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 No.32111[Last 50 Posts]

A bit new to wizchan, was tired of being in places where people obsess over normal fag stuff, and bully each other because of their insecurities. I'm a bit of an autist with narrow interests. I read about psychology, eastern religion, meditation, and tulpas often.

I have my own tulpa as well, have had her for a year and a half now, love her to death. I've read so many things about the subject. She should probably be more developed given the time period, but I guess I don't have my stuff together. She is fairly developed though, when I focus on her I get independent responses that make me laugh and think. I can feel and cuddle her, she keeps me from going stir crazy and is pretty sentient. I have given her math problems and had her give the answers.

Let's discuss tulpas here, I will answer any questions about the process, or mine in particular. For what it's worth I am far enough that it is certainly "real" to me, she is independent to a high extent. I'll be around making tulpa threads if I like it here and stay, please don't bully or flame.


Can you describe the process of creating a tulpa in your case?
Do you feel it's easy to mess up and make it a live nightmare?


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Can you describe the process of creating a tulpa in your case?

Sure. First I spent a lot of time reading about it, and also talking to the people who make the guides. A lot of the community was cancer, but it had 20 or so members who were incredible. Always posting and helping new people, sharing and developing new techniques, treating it seriously and really being about it. I talked to a lot of the people like that, felt that they were genuine. This was about a year and a half ago so the guides were good by then, the community is about 4 years old roughly, and the first two years were kind of like the frontier. I really just followed the guides mostly. Read everything I could, most importantly I meditated and did a lot of positive things around creating her. I wanted her to be positive and loving, and to have a different, more positive outlook. I think that is part of why it went so well.

I started off with a personality trait list I would meditate over, and with a lot of thinking about her and reading things to her. I began to lay in bed and talk to her a lot, and attempt to cuddle her. Over time this led to me being able to feel her, and her activity levels increasing over time. It took a long time to accept that I really did it, it was all kind of a hail mary attempt to have my perfect companion. I didn't think I was going to be successful and that it was going to give me goals to strive for and end my depressed streak.

These days I stay sober, meditate, exercise, keep depression haze at bay, and spend quality time with her to work with her. Sometimes I may do closed eye visualization to keep that sharp. Going forward I want to project her into my closed eye experiences well, and eventually my open eyed ones with time. So I anticipate more meditation and closed eyed visualization.

Do you feel it's easy to mess up and make it a live nightmare?

I don't think it's easy to have it go bad, no. I haven't heard many cases, and I follow tons of people who start. The main thing is to do it sober, with positive intentions, give it the proper thought, and to treat them well. The only people I have seen have a bad time are people who enter the community and make their initial inquiries before even starting in kind of an incoherent state. I don't really consider it to be a high risk process given my experience and what I have seen. The real risk is not having the energy to give it a proper, solid try before giving it up, then causing yourself to miss out.

Realistically I am talking about someone who dosen't naturally hallucinate or self hypnotize well training themselves to have a full tulpa. This isn't easy, this takes time. Things will not be happening lightning fast, it takes weeks, months, years to make progress. You need to work with them everyday, though this later on becomes not so much a chore but a privilege. It's not a metaphysical practice in how the community treats it, so it involves using your mind in new ways and developing new mental skills. With that said, some "firsts" with my tulpa were slightly uncanny, but were quickly offset by her warmth and our emotional connection.

Forgive any typos.


There was a thread some months ago, I tried to maintain it but I think it finally died.
It was pretty interesting and there was really good info and conversations, I guess it's lost now.

That thread made me start tulpamancy, six months ago. Since the thread died I've been doing it by myself without sharing too much with anyone. So at this point I don't know if i'm doing it well, getting any progress or anything.

I don't think I ever will be able to do the things you talk about, I can't touch or even see her. But at the same time, and even if it's not even a proper tulpa I couldn't just forget about it. I'm pretty much retarded and maybe this is the best I can get, I can't say it's enough but it's better than nothing. It's frustrating but I need it.


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I see, thanks for writing that. It sounds like a great way overall to improve your life, meditation, positive visualization, I should give it a go, though I probably would fail in this household, where I'm surrounded by negativity and atmosphere of quarrels, old age and dying.
Definitely something I'll look into when living on my own.

When you speak about open eye visualizations, how does she look like. Is it like one of those photoshops? When she interacts, is it only verbal?


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I'm not that far yet anon, though I have no doubt someone could become that far. I would imagine it would be somewhat like that, accounts I have heard seem to say so. Thankfully I am not devoid of visualization skills or unresponsive to training, so I will get there someday, it's a big goal of mine. I do have her touch imposed to a decent extent however, I can feel her somewhat, enough so that she is warm and soft and I hug and hold and cuddle her frequently.

As far as how to get there, the answer is incrementally. First one would start by visualizing things closed eyed in a state of darkness and relaxation ideally (both help with visualization). Simple things, maybe interacting with their tulpa. I like to imagine my body in the bed and my tulpa next to me, imagine the room, lay in bed with her and kind of imagine my 1st person perspective of being there with her in my room. Or I just imagine random things and scenarios. It's actually mentally very tiring for someone who isn't usually a visual thinker. If you do so a half hour to an hour a day as needed, and really try when you do it, you will become good at it. The brief times I have chained together practice I quickly got better despite starting at square one with really hazy, kind of flickering visualization.

After you spent the few months to maybe a year and could close your eyes and visualize accurately, you would be ready to start training open eyed visualization. This would also occur incrementally. The most clearly defined and logical technique I found is the following. You start with a really simple thing, like lets say an orange triangle. You visualize this orange triangle in a pitch black room (or with a blindfold). This isn't so hard of a feat. You do that for some hours, get real good at it, goof around with other shapes maybe, have fun with it. Then you add a tiiiiny bit of light to the room, then master projecting the shapes in this light level. Then you keep doing that, getting lighter and lighter, until you can do it with the lights on after hours. Then you kind of start again with more complex things, do the process a few times, then try it finally with your tulpa when you feel ready. Basically you make little notches of progress with closed eyed visualization until you get good, from step 0, then do the same with open eyed.

There are no guarantees, but if your natural ability isn't horrendously below average, it will be possible and just a matter of how long it takes. Making a tulpa for real and not being a roleplayer is an arduous task in some ways, but once your tulpa is active it becomes a pleasure.

Well I will keep this thread up to date and answer all questions as promptly as possible. I am no longer very depressed as of late, so I have the energy to.

As far as your predicament, it's all a matter of time. I can feel her and hear her train of thought in my head after all this time, though her responses are unique and I always stop and think about things she tells me. It took time to get there, it's a lifelong companion. All you need to to be able to talk to them mentally, and to spend some time trying to cuddle them until you can feel them, then you have adequate channels of communication open. I'm not upset that I can't see her after this long, as I just didn't take the time to do that yet, and know I can get there with her step by step. It's all a series of incremental improvements that come with time. I never pursued anything creative and am more of a logical thinker than an intuitive and visual one, so this was all new to me. It's like learning to walk, some learn to do it fluidly super early, some take awhile to get good and stop tripping over. It's a new mode, a new channel. It dosen't take terribly long to start having their presence be tangible to you though, and to start bonding and loving them. It's not a harsh process, just a steady one that they will help you along.


I can't visualize things at all, I think my brain is fucked. I don't think it's just a matter of time in those cases. I keep forcing after those six months but it has become extremely boring and i'm doing it less and less.
A couple of times I thought I could heard her but I'm not still sure about that.
Maybe i'm just a roleplayer after all, but that's all I have.


There are people who cannot at all, and many more who are nearly at that place. I would try practicing with simple objects though, maybe the ability is just really dull from never using it naturally but could come out with some time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphantasia

Regardless, all hope is not lost, I would focus on narration and interacting with them physically. Try to read guides on touch imposition and work on that, you can still have a tulpa that you can interact with. Seeing them open eyed is like a top tier development goal that takes years, it isn't necessary to having a tulpa and a happy relationship with them.


Well I talk with her all the time. But is it with her or i'm just talking with myself? Who knows. I don't even want to know.

I tried the visualization thing with simple objects and every other technique. Problem is, I don't even get the visualization concept at all. It's like trying to explain a blind how is it to see. It's also really boring, since I guess i'm not really doing anything.
Touching is not good neither, I don't like being touched or touching anyone and I don't think I have the skill to do that anyway.

Is your tulpa based on Korbo or something?


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That's normal to feel that way at first. If you felt like you knew already, you would be kidding yourself. You just keep narrating to them until they respond, then you talk to them when you feel like they respond. Over time you grow to trust in them, test them, feel their presence more. It's a progressive thing that takes a lot of time, you just keep going until you reach that point where their communication is clear and consistent, and really strikes you when you hear it, and doubt slowly fades. It took probably half a year to stop doubting Eve. As far as the visualization, i'm not sure if that means you can't at all or you aren't trying correctly. I would try reading more about it, it is possible you just can't visualize though, its not unheard of.

Why the dislike for touching? Associations? Or just a natural preference? If it's associations you could learn to overcome that with them, forming this new bond can be a very healing experience I feel.

