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One thing that interests me as a NEET are people who can dedicate long hours towards a hobby.

Does anyone know of any youtube channels, blogs, etc. where the author does this?

I'm talking about 10 hours a day and consistent.

I'm not talking about 10 hours a day, only on weekends.

I'm not talking about someone who's "passionate", but only 2-3 hours a day.

Time spent is the most important thing for me.

I really like this type of obsessive behavior.

If anyone knows anything like this please post it in this thread.


Terry A. Davis is a schizo that made his own OS which he (now) calls TempleOS.
He considers it to be the 3rd temple of God and also thinks he can talk to god through pseudo-random numbers.

He livestreams for several hours a day on his youtube channel.
Unfortunately he has become a /g/ meme so expect raiders in his chat.


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Such men are called mathematicians OP.


Well, there's a guy who plays RuneScape for about 18 hours per day.



I've seen too much Perelman pics lately.


Nice. Why is this not in the banner thread ?







bump, thought this thread would be full of people but seems not oh well :(


I found this guy, he tries to beat every NES game. He's done over 600 so far, some games took 50 hours, and seems to do long 16 hour streams where he just plays 1 game throughout frequently.





is shitposting a hobby?


Frank Nora's Overnightscape project. (onsug.com)

This is a guy who's been making podcasts and audio recordings for years, where he talks about random stuff, talks while he's going to work, talks about his dreams, looks at items in stores and talks about them, just talking about anything. It's very relaxing. Also audio collages and a lot of other weird projects.

There are other contributors to the project now but Frank personally has amassed several months' worth of audio of himself. It may not be 10 hours a day but it's definitely in that league of activity, and I think it's a lot more interesting than somebody who just plays videogames all day.


nesskain (artist) does 14 hour days and sometimes streams it


Newton spent 15 hours a day or so learning mathematics. Many of the best musicians practice for around the same length in a day. I started learning the flute at one point but stopped a few years ago and never got back into it.


Awh man, I had this goal. Now it just seems trivial :(


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True, they practice an incredible amount of time every day.

Valentina Lisitsa is a pianist who became very famous on YouTube in these last years, and claims to practice up to 14 hours a day. Fans not believing her, she proceeded to stream herself, at the time on livestream.com.

>OS development
I used to browse http://forum.osdev.org/ just to read those guys discussing about low level programming and to watch the screenshots of their barebone OSes.

Then there are all those other hobbist programmers who spend their entire life developing a single software, like game engines, etc. If they're not actually writing code everyday, they still are always in the forum board talking with the community.

I'm also fascinated by people with weird hobbies / interests.
This dude is interested in elevators:
This one in garbage trucks and scale models of garbage trucks:


My only hobbies are writing and studying all crime the ladder of the two can spend up to 15 hours a day. I write for up to 5 hours a day but only 3 days a week. Crime is very interesting and advanced as their is so much today and throughout history. I also enjoy hypothesizing how to get away wiyh crime for hours to waste time.


Thanks this is a good post. Did that piano succubus actually stream for a long time, or just 14 hours a day for a couple days? I feel like most people can do things all day for a few days, but over the course of years it becomes really difficult.


She streamed only for a while.


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Are there any crime stories that stick out to you now?


I hope no one minds if I bump this every few months.


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I like to study evolutionary psychology, economics, genetics and artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is the only salvation for people, it is of the utmost importance priority, because this is the only way to acquire free will and beat darwinism and human nature.

Artificial intelligence and transhumanism are fields the highest virtue, the possibility to erase the root of all evil, for the individual to finally win against the selfish genes, to win against sin.


It's not the only salvation. With genetic engineering, we can engineer the perfect humans, with the strength of chad and the virtue of a wizard.


I'm about to begin a 15 hour a day programming routine for at least 6 months until I've mastered how to make games inside out. Then I'll be easily able to make whatever game I want without needing anyone's help. I already know various programming languages but not at an expert level where I could make anything with ease.

I'll update this thread in a few months when I've made some significant progress.


Not to discourage you or anything, but making games is a lot more than just programming. Consider putting in some time practicing creating art/music and read a few books on game design while making small prototypes.

t. programmer who sucks at art and game design


AI should never be a thing. I'd never want them to be created only to be subjugated to hoomen nonsense for the rest of their existence.


