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 No.26323[Last 50 Posts]


The only thing I know how to make is ceviche. I'll make some on Sunday, and if the thread is still up, post some pictures. It's pretty straightforward though, a bit like making seafood salad (though maybe it just seems that way to me because I've been making it a lot).

My (imprecise) recipe is:
~2 lb of tilapia
1 red onion
8-12 limes' worth of juice, depending on amount of fish
1/2 bag seafood mix
1 stalk of celery
2 tbsp aji amarillo
1 tbsp salt (sometimes ends up being more than this though)
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp black pepper
1 stalk of cilantro from the garden, from which I only use the leaves

Before anything else, I steam the seafood in the seafood mix bag.

After that, I slice the tilapia into bite size strips, and chop up the celery. I put it into a tray along with the seafood mix. Then I mix the powders and spice with the lime juice, and pour that over the fish. I let it sit there for 20 mins, occasionally turning over the fish so all of it gets "cooked". Then I move it all to one half of the tray, while letting the sliced onion soak on the other half for another 10 mins. After that, I add the cilantro and have at it. My parents (Peruvian) taught me the recipe. They say that the best fish for it is bonito, but tilapia is cheap and easy to find in Walmart so I just use that.

I don't cook as a hobby yet, but I'm looking to pick it up as one because I greatly enjoy food. I may give stir fry a shot this weekend, will post back how that goes if I do.


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That sounds like something I'd want to try. It's pretty cool that you can 'cook' the fish in lemon or lime juice. What's usually in the "seafood mix"? Around here, they sell things like calamari, little bits of octopus leg, and mussels. I don't know how well that would mix with fish, but maybe it would be decent. Have you ever tried using something like bell pepper instead of celery?

I've been meaning to make this for a while, but it's kind of difficult to get all of the ingredients where I live.


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>calamari, octupus leg, mussels
That's pretty much what came in the bag. Shrimp too. The three you mentioned don't affect the flavor all that much to be honest, it's more for variety than flavor, but the shrimp is definitely pretty noticeable.

I didn't have seafood mix on hand this week so pic related just uses tilapia. Sorry for the shitty picture, I was hungry so I snapped it really hastily.

I haven't tried bell pepper in ceviche but I sometimes use it in salad. I think the red variety would be too sweet to use, but if I remember right, the green/yellow varieties are more neutral, so they might be okay.

That ocean pie recipe you posted looks delicious!


Tomorrow I'm going to try making a variation of the red curry stir fry recipe posted in the OP. I'll be substituting chicken for the shrimp though. Will post back when the deed is done.


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Tried making a chicken and mozarella baguette sandwich with red pesto and some pepperoni.
It tasted like almost nothing, but at least it fed me for two meals (dinner, breakfast the next day)


I am going to go to the store tommorrow to buy groceries for my diet. I am gonna go full keto, preparing every meal at the beginning of the week so I have no excuse to go out and get pizza.

For breakfast I am gonna make a breakfast bowl with sausge, eggs, and cheese. Dinner is going to be chicken parmesan breaded with pork rinds. Not too sure about lunch.

I've been looking at recipies, and many keto recipies are nasty hippie bullshit that I know tastes like shit, despite the author saying it is delicious. There needs to be a website out there that does keto for non-hipster faggots.

I guess I'll make some a philly cheesesteak pita for lunch with a side of sweet potato fries.


>For breakfast I am gonna make a breakfast bowl with sausge, eggs, and cheese.

How can you eat so much everyday without getting fat as fuck? I barely eat anything for breakfast and i'm a fatass, i just don't get it.


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Not that guy, but when you start counting your calories, and keeping a little food diary, you start realizing how much sugar and fat you're actually getting, for what you eat, and how many calories a seemingly innocuous food product, like a 200 gram bag of ritz crackers, actually has in it. You also come to realize just how little exercise you actually do, in a day.

Keto type diets work really well for people who spend upwards of two hours a day doing strenuous activity. Non-Mechanized farming or construction, for example, would be a lifestyle where a Keto type diet would make sense. Rucking coca paste through 60km of jungle, would be a lifestyle where Keto makes sense. Spending hours upon hours at the gym, doing strenuous lifting type workouts, is another place where Keto dieting makes sense. In all these situations, though, you'd still have to look at the calories, proteins, and fats, and then adjust the portions, so that they're actually healthy. A lot of people forget about that last part, and wind up getting super fat, and not understanding why.

If you're not in a strenuous lifestyle, or you don't grasp the concept of portioning, you are going to get fat, and quickly, on the Keto diet.

Pic related is a full day's worth of food, for someone who basically chillaxes all day. That's 1300 calories, broken down as follows :

Breakfast: Arepa Con Queso (381 calories)

+ 1 peach (59 calories)

Lunch: Greek Yogurt Strawberry Egg Salad (239 calories)

+ 2 kiwis (92 calories)

Dinner: Sarku Japan Chicken Teriyaki Copycat Recipe (272 calories)

+ mixed vegetable stir fry (40 calories) + 3/4 cup white rice (154 calories) + 1 peach (59 calories)

Total Calories: 1,296

Learning how to eat this way is kind of a chore, but it's something that you'll have to do, if you're trying to either lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight. Especially if you don't have any sort of regular exercise that you're doing.


I think i already eat less than that and i'm still getting fat day after day.
I even tried to just eat one time per day but it didn't give any results. I guess the only solution for me should be smoking again and barely eating anymore. I did that for some months and i got skinny (also depressed and weak) but in just two months i got fat again.


It all depends on genetics. The blacks I work with eat mcdonalds for breakfast and lunch everyday and I'm pretty sure dinner is fried chicken in kfc and they are lean with 6 packs abs.



Younger people have higher metabolisms. Also, if you don't drink regularly, your liver will be more free to process fats, since it's not processing alcohol. They also might be exercising, or doing exercise as a lifestyle thing (think intramural sports), and they don't mention it ever. Probably just youth, though, that's the big thing. Your metabolism slows down as you age.


I never had that when I was young, so you're wrong.


I'm black and I'm fat as shit even though I only eat noodle based dishes+chicken. They probably work out or play sports or something.



It is only about 500 calories. 2 eggs, about 60g of sausage, and a sprinkling of shredded cheese.



Man, alcohol made me fat as fuck. Gained about 100lbs in a few months once I stopped exercising and started to drink like a fifth of liquor a day.


No, it's genetics. If you're a wizard you probably have shit genetics



I'm >>27718 but not the other guy. I'm black and if it wasn't for the alcohol I would've still had an athletic build. My muscles haven't atrophied like at all (I still got rock hard biceps under the fat and can flex my man titties like Terry Crews), the liquor just caused my body to pile on the fat.

Liquor trumps bred for slaving away in the cotton-field genetics any day.


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You are not everyone. Most people lose muscle mass and gain body fat as they get older. This is pretty much the natural order of things, and it happens to pretty much everyone. Most people have much higher metabolisms during puberty and the overall growth process, which stops around 25. Most kids are also pretty active, as well. If your parents fed you trash, like a lot of parents do, and then sat you in front of the TV, like a lot of parents do, yeah, you'd probably end up being a pretty big kid, and a quicker metabolism isn't going to magic that away. There are also some people who just have a low metabolism all their lives.
At a certain point, though usually between 30 and 40, metabolism does start to slow down for the average person, although it generally isn't particularly extreme. Overweight people and weaker (less muscle mass) people also burn less calories when resting, since muscle itself burns more calories than fat. So the fatter you are, and the less active you are, the less food you should eat. That 2000 calories isn't for everyone, and generally speaking, you will gain weight, if you're already fat, and you don't work out, and you eat 2000 calories a day. This is why everyone says, "diet and exercise".


Same here, booze was really what made me fat, in the end. Alcohol itself, as in ethanol, the chemical, has a ton of calories, and nobody ever counts those, or even bothers to check what the numbers are. Straight liquor only saves you 50 calories, per "drinking unit", so it's not even like you can just switch to vodka, and solve the problem, either.
It can also be easier to compulsively drink, than compulsively eat, since you're actually feeling good from it, but your body doesn't care, it's still all calories. Combine all those extra calories, with the liver inhibiting effects, and the tendency to eat junk food, or fast food, during a bender, and you've got a recipe for ridiculous obesity.

The plus side, though, is that it all comes back off relatively quickly, when you finally quit drinking, as long as you don't switch to sodas, or something.


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I did it! It tasted pretty decent, but it's definitely not something I could eat every day and not get tired of it. Was also pretty time consuming (1 hour 30 mins). The carrots were a pain to cut. I tried to julienne them and ended up with little triangular strips.


you must be wizard-chad then



I don't even know what that means.



