to drop such a potent, oily ingredient in there so early on. I'm surprised to say though that the pleasantly saline quality and marine finish of the gin seems much more subdued now, perhaps precisely because the brined olive introduced a similar flavour and they interfere with each other, while the citrus oils added a subdued zest riding atop the flavour profile allowing the fundamental quality of the spirit to shine through stronger. The cigarette I had earlier is likely affecting my taste tonight as well, though.


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Today it is a martini (same ratio as before) with Suntory's Roku gin. The local megamart type abortion has been shilling it for a while now and at 25€/700ml bottle it's still acceptably priced. I suppose it might be worth noting that I have been using Martini & Rossi Extra Dry for the vermouth portion instead of Noilly Prat. There isn't really a reason for that except the M&R was 7€ for 700ml and I had already made acquaintances with other offerings of their line-up and the Noilly Prat was 15 for a litre which seemed too much at the time so now I'm stuck with this bottle of M&R until I have drunk a hundred martinis and a dozen platters of pasta ai frutti di mare with it apparently. For weeaboo reasonings I have dropped an umeboshi in there as garnish this time which gives a pleasant, foggy, pale purple-ish veil to it that is almost like a diluted aviation. This way it has almost a savory taste. The mouthfeel is very oily also. The juniper is subtle and a hint of sharpness seems to be there, and what I want to think are the slighty fishy notes you get from sencha that has been brewed with water that was too hot. Kind of a strange thing, the juniper seems to clash with everything else is in here pretty strongly though. I'll blame some of it on the garnish until new data is available.


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>Please enlighten me alcoholic anons: how the fuck can you guys do that shit so often?
Years and years of practice. I've been trying to cut back now that the jaundice is starting to show. Probably too late though


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>I've been trying to cut back
Good for you anon! Keep at it! Best of luck!


I don't know, I don't like the effect of alcohol, I guess…
One or two 33cl beers, or one 50cl beer is where I like it. Also sometimes that's even too much and I pour the rest in the sink.

I don't like doing drugs for escapism. I don't know why, but I feel like it's fake and I end up more depressed. I'd rather watch a movie, or listen to music, and do drugs (alcohol included) when I feel the urge to, not to cope


don't much care for the few beers I've tried, and the one cider (Angry Orchard Rosé) wasn't great either, in hindsight.

picked up a bottle of Jameson yesterday (figured I'd try a whisky for a change) and so far it's been a little more my speed. guess I'll try rum, next.


>and the one cider (Angry Orchard Rosé) wasn't great either, in hindsight.
Bleh, Angry Orchard is among the sweeter candy ciders, especially the Rose. Not sure what your local brands are but try something marked DRY. It will have a crisper grannie smith taste instead of that sugary sweetness
>guess I'll try rum, next.
Start with gold. If you want it sweeter, move to black, and if not, try white.


Is there a way out of this hell?


Can't believe OP opened this thread 4 years ago, and it's still in top of the board.
Holy FUCK time moves up fast


If you're drinking and have nothing to do watch Leaving Las Vegas, it's about an alcoholic played by Nicolas Cage who is suicidal and goes to Vegas and uses his savings to drink himself to death, pretty good


I'll drink to that! Cheers


Hell, I was looking for a reason to down the next drink, guess this will suffice! Bottoms up!


Alcohol is basically benzos for when you have no connections, which desribes me


Intoxication is unwizardly


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I think of my neighbor as a legendary alcoholic. Guy used to drink 8 natural ice tall boys a day. Talk about being drunk 24/7 man.. his liver is going bad now, poor guy can't stop drinking. I've decided to join in his and my late friends misery and take up drinking. Malt liquor is my go to. I finished pic related earlier and struggling to maintain my buzz with light beer.

Don't drink too much, too quickly, to put it simply. 200ml (a half pint) of liquor is a fair amount of alcohol for a 150lb apprentice.
After you polish your eighth light beer you've got to put it away or at the very least slow down. More =/= feels better. There's a sweet spot.