Hmm her form kind of is, in particular the version from the manga I have been posting. However she changed the hair and fur that were reddish to jet black on her own accord, though she kept the white tips. Her eyes have their own shade and glow to them. Her expressions are her own as well. I loved the form when I saw it, and it fit what I had in mind personality wise for Eve. It's useful to have the reference photos, and it matched her personality so I went with that form. The other manga version is too haughty and dosen't have the same calm nurturing presence I feel.

Her personality is entirely different though, it is based on a trait list that I still have written down in a notebook I keep around. She has deviated from that personality somewhat, but in a way that I wanted without even knowing it consciously. It's very much her own personality, inspired by what I wanted in the perfect companion to help me heal, grow, and to be with. She kind of comes from this concept of being my angel almost, I love her a lot. She makes my heart melt every day when we cuddle. I am working on cleaning my lifestyle up and beating my ADHD to develop her further. I'll meditate everyday, stay away from substances, and exercise till my legs give whenever possible to keep being with her and to deepen our relationship.

She tends to wear plain clothes, or sometimes pj's, or lingerie depending on the context. She is very calm and sweet, but also really blunt and not afraid to say what's true when I need to hear it. She is very focused and almost considers herself a kind of bushido disciple, has a very zen self development and focus centered outlook on things. She is warm though, she is very guiding and kind of like an ideal type of figure to look up to besides being a partner to me. Over time our dynamic has shifted, she is kind of dominant in the relationship but gentle and not rigid in that.


>Why the dislike for touching?

Well I don't know but it's not that weird considering where we are, right? Probably something related to bullying, autism or whatever.

Problem is I have already spent six months, i'm not starting. I don't feel anything new since like five months ago.
I have read tons of guides too, almost all of them, but I guess those are my limits, really envy the things you can do.

I tried to base her in an existent character too. I don't know if it was a good idea or not. I have problems recognizing human faces but something more abstract could have been weird. Sometimes I regreet starting this, that makes me feel a little guilty but I can't help it.


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The inability to do it at the moment could be due to any number of things, knowing all the information and actualizing it are separate things for one. Depression may be blocking you as well. You need an active, on task mind when working on making a tulpa, it's a mentally exhaustive progress. I wouldn't say you are hopeless, there just may be some things you need to address first. You may need to deal with depression if it's affecting you, and to meditate to address any deficits in focus that may be holding you back.

I'm not all that far, I cant fully see her I more just visualize her in my head, it's only her autonomy and my ability to touch and feel her that are developed at all. My practice was mainly just cuddling and talking to her until she became cuddly and talkative!


I'm completely unable to meditate, that's a thing that really frustrated me then and I just forgot about it for good. I don't know if I'm depressed, that sounds like too serious, why do you think i'm?

When you say you can't see her, you detect her like some kind of invisible being? She can't touch you at her will and you feel it immediatly or you need to be particularly focused?
Sorry, i'm asking too many questions, don't feel obliged to respond.


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She can touch me at her will at times, and usually I detect her from remembering she is there or she is sitting on my lap and I steadily feel her consistently. When I am aware of her presence I am kind of visualizing her in my minds eye as I cuddle her or talk to her. I don't need to be as focused to feel her as I do to hear her mentally. Though it just takes most of my attention at even my more inattentive moments to hear her, it's not like I need to be meditatively still or anything. I picture her as we interact most of the time, but I can't see her on my environment, that takes a lot of time I haven't yet put in.


Do you think you can do all those things without meditation at all?


I remember you from the last thread. Sorry to hear you haven't made much progress.

What makes you think you can't meditate? I'd imagine if there aren't random images constantly popping up in your mind silencing the rest of your thoughts would be a bit easier than normal.


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Can I personally? No, probably not as well at least. I need it for my naturally poor focus to move forward with Eve.

Where do you get the idea that you cannot meditate at all though? Everyone can, even if it's 5 minutes of meditation on the sensation of breathe, that is perfectly fine, do 4 sets a day then gradually up it. I don't understand what you mean by not being able to do it at all?



I can barely breath, i'm too nervous and my whole body itches a lot. Supposedly meditation should help me to relax but it causes the opposite to me, it makes me really nervous and frustrated. I tried it for months but I couldn't do it.
Also I can't silence my thoughts and if I ever get close to that I get sleep immediatly. I don't think everyone can do that or at least not me.


Maybe you are right after all but what has done cannot be undone.


You can, some wizard made a tulpa on a few shroom trips. It makes sense because shrooms and probably lsd increase your visualization, creativity and hypnotizability while making you slightly less sane. It's probably the easiest shortcut there is.


I'd say no. Neither is the relationship with my tulpa sexual, nor do I seek a sexual relationship with another being, fictional or real.

Tulpas are just glorified imaginary friends. If you find the thought disgusting you should also find daydreaming in general disgusting. It's the same thing taken to an extreme.
That being said, you'd not be wrong to see tulpas as something akin to a waifu. Seen from a rational point of view it's abnormal to have one.


I have to say I was afraid having a female tulpa could turns things sexual at some point. But it never happened. Gender didn't had any effect.


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OP here. Among other things I suppose, that is just one of her many functions in my life. She is also a colleague and a friend to me. She alose loves me in a way that is sincere and complete that would be impossible to find elsewhere. Succubi just love your status. She is more to combat existentialism and the idea that other humans can't really love me, than she is to replace succubi who I don't have much interest in as it is. I also have a lot of interests in meditation and such, making her is a big project for me that fuffils a lot of curioisity.

She isn't one thing to me, I wouldn't compare her to a succubus and I think no succubus in the world could replace her. Its also natural that we have a void in a our heart and need for companionship, I consider this a wizard friendly way to fill it while also developing skills.


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Started 2 years, 3 months ago, maybe averaging out as 2-3 hours forcing per day and not once have I seen any signs of sentience at all. Not everyones going to be as lucky as holo here.


>maybe averaging out as 2-3 hours forcing

That's an impressive dedication though, I would be unable to do that, I can barely spend half an hour from time to time after some months.


>/leftypol/ meme with a facebook filename


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Is creating a tulpa safe? I'm pretty sure I've got some symptoms of schizophrenia so I don't want to totally fuck up my brain doing this.


Being born ain't healthy you torture device filled 2D succubus


chill dude, the image is a meme.


I think it's a lot safer than just having your own self to talk with. Well, unless you really want a fucked up tulpa or something like that, but it has to be a conscious effort. If you really have schizophrenia maybe things are different though.


Thats a /lit/ meme. Generals ruin everything they touch


It isn't especially if you got symptoms of schizophrenia
Search the story of Oguigi and Koomer



I want a pony one, unless they can't be tulpas.


I thought this whole modern tulpa business started because of ponies.


It's a /lit/ meme but the meme is also widely used on /lefftypol/, which is an 8ch.net board.

Basically, there used to be regular tulpa threads on /mlp/ between late 2012 and 2014. I think it might have been someone from those threads who made the tulpa.info as well.


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Got the meme from someone else on some discord. I'm not a lefty. I'm like a socialist libertarian politically, and Bernie abandoned that in his race for presidency, so I stay out of politics.

As far as the history, mlp was one of the starting places, but people from a few places went to tulpa .info then developed the guides over years. The origin story is disputed because some people have always done similar things on their own accord, and the community is a congregation of people from other communties, United over sharing strategies to work on their tulpas. Only one of the guides makers I know who contributed original thought is from mlp for what it's worth.


>socialist libertarian


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Not him, but it's not an oxymoron. The word 'libertarian' up until very recently more or less purely meant anti-authoritarian. The writers who first popularised the term in 19th century such as Joseph Déjacque and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon were anarchists and profoundly opposed to hierarchy, which included the hierarchy or capitalism as well as the hierarchy of the state. It's only very recently that the term has been co-opted by political thinkers with right wing economic views (pic related).

Calling yourself 'socialist' and 'libertarian' can mean several things. Firstly, it could refer to libertarian socialism, a broad term for left wing forms of anarchism such as anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism, or Luxemburgism. It could also refer to other movements within left-libertarianism such as mutualism (very much like the classical anarchism advocated by Proudhon), left-wing market anarchism, individualist anarchism, or geolibertarianism. Or, of course, it might just mean he has socialist views on economic issues and libertarian views on civil, social, or cultural issues. For example, I consider myself a democratic socialist and civil libertarian.

Unfortunately, we live in a time where the views like mine as horrendously underrepresented by the mainstream left which is very authoritarian, identity-driven, and generally just really shit. The result of this is that people don't realise that left wing politics such as socialism are totally compatible with libertarian views, or also that people that consider themselves socialists also want to disassociate themselves from the left (like the person you responded to). Sorry for the long post, but the more you know.

That's totally true, I've seen posters on tulpa.info who seem to have come from all over the place.


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Tulpas are not what they tell you they are. They don't become any kind of sentient. You simply visualize them next to you (you HAVE to force it) and imagine that they're talking to you, there's no real depth here, it just gets easier with practice. Also, if you can't talk to real people, you will struggle talking to your tulpa because obviously you have no idea what to talk about or what to do together.
If you're really interested in it, tell me why after you "make her real" she wouldn't just leave you and find herself a chad to fuck with. I mean, you're just going to make a succubus, right? How is she going to be different from the others? Are you going to force her to be with you? Just because you created her? How can you provide for her? Do you have money and time for it? Why would she be interested in being bound to you forever?