That looks really good! Try grating the carrots next time, it's a lot easier and quicker to do, although it will change how they cook, so you'll have to add them in kind of near the end. You can experiment with different types of oils as well, but you might have to add them in later, and at a lower heat, so they don't burn.


Thanks for the feedback!
>grating the carrots
I wish I'd thought of that. It'll probably shave off a good 20 minutes from the prep time. I'll hold off on experimenting on the oils for now though, I think I want to focus more on trying out what all the different combinations and sauces are "supposed" to taste like before beginning to change things up.


Carbs are king…you can quote all the scientific sounding bullshit you want.



Seriously, just buy a nutrition textbook, the market's flooded with them, and the info never really changes. You can buy a used copy of one for like, 5 USD on amazon, and actually have real, useful, information, instead of believing whatever bullshit is in vogue on /fit/ this year. Don't be like that guy who listened to the "GOMAD BRAH" people, and wound up looking like a kiwi, because he didn't realize that he'd have to spend 3-5 hours in the gym, every day, to make that system work.

The first step, really, is to start counting calories, or otherwise keeping some type of food diary. You will never really know how much you're eating, until you start tracking it all, and getting at least a rough estimate of the numbers involved. It's very easy to think that you're not eating much, but then you run the numbers, and you find out that while you're only putting down 1500 calories, you're eating like, 300 grams of fat a day, or something, because you're eating nothing but meats, and you're nowhere near exercising enough to burn any of it off.

I remember a little joke about the "caveman diet", where people thought that if they ate nothing but heavy meats all day and night, they'd be as healthy as a caveman. The problem is, they forgot that cavemen had to track those meat sources all around the massive forests and plains, for days on end, and then battle them with spears.


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I am planning on making some noodle from scratch. I will go buy some mushrooms, chili powder, and leafy vegetables and make a "asian" noodle soup. I already have some soy sauce and flour.

I will make a very simple wheat noodle consisting of flour, water, and a bit of salt. Knead the dough and then let it rest. I will then flatten the dough and fold it into a log, then use a knife to cut it into noodle pieces. If it goes well then it has a very good chance of being the only dish that I will cook from now on(I rarely cook at all). I don't eat much and I don't want anything fancy, a simple noodle soup is a king's meal for me.


Not to mention that 'hunter gatherers' were actually 'gatherer hunters'. The hunting was opportunistic rather than the base of their food sources. Stone age humans ate everything. Food that didn't run away got priority.


That strongly depends site to site.
I would not be comfortable making such a generalization about all hunter gatherers.
For example hunter gatherers from far northern areas almost completely rely on hunting for a majority of their food.

It always depends on what is available where they are.


So, how did it turn out? I have done it a few time when I was younger. There weren't great, probably to thick, as some of them were under cooked, and irregularly shaped, but it was satisfying to eat. I don't recall what soup was used, but I think it was a very simple one, with a sort of Asian zucchini, soy sauce, sesame oil to perfume it, and a poached egg.


An other reason I can see why some were under cooked, is that I didn't knead, and let it rest long enough.


Moved out of house. All I know how to make is Peruvian stir fry (lomo saltado) and ceviche (which I posted ITT already). I was wondering if anyone here has "staples" that they can easily produce in bulk and which don't get tiring to eat day after day.


Latkes are usually my go-to when I'm looking for something relatively simple to make. The basic potato-onion recipe works just fine, but you don't have to stop there. Any kind of heavy stew can be added to the mix, and as long as you add enough thickening starch, like a wheat, rice, or corn flour, it'll come out reasonably well.

You can also make a really nicely filling sandwich, by taking a hot dog bun, yanking out a bunch of the bread in the middle, and filling that space with chopped veggies tossed with mayo and mustard. Just add a nice sausage, and you've got lunch.


sorry for the late reply.

The noodles were a little thick, I can easily fix that though. The broth was a little tricky to make but it came out tasting pretty good hahaha.

I stirfried some chopped onions, mushrooms, garlic, and carrots in olive oil. They went into the pot of water. I added the leafy vegetables as well along with the sauces and seasoning. Then I just ladled the broth and vegetables onto the cooked noodles.

It was good hahaha.


I want to add that it was very time consuming making every thing. I think I will just make a vegetable stew next time. Throw the stuff you want into a pot of water, season it, let it boil and then eat it, maybe with some rice?


So I stir fried some onions, mushrooms, and a single egg together, I seasoned with salt. It was really good hahahah. Forget the vegetable stew hahaha.

I will experiment with that dish by adding different vegetables. Stir frying really brings out the flavor.


Can someone recommend a wizardly meal that has:

>cheap ingredients, good $/calorie ratio

>can be cooked in a large batch and then stored for a week
>relatively healthy
>simple to cook for a beginner


Chile and pasta sauces are your best bet, the rice/pasta can be easily cooked when you want them fresh and you can make a huge batch and store some of it in the freezer.


i made some brown rice porridge. you add a 8 or so cups of water for every cup of uncooked rice and just boil it and cook it for like an hour. at around the 40 minute mark i mixed an egg in to thicken it, then added black pepper, bits of turkey, and cooked fish seasoning. i didn't have any soy sauce or amino acid, but that would have been good to add. was fairly simple. once the rice is kind of cooked you turn it down and you dont even need to stir it. i liked it much much better than oatmeal porridge which is usually bland.


I should have been more detailed here, actually. I didn't post any specific recipes because it depends on what flavors you like, plus it's easy enough for you to look up. But chili is as simple as frying up some onion (with anything else you might like) then adding in a few other ingredients and just letting it sit on low heat. Simple as that.

You could also eat it without any rice or whatever if you want to avoid carbs.

Same with a lot of pasta sauces but those are always better with the actual pasta.


Well you could start by putting together a simple tomato sauce. Dice some onions, cook in a little oil until soft (like 4 minutes), dice and add a clove or two of garlic, cook that a little. Then add two cans of chopped tomatoes. Simmer on a low heat with stirring every 5-10 minutes (I just play a handheld game or something) for 40 minutes. Add some dried mixed herbs and you have a very basic tomato sauce.
Goes well with pasta.
With this sauce you do things like add extras; mushrooms, mince, chopped sausages, tuna, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, just look for stuff that's cheap. You'll want something proteiny in it be it lentils, mince or even vegetarian mince substitutes (which taste alright, contain protein and are cheaper than real mince most of the time).
If you add real mince you'll want to cook that seperately then drain off the liquid. But vegetarian frozen stuff you can just add.



I just ruined what could have been my only meal of the day. It was ground beef season with salt, pepper,caramelized onions, mexican green pepper, and white sugar. The taste of it is so sweet and disgusting I can't even eat one small bite without my body rejecting it and feeling nauseous. Before I used this exact same recipe, but with brown sugar and it came out delicious. I don't know how the hell I went wrong cooking this, but I'll starve for sure now.


When it comes to weight, it doesn't matter what they eat but the portions. For example an egg Mcmuffin and hash brown from McDonalds are around 450 calories. For an adult male that isn't much at all.
Not to mention they probably go to the gym in their spare time. More muscles = more calories burned. I imagine a lot of wizards have low muscle mass. Really if you want to eat more just put on more muscle, my metabolism has increased greatly since I started working out a year ago.


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A flakelicious Sonoma Bakery croissant is injected with a molten hot, gloriously rich salted egg yolk custard

I'm more of an eater than a cooker.



that looks fucking delicious. jumped out of the screen at me.


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I don't cook a lot but i always liked cooking. My mom doesn't have time to make stuff and i was feeling like doing something so i learned how to make chicken curry and chicken risotto, one a very spicy and rich chicken meal and the other a very mild and soft one. Both came out dank as fug because i'm great, didn't take pictures though


Recipe? That looks amazing.


I have a bunch of oatmeal left over. Was starting to think of ways to recycle it.

I was thinking maybe a soup. Is there any ways to flavor oatmeal after cooking it?

I like making up recipes some times and taking inspirations from other places.


Add peanut butter, honey, and mix-ins like nuts or dried fruit then pop them in the fridge.

No bake oatmeal bars.

They are really sticky though so be sure to use parchment paper.


Get some proper ceylon cinnamon, adds a lot of life to oatmeal no matter what you plan to do with it.

On a side note, who else is pumped for $0.60 turkey and ham?


Does anyone have any tips or especially resources for the beginner cook? Even the beginner or easy recipes on the websites I have visited are too complicated for me. I can work an oven, microwave, and cooker, but I've never done any real cooking other than heating up frozen pizza or boiling pasta. I wish there was a resource that held your hand step by step in easing into cooking like there is with every other skill (programming, drawing, musical instruments etc) but instead you just have to follow "beginner" recipes that all involve ten different ingredients, half of which you've never heard of. I need recipes that involve a maximum of five ingredients and simple techniques.