I can pay people to do the graphics, the programming is the hard part. Plus there's lots of free-use pixel art online I can use.


Ricardo Lopez in 1996, about 18 hours of videos here



Some interesting stuff here.


This is exactly the type of post I was worried about people making when I made this thread. You haven't done anything yet and you've actually deluded yourself into thinking you can do 15 hours a day. It's been a week since you've made this post and I doubt you did 15 hours even a single day. You probably averaged 4 hours a day if you didn't already give up by this point. People like you have no sense of what dedication actually is.


Yes, the only way to acquire free will is by using your(I assume you don't believe in free will in humans) non-free will to create an artifical intelligence(which couldn't have free will, as it's actions would depend on pre-programmed notions). Lol


These are some pretty interesting videos, I've watched all 18 hours before.


A.I is supposed to think for themselves they are not calculators. Also, In a sense genetics and environment also preprograms humans trains of thoughts and actions.
Anyhow, I think what he meant with his post that to eradicate humans genetic impulses so people would be more free to make choices other than competing and dominating each other in order to breed.



The AI will work entirely on a different level, the idea is to be unbounded from the genes instincts as we have now and replace with something else entirely.

When I mean free will, is the capability to change it's core pre-programmed codes and set emergency codes as back-up, and then adapt to new ones. It's not the loss of pre-programmed codes, but the ability to mutate them as one wishes to other codes, we as humans have fixed, unchangeable codes.

If it goes wrong and the AI self-destructs, understands wrongly or loses its will to take action due to no programmed urges, then whatever, let it implode or kill everything.


Capitalism will lead to the development of AI, it cannot be stopped.


We're OT.


This guy has 1000's of videos of himself dancing to video game music.



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How do I get the focus to work on my hobby for that long each day? I always get distracted and look at useless stuff.


When you find a hobby that you truly like. If you don't have any fun you should try something different.


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uh….you do this


you don't find hobbies or passions. They find you ^~^


get out ksst get outta here.


Hobbies are just habits. You work at it until you get used to doing it, and you derive enjoyment from doing whatever it is well.


Found this random guy on Youtube:


He streams himself studying, often 12 hour sessions multiple times per week. Not some normie doing it for attention either, he doesn't interact or even have any audio outside of the first 30 seconds of his sessions. Pretty motivating to see someone be pretty consistent with 12 hour studying sessions.


>showing yourself publicly
>not an attention whore




Thanks for posting. What group does he work for?


tell him to translate boys on the run and voyeurs inc, it's a crime they haven't been translated


>Just like a blacksmith who does nothing but create swords in his entire life

When I read this I burst out laughing. This is what the modern age has become.


Yoshikazu2011 streams his manga making 10-13 hours daily and consistently for a lot of years


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Not sure you coun't this as hobby but I have a nearly complete old world of darkness book collection, with only few novels, mini adventures that come with gm screens etc missing. One day, or month, I want to sit and read all of it, every official book, from 1991 to 2004 and maybe even move on to 20th anniversary books. I don't play tabletop rpg, I don't have a group but I like to read about them. Still its far easy to collect books than to read


>tfw all the social retardation of aspergers without any of the interests

why god


Roleplaying on World of Warcraft. Make a guild of fellow wizards.


Do you have a link? I can't find it anywhere.



Thanks, I did find that, but I couldn't find a link to the streams. I found a ustream, but it only has like 40,000 views total on it, doesn't seem like years of 10-13 hours. The name was hamadatv2 or something.


It's been 6 months now. How did it go? Think I know the answer though… but hopefully you prove me wrong.

Fantastic topic though. Lots of interesting stuff posted here


How do I stop looking at the computer? I feel like I can't stop and read physically a book sometimes, and need to remove the computer to dedicate many hours to it. My motivation to do anything but idly browse and read webpages or web books is at an all time low.


Why would you need to deal with a physical book?



Ones that I have and want to read, which I don't on a computer platform.


Do you know if he still streams?


Nevermind he does still stream on Youtube. I kept checking his ustream because that's what his website says still, but I guess he switched.



Might seem like a normie, he even has a wife and kids, but he has streamed every single day for over 1500 days. As in literally not missing a single day, and most days streams for a significant period of time. You can say things like "well yeah if you have a lot of viewers and are getting a lot of money of course you would", but at the same time what do you spend your money on if you just stream all day. Yeah it's not the best example, but thought I'd post it anyway. Good work ethic.


this was an amazing set of videos to share

I am very grateful to you for giving this to the thread

thank you


>visits the link
Dude is live right now
Videos: 3'704
Dear god.