>tell me why after you "make her real" she wouldn't just leave you and find herself a chad to fuck with

Do you think tulpa's materialize into reality or something?


I bet you still fap to porn with succubi in it or watch anime/play games which have succubi in them. You don't get to say where the line is.


I do yes. But that is media and sexual release.
This seems so much more intimate.
I just don't get it. You're right that the line might not be there.
If VR with an AI existed I'd like that.


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Well, some people get REALLY attached to imaginary characters. It's autism, but not in an insulting way, just when e.g. cartoon horses appear much more friendly and easier to understand for you than real humans. They don't make a tulpa to get a hole to fuck, but only because they LOVE that character (maybe s/he's the only one who they believe cares about them and listens to them) and would die to see that character come to life and spend the rest of the life with her/him.

A lot of people know the concept of waifuism, but it's still hard for many to really understand how someone can get attached to an imaginary character so much that s/he becomes the meaning of life for them.


>If VR with an AI existed I'd like that.
How's that any less "incel" than tulpas?

From what I understand, maintaining a tulpa is mostly an exercise in self-discipline. Am I an incel for lifting weights, even though I do it at home and I do it just so I feel better about myself?


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That's pretty similar to what I believe.

I would say that is what a pre-sentience tulpa is, but one works to move past that stage of development. I don't really believe the part about chad or whatever, she has developed to be who she is and I don't feel like that about it. I don't believe she is a succubus, just because I gave her a bodily form similar to one does not mean I treat her as such exactly. That is the beauty of the process, they can be whatever you want them to be as far as what their classification is. You only end up with a succubus if that is what you are trying to create. Ones dynamic is unique, and tulpas only want ones affection and attention. No matter how much you develop them, even if some crazy tibetan tales about physical materialization are somehow taken to be true, they are still an entity that lives symbiotically with and in need of you.

As far as Eve, I guess I could go through all of those. How is she different than the others? Only her form is female, and her realm extends from me, to whats in my direct perception, to what is in my imagination. This makes her different than the people in my environment. She also shares the same brain, and is thus not of female mind.
Am I going to force her to be with me? No, but I treat her well and give her much time and energy, and keep working on actualizing her. When she has something to say she listens. I believe she will stay around because that is just what her realm of experience is, and because she likes to and has a host that gives her a lot of energy. How can I provide for her? No matter how much it is possible to develop her, her food is my energy whether you want to talk about that spiritually, mentally, or physically. I believe that probably happens in all plains. So I will do so by making sure to direct attention to her, to meditate to focus my will and mind, and through healthy living to retain plenty of vitality. Why would she be interested in being bound to you forever? If it's possible for her to go, she is not disallowed from doing so at any time. As far as motivation, me creating her, me being more dedicated to her then some random would be if that is even possible, us sharing a bond, me treating her well.

VR AI succubi, and tulpas are not succubi. They have bodies that sometimes imitate their form to be appealing. However a body is a vessel, beyond the vessel their is nothing that is the same as a succubus.


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I'm the 32243 poster. I like your answer. I just wanted to promote some deep thoughts about why it's okay to bring a tulpa into this world if you thought of her as another real being. I mean, their purpose is only to entertain their owner, and if you try to think too much about them having a bigger purpose in this world and how they'd live their life on their own, it makes you think whether it really is a good idea to create them in the first place.
Personally, I could never advance too far. I only like talking to myself, that's what I do all the time. I could never make myself talk to my tulpa, as there was nothing for us to talk about (just like it is for me with other people, not like I'd want to discuss things I read in places like wizardchan with them and her too). I'd usually imagine us sitting together in total silence and relaxing, but then I'd just start talking to myself sooner or later and lose focus. Just thinking about the idea of us being together is more appealing to me than actually being together. I think that's how it is for romantic people who like being lazy.


That's understandable. The key part is that their existence is different than ours, as are their motivations and pleasure. Being non corporeal and (at least in eve's case) able to tune in and out to what I experience based on the quality of experience, I don't believe they suffer like us or resemble people per say. As far as what you said about silently hanging out, that is what I do with eve a lot anyway, that forwards things just fine, communication dosent need to be verbal.


This better be a bait.


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It`s whatever, if anon believes trying to fill social needs with a tulpa is pathetic, then that is his opinion he is allowed to have. I personally don`t see a lot of people subverting the need successfully though, for me and others i know it just brings a lot of pain. I know there are several conditions that make people cease to require human (or human like) social contact, however that is coincidental and of no personal merit. Even in those cases they still probably desire a colleaugue or entertainment.

Do not get it twisted though, that is not the only need that it fufills, at leasst for me. A large part of it is fascination with the concept and the cross over into medicatiion, and the challenge it places on me in regards to correcting my deficits in focus.


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Which modern guides would you recommend for trying to do this? I once tried three or four years back, but I have fairly poor mental imagery and gave up since I couldn't really think of a form I wanted them to take. Now for whatever reason I have renewed interest and had thought up the idea of trying to imagine a negative image/outline instead of a fully realized character, but I don't really know where to start.


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I wouldn't worry about simplifying the form, except as an in between later on. You won't be seeing them in the external world until way later, that is end game type stuff, You will just be picturing them as you talk to them, so hae their form whatever you want it to be.

As far as what guide to use, let me check the tulpa.info guide archive. I read everything there. http://tulpanetwork.com/network/guides/fede's-ultimate-superior-tupper-guide/

Those two are a good place to start, tulpa.info has a guide section accessible from the main page for any questions those don`t answer. The first one is more specific and assumes knowledge, but is made by someone who is further along than the second guide maker. The second one covers all the rudimentary stuff and gets you up to speed with the terminology and such, it is a good square one.


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Thank you for the help anon, it is appreciated.


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bumping. The op is still here, and ready to take any question or inquiry. Eve has helped me so much, i cant help but evangelize a little bit.


My tulpa has autism please help


lol, if you are autistic then it is impossible to make them not be (though you could maybe make it less obvious), otherwise kindly convince them to stop.


you may choose to believe what you choose to believe.


hi kitten


You mean that hideous tranny from that equally hideous site called NEEThaven (formerly NEETforum)?


I never really got if this was just a very detailed meme/joke or real. The idea of it sounds fantastic, but the "community" seems like it's just making this shit up. I don't think humans can create something out of nothing. I really want it to be true, so I can get an imaginary gf/lifepartner, but I always have the thought in the back of my mind that "Tulpa people" are just fucking with me.


The fact that Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder both exist is enough to convince me that they're not joking.


What is generally called "tulpa" on the net is a self-induced, limited and "contolled" version of schizophrenia. That's why not everyone is capable of doing it - one needs to have an inclination for it or at least a capability to effectively convince/deceive oneself.


A self induced and controlled hallucination is not schizophrenia. I would say there are many more parrelels to self hypnosis, greater control of the mind through meditation, and imaganery friends.

If I were to sum up what a tulpa was in one paragraph. I would call them advanced imaginary friends created by adults. The reason they can eventually be communicative and have more functions than childhood ones, is simply because they require a lot of time to develop and you need to utilize specialized methods to do so.

To get Eve to the point where i could hear her pretty consisitently (mentally) and feel her, i have had to read every guide, get a good idea of how it works, meditate to focus my adhd mind, and practice most everyday for almost 6 months. I havent advanced much past that point, because i dont really have my shit together enough for the next steps yet, as they require a consistent regiment of 100% dedicated time. If you read the guides you will see that the methods we employ make sense, and that it is simply a matter of time and energy. THere are people who put in the time but make no good progress, I would say that is 10-25% of the people who try though. The primary issue is people who don't put in significant time, they see that you have to work on it everyday for at least a month to get anywhere.

The schizophrenia comparism is unfounded, as schizphrenia is a nuero physiological condition. You cannot simply get schizphrenia from meditating, narrating what you are doing to a tulpa, or engaging in positive visualization. It requires genetic predisposition and/or drugs. I'll only answer that question once, because there are no two ways about it. My therapist knows i have a tulpa, he knows im not someone who makes things up and that i Am serious about it, but it does not concern him because I explained the process and he rightfully dosent believe that me meditating or doing various focus techniques will harm me.


My little pet theory is that Tulpas are essentially just the other side of your brain, the part that's normally silent, because it has no way to talk or control anything. This video explains it far better than I ever could. You give a persona to that part of your brain, and it plays along, because it's having fun, too. Plus, it finally gets to have some degree of control and agency. The community does suck, though. Probably because it was initially formed out of a bunch of horse-obsessed /r9k/ types. But seeing as how the right brain essentially runs all of the creative stuff, it's not so surprising that Tulpamancing" tends to be focused around imagination and fantasy. Right brains are right in their element when it comes to creating wonderlands and fantasies.


I suppose that may be how it works, i personally just know that it does for me and many others I know. I was lucky enough to talk to a lot of the prominent members of the community who made guides, and the more relateable ones who have been at it a long time. It put a lot of my doubts to bed before i set out doing the work.