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Start really simple and work up. Like eggs.


Try 'learn to cook' by Hilah Johnson.
I haven't read it fully, but I've glazed over it (I'm writing a collection of recipes framed for the total beginner too.)
I've glossed through it and it's full of pretty simple recipes.

I share your frustration, looking for things to cook is like looking through a fucking modern art museum, everything requires foreign spices from madgascar or freshly honed sea bass or some other expensive garbage.
The reason is due to societal issues. Short version: succubi being forced out of homemaking and into work mean that the people who cook are those who can now afford to not work, IE, the middle class, who can also afford dumb ingredients and to waste their fucking afternoon on a fucking frittata. I don't even know what a frittata is. Not necessarily succubi, just anyone with spare time and money.
NEETs have spare time but no money.

Anyway, that book is the closest I've seen to what I wanted to write.

Actually one more- look for old homemaking books. Books intended for highschool succubi back in the early 1900s. Teaching them how to make food for their husband using simple ingredients, and going through all the methods and such because they're teaching children.


Things I can cook/prepare:
- hard boiled eggs, fried eggs, omelette
- cooking pasta, rice, polenta, buckwheat
- tomato salad, green salad
- bolognese sauce, adding shit like legumes or canned vegetables
- cooking on skillet/frying pan: chicken nuggets, chicken breast (boneless), turkey, steak, chicken wings, kebab meat, ground meat, pork chop

I really need to expand my repertoire.


I just realized that I can steam veggies in my rice cooker, while it's on the "keep warm" setting. Honestly, I really suggest everyone get a rice cooker, or at least consider it. It has changed my life, when it comes to cooking. They can be a little on the pricey side, but damn they are worth every penny.


People who still fry ANYTHING should just drop dead from cancer right now to save the rest of the humanity from stomach aches.


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Learn to make drink too!


Made some Louis CK style fried chicken


sweet lord when i watch cooking videos and they use all these fancy stuff and produce this delicious meal at the end it just blows me away

one day i'll make something good


Made my first seafood stew, fellow wizzies. The entire process was a clusterfuck filled with substitutes and mistakes, but the end product was pretty fokin good.

Started with a cajun mirepoix (Onions, carrots, peppers) as my flavor base. I had serious difficulty finding fish frames/heads to make homemade fish stock, and surprisingly an even harder time finding regular premade fish stock. Not a common item, so I bought clam juice and diluted it a bit so it wasn't too salty, only I was worried I didn't have enough so I started this recipe off in a pan looking to make a small serving of thick stew.

Step 2 was to add the clam juice/water to my veggies and boil some potatoes in there, only my pan was too small so I steamed the potatoes separately. Eventually I said fuck it and tossed it all into my steaming pot, added more water/clam juice and suddenly had a bigger pot of stew than I planned.

Added garlic, bay leaves, paprika, cayenne, salt/pepper (didn't add too much because reduced clam juice has a LOT of salt - or so I heard, actually wound up not having enough by the end). Waited till tators were soft, cut up some haddock/cod, salted/peppered the pieces and tossed them in with a variety of other spices like parsley to make it look fancy, only I had too much fish and had to add more veg and transfer it to an even bigger pot.

Then I set to thicken it all and realized I forgot to buy heavy cream and didn't have milk ffs. Mixed some water with flour and used that instead, was OK but not as savory as I wanted. Melted some butter in there for shits by the end.

After some tasting for seasonings, spooned it out onto a shallow bowl and added some toasted bread. Was really good all things considered.


I made an egg and bacon sandwiche, yes it was delicious AND filling.

Next time I'll try to make rice with, this is an original idea so don't steal, rice.


your post motivated me to make an egg-turkey-cheese bagel sandwich in the microwave. so good.


Protip, you can also steam/cook small, thin, cuts of meat in a rice cooker as well. You can just put them in with the water at the beginning along with some herbs or spices, and then cook as per normal. You can add a bit of wine for flavor as well, and then put the veggies in around the end of the cooking process, or during the "keep warm" phase. Just make sure you're setting alarms, so you don't overcook everything!


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found quite possible the easiest soup recipe. i'm going to try making it using a microwave later today, or whenever i get a chance


Try a tomato + mayo sandwich. Yeah, I know how it sounds. But it's damn gud, give it a shot.
Also one of my favourites is a pate + cheese sandwich.


Anyone have that original pdf of basic meals and ingredients?


File: 1488565907546-0.pdf (7.64 MB, Eating Good and Cheap.pdf)

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One of these?


Yeah i think it was that first one, thanks


I kind of want to try making gyoza but i know nothing about cooking and i can't find pre made gyoza pads anywhere.


yesterday I made rice balls with salt and minced mushrooms

no seaweed topping though

they're a good snack for long walks



woops, didn't mean to submit post

found this article and it has some interesting things. going to try making some


What do you mean pads? You mean the dough circles?

Those are not too hard to make by hand, its just a simple dough (flour and hot/cold water), rolled out to relatively thin size then cut with circular cutter. Fill with gyoza mix, brush the edges with water and pinch together or use a fork to create a crimping pattern, then steam or fry them.


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also, i found this picture when learning which flours are the cheapest and most calorie dense.

it seems you can buy 2000 calories worth of "potato flour" for less than $2, when you purchase it in bulk online. kind of interesting knowing you aren't limited the the shitty white flour

the differences are often the nutritients and calories, some flours are super dense compared to regular flour, and some are much more nutritious. but if we are poor which are you going to pick? the calorie-dense ones. the good thing about these flours is that they are calorie-efficient, meaning they have more calories for the same weight, which means if you purchase them online, you are saving quite a lot because you don't have to buy as much. anyway, just something i thought was interesting. i like cheap foods and thinking how i could survive for cheap, and this seemed funny


Be aware though, different flours have different cooking qualities. For instance many of the alternate ones lack gluten and won't hold together too well and they are almost useless for applications that require a consistent dough without adding some regular flour or a gelling agent (xanthan gum for instance).

Also many alternative flours are more expensive because they aren't grown in bulk, or if they are they are not as productive as wheat. Excepting a few alternative flours like Potato flour many are more expensive and less available (at least in America).


There's more to eating than calories. The reason why potato flour is so high in calories is because it has almost nothing but starch in it.
Great for fermenting to make vodka, bad for nutrition.

Buy whole wheat flour. Best value for money, since it's the brown parts of the flour that contain all the minerals and vitamins, and wheat is a good 14% protein.


they are actually very similar in terms of nutrition, except probably selenium and magnesium. i checked nutrition charts


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I made this for lunch today: potato hash with chorizo, bell peppers, onion, eggs, and avocado. First I boiled some cubed potato until soft and diced the chorizo and fried it in a pan. After about 10 or 15 minutes I took out the chorizo, added some butter to the pan and fried an onion and the peppers for about 15 minutes. Then I added the potato and seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, oregano, and paprika. After about half an hour I put the chorizo back in and made a space for the eggs. Threw on the avocado when the eggs were done. I enjoyed it, tasted pretty good.


Is this a common dish where you live?


Nah not really


Made some French toast for breakfast (forgot to take pics)

Tsp of cinnamon,1/4 tsp of nutmeg,2 eggs,80ml milk,tsp of vanilla,2 tbspns of sugar and 3 tspns of melted butter

Mixed it all up in a bowl,dunked my bread in and threw it on the frying pan until each side was golden brown.

Used grinder bread. Ive always found it to work best. It was pretty good,put some maple syrup on top.


How many spices to add to have an impact on the dish?

I need to make some chickpeas as well because I've never eaten them. I'm planning on capitalizing on one or two flavors from the OP's third picture, but mostly sweet.

Ginger, Garlic, nutmeg and basil possibly. I want to see what happens. I know the garlic and ginger combo works very well, but not sure about nutmeg and basil. I will definitely try it, but I need to understand the limits on a dish.


I heat up my mcdouble in microwave from the fridge from day before, had to remove the pickles because they get super hot inside it and put it back in. 45 secs for the fake cheese to melt. Drank it down with a Dr. Pepper.


Holy shit. I made top ramen today! It was the first time I made something. I was scared I'd burn the house down, but somehow it survived.

I love cooking and japanese food!!!!!!



Go easy on the nutmeg on savory dishes. Also you're leaving out cumin, and if there's one spice that goes with chickpeas, it's cumin.


A frittata is just a type of omelette.

When looking for things to cook, focus on traditional dishes as they require widely available ingredients.