I’m sitting on my bathroom floor chugging beers and thinking. Hopefully the alcohol will do its job and stop that.


Beers I like:
Pilsner Urquell


I like to stay sober for a week or even better two weeks, the build up of serotonin/dopamine is better and the drinking feels more relaxing, fun and enjoyable.


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Anyone else like dessert wines and such? I love mead in the evenings to get a buzz up (no pun intended). The sweetness puts me in a good mood and also it has a strong taste, so you can't drink too much of it at once. Therefore no hangovers afterwards.

I'm also impressed at how many different kinds of mead there is once I started exploring it. Beer-mead, wine-mead, spirits-mead, even dry (non-sweet) mead. Weird stuff but I love it.


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This made me smile, so thought I'd share it with you. It's from Minois' "History of Suicide."
>When Bonosus, a general known for his excessive drinking, killed himself, some wit exclaimed, "That isn't a hanged man, it's a bottle."


If you are depressed, alcohol won't cheer you up. You need to mix it with other substances to have an effect. The least damaging might be spicy food. The spice and the buzz added together might kick you out of anhedonia for a day or two. Add a nice fap to it and you might even feel happy. All of it is temporary though. You're just elevating your mood to a level where normal people might have it all the time.


I know. But at least it's better than worrying about not doing anything with my free time.


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This is my drink tonight, an improvised orange caipivodka. It's not that bad actually, but for sure I'd rather the classic one. Haven't drink since new year's eve, I'm feeling quite good and I'm not even drunk! Cheers wizzies!


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I rarely drink except on a rare occasion. I typically just drink to catch a buzz, but never enough to get wasted since I absolutely hate being drunk and later hungover.

Beer is okay. I used to hate it but I've had a few import and craft beers that were damn good. Some of my neighbors swear by their cheaper budwieser and pbr. The problem with beer is that anything more than 1 pint absolutely fucks up my stomach.

I like rum, brandy, and bourbon. They don't hurt my stomach and rum and brandy can make some good refreshing mixed drinks.

Wizards what are your thoughts on wine and more specifically about goon bags? I found this aussie guy talking about them and apparently they are a big thing down there.



>Wizards what are your thoughts on wine and more specifically about goon bags?
im guessing that cuts the cost down which is a win to me


Anyone tried Long island iced tea?
Not much of a drinker myself but was listening to this hip hop album a while ago and this drink was mentioned several times in the songs so I got a bit curious.


Goon is the most degenerate beverage known to man


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It's a strong drink. It makes me feel toasted after having one.

That's one of the big appeals of it. Very inexpensive compared to bottled wine. The joke is you can use it as a pillow. It's huge with aussies to drink goon. We should try to make it more popular.


Would it be more wizardly to drink it from a rustic ceramic cup and kitsch fantasy cup or straight out of the bag?

You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides I'd probably give that designation to something like purple drank.


>It's a strong drink. It makes me feel toasted after having one.

Is it tasty though?


It tastes rough at first but gets tastier over time as you sip it as with all strong boozy drinks


I've started laying white shits. I need a break from drinking.


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It sometimes happens that a couple of glasses of wine can accomplish what no amount of philosophy or spiritual practice can - namely, a healthy disregard for life.


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wiz as fuck, I like it


Unless food is being served I'd prefer to eat at home. Take out would be preferable. Comfy at home with food and drinks are great.


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Bought a bottle of sambuca for the first time in nearly a decade. I love the flavor but my only complaint is how overly sweet it is.

I really like fortified wines like port and sherry.


half a bottle of wine down so far, but to honest, im not sure why im drinking to begin with- maybe i want to learn the aspect of wine culture or just to escape? but what do i want to escape of to begin with? My own head? Thats not it- since my head is the only true safespace i've in this so called life. a change of perspective then, a change of mind? yes, a new thought pattern of how shitty life is? who truly knows, who even knows if we are real? Our ego's are simple thought pattern extracted from our brains chemical reaction?


Bought another bottle of bourbon. Tastes fucking amazing.

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