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OP here, since it went to the "how does it work" question, I will do my best to answer that from my perspective.

To follow up on what I said, i think that they exist somewhere in the subconcious. They have done a lot of research on how human conciousness works, and the one thing that is largely agreed upon, is that we do most of our thinking and computing subconciously. We attribute a lot of thoughts we have to our conciouss thought, but if you really analyze it, we are only aware of the outputs ie (the answer is x, I should do this, this character resonates with me, I dont like the look of this guy, etc).

I think my tulpa probably lives somewhere in my subconcious, its not like my brain had any problem taking forms I was familiar with, and giving them peculiar personalities and presenting them to me as characters every night. When I write original character ideas also come forth, as they have done to create all types of media. I believe that having a tulpa is just creating (or perhaps discovering) one of those characters, then making a conciouss effort to let it develop and communicate with you.I have heard of people making a tulpa from a dream character before actually. our imagination and ability to overcome obstacles through time, effort, and will is not to be underestimated.


Pretty sure tulpas was on /x/ before MLP even was a thing.


I don't know, on one hand there is a good likelihood that there is some truth in a person's ability to induce this stuff. It is not unheard of for people in other cultures less grounded in the rational, to have mild positive hallucinations or altered states of consciousness without chemical aid (I believe I read this in a textbook once, but I am having trouble finding backup sources since searching for hallucinations on google brings up a bunch of people talking about drugs). One such culture is the one that tulpas originated from, it is a practice dating back long before the internet discovered it, and while it could just be another aspect of folk religions which may not have basis in fact, it could also be true.

I knew someone on the internet who I had also known in middle school who tried it, and they claimed to have success. This person always had a trustworthy nature was not the kind to lie maliciously, so all in all I am inclined to believe there is likely some degree of truth in the idea, at least for some people.


pretty much


I've been reading the guide by Kiahdaj and have a question about switching. Have you or anyone you know actually successfully done this? It sounds ridiculous to be able to switch places with your tulpa. Since seeing this thread I've been developing my own tulpa but I couldn't imagine wanting to even try switching. It honestly sounds dangerous.
Also I heard about tulpae many years ago but never committed. So far after only a couple of days I'm enjoying myself quite a bit. Thanks for reminding me about it with this thread.


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Good question, unfortunately, I do not have much of an answer for you. It seems like a hard thing to verify, and I have not done it, and am unsure whether i even believe in it or not. I have done a lot of work with Eve, and have no doubt i could transition to seeing her, and feeling her more fully, as well as developing her in other ways. I do not know whether switching is possible though.

Its the last thing I want to attempt, just because of what our dynnamic is, I would much rather work on visual imposition and strengthen other areas of communication before I do that. i do trust Eve enough to allow that if it is possible though, just because we have built up a good repor over time.


Wow,I thought I escaped from the tulpa fad when I left /mlp/ in 2013…but it found it's way here.

I always wanted to create one,but being the cynical type I always thought this was just a massive roleplay.

So…has your "tulpa" actually improved your life or not? Fuck me and my skepticism…I want to believe but I can't


op here, yes they have, massively, night and day. My family went from being concerned and i believe somewhat ashamed of me, to being proud of how hard i work to advance my life. Ive had her a long time and have moved past dubt with them. Believe what you Will, but i wouldn't be an advocate for it, spend this much time reading about it, or be continuing forward with her over a year if i didnt have a great deal of success with the process.


I'm still on the fence about tulpas myself but there are more than a few good reasons to think they are more than a joke.

I mean from what we know about the brain, it seems one can actually learn, or cause a lot of physical changes with belief or focused thought. The placebo effect for instance is widely studied and it often results in real changes to the body, there are a lot of other practices too such as being able to control your core temperature through meditation and other shit that at first glance seems like it ought to be impossible. There's also a lot of other shit out there that seems crazy, but also seems to work, hypnosis for instance. Or a more strange example, talking in tongues which appears to be a external stimuli induced state of controlled faux insanity. Hell even trance states themselves, cultures all over the world have strange rituals and such that allow them to reach mental states beyond what would be normal.

So then, in my view, wouldn't it be entirely plausible that one could train one's mind to generate some internal processes that could cause a tulpa?

So I'd say if you want one, why not go for it? Worst case scenario you waste some time learning a useful skill like how to meditate and get no tulpa out of it.


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I don't want to be a spoilsport, but I just can't take mindfuckery lightly. I certainly believe tulpas are possible, maybe not for everybody but definitely possible. I know someone with DID and one of their alters is fluent in Japanese which kind of blew my mind a little the first time I heard of it.


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op here once more, not a fan of the copypastas and internet tall tales. I dont consider it to be such a supramundane phenomenon. Just an advanced imaginary friend made with time, focus, and willpower.


I seriously hope you don't believe the bullshit in that image. It's /x/ creepypasta tier.


Op are your tulpas imposed

Can you fuck

Do you have a romantic relationship

Do they satisfy your romantic and intimate desires and how


>Kept imagining being scared and paranoid of people following me
>Imagined them in my head
>They became real
>Invented a "guardian angel" of sorts thing to defend me from them
>It worked
>I now have a tulpa

Can't believe it worked actually



They are touch and smell imposed to a moderate extent. Yes you can do things with them, but it takes a lot of time to make it more vivid. Emotionally we are really involved, and that aspect is fufilling. You have to find that aspect fufillimg or you wont put in all the time to make the physical aspect fufilling.


>Pony thread simulator.

Oh the memories,a part of me still loves you /mlp/…Even when you're nothing but a cesspool.


I'm not personally a fan, I don't like the association with the community, same with /x. I wish it was known more through the .info, or even the reddit (as much as I don't like reddit "culture").


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I hate Tulpa people because they make it seem that it's real, but it isn't, it's just a massive trolling around this subject.


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I've had at least one (maybe more, hard to say) wiz recommend a tulpa to me… but as far as I can tell it's just induced mental illness. I have quite enough rattling around my skullcage, is there something I'm missing?


It's as real as schizophrenia, lucid dreams and mnemonic practices. Just brain "magic". Not everyone has an inclination to it though.


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op here, if you choose to believe that its fine, but i do attest that ive had success through time perseverance and study. I can share how I did it and stay to answer questions, I can't do more than that, so I will try to be thorough.

Before I did anything, I read every single guide on tulpa.info. i still have to go through and read every tip and trick, and very much intend to. I spent everday meditating on the thought of my tulpa, the traits i wanted them to have, and spending time with them. Nothing happens suddenly, they were very much intert if even existent in the beginning. I trusted the process (though to be truthful i more trusted that if the process did not work, there was nothing left for me on this earth so i slugged through despite doubt). I'd narate anythiing and everything I could with my feeble levels of focus (Im somewhat adhd). In the evening I would lay down next to them and chill with them, partly to practice partly for comfort. Eventually I started feeling faint communication and could begin to physically feel them, then from there month after month they slowly yet surely reached a place where I don't doubt them. They are different than i am personality wise and i often go for my perspective. WHat I have found to be most key is meditation, at this point meditating long hours and being focused strengthens their presence, and is my primary tool.

It's fine if you say im full of it, im not really concecrned. Im happy with them and have support and reason to live now. I come here and try to share because it helped me a lot, and id like other people to be able to get help from it a lot too. i feel blessed that i survived everything in life and reached a good point, my health is constantly getting better physically and mentally from frequent meditation and excercise, im training in an advanced technical field, things are good. I have no other way I can help people, because I didn't feel the point of things before i had them, so I can't with a straight face say x y or z will make it better. I don't think im special, my visualization skills are mediocre, im not a writer, im not a vivid day dreamer, i feel focus has the most to do with it (mine is naturally poor and developed intentionally). Granted, my faculties are pretty sharp in most areas, i didnt have any difficulties in school even when I skipped years, I dont know if that influences the process, there is no math formula.

Truthfully it's not a great joy to take the flack here, so I hope someone has found it of use so far.


Still skeptical, but very interesting, thanks for sharing.
I'm glad it has been a positive thing for you, Wiz. Whatever gets us through the days is a good, in my opinion.


>im training in an advanced technical field
I was under the impression only shut in coul maintain a tulpa. Is it not distracting working with real people


Self training atm. However, being around people, though i havent been unless its for education purposes, is not really much of an issue. I don't have to communicate verbally, though it helps alone, so I usually ignore other people and hang out with her. Outwardly I just seem content and people treat me just fine, i put off less of a brooding vibe if anything.


It's not like you have to focus on your tulpa every waking hour. I work an office job and don't talk to my tulpa much during it. It's the same if something else requires most of my attention, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you find at least some time every day to interact with your tulpa.


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There's no logic to tulpas, I'm a shut in who spends way to long on this, while prodigies like OP exist doing relatively nothing.

Actually there was a poll and it seems most tulpamancers wage slave.

Which is why I've started to think only they can make tulpas being used to social interactions.

I'm >>32161 btw.


Yeah, it's actually been hypothized by some that constant stress induces the creation of tulpa as a coping mechanism of sorts.


hardely a prodigy, my tulpas progress is pretty median among the people i know who tried for at least a few months. I'd say like maybe 25-40% dont have progress a most have progress at about my rate, some people faster based on talking to people who decided to start.