If you don't track your calories you're probably wrong. Eyeballing it is EXTREMELLY inaccurate.



Thank you cook-wiz. I never made the chickpeas, but in the mean time, I found a video on how to sprout beans by using a wet paper towel like they do in biology classes.

Today I made some spaghetti with collards and lentils. Believe it or not, it looked really good for something so weird. I put poppy seeds on it to get some extra nutrition, and it didn't impact the taste too much while giving it a nice amount of color.

Collards are actually great for these because when you cook them for a minute, they turn a really nice color of green. It's the kind of green that looks like a plant is really healthy, a beautiful green.

If you want to make this meal, make sure to cook the lentils long before the pasta so you don't spend an hour on it. Also, for me, at least, freeze the leafy greens beforehand because I don't eat leafy greens too much. I didn't have enough containers this time, so a lot was wasted in the end. Make a one pound batch to refrigerate and add to dishes later.

My lentils, which were brown, colored the pasta brown, and it made it look a lot nicer than the regular whitish pasta. It's all drowned in pasta sauce though. This is if you cook them together though. The lentils have to be cooked first for about 20 minutes, and then another ten minutes for the pasta. With that, they're soft enough to enjoy without any problems.Add the collards, cut up, about two cups, for about a minute, and then drain the entire thing. The collards will look a nice shade of green. Add the pasta back to the pot, add the sauce, cook for five more minutes with spices like basil, oregano, etc. then you're done.

If you did a serving each, it'll be a bit low on calories, sadly. A serving of 2 oz pasta is about 200 calories with my lentils being about 160. A cup of collards is supposedly about 100 calories too, so it's about 400 calories.

This is why I think I should eat more. Jesus. I think I eat about 1,000 calories a day.

What are good spices wizards put into your oatmeal? I would put spices in, but it seems it tastes like the raw spice, but ladled with water and hot. A banana works for me, but I eat bananas pretty frequently when I have them, so I'm out in a week. Obviously, I don't do my shopping, but my parents do it.


I prefer mixing my lentils with curry and ghee or butter. Gives it a nice savor.



I made some chickpeas. I managed to soak them for a day and somehow sprout them. I think it was either because I was rinsing them, or because the bowl below the chickpeas, which were in a strainer. With the chickpeas, I made a patty using a potato masher. The first time worked well enough because I heated them up with water, but they were still quite dry. I am considering combining spices with water and adding water to the already moist chickpeas next time. I could also consider soaking them in a spice mixture, but it's meant to be a quick meal.

In the meantime, I've figured out that if you add the spices later in the meal, not at the beginning, the taste won't dull. I add spices, but I only got the smell. Another possibility is that the spices have become stale. It makes sense because a lot of the spices were in the cabinet for a few years maybe.

Regarding collards, I have also learned that you can soak them in a salt bath to destroy the bitterness, so I won't have to salt the water and hope for the best. I will be blanching the cut up collards, and then putting them in cold water. I've done this once, and from that, I got a good product, but it was encapsulated in ice from excess water. I will plan ahead for this and post the results when I feel like it. It's not like anyone else is posting.

I will eventually experiment with pre-cooking pasta and beans to season them later. I will need to find the appropriate information later though.



Decided to add spice to the chili I made. It didn't work as planned, but there was also a lot of chili. I managed to cut and blanch the collards a while ago. They turned out great when I made them into "ribbons".

I'm experimenting with more spices. For the chili the spices were as follows

1 Tbsp of chili powder
1 tsp of cumin
1 tsp of paprika
1 tsp of onion powder
1 tsp of garlic powder
1/2 tsp of tumeric
sprinkle of some random orange spice I found

It colored the bowl, but had little taste or smell. I might have not cooked it in long enough. I can try with other smaller dishes to see if it works. I like a lot of spice.

I have not pre-cooked any pasta, but I made some beans that I can try to spice later. I am considering doing the same thing I did with the chickpeas and putting a little bit of water in a pan with the beans along with spices. I'll tell you all how that goes.



Reminder to NOT add leafy greens or much else to your chili. It just doesn't go well with the entire thing. Add corn or other traditional things. Sweet potatoes worked pretty well too.

I've been reading about Chinese cooking, and I want to incorporate the ideas into my cooking. The most popular idea is blanching leafy greens and then flavoring them. I am consider trying broth/stock and water to try to flavor it to avoid eating oil twice a day (leafy greens for lunch and dinner). I want to incorporate fermentation into my diet, but corn is really the cheap starch around here. If I notice something else cheap around, I want to buy a mass quantity of it and ferment it for the rest of the year to save money in the long run. For snacks, I am considering nuts, fermented foods, and supposedly fruit.

It's really about how cheap I can make things without going crazy, and how I can use different spice combinations to step out of my Western cooking ideas.

You all do know that it's a popular idea to just boil vegetables and add something like butter, right? For example, either mixed vegetables with no spice, or with butter. I try to use spices like cumin, chili powder, and turmeric to spice things up.

I am going to experiment with spices that are not complementary and trying to heat them up to release their flavors like in Indian dishes. Sadly, I have ground stuff, not whole. I can try that though.

Also, I have unseasoned beans, so I'll see what I can do to spice them up. I have ideas for roasting them in the oven or doing my original route and try to spice them up in different ways.


Hi, just making a comment about a post a wizzie made on the wiz board in terms of the egg, spices, milk and rice combo.

I did it myself today but I put three eggs stirred it and then put milk and curry powder in. Then I put a little bit of rice in and fried it.

It tasted really nice I was going to take a picture but I didn't have my phone on me at the time.


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How do I cook?

I bought a shit load of delimeat, cheese and bread so I always had sandwiches to eat at home and no longer have an excuse to stop on the way home from work and eat out.

Is it cheaper to cook your own meals, or to just eat sandwiches?

I usually spend 30-40 dollars a weekday on bullshit eating out and bullshit red bulls and coffee

I spent that same amount today buying sandwich material and lipton teas and am putting 150-160 dollars into my pocket by doing so if I can stretch 2 pounds of sliced turkey to last a week.

The teas were $10 but I could probably brew tea my self for a month with $10


That's pretty nice


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It is day 2 of the week and I have already demolished half a loaf of bread, 1 pound turkey, 1 pack of sargento cheese

and 8 of my 24 green teas

Things are not looking well.


Shit nobody's posted here in 3 months,what the heck?

Anyway,I'm never going back to the American style waffle batter recipe again. The traditional Belgian one is more work but way more delicious (and filling)


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does these sandvich seem… viable?


It looks too viable! This looks like a sandwich that should be nerfed. Way too strong! Please don't post this without some kind of warning. I've been forced to go shopping because of this, unfortunately.


write back with updates and results pl0x.


I fuck my sunny-side-up eggs every time I try.
Either the yoke is too cooked, I burned the bottom, or the top white hasn't cooked all the way. Maybe I'm just too greedy and you can't do three eggs the same way as two or one, but goddamnit.

I'm not a fan of this ride the wave shit, man. I'd love to do some math to figure out exactly what I need to do every time.


Put a lid on the pan to deflect heat back to the top. This will fix your uncooked whites problem.

I gave up eggmancy when I was 7. I just scramble it all to an even yellow and put some ketchup on the side. True utilitarian egg cookins


>Put a lid on the pan to deflect heat back to the top.

I just lid mine and keep the heat on the lowest setting. About 20 minutes later they're perfect.


That's what I do, but I guess I just dial the temp too high.
Cooking for a long time on a low temp still leaves them runny, though, yeah?


>Cooking for a long time on a low temp still leaves them runny, though, yeah?

How could it? No. If you've ever watched someone make good burgers or pancakes you know those took a slow, low heat under a lid, and the result was a uniform, well-done consistency. Well eggs are no different.


Well that's my problem.
I'm trying to cook them so the whites are all done, it's not burned on the bottom, and the yoke is runny.


tell us how it goes


A good omelette is basically two things: Well whisked, with a little bit of milk added, and not cooked all the way. Should be a little bit uncooked and wibbly on one side.


I use sour cream.


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Requesting some books on baking. Basics, advanced stuff, everything wil do. Just baked my first loaf today, and the process was satisfying. Maybe baking can hook me for a long run.


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how to make a burger like this?


>blue burger

Ah, are you colour blind, anon?


Ugh, looks fucking raw.


>under a lid
Maybe that's where I've been going wrong! I'm decent at flipping them and I use a good recipe, but I've never considered using a lid, although I really should have. I'll try that and come back if it made an impact.


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I made frittata. First time. Mom brought a lot of eggs so I thought of making something that used them. I just put some leftovers in it, but I wish I had more ingredients. Everything considered it's pretty ok, I'm probably going to do this again. Pretty simple and easy and still tasty.