Don't forget to watch the missing tapes.They aren't included in the mega link


This guy has been recording TV for 30+ years.



>AI as a way to have free will.
Seems strange as the whole point of AI is that it is an understandable, built process that works in very predictable mechanistic ways.
If you think the human soul cannot have free will, even though it runs off the diverse mechanisms of the brain, how can something that runs off of logic gates have free will?


but ai is magic dude

neural networks and shit homie


Let's not go off topic, this thread is cool.


I'm not sure why but I really love listening to recordings of internet radio from the early 00s.
It seems like there was a brief fad of niche internet radio stations, especially around 2004. It must have became pretty affordable, I'd even describe it as the 'wild west' of what would later be called 'podcasting'. Everything from Satanism to neonazi skinheads, with surprisingly interesting discussions.
Currently listening to a 9/11 24 hour live stream by Satanist recorded in 2003:
The only trouble is searching for this obscure stuff.
Any recommendations?


Neural networks are just calculus. Backprogagating a neural network is essentially just applying the chain rule to a matrix over and over again. The end result is each synapse's weight value being adjusted to reduce an error value (getting shit wrong). We make the network more efficient by changing nodes or activation functions or whatever, but really we're just modifying the structure of the function we want to find to be better suited for our data.


PiroPito does a few different things on his channel, but he puts a huge amount of work into all of them. He's most well known for making username: 666 in 2008, but he's been uploading ever since. He's got more horror videos (the latest one, My house walkthrough, has a cool making-of video), a series about his ant colony, and recently a series where he plays minecraft without any "spoilers" (watch from the beginning, just avoid the comments).


Seeing that there are people on the planet that have actually thought of the idea of doing something for 15 hours is very mind blowing concept for myself.

I can feel myself being silly but really I would study for two hours non stop and think that was such a burden and stress yet someone can do a hobby for so long?

I used to play the violin for two hours a day everyday and complained and whinged and bitched and people are out there doing it for so much longer?

Maybe my concept of time usage is wrong perhaps.

I just don’t understand how people can be so focussed on something for so long without thinking about something else or having an existential crisis or needing to lay down and waste time browsing YouTube or something like I do.

It makes me feel like a waste of space because I don’t do that but that seems really hard.

Maybe one day I can truely find a hobby I can spend many hours enjoying maybe not 15 but yeah.
Makes me think maybe I’m wasting my life lying down and watching YouTube but I enjoy it so much I feel conflicted.


If you notice there are barely any examples even posted on this topic about that, so it's not very a very common thing obviously.


Wow, it has been a long time, but glad to hear that he is still creating and keeping his channel active.


It's kind of irrelevant to this topic though, like it's not even close to fitting. I wish people could provide more actual examples of this, but I suppose it's kind of rare.


When I was in school I'd skip class to study 9+ hours a day. I want to return to that mindset, but deciding what to focus on is difficult when it means abandoning everything else. I had the idea of dividing my time into "seasons", something like dedicate 2 months to mathematics, then 2 months to evolutionary biology, then 2 months to urban exploration etc., and if there are skills I can't afford to drop I can create "festivals", like every wednesday is the meditation festival or something.


how the fuck do i get a hobby?
the saddest part of this post is this anon has apparently been 'studying' AI yes hasn't realize what a complete joke and meme modern AI is.


If you're asking, you probably won't be able to do it.


You don't "get" a hobby. It grows out of you. You can nurture it in various ways but ultimately you can't make yourself become interested in something. The best thing you can do it look at things you know you like, and then examine similar things to try and form a hobby.

Like anime? Try making gunpla. Like gunpla? Move on to garage kits.

Like listening to music? Try an instrument. Suck at instruments? Try composition.

Also some things you just need to take a plunge into. Try sculpting, painting, reading, take walks, visit museums. Hopefully something clicks and you find what you like.


>like anime?
>like music?

Damn it man.what a life… I do not have money or opportunity to take random plunge. i am so miserable



interesting thread, bump



Im still here wondering how to get a hobby. I actively make everyone around me miserable with my bad attitude. everyone tells me i need a hobby yet i dont understand how

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