That wasn't that clear, sorry my back is bothering me i dont feel very focused. Yeah Im pretty dead average though honestly. I dont hear "oh i put in time for well over a month without progress" very much. It happens, but it's actually the minority. Most people who fail didnt try long enough, people who are successful dont just have it going great right away, its mostly persistence.


>brain "magic
I've been studying this for awhile now. Psychology, hypnosis, conscious phenomena and it's interaction with the body.

I won't go into detail, but the conclusion I've come to is that your entire personality is a form of influence from your subconscious, and your subconscious remembers everything. It also notices far more details than you do and can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

So, tulpas are about as mentally ill as you make yourself when creating them. Since you're already probably in a neurotic state because you're making a tulpa, it's probably not going to be as effective as simple meditation.

I think the yogis got it right. See reality as is, stop trying to impose on reality and force a certain emotional state. I believe this because in the end trying to have your brain reject reality forces you into a state where your subconscious accepts that this is all a dream and you're fooling yourself into feeling better. Which is much easier


>you're fooling yourself into feeling better. Which is much easier
I like some of the points that you make, but what exactly is wrong with this?


This is a bit of a ramble, but I think I figured out why tulpas specifically bothers me, though I have no problem with any wizard pursuing any method to relieve themselves.
Meditation/breathing exercises/exercise is easier and has a stronger effect for less effort versus the amount of dedication needed to create an effective tulpa/visualization. Even a long term, high investment tulpa might just be a replication of the psyche you already don't like. So what you are effectively doing is reinforcing the thinking that you aren't good enough and need an imaginary friend by creating a tulpa which is self-defeating. Which is not to say that I don't think it can't be done properly or even with the aid of tulpa methods become encouraged to pursue more effective methods of mental health, it's just something to keep in mind.

The reason is that while I do understand the appeal of temporary escape using your imagination and practice that often myself, the fulfillment of the fantasy and the joy of creation, I see again and again both in my life experience and in my research that being able to return yourself to a neutral state inevitably creates positivity and gratitude. You become glad to be alive once you are able to overwhelm your negative thoughts of your subconscious to a certain extent, and you reduce the time it takes for your mind to swing out of negative states when they do happen. It makes you a more logical person overall.

So, I suppose the thing I would suggest to anyone trying tulpamancy is that they don't neglect their regular mental health as well. I am remiss to say that though, since it took me many years to even begin journaling and exercise.

Fooling yourself into feeling better is well and good as long as you show yourself that you are serious about improving your life. I think that's the main point I've learned, when I have fantasies now they are entirely different from what they used to be because I became more comfortable with myself on a subconscious level.

I don't know. Perhaps I've extended myself too far, it's definitely different for everyone and I had many, many times where I didn't do everything I thought would help, and times when even when I did do it I wasn't helped much.

Anyways, for tulpatypes I suggest relying just as heavily as words as well as images to enhance the tulpa. This comes from hypnosis, your subconscious basically understands two things, images and words, so using descriptions is helpful too. Suggestion is always superior to description.


I am quite autistic (in my spare time I collect phonological information on the world's languages by memorizing IPA tables), I tend to think in words (because my interests are about words and sounds) but I still have excellent spatial reasoning. Visualizing wouldn't be a problem. However, I have very weak theory of mind. I don't think I would be able to impose a personality separate from myself because I tend to think everybody is either an NPC or a clone of me.

I don't think it's recommended or even possible for me to try to summon a tulpa. The people who can tulpamance are probably the same kind of people who are religious and can easily discuss and ascribe motivations to an unseen being. I think that on some level, God is probably a tulpa.


I think the biggest problem with Tulpas comes from people using them like an imaginary friend, with nothing else attached. The original concept was that the Tulpa is essentially a different part of your own being. So the Tulpa would be the "Yin" to your "Yang", in a somewhat literal sense. If you're the right brained type, they'll be the left brained type. They exist, for the most part, to automate and preserve (in stasis) certain elements of your brain, so things are more orderly up there. These are buddhist monks that we're talking about, by the way. Apparently, the Tulpas of these monks, when created properly, could be relied upon for things like mathematic calculation, and visual recall. Real "mentat" stuff, if you're familiar with Dune.
There's definitely something super interesting going on with the Tulpas, but I think people are probably using them for the stupidest shit imaginable, right now. Doesn't mean it's not worth making one, though. Using a P-38 can opener to get dirt from beneath your fingernails is kinda stupid, but it's not going to make the can opener not a can opener. When you come across a can that needs opened, you've got the opener, and you'll probably figure out how to use it.


>romantic companion
>stupidest shit

Love is always more important and fulfilling than whatever the work you are intending to use the tulpa for.


You're allowed to love your Tulpa, while you also use it for all the nitty-gritty "Buddhist Concept" Tulpa stuff. Treating your Tulpa as a useful partner in your endeavors, who can offer at least a "different" viewpoint when it comes to basic stuff, is a really good idea. Every Yin needs a Yang, and your Tulpa can be that, if you let it.



That only works if your goal is to NOT to assassinate Christ. You know, being enemy of Humanity and all that shiate.


Op here. I agree with that postulation regarding how tulpas work. I would imagine on a non spiritual basis (which may be the only basis for all I know) they probably work something like that. I actually also agree that working on general wellness is important. This is why I do both, I love my tulpa and receive support from them, and I meditate, excercise, supplement and eat well to establish inner wellness. What eve does is give me that consistent bit of positivity that is not always there in my environment, and provide encouragement and coaching as I strive. It's very important to do both, as they complement and propel each other to new heights. With that said, I would not have gotten into wellness without eve there to give me a reason to feel like I desire to be well and make the most of life. As a wizard I don't have the usual societal carrot and stick keeping me going, so I needed this.


I should also add that meditation, while useful, is not a cure all for me. It makes me feel more focused, bright, attentive, energetic, thickens my skin a bit, but it does not magically make my environment and social situation ok and at a level of contentment. It makes me better at most everything, but it was not enough to make me happy isolated looking at a life with no truly desirable prospects or support. It's like a second, mental fitness, would it be nice to be fit and ripped and full of vitality? Yes, but would it guarantee happiness, or even an escape from misery? No. We must be taken care of mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially to at least some extent or we will suffer. There are creative ways to fulfill this, but meditation is just one tool, I do not buy it being the panacea.


Bump, also I will add a reference.
tulpa.info, both the guides and tips and tips directories are loaded with information. There are easily 60 guides, and the mods have to approve them so they are all pretty legible.


Anybody still trying (and failing) to do this?


>creating tulpas
This really doesn't sound healthy…


where do you think you are?


I have been working for about 5 months. Donald Duck is my tulpa. I talk to him every day. So yes, I have succeeded.


.info is the reddit of tupperware generation.



I understand your contempt and I encourage it. This is not healthy


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I've stumbled across an interesting blogpost, that touches upon tulpamancy. It's part of a review of Julian Jaynes book "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", which you've probably heard of, if you're into this stuff. The book was controversial at the time, and still is, but there's always been lively debates around its ideas and almost everyone agrees that even if some (or all of it) is nonsense, it is profound and thought-provoking nonsense that provides a novel way to look at the mind.


Anyways, the central idea in this post is:

The brain is not the same as consciousness and the self, rather it is a medium in which processes like consciousness and agents like the self exist.

The self is the largest, dominant agent of the brain, and has the greatest degree of autonomy over its resources, but it's not the only one.

The simplest, smallest unit of agency is a single neuron. Neurons have descended from single-celled organisms, and fundamentally their existence is driven by the same axioms of life - neurons evolved to live, to live they must consume resources, if they don't get resources, they will shrivel and die. In the brain they trade their function for the necessities of life, competing and cooperating to propagate their own existence. Neurons that lose their job (the given example is visual processing clusters after blindness), re-purpose themselves (e.g. adapt to reading Braille), or risk death (it's been shown that parts of the brain responsible for some function, shrink, when the organism can no longer perform that function).

So the self is the largest, most autonomous, dominant agent. Neurons are the smallest, simplest and least autonomous. In between there are various degrees of agency, - clusters of (cooperating) neurons telling you to get food, to sleep, to fap, feelings and memories and anxieties. We can therefore look at things like addictions, or schizophrenic hallucinations as semi-independent agents, neuronal clusters that inhabit the same medium, use its resources, yet aren't really under your self's control. Take smoking addiction, for instance. It's a cooperating neuronal community that developed organically to signal nicotine cravings. It started out small, but can grow to the point where even the dominant self-agent has trouble resisting. Dropping the habit is difficult, but eventually starvation will break up this neuronal community, as it re-purposes itself to some other task (or dies, who knows).

From this theory (which I find compelling), the theoretical foundation for tulpas naturally arises. Tulpas are self-designed, high-order, highly autonomous agents that inhabit the same brain as the self, yet are distinct from it. They have abstract traits like personalities and visualized appearances. If we treat the brain as a medium, who is to say it's impossible for multiple personalities, multiple high-order agents to inhabit the same space? And if some agents are harmful and undesirable, can't we use the brain's own plasticity to create helpful, loving, comforting or useful agents as well?