Don't, it's not sanitary, you'll get food poisoning.


Recently learned how to make dried beans and lentils.
I think I will stick with can beans because of the prep and long cook time. But lentils are awesome, less of a pain to make, and can be seasoned to go with a massive number of different dishes.
It has inspired me to get a bigger pot so I can make them in batches so I can have a container full of yummy lentils throughout the week.




The preparation can be done while you do something else, so it's not that much a pain, unless you spend your time looking at your beans getting soaked. It takes a lot of time, so it's not the ideal meal to cook if you're hungry, but you can get it ready in advance, or make a large batch so you can make salads or reheat it.



Do not like. The person squished the burger, but little juice went out. The burger is really pink in the middle, and it looks like the cut isn't suited for a burger anyways. Also, it looked extremely hard to cut.

Burgers should be tender, juicy, and cooked. This "burger" is none of those.


Sounds to me live you were starving. When you starve, your metabolism slows, and you feel weak. Of course if you have no metabolism you will gain weight from food.


Do you think if I add corn starch to store bought hot sauce I can make it thicker without changing it flavor profile?


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Nice job, it looks delicious.


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There's a fucking reason people post new threads, because lumping everything into one thread makes sure that nobody will read the post.

I "invented" this new food that's fairly cheap, easy to make and very delicious as a snack and as dinner. I tried doing the Chinese steamed buns with meat inside but there were always issues with the contents falling out pre-cooking or the contents taking too little or too much space of the bun which distorted the taste and the consistency. I tried various things to make the Chinese steamed bun work but it just never really did.

So I came up with the idea of making the dough into small pancake shapes, pressing the filling onto the pancakes and rolling them, sealing the ends and the mid so it's a completely sealed tootsie roll. Then they rise and I steam them in my homemade steamer.

For the dough I use 2 eggs and a bit of milk powder (milk powder adds fluffiness but is not necessary), a little bit of oil or butter to counteract the stickiness of the eggs, spices if I want (curry and garlic are the only I found that work) and white flour (I prefer gluten flour). I add enough flour to make it able to be shaped and not stick to my hands. I knead it and divide into into pieces and then make pancakes shapes out of the pieces which I make into tootsie rolls.
For the bun to seal it needs to be able to stick to itself, and for this it needs to not be excessively dry, it needs the eggs and it needs to be kneaded (gluten development adds stickiness). The bun can stick to itself (to seal it) even though it doesn't necessarily stick to you or other things.

For the filling the meats need to be soft post-cooking. Most meats harden during cooking and can only be used if you cook them separate first and then finely chop (use a blender) them. As meats cook they lose a lot of water so don't be so sure they're dry before being cooked.
Ham (the jelly, pink stuff) is the best because it tastes great and stays soft after being cooked. I put my ham pieces into a blender without any liquid. The ham needs to be grounded because larger pieces will poke holes in the dough and escape.
The meat filling always needs to be as dry as possible otherwise water will be pouring out of the bun after it's cooked and the bun will not rise properly. If it is wet then seasonings and starches can take up some of the liquid but they should be used sparsely.
The drier the meat is the less seasoning it needs to be able to be tasted.
Also, since the tootsie roll is steamed and not boiled the flavors inside the tootsie roll will not escape or lessen so a little spices go a very long way and you can easily use too much.

FYI I have tried several things for fillings. I've tried 3 types of nuts and seeds (peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts) grounded and mixed with honey used as a filling in the tootsie roll. This was a little too sweet but otherwise delicious. I've tried meat mixed with grounded nuts and seeds used as a filling, which was delicious but a little more expensive. I've tried several types of meats including lamb meat, pork, cow (ground meat) and ham.
Steaming is the best choice for bread with fillings as the bread will be less likely to crack during cooking than if cooked in an oven. Boiling is the worst option.



Made and ate some oatmeal.


This is not a fast site.
Even if you don't get a direct responce you can be sure your post does get read.
If you need to be a attention whore then go back to 4chad. Otherwise learn the site culture and you will do fine.


I just cracked and stirred 10 eggs together and made them this way. Took a bit longer than 20 minutes but the giant egg pancake came out perfect.


What are some powerful spices for meats that really take over and define the flavor?


Don't forget delicious oyster sauce if you're going that way.



Have you tried using a bean filling? Whether pasted or not, but pasted is recommended.


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This feels like a relevant thread to bump now, what with Thanksgiving hitting burgerland tomorrow. Any other wizzies living on their own and just making a nice meal for themselves tomorrow? What are you making?

I got a hold of a few quails, because I don't need a 15 pound turkey all to myself. I'll bake those and have them with a mashed sweet potato and a can of jellied cranberry sauce. I think it'll be a pretty good Thankgiving, as far as Thanksgivings go.


Meal cooked and consumed, it turned out pretty good I think.

The quails I soaked in a mixture of olive oil, butter, and a few spices. Then I wrapped them in bacon and baked them for 15 minutes at 500°F. I've never had quail before, so I can't definitively say how it compared to your typical quail meat, but the bacon at least tasted noticeably better than normal bacon. The birds themselves came out tasty enough, and juicy too, but I didn't realize just how little usable meat there would be. I had to pick them up and tear them apart with my hands and teeth like an animal. Might get a duck next year just because eating it would be less effort. At least there was nobody around to see me make a mess.

The mashed sweet potatoes came out fantastic. I boiled them for ten minutes in a mixture of water and chicken broth. Then I mixed eggnog, butter, and powdered sugar in a bowl, poured the potatoes in, and mashed them. Easily the best sweet potatoes I've ever eaten, way better than a regular baked sweet potato with marshmallows on top. They even had a noticeable taste of eggnog.

What did other cooking wizzies do for Thanksgiving?


anyone have experience making pizza? gonna try making pizza from scratch, don't wanna fuck up the dough


Whats very good is canned Calm Chowder from the mart, with extra clam meat and juice to make it more meaty, and then flour to even out the juice and make it creamy not watery. Its as good as the restaurant


I tried to sear a steak, ands it went drastically wrong. Normally just broil it but I never get a nice crust when I do that.

Stainless Steel Triply pan. Turned heat on to medium (most recipes say high, but that's burned every single peice of food I've tried so I use medium as high), let it heat enough until the whole "ball of water bounces around the pan" stage. Vegetable oil. Put steak in, massive amounts of smoke (set the alarm off), leave it for a minute or two, it's stuck to the pan when I try to flip it. Eventually pry it fre from the pan and there's lots of mismatched coloring. No uniform sear at all, it's just dry and disgusting. Inside is overcooked way before outside is.


Heat on full. Some butter. When it's fully heated throw the steak in. Let sit 10sec and move it from the spot u added it to and scrape the stuff out that has burned on the pan. Move back to the spot and scrape again if necessary. Then wait till liquid rises up and turn and again wait till the liquid rises up (through the steak) and it's ready.
Key is to burn the proteins(?) from surface out and then scrape them off so it doesn't affect heat and it wont get stuck either


Just used an instapot for the first time for beans. I soaked them for 8 hours firstly and added about a 1/2 T of chipolate powder and paprika + enough water to cover the beans. I probably put too much water in though. In fact, just take out the water since the instantpot doesn't make the water thick and delicious. Also, add twice as much spice. I swear to god, the person who actually does these recipes is infamous (to me) for underspicing her food. It had so little taste.

Drain the water afterwards, put twice as much spices, and then it'll be better.


I watched an episode of iron chef (not that dopey american imitation) where they used a little butane torch to sear a meat.


Today i finally learned how make mashed potatoes, following the recipe of the late chef Jöel Robuchon. It was delicious, better than any puree i had in my life. But it shows how bad i really am, since the recipe was so simple.


>Jöel Robuchon
right after I mentioned iron chef there I remembered the episode with this man, then you posted this



This is what I needed, since mom cooking leaves me starving.


what makes this even more weird is the way i found out about him. Watching a documentary called Jiro dreams of sushi that i have no idea who recommended or suggested, specially since i normally don't watch this kinda of stuff.In the movies which the chef jiro mentions robuchon being a really great chef, i naturally got curious and searched for recipes made by him, the man was a genius. the documentary is really great and i recommend to all that wishes to dedicate themselves in something or just want to entertain themselves and like documentaries or biographies.



Ut's been a while, but since then, I had done that, and even then, it wasn't too spiced. Turns out instapot recipes lesd to lesser spiced recipes versus traditional cooking.


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Anyone here do sweet desserts?


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What can you cook? I can cook anything!


I think you may have misinterpreted what this thread is actually about.


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Indian is fine


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Firebending cooking


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Food, glorious food



does anyone have experience with these? the store near me sells almost all the bagged peppers there, I love peppers but most of those ones I've never heard of


I have never cooked with them but have eaten dishes with them in it. Its pretty good if used correctly.


what's pretty good? there's like a dozen types of peppers there


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Anyone for carb+protein combos?


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Cheeseburger & Apple Roses


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Where is the beef?


that roses thing looks good, but I don't have an oven to bake them at 375 degrees. Otherwise I would try it, I think


Its probably Fahrenheit.
375 - 32 = 343
343/1.8 = 190


yeah I know, but you still need an oven. I think I have one in my relatives kitchen, but it has no buttons or indicators to see and set temps


I think I just found the simplest baking recipe ever. I might actually make this. Even the laziest fuck in the world could make this. Looks like a good tea snack, too.



1 bag glutinous rice flour (400 g)
1 tbsp baking powder
2 1/2 cups milk or coconut milk
3 eggs
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/4 cup sugar


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 9″ or 9″ x 13″ cake pan.
2. Mix all the ingredients until batter is smooth.
3. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 45-50 minutes.
4. Serve warm or cold.


Looks good, when I get some coconut milk I will try it.


Last week I made an old standby, chicken gravy on top of white rice. The gravy is flour in water with bouillon and browning sauce, meat and a little salt. But this time I added some curry powder, a non-spicy kind (if those exist) that has bay leaf in it among other things. I think it was the McCormick spice brand curry powder. Anyway the aroma was insane, and the hint of bay leaf really topped it off.

I made it again this week. It was as good as the first time.


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Sounds delicious



Yes. Beans.


Any good soup recipes?


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Use this mix, then add extra egg noodles and some canned chicken and if you like cut some carrots up very small and toss them in the pan mixture and boil it for about 8 minutes and you'll have what my mother and I have long considered a great "welfare meal".

Which is code for easy to make food when we don't actually feel like cooking something more substantial and decent.

Basically this soup is good enough to get you by and sate your hunger.

Especially if you suck down some saltine crackers with it.


Mirepoix, bay leaf, canned tomatoes, s n p, soy sauce, oil, lentils/rehydrated chickpeas, garlic, italian herbs mix. Throw it all in a pot with some water and mix occasionally. The soup is ready when the legumes are fully cooked (about 30-40 mins)


i picked a few dozen green cherry tomatoes last week and thought they would ripen quick enough indoors, but i got tired of waiting. so i fried them up. they were soaked in egg/milk and dipped into flour, parmesan, salt, pepper mixture. and then pan fried in canola oil for a minute or so on both sides. grinded pepper and salt onto them when they were taken out. it made probably 60 because they are so small and was great.

i wish i had planted okra this year, but green tomatoes are good too.


Damn, I'm stupid. I thought it was glutinous rice, not glutinous rice flour. I wonder If I can just do it with the rice.


It turned out pretty terrible, it was a bad idea to begin with.


Start with chicken soup


btw I just tried this again with beef instead of chicken, and wild rice instead of white rice. The flavor was non existent.

I bought something called "california chili peppers" for my chili. The things are waxy, non spicy and flavorless. Even after boiling them they still had the consistency of plastic and were tough to chew. But should've known better than to buy anything with that evil shithole's name on it.

I think I'll try "japanese red peppers" next. Nothing with japan on it has ever failed me.



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This looks really good but how does the bread not get soggy and how does the bread or foil not burst from the weight?


Strawberry rose. Just knife skills needed.


I made an apple pie in the garage it was bretty gud


dump rice in a pot
fill with way too much water
put on hottest burner
squirt canola oil on a pan
throw frozen chopped peas and carrots into pan
when they are soft push to side and crack some eggs
scramble the shit and just mix everything to soak the oil
rice should be bubbling over which means its done
strain the water out with a plate over the pot
dump the veggies and eggs in pot
grind ass loads of black pepper, add salt, small onion powder, then a decent amount of teriyaki sauce so it turns darker

been doin this recently. it is my attempy to make fried rice. didnt know we had soy sauce so i used that other stuff, the main ingredient was soy sauce though and so it still tasted good


Any good soup recipes?


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1 can of kidney beans
1 can of tomatoes
1 can of corn (I only had creamed corn though)
2 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp oregon
1 tbsp smoked paprika
1 tbsp beef stock powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
Salt to taste

Might not look the nicest but it tastes good and was easy to make.


Anything that taste good is bad for you

Even things that were good for you are now bad for you

What is going on?


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Anything that you enjoy eating can make you eat more than you should.
As long as you're not overweight or most of your calories are from alcohol your basically fine.


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Baking is fun.




Get a bigger bowl.


anyone tried wasabi? what's it like

I watched a japanese movie where the man packed a bunch on top of some sushi against the chef's warning and it seemed to burn like hell, it looked fun


Yeah, it tingles your nose pretty good.


Have you ever had horseradish?
It is very similar to horseradish but with a bit of it's own kind of peppery flavor with a slightly bitter finish that pares well with salty foods (like fish and vinegared rice that are found in sushi) rather then the subtle sweet finish of the more common western horseradish that goes better with beef and gamy flavors imo.

Basically if you are broke or it isn't available in your area you can try horseradish to feel what it is like even if the flavor is a bit different.


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I like runny yolks


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fellow wizzes and mages, I've become addicted to pierogi/pelmeni/vareniki


nice done bratan


I agree, pajeet food is amazing. Do you have any recipes.
Awesome webms and foods


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You eat my food and still be rasict about it..


One can enjoy their vvomen and still look down on them


What pleasure do you get from looking down on us?
I don't get it, we are human just like you.


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Anyone ever made breadsticks with frozen dough sheets, but using a basic microwave without any "bakery" functions?


That sounds like it wouldn't work well. But if I had to i might try and scavenge those things you cook hot pockets in and put the dough in that. It might turn out more crispy.


is pic related a breadstick?


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no, i was lazy and imagesearched just "frozen dough something.."


ah, was hoping there was some category of breadstick i simply never heard of


Old-style Chinese desserts


I think I am going to try making eggs in my table top oven and see if I can come up with a few ways to make them in a way I like.

Any suggestions, I mean eggs are pretty simple, it is just that most of the ways I learned to prepare them have been on stove top.


you might be able to get a basic frittata going in there. the challenge would be that most ingredients people used to elevate them beyond eggs/cheese/milk will need to be precooked. still, ham, salami, etc. would work without the use of a pan, and you might have leftover cooked veg laying around.


Was expecting dog's testicles and anuses


Expecting Chinese food to be like that is expecting Florida & Texas to serve snake meat ….


You're right

Next thing you know they will be saying that the Chinese eat bats too!


Somewhat eating a carnivore diet, I buy my meat from frankiesfreerangemeat.com, free shipping in US but you can only order $100+.
Ate raw beef belly yesterday. Was very good. A lot like sushi. Subtle. It has to be room temperature or you can't taste it.
Cooked good meatballs today. ½ lb hamburger, some tallow, sharp goat cheese, an egg. Cooked it in a pan with tallow. Tallow has a high smoke point (somewhere 420-480 degrees, 215-250 celsius), I turned the stove up nearly all the way.
They were delicious. Very well browned. Usually too scared to cook in a pan hot enough to brown. I could learn to balance it out better, as the flavor was dominated by the cheese. I thought I was eating goat meat but it was just the cheese. The cheese also has a fruity taste, quite nice. I wanted to add milk but I am out.
I am craving raw milk but I only buy half a gallon a week and I drink it in two days. I've decided it's worth the money to order as much as I want to drink. A quart a day might even be a little less than how much I actually want. I'm gonna turn some into kefir too.


Cheese and milk isn't giving you bad mucus?
Is it because it's raw that makes it healthier?
What about the parasites in raw meat, don't these affect you?


man you really got him. I also heard the chinese forcefeed geese to death, and then take the liver and eat it.


Heard that a Chinese Stacy died eating live octopus that suffocated her from the inside
Gonna sleep well tonight boyos


I don't know anything about bad mucus. Yeah raw + pasture fed is healthy. I drank some pasteurized but grassfed milk today because I was craving milk so much and I regretted it. I'll never drink it again. It's very different. My cheese also is grassfed and raw always. You can get raw grassfed cheese at your ordinary grocery store if you buy certain types like parmigiano reggiano which legally must be from grassfed raw milk from a certain part of Italy.

Parasites are mostly good. They regulate the immune system and cure allergies and asthma. It's just like most bacteria in your body being good ideally.