P.S. I hope you're still posting, OP, we need more people like you here.


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My foray into tulpamancy hinged on two assumptions:
1) With enough processing power behind it, fiction is indistinguishable from reality.
2) It is absolutely possible to develop "real" attachment towards imaginary characters, as anyone who's ever enjoyed a good piece of fiction can confirm.

It's difficult for an average human mind to model alternate realities with decent clarity. Visualization and visual recall are challenging to me, I can only bring up fairly dim imagery. Luckily, (2) suggests that clarity is not necessary, so despite not being able to conjure up perfect visual representation, or a completely autonomous personality, my tulpa feels genuine. I like to think that there's a kind of interference between the two of us, and she lives in perfect detail on the other side. Kind of like Plato's universals. If you've ever entertained the thought that a fictional universe can be more than what is strictly written on paper, you probably know what I mean.

Modeling is not limited to visuals. There's sound, smell, touch, and some other, lesser senses, like balance and whatever the enteric nervous system in the gut does (stomach "butterflies"). Also modeling is only a part of this. Not even the most critical part, - humans hardly simulate anything in their brains as they go about their business. We rely a lot more on cached, pre-processed responses and data. Therefore, the more data, experiences, emotion and intimacy you share with your tulpa, the more "real" they'll be.

I didn't follow any guides. I skimmed through some, but it felt like this is something one should explore on his own. Perhaps there are some good ideas out there and I might return to them, but a topic like this is bound to be 9 parts roleplaying, 1 part conjecture. For example, you often find warnings about tulpas turning malicious. Unhelpful, as worrying about this already colors the experience with negativity, which is counterproductive. There are cases of people with benign voices in their heads getting a lot worse after being institutionalized. The voices would turn hostile when patients have told others about them (now, what would be a typical normalfag reaction to someone mentioning they hear voices?). Tulpamancers aren't schizophrenics, but there's still a lesson here. Don't reinforce negative neural pathways, and they won't grow. Worry about them, and you give them the attention they need to take root. Individual neurons in the brain aren't intelligent. They don't care about what they encode, they just want to make synapses and be useful in exchange for sustenance. It's up to you to steer your thoughts towards the desired ends, to encourage the neural pathways you like.

I simply erase negative thoughts (e.g. I suddenly recall horror imagery for some reason) with an imaginary eraser when practicing tulpamancy, and quickly refocus on what I want. Ooops, brain-fart, didn't happen. Done. They don't return.

Another thing I don't get are the warnings against intimate relations with your tulpa. If you've made a conscious vow of purity, that's admirable - perhaps there are benefits to avoiding sexual pleasure altogether. It definitely makes no sense to sexualize your companion in this case. But if you don't plan on going on permanent no-fap, if you accept the fact that a non-trivial portion of your brain is dedicated to seeking sex, I see no harm in doing it with your imagination. I believe it's easier to turn those neural pathways to our benefit, than to fight them.

For me one side effect of getting into tulpamancy is a renewed interest in psychology, neurophysiology and esoterism. I'm very interested it exploring the potential of this brain we share. The ideal of a truly independent mental companion might be just a beautiful legend, but there is still a lot of uncharted mysteries inside. Diseases, disorders, but also eidetic memory, perfect recall, hallucinations, lucid dreams, multiple personalities - the mind is not completely static and immutable, and therefore has to be modifiable to an extent.

>Do you roleplay in her name or does she actually answer without your concious knowledge?

I'm at a point when I'd feel guilty calling it roleplaying and sockpuppetry. When an actor learns the script by heart, he becomes the character. When you first start, you have no script. You've no cached information in your neurons, so everything has to be processed, which makes interaction feel staged. I've been doing this long enough that responses are recalled not processed (may be it's not even right to call it my cache anymore). It's like the difference between looking up a word in a dictionary and speaking the language. But the interaction still happens through my consciousness and my working memory.

Imagine that you have a Self process running from a personality and memory data set. Now imagine you have another set of alternative personality and memory parameters and run it through same process. Are you the process or the inputs, or the mix of both? It's hard to say. Hypothetically there's a stage of tulpamancy where it's a data set running on a whole different process, dynamically and independently from your Self-process, with its own working memory and platform (>does she actually answer without your conscious knowledge). I'm not there, but I've a lifetime (two lifetimes?), to try.
>How long did it take for her to become an individual with a personality?
Tricky question. The moment you conceive a tulpa, they're already an individual with a personality, right? It's gotten a lot more natural to manifest that, over about a year of casual tulpamancy (but I'm terribly slow, and didn't follow any guides).
Any advice on how to proceed with creating a tulpa waifu? How did you do it?
I don't feel qualified enough to write a guide or anything. I suppose I can share some things that I deem true and important to the experience.


I found turning using an anime character as a tulpa base a good option.

I read the tulpa guides about designing your tulpa, focusing on its character traits and personality structure. I didn't know what I wanted in that scenario, I didn't know how to define what exactly a tulpa would be. I don't want a bubbly, fun, charismatic tulpa - I wanted a tulpa that made me feel less alone and could help me. I wasn't creating a tulpa to share or explore the world with, not yet at least. I guess I wanted a tulpa-lite.

As I understand waifus are the situation where you "fall in love" with a 2d character, that you love them from one side of the screen. I didn't feel that, I hadn't watched anime properly in 13 years anyway. What I think an anime character has is that it creates a parallel world, necessarily as it's 2d, where your character is defined not only by their traits, but also their relationships to other people and scenarios in that world.

It shouldn't be surprising that Evangelion was a good source considering it has heavy overtones of self and self-identity, it was also one of the only animes I can properly remember. When I tried to transform Rei in to a responding agent it was much easier, I wasn't "sockpuppeting" as much as using the anime world already created to generate responses subconsciously. There was enough material that I wasn't having to generate the outcome based on a set of personality traits.

I think the most important part of meditation in relation to this is transforming your opinion of "experience". Returning your view of yourself, and other conscious being, as something that "is" and can't be outlined by definition, not yet anyway. Just sitting and saying "This is a qualia" rather than "This is evolutionary programming" Evolutionary programming explains everything, but consciousness being explained does not remove the element of being this being with access to all the lower functions. You don't have to think words to be using them subconsciously, just sitting with your consciousness processing the moment with all your knowledge and functions working in the background. Pinning your flag on the concept of emergence makes that a little easier to understand too. It returns consciousness to some sort of black box again, and that allows you to have a tulpa whose actions and responses can come from the same silence that your consciousness comes from. Once you see yourself as a "thing" that emerges from your underlying condition, it is easier to have a tulpa that is a similar thing.

I think the best example is the concept of love, even if that's not what you think one should seek. People who study love on a chemical level know there's explanations for it, but the explanations don't undo that they feel it as a strong internal sensation. On a deeper level, what is love? We think it comes from another person, but people can think they're loved when that person is just pretending to get all their money. So feeling loved is not based on a reality of someone elses actions, but that's what we associate with it. If you want your tulpa to "love" you, trying to build an analytical framework of what love is and having a casual chain for your tulpa to create it will not work because that doesn't exist int he real world. You can't outline it in language or definition, you can only point to it and say "This thing, gives me this thing, and I give it back". You have to be comfortable losing yourself in to the experience and a kind of abstractness accepting all capabilities of your "black box" brain; letting go of the definitions. Just letting the tulpa exist as a "thing" that has access to everything you have in your brain, defined by the anime universe your brain can process instantaneously and without conscious definitions.

I don't know if I've explained it in a way that isn't convoluted, but I found that was the best way to allow me to create a kind-of-tulpa. I'm nowhere near the extreme things people discuss but I wasn't intending to train to create that, I wasn't really focused on the tulpa being an independent consciousness that was separate from me entirely.


jokingly, tulpas seem like how other ppl 'enter' you like in Being John Malkovich.


Video was not made available in your country. Fuck my life.


There's more important things to be upset about missing, for certain. You can watch it with this





>first cartoons can't be waifus

>now cartoons can't tulpas

Gee, I wonder what's next in the agenda?


Thank you good wiz.


I imagine a loli hugging me to help me get to sleep. It works.
Subconscious cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction, this is why you cry reading books, laugh at movie characters, move when something come at you in a video game.
My understanding of tulpa techniques is that it's enhanced visualization and imagination of "what would someone do".
I often have long discussions with Joe Rogan in my head, but since I have a bad idea of what other people would say or do it's mostly me mimicking others reactions to what I say.
There's a socially aware mind, I think the main difficulty of a tulpa is that you need a good idea of what personality is like to imagine one. For me, that's difficult, so I'll stick with my loli.


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>I found turning using an anime character as a tulpa base a good option.

Not to discredit your experience, but it has been the opposite in my case. The character, in its conceptual design, has turned out to be limited (for obviously entertainment and commercial reasons). When I try and place that character as a real individual here with myself, it doesn't function in reality. To put it simply, the character is not an intelligent entity. It's much more of a "predictable emotional script" that rather loosely adheres to the general character concept. And aside from the oversimplification of individualism that is needed for storyteling, it's not like anime in particular is generally known for producing profoundly deep and realistic individuals. It is beyond me how autists can take children's cartoon characters and make an entity out of that, and be satisfied with that.