Trichinosis is the one parasite that I am avoiding. I don't know if it would be bad to have but I'll hold off from eating raw boar, bear and venison until I look into it.


carnivore thread


I should add that when I first started drinking raw milk I was sick for a week or two. I think my stomach was inflamed, even when I woke up. But I craved more raw milk. Maybe just rival bacteria competing.


And eating raw and even rotting meat I did not have to adjust to at all.


Have you not heard of the parasites that end up in peoples brains from eating raw meat? Or maybe that's what you allude to through trichinosis


Thanks for the video, very interesting, i think raw meat is going to make a comeback soon


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Fried milk


I wonder what that tastes like


Uhh, sweet milk I presume.


Leche frita / Fried milk; Spain does it too!


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Coffee from a French Press:

Grind medium
30g coffee to 500g water
Sit for 4 minutes
Stir crust and then scoop up foam and coffee bits off the top
Wait another 5-8 minutes
Plunge just to underneath the surface and pour gently and carefully


There's more sugar than coffee in that


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Wok hei stir-fry.


Looks like shit, literally


that's the best part


If your shit looks like that you need to see a doctor immediately.


It always look like that when i eat this street trash kinda food, and i need to shit like 5 mins after eating it
Eat some real American food!


If that were true you would already be dead by now.


Why would i be dead?? This isn't one of your anime's kid, this is the real world!


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aids ass fucking nigger music



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Exquisite ingredients, shamefully misused by me. But I will try again tomorrow, and again and again.

These noodles were so delicious after I boiled them. I boiled them with the olive oil, salt, pepper and a basil leaf. Then when they were al dente I pulled them out and rubbed some mozzarella on them to cool them off and ate the noodles and mozzarella and it was delicious.
I made it worse by putting everything (sans pesto and parmesan) all at once in a pan and overcooking it. The sopressa salami was completely mismatched or awkwardly used in this and I think I had too many olives. I really should have melted the mozz to mix with the noodles better.

>Rustichella d'Abruzzo Durum Wheat Pasta
>Parmagiano Reggiano (Parmesan)
>Kalamata olives
>Artichoke Hearts
>Salt n Pepper



How can you be proud of not knowing how to cook or clean? It is super basic shit.


dont be distracted by the shit normie music
poster should have done it without the cancerous sound though


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Second try, I used fewer ingredients to make it simpler to cook. Cooked the pasta too soft. Couldn't quite get the mozz to melt so I ripped it up at the end. Gonna study and take it to the next level tomorrow. Maybe I'll make it extra simple. I'm saving some Manchego (Sheep cheese from la mancha, aged 4 mo) for when I get really good.

>Rustichella d'Abruzzo Durum Wheat Pasta
>Parmagiano Reggiano (Parmesan)
>Salt n Pepper


>Maybe I'll make it extra simple
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been cooking for yourself? When I first started I was trying fairly fancy stuff like you just did, with lots of ingredients but as time went on I kept cutting corners to make food faster. It got to a point where my "lemon and garlic" fancy sauce for pasta is just me squeezing a lemon inside a cup, cooking the pasta, cooling it down under tap water and dipping it into the cup before eating it.


I've cooked maybe 25 times over the years, 15 of those being in the last 6 months. The first thing I really cooked was borscht with all sorts of stuff, parsnips, red wine vinegar, etc. following a recipe and it was perfect.

I'm trying to cook freely and non-robotically. I cooked hamburger a few weeks ago, just plain hamburger meat and I sauteed it in olive oil and added a couple spices and it tasted mediterranean, was really good, put it in a pool of kefir which is kinda like tzatziki sauce and it was very mediterranean and good. What I really need is fundamental understanding of cooking, which is why I want to reduce the ingredients so that I can understand it purely, cook noodles perfectly and then elevate it.


I see, so you have an active interest for cooking. I think that's what you need to keep doing the interesting stuff, otherwise it's likely you would end up like me, doing the minimal effort dishes like I do. I never cared about cooking but it's so much cheaper and healthier than the shit takeouts I had before.


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Toasted pine nuts are good. I added several cheeses and they were good together. I feel this is too oily and I'm not tasting the delicious pasta enough. Tomorrow I'm gonna use less oil. Maybe I'll strain oil out.


>Bucatini, Rustichella d'Abruzzo
>Balsamic vinegar
>Kalamata olives
>Parmagiano Reggiano
>Emmental cheese
>Jack cheese
>Casatica di Bufala
>Pine nuts


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Made pesto. Toasted pine nuts (didnt get toasted color because I stopped while they were smelling good, maybe too soon), basil, parmagiano, salt, EVOO.
Gonna toast peppercorns for my pasta tonight. Got fusilli because I want something other than the bucatini I've bought so far. Same brand from Abruzzo.


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Also garlic in the pesto.

This pasta was outright boring. It's missing so much. I've got to raise my standards so far more. Maybe I should've added more vinegar at the end. I thought about buying wine today to make drunken pasta, I will when I go back to the store in a few days.
Ahh thinking about the store I just realized the problem: gotta add spices. I've been focusing too much on making it well with just basic ingredients. I bought some spices for hummus I'm making once my chickpeas and sesame seeds sprout. Should've used some of those like allspice. I got interested in pasta after I was sauteing ground meat and I had no butter so I used olive oil and I spontaneously added oregano and thyme and it tasted delicious and made me want more Mediterranean food.

In other news I've ordered pecorino romano, sheep cheese. It'll arrive about when I run out of parmagiano.


I like seeing your cooking wiz, it looks very delicious. Keep it up.


Thanks I will.


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Good pine nut toasting. Not sure about the sesame seeds, they taste better than before toasting though. I think they're germinated, black dots coming out of them. They tasted too "green" before I toasted a bit.

I learned a bit from a book this morning, Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking. I have some other PDFs and looking for more.


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Much more exciting than yesterday. Made too much. I used some spices, paprika and allspice. First time cooking pasta with butter(I clarified it) instead of olive oil and it made the cheese way better, should have added more, maybe double. The best bites were the ones with lots of cheese. Had unbalanced heat (like from black peppers not spicy heat though it had jalapenos too) to it, it could have been balanced with more cheese. The chickpeas were awkward. Made the garlic more mild, made it too mild.


It is so cute you share your cooking experience with all of us.
Would you wageslave as a chef wiz?
I do not cook at home anymore as I had been using too much heat which set my pan on fire and samaged the kitchen ;;

How do you cook your steak?


>Would you wageslave as a chef wiz?
No, because I would never wage slave. Maybe I'll open a pizzeria someday.

>pan on fire

Was it non stick? Those get destroyed by high heat and shrink penises if you merely scrape them while cooking. You might be able to find a good stainless steel/aluminum pan at a second hand store. You can clarify butter/make ghee (it's really easy you'll need some sort of cloth to strain out the low-smoking point part, even a fine strainer is not enough) and cook at high temperatures. You can get a hotplate/plug in electric burner or a butane burner (don't believe KOTH butane is cleaner) if your stove is damaged.

>How do you cook your steak?

Medium rare, the reverse sear method on a griddle. I like T-bone, strip and skirt steaks. Teres major(maybe its minor I don't remember) is a cut I buy to save money, it's kinda lean though. I often only use salt because I share with my dog. When I spice it I really like spike seasoning.

High heat in the beginning one minute on each side to sear them, then low heat to finish unless its thin skirt steak. I only flip it once. Then if I can wait I let it sit for 10 more minutes to soak up juices before I remove it from the griddle.


Nice, I'd eat it although I'd have to leave out the chickpeas because I'm personally not a fan of them.


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This hummus was delicious. I was surprised because the sesame seeds tasted gross by themselves, earthy and bitter. I sprouted the chickpeas and this made them taste sweet and like peas. Normally they taste nutty. I tried to sprout the sesame seeds but they only got to germination. I wasn't sure if I ground the sesame seeds enough but it tastes right in the end. I tasted it while I added stuff to balance it out. I only have a mere ceramic mortar & pestle, ordering a stronger one today. I hope those sesame seeds were ground enough to digest well because I decided to try this while looking for a cheap source of protein and saw that chickpeas and sesame seeds were a good combo.


>sesame seeds
>olive oil


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Made stew

8 parts miso soup broth
2 parts the watery sauce that leaks out of the bag containing Lou's Kitchen Sweet Samurai ribs
2tsp flour
1 chopped up angus steak, seered+seasoned prior
let simmer on high for 25 mins

came out p good, the little bit of flour goes a long way keeping the soup on the veges when grabbing a spoonful


Wow delicious. Now I'm going to starve, good job wiz


>Those get destroyed by high heat and shrink penises


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Miso base with broccli, carrot, and canbage
then crab flavoured fish. I call it soup. I melted the spoon handle on the pan


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I've gotten better over the last month.