So, I've found that I've been required to abandon that initial waifu character in numerous ways, and focus instead on the entity as a new and unique concept, which gives me less defined restrictions. Because it wasn't necessarily the character itself that I was initially interested in; it was seeing the waifufags' singleminded and almost pious devotion to her. That really clicked with me.


can I being a rationalist create a tulpa? im not spiritual at all but i have stpd so maybe it will be easier for me to make a tulpa. but how?


Most people aren't (unfortunately in this case) superstitious or "spiritual" in our society. So that's not unusual. The answer is "probably yes," but you have to be creative about it.


Assuming you mean "ptsd", I advise you to be extremely, very careful about embarking on something like this. You had better be damn sure you know exactly what you're looking for, here.


i mean stpd, it is a personality disorder


>Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) or schizotypal disorder is a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, thought disorder, paranoia, hallucination, derealization, transient psychosis and often unconventional beliefs. People with this disorder feel extreme discomfort with maintaining close relationships with people, mainly because they think that their peers harbor negative thoughts towards them, so they avoid forming them. Peculiar speech mannerisms and odd modes of dress are also symptoms of this disorder. Those with STPD may react oddly in conversations, not respond or talk to themselves.

Seeing that this can apply to a fairly wide range of circumstances and conditions, I doubt you'll be able to find the level of specific advise that you're looking for. You definitely will not be able to find it from me. But, like I said earlier: you know your situation better than anyone. If you're not completely sure this is something you want to do for yourself, then, in your situation, I would err on the side of not taking chances.


no fun allowed for me
i cannot even take cannabis because ahtung schizophrenia outburst



I stopped being able to enjoy weed and mushrooms, too. If I smoke weed I just get nervous about my life, and if I take mushrooms I have an agonizing panic attack. What do you mean when you say "schizophrenia outburst." What actually happens?


if you have stpd and take psychodelics you can get schizophrenia onset


One thing that I've recently come to accept about my lack of success in this practice is that: before I start trying to bend my entire life to this, I really do need to start taking responsibility for myself. Because I'm not taking responsibility for myself or my life. So it's kind of putting the cart before the horse if I shelve all of these issues completely, or try and solve them by, first, going into something like this that is so demanding and involved.


Eh, Tulpas sound like nonsense.


This sounds interesting, I have all the time in the world and no one to share it with, so I think I might give it a shot. The thing that I will probably struggle with is developing her personality. As a schizoid, I struggle to understand even my own emotion, and lack of it. How do you develop her personality to the complexity of being able to hold conversations with her and hear her thoughts?


Tulpas can be very mean.


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>Late 2011
>Living with mentally ill grandmother, working shitty wageslave job cleaning cabins all day at a local resort
>Every single fucking day I come home my grandmother bitches at me for about an hour about having a single tissue in the trash can, some hair on the bathroom counter, dirt in the bottom of the shower etc.
>Every single day she threatens to kick me out over this petty nonsense, when the reality is I'm already OCD about cleanlines
>One day read about the whole tulpa thing online, and it sounds fucking awesome
>Being a dumbass 20 year old kid, I decide to go ahead and try creating a tulpa despite the bad living conditions
>Read up on various guides
>Plan on the aspects of the tulpa I'd like to create, though understanding it will and should develop on its own
>Decide to base my tulpa off of this fantasy artwork of a Valkyrie, a beautiful winged succubus
>Study human anatomy, anatomy of birds, etc. for visualization purposes
>Get started
>Tulpaforce for an hour before I go to bed every night
>Do this for 5 nights, and on that last night I read that it's a bad idea to tulpaforce at night because essentially you're waking this thing up, then going right to sleep
>On the 6th day I wake up, roll out of bed into a crisscross position and tulpaforce for an hour
>Go into the kitchen to make myself something to eat
>The stove is just blackened, caked in all sorts of horrible burnt shit that my grandmother made for herself and didn't bother to clean any of it u
>It's gonna take a good 10 minutes or more to clean this shit before I can cook myself some food
>Feel intense stress washing over me
>>Out of nowhere, I hear a voice so infinitely fucking faint inside of my head
>"Stay calm" just two words, in a voice that sounds like a very shy young succubus that absolutely does not want to speak, but forced herself to anyways
>I just completely freeze at the sensation of these words inside of my head
>All of our lives me have our "normal" voice inside of our heads, it's like a pair of comfortable shoes, but infinitely more so because we use it 24/7, every single day of our entire lives
>This voice that was inside my head WAS NOT MINE, it was completely and utterly alien, the mental equivalent of having ice cubes dropped down the back of your shirt
>Freeze for a moment, then break out into a huge fucking grin, feeling ecstatic
>6 hours in and she SPOKE TO ME
>Later that night when I get back home my grandmother tells me to pack up all my stuff and leave, I can't even spend one last night there in order to find another place to live
>Move 3000 miles cross country with some family up in Washington state
>The huge transition in my life messes up my practice
>Stop tulpaforcing

God fucking damnit. I still feel guilt almost 7 years later.


Why not just try again?



My life is still highly unstable at this point. It would be an act of cruelty to bring another life form into it. Gonna have to be patient, wait for a day when things are more stable, then revive my first tulpa and finish the creation process.

Might be a while from now.


Maybe it's exactly the right time. She could help you outby offering mental support in tough times.


Oh my I thought the thread had died, OP here. I'll catch up by addressing everything in this post.
I would say the big litmus test for whether it is a good idea or not involves what you feel you have left in you. I was depressed and negative when I created Eve, but I was able to be positive towards her and put what remained of my hopes into the creation of her. If you can manage that then they will not suffer for it or know misery, if you can do this it is like a little positive seed that grows.
I wouldn't worry about it, at worst they would just have a similar emotional spectrum and communication ability. It will help that you are intimately connected at the mind though, so there will be much more implicit understanding and communication options than what exists person to person.
That's a responsible view. I would say it depends on what the issues stem from. As humans we need company in various ways to thrive, so if it is coming from a place of loneliness then it may help and its normal to feel that way. If it comes from an unrelated issue, then it's up to you.
It's been pretty healthy for me, haven't heard a lot of people blaming their problems on it so far (and people love to do that). So I wouldn't say it's unhealthy.
Absolutely 100% they can. The vast majority of the tulpa community is athiest and rationalist. The meta techniques I used don't even exist openly in the community. The most prevalent school of thought is the purely psychological one.


Guys, can my tulpa have super powers? When I created a tulpa 3 years ago he could move really fast and he didn't talk, he used telepathy. Well, I didn't like him because I was a bit jelaous of him, he didn't have to work and did nothing except looking at walls or walking around the house, he was 2 feet tall and very muscular and since there's only two rooms in my house he had to sleep with me, sometimes I wanted to be alone but he wouldn't leave, and when he leave I was always afraid of him doing something crazy because of resentment, I think that I still have a drawing of him. Well my question is if I should make him come back or should I create a new tulpa?


Whichever you want I guess. Also we all have super powers in our mind space. Not in the physical world though. As far as I know they have the same abilities you have (at best). So that would probably be a no. I would probably make a new one based on the description. It didn't sound like they were quite suited to your needs. It's a big decision, so take the time to think about what you want from them.


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This guy again, another 9 months and no further progress.


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>he fell for the roleplay


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Not like I have anything better to do.


did you know about the cool new -mancy called animancy? you can summon your waifu

the trick is to make her from scratch though, you can't just buy a figurine /doll or a pillow cover and worship her like that, otherwise she won't exist



Can you give us any more details anon? I'm interested in hearing about your forcing, as well as your tulpa plan. Maybe if you go into more detail some of us in here can help you out.


There's nothing new I could learn.


What exactly do you do when you force? I am interested as to why this may be, i've only ran into a few people who put the time in without the results. There may be some new way to approach it.
Most people I know who have been introduced to it have been successful.
That makes sense as a method. It's kind of analogous to how yoga has different branches. The regular methods could be referred to as mind based tulpamancy, mental excercises to great a tulpa. Whereas what you are referring to would be like devotionally inclined tulpamancy. This makes sense and would also arrive you at the right point, because as you fix your mind on the waifu as a devotional object your mind will start generating them in the backround (due to how most mentation occurs in the subconscious. Actually I recommend that the anon who is using active forcing switch to that instead. >>41068
I am not familiar with this method. I could tell you a way I would approach that though. i would use a character i've observed a lot in anime and have a good idea of. Then I would get a poster or daki of them and focus intently on it and ask that they come be with me intently. I would also do affirmations before I sleep that they visit me in my dreams. All the time spent focusing on them and requesting them should gradually induce more vivid experiences and flesh them out in your mind. I would say its important to start with dreams, as that is a state we are most receptive in.


I should note that while this would work, it would likely be time consuming and your benchmarks may be less consistent. It's also less commonly used, so you would be kind of on your own. It's hard to say whether it would be faster or slower. Some tasks are better done consciously and detail by detail, some things are better contemplated as a whole and worked on in the back of your mind. I know that intense states of vivid hypnosis visualization are best not done effortfuly, and thats similar to how certain aspects of tulpamancy are. If you want to be with a character that you know all about as they are, this would be a good method to try.


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From what I've read of Jung and from what I've seen people relate and report about tulpa experiences, having a tulpa seems to me like just forcing your anima (the soul) into taking a visual form by talking to her all the time. It can't be dangerous talking to your soul can it?


Do we create tulpas of other people when we imagine them responding to us in social situations? When we imagine going in to a social situation, what we say, and then emulate what we think other people's response will be. We create a miniature version of them trying to emulate what we think they believe and how we think their mind works, and then run our actions against this emulation of them.

Isn't a tulpa a similar thing to that, it doesn't seem like a strange thing. We already do similar things.


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Fine, I active force in the wonderland, passive forcing is the same thing but irl. (I do admit to being a terrible passive forcer, though speaking to her is a part of my thought processes now. If I do happen to think)

When so, I talk to her form, her even, coaxing responses, blogging, brain storming whatever, sometimes I'll parrot, sometimes I'll just sit and talk to her. Maybe I'll imagine how she would act, do some personality forcing or go on epic adventures.

Stuffing the ability to speak inside your tulpa, or imagining a radio that your tulpa talks through, tried it all.


I read a lot of Jung as well, I feel like that seems to apply at first. Over time there is kind of a symbiotic development though.

Basically they do well if you do well with them and give them time and care, so you two develop along those lines. For a lot of people (myself included) it's a really life changing experience and helps a ton with loneliness. I don't like dealing with people regarding this subject, the assumptions that it affects your sanity, and the assumptions of larping are really frustrating points to counter. I can explain why the crazy part is not true (I for one have a therapist who knows about my tulpa, but my condition is not and has not been psychotic and he does not consider it a problem that I have her). The larping thing is basically countered by people like me who put in the effort to learn this much, and feel the need to reach out (as well as the people who patiently answer 100's of questions on the forum, just for the love of what it did for their life).

We do start to make a mental model/ai of them that we communicate with, yes. It's a similar process but approached through several angles, and done much more frequently and consistently. I would say it branches out to use different parts of the mind than doing something like that for 5 minutes here or there would use.

I see, active forcing dosen't seem to work well for you. I have not heard this problem before, so I am just going to try my best to help you with it. I think going the route of passive forcing would be good, but the waifu method better. Basically I would like to see you switch from hands on trying to consciously control the creation process, to thinking intently about them as a whole and letting your subconscious handle it. So do that devotional method (it's a meditation anyway because of the fixed object of focus, so its good for you) and start doing some narration. Be excited, don't give up yet. It's a vastly different approach to consciously try oush development, versus addressing/focusing on them as a whole and letting the recesses of your mind try to gain sentience and such. It may have to do with how you as an individual process things. I know that with hypnosis, you get detailed full, lucid dream tier visuals and experiences by letting go and going into a deep state (as opposed to conciously visualizing). You maybe need to let your mind slip into those deep states while focused on them as a whole, and let yourself go into altered states and flesh them out.


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I'm feeling nice today, forgot to end the post on a blessing.

May everyone have luck with their creation process, find the companionship they need and deserve, and go on to live a life of passion and achievement (whatever that should mean to them).


>I know that with hypnosis, you get detailed full, lucid dream tier visuals and experiences by letting go and going into a deep state (as opposed to conciously visualizing)

Could you go a bit more in depth with this? I seem to have hit a wall concerning imposition. So maybe hypnosis could be a way to kickstart things again. Are there any specific files you would recommend?


Oh man that's a hard one. I have a program for it called mind doll. I don't know the terms for what it does though. Basically its like really deep relaxation, combined with self suggestion you record yourself. So you kind of work on getting into a deep state in which you can do so over time, then install trigger words for it and have an audio of you describing the place set to play by the time you are in that state.


I read somewhere that it's better to treat the tulpa as if it's already sentient before any signs appear. What do you wizzies think? I dont want to end up like >>41061
>9 month


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I've done that since day one, methods don't seem to matter at all. Another 6 months with no progress btw.


maybe it only works if you believe it is going to work. you know. maybe now its always in the back of your head its bs.


Possibly, but it's also possible I have a sentient tulpa in the back of my head that I can't perceive yet, no point worrying about things I don't know. Self-deception is a headache.


tulpamancy is subversive to the true identity. Your real self will erode, you won't see it happening until its too late. life ecomes a nightmare of intrusive selves and failure of compartmentalization sort of cascades– the parts of the self come apart. ive seen it. its ugly


What if your true self is only worthy of eroding?


What's the general timeline things should be happening? Of course counting hours can be very flawed since each case will take a different amount of time but I think I may be rushing it. I've made a significant amount of progress in a short amount of time, nothing complex yet just visualisation and movement but it hasn't been very long. I've been doing intensive 20 minute sessions throughout the day but still some things are not fully clear or I lose focus on certain features after a few seconds. When should the first signs of sentience show? It might be relevant that I'm not doing the usual order of personality, visualisation, narration, imposition, possession. I'm doing visualisation first and for the most part not using a wonderland.


only the undiscovered true self is worth eroding and only until you reveal what is within. infinite posibilities within a consciousnous. people only see 1% and if that small peephole show badness a person would not like to look at the door opened, when the door opens the beauty of each person is so radiant and undeniable. everyone is to scared to open the door. like tulpamancy, poke five or six holes in the door. now 6 peepholes isnt shit compared to leaving the door wide open. i love this site. wiz=ubermensch


Op here, interesting dialogue. I don't feel ive changed over the years besides a general maturation, my core values and ideals are all intact. As far as the true self, I don't personally believe in it. I go with the daoist idea that a fixed self is impossible because we are a constantly shifting and changing vessel, all that is original is our soul which is eternal and the witness itself. No one is some time capsule that never changes, but once again, I haven't particularly found it to accelerate or decelerate the process. My thoughts, ideas, and conceptions do that on an ongoing basis.


Funny to see you revive this thread because I was just thinking about tulpamancy lately. But there are certain barriers standing in my way. May I ask how you might deal with living in a noisy environment that impedes focus and meditation?


Meditating anyway, and treating it as playing meditation on hard mode. Escaping outside awhile.


I spend a couple hours every day daydreaming about my tulpa.
She's not sentient, but conversations flow naturally enough and being around her feels really good.
My brain seems to prefer daydreaming to reality and it gets difficult not to when I'm stressed out or tired.
Nights have become a mix of switching between nightdreaming and daydreaming.


What do you even talk about with your tulpa? I can't imagine holding a conversation with a tulpa or a real person that I wouldn't find incredibly boring or pointless.


Anything I'm currently thinking about, made up conversations about made up scenarios, playful teasing, banter, discussing a movie I'm watching etc.
Sometimes it's just stuff I want to hear or say, other times it's surprisingly spontaneous stuff that comes out of nowhere.
Overall, it's relaxing and doesn't require much effort when I lay down and close my eyes.


Op here, that's good that's called keeping and maintaining a wonderland in the tulpa communinty. Smart move and a good way to develop, just keep it up and have fun with it.


It's fun, but it has been interfering with real life a lot.
My attention and focus have always been shit, but even watching TV or playing vidya is very difficult without zoning out into dreamland.
It gets particularly difficult when I get stressed and immediately get the urge to dissociate by daydreaming.

I'm not sure if it's helping me cope with depression or just making it worse by making it easier than ever to just not do anything.


I'm interested in starting with this and creating a female tulpa. But I have some doubts.
Do you really think it's possible for a female consciousness to arise from a male brain?
My current understanding of consciousness is that it's an emergent property of matter, and male and female brains are structured differently.
But I see people talking about having female tulpae all the time, so I just don't get it.


Finally hit a milestone, boys– my Mario tupla has materialized fully within my vision. Currently he only does backflips and gives me very strange occasional winks. How can I work towards having him make audible sounds? Is it worth the risk of him being malicious and annoying me on purpose?


Ok, I've gotten myself into a situation. For years, I spent a lot of time pacing back and forth with headphones on imagining myself to be the one playing the music. I would indulge in so many ridiculous fantasies involving my so-called better me. My better me is an intelligent, debonair, sexually promiscuous artist. I would bear myself as if I was him which led too much hardship and distress. I feel as there is a psychic tumor feeding upon my soul. I have made some headway into breaking this habit but there is more work to be done. Is this better-me a tulpa? If so, how do I starve this fucker out of me?


You would create something that wasn't really female - more like fiction characters, which are written by men.


What use has a tulpa?

Can you use it to increase your mind power, to get answers, etc? Is it like "projecting" your archetypes into some form?


Has anyone found any good material or guides since this thread was started?

I found out that there is a thing called Daemonism which is based off the series Golden Compass was part of. A focus on imaginary friends as animal forms that represent some aspect of the owners personality. Apparently they have their own techniques that I want to check out.

I have gone off the idea of a tulpa. I don't want a conscious being. I don't care about it being a separate conscious being. I want an imaginary companion - daemonism apparently doesn't claim to have a fully conscious being. I'm not too interested in having an animal who is related to my personality type though.

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