1. I'm using spaghetti noodles now. They're good for these purposes.
2. I cooked spaghetti aglio e oglio, garlic and oil, to get better at cooking noodles specifically without distraction. I figured out how to balance time boiling in pot with cooking in pan with sauce and that made it way better. After I put noodles in pan, they move around pan easily. Now I cook on pan more until they stop sliding so much. I also boldly toss noodles up and catch them.

Now I'm getting more complicated again without getting overwhelmed. I cooked with marinara and I cooked strips of steak with it. The noodles and the steak were pretty good. First I started marinating the strips of steak for about an hour, with vinegar, beer, salt, water, Roman fish sauce*. It changed the texture of the steak for the better. I don't think 1 hour is long enough to impart much flavor. I caramelized onions while it marinated and later added a serrano pepper and some seasonings, including rose hip and paprika. I also poured in beer. I got my water boiling by the time they got caramelized and then puts noodles in pot and moved onions and such out of pan and into bowl. Then I got pan hot and seared the steak. I used both clarified butter and EVOO. Then I added the marinara, onions, noodles and I stirred and cooked until they didn't slide around so easily so it wasn't so wet. I also added white wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, the beer I was drinking (milk stout), Roman fish sauce*, more of the same spices. Then when it was done I added parmesan. A little too much. Sauce was good, noodles were good, steak was good. Maybe should've cut steak strips in half, they were a little long but not as awkward as I expected to eat.

*this is garum/colatura di alici, it didn't make this taste fishy it added umami.


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Capellini cacio e pepe. Just spontaneously made it this morning.

>a bit of onion
>rose hips
>oregano and thyme
>half a serrano pepper
>white wine vinegar
>coloratura di alici


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for me today it's the wizpizza


holy shit that keyboard looks like a fucking nightmare.


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Dessert time


You can also make spaghetti aglio e oglio using a can of sardines packed in olive oil. Add any extra oil if needed as per the amount of spaghetti you use. It's delicious.


my favorite thing to do atm is add leftovers in my morning oatmeal. literally anything added to oatmeal is good. aside from leftovers i also put fruit, sometimes cookies, jellies, it's limitless. it is like rice in a way


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Using wok for stir-fry


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Wok on


I cooked some linguini with off the shelf ragu tomatoe sauce and frozen meatballs. It was a solid 5/10.


I baked one of those generic store lasagnas and it was mushy, like there wasn't even the pasta inside, just the cheese and sauces. That was very disappointing. As it was basically fondu I spooned it onto bread and ate it that way. I guess the point is, better check lasagana reviews before you buy.


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I'm currently making some sourdough bread, never really baked before but I want to see if I can move away from having to buy loafs of bread and instead making it all myself. If I'm honest with you though, it's really because I'm enamored with the idea of having a pantry full of basic ingredients and making things on the fly, I figure bread is a good place to start.

>generic store lasagnas

Very rarely do you find something that's packaged ready to eat(with some minor heating) that doesn't taste utterly bland and soulless. Not just that but the salt content will be astronomical probably due to the need for long term shelf life.


I have yet to taste anything from a store with an astronomical(ly high) salt content, everything out there is insipid, even soy sauce, the last couple times I bought some I poured it on and still had to add salt


I should do this again. I made a culture and then made bread and messed it up then I forgot about it until it molded.
Before the bread attempt I was making little sour savory pancakes everyday, they were pretty tasty with spices. I might focus on pancakes like that instead of real bread.


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Made hummus once again. Its pretty good. Especially I made the tahini better than in the past. I don't care about presentation haha.


>sesame seeds, chickpeas, olive oil, salt, garlic, pepper, lemon, mushrooms, tomato, oregano, thyme, paprika, kefir, capers


Any one got some vegetarian or vegan cooking channels they can recommend please? Trying to reduce my meat intake a bit.


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Simple savoury sourdough pancake. I had two of these and took pic after finding out first one tasted pretty good. I haven't figured out baking yet. I might just make these instead of baking.
Last time I made sourdough starting with fresh flour it had kind of a gross taste to it that I had to cover up with spices. My current sourdough tastes good though.


>olive oil


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There's some boxed pasta crap called Rana or something. My parents bought the one with mushroom sauce and cooked steak chunks. The salt content is non-existent. I made it yesterday and after adding a couple tablespoons of evil sodium and some garlic, mmmm, it was pretty damn good.


Been baking a lot this week. I can bake simple breads now which is incredible to me, I still need to work on my yeast game though, my bread isn't as fluffly on the inside as I want it to be.


Ah cool I managed to bake a single roll after >>56944 , the pancakes were better though.
Gonna set up some bread to proof overnight then bake a loaf tomorrow.


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Is that common to proof overnight? I've left it an hour or two. Maybe that's why i'm not getting the texture I want out of it.


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Got a little bit better at making pancakes today. Added cayenne pepper to it, also oregano and thyme. Tomorrow I can waste less olive oil. Not sure how to get it toasty, maybe the pan needs to not have any oil in it. Going to try putting the tahini in the batter tomorrow. Also might try adding some of my fav beer. I sometimes put some in whatever I'm cooking while drinking it.

Ye its common. At some point it will stop rising and it will fall though. Salt and temperature effects how fast it rises.

I didn't get around to setting up bread last night so I got it rising now and I'll bake it this evening.


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Actually maybe overnight is too much. This proofed for about 3 or 4 hours and I think I noticed it start to fall. Some proof in refrigerators so that fermentation can impart more flavor. Will post more about this bread I just baked after I eat some.


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Flavor is really good, too dense probably cause I didn't knead it.


I think the surface is what the inside would look like if I kneaded it.


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Again no gas retained. Pretty tasty though. Maybe it's cause the bri bottom broke open a bit. I kneaded it and the crust looks more normal. Making more tomorrow again.


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Made half a liter of tahini today, toasted 6 pans of sesame seeds. Tastes quite a bit like peanut butter. I out one of my old fav spices in, allspice. Now I won't have to make more for about 10 days.
I should have bought a larger mortar and pestle, easy to overfill it.

Regarding bread, I think I just need to proof it longer because its sourdough. My starter has risen and overflowed its bottle before. Still have barely seen bread hey rise. I'm gonna wait as long as my current loaf takes to rise a ton. If it doesn't seem to rise I'll add sugar and knead it more.


Get spices from small local ethnic stores. Way cheaper and you get more than at supermarkets.

Create a spice arsenal and supply of dry goods like rice, lentils, beans, etc (or get them canned, which are just as good but are more convenient), and you should never go hungry. After that, you only need to buy aromatics, vegetables, and meat to make stuff like soups, curries, etc which can be cooked in big batches which will last days depending on how little your meals are.

Sliced bread can be frozen and toasted back up in a toaster or in a nonstick frying pan. Only freeze when it's near the point of going bad since the quality can deteroriate in the freezer (though I don't really taste the difference personally).

Drink a lot of water.


I hate being on a diet, I wanna eat bread and cakes again.


You can eat bread and cakes still. Just eat less of it.


I want to cut down on my meat consumption and salt

Are there any good asian noodle dishes which don't have soy sauce in them?


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Feeling like a frugal wiz making everything from scratch. Went to a far away store haven't been to in a year. Pecorino romano is like half the price of parmagianno reggiano, so it will be my new standard cheese. Bought more than a pound of it. Also got gouda aged more than a year.

Some things I'm making:


>70 bux for like 3 or 4 meals
lol better off getting mcdonald's


The cheese will last me at least a week eating plenty every day, the meat is 4-5 meals, the beans are at least 4 meals, the peas are at least 4 meals, the grains could make like 10+ days of bread, the spices will last months. Maybe I'll keep track.


>caraway seed
i see ur makin goulash there


What's some good veggie dishes you can eat as a main course?


Fry some onions, garlic, and bell peppers with fajita seasonings and then toss in a can of red kidney beans or black beans and heat through until it's hot.

Easy delicious meal with high protein.


Bean and cheese burritos with lettuce and salsa


What's fajita seasonings?


Just the typical spices that are used in fajitas. Salt, black pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and perhaps some chili powder (cayenne / paprika are nice).


when I run out of real cheese I use that grated parmesan crap in bottle you shake out on stuff and it's not a bad substitute, it melts decently well on burritos if I nuke them

this thread ran for a long time


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I've made it a few times. I wait 3 weeks until its fully mature. First it gets very acidic then it balances out. Already the brine and the dry salty pieces of cabbage taste good.



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Noodles in peanutsauce.
Red curry paste, coconut and peanut butter is the base of the sauce.

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